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Thread replies: 126
Thread images: 34

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going to ben carson edition
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mornin lads
Should have let the yank's thread die.
Real thread:



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I see your man's jani application went through.
Why is this allowed?
>tfw no average irish gf
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maidin mhaith

was waiting for it to die but alright

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
is that what people call , love on first sight?
Mate of mine's mate fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
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Is Lefty-/pol/ still a thing? If so, is Lefty-/int/ a thing?

I most certainly hope not.
on 4+4chan yes
I believe Lefty-Pol still exists but I don't think that anyone is posting there
What happened to CEO of Switzerland? I miss laughing at his autism
he made this thread
lads is it still seasonal depression if you're depressed year round but just moreso in the winter

makes sense its pretty autistic now that I think about it
/int/ is not a politics board
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What's troubling you pal?

Good job you're making me ashamed of myself. I'm out of here...

bin the finn
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No Snowbro, stay and chat

Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's not depression itself but you're 'more depressed' because you're just a downer in Winter. I don't get depressed but my mood definitely brightens up when the sun is out regularly.
>when the sun is out regularly
We do have winter you know. We experience rain and clouds and shitty weather along the seasons all the same as you guys to just for a lesser time.
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Doesn't stop politics being discussed here p a regular basis though.
Just because /pol/tards shove political debates onto every board doesn't mean it's okay.
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>all instances of political discussion on 4chan are influenced by /pol/
maidin mhaith
cold day today
figured out to use my shower cap so my hair doesnt freeze
its only foreskin shrinking cold though, not yet snot freezing cold
Did you bring the swiss climate to the U.S?
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doesnt get that cold in my part of switzerland
it does in my cousin's though
How fluent are you in romansh
my knowledge of it is maybe a couple loanwords which may or may not have been borrowed into swiss german. so either nothing or 2-3 words. oh also placenames may be of romansch origin
i hear some members of my family used to speak it though
lmao i thought that graubünden might be a romansch loan (since thats where it's spoken) but the german is as far as could be from the romansch name (grischun)
and my family lives mostly in sankt gallen so i doubt theres much connection there
maybe the "mitenand" in "en guete mitenand" as i cant think of any german equivalent. may just be archaic though
again nope
>Sinn Féin are trying to give presidential voting rights to lads in the North
Not sure how to feel about this. My gut reaction is to say that if you don't pay taxes to this state you shouldn't be allowed vote for it's head
not only that but the presidency has no real effect on anyone, let alone those who dont reside outside tbe free steyat
There is no force on this earth that could ever convince me to start giving even the slightest shit about this Ibrahim Halawa cunt
teacher was showing a video in class and he left this on in a different tab
ell emm ayy oh
mixed, might encourage parties down here to get involved in the north a bit more, but probably not because they don't really care about the presidency.
bump with a focus on this post in particular
Really in the mood to absolutely HOOF a nordie right in his ballbag
I could HEEM everyone in this thread
would HEEM anyone who comes near my nordie :3
'sup fellas. I just found out that I'll be coming over for six months next autumn for a university exchange. I'll be in Galway, what to expect there? I've watched Father Ted, is it anything like that?


it's the Stockholm of Ireland. Leftists everywhere. Great city though.
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be at the next meet and we'll see if you're the big man then

stupid little tinker
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100% serious
he's not very tech savvy either so je clicked on the tab and waited like 10 seconds to turn it off (rather than just closing it with a swift center mouse click as i would have done), giving the class a good look at le argument man
Just abit of craic lad stop being a cunt.
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does anyone have this without the watermark?
because the watermark is the only thing that's cancerous about it
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Going to vote for the biggest cuck I can find.
don't reply to the memespouting underage yank
Oh, well yeah the landscape looks sweet. How's the housing situation, should I start looking for something already? Should I learn Gaellic or w/e it's called?
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>Acknowledging the Irish Republic
Good lad
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the very existence of a partitioned 6 counties recognizes the Republic

a Unionist voting in an all-Ireland election is recognizing the statelet as illegitimate, however
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Are there unionists that genuinely refuse to acknowledge the republic?
>a Unionist voting in an all-Ireland election is recognizing the statelet as illegitimate, however
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you either have separate states or you don't, the ability and willingness of people in one state to vote in an election for another delegitimizes that state and subsumes it in a way
it's the same thing with people in the 6 counties being able to get Irish citizenship whenever they want by virtue of being in Ireland if not in the 26 county state of the Republic, and them taking this opportunity

though it not being mutual and Irish people in the 26 counties not being able to do likewise in the 6 takes away a lot of the brunt
>yank thread

>the ability and willingness of people in one state to vote in an election for another delegitimizes that state and subsumes it in a way
How so?
I do not recognise the current oppressive free stater nation, I only recognise the irish republic proclaimed in the 1916 rising
well I suppose it wouldn't if you didn't vote

to phrase it differently:
living in the 6 counties and voting in an election covering all of Ireland is recognizing the separate state you live in as illegitimate, the only one that could be legitimate being one covering all 32 counties
>is recognizing the separate state you live in as illegitimate
Maybe I just don't get it, but to me it seems more like you'd be recognising that the other country in the island is a bit retarded.
>the only one that could be legitimate being one covering all 32 counties
Definitely don't get this. Northern Ireland doesn't claim to represent 32 counties and doesn't want to. Didn't even want 9.
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But all taigs are cucks my brother
The ones calling it Southern Ireland or the Free State generally don't
>but to me it seems more like you'd be recognising that the other country in the island is a bit retarded
no, it's more like recognizing that only one government can have jurisdiction over all people on the island of Ireland "and all therein, from the sod to the sky", and passing by what then becomes a fictitious border and a fictitious state as an inconvenience and allowing everyone in Ireland to vote on Irish matters

>Northern Ireland doesn't claim to represent 32 counties and doesn't want to.
never claimed this
>Free State
Literally never heard anyone say this.
>Southern Ireland
This is probably more of a 'we're Northern Ireland so they're Southern Ireland' thing.
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how do Unionists explain Inishowen?
>no, it's more like recognizing that only one government can have jurisdiction over all people on the island of Ireland "and all therein, from the sod to the sky", and passing by what then becomes a fictitious border and a fictitious state as an inconvenience and allowing everyone in Ireland to vote on Irish matters
Yeah, nah, I'm really not getting this.
it's really more symbolic more than anything else, for all that its is worth
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Can we stop this autistic argument?
>Literally never heard anyone say this.
Heard it a fair amount when I spent a week in Belfast. Particularly on my tour of an Orange Lodge
>This is probably more of a 'we're Northern Ireland so they're Southern Ireland' thing
When said with malice by a Unionist I'd say it's more of condescending thing
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The artist got the eyes all wrong
>I'd say it's more of condescending thing
Nah you're wrong, we call it the south because we're the north.
Car is broke so I had to take the bus to work today lads. Had to sit beside some smell little tramp chewing gum with her mouth wide open for my whole ride home.

Why is this knacker behaviour tolerated?
our state supports it with welfare, send them to work camps i say
The sooner the yank thread hits the bump limit the better desu.
Its one of the most disgusting habits that people get away with.

Can't stand it lads
they dont know how to eat with their mouths closed have pity on the apes
Never. Gas them all I say
Having any sort of social standard is oppressive or bigoted or whatever
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dropped some MASSIVE redbulls on black history in america today
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>when the yank posts and kills the thread

why does he do it
Morning boyos.

Watching Billions, pretty decent TV show so far, would give it like an 8/10. Likely higher but I want to see how the season progresses.
Is that the one with yer man from Band of Brothers?
The ginger bloke, aye. It's a shame knowing that being born and raised here, we'll never fuck around with the same amount of money as Americans would.
i have identified a posting style
there's a fella who posts something along the lines of "why does he (the swissyank) even post here?" every day
why do you post here if you recognize that people don't respect your involvement
I'm in favour of it. We should start acting like the North is already ours, just to trigger the Orangecunts. Let Irish citizens up north vote and shit up there in Dáil elections too (FF and FG will have to run candidates against SF in Stormont/Westminster). Not sure how I'd feel about referendums though.

>nobody replies
Galway is surrounded by an Irish speaking area, so if you're going into the Gaeltacht it's probably nice to learn a few phrases but you definitely won't need it.

Galway is also like 25% students, so you're going to be surrounded by drugs and sluts.

What're you studying?

There's also a Swede who moved here a few months ago I think, he might pop around from time to time. Think he was in Dublin though.
It's even worse when they take out their fucking lunch or breakfast and start fucking eating it, stinking up the entire bus with their shite.

They're as obnoxious as fucking Yanks.
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Alright you anime posting CRETINS, don't move a fucking muscle, else this bitch gets her throat cut!!
The RAAA hasn't gone away you know.
Plastic paddies make me ill desu
>Free State
People say this all the time.

>Nah you're wrong, we call it the south because we're the north.
Calling it "the South" is different to calling it "Southern Ireland."
Yui is shit
Lads, which would you rather nationalists in the North referred to us as the Republic or the South?
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Just finished Jordan Peterson on Rogan

What a man
Peterson or Rogan


Pick uno
Men with grey hair are more Irish and manlier than men who suffer from pattern baldness.
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Peterson obv
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hello friends
>the absolute deadness of /airlan/.
>Calling it "the South" is different to calling it "Southern Ireland."
Not really no.
>People say this all the time.
Maybe in the south
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As long as it's not Mio, I don't care.

Yeah, but it's no longer relevant - just like the IRA.
Why would anyone in the South say it, you dullard? I've only heard Northerners say it.

What are you doing?
Holy shit I was so scared that you left /eire/, don't do that again
leaving this dead thread and starting a new one
bit early
>new thread
>at 119 posts
Thought you had died desu.
>tfw the general's only going to get deader due to the retard splitting the thread
Fuck off cunts. Never tolerate a yank thread. Ever.
the south is fine
easier than saying de free shteyat or de republeck
Thread posts: 126
Thread images: 34

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