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/balt/ + /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 69

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international discussion

now fuck off you dumb cunt
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>tfw empty af inside
pede homo geibois
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Federation of mems
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>There are people in this thread who don't watch Flip Flappers
mention my name in your tweets
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dont know lads
flip flopped
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there's no stopping us now!
yes there is
>tfw to inteligent for my age
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>tfw you realise you enjoy sucking dikc
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Just watched the tenth episode.
Holy fuck
T think all the Australians are asleep now
Except me, but I hate this fucking general and Baltshits
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Some Turkish autist keeps sending me CSGO invites
I am awake
Same. Only come here when brit is at a low point but this general is full of shitty and unfunny memes and what the fuck is a balt
>be me
>be awesome
We played together once and i absolutely dominated a ranked match. Now he thinks im some MLG hero whos gonna boost his comp rank
>/balt/ cucks want to stay together with these people to the point of throwing autistic fits, reporting threads and making new ones out of sheer spite if ausnz is not mentioned
I'll prepare the bull for you, you dumb retards
Ah so you're a god in the game and now he wants to be part of your glory, deny him.
anime cucks

ausnz bulls
/balt/ for /balts/ ONLY when?
think we should split off from ausnz for good
If you replace the t in /balt/ with a k, then you have a decent general
ausnz? more like shit

Jesus Lithuanians get hurt feeling quite easily.

lol soft.
>weebshits in charge of handling the banter
lol whatever. ausnz can't survive without us anyway, we're like germany and they're the refugees.
Were we even a regular general to begin with?

I saw a few threads here and there but not daily.
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Commodore or Falcon?
Bought a new blanket today. It's really comfy
Why not both?
race traitors
>No more of either
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>when someone makes 2 threads and you have to make your autism posts in both for maximum exposure
stayed up all night now I really wish I didn't
Are you playing tricks on me?
I <3 /ausnz/
they don't love you
Maha löön su raisa!
/Balt+AUSNZ/ lives matter!
/balt/ lives matter
Tao pihku ma ei tule kuhugi
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need kuldsed vennad olid juba ununenud
Tao pihku ma ei tule kuhugi
need kuldsed vennad olid juba ununenud
homod, kamp kamp homosid
homod, kamp kamp homosid
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>If u lover then let her go
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lithweeb told me u been talking shit behind my back, how abkut that 22nd december then huh? hope blue eyes suit ur style, faggot
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Archie Luxury here phuckers
that isnt azusa
thread theme
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I love her but she dnt luv me bak
pls don't make me cry
shut the fuck up beta cucks
its 4(for) azusa
that's it. no second line because being a fucking POOSTRALIAN is bad enough
Just ate a slice of pizza AMA
What is your opinion on Juan Manuel Santos' Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech?
Was it cheese pitsa?
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meet @ brivibas piemineklis 22:00
I think we should legalize all drugs
4 different kinds of cheese yes
Mozzarella, cheddar, smoked and regular
i like her but she already has someone
Even worse, i liek her and she likes me but she already has someome
Watching Shrek 2. Man is the finale epic
Even worse. I like her and she likes me but i like the feeling of heartache more
wow, this is literally me.
should i trim the hair on my legs or let it be?
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lmao ill whoop u
depends if u gei or not
trim it as short as possible, senpai
trim them and scam people with your newly smooth legs
That depends do you like to get fucked in ass?
Remember when i said i went out last nite to get my dick wet? I didnt get pucci sadly
Why, what happened
At least you go out and invited somewhere
i already trimmed it a little
good business plan :D
not really, i like girls.
Yes, i'm the one that sent you good luck. It's sad to hear it ;(
u sending 4 me?
Should I write her, lads?
>go to a random thread on a random board
>call the last poster an idiot and a faggot
>close browser
>leave them wondering

i need new hobbies
i like this
EVEN worse, my dick is 15cm so i purposly avoid getting into romance with girls ;(
But it's average, come on
Be more confident
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just bee urself m8 :^)
the fact ur asking makes me think ur an insecure fuck
azusa we kno who ye aaa
your dat girl who copies my baas
ur dat girl dat is a retaa
u got a big nose
in ur profile picture what the fuks dat pose
only important post in this itt
Shame that I'm autistic too
>it's the shit episode
What bad can come from it? Just write.
I read online that girls find 15cm small.
only american girls who are degenerate race mixers. you can't compete with tyrone but you wouldn't want to procreate with bitches who have already been blacked anyway
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>15. fizilieru bataljona vīri bija iesaistīti pēdējās Otrā pasaules kara cīņās, tostarp Reihskancelejas, Aviācijas ministrijas un Galvenā drošības dienesta aizsardzībā. Lielākā daļa šo vīru krita kaujā.
gonna tell my sister to stop hanging out with u
>>15. frizieru bataljona vīri
lol fags
>be a tripfag
>can't keep the dicks out of my mouth
is this a fair representation of a tripfag's life?
would a penis pump make my dick a little bigger?
sounds like a life of an average "alt right" man
fuck off mikoto

thats not funny you twink
i haven't checked it in ages, but dailystormer had some very cringy "alt right" users.
Basically it would look swollen
oh okay, that would be bad
They can't tell exactly how big it is by first glance. They think that it's bigger than it actually is
She kinda has a bf.
so what? i know at least 5 bitches who cheat on their husbands/boyfriends
Eh alright, I'll give it a try.
Please, don't cuck people
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It was a small party, her friends were cock blocks
There was only one girl?
one girl that i wanted. others were sluts
why don't you like sluts?
bc their sluts
Pump and dump my man
wow, must be hard living with your mum then
*cucks you*
What now, nerd?
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my girlfriend
my girlfriend
I haven't been to sleep yet
you have very hairy hand
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my gf
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ah man, same situation with me.
Good morning gentlemen.
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Is it a good morning if I haven't slept yet?
i'm the only gentleman here so you can adress me as gentleman not gentlemen from now on
How gentle are you my gentla man?
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Good night
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What a horrible general. Even /mämmi/ is better.
if you're a proper lady i'll treat you as one, but if you're a bitch i'll treat you as one too :DDD
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gonna cut the next fucker who talks shit
ur mum was a general last night lawl
Whether or not you have slept, it is still morning. And form my well rested point of view, it is a good morning.

So sorry gentleman, I did not mean to confuse you as equal to the rest of the peasants in this itt.
>it is a good morning

what's wrong with them
Guess I can't do nothing but surrender
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kumiko a shit
Sleep tight buddy. Watch out for those bed bugs.
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you need someone killed? call the oz

Ur wellcum
you always had a a shit taste, azusa
>calls a weebshit a*uza
why would you insult anyone so harshly? disgusting animal tier behaviour really
imagine having a son and raising him for about 20 years to find out he spends his free time on a cantonese noodle forum posting drawings of girls
holy shit i never really put much thought into what the parents must go through to have such a fucking loser as their child xDDD

euthanasia him asap
Good night, chaps.
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so boyos, how's that math/logic skill of yours?
lmao fucked up is 21
horse = 10
horse shoe = 4
2 boots = 2
1 boot = 1

one horseshoe not 2 in last one
retard lmao
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only true geniuses can solve this

did an error there


so.. still waiting :D
it's not correct tbmh

56 if the assumption is linear progression
>56 if the assumption is linear progression
ok, actually i did a retard here :D
>it's not correct tbmh

horse 10
horse shoe 2
boot 1

1 life remains. if you get it wrong again you must kys

shoe is a representation of some quantity that is unknown by inference/deduction. it could be anything. the most intuitive assumption is of course that it's 1, but that's not correct at all so the most we can say is it's
shoe = ? - horse*horseshoe
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Now you definitely know that pisa is just a a big meme.
wow, brazil a brillitan mathemat genius :D
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ok enough with the easy ones
estonians, genetically speaking, have smaller brains
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Wilno will be Polish again.
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Lotte hentai is a thing
the question should be phrased as: how many possible combinations of cows/chicken are there
there is only one correct answer...
holy fuck XD
nope. there's two assumptions we can make
* there is at least one cow
* there is at least one chicken
so the possibilities lie within the amount of cows being [1..6] since 7 cows would mean 28 legs already ruling out there being any chicken. so in truth there are 6 answers, all of them possibly correc, but we just don't know.
2 cows 10 chicken, easy af
there are 12 animals u dumbass
wow lewd
That's tricky...
10 Chickens and 2 Cows ? Prove me wrong
ah shit :DD gotta see that eye doctor soon lol
one of the cows is an amputee and one of the chickens identifies as a cow...
is there any farmerboi here? i really need to know about chickens and why they don't use their flying legs to just fly away from the farm?
2 cows , 6 chicken. mathematically correct
>free food and water
>warm place to hang with ur m8s
>all you have to do is shoot and egg out of ur ass every week

why would they want to leave?
famrer here. chicken cannot fly for long. Also why should they leave? Hey have food and shelter, also they dont leave their nest
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why are all your people shitters at dark souls
aren't they eaten once they stop being useful by pushing out eggs?
chicken can fly only about 30 centimeters. a cock will not allow them to fly

I had a cow when i was small. We let that sucker wander around the village freely. She always returned home by the time of milking, bc why should she leave?
do cocks fly? xDDDDD
If they start flying away, man will rip off their wings and they'll lose their freedom and will be confined in dark places.
only in your pussy bby
they dont know that
not really. They can but they dont
Most chicken can acually fly almost 10 meters, but they normally dont
lengthwise, maybe. by height, they will cross huge barriers
Don't they only fly when startled?
this made me wonder when i watched the movie 'cidade de deus'. there was a scene where a chicken ran away. it didn't fly, it ran. and i was like rooting for the little fella, but i didn't understand why it just didn't fly away
was east germany best germany?
>As of 2014, the longest recorded time a chicken has been observed flying continuously is 13 seconds. The furthest recorded flight of a chicken covered 301.5 feet.

that's more than 90 meters
>tfw a chicken can fly further than you
A cock can make them fly but they need the cock.
basically yes
yeah, they can only fly less than a meter high
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>tfw khv & no friends
that's very convenient. you can roundhouse kick a chicken from flight mode very easily. wont even have to raise your leg very high
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lol loser kys
I love 19th century Estonian
He's lying, aussies are all chads.
found some old childrens reading book from 1902 (third print) that they were supposed to be reading after they had completed the 'aabits' or abc or how ever it's called in english
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Heh, yeah. The old print becomes very readable after enough dedication.
Shit general
Solid gold. Also, most of the early 20th century stuff sounds kind of funny but way more sophisticated.
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>latvians and lithuanians are mad they don't have a culture
Lmaoing at your ''countries''.
Vienā vēsā vasaras vakarā viens vecs vācu vīrs veda veselu vezumu vārītu vēžu.
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me and lads
Autistic spammer
Schizo weeb
Schizo weeb impersonator

Why have Estonians produced 0 famous posters
I know how you feel
literally unsolvable
What about our toothbrush guy?
don't care
what about the guy that posts his ugly penis
me sleeping on the floor
me sitting in the comfy chair
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i noticed something weird, we used = instead of - as a marking for conjoined words and line change...
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>tfw a German girl cuts all contact with me after 2 extremely successful dates and telling me she likes me a lot

she probably didn't know you were latvian
This entire scripture looks like straight outta Prussia
But she did. :D
You fucked up, not her. Think about your past and see which kind of guys girls were fond of. The ones who were jerks to them, not some needy little fucking desperate whatever. You know how to control girls, just you forgot to be a man controlling his own life.
trips confirm, he's probably got cucked by her already
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Kekkai Sensen has great ost.
He only needs to imagine he's Estonian, know how to fake eye contact that splits them in half and know some tantric yoga or some shit.
Viss ir kartiba. Tev ir mums.
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Can fucking Estonia stop projecting already?
It would be easier if he just sent her to Estonia, where real men live.
Look how you give a shit. It tells everything about you. Women are social manipulators, if you know how to deceive them you will hit gold. Estonians are better at it than Latvians
anyone wanna see cute pic of my dick?
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beat up because looks like a refugee lmao
10/10 my brother, fuck right. A girl will experience real orgasms only with an Estonian man who knows his shit. Heil Hitla
how will scatvillage ever recover lmao
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What's your opinion on Tsukihime's ost. It's really old, but I like it anyway
Hm, I usually avoid direct eye contact by looking at the nose or averting my eyes
why would you fake an eye contact, it's extremely easy to do it, i always look them in the eye.
Fake Estonian Casanovas in here
how does it feel to be a shut-in perma V in a foreign country?
foodposter, guy stuck on the wrong train (rip/sent :))
Foreign is a point of view, slowbro. From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.
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You tell me :^)
typical slav(e), no original ideas, only needing to get told
>Hm, I usually avoid direct eye contact by looking at the nose or averting my eyes
Eye contact is the key, or at least one of the keys. It tells about the intentions.
Heh, sure, just stare. See what happens. Have 6 points of reference where your eye is really focused on, and see what happens.
Sure it feels shit that Estonians can figure out what girls really like because they will never say no to us.
now is the right time to post my favorite nz vlogger xDDDD

I have seen 10x hotter girls each time I visit Konsum
>Heh, sure, just stare. See what happens. Have 6 points of reference where your eye is really focused on, and see what happens.

Explain more.
yeah <:D i saw 10 girls hotter today at konsum, but i got distracted by the sale prices of beer
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I guess it's okay.
you don't think it's creepy to just stare a person in the face all the time? :DDD
6 is a bit much tho. i aim for hair when they start playing with it and lips/boobs just to give off a /yes you are completely fuckable/ vibe. they seem to respond well
Sure, bro. You make your attention about your peripheral vision and switch around random points at which you turn your consciousness to. Only the random movement of your eyes switching between the points of peripheral attention will have an effect you can't even think of. You will appear as looking straight through them, spiritually. If you change your points or reference. A triangle movement of both eyes and lips will turn on all the sexual thoughts.
Well ofcourse not, i don't stare them in the eyes all the time XDD Were you trying to say that look them in the eye regularly and don't avoid it completely right?
Interesting. I've noticed in the movies when people talk they also check the eyes and lips.
depends. if the girl is really shy, looking straight in the eyes a lot can be a bit threatening, but if they're really open then not looking might make you look like a complete candyass not really interested in them. improvise! :D
>6 is a bit much tho. i aim for hair when they start playing with
Haha, a guy looking at 6 points of reference looking "deeply into your eyes" is what I'm talking about. Don't question me.

>. i aim for hair when they start playing with it and lips/boobs just to give off a /yes you are completely fuckable/ vibe. they seem to respond well
I will sooner have me playing with their nipples but whatever. Just learn about erogenous zones.
literally whom
What in the literal fuck am I reading. It looks like someone threw a geometry book and one of those self-help books for awkward dudes and threw it into a random text generator.
i lied ok. her videos just popped up in the recommended section for whatever reason and i watched some of them :DD
pls send me your copy of the fuckmaster3000 asap thanks hotguy666
>tfw got a gf
it's more of a curse than a blessing, really
You're reading what happens if you quit shitposting on 4chan and act like real fucking Estonians who have a national epic of raping women in Finland (and they loved it)
Baltic seks tourism
this was my meme but you may have it
typical anglo "woman"
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Ignore Estonians please.
I mean, what you/they are typing is probably bullshit, but if the placebo effect helps you get out there, so be it.
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Haven't seen it for almost a year so I thought I'd revive it :DDD
I can't help myself. They're either really silly geese or master trolls.
yeah I forgot about it 2bdesu
Number of women you pleased by being a dumbass thinking they are little sweet flowers: 0
The number of guys who had their dicks sucked by them meanwhile: 90000+
god you're really dense are you? there used to be a notice that everything on this site is fiction. time to put it up again i guess
Are you the guy that used to post Eurobeat?

Post Eurobeat
there's not so many people in the world btw. there's like about around ~30
>I geess
that's funny haha
Girls will suck anything.
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>a girl will never look at me like this
why live
no reason to, really
you are correct. kys
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I know how we excite you but don't make the little Lithuanian feel soo bad, he will cry all night now ;__;
hmmm yes
i see now
*pokes out your eyes*
you see now?
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For yourself obviously.
>trying to find a gf through the internet/"dating" apps
how desperate can virgins get lmao
*frantically waves his arms around in the darkness to find some familiar object he might hold on to*
*loses balance, falls and breaks his nose*
t-that all you got?
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i only have one real goal in life. get a car licence, get a trailer to hold boat on, get a boat, get gf, get her preggers on said boat, teach son how to boat

that's all

b-but now you truly see. it was a gift from me you ungrateful dog!
just stop being a virgin lmao
>one goal
>says a few
Are you retarded? Bad goals btw wouldn't expect anything more from normalfags though
Funny, for once there is some sort of conversation going on, who even cares if it's 100% true or not, yet a bunch of weebs suddenly start whining about it and post their anime pictures again, as if that's the only thing ever allowed here.
Ummmmm? Lithuania?

Where you planning to tell us about your colony?
are you retarded or something? the goal is to go on the water with son and teach him how to boat ffs go back to elementary
hmmm yes
i see now
You will be known to the locals as "the boatman" Stories will be told for generations.
How do I do it.
*crushes your balls*
That sure have showed you
I didn't want him to be sad
But it's boring without RL friends.
>i only have one real goal in life. get a car licence
10 years into the future all cars will be self-driving

>get a trailer to hold boat on, get a boat, get gf, get her preggers on said boat, teach son how to boat
Just make sure the girl doesn't have 2 kids beforehand. Always keep in mind that they either want your money, looks or some kind of social shit. If she has kids, then fucking only fuck her but never get tied to her.
*farts a fart so vile you lose eyesight*
haha! enjoy!
I have one goal in life.
Become a gun lord in Zimbabwe. Acquire nukes. Nuke Estonia.
The nuclear fallout would spread to Lithuania since you not that far nigger.
Thread posts: 319
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