[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 88

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TayTay edition
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America's Peak.png
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>posting in this thread even though it was 2nd because the other thread will be deleted but this one will still probably be deleted because janny has autism

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taysway's pretty cute, but Im an Emma guy
Good edition
another shit thread.
I'd probably fuck Taylor Swift if she was really insistent aboutit
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Canada's Valley.jpg
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Really makes me think
>tfw you will never be buds with some funny guys and make money through being buds on youtube
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Arabs are cool

look, she's cute and all, but she's got no ass
>tfw you will be Sam Hyde or one of his close friends
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>taysway's pretty cute



you're all a bunch of sick fucks
nice gams tho
when are you going to morph into him? let me know when you do
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>not even V2
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dat donk.jpg
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>not Nick

well she is


thats all leg
No, there's 2 domestic. One includes it with other ingredients as part of a fun weekend kit, and the other is doing 80/g. Last I checked was 3 weeks ago.
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>tfw to intelegent to understand vicky 2
If I could Morph into Sam Jyde I would do it this very instant
how did you know I was watching mde
>tfw your memory is going
>can barely remember what happened last week
>barely remember the plots to movies you watched
>saw arrival 2 weeks ago and it took me awhile to remember that i had seen it and even longer to remember the plot
wew lads
But you just said you were going to be him
Hmm I guess I'll check again
Still a surprisingly small choice for what I thought was a popular drug
memory is for cucks that dwell on the past
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So why has everyone been bullying BajaChan so much lately?
This is happening to me too
I don't understand it and it scares me
Have you done it? It's kinda pointless on it's own, but it takes Molly to another dimension.
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Goodnight /cum/, have a nice dream
first sign of aids, lad
she revealed that she was a girl


dont tell me how to live my life
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Sleep tight.
Nah I've never done it
It's one of the few drugs remaining on my to-do list. Seems interesting
Nite nite
Goodnight, Texas
because he's a namefag.
officially drunk

time to get stoned
Officially stoned

Time to munch down
time to poz some neg holes
>tfw weed isn't pleasant because I have no food
I'm at that point of drunk where I'm unsure whether I drank too much
What do you guys like to drink?
better drink more to be sure then
thats when I need a change of scenery

beer, whiskey and gin
>tfw my autistic sister keeps throwing fits about my mom snoring
i once got high when my internet was down. was too stoned to read, couldn't watch tv and had no vidya. worst day ever.
Is she hot?
And after a while i failed nofap.
Type90 stuff made me lose control.

I dont know if i should feel defeated or good because how it felt.
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I'm sorry. I'd share both if you were near.
Molson Canadian or Coors taste very good after about seven of them.
if you're not nauseous you're fine.
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Thank you for the reminder.
good evening bajachan
>beer, whiskey and gin
Good man. I don't drink beer to get drunk, though.
lets discuss literalyl anything that isn't faggotry tonight, ok?
wouldn't mind sucking a cock desu
sucking cock isn't gay

the only time it becomes gay is if it enters your anus
That's usually when I drink a whole lot more and regret it.
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lets discuss how best girl was refballed out of a victory
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Good evening, anon.
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Fantastic edition.
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Sitting here thinking this was prescription pills or cough syrup and you wanted to talk about it.
I've had a footjob once in my life and I came harder than ever
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How's about you tongue my anus, Princess Precious P. Pussythroat?


he said things that ARENT faggotry
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the boipussy edition is unironically better.
>dude drugs lmao
se ha llegado el momento
chatita del alma
de hablar

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we're talkin pantyhose's gayboy
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I drank more and now I feel like I'm on the alcohol event horizon lads
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My gf is tall and skinny with no ass. No tits either tho.
At least she's white. R-right guise?
Keep going.
i like blue pantyhose bc girls used to wear them in their uniforms
>tfw the pendulum is finally swinging back right
do heroin
God-tier edition.
I was getting worried for a while.
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chip wagons
ethnicity is still swinging the same way and speed it's been for about 40 years tho
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>beer in the fridge but no cookies or tasty snacks in the pantry

damn you, past me
rahowa soon
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>mfw nice to my future self and remembered to buy a shitload of snacks for my drunk self tonight
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>tfw no cool useless things like lava lamps, magnetic sand hourglass, light-projecting clock, or newton's cradle
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tfw no cool useless things like a gf
I have a magnetic levitating globe, does that count?
It's all up to the face at this point.

Not betting on this horse.
I expect that conservatives in this cunt will get a little more brown and yellow. Or maybe white Europeans will become attracted to the low population density of the USA.
does it actually look cool or is it all plastic and shit? i kinda want one of all the planets but they gotta be classy
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t. mitt romney
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She is the kind of skinny that doesn't get fat with age. I can't consider marrying a future fatty, and I only date to try to find a future wife.
It's alright looking, not the most expensive thing though. Just google "executive toys" and look at the upper end of the prices some nice trinkets.

>3 (you)'s that fast

she's built like a fridge and her face looks a cross between an over the hill latina mixed with grimes
I wish I had friends like Steve Carell does in 40 year old virgin
are we going to get social security when we retire lads?
post the cover of that book
i just want a cute /cum/boyfriend who i can spend cold winter nights with watching netflix and cuddling
This is what years of hentai will do to someone
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Waste of time, money, and feelings.

2D or bust desu.
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>when we retire
This can be fixed by offering incentives to married middle-class couples to have kids.
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>Join Rising Storm server
>Shunted on Japan, last territory is the Ryukyu Islands
>Americans grow overconfident, end up losing too many tickets on the first few points
>We're on our last (Hanto) and the Americans run out of tickets before almost overrunning us
>We're good enough on tickets to be able to Banzai in one last blaze of glory
>To our surprise, this ended the match

>We still lose the campaign due to lack of combat power
the us will no longer exist by then
>anyone born after 1970
no but i'm not worried because i've been saving for retirement since i 18
I take it you've met her mom.
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I wanted the magnetic sand hourglass to time my exercises
Get the fuck outta here, Nigel.
if you want to retire buy land out west, farm, and have a bunch of kids

urbanites will be forced to labor unto death
this wasnt a good post last thread and its not in this one.

What more does Google want to know about me?
im not going to vote on a meme poll with a captcha
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I'm still watching the movie you cuckold

whether you're a communist or if you believe in Santa
Laughing my fucking ass off at this post, buds.
i refuse to believe these are necessary anymore. we're just educating the ai at this point.
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Yeah, but she's in her late 60s, so it wouldn't be great even in a best case scenario
its lit

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The bullying is keeping Baja away.
A big part of me thinks you're right.
Fuck off, we're full (of faggots).
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well i know some people who are gonna wake up to poop in their stockings on christmas morning
>discussing beer on 4chan

life is boring
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Go away chinkboi
Fuck of Khmer Rouge
I hope to not wake up on Christmas and die in my sleep
I have discovered the cure for eczema
>get into farming
>that way you don't have to work to death
i do not follow logic.
come to shreveport and i'll show you a good time
you know how i know you're gay? you're a faggot who likes getting buttfucked
do tell
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Here's a you.gif
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You never got any (you)'s the last time you posted this, so here's one.
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My father loves me very much I'll have you know, Tyrone.
>he doesn't like capitalist China
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In the foreground, the densely-packed, soot-saturated workers' neighborhood, with tiny windows (to evade the window-tax), and cramped courtyards to hang laundry, etc: overcrowded, gloomy, and miserable.
In the background, that shockingly-modern miracle of transportation, the train, that whisks the middle- and upper-classes across the country in a matter of hours. (you can almost imagine zooming in to the luxury dining car, where top-hatted and high-collared Victorian travelers are enjoying a glass of sherry.)
The train literally speeds by above the working-class--it seems oblivious to the common peoples' misery below.
in the future (3750ad) society will devolve into a stateless homosexual technocracy until the insurgence of 40 (biblical reference btw) white men rise up and destroy the central ai and remove the homo brainwashing and then create a new state that gives everyone state mandated gfs that behave like theyre an anime
is it semen? cuz i keep telling my nephew its semen and i'd really like to have some evidence
>spending THIS much time on /cum/

bit sad, bud
petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
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Kek has this ever happened to someone?
You know how i know you're gay?
You have A FUCKING LEAF on your flag
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Chink babby eat first doggo.jpg
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I don't like chinks at all Woo-Peng.
by 2200 we won't even have bodies, friend. by 3750 we'll be pure energy
GOD DAMMIT I just spilt some of my beer
fucking retard

clean that shit up
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>tfw I wake up instead of dying in my sleep
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>discussing beer on 4chan

Give me your area code and i will find and fucking destroy you, hyper fag.
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Have a you faggot.jpg
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>says the guy posts the same shit hoping for (you)'s

Sure sure.
have a pity (You)
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the massive zit on the back of my neck just exploded
puss and blood soaked too large wads of toilet paper
Bide your time, fucko.
nothing finer for the man of taste and frugality
>tumblr pepe
neck yourself
Hipsters have taken that over mayne.
i get them off google images, cunt
I'm white trash and I'm in trouble
Feeling sorry for you desu
Why don't you have a pepe folder?
yo, im gonna go to safeway and grab a beer.

Which brand should I buy?
i do
i just dont rename the files
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One day we WILL deport the heathen chinee.

Day of the broken chopsticks.
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>solid taste
>aesthetic color and packaging
im so misunderstood
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Nothing wrong with Tumblr
>saving pepes from anywhere other than imageboards
Double neck yourself
>allowing hipsters to take beer from you

Shock Top
*understands you*
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>strong beer
They're all shit, get some Jack Daniels instead
I am Geek.
I see this one around here a lot
is this LA or something
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Just realized I haven't eaten today
no u cant do that

LITERALLY pisswater
It was never Canadian, I don't drink imports when I'm out.
Living in shit
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u gay ass hek
It's Sacramento.

Sacramento valley
Milwaukee's ice beast.
you post this every time I post this
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>posting worst plant

then stop posting it
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What do you want?
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i found it

havent read it but i REALLY like the cover
>I drink anything other than domestic
How do I into steroids
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What's your wallpaper /cum/?
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What do you want for Christmas, /cum/ Personally, I want to die in my sleep.
Fuck off, suburbanite.
I get the big bottles, not buying a six pack. I tried this and it was ok. Very sour taste. I don't really drink desu, I want something smooth to chill for the rest of the night.

Theres wine, tequila, and a bottle of hennessey here at the house, not looking to buy a bottle of hard liquor.

I've never had milwaukee beer. Is it better than estella artois? that's what I bought last time I went to the store. It was chill.
someone posted your nudes in the last thread
A rocking chair would be nice
I'm so glad I didn't commit suicide in 2014
No one has ever thought it was canuck, you fuck.
Saving it for 2016?
I wish I had the balls to kill myself already.
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Im in the boonies, but in the bay area for college
Notice how Baja never replies to any posts that bring up """her""" nudes...
Wonder why that is... Hm
Really makes me think
which school do you go to?
she's a jezebel
There were a lot of great posts to read in the last 2 yeras

one within that area
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How does someone take something that was never mine then?
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not that i ever see my desktop anyway~
>he's staying alive just to read shitpost on an inca origami construction forum
Can't think of another reason to live
berkeley? sf state?
for /cum/ :)
What nudes?
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Unatco wallpaper.jpg
275KB, 2560x1440px

I wouldn't mind a new monitor
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my snowman.jpg
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r8 my snowman lads
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>simultaneously in the boonies and the bay
>not living to see trump destroy the world with memes
It's all epic shitposts
BajaChan's nudes leaked like 2 weeks ago and she refuses to acknowledge it

god I wish


yes. I live in the boonies, and Im in the bay area right now for college
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>tfw trapped in the shitty south
>tfw will never live in Alaska again

i miss it
community college? san jose state?
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4MB, 3840x2160px
I've had webcam sex with Bajachan and Jotolisco

more likely you cried into a pillow while getting off to the idea of that

joto is a whore, you can have her
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Give me a post number.
My life is fucking terrible to be honest
Who else /wantstodiebutisalsoafraidofdeath/ here
Jotolisco would never
She's pure
newfoundland is pretty 2bh
Jfc, you really are from the boonies.

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>tfw I can't make myself imagine a future where I'm not a failure and where I'm happy
I work too hard for no reason and I have no friends etc
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still have my legs spread so baja can take a sledgehammer to my nuts
what do you do for a living?
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here's one that i saved
bajachan is hot!
whats this about
currently help desk for a large organization but it's temporary. It's not a living and I live with my parents
Good man.
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Life is suffering. I don't want to be alive anymore. I want to get a brain aneurysm and die right now.
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>Posting pictures of nakey booby women
>white skin
Isn't she in mexico??
>brown nipples

pick one
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Your sacrifice was not in vain
>cornville scared of women
what happened to your friends?

baja is a grill? thought it was a dude pretending this whole time...
that's clearly a gook.
I have brown nipples and I'm white
whats with the weird looking baseball bat
don't know
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No. Chin isn't gook-shaped and the hair color isn't gook-esque either.
It's a hockey stick
you guys just drifted apart?
>Surfsville scared of living
Baja is a smokin' hot virgin mamacita.
Cool it with the racial slurs, thanks
shut up nigger
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If I could go back in time and tell myself one thing, I would tell myself to commit suicide because it only gets worse.
>hair color
because women of all ethnicity don't fuck with their hair.

That's like saying they all wear the same makeup or don't wear any at all.

I'm a spic and I'm telling you that's not a spic, Mestizo or not, that's not kin.

You need to work on your ethnicity-detecting, my friend. Gook chins and jawlines are not shaped like that. That is NOT a Gook.
there is literally no proof that it's baja
youre all retarded
too early
You need to work on realizing most the gooks you like have already had their chins as well as most their faces carved off LONG ago.

Your detecting skills are shit and you need to realize you have no idea how life is outside your basement,.
>implying you didn't know it would get worse and were still just too much of a pussy to do it
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I'm coming for you, Canadians
how dangerous are south american countries really? if i wanted to live in colombia or chile or mexico or costa rica or something would i really be in that much danger?
>inb4 you tell everyone you're American every 5 minutes
It's not a meme that those places are dangerous.You're better off moving to one of those flyover states and getting killed by a cult.
What kinda meme camera is this
Why the fuck would you want to live in one of those shitholes?

Are you trying to dodge your student loans or something
no i wanna teach down there or do some kind of humanitarian bullshit. peace corps probably won't take me.
Expat fantasies probably

>my $20k will be comfy for years
>I'll have qt latina gf
>I'll be loved as the cool white dude
no i kind of expect it to suck and if i go i'd be bringing my girlfriend(wife at that point)
Than I'd strongly suggest picking Costa Rica, large burger expat community and much safer.
It's so easy once you understand it, the AI is retarded.
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 88

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