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Worst treatment you received by people from a nationality? I've

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Worst treatment you received by people from a nationality? I've never met people so rude even outright cruel as Germans! I'm just stunned at how rude they are. Granted this only happened with two different guys but still.
You're not even going to say what happened?
They aren't rude, they're just expedient in how they interact with people.
Oh no, I can handle rude Americans for example are rude. These people are just unfeeling and downright cruel.
The dutch were the rudest people ive ever met. Real assholes.
I once joined an online language learning group, but as soon as they found out I was American the Russian guy running the place started shouting about capitalism and not being able to find countries on the map and banned me. It was really weird.

I've never really been treated badly by people of any other nationality, pretty much every group of foreign tourists I've ever met was really polite and friendly.
I don't remember any bad treatment, but all Americans I've ever met were remarkably stupid.

The nicest people however are Frenchies, but everybody knows that. Too bad their government is utter shit, I only hope they elect Le Pen.
Or maybe it's Germans that are too uptight and snobbish. I've been called stupid by a German "friend" so many times when all I really did was not be a cynical asshole like he is.
Well, the people from New York and South Africa have to get it from someone.
I agree about the French, always had nice experiences with them other than one perv
In the Netherlands the French are known as the rudest people on earth.
Or maybe you're being rude by imposing your culture on them, stupid.
Brits are by far the worst. Booing little blonde children for wearing Swedish colours at a football game? That's just fucking rude.
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On the contrary all the germans i've met have been really nice. Maybe it's just that you act like the average burger. Even i'd be rude if some lardmaster would come to ruin my day.
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american here living in germany atm.

I ordered a coffee and the waitress didnt add that cookie with the coffee for me but my gf got one.
>Booing little blonde children for wearing Swedish colours at a football game?
I heard from several people that Germans are rude as fuck.

Why so rude Germans?
I see you've never been at a pub with brits during a football championship.
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Trust me, I was nothing but nice to them. With esp one of them I went out of my way to make him like me. Always had a smile and something positive to say. I don't think I deserved to be treated like trash desu sempai
Most people haven't, sherlock.
Have you ever considered that you way of being nice might be interpreted as something else by other people? Or maybe the guys was just an asshole, plenty of those in every culture.
The Germans are a very uptight and (outwardly) miserable people. They view smiling and friendliness as inherently fake and untrustworthy.
What else could it be interpreted as? I'm a natural people pleaser, just always try to brighten someone's day. Oh I know there's assholes everywhere. There's lots of them in America howrever they are usually just uncaring not cruel and sadistic.
Scandinavian/Germanic culture doesn't work that way. In America, smiling at people and starting up conversations is acceptable, even encouraged. It's different over there.

Also, a lot of foreigners like to use Americans as the scapegoats for all of their problems, so they get this horrible, twisted idea of us, and when they meet one of us in real life they treat us as though we deserve to be that scapegoat. Imagine if you never met a Jewish person in your life, and all your information about Jews came from /pol/. How would you act if you ran into some tourists from Tel Aviv?
Germans are the worst fucking people you could ever meet
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Had a french bouncer throw me out of a bar forcibly and slap me in the face because he confused me for someone else. Akward situation.

Still love france tho. I told the mec to "suce ma bite"
>What else could it be interpreted as?
As you being pushy and intruding on their personal space. North Europeans are very sensitive to that shit. Even small talk in some circumstances is seen as a breach.

>cruel and sadistic
How are they being cruel and sadistic? By not liking you?
Yes very true, I have noticed this about Europeans forwards Americans but I have a job which travels frequently in Europe and I'm far from an "average ignorant American tourist" so I have mostly positive experiences with Europeans. It wasn't until visiting Germany that I experienced any negativity like that. So I still think it's Germans that are awful.
It's just banter m8
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That's just fucking weird. You're obviously trying too much to be friends with people who couldn't give 2 shits about you.
You don't boo children mate, that's just common decency.
>cruel and sadistic
Called me an idiot multiple times, told me to go fuck myself over text, told me to go to hell (and he knew that I'm a Christian) said I was insane and need psychiatric care multiple times, once in front of others.

Typical american behavior. Most of us dont understand how Europeans or even any other nationality engages in social behavior.

I once overheard a fat american woman loudly and embarassingly talking about how great america is when she was visiting belgium - to a bunch of belgian guys in the hostel I was staying at. I wanted to go over there and slap her in the face. Fucking americans, man.
You sound like you deserved to be treated like trash desu sempai
So why did you keep trying to be friends? He couldn't have made it any more clear that he didn't want to be your friend.
Yes, I have seen similar things to you. Some Americans are so embarrasing abroad. One time I saw an American man barge into a gas station in a small town in Germany and loudly ask "do y'all take American money" got pissed when the cashier said no. I have never belittled someone else's culture like that and would never.
I once saw a German man offer his wife to a Muslim. Fucking Germans, what cucks
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We are not rude, just pragmatic. Go fuck your over-emotional asses.
In the Netherlands people are expected to speak up if they want something. And people will be happy to help.

But small talk with strangers is a bit of a wasted time.
And being overly polite can be seen as putting up a smoke screen or being dishonest as the other person cant read your intentions.
Subtly is lost to Dutch people. Because that's the trait of a rat.


We did have some good conversations at first
Dutch are incredibly loud, ignorant and know no shame.
Russians try to fool you every time if they can. Thats why you smile to them And drink vodka but in same time have very tight grip of knife behind your back
For those of you who don't get it "Gift" means "poison" in German.
Still not very funny.
Same in the USA, even where I live (Francophone state)
The most rude were the Swedish and Dutch. But the Dutch were rude in a funny way.
>rude in a funny way
The ones I met would fart or burp in front of you and not even care.
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>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

Why are Germans such ungrateful, rude and horrible people?
They are mad at you for bombing sandpeople, nobody else in Europe cares.
>I sell icecream to tourists
>big burger comes
>"what is your best icecream?"
>point at the most expensive and say "that's my favorite"
>he orders "chef's choice"
>"have you heard of our savior jesus christ?"

Just buy your shit and fuck off.
He was just trying to save you
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Which is the most popular flavor? And what is in the chef's choice?
>still selling icecream to tourists
>out of nowhere hysterical french lady
>she has the coins left for the toilet cleaning lady in her hand
>shouts in french to me
>"umm... je nais comprais pas... shoo"
>keeps on shouting
>college takes the coins from her and place it back on the table of the cleaninglady
>french lady keeps on shouting when she leaves

Must be a cultural thing. Would've been handy if she spoke english or dutch.
>inexplicably hysterical

I believe you.
Most populair is the cheap rocket waterice.
The most expensive is the magnum.
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Bomb pops? I used to love those when I was a kid.

What's in the chef's choice though
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Rockets are kinda like bomb pops. And the chef's choise was a magnum ice cream with chocolate coated with caramel coated with chocolate.
See >>68459190
Thanks senpai
You're welcome. Come again and enjoy your stay.
>sucks in millions of our people in immigration centuries ago
>despite that German culture is totally underrepresented, even shunned
>even fucking Chinese culture is more honored
>Benjamin Franklin doesn't even consider us white
>spits on us in WW1 for nebulous reasons
>treats us like shit prior to WW2
>supplies commies against us even though they were just as bad as us
>fucking invades us and occupies us
>steals the most brilliant minds we had and ALL of our fucking patents
>wants to use us as battleground in a nuclear war
>turns a common dictator in a meme and a joke and and absolute evil(tm)
>floods us with degeneracy, MTV/hollywood/gangster bullshit and forces us to import millions of sandniggers thus accelerating our death
>spies on us via NSA
>destabilizes the middle east and forces refugees into Europe
>complains that we are ungrateful

How you go and fuck yourself?
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>selling popcorn this time
>indian lady comes up
>1001 questions about the popcorn
>do you want it or not?
>indian headbop
>sweat or salt?
Waisting my time.
Sweet* ofcourse
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>>sucks in millions of our people in immigration centuries ago
It's not our fault people preferred America to Germany, they weren't forced in.
>>despite that German culture is totally underrepresented, even shunned
That's because German diaspora understandably became ashamed of their people's constant chimping out in Europe.
>>even fucking Chinese culture is more honored
See above.
>>Benjamin Franklin doesn't even consider us white
Maybe he was being figurative. Germany has a habit of destruction and self-destruction.
>>spits on us in WW1 for nebulous reasons
Muh Lusitania
>>treats us like shit prior to WW2
America treated Germany better than anyone else did except for maybe Britain and France giving Czechoslovakia to Germany.
>>supplies commies against us even though they were just as bad as us
Lesser of two evils and the other was next on the list.
>>fucking invades us and occupies us
After you declared war on us and ruined the world.
>>steals the most brilliant minds we had and ALL of our fucking patents
They sought out America to avoid the Russians, America stole nothing.
>>wants to use us as battleground in a nuclear war
No one really wanted nuclear war.
>>turns a common dictator in a meme and a joke and and absolute evil(tm)
>>floods us with degeneracy, MTV/hollywood/gangster bullshit and forces us to import millions of sandniggers thus accelerating our death
We didn't force anything. Once again it's German self-destruction that they blame on outside influences.
>>spies on us via NSA
To protect you since you can't do it yourselves.
>>destabilizes the middle east and forces refugees into Europe
It has never been stable. No one was forced to do anything. Merkel invited people in unconditionally of her own accord.
>>complains that we are ungrateful
Most Germans are. A few are decent.
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>now selling souvenir calender pictures
>bus of chinamen arrives
>take pictures anyway of them running away from the camera
>after development and their return
>leader looks at the pictures
>is nice, take ALL!
>please make copies
Would've been masterpieces if you stood still for a moment.
Sounds like a fun, interesting job desu
Why you sell so many things? Are you friendly Dutch merchant?
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This thread really makes me hate Americans, embarrassing really.
Yes, I am a Dutch merchant. Only friendly if you give me money.

But seriously, I worked for a company who had multiple locations at multiple tourists spots.
Eh, the brits are more annoying.

>weed and hookers!
>sir, there are children in this park, please calm down
>oi m8, u waffa da waffadafa doingobo
>security at the windmill please
You keep saying that word but should we really compare gun violence statistics and crime rates?
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>Russia & USSR
>7 years before the Russian Revolutions
>a decade before the commies even got close to winning the civil war
>They sought out America to avoid the Russians, America stole nothing.
>American Education

>After the Second World War, the patent office property was seized by the Allied Control Council, including patents, trademarks, and emblems, under Articles II and X of the Allied Control Council Law No. 5, 30 October 1945.

Nigga, we Allies took all their patents after both world wars as war trophies. Germany was cucked out of their patents.
Whaaat? I thought people outside were thinking we're rude and impolite?
selfish arrogant assholes
deep inside they still consider themselves master race and look down on everyone else
That's cause you receive our least educated people, they only speak french and think about smoking (notice that most French you'll met will be in Amsterdam or Rotterdam). Otherwise I came several times and was really interested in discovering the country and people there, and so I did.
Netherlands are essentially Meth lab - the country.

Always encouraging worst scum to visit with lowest pleasures, then complaining about foreigners.
Every country is rude to me on the internet
>walk near central station
>hello, can I ask you something?
>where can i buy cocaine?
>probably colombia
>ow, went to amsterdam for the drugs
>still illegal here, try the poffertjes with powdered sugar

asian here

mainland chinese. absolute shit manners at my school. them and arabs.

germans are cool, but 100% of the ones i've met (dozen or so) are very quiet and slightly autistic.
I like you India
Use toilets and it will all stop.

Or nuke Pakistan, I'll never bully India again if you do that.
From all the people I've met IRL. Probably because I show myself as a victim(?)
>Kazakhs are very rude

Interesting, probably hubris from having the best potassium?
Not Kazakhs only. But I've also met Russians, Turks, Chinese and some westerners. All they looked at me strange. All mankind seems to be rude on me.
People are often rude. It's a sad fact of life. :/
Do you look weak or weird to them?
Yeah. Pretty much like that
It is well known that Kazakhs have the best potassium.
You need to accept that Kazakhs can be a little rude with such good potassium.
You confuse us with Russians. We are like you described only in Winter and only some of us.
Nothing worse than sitting in an airport and some cockney Brit starts talking to you. Worse still, him and his degenerate family are staying in the same resort.
Looking around for someone who sounds Irish or Strayan those times.
It's lovely that you occupy yourself with things that frustrate you. You really seem averse to happiness. Why not spend your precious time on finding people you like and love instead of wasting time and breath on useless, arrogant people like those?
Typical lower class *humor*.
Its funny. In canada we constantly excuse ourselves and say sorry, not because we mean it but just as a way of ending a social interaction without guilt. We are so manupulated by leftist guilting that we don't even realize how much its brainwashed us. In germany they're direct and to the point and they dont mean to be rude or curt but it comes off that way to us because we're so used to putting on the song and dance of leftism.

The upshot is when germans say sorry or excuse me, they damn well mean it.
thats probably it. It comes off as fake and creepy. Remember you are dealing with a nation of depressed autists.
This, i work for a bank as costumer service agent and once a dutch bitch called all angry and shit claiming that we stole their debit card and shit because it was stuck on one of our atms, she spent like 2min spouting shit and stupid rethorics until she hung up

No, you're really stupid, ameritards always stand in the most undesirable places ever, like right in front of paintings, in the middle of the curb tp check some shit on the phone and always screaming stupid shit like if they knew everything

Why do you like potassium so much?
Mexicans do that too.
Dutch people usually say thank you afterwards but almost never please up front.

Instead of "could you repeat that please" they say: "What?"
People know its not appropriate in English, but they dont know how to ask it kindly lol.
You do sound pushy, needy, annoying and pathetic. Franky no sane person would want to be friends with a bugger like you.
I really doubt it, its an instinct to hide pur phones and stay away of vulnerable open areas
Let me guess: You went to Berlin on a budget and landed in the worst part of town, and now you equate that to "Germany".
Americans call us moor! stop it murrico..
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This chart also applies to Americans.

OP is just another ignorant American that doesn't know that different cultures operate on different social protocols.

There are cultures out there that just value impolite and blunt directness over fake and dishonest politeness.
>ww1 be nice too poor germany.

The loans turned to shit when the americans crashed their economy causing hyperinflation in germany. Not to mention the shitshow that was the treaty of versaille. After ww2 yeah thanks for that, but after ww1 go fuck yourself.
Also fuck you reunification wasnt thanks to the usa “allowing it“, the westgerman goverment worked towards that goal from day one.
You are complaining about population loss due to immigration when your shitty country is still almost 100 mil in population and the most powerful country in the EU? Meanwhile Ireland lost more than half of their population to immigration to the us and dosen't hold much power in the EU and was ruled over by England most of their history. Typical conceited German scum.

All foreigners I've met were kind people desu, so the worst treatment I received as a tourist was by fellow frenchmen, especially in the south-east.
>Tries to conquer yurope multiple time every time miserably failing

>wonder why theyre so bitter and rude.

>tfw the last repayment from credits from the war reparations of ww1 was in 2010
>he confused me for someone else.
Not really rude, then. Was a mistake.
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That's a shitty looking rocket ice.

This is the greatest rocket of all time - also contains the astronaut.
Not at all, I'm far from a typical American tacky tourist. I've been to Europe sereval times with the work I'm in. And I didn't go to Berlin but a large city in north-Rhine Westphalia.
I've never had any problems making friends in any other country and I'm rather well traveled in Europe.
Poles, Dutch, Brits. European trio of assholes and faggotry. Not all of them of course.
The rudest people are japs. I fuckin hate japs
Americans are all equal and deserve no respect.
t. Milo van der Graaff, honest businessman and friend
Because you are worth less than the dirt under my fingernails
Yeah, me too

Been a waiter at a known crêperie in Brittany (france), and here the only people that were rude and snobbish as hell were families of german people, massive tables of french tourists, no smile, dry as fuck "thanks", either than that, most of the german people and french tourists I've served were nice and cute, always trying to speak french or Britton, and grateful towards me that I could talk a bit in english.

Buuut I don't understand, almost every (-almost-) german adult male, especially fathers were all impatient and seemed to be stressed people, and would always talk to me without looking in the eye or in a rude way. And I found this kind of a pity..
Whereas, young fathers were the nicest, and the rest of the families would sometimes be cool too.

In the french families, women were the biggest assholes of the tables. They would do the same as German fathers, but worse. They'd always look at me like I was inferior or something.

I remember, there was a german mother and her daughter that would always come every 2 days in a week, they were both cuties, and look at me, smiling in a strange way and oddly blink their eyes repeatedly when watching me. Always laughing with me or smiling, looking at me when I would redress a table.
One day, the father was here to eat. Well guess what. Same thing as the other fathers I talked about.
He left the table in the middle of the lunch and the mother told me that he was very busy even during holidays with his business and stuff.

Are German people rude because they're anxious and stressed out everytime ?
shut up retard
t. Abdul-Muhammad
>Are German people rude because they're anxious and stressed out everytime ?
I have never been rude to anybody lad. I'm actually quite happy when they come here and are interested.

I don't know what OP means. He doesn't mention why.
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He means THIS. It's not the fist time he does such threads.
I mention why in the follow up comments, should've included it in the op, Sorry
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Never happened.
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This is why people love you as tourists but i wouldn't bear this everyday with everyone if i lived in the U.S.

It can feel good not to always hide under a smile
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love Magnum here too
but my personal fav is Frigopie
I've never had a bad experience with foreigners, they're all generally polite, even if they can be a little weird sometimes.
>because he confused me for someone else.

you stoopit amerikan piggus arr rook same
This has to be made for some foot fetishists, how does it taste like?
aw, so that's why you really hate us "in particular"...

I'm okay with this :^)
You autists can be seen rude since your equations of "is this appropriate to do now" arent often correct. Even by russian standards.
At least thats my experience for living for 1 year.
Though was kinda funny since some of germans considered me rude and "cold-blooded" at the same time being rude by themselves.
Anyway, million times better than murishits with their """"friendliness"""".
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany
we had to pay it back, only the French and Brits got freebies
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