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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 347
Thread images: 66

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SCONE not SGONE edition
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tune oetz
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It's "skown" for the bread and "skoon" for the place in Scotland.
Scone rhymes with crown right ? innit ?
"Scone" rhyming with "cone" is correct 2bh
Will deck any cunt who dares to pronounce it differently in my presence
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Cannot believe you jawlets are so jealous of my good looks

Yeah it actually takes a bit of testosterone to build a decently sized jaw, something you all lack
ice cream con
oioi saveloy
filthy trollop
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failed a job interview because of 1 question today lads
>what do your friends say about you

I don't have any so I panicked and said some bullshit for 3 minutes
experimental post: "Hello!"
rhymes with "phone" if you pronounce it the correct way
reminder cara has a hormone deficiency
Savory Scones and a pork sausage-based Bechamel sauce, known as "Biscuits and Gravy", is pretty good breakfast food.
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absolute runt of a post

spotty mcspot face mate you'd need a fucking plastic surgeon to fix up the mess that is your ugly mug
Would love to see her fucked desu
What happened to Kes?
>mcspot face
good post
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sorry lad, better luck next time
those questions are the worst, but try to have some preparared fake answers to similar stuff in the future, it helped me a bit
Is that all? Two or three red marks on my face? Really? Sorry granda I don't care, I'm better than you
That's a biscuit.
eating crisps
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that's her dad, he's iranian
wonder what her mum is
hot chips or cold chips lad? i'm told it matters to bruces
>takes balding gene from her father

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you generally look alright. your chin is just a bit odd, I think its called underbite
>wonder what her mum is
Lets not kid ourselves, she is a pale-white English lass.
Wait, do Aussies legitimately heat up potato chips?

At least it's better than using a simple slice of white bread as a hot dog bun.
imagine being this lad haha
dave spikey with fake tan
better at me at drawing the dole maybe yeah

m8 you look like a textbook knacker, go throw some bricks at buses or something lad
I'm happy with my chin and jaw. I'm very happy to have a large jaw. Cheers anyway mate x
You infer based on context
Might be too difficult for you stunted little brains I know but try and keep up
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look just like this lad haha

beginning to think it's not a good look
Weird how people like Lisicki, that Arab with the massive forehead and the spud runt with the surfboard chin can be so delusional.
Feel like drinking but last time I drank 8 pints and barely felt a thing
ik heb hoes, ik ben die bitches zat
want to get into law but its fucking pointless unless its in a top uni and you need to be a literal billionaire einstein to get into the top unis
First you called me a teenager then a knacker? Does the look of me scare u la? I'm a quinn mcdonagh by the way
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thanks italy, you're alright
t. tokkie
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Fug I have a phone interview tomorrow morning

You're making me nervous
just be my house husband instead
Literally better looking than you and I have pulled the birds to prove it xxx
what a shite question
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Hier is een kleinschuimigbier voor jou
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uh oh lads x
That's what Lisicki and the Arab with the massive forehead both say :///
Aoba is cute!
tfw i liked new game before it was cool
You're both buddy, the kind who hangs around street corners with all the rest of his knackergy friends. Nah m8 but you're obviously very insecure with yourself you get very offended when I pass any comment.
Post a picture of yourself uggo

Angry because you don't have the genetics or testosterone to build an actual mandible
I am that lad haha
I want to die
no lad, they call crisps 'cold chips'. and they call chips (freedom fries) 'hot chips'. everythings a chip if you're a bruce.
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I don't really care la, I'm not taking nothing to heart x
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Aw, that's cute.
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>its real
they're nothing lad

not so much as a nipple
wtf literally crying
Those who post in /brit/ regularly are irrevocably less Irish than those who post in /éire/.
Vetements jumper arrived lads
She wasn't fucking hacked


literally her profile picture

It it the one from behind under a waterfall where she looks like Gollum?
those "maisie williams nudes" was only that shitty photo of her on a rock taken from behind

what a load of PR bollocks
False. Eire is full of actual benders. I actually prefer the unionists in Eire...
millie b is such a slag
millie b yeah are you mad
millie b tries to act bad when every night shes on a new lad
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Sorry to disappoint/relieve
I love the UMMAH
If 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9 Southern Ireland gets back in the UK.
>Posts picture of her awful posture with no bra straps
>Numales on reddit get it on the front page via 3 different threads
Why can't they be alpha alt righters like us lads?
you don't even have the testosterone to grow a beard you child

go do your homework if you haven't dropped out/been expelled already

You see her back and nothing else

>sophie liked on of her photos
>have her's now too

Might report them for using fake names
Calm down everyone: Kim and Kanye are NOT divorcing. http://eonli.ne/2h4jhxV
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the gf and I sharing a tender moment
i'm alt-centre lad
That pic was right out the barbers and he shaved my sideburns and stache la
90% of irish posts read like they've been written by someone drunk or retarded
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What do women think about in bed?
They were rubbish anyway
any of you lads want to get under the duvet and cuddle with me? :3
the thundercock
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no clue, probably about how much I suck at shagging
the one or two that are innately aggressive forces me to react in aggression towards them to prove that I, me, myself, am the alpha male leader of the irish poster pack
office politics

When Chad will text her another pick of his Thundercock
>in bed

I just get stressed and worried at all the problems I'm currently experiencing, also all my embarrassing moments flood back to me
No, I am

Boxerlad here

5 wins 0 losses

3 technical knockouts

I think the two Irish posters who are arguing over their looks might be the same person
>only 5 wins
The absolute runt
i'm sorry but all irish posters are pathetic, in their own way

still better than yanks and canadians though
And you have zero (0)
aren't you 5'6? Or the 3 inch one? Compensating for something my boy?

Are you trying to fill a gap in your life?
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>KO ratio of 60%
Bed is where you shag and sleep, and eat breakfast if you're a mum and it's your birthday

They think nothing, thinking is done when youre dressed
ah yes
is Lisicki doing Law in Swansea or Liverpool?

> doing a thing that LITERALLY gives you brain damage
>he doesn't drink daily
Still -5 more than you you utter Mickey Mouse.
I'm 6'2 and a cruiser weight you silly cunt
If he's doing it in Liverpool, I'm going to drive there and HEEM the manlet cunt
>the irish lad thinks that punching another man with your fists is art

whooping and hollering

alcohol is my least favourite drug
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I'm a new-rightist now lads
They're all secretly a bit embarrassed about posting here and try to make up for it by acting like hardcunts.

Irish are literally west Brits. Culturally identical to us.
LLB law at Liverpool 3rd year
it is the same word as in french

still dont know the meaning
Any documentaries about Africa that show how much of a third-world shit hole it is?
Fuck up you wanker

Not true because I am an actual real life hardmen who actually excels in boxing
extravagant post
Empire of Dust

Smug chinaman spends the entire thing basically laughing at backwards black africans straight to their faces
cant go to bed without thinking about tfw no gf
I'm the man who murdered love


What do you think to that?
watching babestation webms lads
just ate another crisp

louis theroux in johannesburg
amazing how the irish are some of the best at boxing, because blows to the head causes brain damage and the irish are already so dumb that it barely makes a difference

barking and bawling
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>hit the OTHER MAN

Such a fantastic ART

Such a fantastic amount of SKILL involved

Boxing, MMA, Thai shite whatever, doesn't change the fact you are an utter runt.
>Bruces think you can murder an abstract concept
a-hootin' and a-hollerin'
there's so many different irish 'characters' but there's only really really 2/3 regular posters in /brit/
he's a schizophrenic my friends
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Irish posters have more gimmicks and personality than soulless needle dicked sissy britbois

Obviously because they're mas away getting the big mick dick off seamus mcfenian
got a shit in me arse
great post pardner
Hatposting is the highest art
The Chase National Bank of Chicago reports that seven percent of its credit card holders will default at some time in their life. The Downtown Branch just mailed out 12 new cards today.

How many of these new cardholders would you expect to default? What is the standard deviation?
I'll admit I'm playing 10+ roles at once

It's tough work

I even cross the border and engineer the unionist posts
Empire of Dust. Basically Chinese contractors in Africa trying to build a major road and being shocked about how the terrible the native Africans are at everything

It was pretty good.

Good post
I'm onto you
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addio africa
0.84 entire cardholders.
never post on /brit/ again until you have my permission
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Celts are the best scrappers in Europe and the world next to Africans and Latinos
woah you nearly had me then
You sound a bit brain damaged yourself
the civilised midlands
going to make it my mission to fuck the young housing officer who was on that bbc scotland show about fife council last night.

first step: get employed by fife council
step 2: move to dunfermline
Imagine studying in a top 10 uni

A man can dream
*forwards this post to the young housing officer who was on that bbc scotland show about fife council*
How can I achieve this level of smugness?

doxed again
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> Imagine studying in a top 10 uni

> A man can dream
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>Why can't they be alpha alt righters like us lads?
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Poor people are more likely to be professional fighters than people who have a future. Really made me think.
do ideas exist in 3d space
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*plant a scarecrow down on the ground near the republic border*
*strap a walkie talkie to it*
*begins broadcasting*


*group of short, ugly men appear over the crest of a nearby hill*
*they run up to the scarecrow, sniffing it, puffing out their chests and hollering*

*alpha male of the group bumps chests with the scarecrow*
*they flip the switch and the cage 3m above rapidly slams down*
*the irishmen start yelling before turning on each other*
*they die of famine 2 days later*

well well well, what do we have here? caught us a great crop of paddies this time, look at that one, he's almost 6' tall!
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>reddit space after the arrow
studied at imperial, came out more autistic than when I went in
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Goon oot fer a bine n wen am back am gunny mash mah fooking pintle tae bits
asking this in a general full of virgin men anon really?
the one i'm studying at isn't even in the top 100
It's a lot of work tbqh
currently studying there

I'm pretty fucking autistic already
I like actionposting but this is too wordy

Shan't be wasting my precious grey matter on deciphering this gibberish.
Hahhahaha fair play this was good x

(Ireland's on average one inch taller then uk and boxing is the best sport in the world)
Imagine having a girl love you.
Shan't be so much as perusing this post through my peripheral vision
imagine a girl
0.07 (7%) * 12 = 0.84

Obviously for real life you can round it up to 1.
I have known this several times over the years

It really is better than any drug, and nothing can replicate it
Explains why you're all so jealous of my well defined high test jaw and brow

Give it a go
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What is scotland like,specifically St. Andrews college? I'm applying for an international scholarship and it is a choice.
>nothing can replicate it
Bullet to the brain la
might watch this
having a girl love is just nice

loving a girl is what's better than any drug
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Good lad, what you doing? Didn't think I'd see another /brit/poster, think reddit takes the top spot there. Although 4chan is banned over the wifi for posting nudes and doxxing, so there's at least 1 other guy
then why do all the autists on /brit/ get so depressed about their 'oneitis' who doesn't know they exist?

they changed just about everything about his face
>wanting more of that
Where's da
Reviewbrah's wife's son got a channel going

>Good lad, what you doing?

>Although 4chan is banned over the wifi for posting nudes and doxxing
no it's not. at least, not anymore as I've posted from there a couple of times.

what did you study? and did you get a grad job at a bank?

what is a group of slags called?
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Ah yes
Question Time lads?

wish i'd studied PPE at warwick
why do girls have such fat soft arses
that's just pathetic childhood tier crushing from lads who haven't managed to mature

you can't properly love someone until you've been with them, it's just infatuation before that
alright night lads

I say night but I won't actually get to sleep for an hour or more haha xx
a squaaaad
Your mother's bedroom last night.
you think I read any of your posts in this thread? You think I read any of this thread? You think I read this post? No, I typed it with my eyes closed. So go ahead, make your little posts, I won't be reading them.
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>National action supports this
st andrews is pretty posh i think

one of the royals went there
Hate Christmas

Not a fan of the food
Don't want presents
Don't want to give presents
Don't want to see my rellies more than I have to

omg so true!
>white women
Knee bending ain't gonna give you an ass

a flange
bizarro rasheed
thought this was haram, is he not muslim? he's a leftist muslim? hmm things dont add up
you have my permission to return
312 is the correct answer
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Comedy Central

I can't believe Austen Powers will be 20 years old in 2017.
how do such a tiny group like transfreaks have so much power? it's insane
might watch question time...

IN BED haha
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this isn't right

bet these women are easy to pick up on a night out as well
>tfw stalking ex's friends list to find one of her cute friend's profile and accidentally add someone who my only mutual with is my ex

fuck hope she doesn't find out
Full of upper middle class university students and chinks.
alri queen latifah
why do white women have bony ones?
it's over lad,let it go
only gays have a problem with this
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job searching now, posted earlier at the failed interview, did aeronautical. Looking for a job in engineering since banking is boring. Got an interview next week though, so everything's not too bad. Imperial name gets me in the room, autism gets me out. Someday I'll hold my spaghetti.

You know that main food corridor, there's that one big square that has the pie shop, noodle place and the deli? Was banned in there on the wifi, as well as the library when I went. Maybe the ban expired.
wtf are you trying to say

captcha: Jews
Orchestrating a beer and a poo
He was an attractive brochad looking yank fellow as a man

Why would he do that
got complimented on my teeth by a girl today
1 3 2
If you orchestrate a piss alongside that you might be able to refill your Spanish beer
when it comes to discovering new music, I tend to just throw a lot of shit at the wall and see what sticks

very little tends to stick these days
Never been complimented in my life by a non-relation, let alone a girl
Was it
>they're like stars, just as yellow and as far apart from each other?
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Fat girl that likes me added me on facebook and all the lads know she likes me so when I accept it I'm gonna get loads of banterous comments from them and she'll probably take them seriously

girl on the left looks like my cousin
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Will Self is a good writer but a shitty person

Same with Irvine Welsh
Only Brits I respect are the scottish and northern hard men because they're like the irish
howl when people do this
are your mates 12?
it's definitely not banned in my dept. but it figures that there'd be another imperial engineer autist here. hate the place myself and can't wait to graduate.

why didnt you apply for grad jobs before graduating? pretty much everyone on my course is doing it
*nods knowingly after Will Self says something*
ahh yes I am an intellectual
what is the fucking meaning someone tell me that
despise will self, what a fucking smug cunt
Then why come to a general populated 70% by English people and 10% by yanks

There was a poll at some point
I had a buffting gf for 5 years and she would compliment me on my eyes and my teeth and my hair and would frequently comment that I had a long torso while we were in bed but she never outright said I was attractive or handsome or sexy or good looking

just tell them how you feel about me instead la
it's ok, they'll understand, even though i don't
I get complimented on my hands and nails a lot even though I graft for a living, how the fuck do I still have nice hands
Have done it myself so I should probably get some back

Nah it's actually pretty good banter
When someone adds a fit girl or whatever people comment "finally got the courage to add her then? nice one" etc.
To talk to the Scots, scousers and mancs
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>tfw too smart to be anything other than a radical centrist

Yeah alri

Anglophile in the closet more likely
fucking christ has louise mensch got about 50% fitter since she was last on QT?
what shall we do with a drunken sailor what shall we do with a drunken sailor what shall we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning?
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I did masters and was overworked, only had time to apply for a few. Cocked the interviews up on the ones I did get.

Cheer up though, life is better once you leave london
Every time I accept a friend request from the fit birds the ladzz always comment "stuck in our kid" or something and Facebook doesn't allow you to reply to comments or like comments under a friendship popup yoke so I just sit and watch
shave his balls with a rusty razor
is farage on this QT?
VERY insightful post
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people do it here and its fucking cringe

literally the only guys that i see doing it on fb get negative clunge
>the labour panellist is a fat gaylord

you couldn't make it up
she was never bad
shut up u fucking cunts
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wrong image

a fag defending muslims, state of these mongs
>having facebook
>having friends
Shouldn't you normies be getting ready for bed?

Big day at work tomorrow.
fair enough, I've done ok so far in the interviews but the final stages/assessment centres are coming up so there's plenty of opportunity to fuck up

>life is better once you leave london
shan't be doing that though even though I'm form the countryside
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shoo shoo lefty
why do pakis smell so bad?

Same with Indians but at least it's like curry
isn't it saturday tomorrow
*checks calendar*
ah nevermind
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Neat I'm on this map
ah yes
you have to go back
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>when a lefty chats utter bollocks
who's that, richard III?
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ever browsing through the chon' when you stop and think "what am I doing with my life?"

having one of those moment rn
Any twats and/or cunts itt? Name's Josie and I'm about decking cunts
scone is a really ugly word either way it's pronounced
Wow so much that you ran and told us

Very deep and thoughtful
fucking hell the leaves are bad tonight
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I browse t'chon and listen to loud music so I don't have to think about my life haha

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Josie mate, my name is feidhelm joyce mcdonagh and me and a couple of lads were driving about Limerick city centre yesterday looking for you

When I get a hold of you boy you're getting an awful hiding, I'll boot you back into your mothers womb ye guttersnipe , rat piling junkie bastard
the English are a slave race governed since Waterloo by the Rothschilds

>when your putting on a great show for your rusky controller
is this guy canadian? his beard is so funny lol
They'll all die at the end of autumn so don't worry
At least twice a day, but I tell myself I'm content with it.
We should annex northern England
there has been for ages lad

fucking hell you lads are obsessed

i think there might be 2 canadian posters on right now and my single post triggered all of you fucking losers into an anti-canadian circlejerk
it was a joke

sorry I'll delete it
women are physically weaker than men
doing a chest pain
drinking a bottle of £5 wine and chainsmoking rollies

got offered a lighter by some cute asian girl earlier, could tell she wanted it but didnt take it any further, regret it now, might go for another cig outside nd see if shes there

thats the end of my blog for now, thanks for reading
well it's not me either
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has it just started or finished
>8 butthurt posts from one leaf shitpost

we're machines
stopped smoking but need to find a way to hang around the smoking areas to talk to women and not look awkward

take back up fags? is vaping acceptable? cheap cigars maybe?
fuck off, that wasn't a shitpost it was a plain bad post
two of them actually
nvm i got it
Long may she reign
You're a fucking queer mate just drop them you were never on fags in the first place you flaccid cunt
I had a girl for nearly 2 months and I stopped coming here until I got bored and broke up. regret it lol
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vape your way into a girl's knickers
le thin hair chin man
just go into the smoking area and start fighting people, this will surely win the respect of your fellow irishmen and make the ladies fawn for you

haha wanker
>dont make fun of me waw its total LAD banter you dont get it

boys, the lot of you
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>>dont make fun of me waw its total LAD banter you dont get it

>boys, the lot of you
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>I think people were misled by the politicians, 350 million
now that's an original comment
Das war ein befehl
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look alive lads
Was on Marlboro every time I went out never saw the appeal of smoking it outside of social occasions but stopped that as I don't see the appeal of being a big child with a cancerous soother in his mouth every 30 minutes you soft cunt call me a flaccid cunt to my face see what happens
Hhhhh ahhhhhhh yes boys hmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm erttttttttttttttttt farties and poo pie
will self unironically pouring scorn on the british public, on the state-funded BBC, and no one calls him out on it

so it's come to this
he walks among us lads
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the jannies the hotpockets the jannies the hotpockets it's DISGUSTING
Geis weil's Mails Baris Pauls Balz

they both deserve scorn
Too soon leaf. Get racked by janny
Posh as fuck
Go to one of the uni's in Aberdeen
Some really good ket up there
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