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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 52

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neet edition
>Applicants with formal tertiary qualifications need not apply.
ah yes
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wish i was dead
MASSIVE crack of thunder
shit my pants
where do you find such jobs, feel like I've fucked it by not going to uni. Everytime I go looking, even for what seems like the most basic of jobs, they expect some meme degree
you in brisbane?
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>aussie depression hours
Mental that someday I might see poleaboo living on the streets in the centre of Manchester on my way to work.
>Plants can learn despite absence of brain, UWA study suggests
>Plants have memory and can learn to associate separate events based on their association with past occurrences, a West Australian researcher says.

Reminder that being vegetarian/vegan is akin to slaughtering a calf with a bread knife and eating its still-beating heart as its warm blood spews out across the room
my bicep is so small i can almost wrap my entire hand around it, yet i could still clobber the fuck out of the lot of yous
>see poleaboo
better get a wiggle on
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>tfw you wake up and are still alive

why has no one murdered me in my sleep yet?

didn't hear anything
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i love veal
he'll never have the bottle to kill himself
i only eat rocks and minerals
only oldfags will get this meme
this was on the MCA website
fuck off murderer
am northside
business idea: deliver-to-door service for killing people peacefully in their sleep
good taste

looks like you've run out of options kiddo, you just have to admit that you were lying
Considering hiring a hitman to kill me
more like fuckinghamshite
why did I do a fucking meme degree
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>tfw Saudi Arabia are really keen on destroying Muslim historical sites and even want to demolish Mohammed's tomb
worst thing about storms is when i can hear all the poor doggos who get locked outside at night
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>not doing a traditional field of engineering
good. fuck islam.
fucking hell this one's a loud one
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ah yes
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>not doing physics
engineering is physics with application
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>Go to Centra
>Pick apple juice for 50p
>Go to checkout
>Want to pay with card
>"Sorry, there will be 50p surcharge for transaction"
>Turn 720 degrees, put it back on shelf, leave
>Go across the road and buy it from Tesco

I completely forgot why I don't visit small shops any more, but thankfully Centra was happy to remind me.
Seriously I can't even remember how cash looks like any more. It's all digital to me.
this graph is wrong
t. on the left
would rather top myself iah
is it illegal to sell prescription only medicine?
>not studying the science of economics
lads, im doing some reading and i cant understand

gordon brown, was he pro european and euro, or an eurosceptic lad?
>"We don't like pseudo-scientific fringe thinkers"
ah yes
>Kwame Appiah
could a name BE more ghanaian?
he was a sceptic europhile m8
Voted out of the EU so the toffs get it worse desu.



reminder to those who haven't already voted to vote

best /brit/ gimmick of 2016
The Jews have won
Some notable 'micks missing here
have not read a single post in this thread
why do people blame the jews for this?
could do with a "mbu" or two
started half of these
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sexual inferiority complex
fuck it all
I'm sitting on a goldmine and nowhere to offload it without becoming an outlaw
Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive ”
—Barbara Lerner Spectre, IBA-News, 2010.[3]
so he was like fuck the euro but ill fucks with the eu?
what have you got lad?
>muh multiculturalism

countries have never had one single homogeneous culture
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>there are 100s of 1000s of young poo in loo women on this island
>not dating one

Pic related
Explain yourselves cucks
my semen smells strongly of mushrooms

proper choon
(fuck scots tho)
he was both, and neither

(to stop trolling you I consider him pro eu)
>Thailand floods: Severe flooding due to heavy rains kills 14 people, officials say
Hopefully the nonce got his number punched
I want my kids to have blue eyes
>100s of 1000s
jesus that typing
this patrician right here knows what's good
fuck off racists
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>no virgin walk/stare
delete it and try again lad
I'd go out with a white, paki or asian.
I want my kids to be the same race as me

I knew you were not honest with me. I rather was expecting a fellow to jump in not understanding your sarcasm, saying "Hurr durr the fuck ur talking about, gordon is derp herp"

Thank you for your honesty.
its not my test and its been out for a few days, wanker
besides, virgin walk/stare has only been around for a few weeks, not notable enough, try again next year
>paki or asian
There is no difference hun
Indians, Pakis and Arabs are Caucasian.
>woman with moustaches
late entries have always been accepted you newrunt
UK: Conditional monarchy, representative democracy
EU: Multinational bloc, technocratic political-econonic union
USA: Federalised Republic

are there any direct democracies in the West at all?
>not notable enough
Um yes there is sweetie? xx
switzerland you bellend
they're all shite
made the mistake of going near an open window. the lighting crack almost made me deaf
t. Abdul Mohammed Mohammed
me in response to normies
*constitutional not conditional haha

direct democracy is a meme
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Poo in loo women are best, anon

I've gotten sweet with my local paki shopkeepers daughter
they only have a few referendums each year, it's not fully direct
The AI's will soon rise and we will live under the Machine God.
The EU is the biggest democracy on Earth
>Up until 1933, Papua New Guinea used seashells as their national currency

fucking pathetic cant get a white girl mate
lads, is it busier outside during the weekday or on weekends?
Pro European anti the euro currency
ah yes a white girl easily the most boring option
not white
Anti Islamics? Can't wait.
>he likes brown women
>he must be beta

No, that's normally white men who go for east asian ''waifus''.

People like me just like dark hairy pussy. But still a Cucasian.

Is she muslim?
Papua New Guinea didn't exist in 1933 la, we still controlled Papua and New Guinea as separate states
Lads I'm going to be a stand up comedian so please rate my material.

There are two things I really hate. 1. Women will buy anything, absolutely anything, if it is at a discounted price. My girlfriend bought me a fucking VCR the other day. Maybe 25 years ago I'd appreciate it darling. 2. How menus put adjectives next to the food they serve. I don't give a shit if the mashed potatoes are 'creamy' that's your fucking perspective.
depends on the day

Thursday evenings are busy
awful, but you knew that
Doing engineering and fucking hate most of it, full of absolutely dull modules rushing through theory then using plug and chug equations in exams and shit group projects

The only thing I enjoy is the maths modules, wish I'd just done maths as I originally planned. Only ended up doing engineering because my teachers and parents advised me against maths and 'nudged' me towards it

Too late to swap as I'm in 3rd year
>dark hairy pussy
just fuck a horse already

you know somalis are caucasians right?


t. can only get ugly slags and boring plain jane white girls

not my fault you have to date asians to get a decent looking chick
Really don't appreciate negative comments.
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>Being used as a form of currency was when King Henry I initiated the tally stick system in or around 1100 in medieval England. He would accept the tally stick only for taxes, and it was a tool of the Exchequer for the collection of taxes by local sheriffs (tax farmers "farming the shire") for seven centuries. The split tally of the Exchequer was in continuous use until 1826. In 1834, the tallies themselves were ordered to be burned in a stove in the Houses of Parliament, but the fire went out of control setting the building afire. This event was described by Charles Dickens in an 1855 article on administrative reform.

After that the BoE was made, jews took over, and well..here we are..
I thought they were controlled by some west african kingdom
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the path.jpg
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The Machine God will show humans how to live, show us how to expand into the great unknown.

This is the deepest thing I've witnessed in the last 23 minutes
me on the left btw aha
*beats you with a tally stick*
what did you witness 23 minutes ago
business idea: White Americans give the land back to the Natives and return to Europe where they belong
Black Americans return to Africa

yeah but they're too dark. as for mullattos, I don't like their facial features
reminder the "omnissiah" is literally a c'tan

c'tan are shitty """gods"""
same feeling, except i'm a 4th year

although now that i'm at the end i'm kind of glad i picked engineering over maths
business idea: kill all coloureds
one drop rule
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eating doritos(cheeseburger flavoured) with a fork
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really activates the almonds

nah only white people were evil enough to practice colonialism
fuck off nerd
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>In 1834, the tallies themselves were ordered to be burned in a stove in the Houses of Parliament, but the fire went out of control setting the building afire.
How you lads managed to build and maintain an empire for as long as you did is a fucking mystery
business idea: get your boss involved when making monthly purchases so they come straight out of your salary and you pay less income tax
mostly luck and choosing our battles well
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>as for mullattos, I don't like their facial features

Ah yes im sure your half paki children will look better than this mulatto fellow

my golly
that guy's not attractive

look at that fucking hairline
that shitty tattoo
that nose
the lips
and to top it all of he has blue eyes with some black features
it just looks weird
kek wtf I made this image

someone put it on reddit too
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leave it out mate

>Two British men from Birmingham raised money for international terrorism which may have included partly funding the devastating attacks on Paris and Brussels.

Guess their names
Remember that these are two BRITISH men from Birmingham
You're aware that man doesn't even have all of his teeth, right?
Callum and matty
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imagine being as good looking as that guy
bad movie
Spot on
the utter state of this post

are you unwittingly parodying those 2/10 would not bang neckbeards?
Muhammad and Mohammed
it's a lisicki tribute act
you're aware that he became famous for being the world's "most beautiful prisoner" and that every girl on instagram masturbates to him, right?
theres a reason canuck rhymes with cuck
roaring, well played lad
is there anything more condescending than speak like, "You X, right?"
>2/10 would not bang neckbeards?

Another original misc meme that got filtered through Reddit (like reviewbrah and Manlet) and ended up on here with mongs like you not realising it's a joke
is this what women find attractive?

What does Allah look like?
Is that supposed to be an accomplishment? Even John Wayne Gacey Jr had women after his dick. And he was a fat, ugly, fucking pederast that dressed like a clown.

>every girl on instagram masturbates to him
I've never understood these cuckfag fantasies. Like, you're not even involved by proxy in this one.
the 'tism has really been flaring up in social situations with mates recently

hasn't been this bad since I was 16

end yourself lmao
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ah yes Sony patents
My mate told me he was texting a girl and she asked him something or other and he asked me what he should say to her as if I've ever texted a girl in my life.
the graph makes absolutely no sense
bit of a scary thing to patent 2bh
t. manlet
>trying to pass off Microsoft patents as Sony patents in a blatant trolling attempt
>on fucking /brit/ of all places
ah yes, the natural conclusion to capitalism
the point is that he is extremely beautiful to most girls you autist, john wayne gacey was famous for killing, not for being beautiful

i'm not even gonna reply to the "cuckfag fantasies" because i don't know what the fuck you're talking about
That's what i thought
>Don't try and you'll be content
>Try a little bit and you won't be happy
>Give it your all and you'll achieve your dreams
Nose is runny a fuck ana cannae stop sneezing lads
>the point is that he is extremely beautiful
do a saline nasal irrigation
What are you lads asking Santa for Christmas lads?
might work and live abroad in Russia or China for a couple of years

reckon I'd do ok
Sonos Play 1
trying to decide between a 3ds, ps4 or some wireless headphones
just saw lightning and heard the thunder a few seconds later

if it was several thousand years ago i could be the first to discover that light travels faster than sound and get a nobel prize for it
Bit worried it might kill me desu.
literally taking a shit as i post this, it's really hard
Please advise me lads, I really don't know what to do.

I work in warehouses doing typical lifting/packing etc. Recently I've had really bad back pain and this morning it's very sharp. It hurts to walk and I don't think I could perform at work today at all.

I need this income to live on though, so I have to work. I really don't know what to do
Brandy, trousers and some comfy slippers
the initial feeling is like your sinus has been raped but its all gravy after that
Try beeing yourself
*steals your walking stick*
I don't think there was a nobel prize back then
Go to a fucking doctor.
I'm not a grandad lad
speak to your local workers union and sue your boss
don't you?
>guy mysteriously goes missing on way to work
>his asian gf is up the duff

hmmm wonder what has happened here
don't think a doctor riding him up the bum would do much good
PS4 and join the /brit/ ps4 group

I can't afford to atm but I could this weekend after I get paid?


I'm a temp. I signed off on all of my rights and state of health so that I could get employment
There's a /brit/ ps4 group? do you lot play anything together or just post memes to eachother?
not really if you think about it, the whole point of capitalism is to fuck everyone else and get yours
this, also remember to lift
I don't
what games does that group play?
It was made last night (my time)
It's just 2 lads atm
No one's said anything haha
This is why we need more people with degrees in manual handling.
>tfw just realised a girl I knew like 2 years ago was dtf
>tfw I add it to the mental list of 4 others girls who I later realised were also dtf
>tfw kissless virgin

ah yes
No it isn't. The point of capitalism is to maximize profits and potential profits. You don't do that by fucking too many people over. Building a loyal cutomer base and a loyal workforce is the best way in capitalism.
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For the lads
>girls want to fuck you
>UTC+10 Brisbane
redpilled lad
only happened to me twice lmao
*Dramatically sneaks over to the heater*
*Switches it on with a grin*
Don't be telling mummy now alright? She would *fake strangles* haha
Aussie lad made it
Not sure I'll partake in this.
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pluh 10.jpg
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thats my timezone haha
oh yeah? then why do all the biggest corporations routinely fuck over their competition and the consumer?
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I'm Not Even Sorry.jpg
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>Psych on the 8th but I don’t feel like talking about my gender stuff since it feels ridiculous now that I even thought it was a possibility for me, I’m not going to talk about suicide since she’ll just try talking me out of it and that’s not what I want
Competition is different, and they don't fuck over the consumer
>There is now a /brit/ twitter group, snapchat group, and ps4 group

Are we turning into normies? I'm only in the snapchat one and the only person who sends anything are the lads from Brighton and Luton
how does poleabitch keep getting jobs with his deviant history and i can't get anything
cant make my mind up
He gets killmyself tier jobs that have plenty of pakis who can barely speak English. They probably saw his poo skin and thought 'brill, the others won't kick up a storm'.
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>they don't fuck over the consumer
ah yes, i'll just use my apple iphone (which is deliberately sabotaged to stop working properly after a year or two) to log into facebook (which sells my information to the government) and let all my friends know
there's no black in the red white and blue brexit
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most shit jobs don't care about your criminal record

plus he doesn't have any unspent convictions I think so he's fine
My plan runs out in april, what phone should I get?
what's your budget?
Saw this on the 'dit and she's not even remotely attractive 2bh
I have a friebd who has been using an I4 for years with no problems, although this hardly fits basic capitalism anyway since you sign a contract saying you don't own your phone.
Same with facebook, you agreed to terms and services, so they didn't "fuck you over." Also, facebook is free, so again, not really part of basic capitalism.
can't tell if poleaboo is real or just a collaborative /r9k/ creative writing thing
Who's the biggest virgin in /brit/ right now? post your power levels

>never kissed, handheld, or had sex with a woman
>never had a girls number or messaged her
>haven't spoke to a girl in years
he's real but certain things may be exaggerated for entertainment purposes
lechophilia is a disease
whatever suits your tastes then
me to a t.
I hate all foreigners regardless of the colour of their skin. That includes poms. Fuck off poms.
gold and diamond encrusted iphone 7
stuck on the train lads. another points failure. this is the 3rd time this fortnight

why the fuck do points fail so often?
The fuck is points
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>Was giving advice to a friend's younger sister for a class assignment, she then sends me a latenight text. I pretended I fell asleep and didnt respond back.

fucking nu-males
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>never kissed properly, handheld or had sex
>just finished uni so bonus points for still failing to do the above
>have female friends who've asked if I'm gay
would like to sniff a fanny
ancient infrastructure, lazy british work ethic and unions
junctions and stuff, where one line merges or splits onto another
i dont even know myself desu
rotten fish
Can't even get a job at tesco lads

What has my life become
Early Christmas present idea: hire a lovely woman from adultwork to kick me in the knackers
>No thanks!
where's the progress?
naught but bad gimmicks in the old /brit/ lately
What's the name of the ps4 group?
go to specsavers mate
Gotta think in yank terms la, that's a massive step for their kind
ah yes
is this a new kind of plane? windows are supposed to be round
come cheer up my lads
tis to glory to steer
wtf i hate planes now
it's a bus
it's a train u spa
gf says she'd fuck everyone in this thread
same for the first 2
third one was me until this year
fourth one is too nxtlvl for me
Shaved chest: yes or no?
Doing a Brexit
no you aint
yeah we live in brisbane

hope you don't mind me doing a wank in the corner while you shag
never thought about it as i have barely any
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doing a think
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albino snake.webm
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why doesnt Santa visit muslim countries?
>shagged ten bir- oh never mind
must be you then
asinine topic
Brexit means Brexit

aha what a stupid name for a capital city

brisbane? more like brisGAYne


brisBANE hahahahaha

is bane's first name bris ahaha
>Last year, Google consumed as much energy as the city of San Francisco.

ah yes google
will you be looking at me or her?
Walks towards you
once when i was in year 4 we all had to do a report on a random country and i picked burundi

didn't realise it was a nigger shithole at the time
How does a search engine use google mate
Use your fucking head, it's the scientests trying to push climate warming
>never even touched a girl
>couldn't fuck a girl ever

Hmm, i'd wager I'll die the biggest virgin haha
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doing a bike
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wonder if there's any conjoined twin porn out there
Well looks like we're setting ourselves up to copy the Yanks again.

Who is Australia's knock off of Donald Trump? Gina Rinehart? Rupert Murdoch?
that's not how it's pronounced

it's more like bris-ben
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christmas in iraq 2.jpg
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but he does
please have a penis and be in manchester
>muh taxes

haha you're selfish
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>Havel Pavel if you're as big as a 14 year old(my age btw) you'll be 5'10 and around 85 kg and not fat (like me) and I'm personally quite strong but I doubt I can do much with 1 punch to the mountain so wtf would an 11 year old do, you'd probably give him back health with your punch kiddo, stop lying and start talking shit when your balls drop
clive palmer
Delete this NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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prefer this version
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Is she /ourgirl/?
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what area in brum is he from?
thinking it must be west seeing as he works in wolves, probably some shithole like northfield
sometimes wonder why mark e smith is even alive
So I know a couple two guys on pick on me and are rude towards me.

They also try to bring any 'point' up which is related towards me and try to embarrass me.

I was told they are actually threatened by me, since I'm quite good at what I do(develop websites, apps) and I'm in control of my life.

So what does it mean they are threatened by me?
not sure, but he mentioned he lives near "the archery range" in one of his reddit posts
Eddie McGuire or James Packer
Just taken every bit of medicine I have in the house. Hopefully this ends it.

You guys were the only people I really spoke to, so just wanted to say goodbye.
Not a word you fucking nerd
PLEASE post reddit username
julius evola desu lads
Haha Cya
they are extremely jealous
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Are any of them right wing populist businessmen and reality tv stars that makes all their products in China and have a penchant for making controversial statements?
it won't
>being this much of a mong
at least buy a few packs of codeine and go ou in a buzz instead of agonisingly dying form liver failure
>tfw they have to clean them constantly during meals otherwise they try and eat each other
*dials 999*

it'll be alright mate
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mastergaijin lol, he deactivated it
how do you join the snapchat group
Literally Palmer's whole schtick
He was even an MP for a couple years
shes moderately qt at 172
Snapchat wanker loves his /brit/ dick pics
>Taking codeine in pill form
"Men are trash" is a very valid statement to make considering the danger and damage men perpetuate in women's lives
C̶̛̖̜̦̼͈̤̥̗̩̲̰̤͓͙͈͔̳̲̺̔̐̃̀͡û̩̯̪͕͚͚̘̬͋̎̀̅ͭ̓̚͞ͅṱ̴͎̹͚͎̥̹͕̗̗͖̓̀̽̎́͛ͣ̊ͨͭ͆̂ͯͫ̿͌̓̕ͅ ̸͓̳̟̦͂͋͋̾̾̃ͭͪ̇̎̎͛͡m͔͖̳̖̦̭̩̖͎̖͔̿ͧͪ̐ͩͬͪ̑ͩ͝ỵ̡̟̭͕̘̪̹͚̮̞̟̫̼̗̪̻̎͂͆̀͝ ̰͈̮̘̺̬̤̮͎̜͚̜̪̩͔̞̣͒̏͐ͧ̋̄̾ͯ͌̌ͪ͒ͦ̂͢͞ͅl̇́͋͆҉̦̞̫͕̘͕̲̟̺͖̞̪̳ͅḭ̡̢̧͕̯̼̞̙͖̟͓̼̦̤̑̇̍̇ͨ̿̽̌͆͋͗̀̚͡f̀̅̾̽ͭ̽̋̇ͮ́͘͘͝͏̲͎͕͓̳̪̼̻̹e̻̬̘̣̳̙̻̫̤̥̖̤͓̣͚̬̮͙͂ͩ̍̓͒̈́ͧ̃̏̏͋͐̕̕͞ ̵̳̪͉̪̳̠͔͖̣̹͙͇̖̞ͩ́̈́ͧ̃̿͜iͫͭ͊ͤͩ͑̔̅̃̊ͤ̃ͦ̃̉̕͏̝̪̰͎̣̬̯̥̱̹̙̟̦͖̘̬ņ̸̸̖̰͇̘̱͗̈ͭ̍̔̚͜͝ț̵̸̹̱͓͐̈ͯ̇ͬ̂ͮ̔̈́ͭ͊ͭ̔̍̽ͣͦ̚͘ͅó̧̨̱̻̮̫̜͚̰̩̣̪͚͓̤͇̾̇̑̑̉̒̑͊̒̌ͭ͡͞ ̷͓̤̞̲̺̝͈͍̟̫͎̺̦͚̺ͬ̔͒̈́ͫͧ͑̀̐̔͐̓͗̓͐̓͘p̴̧̢̰͉̳̺̭̫̰͙̠͙̃̑̇͌̌ͫͬͬ͛͒͜ͅị̤͈̩̜̹̣̤̠̏͌ͮͤͪ̈͘͠ͅͅͅẹ̯̠̳̪͖͕̟ͣ̅̏̌̏ͮ́̀ͅç̗̱̼̗̤̿͊̚͟͡ͅͅeͫͨͯ͛͗́ͭ̆ͬ͢͏̫̻̰͓̦̕s̴̛̻̤̯͚̗̹̙̥̩̮̥̔̒́͒̓̉̈́̄́̚͠ͅͅ ̴ͣͦ̒ͭ̓́͡҉̲̞̗̳̫͓͇̮̙̼
ought to be a ban on rural runts making cringy threads about their encounters with the real world
it's the final solution lad, there's no point doing an extraction

he can take 500mg in one and have a right buzz
>angela merkel has banned burkas in germany

aaaaahhhhh yes very interesting
ah yes memories

What about if there are no women in my life, am I still trash?
>Yes, quite easily.

>I think you're also underestimating how much financial directors get paid, too.

>Lots of them come from accountant/lobbying/law backgrounds, your average solicitor by the time they're in their 40s at the kind of big firms they're from are easy on over 100k.

>Even in terms of communications, which is the bulk of their work, directors of communications working at the level they work at could easily be accustomed to making well over 100k.

>If you think 75k is nearing the upper-limit in the private sector (or even the kind of senior posts in the civil service they might get), you might be missing a good bit.
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wtf I love refugees now, all them blokes will have to take of their burkas now
business idea: make naruto AMVs and upload them to the 'tube
she called for a partial ban of full veils

nothing happened
all lithuanians should be killed
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Started a new job this week and have fallen ill lol
Will probably be fired already
My life just gets worse as it goes
>not just getting a business degree and getting hired as a consultant and getting paid 70k starting
>getting hired as a consultant when you have no experience to draw from

hmm doing a think

You mean for a large firm, I assume? Well sure, but then you're just a goy like every other wageslave la
I hope you had some valium so it doesnt hurt too much

i hope youre okay pal xx
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