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Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 52

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a beige britain edition
A mix raced britain is a better britain
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oi jordan reply to me on facebook a sec need to ask you something haha
mixed black/white kids unironically look awful
why would you subject your own children to that?
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i hate this place
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>no non-white gf
Australians are a blight upon this thread
>benzos are useless and should never be prescribed
sick of this gimmick iah
can't resist that delish bbc
it's a really small dose (0,5 mg per day), i used to take more and i didn't have problems either
its 90% among lower classes
apparently they can't resist dying from HIV either
Maybe it's you
Maybe it's me
Maybe it's just the constant rhythm of the sea
Maybe it's just that I've never been
The kind who can pass a lucky penny by
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>it's winter
>start bulking
>couple weeks in and I've packed on a stone of hibernation weight in preparation for the spring cocooning phase
>go see my mum
>"you've got a wee belly you've never had before"
aye mum cheers
who else is on citalopram here
this is how poland sees britain
Australia is literally just a large-scale Anglo-Saxon outpost
have mastered most 2015+ /brit/ gimmicks and three different posting styles
am almost unstoppable at the moment
I've had benzo scripts for 3 years now and have gone up to 6 months with no use
they're a perfectly adequate medication if you're not a literal retard
when whats the point even
Lol, you're all Irish.
Trump Force One's well nicer and it only cost 100 mil.
/brit/ is shit right now desu
What's the gfs first name?

Sveta here
tim's hallucinating a cat in his latest videos
used to be on escitalopram
tapered off because I didn't want the ZOG controlling my mind anymore
>Boeing shares fall slightly after President-elect Trump says order for new Boeing Air Force One should be canceled
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*crushes 6 benzos and sprinkles them into the rolling machine*
and yet you couldnt be bothered to even leave a link in your post

good for nothing waste of space sack of shite
tfw no
i also take Cymbalta (which can worsen anxiety), so benzos help with that

honestly i wanna get off all medications ASAP, they're not working
good lad
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BIG fan of tinder banter lads
giz some more (excluding that runt from the last thread)
desvenlafaxine here
don't care

Isn't this because 80% of Polish women breed with blacks?
>Trump has some cheap Samsung phone

*drops 20mg of diazepam into my pint glass*
all finns should be killed
the bad thing about cigarettes, apart from cancer and all that stuff, is that they decrease appetitte
hes right though how the fuck does a plane cost 4 billion

governments are famous for overpaying on shit like that, same with javelin missiles costing about 60 grand each, I get they are hi-tech but I highly doubt the assemblyxresourcesxman hours involve cost anywhere near that amount per missile
Spanish girls > British 'girls'

Northerners to be rounded up and forced before a firing line with immediate haste and great prejudice
I posted this to /brit/ from twitter haha
>he isn't subscribed to tim and watches all of his videos

you're a sack of shit too
Haha x
>of course May has a plan

Ah, yes, very good, very good.

>Merkel says she wants to ban the burqa and the "refugee crisis must never be repeated"
The Germans are going to fall for it, aren't they?
trump *literally* uses a Galaxy S3 with a generic case from Amazon
el gallego seniores
dick pipe is hurting :/

Hi Pjotrzki can you like maybe fuck off back to your own stinking shithole?
>apart from cancer
just a meme lad.
Grandfather's been smoking since his teens (to cope with polio) and he's well into his 70s with no cancer
moved from melbourne to brisbane but i shall be moving back to melbourne in a few years as i don't like brisbane
yes they do, 60 grand is fucking nothing in terms of military equipment
Merkel probably thinks the crisis is that they only took in a million of the fuckers.
don't know x
germany is too far gone and tbqh I never much cared for them in the first place

they made their bed
only pakis care about phones
if you don't own a second hand iphone you're not white
why in gods name did you move to Brisbane from Melbourne

also what suburb
The problem is that they're trying to make everyone else lie in it.
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it's just a meme, Pekka
not good enough. hijab or else
because literally all of it is overpriced
family reasons
if you own and iphone you're not white
>germany is too far gone
unironically this
just build a wall around it and forget about it

no wonder you don't like Brisbane
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i have a shitty alcatel
You sound like a bit of a communist lad
/brit/ is strictly for non-reds
most likely, but i reckon it still costs AT LEAST ten grand to make just one javelin missile
that's logan not brisbane
Immigrants pour billions into our economies

There is no winnable economic argument against immigration
'dora bait
>Responding to the report, a Government spokesperson said: “This is not a Government report and we don't recognise the claims made in it.

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capitalism communism fascism.jpg
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if i was a communist then why would i have this picture on my computer :^)
a little bit about me:
radical centrist
420 friendly
secular humanist
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aye but at what cost mate
wank so much I've got scars on my nob and it's currently bleeding

need help
nicest guy i ever met
probably, maybe even higher but I think they are still overpriced.

and they are on the cheaper end of targeted missiles
just had a telephone interview lads

feel like it went rather well, but I likely won't know until next week
a little bit about me:
strict moralist
christian nationalist
catholic (deus vult!)
more to life than money sweetie xx
literally don't care
They give telephone interviews for machine operators?
>strict moralist
Doubt this
first day at work today lads

did no work whatsoever
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Is ethno-nationalism as seductive an idea for non-whites as it is for whites?
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nick land.jpg
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this is a contradiction
t. neoreaction pro
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*pretends to give a fuck about planet earth II*
nope, we don't even think about an idea like that
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no1 cares about you doe
yup, when it's business consultancy machines
it's the default position for them
Give me one good reason to live if you're not attractive nor have connections in the business world.
no because then they wouldn't get freebies
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>a little bit about me:
>strict moralist
>christian nationalist
>catholic (deus vult!)
>skipped almost every single PE class in secondary

if you've got a room and internet guaranteed
yeah, it shows
*pats your belly*
same haha

PE teachers fucking hated me
got called a virgin at my interview lads x
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it's all starting to make sense...
why is he so fucking sweaty/slimy
*slaps your bitch tits*

arghhh bit sweaty mate
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ah yes. you; the kid who always had a tore foot.
I have a perfect BMI
Chile isn't white?
>Immigrants pour billions into our economies
This isn't the 1950s when the majority were Sikhs and Hindus and maybe some Poles escaping Communism who came here and worked their arses off. Now we get a very high percentage of the very worst escaping the shithole their ancestors created because western governments started throwing money at anyone who came. The data on the recent surge of migration and the huge cost places like Germany are having to fork out speaks for itself. I'm not against immigration per se but what we've seen these past few years is not the way to do it.
going now, got life to attend to
PE teachers got angry at me because they knew I was the fastest cunt in the school but I refused to apply myself. Story of my life desu.
failed a semester of PE cause I didn't go to camp
>if you didn't go to PE you are fat

Literally have a perfect BMI

PE was literally just normie retarded cunts playing football

>those guitar riffs
boxers are full of semen rn
52% according to wikipedia
some people just sweat a lot

t. person who sweats a lot
*throws your clothes into the girl's changing room*
What are you ;*
loved PE 2bh

always started for the footy team and played as striker
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>PE was literally just normie retarded cunts playing football
bad for the environment
bad for the native population
growth isn't infinite
this country has to import lots of food, having even more people will mean we have to import even more
My stats
87kg (26% body fat)
youre fat
>played as striker

you realise that's a spot for shit tier players?

the only good player spots are: CAM, CM, CB and LW/RW depending on how stacked the team was
6% body fat

also known as (ideal)
alri big'un
>Burka must be banned in Germany ‘wherever legally possible’ – Merkel
-5% body fat
>girl I know dumps her bf for another guy
>that guy then dumps her and now she's all alone

>knowing your bf%
vain cunt

>lying about your bf%
vain runt
lel fuck off to your "life" captain insecurity
>The term mestizaje - taking as its root mestizo or "mixed" - is the Spanish word for miscegenation, the general process of mixing ancestries.

How much racism is there in Chile?
She had it coming.
>he doesn't appreciate the beauty of lisicki's posts
>waaah I'm a physical mess so no one else is allowed to be in shape

projectors became totally obsolete in the mid 2000's just so you know lmao
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Reading a Vice article called "Part of Canada's so called alt right is endorsing Kellie Leitch"
he's just a boring wanker

isn't even worth bullying him anymore
my bf (boyfriend)% is 0 unfortunately
a lot, especially against peruvians and haitians
>tfw otter mode

feels good.
just saw some flashes of lightning outside
wonder who posted this
Leitch is a meme.

She's never going to get elected unless someone goes very durka durka here in Canada. Though it would be nice if she actually stood a chance.
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>tfw skeleton
>i even have a thigh gap
That's still a profit margin of 500%. The market industry common is about 10%. Government contractors are literally shoveling money into their bank accounts.
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>tfw skinny runt mode with six pack showing through
>tfw it doesn't count and is not attractive at all
good, I'm just one of you now.

I'm glad people are seeing past the name now.
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great skelly minds think alike.-

post gap
He covers himself in bio-oil several times a day
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Believe this to be the same bloke trying to pad his phone and desktop (You)s
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>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse

if everyone on /brit/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on
I know a guy from Santiago who said that the only racial attacks he saw were aimed at individuals with very dark skin. This a trend?
>its not being reported on a single western news site

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item worn on head
Doing a cry
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doing a bike

that's because wikileaks is "fake news"
he looks comical
physical attacks i've never seen, but yeah a lot of hostile attitude around nigs
To: 68309752
Regarding: Your image to showcase how you feel

You realise he's a manlet right?
what a surprise, no one could have seen this coming
eating an ice block
someone call Jacob
>Chileans calling other people niggers
oh my days
doing a nothing
mmm tites

are you being serious?

you just majorly embarassed yourself you fucking tit

not at all insecure about my height and 4chan will never make it so
one thing is an amerindian/mestizo, other thing is a nigger

don't get it twisted
can you tell how many vagina's i've seen irl by my posts?
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>prepare carefully for interview
>turns out it's just with a HR runt just designed to filter mongos out
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any post-punk man in
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>prepare carefully for interview
>turns out it's just with a HR runt just designed to filter virgins out
unlucky mate, maybe the next one won't have that
If black people and white people are equals, how come there aren't any white people still in the stone age?
Seriously considering doing a suicide
How many of the 68,300,000 odd /int/ posts are yours lads?

exactly 0
why are you wearing tights lad, judging by your pathetic quads you never really push yourself on that thing or work up a sweat

the trick is every time you get to a big hill dont switch gear down, leave it as you would on a flat but instead sprint up the hill to the top. works wonders for your explosive power and stamina

I'd like to be a mountainfolk in chile with one of those hats and an alpaca and a poncho

will they shun me for being white?
all me
600 i guesstimate
>don't prepare at all for an interview because it's supposed to be some HR runt filtering mongos out
>turns out to a technical interview in which they want me to demonstrate my knowledge and apply it practically
fucked that one so i did
very hungry
*touches third-rail*
ah yes
why don't you commit some sort of crime if you're going out anyway?
no, whites are welcomed in south america
prolly like

who knows been here a long time. since a few years before flags when it was a dead board running at like /sci/ pace
want to visit chicago & boston
reckon I have the nicest bum in the company I work for
would love to move to chile where 5'8 is considered tall
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Just got told I didn't get the job because I walk like a virgin.

What the fuck does that even mean?
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tinder date tonight
Could do, any ideas?
want to visit the british countryside, london looks gorgeous but i think it's too crowded, isn't it
I've been Chicago, it's nice
proper snows there in late feb and the overhead trains downtown are surprisingly comfy
>go to interview for H&M
>only male there
>have to where a colourful sash and sort clothes out with girls 2 years younger than me
>notice a lady jot something down on a notepad when i refuse to wear the sash
>tell HR this is demeaning
>walk out
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>he has the virgin haircut
you're looking a bit headstrong haha
I think you're getting ahead of yourself
Just got done over the canister with a cricket bat
5 year plan, move to australia for 2-3 years. work and save loadsamoney then when I'm done move to south america and basically spend as long as possible living as a frugal traveller walking and cycling around the continent exploring the nature, perhaps picking up odd jobs when available to help sustain. will also learn spanish ofcourse

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me and the lads just before a night out
you visited in the winter?
tell me a bit more about it lid
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Jewish owned Rebel Media just posted a video accusing the CBC of celebrating white genocide.
I absolutely do not endorse forcing yourself on the stacey of your school year
sounds comfy, our countryside is amazing
funny to think more blokes in this photo have sucked cocks than been in a fight
my girlfriend is a pastry chef
I went east coast to west coast through the midwest via Amtrak, starting on February 14th
where do you wanna know about?
yeah I've heard, Chile and colombia are at the top of my list
What's Rebel Media? What's CBC? fuck off.
Just got back from my first teacher training interview, I feel sick with anxiety now.
she also has a pet eel
Don't you hate it when people bang on about things that aren't actually things as if they were things?
she's such a fucking attention whore, jesus christ

her whole "please pay attention to me I'm le right-wing edgelord just like you, except with tits xDDD" gimmick is truly pathetic
I also hate Canadians.
that girl is probably a complete psycho
kinda like shoeonhead
A so called alt right news service and CBC is our state run media.
I'm at uni, so it doesn't really apply

Not sure I could actually go through with it anyway desu.. even if I wanted to
love pooing in the summer because my bumcrack gets all sweaty making wiping a breeze
Genuinely cannot understand how humans form relationships with eachother, like how do some people know so many others and have so many friends? how do they have the time to cement these relationships? mental
you don't have to be in school to find her
who is it

I wana say lauren southern but I dont actually know what she looks like
by spending time together instead of online shitposting

incredible concept, I know
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cool pepe.jpg
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f.lux, engage!
well for one they never waste all their time on 4chan and reddit
I'm a short lad but I will absolutely not tolerate low ceilings
>you will NEVER be an autistic 14 year old who spends most of his time playing WoW and listening to Weezers blue album ever again
good times, even if they seemed shitty at the time
i wish i could go back
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>spending time together
>lauren southern
So if I just walk up to someone and start talking to them will they be my friend? or do we have to be in the same workplace, school, pub etc.? which is the pre-requisite for becoming friends?
Have trouble understanding this too..
Especially sexual relationships, not sure how that even begins to happen.

Think i might have mild autism desu
recently realised how much work you actually have to put in to be a normie and a functioning member of society

how do normies live with it
im tired
good riddance
not much of a capeshit guy but looking forward to Logan (2017)
gonna assume you just want to know about Chicago

downtown is poor yet comfy, it's where the train station spits you out and I had to get a cheap travelodge there because Amtrak cancelled my train from Washington DC
in the middle of Chicago is Millennium Park, which is where the bean and a bunch of other artsy things are - also an ice rink
there's a fountain where the misses and I had a snowball fight and some weird underground shopping centre where we stumbled upon a muslim prayer room and ran away
the upper parts are more well-to-do, all big hotels and """malls""", we got an apartment there which was pretty sweet
'go 'za is a meme, it's basically a cheese and tomato tart
the aquarium is decent
go up Willis Tower or whatever it's called if you get a chance, you stand in a glass box right at the top - it's cool
I don't know lad, I understand the sexual interest but I don't get how that leads into a relationship.
Like anything in life, your "fitness" builds gradually
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very funny..
britain is hands down the most bleak and depressing place in europe (besides shitty slav countries), but it's also the most productive

why is this?
what am I meant to do with my political economy degree?
are we supposed to know what this is?
been listening to metal box a shit load recently, lad. good album
>or do we have to be in the same workplace, school
this, usually
Only the north is really productive so it's even worse
Hardship breeds success

Honestly wouldn't choose to live anywhere but here even if it is utterly dire most of the time

our noble aristocracy firmly cracks the whip on the dirty proles
I'm being serious..
It's like my brain is missing the part that understands sexual relationships or something
England is actually beautiful, it's an acquired taste.

Grey skies with god rays breaking through the clouds and slight rain over a bright green field is maximum comfy desu
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*surreptitiously googles metal box*
you mean to tell me you've NEVER been in a sexual relationship?

not buyidng it mate do I have stupid written on my forehead?
excellent post
>(1.29 MB, 1279x678)
Shan't be bothering
>Grey skies with god rays breaking through the clouds and slight rain over a bright green field is maximum comfy desu

love the weather/country here
Seriously do not know how to form any sort of relationship.
>mfw humanity
>tfw 6'4 built like a brick shithouse
reminds me of this summer when I went hiking in the peak district, climbing up some 300m high way off the path in the warm sun but with a light drizzle raining down on me

thank god i wasn't born in the UK or NZ

shitholes on opposite ends of the globe
>dont shower for 1 day
>suddenly become a giant ball of grease
>tfw 5'7 and built like a shit brickhouse
I'm perfectly normal in every other way though.. I understand other social relationships/structures perfectly fine and have pleanty of friends. I have no problem interacting in social situations at all

I just have trouble understanding sexual relationships
missed out the word "ravine"
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im alexander
>mixed raced caribbean-eastern european underclass
>native white british middle and upper class

im okay with this
I'm sure tumblr has a name for you
Indian banter is one of the funniest things I've come across on the internet desu.
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>no mummy to hold my hand when I cross the road

not a fan of this being an adult business
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>tfw adult responsibilities
could heem this runt
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>tfw adult entertainment
Kill yourselves you fucking scumbags
I think what makes it so good is that they don't really understand everything they're saying 2bh
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>tfw adult sexual relationships
you saying what you son of basterd bitch
He's RUINED his body
This should be on the same level as obesity and anorexia desu
Disgusting. The worst thing is, I bet he thinks he looks amazing.
Thats the bloke that went on about women preferring small balls because of steroids right?
What's going on with him now? last I heard his bird cucked him
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me on the far right
The fucker could fly with those wings
good fucking morning
tell me about the british, why are they always prepared to take a piss
I wonder how much he'd weigh without all the synthol
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Always have a giggle at Osbourne, Blair is the only one who pulls it off though desu.
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indian banter on the internet is unmatched
want to get a train to some random nowhere yank town and just walk around
who told them this was a good idea?
aren't they Pakis?
bet there's some PR firm giggling itself silly after telling everyone that standing like a spaz exerts power
Salman looks like a fucking slippery snake, I wouldn't trust him
Asif looks like the one who sits on the left on Gogglebox
>Ywn be the photographer who fucks around with these wankers and gets photos of them in ridiculous positions
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tips female fedora.jpg
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>I'm a seasoned feminist
they're "asian"
Mayonnaise isn't a seasoning
that can't be real
...what's the difference?
New blogpost

is there any places to ski in britain or do you lads have to go to the continent
body language memeologists
every move they make is fed to them, they ever seem ""submissive"" or anything like that
theresa needs to sort her fucking posture out

better than mine
they can never*
spin doctors
sort your fucking posture out

no excuse for being hunchback of notredame
Thread posts: 338
Thread images: 52

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