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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 73

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those who wear nothing below the ball line are more Irish than those who don't edition
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People who crush the enemies of Britain are more Irish than those who don't.
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maidin mhaith
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>tfw no average Irish gf
mate of mine stuffed her kebab outside of an underaged disco in Ankara once
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HMS Hood.jpg
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To be fair, as much as I admire the man, he was more of a West Brit than Bob Geldof.

Had pic related as his flagship at one point though.
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Ireland's brave Monty.jpg
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>Weeb in charge of deciding who gets to be Irish
What's the deal with this French guy?
He's from Ireland and moved to France for work. He likes anime.
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Good question.
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I'm confused
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Made the dreadful mistake of going out in this.
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Impressive knotwork.
Oops, thought that was a loyalist mural.
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It was lashing earlier.
Galway looks alright.
It's a nice place.
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It's shite. Fully of hippies and students.

Oy vey remember the gorta mor goys
This is also true.
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>Dylan Moran
Objectively perfect taste.
>smoking gauloises and going out with someone called Consuela
Those who live in the city are less irish than those who live in the country
Objectively correct post.
Those who live in Australia are less Irish than those who live in Ireland.
Does a 25-30 thousand population count as the city?
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In Ireland, yes. Elsewhere, no.
Alright I can't take it anymore.

What series is this boat girl from?
I consider anything in the triple digits to be a city.
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What do.gif
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>Tfw you can't decide on supporting SF or not because you agree with the "Brits out!" part but not the "blacks in!" part

Help me
frenchanons wet dreams
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Graf Zeppelin. She never appeared in the Kantai Collection anime - she's only in the game.

I also occasionally post the similar-looking Bismarck and Prinz Eugen too.
>don't unleash your potential! It's your potential.. hold onto it!
Every Róisín I've known has been a horrible and ugly person.
jaysus you're right

>A child rearranged my crib, leaving only the donkey, ‘because it’s a stable and he’s a donkey’
>I put the crib up last week because I don’t like having to do everything on the days before December 25th, and it was perched on the mantelpiece when a young couple arrived from Dublin for lunch, with their five-year-old daughter. The parents are sophisticated artists. He wears a rainbow-coloured tea cosy on his head, and she is so slim that when she swallows a sliver of apple you can follow it going all the way down to her stomach. Their daughter’s name is Melody and she had not seen a crib before in someone’s house. I think her parents don’t like to expose her to sectarian images of one particular religion, so Melody guessed that the little crib was a replica of Santa’s grotto in her local shopping mall.

>from Dublin
What a shock.
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>her parents don’t like to expose her to sectarian images of one particular religion
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>When a 5 or 6 year old comes to their dad after Christmas one year and asks, "is Santa real, tell me the truth?", the parent will always smile and admit it's a myth. It's a pity they don't do the same when the child questions the existence of the FAR more absurd myth of god.
I`ve never seen a mormon person before
Hey, I'll have you know that Presbyterianism is even better at making you hate yourself than Catholicism!
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Was planning on making this exact post.
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how's that
Have you not had any encounters with Calvinists?
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there were some happy looking Nigerians handing out pamphlets but I'm not sure what sect they belonged to
You should go to the Isle of Lewis, if you're curious, it's the UK's last bastion of Calvinism.
>you should go to the UK
heh, nice try sasanach
Lewis also has one of the highest concentrations of Gàidhlig speakers in the UK...
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>not just saying from the start "Santa gives the presents to Mommy and Daddy"
>not implying that the parents of the twerpy kids who go around denying Santa are buying presents to make up for the fact that their child's a cunt who wouldn't get presents from Santa

Santa Claus as a metaphor for religion says other things than the thing atheists want to focus on.
Catholic Highlanders only please.
No North Brits or West Scandis.

>[West Brit Jr] guessed that the little crib was a replica of Santa’s grotto in her local shopping mall.

They have a proper crib with angels up already in the one closest to me.
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They don't fuck kids atleast,
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And what is Aleppo?
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I prefer Assad's military march for Aleppo.
It is a small Italian Island in the nediterranean where refugees often land
fugg I got stuff mixed up sorry
"Mummy" is west Brit, "mammy" is for try-hard Dubs.
What's wrong with Gàidhlig?
Garry Johnson? What are you doing on 4chan?
If you don't call her mother you have no respect for your parents.
>They don't fuck kids atleast
Statistically Catholicism is bottom of the list for that crap. Islam and Judaism are miles ahead. But hey, we can't criticise the other two, lets make one the whipping boy because it's easy and aids the collapse of western civilisation.
Fuck off to Sweden and build a mosque.
The backwards fada is what bothers me. And I'm not too fond of the spelling.
west brit term
mommy is for yanks, mammy is for gaels
actually mother is just an english aristocracy term
no one else says it
>w-we're not as bad as the muds
>american mutt discussing Irish terms
just say nai
Open your eyes.
and seeeeeeeee
anyway the wind blows
doesnt really matter
the problem was never that Catholicism had more pedophiles, it was that the church covered it up in many places and often at a high level
about 1% or under of priests are pedos I think, around the same as the average in the West for the entire populace
having an organized Church tends to lead to abuses like these, one priest fiddles a choir boy and his fellow priests cover it up as a favor/so as to avoid being embarrassed
you probably have the same with some Protestant churches individually but most of the time it's every pastor for himself
Who was your favourite? Mine was Dustin.
I wasn't raised a Catholic.
Just sayin.
>his school didn't get visited by Dustin
About 6% of priests have nonced at some point
but can you really blame them sure
No but I got a book signed by Don Conroy.
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attended a Church of Ireland service again lads

Bad lad.
How was the bread?
brown, they're trying to save money
prefer it with the crust tbH
Prod is more talented.
Prods are clods.
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What do you think of my country?
Why is Ireland still so religious, when so many countries in Europe are becoming increasingly irreligious?
I don't think many young people are religious

people from upwards of 30-40 would be though
Still white.
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I absolutely LOATHE the prods lads also I spotted some lads sticking even more IRA stickers about and even taking down some shit ones. Good lads.
I write republican propaganda on bathroom stalls.
Their culture revolves around being Catholic. They also care about their culture
But non-white people tend to be more religious.
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You would know eh?
Self-excluded from paddy powers for life lads, feel sick
What happened?
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Considering writing my history essay on le obligatory feminist question just to make it easier.
>They also care about their culture
>More Polish speakers than Irish speakers in Ireland
I opened an account in October to bet against Mcgregor, since then I've gambled approximately 450 of my money and 700ish of my winnings compulsively.

I spent 5 hours last night playing poker, lost 50 quid and went ballistic, haven't slept or anything since.

I cashed out my final 300 this morning and closed my account for life, I had 100 euro on Bertie standing again and I think I've forfeited that stake, maybe they'll refund it, I don't care...

Frightening at how quick I fell into it, fell like a weak little bitch today
Not really, Scotland and Ireland have very similar demographics, Scotland being 96% white, Ireland being 96.4% white (according to the last censuses carried out in both countries).

I never go to England.
The other "generic questions" are trickier since you have to talk about things in a more concrete way, things that are generally the subject of some debate.

Pretty scary lad.

Stay away from gambling.
Ireland, by the way, including both Northern Ireland and the Republic.
It's changing now, it remained religious because it was a backwards pigsty like Poland until not too long ago.
>it's changing now
Why because of one hick up which was gay marriage? We aren't letting in hordes of Muzzies either also
>union jack
What would you know.
They are English speaking catholics nothing wrong with that
>I never go to England.
Visit Birmingham airport sometime. Ignore the at least 4 Air Pakistan jets when you look out the window and just go for a piss. Look around and remind yourself, this is Britain.
Isn't northern Ireland 99% white
I believe it's close.
>one hick up

Ha, no. D4 has been as degenerate as anywhere in England and pushing that degeneracy through RTE and the papers since at least the 1980s.
Then there was the divorce referendum, and the obscene and crass culture of "the Celtic Tiger".
think I might go into the town today
which one
not this again
zurück zu lichtenstein mit dir
98% as of 2011, so probably about 96% now.
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>tfw no average irish gf
Eyes wide shut.
disgusting prod whoor
Loyalists will force foreigners out of their estates. Traditionally nationalist areas are too expensive now.
More remote towns and villages are getting a chunk of Britain's quota of migrants.
It's a concern.
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>400,000 priests
>24000 preists are pedos
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Off to do some important stuff lads.
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How is the weather in Ireland like? Does it snow a lot?
cold and wet
Rain until February then snow because weather likes to mess us around like that..
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Cold and mild, but not enough for snow to fall
we had our first "snow" today
Just thanked the bus driver
going up to the hellfire club lads.
>hellfire club
>Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts,
are you going to rape someone?
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Is Irish dying our making a comeback?

If you're Irish, how much do you and your family use it in daily life?

How important is teaching Irish to your (current or future) children to you?
never got that

the auld fella told me ages ago it was some lads who played cards with the devil and tried to cheat him or some shite

but it's just a shite hiking track
I post in it every morning and evening along with a picture of a fear gorm
use a few borrowed words and phrases every now and then as well
We had ours on sunday
Is Irish taught as a first or a second language in most cases?
Antrim looking great as per usual.
t. me
starting to melt though>>68310889
depends. in regular schools, as a second languahe. in the gaeltacht and in gaelscoileanna, it's the language of instruction.
You the Irishman in chicago?
He says he moved here with his mom when he was in school
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One of the first weeaboos was half-Irish and grew up in Ireland. Being a weeb is part of Irish culture.
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hate these sorts of comments
pronounced gee
Might be because you've never been to Antrim.
As West Britons they don't like anything Gaelic
Well until last year I also had never seen a jew before so I guess we are pretty homogenous religionwise
I like to read signposts in Irish and say throw a few phrases in during the day because I'm a pretentious cunt

>on the bus
>nigger bus driver
>have to say "thanks" when I'm getting off the bus since I'm not sure
>"Go raibh maith agat"
Every little victory counts.

I don't think I've ever seen a Jew in person, the occasional mudskin since I used to go through Crumlin somewhat often.
who here looking forward to the /midseasonfinale/ of the Flash tonight?

>since I'm not sure
No idea what happened, my brain shit the bed. I meant to say since I'm not rude.
I was passing through Antwerp , place is full of them , and the Jew memes are true , they all have at least 5 children so the state gives them funds
never seen a jew before i came here
Surely you've seen other Swiss people before.
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Is he an Anglo-S*xon? If so, S*xon guilt is exactly what we need to (rightly) encourage.
meme country
also still never seen a mormon afaik
within the U.S. ive only been in an area about the size of county cork though and mormons all live in utah so....
we mountain jews betrayed our jewish brethren in ww2. they never forgave us
good post
nobody actually feels guilty, if anything they'd be proud I reckon

only people who feel guilt are probably just virtue signalling fags who'd do nothing for us, their sympathies have exactly no value
I'm under the impression that only non whites and total cucks call themselves British
youd be correct if you said exclusively british
>tfw girl you're stalking doesn't keep to her schedule
Hope you're joking lad haha.
Hope you're truthing lad haha.
Hope you're making a guess without any information either way lad haha.
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how autistic were you lads in school?
how autistic are you in college?
Not exactly stalking but I did go into town the same time she should have been heading to college hoping to walk past her.
>how autistic were you lads in school?

>how autistic are you in college?
Hope you're joking lad haha.
>in school
Pretty 'tistic
>in college
Significantly less, but I do still post here so read into that what you will.

Are you implying it's an intelligent robot?
Not any more than the other kids, I had some self-awareness. The problem was my friend was a total sperg that didn't and made me look worse by comparison. Fuck you Tadgh.

Was really quiet for the first few years and didn't talk to anyone or had any real friends. Opened up considerably in third year but still was a bit of a lonely bastard.

Was bad at first because I forgot to make friends so I had to go full normie mode in second year.
Robots are only as intelligent as the animes they watch.
Anime has no place in Western society.
Ireland is an eastern society. Bushido for Ireland.
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>Australian Hostage Rescue Operations

Just noticed my toe had been bleeding earlier.

Must be....that.....toeM OF THE MONTH HaaaHAAA
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scrawny, weak and insecure manlet ass fag
The mother just told me her favourite leader of 16 is Padraig Pearse and she likes his writings. Should I be concerned.
mumsies birthday tomorrow

shan't be getting her anything as im not speaking to her
She probably played with your peepee when you were a wean.
Look at that cunt squaring up to him.
She made him live in a tent.
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No, if it was Connolly you should HEEM her.

I'm not either.
Don't feel bad, I've not spoken to your mother in years either.
He wasn't real
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Guillaume propaganda.jpg
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reminder that mentioning your mother in this general will inevitably result in people implying sexual intercourse with her
Yes I am stop making fun.
No you're not.
Am I real?
>he was more of a West Brit
Literally nothing wrong with this.
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Was it autism?
>National University of Ireland's motto is "Truth; Manhood's Truth"

Wow, umm.... sexist much?
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Mottos and superficialities are meaningless when the reality is not in alignment with them.
Are you suggesting that NUI is not manly at all and is filled with emotional women? Because I'd have to agree with that.
Anyone else estalk relatively obscure /v/core youtubers and live vicariously through their friend group?

I feel like I'm flimsii and mechagamezilla's best friend whenever I browse their twitter
I only cyberstalk people I know IRL.
I stalk people irl but I don't even mean to, like if I am on the bus and I recognise someone that I've seen on the bus before, I'll take a mental note of where they get on and off.
Stalking the lot of ye desu, including you, Jim.
really makes u think
That's how it starts. I saw a girl I knew go into her class one day, so I checked that room's timetable online and found out what course she was doing. Then I would plan walking past specific hallways and whatnot whenever she had a class around there and "casually" run into her. Or I'd start walking away from there as soon as she got off for the day and she'd run up to me and we'd start talking. Then we'd leave college together and I'd then know where she lives and what route she takes.
Sent the mother to the shops to retrieve a kinder bueno and some white bread.

She better return with the goods or there WILL be heads bounced off the ground.
>That's how it starts.

The fever, the rage...
Fucking rapist methods there
The real question is - did you make any fucc?
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>Wow, umm.... sexist much?
Good thing there's no feminists around here to pick up on it. It's only a matter of time until some art student with too much time on their hands realises it though.
Nope, got rejected.
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>tfw you realize that her walking home alone late at night is code that she loves you and wants you right then and there
Introduced my girlfriend to /éire/. She'll be joining us from time to time.
Tempted to start false-flagging this issue to raise a stink. We might get some amusing news articles out of it.

Post nudes. Of either of you I don't care.
I'm going to impersonate you and cyber your gf when you aren't around

You let a rejection stand in the way? What sort of a rapist are you?

>We might get some amusing news articles out of it.
Tell Louise O'Neill or whatever the fuck her name is about it
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Sorry - women are unable to post on /int/. Even Pro-Choice femanon has to have her nu-male boyfriend post for her.

>Tempted to start false-flagging this issue to raise a stink
Please don't. You'll just enable them to get the attention that they so desire.
Bounced the bf's head off the ground again lads.
Fucking faggot
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>tfw no /éire/ gf
I assume you're anon's gf?

Hi! A few things to start off:

1. Yes I replied to you because you're a female poster, tis' a wonderful thing to see!
2. I'm George
3. Don't be intimidated. If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)
Nah, just trying to impersonate the guy who lies on the floor's gf.
how similar are we to the UK lads?

all memes aside I'd say pretty damn close
>3. Don't be intimidated. If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)

You'll be in the oven m8.
Ha ha ha! Good one my fenian friend!
Near identical.
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I NEED a Galway gf.
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Kind of wish I could live a simple life as a farmer desu.
it's hard enough being a farmer 2bh, miserable walking around in wet cold fields having calfs die, shit load of paperwork for any scheme you're in, dealing with parochial bollocks
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this is /éire/ not r/ireland please stop
Is she cute.

Post pictures of her that I can masturbate too :3
Berserk is fucking amazing, I can't believe I didn't start it sooner.
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Berserking is fucking amazing, I can't believe I didn't start it earlier.
was internet sexing the ol gf and touched my willy off the ol monitor lads
Those who bounce their mickey's off the computer monitors are more Irish than those who do not.

She's fairly squinting, it must be a small ole mickey.
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Currently lurking a /pol/ thread where 10% of people are talking about a Norwegian lunatic's ravings and 90% of people are lusting over an overweight Turk-ess.

Great board desu.
Having land is nice but the work is shite.
Bounced the Alderwoman's head off the ground again lads.
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Having land is nice but it's worthless without good road frontage.
talking about varg but he doesn't seem too insane to me

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>Norwegian lunatic
are varg?
he's fairly sound. dont like his racial autism though

I don't like any of his "autism". Or his more serious mental and spiritual failings.
his "we iz 1 european race xDDDD" and intentionally thinly veiled anti-semitism is p. stupid but thats all i really have against him
nothing wrong with anti-semitism in the sense of disliking Judaism to be honest
you'd be more interested in good chode frottage

Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
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Yanks out.
He's a Mudskin lover, strokes himself off because he thinks he's a fucking Viking (despite them doing sweet fuck all in history), and is just a contrarian fucking retard.

There's few things I dislike more than pagans.
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People who passed the driving test on their first attempt are more Irish than those who did not.
People who haven't even tried their driving test yet are more Irish than those who have.
Caught a traveller trying to rob my dog just there lads. I gave him a few slaps. Should I be worried about him coming back?
You sure he was trying to rob it?

When was this? If someone robbed my dog I'd kill them or hold them for the guards to come and catch them.
People who english is bad have more Irish than those who have.
>strokes himself off because he thinks he's a fucking Viking
lmao no
>Should I be worried about him coming back?

what breed anyway?
>used to be getting 60mbs 4g on three
>since imagine moved in and took over the antenna and advertised it to the masses along with a new router that for some reason has shitter signal barely get 20mbs

Fuck the masses watching their Netflix and rte player who've ruined my internet
100% sure. The GF left him in the front garden while she was getting his ball and lead. Gate was closed, fairly high hedges all around and he's well trained for a pup so its all good

I just pulled up in the car and opened the gate to see the little cunt standing near him with a dog chain. I told him to fuck off so he started squaring up to me
A little 10 month old rottweiler
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Beat him to death.

Report this shit to the guards at least. Those who mistreat animals deserve very very severe punishment.
Threw him slaps in what way? Did he fight back? He might just fuck off or you might get a visit from him and his cousin who knows.
people that steal dogs deserve to get hanged on the town square imo
I would if I didn't think his entire tribe would come after me.

Wish my local halting site went full Carrickmines lads
who is this luxemburger that keeps shitposting here
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Maybe book-stealing anon moved on to deadlier game?
He got in my face and started giving it large so I gave him like 3 open handed, full force slaps and dragged him out of the garden by the collar

I'm fairly short so I reckon he thought I'd back down
Just as I predicted.

First he steals books, next he'll be stealing pets. How will he get rid of these animals? Well the most effective solution to this problem is a most gruesome one.
gonna shove my cock down your throat and fuck you raw
hang them not a single reasonable person even thinks about stealing dogs and/or books
Gosh anon, you're such a loser!
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No u.
would gently enter you from behind whilst pinching your nipples >:3
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>mfw the whole halting site will be descending with balaclavas upon this lad's house tonight and will take more than the dog
They will in their fuck mate. My two neighbours are lads I work with and a few more live 2-3 minutes away. I told them all so one call will be enough.

Knacker bastards don't know about my other dog, he's not as friendly as my pups
shut the fuck up you moronic cunt Luxlad is a significantly better poster than you.

Are you sure your gf wasn't just fucking some other dude and was going to take your dog out for a walk when they saw you coming down the road and tried to hide what they were doing?
>implying that a person that would steal a dog actually can afford balaclavas
maybe they could hold books infront of their faces and how would they break into his house i mean if he gets beat up by a 1.20 manlet i doubt he could break in somewhere
Positive kek its our normal routine like I was just held up a few minutes tonight

Not every woman is a whore lad
Balaclavas aren't expensive at all.
out of curiosity are you the lad who used to post on /brit/ two years ago about not feeding his dog and it annoying you
>steal a dog
you have to be very desperate or retarded to steal a dog
nah that was me

was less than two years ago too
rottweiler puppies are worth a pretty penny I think and easily flogged on a travellers favourite thing, donedeal
>Not every woman is a whore lad
Not until you catch them.

Or just a knacker.
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I wonder if there are any Travellers on /éire/
Get the rope.

It can actually get you a good amount of money depending on the money. A pup like mine would go for as high as 6 or 8 hundred
i think i`m getting a bit to worked up here
Hoping XCOM2 gets a "game of the year" bundle so I can feel it's worth buying.

Plus since it's a dog with a stereotype as a "scary" breed, the knackers might want to just steal it for themselves, either because they don't want to raise the dog during its pup years, or because a breeder won't sell one to them/they don't want to pay for them.
600 isn't that high tbf, I used to breed staffordshire terriers and since they were champion show dogs on both sides, the pups were worth about double that.

If it helps, they don't always sell them. Some times they use them as bait for the dogs they're training to fight.
stop teasing me bbz

wanna cum all over your face and see you lick it all up
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No, you're not.

Who wants to help found the Official R.A.A.A.A. ?

Republican Action Against Animal Abductors?
In the grand scheme of things it isn't but getting 600 quid for nearly doing nothing is pretty handy

Which is gas because they're some of the more cuddle-mad dogs out there.
sure but only if the R.A.A.L gets disbanded
We will never disband.
Right lads I'm off to bed, if the knackers come for me I'll go down fighting

Wish me luck
Prepare to get the Sock ™
I will go, I will go.

That is my meme, cease and desist its use or I shall be forced to take SERIOUS pre-emptive retaliatory measures.
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Should I give up white bread, lads? I think it's starting to fuck up my digestive system.
New food table says we should have no white bread.
I'll ram my cock up your shitter so hard you'll think it was me fucking your digestive system.
Meh I usually just eat brown bread with seeds i eat white bread pretty rarely , you dont have to give it up you just have to eat lass and change it up a bit not just the white baguette
i got a nice creamy yoghurt that will soothe your digestive system

its a suppository tho ;)
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