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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1764

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 341
Thread images: 74

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JLPT Edition

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Special /int/ FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to /a/
We'd like to. Bitch to the mods.

Previous thread: >>68175145
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I'm really nervous i hope i can pass the test tomorrow
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i kinda like it here tbqh...
Fuck off, tripfag.
I have just 1 question for you guys.
Is it normal (specifically in the early stages of learning) that when you turn off Anki, you get paranoid thinking you've forgotten absolutely everything that you apparently 'learned'?
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from last thread, I meant this (Person + のこと)
In some sort of way, is it used to refer to characteristics, feelings and personality too?
I also saw it on キノの旅 when he asks about the robot lady (お婆さんのこと)
In the interval between this and the last thread you could have actually gone and searched for it instead of being a retard.
>tfw the flags are pretty much trips on there own.

it's my one day off let me attention whore for a day.
You seem to be understanding it already.

I like you (and everything about you, how you talk, how you act, how you dress, etc., not just the matter that makes up your body).
>>tfw the flags are pretty much trips on there own.
Not the glorious 星条旗

>let me attention whore
you need to stop coming here
>the flags are pretty much trips on there own
>an american saying this
Fuck off, tripfag. You can attention whore as long as you're not blogging or posting things unrelated to japanese.
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We really have to bring back dekinai-chan for this guy.
what is this /b/ shit
What does this have with learning japanese?
>I have just 1 question for you guys.
>Is it normal (specifically in the early stages of learning) that when you turn off Anki, you get paranoid thinking you've forgotten absolutely everything that you apparently 'learned'?

Sounds like you don't have anything to test your japanese knowledge on

Just like playing a JRPG, there is more to it than just fighting bosses.

Do you have a japanese friend to talk to? Or perhaps a game you play that is japanese?

Give yourself a personal challenge for your japanese training

Actually, here's a challenge for you:

I challenge you to prepare by Christmas a merry christmas message for a japanese girl you know, and give it to her on Christmas Eve.
Forgot to comment
"I like the cat video so I'm keeping it"
yeah I have this feeling too, because I never talk irl with anybody in japanese I don't feel like I "know" japanese.
But don't worry once you start using it again you realize you still know stuff.
I once stop for 3 weeks to get some fresh air, and I felt really surprise of how well I could still read stuff once back.
This is /int/ man. Look through their other threads, this is what they do all day. It's basically /soc/ mixed with /b/ but focused vaguely on geography.

Nah he just needs to see those words more. He's just starting out, he's going to forget everything unless he drills it for a few days/weeks.
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>I challenge you to prepare by Christmas a merry christmas message for a japanese girl you know, and give it to her on Christmas Eve.

>just started talking to this girl
>her english is cute

i can't do it
This is the first time someone comes here and posts something completely unrelated to japanese. I know we are on /int/ now, but /a/ posters are still the majority.
Yes it's normal, especially if your production ability is shit because you don't spend much time speaking (or thinking) in Japanese. But it's not a problem unless you find that you're actually unable comprehend input suited to your current level, like texts using words/grammar you should know.
You are very talented at getting (You)s, you're on a roll for your third consecutive thread. 目覚しい能力、チャールズさん。
Is there an app for a phone that makes you write kanji with your finger?
Kanji Study
You need to pay to get access to anything more advanced than N5 though
No I have never thought that
It also gets rid of ambiguity
Do we need this everyday?
I shouldn't have to tell you losers everyday
when you havent seen an advertisement for coca cola in a while do you forget what it is
how long is the jlpt? do i need to wear a diaper or do we get bathroom breaks
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You get a break between the reading portion and listening portion. The length depends on the level you take.
>The N1 is three hours long

jesus christ. good fucking luck anons
Shit hte listening isn't first? I would have liked to be able to walk out 20 minutes early from the reading section
It goes by surprisingly quickly. The essays are quite long and take a while to get through. The listening does tend to drag on, however.
Liquid in your bladder actually improves your concentration and memory by concentrating electrolytes in a blood-vessel-rich region of your body.

I suggest drinking as much as possible before the start of the test, preferably Gatorade. If you are allowed to take a bottle inside, keep sipping between every 5 questions.
Oh my god Japanese l/r's are hard

oh my fuck
The listening is last.
>The essays are quite long

You have to write essays in the JLPT? I thought it was the only the EJU that forced you to do that?
I mean the essays that you have to read are quite long. The grammar questions are only one sentence each, but the reading comprehension section consists of several one- to two-page long essays.
All Ns are 3 hours long.
Can you say "petal" or "pedal"? That's pretty much it.

>3 hours with a full bladder

so i need to wear a diaper
Good luck guys, the test starts at 12:30pm here.
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All this talk of the JLPT... I haven't even thought about taking it. I should make it a goal to take the N1 next December.
>not taking it in July
>implying you can do that in America
If I'm not mistaken it's all 択一問題, you don't have to write anything, just to pick between a) b) etc... for each question. Technically you could get N1 by picking randomly and get lucky.

Personally I'm more anxious about going there and getting the urge to pee than doing the test itself. It doesn't seem too difficult given you studied accordingly and tested yourself to J-CAT and such beforehand.
You can't hold your pee for 1.5 hours at a time? Are you a woman on a road trip?
I started learning japanese 2 weeks ago. I'm using Tae Kim's guide and memrise although i will be switching to Anki once i finish tae kim's guide.

what are my chances of being N1 ready next year? if I study a bit every day? (i can't study 12 hours every day i wish i could but i have a job and starting college soon)
>what are my chances of being N1 ready next year?


That's an honest answer. Unless
>i can't study 12 hours every day

Nope, 0%
Now's not the time to be thinking about N1. Look at what's in front of you, not what's out on the horizon.
I usually have to go every 2 hours, and when I'm nervous I have to go more often. It is annoying.
well i'm sort of on a time limit. i need to have an N1 certificate before i get my bachelor's degree so I can pursue post-graduate study in japan.

I don't have an associate's yet so i'm about 2.5 years away, so that gives me the 2017 and 2018 JLPTs to reach N1

you're right though, for now i'll focus on tae kim and memrise.
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Do you have an eidetic memory, or are you an autistic savant?

If your answer was: "Yes"
If your answer was: "No"
>Maybe in 3 years. Maaaaaaaybe.
Are you usually a pregnant woman? How do you find time to feed your children and study Japanese?
It says almost 2 hours straight on the first one. Commuting there takes time as well, then add the anxiety factor and yes it could become a problem.
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Are you putting a screw in your ass?
Stop bladder shaming me, shitlord
what is an autistic savant? am i ready to disregard videogames, money, and females for an entire year to study japanese? yes
You'd be above par for autistic then, but savant is another matter
Why do you suddenly want to study in Japan?
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what? are you asking why someone would take the JLPT, get N1, and go to japan?

you know japan is the only country that speaks japanese, right?

don't think i understand the purpose of your question.

help me understand
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I think he's asking why you want to study in japan, specifically
It just seems odd that if you were going to work so hard to study in Japan you'd have had interest in Japanese for a long time. Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?
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To get a job?

I am so confused. If you think it's a waste of money, the japanese government actually carries your ass for this part.

The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan

It's easy money and an easy path to the japanese workforce. Plus, since it's post-graduate study, you can drop school whenever you want (i.e. when you actually get a job) and there's no pressure to get a master's degree if you don't need it

It's an easy path to an amazing future.

All I have to do is fucking APPLY MYSELF.
>The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan

I need to see receipts
>The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan
Gonna want some info on that, buddy.
You need to have money and women to be able to disregard them.
>I need to see receipts


Scholarship stipend ¥143,000~148,000 per month


Plus, if you do well enough on the EJU, you qualify for this secondary scholarship that gives you a bonus $500/month


Up to $2,000/month free money just for having good japanese
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>the japanese workforce is an amazing future
>you'd have had interest in Japanese for a long time

I did. What's your point, anon?
>Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?
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time for try #4
>Gonna want some info on that, buddy.

Offered to 4,000 people every fucking year.
How did your grammar go down?
>for Privately-Financed International Students
This doesn't stack with the first scholarship, does it?
>>Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?

The price of living on the east coast. Japanese isn't taught in high schools or college here. This state doesn't give a single fuck about the country of Japan, so i'm stuck in a special kind of hell.
>Japanese isn't taught in high schools or college here.
This isn't an excuse.
Smells a little like できない right now.
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tests are not a concrete way of measuring knowledge and skill, specially multiple option ones.
The questions are randomized, so maybe I just happened to see more that I knew that time

They can't tell you how good you are, but they can tell you if you suck or not.
For example: passing JLPT doesn't mean you're good at japanese. But failing it means you definitely suck.
Pretty sure its like that in most places but nice excuse.
it say something about it stacking up to a certain limit

i'd go for both just so you get some kind of scholarship
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There was no point in learning Japanese until I started my college ambitions.

No matter how you look at it, you need a bachelor's degree to begin even thinking about going to Japan.

I already know I wasted the past 7 years of my useless life, I don't need anonymous posters to remind me.

I just need to make a full committment now.
what are the gaps like between the different N-levels?
You don't need to go to Japan to enjoy the language. Honestly you don't sound very passionate about it. Not saying you don't want to work hard but it just seems like you lack love for it. Good luck though.
oh my god you know that most EU countries will do the same AND treat you better right?

I'll never understand people who actually want to work permanently in Japan. Maybe a part time job at a kiosk would be cool but otherwise fuck that.
The gap between N2 and N1 is often said to be the biggest; the second is between N3 and N2.
What about the cost of the university?
Im a NEET in a third world country who never went to college, my chances of going to Japan or any first world country for that matter are 0%.
You have more than enough time to make something out of your life.
japanese universities are some of the cheapest in the world

like $3,000/semester cheap
Working in japan is shit, at least for japanese companies, but its great for college, they have a few world class instutions and its cheap as fuck even if you cant get a government scholarship(2k/semester, auto-scholarship if you get into a nonshit school). Plus affirmative action.

t. todai grad student
VA resident here

when i was younger, japanese was taught in schools here, but it's all about chinese now.

with that said, lucky for you, incredible resources are now available to you. the internet, rikaisama, VN+ITH, KKLC, nyaa.. there's basically no reason why you can't teach yourself the language to a very high level.
Fucking feminine dicks yo
Do you have any friends who live in Japan?
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>Do you have any friends
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I have a solid career plan

Get associate's degree, transfer to bachelor college in america, get JLPT N1, get bachelor's degree and maybe shoot for the Kentei 1 if I decide i'll need it for the scholarship.

Transfer to japanese university for post-graduate study, which will probably be the japanese partner university of the universe I got the bachelor's degree in.

Study until I decided my bank account has enough 0's in it, get a job, and start living my life.

The only uncertain factor is the student loan i'll accrue from 2 years spent in an american bachelor's college. We're talking a $20,000 student loan on my back.

Unsure what i'm going to do about that yet, but I still have time to figure it all out.
>tfw live in japan and have no friends who live in japan
And if you go further, there's dozens of mobile apps that help you learn nihon fucking go.
Wait, if you're moving to Japan, why would you think about paying back your student loans in america? Don't most people just ditch them?
what do you do?
>I challenge you to prepare by Christmas a merry christmas message for a japanese girl you know, and give it to her on Christmas Eve.
Fucking off yourself, normalfag.
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>six hours of driving tomorrow
>Wait, if you're moving to Japan, why would you think about paying back your student loans in america? Don't most people just ditch them?

I've heard of europeans and canadians doing this, but i'm pretty sure americans can't do this. I'd love to be proven wrong.







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>but it just seems like you lack love for it.
h-how can you tell
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We should hold a J-CAT group test where we all take the J-CAT together at more or less the same time and put all of our scores on a digital board like they have in animu.

Anon with the highest score will be our official DJTお嬢様.

We can go even deeper by making it a country-related thing and see which country did best by average. Like DJT Olympics.
Sounds like it could be fun at best and horrible shitposting fuel at worst.
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>Honestly you don't sound very passionate about it.

You think i'm going to reveal my power level here? You'd just call me an autist.
You word that as if there's a chance it wouldn't be used as horrible shitposting fuel.
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>You think i'm going to reveal my power level here?
>here, on this anonymous image board full of weebs
i got a 400 i guess that makes me 神なり
Are you guys more productive when you wkae up early or when you wake up at 5pm?

I prefer early imo.
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>power level
Won't matter for the DJT Olympics if all other DJT muricans get 100.

I'm at over 7k words in anki and it's still easy to come across 50 new words in a day

when will it stop
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>the moderation is better here than on /a/
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I'm not going to take it again, but here's my score.
when you pull up your trousers and read more
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When you stop reading.
Good luck fagets

>tfw 2 useless N1 certificates
>my body is preparation
If you don't have at least 5 N1s you don't know Japanese
If you actually want to do this, it should be a couple months from now and put in the OP so everyone knows when it's happening

It will cause a lot of shitposting tho
What are you reading?
Let's go deeper, my friend.

JLPT itself doesn't prove you REALLY know the language.
The use of 気 is really tripping me up for some reason. In sentences like this for example:

Do they just use 気 to say "I'm feeling" or something?
You want an honest answer?

I knew I wanted to go to Japan since I was about 18 years old. However, because I was a retard with aspeger's, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my future, didn't realize the importance of going to school, or a degree. I was still a child. I theorize this was because I had a delayed development.

I didn't hit puberty until I was 16, and didn't start caring about girls until I was 18 (after senior prom). So I feel like for some genetic reason I just grew slower than most people. Maybe this means i'll live a longer life than most people too, we'll see.

Anyway, fact of the matter is I went on to community college, but still didn't care. At the time, I was dating a girl so I decided to focus on her instead of college.

Got bad grades because of it, and dropped out of college for a year or two. My father died, then I had to pull the life support on my mother a year later (hardest decision of my fucking life ever), and I realized I was on my own.

On my own, I had to pick up two jobs to save up $5,000 so I could take a vacation to Japan. Two YEARS later, 2016, I saved up $6,000, and realized I can actually use this money to go back to college and give myself one last shot. All or nothing, do or die.

It was in this past month I finally found the motivation to pursue the dreams I left behind seven fucking years ago and make something of my life. So i'm using my money to go back to college and fix my fucking shit. No girls. No videogames. No nothing. Just grades, and japanese study.
anyone have the Yotsubato Anki deck?
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気が狂う probably has its own entry in whatever dictionary you're using.
So will lots of other set phrases with 気 in them.
Eventually, after seeing it constantly, you will gain something resembling an understanding of what 気 means, even without being able to explain it in English.
I think a DJT J-CAT Olympics thing could be fun to do. Last time I took J-CAT was last year, October, and I'd like to pass it again in the next few weeks or months once I'm done with some of the checkpoints I've set for myself.

>It will cause a lot of shitposting tho
Rather obvious but I don't see what's the problem considering the board we're in. It's all fun.
Electrical Engineering, specifically bioMEMS
Nice dude. Did you study your first four years in a Japanese uni as well?
Too bad you are going to fuck up your life for "Japan", when you get there you be fucking culture shocked like how the Japanese have to go home from Paris because reality is a bitch.

You should be working towards getting a good well paying job so that you can have security in living and then have money you can set aside to go on holiday in Japan or learn different languages and cultures.

Japan is not magically and is just as fucked up as every other country and in fact without a relevant degree or highly skilled profession you aren't likely to be able work/live there.

If you want to really go to Japan in any case just fucking work towards a highly skilled profession so that you can get a work visa to work there. Japanese studies is such a waste.
nope, got my bachelors in burgerland, and my nip is actually pretty bad, thankfully science grad programs are in english.
>and in fact without a relevant degree or highly skilled profession you aren't likely to be able work/live there.

Computer science jobs in Japan pay $30,000/year

I'll be fine. If I could live for the past 3 years on $10,000/year and still somehow save up money, i'll be fine on $30,000

Already did my research, britbro. I'll be fine in terms of the degree.
nice word
so you did the post-graduate japanese study thing too? good stuff

did you default your american student loan? it's ok, the irs won't find out here.
>go to /a/
>no DJT for days
>wonder what the fuck is going on
>find it on this shitty board of all placers

So that fag Hiroshima Nagasaki evicted us yet leaves the sadpanda thread and shit? What the dick.
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Japanese hours are unbelievably shit, and its mostly off the record. If you want to work in japan, work for a european/american company with a japanese branch.

Didnt have student loans because i'm an octaroon native american so i got a scholarship for no reason, havent paid taxes since ive been here tho.
Nothing proves anything friend
this world is an illusion


not hiro, a new mod
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Should I have studied for the JLPT instead of reading 4-koma all day?
>So that fag Hiroshima Nagasaki evicted
I thought it was just the mods while Hiro pulled the whole Kodaka Hasegawa thing on it all
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So found these two lines I couldn't decipher in my fapgame.

Is this an idiom or something? Found some usage of it on google but can't figure out what it's meant to mean.

And I'm guessing this is some kind of grammar structure but not really much clue as to meaning either. Anyone know it?
pretty irrelevant in terms of long term japanese ability but obviously if you care about passing jlpt the most efficient thing is to study for jlpt
I'm also a native american, anon.

The only thing is...my native american tribe is canadian. I'd have to go to a canadian college to get the full tuition scholarships. Not a fat chance in hell.

But there's probably some scholarships available for me here once I get my heritage verified.
Both 気が狂う and 狂う have a same meaning basically.
That is 'to go mad'.
気 is a mind.
気が狂う is a set phrase.
XしたくてYする To do Y for the purpose of X

って probably comes from といっても or some shit but the meaning is as above
its not like they check, doubting yous raciss
>If you want to work in japan, work for a european/american company with a japanese branch.

>mfw I already do this
>it's a fucking toy store but they have stores in japan too
>but i'm about to quit it so I can focus on college

i hate life
>its not like they check, doubting yous raciss

My granny has me covered. (Yeah, my grandparents are still alive but my acutal parents are dead. Go figure)

I just need to get my native american ID then i'll be all set. I don't need the scholarships right now but I fucking will when I get my associate's.

I'm not looking to buy anything. Does anyone have it uploaded for free?
You can't actually be this retarded. Just give up.
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That'd just be "can't see even if I want to" though right? Doesn't really make sense in context though since it's clear he's looking at her, that 思う has to be doing something funny right?
It's not that I took it off because I wanted to take it off.

I can't see it just by thinking that I'd like to see it.

I don't understand the context of why he can't see in the second sentence but you can look up たって to try to understand the structure.
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>I'm of a certain race
>here, have free money
I still fail to see how this doesn't fit exactly with the definition of racism.
So I guess I'll just have to learn all these 気 words individually. I kinda figured since I couldn't find anything on them when I googled it.

Because liberals are the good guys and can do no wrong.
Winning life is about seizing the tools and opportunities available to you

Abuse your ancestors and heritages as much as you fucking can

I'm actually white as fuck because I take after my dad's side of the family, but 25% native american so i'll qualify for the scholarships. Lucked the fuck out.

Nvm. I found that I already had it within the Yotsuba raws that I downloaded from the djt source.
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People get it in their head this idea that there's a magical land of "not-assholes" out there.
When you're in elementary school you might think that's high-school. When you're in high-school you might think it's University. When you're in University you might think it's placement/the workforce.

I recall on my second day at Uni I went to one of the lecture theater bathrooms, and saw scrawled on a toilet wall "when im fucking my girlfriend i like to stick my finger up her bum". It wasn't a cautionary tale. And it wasn't a recommendation, like "hey maybe try this and you'll enjoy it". It was just there, apropos of nothing. And that told me the idiots I hoped to escape from in Highschool had persevered to tertiary education.

Japan isn't some Holy Land. No matter where you are, and no matter where you go, people are assholes. Since the dawn of time people have been assholes, and for the indefinite future people will remain assholes. It's assholes all the way down.
No point bankrupting yourself to move internationally and work with a different flavour of asshole. Just nuzzle yourself into a nice little rut at home, visit Japan on holidays, and wile away the rest of your meaningless existence with the rest of us.
と here is a particle that takes what it's attached to and applies it as a sort of mental state behind the verb

so volitional 見よう + と is like "with the intent to see"
you can say 見ようとする
or something like 見ようとばかりに
here it's 見ようと思う
思う is just doing what it always does
Obviously there's no reason to turn it down if it's there.
I got scholarships based off merit rather than race, but it's not like I worked harder than everyone else, I'm just naturally more gifted than they are. It's kind of the same thing.
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>Just nuzzle yourself into a nice little rut at home, visit Japan on holidays, and wile away the rest of your meaningless existence with the rest of us.
Comfy as fuck
>Japan isn't some Holy Land. No matter where you are, and no matter where you go, people are assholes

nothing i don't already know. i'm confused as to what you are trying to tell me
Yeah I know volitional + と思う, but this volitional + と思ったって + potential is either just a typo then since it doesn't make sense in that context or some weird ass specific grammar structure. If only imouto were here to figure this mystery out.
Can't LOOK even if I want to
he's too much of a pussy to handle looking at a naked woman

watch more anime
Imouto doesn't do anything but shitpost

Does it really not make sense in the context? What's the context?
>retarded weebs are now on /int/ instead of /a/

Thanks mods.
Head to akihabara hub for maximum autism




Influx from literally any other board except maybe /pol/ could not possibly bring anything but good to /int/
See >>68214420

>pulls dick out after fucking her half to death
>lies on the futon on her stomach
>uguu don't look at me
>Aww shit shiela that 格好 is too bangin' I'm goin back in
He can't see her like that when he wants to so he is going to look at her now that he has the chance to do so
There's more happiness in the world than financial success, friend.
Well guess that might work, thanks sauna russian-san.
Good luck finding any of it working insane hours for a Japanese company at practically minimum wage
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>Good luck finding any of it working insane hours for a Japanese company at practically minimum wage

Not as hard as you think, anon. There's a reason mobile phones are popular in Japan.

Your friendships might not be as widespread, but they will be far more meaningful if you want them to be.

From my understanding, relationships in japan are quite deep compared to other countries because of their honor code and shit. In most cases, outsiders will never be able to understand or comprehend it, but i already have that kind of relationship with a nip friend online, so I think i'll be able to pull it off irl, too.
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my hobbies are expensive
>relationships in japan are quite deep compared to other countries because of their honor code and shit
Oh no you really are delusional. You know you can find good and bad people everywhere you go, right?
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What is all that stuff?
Why are you posting the same image a Korean posted earlier?

I already said I acknowledge that, you little rascal.

I'm not saying you won't find bad people, i'm saying the good people you find will be better than 10 of the good people you had back home

I'm sick of the individualist american culture. I'm sick of individualism and how people in my country don't give a fuck about other people, only caring about themselves..

Yeah yeah i know "if i hate my society fix it", i wish it was that easy and I wasn't living a finite life and I could devote 500 years to fixing american society.

I can't, so i'm going to go somewhere that is closer to my world views and mindset on how we should treat other people. Even if that labels me an outsider. Even if that makes my life harder.

I don't really expect you to understand, but to me, that's a special thing.
Pol is a board of peace you shitlord, check your blue board privilege
The Korean was posting Japanese, though, wasn't he?
Some kyuujitai stuff full of 尻 for whatever reason
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I'm not going anymore.

130 reais spent in vain.

too depressed
Maybe it was the other Japanese thread but I did see that image posted by a Korean flag earlier
Go you pussy. Taking tests is a skill, you'll get better for next time you try. Less anxiety, more knowledge of what to expect. Just do it, you already spent the money.

You can come here tomorrow and tell us all about it and we can laugh at you in 3 months when you get the results.
I guess 気 is only used for set phrases generally today.
気が狂う 気が触れる 誰かが呼んだ気がする 気が付く 気が利く
Simple 気 is often used as a term of qigong surgery.
You are delusional.
Culture defines groups of people, not individuals.
>the good people you find will be better than 10 of the good people you had back home
Really? What makes you think that? Besides the "honor code thing".
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I have a shitty data entry job and I was wondering, are there are any good resources or exercises I could occupy myself with while working?

For reference I basically just started. I can read (but not write) a few hundred kanji, know some basic grammar, and have the kana downpat.

Currently I just refresh 4chan or listen to podcasts, but it occurs to me I'm wasting a shitload of time doing that. Or would splitting my focus like that undermine any attempts to learn?
the fact japanese people actually value your time for starters.

in america, going on a date or a trip with a friend is just a way to blow some time and nobody really thinks twice about it

in japan, it can be quite a bromancing moment.

it's all the little things that add up to something special.
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そう、だが それは なんだ、 まさか 読めない か
And you would resign yourself to a life full of japanese work hell to experience these "little things"?
That has nothing to do with race or nationality. Culture maybe, but being from America doesn't mean you are a cookie cutter product of American culture, and the same goes for Japan or anywhere else for that matter.
You sound like you're romanticizing something that you don't have a clear perspective on.
>tfw dyslexic
god damn everything sounds so similar
When do you get the JLPT test results?
Mid-January or something?
>That has nothing to do with race or nationality

And you officially lost me. I wasn't talking about race or nationality anywhere in my past maybe seven years, not sure which ass you pulled that from.

Kinda starting to seem like you're grasping at straws here to reinforce a point you're not really sure how to make.

You're right about one thing though -- I don't have a clear perspective on it because I've never fucking lived there before. That's why i'm going to college there...eventually. To figure that shit out. Eventually.

But am I going to twiddle my thumbs and let fear and indecision changle me up any longer? Not anymore. Seven years of this hell is over.
>weeb daily
Into the trash it goes
>my hobbies are expensive

What the fuck kinda hobby you have that demands you waste $10,000/year?
遊びに付き合う just means "to hang out", right? Not any different from 遊びに行く?
maybe not 10,000$ a year but I'm into runway fashion, guitar (my martin is like 8 grand), and traveling (I've lived in many different places and go back pretty often.)
Fuck haven't been to the DJT in a couple of months. What the fuck happened. Why are you guys here now?
OP here

I'm off to bed. Got an N1 to ace tommorow.

If this topic is about to purge someone else will have to make the next thread

Read the OP
You're talking about Japanese people.
It's in your post, right here >>68215141
Japanese is a race and a nationality.

Either way I got my point across, you're romanticizing Japan and Japanese people with no real perspective. It's not smart to build up these delusions before you have any real knowledge because they are bound to capsize when you do, and at that point you'll be driven into a corner.
I did. It didn't answer any questions about how or why.

good luck anon

I was just as if not more autistic than you about escaping America and going to Japan or some other place with culture more in line with my values but since it appears there's no hope for me to improve my life to get to where I want, I've given up on everything. kudos to you if you keep up that fight and make it to where you want to be. nihon banzai

note: Russian flag not a result of VPN or anything, I am posting remotely from a friend's server that is in Russia but I am actually American
and what experience do YOU have?
How can I learn how to write in Japanese?
>Why is it here?
>The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.

two birds with one stoneだな
>your hobby is travelling

the fuck nigga

you'll never save money with that hobby
Write in Japanese
Really quite simple actually when you give it some thought
Is it true that Shikoku is basically an useless island and has never produced anything worthy in terms of history or culture?
Maybe hobby is the wrong word, it's just something I do often
my autism is probably saving my life right now desu

without my autistic dream i'd probably be hanging myself right now.

i won't ask why you're on a russian proxy Edward but i'll keep at it.
Fucking hell this place dropped in quality

Does Imouto even frequent this place anymore?
Play with someone

It may be one person and may be with someone
Go to the destination
I've never been to Japan. The perspective I do have comes from your average weeb shit plus everything that comes with learning the language, so browsing 2ch, etc
I'm not making an ethical argument here, though, I hope you see that. It's about seeing all this business about travelling to, working in, living in, doing whatever in Japan from a rational standpoint.
He just talked to me today.
He's got posts in this very thread.
I think you need to get checked if you think imouto's anything resembling a quality poster, though.

imouto at least only communicates in Japanese

better than the rest of you fags blogshitting in English
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no it fucking isn't
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first, nice dubs

second, i already know it's a big decision. like what the fuck. however, life is about risk. I see the potential to be very happy in life. sure, there is a possibility it will backfire and i am entirely miserable, but i won't know until I try, and i'm making my own life decision to take that chance.

lastly, i'm off to bed. it was a nice conversation though, and thanks for your insight.
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Fuck you I hope you burn in fire, scum
Hey, what qualifications do you have to have to teach English in Japan?

JET is the worst meme possible.

If you absolutely must teach English in Japan only do it for a while.

Teaching english gets your foot in the door
Be a mammal
Speak English
Be there
( ・ิω・ิ)
Really? I am a native English speaker, but I have no formal teachers education.

What makes you say that. I'm not doing it out a distorted view of Japan. There just isn't anything for me in Canada anymore and I'm looking to go overseas.
>Hey, what qualifications do you have to have to teach English in Japan?
You mean a literal pulse? As in I am alive?
Be a native English speaker
Have a bachelor's
Be flexible and 元気
>You mean a literal pulse? As in I am alive?
Yes. It's a meme. Ignore it. Follow your dreams. Unless your dreams are shit.
Well I don't have dreams anymore because they were stolen from me.
>Really? I am a native English speaker, but I have no formal teachers education.

They'll take whatever retard comes their way.
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This is an excellent post. I say that because Yuki Yuna was an excellent anime. It was entertaining. On top of that, you had the patrician taste required to post the best girl. This is harmonic, as Togo is a nationalist Japanese and we are in a Japanese thread in a often nationalist board. Your short reply also adds many excellence points to your post, because it has a comic effect to it. I thank you for this awesome post, and pay you with the mere dime of 10 (You)s and a picture of the second best girl.

>>68215746 >>68215746 >>68215746
>>68215746 >>68215746 >>68215746
>>68215746 >>68215746 >>68215746
>>68215746 (You)
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Well I just wanted to know if I needed to have a degree or go to teacher's college first.
idk how someone who posts this badly has any post rating authority stfu
Yes, you need a bachelor's degree. However the specialty doesn't matter.

But this is the most basic information that can be found on the homepages of any number of companies and organizations dealing in such business.
Alright, I was going off of a webpage put up by the government of Canada.
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My thanks, friend. Have more Tougou.
I feel you fail to appreciate how great Yuuna is though.
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She serves only one purpose.
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Do some flashcards, read some grammar books, do your job.
If you constantly need to switch back to your normal job then doing stuff like Anki probably won't work out.

I'd go for listening training during that period.
That is a set phrase for a carbonated drink.
I disagree with what the others said. Anki is great for running in the background and any 10-20 seconds off just answering 1 or 2 items.

You learn the most by reading/speaking/writing though. So you should do that if you are able to.
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One of the reasons I love Tougou so much is because I sympathise with her and want to be her. Imagine the bliss of being by Yuuna's side all day every day.
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What are some of the best anime for listening to and understanding very basic Japanese vocabulary and grammar?
I don't care what it is. I just need to get the hang of the grammar already.
I tried installing anki to my smartphone before, but the thing was laggy as hell- and it would try to upload the entire deck to my online profile any time I edited a cards. I might try that again though.

That aside, maybe I'll load some listening practice audio/grammar PDFs to my phone and USB drive respectively. Also maybe I'll keep a workbook there for writing practice.

Thanks guys.
English subbed anime still helps a good amount with grammar, so keep that going strong while you still can't comfortably watch easy raws
I remember watching 苺ましまろ raw early on courtesy of our resident avatarfag, that wasn't too hard and I liked the show. Maybe give that a shot, or any other slowgoing iyashikei really, just know that pretty much every show like that, despite having easy grammar, tends to drop uncommon vocabulary out of nowhere occasionally for the sake of the whole "slice of life" thing
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I feel you. I'd rather have it the other way arround though. Yuuna is too much of a genki girl for me and I'd rather be arround someone more quiet like Togo or Itsuki. Not that I dislike her. All girls are best girls. May your wishes come true someday.
hello where is all the shobons
here is a keen shobon
handle with care
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Ryoma sakamoto was born in Shikoku. He is known as the man who made success of the meiji resolution.
I appreciate your taste, Tougou is really elegant and charming and Itsuki is really cute and adorable, liking them is perfectly fine. I just love Yuuna's enthusiasm and fun and passion and heroism.
anime is really cool
>look up 委 on jisho
>遺棄 shows up in results
I'm starting to wince whenever a character uses 俺. Almost all the good characters use 僕. Usually an 俺 is a sign of a character being written for teens and whatnot, whereas 僕 represents an genuine, realistic character.
I don't think a pronoun can make a character genuine or realistic, anon.
A sign my friend, a sign. Kind of like how blue hair is a sign for trouble, but doesn't itself cause any trouble.
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>that peruvian hat
What the fuck, Pedro.
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Suggestion: put a warning on the guide about DJT being on /int/.
Maybe some stray cats can find their way back this way.

gdgd fairies, it's SoL-styled but aimed at much younger children, I suppose. It's pretty infantile, but also cute and somewhat amusing if you are understanding anything.
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例えば 「甘い評価」の反対は「辛い評価」など
For the ones of you who did the N4, how difficult it was? should I do it next year or should I just do the N3?
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