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>his country doesn't have an anime fully dedicated t

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>his country doesn't have an anime fully dedicated to it
Eight years and the ending still pisses me off
Japanese people think Brazilian people are jungle people.
They don't even know there are some white Brazilian
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nothing new
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>99% of the anime being produced is not depicting his country

I might have to look into this.
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who cares about japs
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Brazilian girls are so hot WTF
Does this count? They even spell some spanish words and all.

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So you have that ONE anime? How many Westerns are set in your country?
wow what a cute op
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we had one episode of Free
meh I like mexico :)
Wtf is this, Cowboy Bebop Hue edition?
That looks more like Brazil than Mexico, is this confirmed?
does anyone know what that anime about Spanish exploration of South America is called?
The main character of the anime is white and so is her dad, her family, and some rando lesbian.
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>he doesn't know

You have el Cazador de la Bruja, but that's it.
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Is this supposed to be an anime set in Mexico? Most of these are lolis, and all of them seem white
Series ends in Peru tho, it's not fully set in Mexico

On coolness points tho we get a full twilight zone episode in the original Rod Serling run, so does Cuba

>Hellsing Ultimate
>K on
>Gash Bell
>Hakushaku to Yousei
>Horizon in The Middle of Nowhere
>FMA:B, according to the author, even though the geography looks like Germany
>The familiar of Zero
>Those old Terry Pratchett cartoons

All at least partially set in UK, with most having UK as primary setting.
Don't forget phantom blood
well you count on code geass too, but you guys lost to Napoleon kek
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roughly half of Mexican characters in anime tend to look neutral jap/white

OK, no turn off your proxy. Japanese on their general barely speak English.
best english of any anime. be proud.
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Isn't it racist to assume Japanese can't speak English?

In this time? It's probably a spic. Japanese and Australians are working.
it's a fact, all nips here are english teachers or proxies
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Tumblr filenames should be bannable.
feels good to be relevant
i know right
Les Mystérieuses cités d'or
I'd be surprised if Japan even knew my country existed
>he doesn't know Hetalia
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The Mysterious Cities of Oar!?
At least, Japan knows your country
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Does fake anime count?
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We don't buy from Japan, we sell to them.
no you idiot, the mysterious city's door
doesn't count
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What about ricardo martinez?
>Tfw when the manga went to complete utter shit just for the sake of make it longer
I will never recover
Canada is in Hetalia
Yes it does
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But we do.


Didn't know it was known outside of France.

>tfw the golden age of Franco-Japanese animation is over
The OP anime takes place in northeastern/north Brazil, the poorest area of the country. They never do anything in the south or state of São Paulo '-'
It means he's a Philipino.
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This anime takes place in a city based in Spain. I hated Spain, I thought it was a Hispanic country in Europe, but after I saw this anime I came to like it and changed that vision
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I still know the lyrics of the OP by heart.
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>I want you two to breed together and get me a qt half-brazilian half-japanese qt gf RIGHT NOW
Based Canado-Franco-Italian anime
Feeling's mutual.
They also all have fake boobs and about 10 plastic surgeries.
Meuh, ton drapeau c'est plus rare.
>They don't even know there are some white Brazilian
That's more telling of Japanese's ignorance than anything else.
So the joke is on you.
>tfw michiko will never be ur gf

jesus christ

namaste my sherpa friend.
Namaste my friend! I just came back from an Everest trek today.
It's still one of the most emotional openings I've ever seen
Nepal must be be pretty shitty nowadays, with the recent earthquake that everyone outside of Nepal seem to have forgotten, the Maoist victory in the civil war, and the abolition of the monarchy recently.

Are you a tourist or actually Nepalese? Either way, I you're doing alright, anon.
Tourist. I'm in Kathmandu now and it's actually pretty decent. Then again I can't really tell how much of it being a shithole is due to the earthquake and how much because it has always been. My guess is mostly the latter.

Really, I have been to quite a few shitholes, and Nepal/Kathmandu is nowhere near as bad as some others.
Really? I thought it was only semi-rare.
New Zealand barely even appeared in Hetalia :(
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the are many animes and mangas based partially in spain but never directly...
It is.
That guy's just a newfag.
Ignore him.

I do like your flag a lot, tho.
that explains who you are, creepy nerd

normal japanese dont have such a stupid idea. its obvious that they know BR footballers at least except for you creepy moepigs
What was that Greek anime called?
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we do
saint seiya>>68178747
nice flags
any links to this?
if I search 'free' it doesn't help much..
tfw too relevant to have anime
uh, darker than black and uhhh, some more...
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You get a disproportionate amount of Best Girls though.
hum, thanks
So what did you think. Are they aussie enough?
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Dumb Ruskies dont know of the true gem and objectively healthy and fun anime King gainer set in Syberia
yeah pretty accurate, good accents and colloquialisms
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I used to love this cartoon
couldn't find anything decent. They like France, not Italy.
I have to finish this thing some day
Loved it but some aspects got fairly orld pretty fast
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>that engrish scene
Because France is literally Versailles.
You have Mario my eagleless fellow. That should compensate enough
It's a preddy anibe
Was it done by the same guy who did Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo?
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Argentina has an Anime about Italian Immigration to Argentina in the XIX century.


It is pretty sad, it is about a kid traveling alone in a country not his own searching for his mother who emmigrated to Argentina because he stopped receiving letters from her. And all his pets die.
it is good for crying like a bitch.
Kek,you hate rio de janeiro but when it comes to asslicking foreigners you don't mind
i don't, just autistic people hate it
>I thought it was a Hispanic country in Europe
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>canada loves animu in the 80s and 90s
>2000s come around and a bunch of canadian cartoons try to emulate anime
>ends up being terrible

That's independent of the city m8. People feel pleased for other recognizing them. Look at the others, rio is the only irl place mentioned of those countries.

[spoiler]Also São Paulo doesn't exist to foreigners for some reason[/spoiler]
Can't recall them ever going into bonglandia.
Based cartoon.
I wonder why people remember ben 10 but not this, even tho they probably ripped off 90% of their content from them
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>one of the most iconic anime characters is a leaf
Canada is actually fucking awful when it comes to animated stuff. And I mean fucking terrible. They have some con stuff with cartoons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKk_jvLIWks also their original content is made entirely in flash, and in budgets.

Their most recognized achievement is MLP, that tells you about all.

[spoiler]MLP is still good tho[/spoiler]
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Gunslinger girl.
I have no idea who this is
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>Their most recognized achievement is MLP
What about Inspector Gadget and Magic School Bus?
Anime was a mistake
Oh and porco rosso, obviously.
Anglos are a mistake
Those are before flash + god knows how many networks and companies backing them. Look at those names.
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not fully dedicated,no.They always portray us as fucking nuns or something religious like
a concrete jesus statue really makes a diference
I can name 3 animu Indians and only two of them can be considered main characters
>that bitch from Mobile Suit Gundam
>that scientist from Code Geass
>that boy from that fujoshit fish alien gay anime
>japchaps dont know your country exists
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actually we do.
Second season of Darker than black.
Hayama Akira is Indian too
y r u rich being so tiny
I know there are quite a few German anime characters and nips also like to use German language sometimes BUT I don't know of any anime that actually takes place in Germany
tax evasion
Teach me your ways kikecountry.
Step 1 : create bank
Step 2 : have an important position in the heart of western Europe
Step 3 : be small so you dont have to pèy much for infrastructure etc
Step 4 : use iron mines on which the Nazis are dependant on so you hoard the Jew money
Step 5 : import workforce from based Italy and based Portugal
shingeki no kyojin, be proud hehe
SHingeki No Kyojin does'nt take place in Germany
The world of Shingeki no Kyojin does'nt even seems like based on any actual real world country.
By the way manga spoilers.
Is SnK even in our world?
Are the giants jews?
Anne of Green Gables got an anime that is well known, or so I hear.
They are aliens so ye.
No,but its based on German culture.
The latest manga spoilers showed that they are all just inside a sadistic experiment by a Nazi like regime.But none of the countries mentioned so far is called Germany but a different made up ones.
No,they are people(of the same race and ethnicity) who got turned to titans by a Nazi like regime.
It is a metaphorical Germany.

>not being up to date with manga
You are the one to be blamed
I kid I kid, I don't care that much about SnK. But I am waiting for the second season nonetheless
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The one offer happiness to the weak and the others offer glory to the strong.

Here it has always been the latter that won in long term. Prepare your Anus.
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You got Metal Gear Solid 3. It's kinda the same thing.
We have the white witch and moomins, do they count?
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hatchin is qt
Pumpkin scissors
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Does manga counts?
>coal burner
Brazil please
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hetalia nem számit
>His country doesn't have an anime movie based on one if its most important epics

A movie based on the Hindu Ramayana, dubbed in English :

Well, at least there is a famous villain in W Gundam.
There is no second season, anon.
>coal burner
>Black country
u wot m8
same here
Everyone knows about your debts m8
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