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The Pirate Republic rises!!! The revolution is here!!

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The Pirate Party has been given the Presidential mandate to form a new government in Iceland!

>Pirate MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir has been formally mandated by the President of Iceland to form a government following recent general elections, it has just been announced.

>Jónsdóttir was summoned to the presidential residential of Bessastaðir at 4pm to meet Iceland’s President Jóhannesson. After the short meeting, Jóhannesson announced to journalists that Jónsdóttir was his next choice to attempt to put together a majority coalition.

>The Pirate Party came third in the general elections held over a month ago, and Jónsdóttir is the third party representative to receive this presidential mandate. The leaders of the Independence Party and the Left-Green Movement have both previously tried and failed to cobble together a working government.

>The Pirates have ten MPs in the new parliament and must secure a coalition commanding at least 32 to be able to forge a majority government.

The new constitution !
Legal weed !
Legal torrents !
Direct democracy !
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>legal weed
So basically hyper-liberal left wing SJWs.
Since when is legalizing and placing a consumption tax on a plant a hyper-liberal left wing SJW thing to do?
Dude weeds fuck off and get a job you fucking fags
It's mostly hyper-liberals who argue for legalization of weed and other shit.
I mean fuck we might as well be legalizing hebephilia and LSD while we're at it.
Anything liberal is ultimately SJW progressive thing to do because progress ends with "progressive anarchy" that fucking hardcore liberals strive for.
Direct democracy and shit is nice and all but that's fucking it.
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You can use whatever reactionary buzzwords you want, Pawel. The Pirate Party will transform Iceland into a direct digital democracy, and we will be the free-est country in the world! Switzerland will look autocratic compared to us! Edward Snowden will get citizenship and drugs will be decriminalised, MMA legalized, so much good will come from this you have no idea.

Read up on the Pirate party's policies here www.piratar.is/en/
Don't they also want to have open borders and let 100k refugees a year in or some shit?
It's no big deal for Iceland since they're so sparsely populated and no one speaks their autistic Viking language.
Using a slippery slope argument when it comes to weed legalization is intellectually lazy and you know it.

Can you defend weed prohibition to me without resorting to /pol/-tier maymays?
The Pirate Party wants to settle 10,000 Syrian refugees in Iceland :^)

In 10 years Iceland will cease existing :^)

Wie viele Flüchtlinge sind in ihrer Stadt?
That must be a dumb fuck meme, that's a third of their population, even the most delusionally naive idiot wouldn't accept those numbers

I usually don't support pirates but best of lucks Icland, hope you guys make it work
Aren't pirates some edgy left liberals?
>weed prohibition
This is exactly the mentality of hardcore liberals that is poisoning the fucking well the most isn't it.
You will be the first who will cry on twitter about "LSD prohibition, crack pro- bla bla bla".
There are rules which are set and which have to be followed otherwise your citizens in your average country lose respect for law, it's nation and cease existance of its base moral standards and ultimately leads to anarchy in long term scenario.
That's not /pol/-tier meme that's reality and you know it.
You might as well acknowledge it that you don't really give a shit about anything else other than your well being.
Also isn't this shit-tier liberal party for immigration and shit?
I mean open borders are really good thing right?
Yeah except they are not
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Wow, holy shit. Congratulations! This is the best news I've heard all year. Couldn't be happier for you.

Iceland, yet again being the exemplar for societal progress.
>There are rules which are set and which have to be followed
Yeah, and rather than braking those laws, Icelanders are following the rules and going through the process change those laws into something more representative of what the masses want. Your argument doesn't make sense.
fuck off with your commie shit
frekar dauður en rauður
Woooooo, Fredom!
I'm a freedom-hating pinko but good luck Iceland, I support whatever makes the bourgeoisie cry. If it takes direct democracy to do it, then so be it.
quads of truth
pretty much
They were in the parlament of berlin here and tried to establish a my little pony time in it.
Jesus christ why
lmfao, really?
So......how can an Eastern Euro with C2 English and an Ayy lmao language move to Iceland?

pls take me away from this hellhole to your winter wonderland
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some top politican of them was some hard gay numale who killed his bf out of jealousy. (pic related the murderer)

They are crazy as fuck.
dude weed lmao
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what a wreck
summary executions for the bankers when?
>legalise weed
>people get high
>people dont care anymore
>the NWO is real now
>direct democracy!
so you want the plebs to rule rather than qualified people?
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Plebs aren't corrupt
Are they pro-multikulti though?
>muh drugs
Iceland is literally a meme
The Pirate party in germany was literally permeated by actual germany-hating communists. Luckly people stoped voting for them.
Hope your pirate party isn't as bad.
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Daily reminder that the ruling parties in Iceland were implicated in the Panama papers, and the Pirate Party is the only cure for the cancer that's killing Iceland
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they >>68167590 even had the same sign.
I would be very cautious with these people.
The leader of the party is a brony
rip iceland
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I love the fact that Iceland is small enough for these kinds of parties to make it big. Good job, Iceland. This will be interesting.

Nice dubs.
Our Pirate Party killed themselves by straying from the net neutrality talk that got them into the EU parliament to begin with. They elected this identity politics-pushing woman who killed what little popularity they had. Now they're practically a non-party.
lol rip
>ITT retards against legalizing drugs
When you legalize it, you can control the traffic, and people won't buy it from drug dealers. As long as the government doesn't promote drug usage, "le weed" memes are retarded.
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one of the former leaders of the pirate party was "marina weißband" (pic). As you can see she's obviously jewish.
She now works for a NGO which labels every critique of multiculturalism and unrestricted immigration as "hatecrime".
She also posted things like "Bomber harris, do it again" ("it" being the bombing of german civilians with napalm in WW2)

Another member of parliament for the pirates was a gay brony who recently had a guy in his apartement, which he killed, then raped the corpse. After that he comitted suicide.
I'd prefer if NATO waged punitive war against the producing countries
>Stupid: The post
Same here. The SJWs pushed all the Internet nerds out of the party and then it died.
That's great news. I'm happy for you, Iceland! Hopefully, one day we'll be more progressive too.
Look how great it worked out, when USA declared war on drugs, and turned their streets to a warzone for drug dealers. There will ALWAYS be a drug production from poor countries. And by decriminalizing, you let them to have a market in your country.
>It's the cuckslovakian
>kicks the old government when they consider it too corrupt
>elects a fucking Pirate Party
I have nothing but pure admiration for Iceland's politics.
>the Pirate Party is the only cure for the cancer that's killing Iceland

How do you reconcile this statement with:
though? Multic*lturalism doesn't work
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A few days ago some IT guys launched a political party "Progressive Slovakia" and they have a decent shot at getting into parliament in the next election. Liberal left will finally have some political representation in this country.
>Anything liberal is ultimately SJW progressive thing to do
>t. retard
>a progressive party
>having a shot during the refugee crisis
I'd bet against it.
Basically this. People here don't understand the difference between the new liberals and the classic liberals.

The best governments will have a mix of traditionally right wing as well as old liberal policies.
>People here don't understand the difference between the new liberals and the classic liberals.
Ultimately what does it matter if classic liberals don't exist/the people who hold views of classic liberals don't identify as liberals.

>the west lost the opium wars against fucking colombia and afghanistan (both allied governments receiving funds) without firing a single shot or exerting any pressure
thx guys
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Lengi lifi byltingin!!!
>thx guys
Well, the War on Drugs has been a massive blunder because of how insane drug profits are, thanks to mostly unitedstatesians and europeans having hungry noses and arms.
fuck off with your commie shit K.H
>president of iceland wants to form northern triangle between iceland, norway and britain
>swedish mps want to leave the eu and join too
will the pirate party fuck up our plans lads
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How did such a liberal party win an election in Iceland?

(if that's what happened, anyways. I don't really understand your political process...did the pirates "win"?)

The rest of the West is seeing a rise in right wing beliefs, to combat globalism, refugee crisis, or whatever
Because the traditional parties have been involved on financial scandals and the PP is seen as an alternative force
they got something like 13%...
The Independence party got 3 times that
>pro refugee cucks

Goodbye Iceland.
She's not the first person to get the offer to form a government and wont be the first to fail
Ah, that makes sense. At least the Icelanders actually care when the skeletons in politician's closets are exposed

Would you say the following statement is true: The party that received the most votes is seen as conservative in Iceland, but would be considered liberal in the United states.

So to "form a coalition" among the parties in government is a difficult task to do, made especially difficult because of the Panama Papers scandal?
>The party that received the most votes is seen as conservative in Iceland, but would be considered liberal in the United states.
Not really, you could call them cuckservatives tho

>made especially difficult because of the Panama Papers scandal?
Nobody cares about that thing anymore, have not heard about it in weeks.
They're left leaning libertarians you mong.
How the fuck do you get SJW from that? Are you even old enough to be on the chan?
They are SJW's 2bh
Really? Is there a fascet of liberal ideology that hasn't been corrupted by that garbage?
Or are you just /pol/ memeing me right now? I have trouble telling anymore.
yeah what about immigration icelads?
are you gonna turn into germany 2.0
Their former leader has said some stuff, wouldn't call it pronoun warfare but more "muh religion of peace, look at these poor children"
skynja mig? (know what I mean?)
It could just be pandering. They are politicians after all.
I don't want to give up hope, because the pirate ideology is sort of like the last bastion to me after my left party elected a conservative elitist bitch as their candidate.
>the people who hold views of classic liberals don't identify as liberals.

In the US maybe, here the right still identify as liberals
Yes but they support direct democracy so you'd be able to vote on if you want them in or not correct?
Notice how these posts aren't replied to, topkek. OP is an obvious shill for his meme party.

Have fun though.
I have no idea how they are gonna make it work
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Other Icelandic dude is aan Independence Party shill 2bh
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Do you guys have an accurate count of how many of you there are regularly? I imagine it's not too difficult to get some personal chat amongst yourselves (in Icelandic) when your ~weekly icelandic thread pops up.

I know there was who posted when he was 17 and got his drivers licence (or something),

Another from Akureyri, might be an immigrant?

A Polish dude who moved to Iceland, (could be the guy above)

At least one from Reykjavík (but I imagine there's gotta be more)

One guy from the east, who thinks it's the best place on earth

One guy really likes to talk about jeeps/trucks, but he's sad because he had to sell his off.

Lastly, there was a poster awhile ago that moved from the westfjords to another nordic country (don't want to say which but I know it) who still posts Icelandic sometimes.

t. guy who is interested in Iceland
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Maybe like 10-12.
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Most of the time though, it's just the same 3-4 guys.

Me, the educated, popular and handsome guy from the east living in the north which regularly makes original quality posts to the envy of inferior posters and behaves in a moderate and educated manner, my teenage alt right stalker that goes to the same school as me and always makes reactionary shitpost replies to my threads, that one underage b& nazi bwoy and that one guy that's like 40 years old and never has anything fun to say
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That's a higher number than I would have guessed

>Most of the time though, it's just the same 3-4 guys.
Thats what I figure.

>Me, the educated, popular and handsome guy from the east living in the north which regularly makes original quality posts to the envy of inferior posters and behaves in a moderate and educated manner,

>my teenage alt right stalker that goes to the same school as me and always makes reactionary shitpost replies to my threads
if you're both living in the north I can't imagine there's a lot of other schools so those odds are pretty high of going to the same school.

On the other hand, Akureyri was deceptively bigger than I expected it to be when I was there. Other cities of the same population back here in the USA seem much smaller

>that one underage b& nazi bwoy
He posts the nazi pepes I take it.>>68158980

>and that one guy that's like 40 years old and never has anything fun to say
I'm sure he contributes fine.
The pic you posted is my OC btw
t. Long time regular quality poster envied by his countrymen
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I agree multiculturalism doesn't wo-
Not him, but I like you qualityposter. Be my friend?
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I saved a small imgur album of what you made, about 2 years ago, and merged it with my Iceland folder. I think this one was one of the ~8 images.

This is a long shot, but are you by the chance this poster, out of curiosity:
When I was visiting Iceland in summer 2015, I asked in a thread with a few icelandic posters if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere for lunch.
This poster (maybe you, if you live in the north) named a restaurant (don't remember which one exactly, I think it was some kind of sandwich shop)
I replied with (something along the lines of) "Where in rvk is that?",
When I was replied to a second time, they said it was in Akureyri and seemed annoyed that I just assumed the place was in Reykjavík.

Again, it's a long shot, maybe it was or wasn't you. If it was, then we've both probably been on this board for too long, lol. Either way, I made a few nice friends in (N)iceland, one of which used this board at one point.
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>swedish mps want to leave the eu and join too
Oh, how I wish I could believe that.
Iceland's pirate party can do what ever it wants imo, as long as they don't open the door to the 3rd world like Deutschland och Sverige
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