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Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 50

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My cute cat edition
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>Melbourne man Pande Veleski held for questioning over death of French tourist
Ah yes, Melbourne once again doing the country proud
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quite a fan of socialism
whats with the slippers
i need answers

good lad
shit thread so far
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Getting some big nostalgia right now lads
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tfw no luddie loo..
all that remains of the men who came before you
She is too cute, I want to carress her fur
is that call of duty united offensive
if so, good lid
Cats are fucking disgusting creatures - pets for pakis, poofs and fat women.
Of course mate

I played the demo for #1 so many times and the bomber mission for UO was the shit
Really enjoying my new cat

t. Fat, gay Pakistani woman
Had a chuckle
t. barry chuckle
Good lad
found a new way
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all me
Where does one find a qt english rose ready to be filled with my mighty Australian seed?
did a gym and run lads

did a think aswell

don't have the life in me like I used to, not sure why - I was once hellbent on bettering myself to become a worthy person but I no longer have such an urge or such energy
plenty in australia
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2bh ngl
>be British
>put your allies in jail

>In the days which preceded the Normandy landings, the commandos were issued with poor quality photographs of the objectives. Because some of the French commandos were from Normandy, they recognised the sites, which created a concern by the Brigade's English staff, causing them to be temporarily confined in their camp with prohibition of exit before the landings.

>hmm let's vote to leave the EU to encourage foreigners to flood in even more as a last ditch attempt to get it easily

ah yes
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sophie 2bh
prettiest prince
how to spot a mong:

>supports breggsit
>thinks trump was "better than hillary"
>votes UKIP
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Is that in the midlands?
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sometimes lads i'll end a post with ngl when i have in fact just told a big whopper of an l
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Doing a think lads

Are cats the master race domesticated pet?

Dogs are for literal retard normies
think you're the mong here, runt
just went on reddit
filled with eurosceptics and trump voters
why do you think your views are unique and interesting, normie plebs are insular like you
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All my gfs have been jfs
>being this baited
cuttingly accurate post
Might steal this if I'm feeling down and need the adrenaline rush only a (you) can give
if you don't think that The Growlers (TM) is the greatest living band then do I have news for you my friend

*sweeps your legs, flooring you, and delivers a swift punch to your temple*
My Romanian econometrics prof is thicc af

But shes like fat thicc you know?

Shes also like 40
nothing wrong wit that
alright brexit btfo
what shall we roast next
To be fair, the greater portion of /pol/ nowadays are individuals under the age of 18, to whom /pol/ promised they could be edgy so long as they switched from reddit to /pol/.

Doesn't surprise you really when you notice how reflective of one another /pol/ and reddit are, what with being retarded and being an echochamber and all.
literally all me
breggs it
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literally, LITERALLY me
>English rose

most impure cunt out
guy at work told everyone he dreamed about going on a rampage and stabbing everyone with a kitchen knife last week
Spent a ridiculous amount of time downloading several HD albums of her last week
Have yet to wank to them once
I had an American gf once

she'd have to eat at least one burger per week or she'd get horribly ill
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>what shall we roast next
>calls this place an echo chamber
>you tell him to leave because you don't want to hear that
There is literally NOTHING wrong with brexit
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me on the right and left
got a double bed......but no double............................

fuck off foy
>tfw king bed but no king
should get yourself a queen
Thanks bruh.

I don't mind /pol/, and the ideals they're so longingly endeared to, but their hypocrisy can get slightly too baffling.
sick as a dog today and of course my roommate told the roofers to come fuck around on my roof all day

can't even dry heave myself to sleep in peace for fucks sake
high rate of neural transmission
Imagine letting the government read your internet history
Sophie looks like your average council estate chav desu. Probably the only reason people are attracted to her because she seems accessible
Wish my name was Sheed lads

Imagine walking into your local pub and everyone going "ayyy sheeeeed!"
Antonia Fraser describes Fawkes as "a tall, powerfully built man, with thick reddish-brown hair, a flowing moustache in the tradition of the time, and a bushy reddish-brown beard", and that he was "a man of action ... capable of intelligent argument as well as physical endurance, somewhat to the surprise of his enemies."

just like me...
Imagine voting for brexit and letting Theresa May become primeminister

haha brexit voters are such fuckwits
got a bunk bed and a badunkadunk
fuckooff diCKHEad fuck OFF BREXITERS BTFO REEEE HAHA PEPE LOO LOO AHAHa......... sorry



..........ummmmmm trolled try again broski.. aaaaaaa.......AAAA-

who doesn't

would like some runt to even try a stabbing ramapge near me, I'd either get stabbed to death or more likely go fucking ballistic and literally beat him to death and be totally justified in doing so.

Since when I box I hardly ever even get touched and evade most shots a practised puncher is throwing at me I genuinely rekon I'd have a good chance of wrestling a blade off some nerd rager, and if not who cares interesting way to get killed
one of my first
Rasheeds don't walk into pubs anon
A lot of bigotry ITT
just shat in the kitchen sink ama
trying to convince my friends to come to Florence but the uncultured invertebrates would rather get monged in Berlin
while there's a good argument to be made for calling Brexit, UKIP or Trump supporters poor and thick, I really don't think I have it in me to have ever considered supporting the European Union or Hillary Clinton. they're just so fucking awful and unappealing
imagine voting brexit to spite the 'elite' and then having them spy on you with laws so crazy even the EU says lowe it

imagine voting brexit to make the government sovereign again, and then seconds later it literally gets cuckolded by a japanese car manufacturer.
Imagine having a female prime minister running your country who nobody voted for

The fucking thought of it
Fuck off back to plebbit, dear god.

I'm so sick of your whining about pol. If someone farts then it was pol, if you burn your dinner it was pol, if it starts to rain it was pol.

You twats just never stop crying.
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>or more likely go fucking ballistic and literally beat him to death and be totally justified in doing so.
had a burger for lunch desu

it's fixed most of what cocaine wednesday destroyed
*bends over showcasing my behind*

ahahahah nazi fag lords on suicide watch JUST cuck me up dude cuck my MUM

yeeeeeOOOOOOWWWWWWCH ......... *silence* *distant screaming*

fite me den
*teleports into thread*
*unsheathes keyboard*

heh... nothing personnel... kid
Wish terry crews would anally RAVAGE my worst enemy
>finally lose my virginity to a fairly qt girl
>it makes her question her sexuality
>now she's a lesbian
Would ravage my econometrics prof

Shes like 5'2 170 but jesus christ she turns me on lads
ah yes christmas shopping
very impressive
if i could go back in time i'd kill trump, then farage, then hitler
i dont agree with everything he said but if you think /pol/ didn't ruin the rest of the boards to some extent you're a mong
Might start hanging paintings of naked women and men

need to cultivate a personal style
what was the girth of your sink poo?
>You twats just never stop crying.
I don't, but sometimes they can't contain themselves on their board, and it's slightly tedious to witness them bumbing a thread from which I once derived fun to "320" replies with posts as retarded as "CTR" and "shill" and "cuck", over and over.

Swear on my cat that I haven't ranted about /pol/ in three weeks for now.
dear oh dear
give her a bit of the old instrumental variable lad
might start cultivating my spiritual energy
GAy leftists eat the KEK SANDWICH daily

fucking FAGS subject themself to mSM like little PEONS

"mmmm MORE daddy" - fuckin Faggot Alt Righters DOing Their Gay SHit

Milo Yannapolice and um..... a little person called TRUMP lol

dickheads watch your back!!!!
pretty girthy
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>imagine voting brexit to spite the 'elite' and then having them spy on you with laws so crazy even the EU says lowe it

>imagine voting brexit to make the government sovereign again, and then seconds later it literally gets cuckolded by a japanese car manufacturer
didn't ask for vague bollocks lad, fetch the tape measure
*comes into /brit/ holding an oversized cake*
alri lads who orde--
*slips on the banana peel*
*lets go of the cake whilst arms flailing*
*cake splats everyone*
*camera pans to me in the middle of /brit/ covered in cake smiling*
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>Tories will make Britain a police state through mass internet surveillance

ah yes, very oppressive
looks a bit decrepit
pics twat
really liked your play on words there, good post
imagine doing something dumb ajnd then posting a hat when someone points it out.
And if you think pol did anything to any board then you're a newtwat.

This is how 4chan has always been.
Seen the video, he looks like a rather genial old man humouring young people.
>Canada to have 100 million citizens by the end of the century
ah yes, very progressive
almost feel sorry for the lad

literally forever hounded by spastic conspiracists
feels like friday
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Wish I were redknapp
Think I may have a cavity

All this brushing and flossing and healthy eating for nothing
nan just caught me squatting over the sink with a turd and tape measure, gave me a fright and i pulled the tape measure too tight and it cleaved it into two, cant take an accurate measurement now
>got into a fight on a drunken night out and my mate got his nose broken

ah yes, very aggressive
had a really long dream where i was being chased by a tiger and at the end of it i just gave up running away cos there was no chance of escape and being killed by a tiger is a pretty good way to die.
You're a bit hung up on that mate

You've been banging on about it since the article was posted

Care to explain why?
the problem is that the satiric racism went full serious
and 4chan was leaning to the left too
fuck off newpoof
>tfw no gf

ah yes, very depressive
>got my negole pozzed by a strong aussie bf

ah yes, very immunosuppressive
extreme post
did a long run without a hat. Have fucking awful earache now.
failing to see the correlation
>The Queen will likely die within the next decade and we'll have a new King

ah yes,
very successive

impressive langer
literally proof you're a newfaggot lad
Imagine taking time out of your day running in no particular urgency or destination for "health reasons"
>We'll have an election by 2020

ah yes,
very elective
>had biscuits with my lunch

ah yes, very digestive
Was that from a girl's account, or a boy's though?

don't think any of my friends would get in a fight for me iah
>ex-gf won't stop messaging me

ah yes

very obsessive
What's up with digestive biccies?
Does NOT improve digestion at all.
what should I do in London this weekend?
>mum and dad both had brown eyes but mine are green

ah yes, very recessive
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Rachel Hurd Wood.jpg
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Wandering the English countryside.
t. Victor Hugo
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the 'friend
t. Sheikh Abdul al-Jersani
does anyone have pictures of the bottom of her feet
just for fun haha
>typed a massive post ranting about Brexit but lost track of what I was talking about and started talking about refugees, ISIS, the Iraq war, Middle Eastern borders

ah yes, very digressive
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Really gives the ol' neurons a good workout
do a tour of the abandoned train stations of north london
genuinely interested why not
>doing secret santa at work
>some joker gets me a rabbit hide condom

ah yes, hairy contraceptive
Business idea: gas the kiwis
go to a party in hackney
fuck off YANK
fuck off phoneposter

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always knew icelad was a good lad
just shoved a load of fruit up my bum

ah yes, berry receptive
I think you should leave

Top yourself
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Woops my finger slipped
>convinced a lad to shove a load of fruit up his bum
ah yes, very persuasive
blessing the rains down in africa lads
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A super triangle is an extra strong triangle.
Business idea: napping till 22:00, then chugging away at my roommate's rhum, and letting my drunken self choose whether I should club tonight or not

Night /brit/.
how will trump EVER recover now someone posted an unflattering photo of him??? fuck
living up to his title of Burger King haha x
now he looks like a real 70 year old (who's got some weight on ofc)
not some orange lad
Hyped for Soul Train, who /Pecknam/ here?
give her the business lad
My best wishes Australianon.
very bohemian
Go to bed lad
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Fuck your ugly cat
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>I use 24 hour time in normal conversation
But anons she is 47
diamonds on wrist its hurting
We're not the same Frenchies.
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makes me want to reinstall tinder
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food for thought
do it

we'll be very helpful with our suggestions ozanon
looking good for her age too
no thanks lad already had lunch
Dont care

Go to bed lad
And despite that, is on tinder.

It's pretty apparent that she's settled there for a quick shag, and you'd be poof to deny her that.
Jenine, Jenine, Jenine Jeeeeeniiiiiiine I'm begging you please don't take my man

then ask for the blokes number, he's a qt
lots of women who actually take care of themselves look like that around 45
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the populations are nowhere near comparable lol. Also many of the executions under castro weren't recorded, people just disappeared. I literally can't find any record saying that 276 people were executed by Fidel, most estimates put it at anywhere from 5000 to 15000 people. Castro did some good, such as pic related, but saying he didn't commit atrocities is silly
The funny thing is, I met her in December two years ago but I had to duck out and I felt too awkward to call her afterwards
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Business idea: post a collage of the gf and I to make you all jealous
unironically a good post
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How is /GF2016/ coming along lads?

Only one month to go.
how old are you?
Reported for Blackface
Business idea: me not becoming jealous
not making me jealous but im happy for you lad
Currently 24
decided to pool my resources and instead opt for /GF2017/
not very well desu

been married for three years

should've aimed for hareem16
yeah, got my first gf this year
Business idea: go home and nap until my 1pm class
Had my first gf and she was a crazy bitch

Not enjoyable
nah, didn't happen. Just like /gf2015/
who knows, im going out with some mates tonight and i might meet a lovely qt just in time for the end of the year
I'm already psyching myself up for disappointment for /gf2017/
same, my first ever relationship

bit bored of it by now though
Opinion pls
It's almost half two, you missed it alrady lad
Lackluster friend.

Anyone know of ways to evade the inquiries on "have you made any female friends this year" made by parents at Christmas dinner. They're raising the stakes every year I come back to them, every year I grow older and don't present them a daugthter-in-law basically.
los malvinas son briticainos

now beat it, argie

also been acting like an arsehole since we started dating and now I'm just realising I might actually have been an arsehole all along
>le ebin timezone jokes xD

Runt behaviour
Got a job interview in 10 minutes lads.
t. Justin ''kill your enemies and they will win'' Castro

Sounds like a lovely area
tell them ur bent
business idea: David Icke themed t shirt that says 'the only OBE I want is an out of body experience'
I'll save you some time lad, you didn't get the job.
Fucking prick. Negativity, toxicity oozes from you
t. Amerifat
good luck lad
breath smells like the dinner i had yesterday

There's really only ever champagne on the table, and I wouldn't want to be ruining my image by pretending to have gotten intoxicated from just that.
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Ah yes, the (((West)))
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someone stole a million dollar bucket of gold

I dunno lad. This one's rel8d to my degree and is quite close to me. Not some pishy supermarket/warehouse job.
Best of luck friend. You're my champ!
just found a bucket with shiny shit in it
Enjoy being sad and angry the rest of your life prick
I like her company a lot, I just think I'd prefer a more intellectual or well-spoken or curious kind of gf. The current one is way too shy. Also I've lost a lot of sexual interest in her. She's got a nice bum and is petite with small tits, quite pale, dark hair, freckles, long nose, big brown eyes quite Celtic features

and I'm beginning to realise what I really desire are taller blonde girls with German features and big tits :/
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>that shooping
bent means gay
Thought it was a normal pic then I looked to the right
only angry one here is you lad, now make like your flag and leaf this thread
>making them go from disappointed to full on horrified
Tsk, tsk, tsk, non non et non.
t. angry and sad pathetic boy
Tim's Canadian cousin in the back left
>way too shy.
No such a thing.
well im off for today lads
Bises l'anon.
>I like her company a lot,
I think this is the problem for me: the only person I can stand being around for an extended amount of time is myself

Even though she's very clever (maybe even smarter than me) and she's quite witty and intellectual I just feel like being by myself. I go over and hang out, shag a couple of times, go to sleep and then wing it in the morning.

Sexually it's amazing, I guess I guess the problem just that I hate other people.
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I'll try* again next year

*not really
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>oui monsieur, je parlé francais
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girlfriend is lovely, sweet, trustworthy, smart and her parents are wealthy

still can't help cheating on her (only via texts though, I don't meet up with anyone), getting incredibly angry towards her and pushing her / giving her dead legs and masking it as a playful joke

I fully love her I think but I just get bored and get quite a rise out being horrible haha, she lied by omitting something once and I told her to fuck off out of her own flat, trashed the place and waited for her to start crying before I forgave her, got a bit hard when she cried as well, dunno what's wrong with me
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Business idea: nap until 12pm then catch the 12:25 bus then print out the paper i need for my 1pm class from the 'brary
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would passionately kiss nigel farages bumhole if he was okay with it
This post has been logged.
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Business idea: set up a meeting for are tim and reviewlad
Will the non-British please leave so I can start laffing?
Love jokes here
starting to think I should stick with this and not bother with relationships

don't know how long it's going to last, might drag on a bit because I think she quite likes me, but afterwards I'm going to stick to sorting myself out.
>still can't help cheating on her (only via texts though
I'm pretty sure every lad does this as long as the relationship isn't seriously long term

Nothing wrong with a bit of online flirting, sexting and nudes-getting. It's in our nature to fuck around, and because of the internet we can kind of do this without really hurting anyone
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been having the strangest, most vivid dreams lately

they also typically abruptly end when I naturally wake up 5 minutes before my alarm, odd
The UK would've continued its decline that began under Thatcher and continued under Major were it not for Blair stepping in tbqh
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Go away Tony
Does anyone know who the babestation bird posted the other day is? The one who spoke about shagging a rugby team.
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Just used 3 times the amount of ariel washing gel + conditioner that I was supposed to cos my housemate put the washing machine onto some "spin" mode that doesn't even wash the clothes and tried washing my clothes with that twice lmao
ah yes, cos everybody who posts in /brit/ is monitoring the thread 24/7 to remember who you're talking about

post a pic you dafty
me too
It's true, you autists who go on and on trashing Blair's record have no counter for the facts. Instead you just get caught up his involvement in the Iraq War, one mistake amongst a sea of overall good
From the moment you are born, you are prepped to be a slave and you exist only to enrich a select few powerful and wealthy people at the top. From the stuff you learn in kindergarten, all the way to the media that you follow, to the prescription drugs that you take to "treat" symptoms, to even the TV dinners and fast food you eat......... everything is designed to keep the narrative flowing. You want to know what they call this? "Society".
just shagged an entire rugby team
Thatcher as the first post war PM that stopped our decline
>cos everybody who posts in /brit/ is monitoring the thread 24/7
Nah just the government
Accidentally tasted my own piss.
Business idea: tell a lie on /brit/
cringeworthy canadians trying so desperately to fit in by using british slang and gimmicks
>Greenland, Iceland, Great Britain, Faroe Islands and Norway.
I like the sound of that, mates
Fucking hell lads, my hairline has started receding so I thought fuck it I'd just shave my head. Yesterday in work I got called into HR and questioned about my 'new look' I said I just started shaving because I thought it looked good and the HR woman said I was intimidating people of colour in the office and that I should get a normal haircut or get a warning for anti social behaviour.
Imagine nega-/brit/ on tumblr where girls talk about their failure to get a boyfriend

Pissed into an empty coke bottle and tasted it when I was about 6, almost vomited
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bit gay
all (You)
all french people should be killed
>girls talk about their failure to get a boyfriend

this doesn't happen
Here here
Sounds more like an objective lad
300 UCAS Tariff points or equivalent *; 2:1 degree in any discipline.

What does this mean? Applying for this job
How would I have a picture when I'm trying to find out who she is?

It was a webm and she had a high pitched voice.

She may have been a jock.
And you've only succeeded in murdering one of our numbers, so I don't think the policy of killing us should even be left in your hands.

No u
Perfide gaulois.
it actually does but I think it's rare
my gf has some weirdo virgin mates who struggle a lot to find a bf or a guy to take their virginity. sure, they kiss at parties but the main reason they never get anywhere are cause these are average looking girls living in fantasy lands where they're expecting a 'perfect' guy to come to them, and when they see a guy they fancy, they get obsessive and weird, pushing the guy away

mind you, these girls are all 18. don't know if there are many girls in their 20s who struggle to get a bf
Canadians are semi-British though. They are the daywalkers of the yank world.
someone please suck my cock
All French people should be alive.
I will
us french people love to be subdued by the superior anglo cock
Have you met them? Aussies and Brits definitely have loads in common. Canadians are basically indistinguishable from yanks
you have to suck mine first
did the new
>using an IP modifier
not at all. canadians are essentially americans whereas places like australia are british like
link it in the archive at least

go back and look for it
alright, let me just undo your fly and... what the fuck is this? where's the foreskin? it looks like a dry mushroom
File: IMG_8167.png (350KB, 374x366px) Image search: [Google]
350KB, 374x366px
>bonjour! Comment-s'apple tu?
File: 1457683948068.jpg (43KB, 511x428px) Image search: [Google]
43KB, 511x428px
When a person is alive they consist of millions of molecules and atoms, all bound together. When they die, they consist of the exact same arrangement of those molecules and atoms, still bound together, yet now they are dead; no longer alive; no longer consciousness?

What then IS consciousness?
Consciousness can only be felt and experienced
It's not a tangible object
Canadians have a few British mannerisms like how they act in public and etiquette but they only have American "banter". Strayans have some british etiquette but purified British Banter,

Consciousness is a con-game of nature
>flooded Europe with durkas
>one mistake in a sea of good

Fuck Off Tony!
fuck off dr.manhattan

over simplified bollocks
durr meystreem medieer arrr dooing tuyr beeest ta stoop breggziiiit
i don't know who this so called liberal media are
isn't basically every most read newspaper in the UK right wing?
Isn't the most read newspaper in the UK the Sun?
Fantastic news source that by the way
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