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What crimes has the Eternal Anglo committed against your nation?

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What crimes has the Eternal Anglo committed against your nation?
englishmen are incompetent, tiny dicked manlets who are actually germanic rapebabies
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I literally don't even know where to begin
We didn't get a king because Germany lost the Great War

You also killed some innocent civilians when you bombed our coastal cities during the Crimean War
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Imposing high taxes
england is an ok guy
Supported the eternal Turk.
2 world wars
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>implying were not the eternal anglos most insidious creation.
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He destroyed my country.
Do you have all week?
>inb4 x genocide or y war crime

They starved us in the early 1800's by blocking imports, for daring to be in Union with Denmark.
In WWII UK declared war against Finland but never attacked nor did they make peace.
Technically, we're still at war
They did some naval bombings itt.
We could have liberate Constantinople for Christendom, but instead Perfidious Albion side with kebab.
The embargoed us in WW1 which almost led to a civil war.

We've been at war with them one time, afaik. But even then it was a mock-war meant to keep the french off our backs and we kept trading with the brits in secret.
>force colonies to pay Jew taxes when they had no Parliamentary representation
>keep armed forts on the Canadian border after US independence in 1783
>bar American merchantmen from trading in the West Indies until well into the 19th century
>pay off Indians to raid American settlements
>kidnap American sailors and force them into the Royal Navy
>attack American merchantmen going to France even though we were neutral in the Napoleonic Wars
>attack the USS Chesapeake and kill 20 crew members
>burn the White House like the Visigoths
>British authors write constantly about how Murricans are uncultured and stupid rustics
>bet on Mexico winning in 1846
>take the side of the Confederacy in the Civil War b/c mmmmuh cheap cotton
>give the Confederates thousands of muskets and cannons
>also build for them raider ships like CSS Alabama manned by British crews which then proceeded to devastate the US merchant marine
Dragged us into WW2 and is thus more responsible than either Croats or Germans for the Croatian death camps
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-Genocide disguised as famine

-total eradication of culture and language (Gaeilge banned twice, penal laws etc.)

-shipped a quarter million of the population off to the Caribbean where they were to be considered less than Africans in transatlantic slave trade

And a million and one other things
Created USA
well that's quite the list you've got there friend :D
Also Germoney, Eternal Anglo, Ameriburger, and Butthurt Belt assist Bolsheviks in takeover of Russia because we had been rising superpower and they hoped commies would reduce us to anarchy and destruction.
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>What tragedies have befallen your people?
>a fascist dictatorship tried to systematically wipe us off the face of the planet
>we were kidnapped and sold as slaves en masse on another continent
>a couple of potatoes rotted and millions of us died
Stay mad forever.
They didn't need Germans to get into space.
Founding it.
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why would I be mad toward a bunch of space losers?
Can you take your day off?
Wait, wasn't the inventor of the liquid fueled rocket (not to mention Werner von Braun's hero) an American?
At least we still have the money to go into space :^)

Not crime, just good business.
>Russia's biggest space accomplishment was putting one guy in LEO for one hour of flight
>whom the KGB later bumped off because he insulted Brezhnev
That's not fair though because Russia's ancient-ass 1960s space hardware is dirt cheap to fly.
The Soviets also stole some V-2s from Germany, in fact their first ballistic missile (R-1) was simply a natively produced V-2 clone.
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>tfw you are the eternal anglo
>Gott straffe England
>Bombing Edinburgh

>>keep armed forts on the Canadian border after US independence in 1783

hmmmm, definitely would have been no motivation or reason for that

(see: 1812)
Nice flags.

inb4 "I'm northern Irish so I am"
>tfw you are the Eternal Anglo and have been since at least WW1
rip Laika
based vid Serblad
The original goal of the space race was to put a man in space senpai

One the Soviets did this the US made it about getting to the moon

Americans are just shit losers
I guess we've inherited the Eternal Anglo tradition rather well.
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>The original goal of the space race was to put a man in space
>Deliberately sabotaged the Darien Scheme, leading to the Act of Union
>Stole our sovereignty
>Stole our oil
>Continually whinge about Scots being benefit scroungers when we fucking subsidise the cunts
Does uk even have a space program haha
After the war however, the border was demilitarized. This left Canadians pissed off because they were exposed to future US attack and they felt that London had betrayed them.

Having said that, keeping the forts was pretty stupid anyway since the early United States was poor and had no real army that could project power. The invasion of Canada in 1812 fell apart for that reason and the Mexican War was the first conflict that our army had matured sufficiently that it could conduct a campaign in hostile territory.
They briefly tried it in the early 70s, then decided it was impractically expensive when they could just buy a ride on an American rocket (and later ESA).
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yes :^)

Heres a picture of it from the uk space agency website.

>tfw to intelligent too sit on chairs
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Rockets =/= the only space-related thing ever
Best president of the 20th century, for yanks had a dad from Tipperary.
Many of the current republican conservative senate is Irish American. Really good. Jamaicans, Bostonians and Canadians speak with charismatic Irish accents thanks to us. We made these wonderful things happen.
Where would you be without your big brother looking out for you Ireland?
I know the geopolitical reasons for us doing that but it really chaps my arse on a civilisational sense.
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Redstone was basically a tarted-up V-2, every rocket family after that came entirely from American designs.
That's Orthodox equivalent to the Vatican.
They need it back.
Irish-Americans during the mid-19th century quickly found their way into government jobs; some of this had to do with their concentration in the urban Northeast.
>Stole our sovereignty
Read up about James VI in your spare time. You cucks instigated this.
The Australian accent is heavily influenced by the Irish too. Some of the way we still speak too "have ya seen me hat?" etc.
Protip: It was for practical reasons--Russia wanted access to the Mediterranean. The mmuh Orthodoxy stuff was just romantic bullshit that concealed the real strategic agenda behind it.
After we trusted them they betrayed us and divided Arab nation and created Israel. It's our fault for trusting them in the first place though
Well obviously but the romance kills me, a city so important to Christianity is still in the hands of the Turks.
/int/'s attitude towards England in one sentence
>tiny dicked
Biggest penises in Europe are in Hungary.
Good lads well played.

[spoiler]self reported surveys are totally legit too[/spoiler]
Ask the Greeks.
Don't side with Napoleon then shitlord.
>religion was a major political issue in the 1800s
We also give the union thousands of muskets and cannons. Tbh you're lucky we didn't personally come in to kick your teeth in after Trent.
>potato famine
Oh am i laffin
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Literally nothing lv u bae
1. bullying napoleon
2. throwing us at germans to protect france
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Napoleon was the bully!
Recently, you spilled oil into our gulf
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Nothing desu.


We bullied the bully, it's inherently British.
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Didn't cleanse Quebec when you could have. Was the Fille di roi pussy that dank?
They made like two Fille de Roi shipments ever and both of those were in the 1600s.

Putting that aside, the Quebec Act was awfully decent and liberal-minded for the 18th century.
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Where do I even begin?
Didn't teach you to poo in loo?
I know I know, but it's been a legend here that the kings daughters were so cock hungry that their descendants fucked the natives and made Metis and they also fucked all the Anglo soldiers. Also as we can see objectively leaving Francophonies in Canada was a mistake.
we wuz a gud boy, we dindu nuthin, we jus need more taxes for dem train programms
They're deceptive cunts they'll turn on you the second they think it would be profitable doing so
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You're a regular fucking idiot aren't you?
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My favourite was when we totally, no holds barred, completely, for morality 'n stuff, absolutely banned slavery.

Except for in India.
LOL most shameless fucks on the planet. Don't even talk to me ewwwww
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>Implying I'm wrong

Quebecs revenge for being spared was Pierre elliot Trudeau.
That was mainly because of the East India Company though, India wasn't really under government control.
Why are canucks so eager to become americans?
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>using my own OC against me

Québécois can be annoying but are probably more Canadian than you will ever be
Why are Swedes so eager to become Somalians?

>The French speaking Jews who destroyed Canada from the inside are more Canadian than me

I'm actually Anglo you filthy Atlantic potato nigger
Without based quebec you're just socialist america
You bombed and torched some random villages here for literally no reason in 1800s
>The French speaking Jews who *built Canada from the inside are more Canadian than me

Almost true if it weren't for Newfoundland and the Maritimes
We had some nice ships and they sunk them
Aren't they just brits with a funny accent?

Literally Quebecs fault for spawning the man who opened the floodgates for Immigrants and created the 80's era brand of liberalism of weakness and shame. Calgary was like the Zurich of Canada it had something going on. His policies destroyed Western Canada. Quebec planned this. Quebec is a French speaking province of traitors and frogs. No real Canadian wants to be associated with such filth.

They built the seeds of our destruction. They are not real Canadians but French provocateurs. De Gaulle proved that. French speaking Jews.
well now thats not quite what happened is it lad

also which time are you referring to
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A britbong once spilled some of his beer on me in a London pub
How about you don't bomb our capital city FIRST, just IN CASE we THEN go and side with Napoleon? How'bout THAT for an idea?
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Closer to Brits but definitely not yanks
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>oh shit, sorry mate
>i-i-it's o-o-okay
franco-germanic rapebabies*
Literally responsible for most bad things that happened. Responsible for us not being the world's superpower anymore.

I hate them almost as much as I hate the Germans.
and you're responsible for us not being the world's superpower anymore

grow up, your country isn't angelic and benevolent
Should have gotten the message after we bombed your city.
All great powers need an opposite power to balance things out
steal our tree seeds
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Hundreds of years of oppression, and cut our population in half in the space of a few years.
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see >>68066790
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>We wuz good bois we dindunoffin, us Irish never harmed nobody

Pierre Elliot "Castro is my best bro" Trudeau
well ya see lad, I had skimmed through the thread to see if there were already any posters with the Irish flag, and there weren't any.

Those who have independence are more Irish than those who do not.
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Dumped some 40.000 seamines off of our coast, we're still fishing them out today.
This is why we're giving you a christmas tree every year, thanks UK for all your help.
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Taxation is theft
>assault innocent bystander, "just in case"
>innocent bystander gets pissed off by this
>everything is now innocent bystander's own fault

FYI: If you don't wanna be slapping enemies down all the time, don't make enemies where you don't really need to.

You can start by not (needlessly) giving them ample reason to be your enemies.

Just saying.
Stole some shitty islands from us and tried to invade the mainland but failed.
Churchill wanted to restore Poland in old borders.
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>when your perfidy goes too far
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>Be perfidious Albion
>Banter the world for centuries
>Still get away with it somehow

Made the Nazis look like amateurs 2bh
>get bombed twice
>Still don't learn your lesson
Not our fault you're thick as pigshit.
1939 best ally
>assault innocent victim for being innocent
>victim gets angry at this
>victim now having legitimate reason, gets media blackout
>victim "needs to learn his lesson" so as to not get angry at the fuckturd
Stay classy, Doctor Mengele.
We did declare war on Germany because they invaded you tbf.
Well if you had of learned your lesson you wouldn't have been starved, Norwegians need to smarten up lmao.


what position did you play mate?
All of them, you disingenuous twat.
Pig-headed victim-blaming FTW, eh?
Should have just learned your lesson desu. Only yourself to blame.
Napoleon could have brought enlightenment to Europe, but the corrupt thieving Jews in Westminster had to stop him.

Napoleon ruined it himself when he tried to invade Russia
haha sorry about that lad x
All Britain did was smash your attempts to invade us and help countries you invaded for no reason.

you joined yourself
And now they are stuck with their shitty common law and imperial units. Serve them right.
>your own damned fault for being innocent all the time
This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips.
Brainwashing my kin into sucking Mudslime cock. Fucking Sassenachs. [spoiler]Please save us.[/spoiler]
t. Scot on holiday
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>keep armed forts on the Canadian border after US independence in 1783
>bar American merchantmen from trading in British territory until well into the 19th century
>burn the White House like the Visigoths (knowing full well we were at war with you since you invaded our territory and invaded Canada's capital).
>British authors write constantly about how Murricans are uncultured and stupid rustics
>bet on Mexico winning in 1846
>take the side of the Confederacy in the Civil War b/c mmmmuh cheap cotton

What's wrong with these? There's legitimately wrong with doing any of the above - and if you do then you're a faggot who has clearly got some vendetta.
This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips. This record skips.
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Didn't you Viking them? THEY LEARNED IT FROM YOU
Ageing troll is getting old.
>literally inventing concentration camps
They kept us from being part of the United States as we should have been.
The reason for the entire Israel/Palestine conflict is the Brits. So there's that.
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This thread makes me feel really good

I love being British
t. >>68073578 >>68073284
absolute quality these



That's a really dumb statement, if you actually think about it for more than two seconds.
Did the British government really aim to get China addicted to opium?
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> we actually made the world believe this

Good boy Hadriaan, keep on hating
Just for the banter
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Nothing really. they helped us remove eternal cockroach from premises in 1918 without with KSA might not exist today.
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Stop funding ISIS.
>In 1845, Ottoman Sultan Abdulmecid declared his intention to send ï¿¡10,000 to victims of the Irish potato famine, but Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only ï¿¡1,000, because she herself had sent only ï¿¡2,000.[1][2][3]

>The Sultan sent ï¿¡1,000 along with five ships full of food. The British administration allegedly attempted to block the ships, but the food arrived secretly at Drogheda harbour and was left there by Ottoman sailors.


They've done too much evil. I don't know where to begin but their worst crime is without them Napoléon would've sent humanity into space right now.
Well ok scratch that they did cause disaster in Palestine. So it's about 50/50 then?
You are first on our list you rat. Bedouin genocide is soon

Turks don't like Saudis?
Turks never genocide anyone though, they only ever retaliate to attacks.
That will be our first genocide of course.
Eternal please. You know our relation better than us
Turks are thieves and also they're false Muslims. they let women walk around in Istanbul dressed like whores. founder of modern Turkey was literally a guy who said Islam was bullshit and try to make whole country into atheists. they sack Mecca in 1813 and drunk soldiers rape and plunder the place. they also executed Abdullah bin Saud like a common criminal.
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Not a brit my friend
WW2 mines. But then again, it still ended with Third Reich invading first, somehow
And then they where Eternal Allies

> Prior to his execution, bin Saud, a Wahhabi who was forbidden to listen to music, was forced to listen to the lute.

Sounds like an asshole t.bh
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based ataturk
they starved us because we were in a union with denmark

i honestly believe the shit currently happening to that inbred isle is divine retribution
>the shit currently happening to that inbred isle

What shit is happening to us m8?
>they let women walk around in Istanbul dressed like whores.
>founder of modern Turkey was literally a guy who said Islam was bullshit
>try to make whole country into atheists.
>join up with eternal anglo crush the caliphate
>it gets destroyed
>power vacuum filled a by a west cock-sucker
>why tho?
absolute arab stupidity
>they also executed Abdullah bin Saud like a common criminal
he was a simple thief
the hordes of negroes and loos
Eh, most of our immigrants seem to be ok, at least when I meet them irl that's the case.
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That look like the buzzfeed headquarters
I asked an Anglo to pat my head and he wouldn't do it.

Hmph! It's not like I care!
Wtf I love Turkey now!
I wan cym inside anime girl

Totally disgusting.
The Ottawa conference
The British also first invested in the oil extraction industry here. in all that, our relations with them have mostly been beneficial, but they do need to accept the the eternal truth of Islam.
Seems like we were in the right on that one though, not sure what your point is.
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Promised to help against the Nazis, didn't do shit. Then we came to help them, did well, and got a dick in our mouth as a thank you.
And nowadays shanking Polish plumbers is apparently their favourite pastime.
>This same butthurt lie
Makes me laugh every time. Poles really are utterly subhuman.
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I'm not butthurt, I'm just answering the OP. I thought you enjoyed your rightfully earned "perfidious asshole" status?
What lie?
We went to war for you, you ungrateful rapebaby.
>I thought you enjoyed your rightfully earned "perfidious asshole" status?
I did say I laughed, didn't I.
I do believe their spies killed one of our would be king lad that was about to marry the queen of scotland, the united kingdom would have been between france and scotland.

poor little england got afraid.
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>poor little england got afraid.

When France gets scared it surrenders
When England gets scared it wins
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>We went to war for you
Oh right, because nothing stops a column of German tanks like a complaint letter from very far away. Thanks lads! :^)
har har
Selective quoting doesn't hide the fact that Churchill was the only one who stood up for Poland and for that he was isolated by Roosevelt and Stalin

Also Britain promised to enter the war against Germany, not defeat Germany by itself
No. Firstly, British trade policy in the far east was directed by British merchants, not the British government. Secondly, opium was already used in China, it was just really expensive so most Chinese people couldn't afford it and thus couldn't get addicted to it. The British increased a problem that was already there by industrialising production and transport, lowering the price to the point where ordinary Chinese could afford it.

Also, you have to remember that chemical addiction wasn't well understood back in the 19th century. People were aware of the deleterious social effects of opium, but then again alcohol had deleterious social effects as well and everyone still traded in that. And it's not like the opium traders weren't perfectly happy to sell to their fellow Englishmen (read the Sherlock Holmes stories - Holmes seems to end up in an opium den in every other story, either as an investigator or a junkie). It was probably seen as no worse than selling someone a barrel of whiskey.
You'll never get through to a Pole, they're vermin incapable of rational thought.
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>pay your taxes colonies

Pink map ultimatum bantz and failing to completely genocide Ireland so we could move in.

Otherwise they were pretty much top lads.
Even as a non turk, one can respect Atatürk.

Sadly Erdogan and his palls shit on his heritage.

>Muh religion, muh illegaly funded palaces.
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>the united kingdom would have been between france and scotland.

This triggers me. That's basically East Canada.
The British Relief Association raised £390,000 for Irish famine relief on top of funds from the government and acts such as repealing the Corn Laws to allow cheap imports to Ireland from the US.
how is this difficult to understand
Island of filthy pirates and heretics who robbed Spanish treasure fleets.
Inshallah soon my Saudi Brother.
>how is this difficult to understand

I'd ask the same question to you, given that today in 2016, US citizens that pay federal taxes and live in the USA suffer taxation without representation

You need to sort your country out
It takes Spanish blood to make the English good Catholics. That, and massacring protestants

>British education
>American education
The better question here is what country has Perfidious Albion not screwed over?
the british have done their fair share of misdeeds across the globe. Ireland needs to shut the fuck up though, softarse victimhood mentality cunts. Scots are getting that way too
You could ask that question of yourself as well really.
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explain this meme
Britain is very good to its children
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It's not a meme it's the truth.

US citizens who pay federal taxes and live in Washington DC have no voting representation in Congress. Look it up. Your own country.

1776 was 240 years ago. Every single British citizen in the UK has representation in Parliament (most didn't in 1776 but the Americans still moaned and wanted special treatment)

240 years since your revolution and US citizens who pay taxes don't have representation in Congress. It's just sad really.
None, really.
We quite like them regardless
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>paying taxes

besides, literally half the population is in our government. They represent themselves every day when they go to work. Their influence also totally dictates the direction of politics in both Virginia AND Maryland, which is one state more than most cities. That's not even including the fact that DC is human scum. I was hoping you'd have an actual argument, DC is a joke.
660,000 thousand US citizens, many who are not working for the US government, live in DC

They're US citizens, they pay taxes, they have no representation.

The fact that you think this doesn't matter shows what's wrong with America
Come back home, rightful clay.

(fuck you, Eternal Burger)
Absolutely BASED.

t. Plymouthian
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>being this upset over a city you burned
if your neighbor is a US senator, don't you think maybe he'll contrive some way to throw a little funding your community's way? There's a very good reason the seat of federal government is not afforded its own special members of Congress, look it up.
I was about to get to that. Sir Fr*ncis Dr*ke should have been hanged for what he did.
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Absolutely BASED. Beautiful and wonderful man.
>In another pre-emptive strike, Drake "singed the beard of the King of Spain" in 1587 by sailing a fleet into Cadiz and also Corunna, two of Spain's main ports, and occupied the harbours. He destroyed 37 naval and merchant ships. The attack delayed the Spanish invasion by a year.[36] Over the next month, Drake patrolled the Iberian coasts between Lisbon and Cape St. Vincent, intercepting and destroying ships on the Spanish supply lines. Drake estimated that he captured around 1600–1700 tons of barrel staves, enough to make 25,000 to 30,000 barrels (4,800 m3) for containing provisions.[37]

British history books still celebrate the actions of this criminal.
Spain absolutely BTFO. Ajajajajajajajajaajajajajajaja fucking BASED Sir Francis Drake
What the fuck.

There's no very good reason for it. There's an outdated, somewhat pathetic, view that the circumstances of the capital territory 240 years ago still apply today. They don't.

Canadians who live in Ontario have representation in Parliament
Australians who live in the Australian Capital Territory have representation in Parliament.
Germans who live in Berlin have representation in the Bundestag

Those 3 countries are all federations like the USA, they've all managed to give their citizens taxation WITH representation despite having capital cities where the government is based.

What makes the USA uniquely incapable of achieving the most basic thing that it fought for independence to achieve?
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wtf i thought drake was a rapper
In a later time, there was the War of Jenkins Ear.

>Spanish ship stops suspected privateer (privateers essentially being pirates given official approval of a government)
>soldier cuts off ear of pirate captain with his cutlass
>later they go back home to England and show Parliament the severed ear
>waaaahhhh it's so unfair those filthy papist Spaniards attacked us we were innocent and totally not engaging in piracy on the high seas
>declare war on Spain
>get their asses kicked invading Florida and Caribbean islands
>lose right to sell African slaves in Spanish colonies
>forced to pay £100,000 in war indemnities
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>all the people on this thread
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I told you, DC is populated by lizardmen, not people.
>Fucking Germany
None of these places value states rights. American states have much more autonomy compared to them. DC is separate so that it won't be controlled by any specific state, but instead Congress (which, by the way, is represntative of the states, not the people).

>tfw DC residents could gain "representation" today if they retroceded into Maryland
>tfw Maryland doesn't want them

tears spilled for Washington are tears wasted my dentally-challenged friend.
>DC is separate so that it won't be controlled by any specific state

What Australian state is the Australian Capital Territory controlled by?
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>Also Britain promised to enter the war against Germany, not defeat Germany by itself
And there go the mental gymnastics.
How delusional can you get? Neither your government nor your people ever cared. You always looked down on us, just like you do nowadays.
Germs would invade you sooner or later, so stop pretending you wouldn't go to war with them if not for us. You saw a danger and you needed a meatshield that happened to be us.
What's the point of this thread anyway if you can't handle the truth?
>hey guise tell me why we're assholes ;^)
>*gets told why they're assholes*
I thought we're supposed to be the butthurt ones
>You saw a danger and you needed a meatshield that happened to be us.

What exactly did Poland shield us from?
>Oh right, because nothing stops a column of German tanks like a complaint letter from very far away.
>being this ignorant of how the world works

You don't just nuke someone the moment they do something you disagree with you 11 year old. Diplomacy should be at least attempted before war.
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Return the remains of the Royal Charles you small foamy beer shit and the pain will stop

From getting bombed by Luftwaffe a month earlier I suppose.
>before war
When you were "attempting diplomacy before war", we were already in the fucking middle of it lad.
>From getting bombed by Luftwaffe a month earlier I suppose.

But if we didn't use you as a "meatshield" we wouldn't have been bombed by the Luftwaffe.

We were bombed because we joined the war on your side
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>Neither your government nor your people ever cared. You always looked down on us, just like you do nowadays.

how does it feel?
They created us.
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>the US made it about getting to the moon
Yeah, and the Russians didn't play along did they?
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not conquering us
I can still colonise you if you want......

......with my cock
"The French creates, the English corrupts and the German destroys."
>french creates
>the only successful former french colony is a only successful because it was a province of a british colony
>the industrial revolution was started in britain
>parliamentary democracy is english

really makes you ponder
Parliamentary democracy is not truth democracy if you have an old scumbag above your ass.
Also, british ALWAYS use their "pacific power" to escape winning from battles that turn not to be as they expected
Only 3 examples ? I thought youd put up a better fight.
That was pretty late into it.
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