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What does /int/ think about the new regions of France?

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What does /int/ think about the new regions of France?

Awful shapes, and their names are even worse.
What are some of those names?
"Highs of France"
whats the story behind this, no more 50+ regions?
Are these supposed to be like cultural divisions instead of purely administrative ones?
England has "Midlands", the Netherlands has "Across the IJssel (river)". "Upper France" is not that bad.
There are smaller "departments", that must be what you're talking about.
There used to be 110+ of them at France's peak extension.
You cant understand if you dont speak french, "Hauts de France" sounds like what an inbred autist would say.

Administrative reductionnism.

They added ancient regions together, so there is now Champagne, Lorraine and Alsace mish-mashed together in a region called Grand Est, Big East, then Auvergne, Lyon and Franche-Comté, or Roussillon + Midi and a super big Aquitaine which has ties with nothing.

Britanny and Normandy have been spared.
They're very suitable to accommodate muslims.
bovenstuk van frankrijk
topje van de frans
Weren't they changed earlier this year already?
Is nantes not in the brittany region anymore? Is that big deal at all?
Looks like something someone who knew nothing about France and had learning difficulties would come up with.

It is that new map, precisely. They've done it in 2015.
They lumped together several historical regions REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I thought the absolute madmen changed it again.
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Genuine map of France
>France existing outside of Paris
I hate being thrown together with Bordeaux (worst fucking pretentious tards in the country after Paris) in one huge region with a shitty name - "Nouvelle Aquitaine".

At least more folks in the region are cool. But fuck Bordeaux.
The Frankish kings had 4 capitals and Paris was merely one of them.
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True provinces of France.

wow the absolute state of that
You don't have to remind us of when Lyon, Bordeaux and Algiers were capitals of France, equal to Paris.
Nice try rotten leaf

I'm talking about Reims, Soisson, Orléans,and Paris who has degenerate to the point that only nuclear fire would be able to somehow pufiry it.
>tfw there will never be a Aunis region again
French ethnicity = Parisian ethnicity
The rest are unique snowflake victims of Parisification.
>He doesn't have 50, each with it's own culture and accent
If they wanted to reduce admin costs they could have just given back Elsass :^)

Implying they want to live with you Angela.
Cringe worthy
what language do they speak on the border?
after being thrown back and forth every couple centuries, one would assume they've just picked a language and stuck with it/
after ww2 pretty much everyone gave up german for good

Their primary language is french now, yet alsatian is still spoken, especially by elders. Lots of them speak german of course.
French ethnicity = Frankish blood

If you don't have it you aren't French it's all, as for the Francians which is a better term imo since there is no Parisian language, they merely forced a language-accent(according to whose regions we're talking about) onto other regions.
german speakers were shot without asking questions
>French ethnicity = Frankish blood
wew turns out im french then

Lol, then no one is French in France and the Dutch are the real French.

Remind the Dutch are the reals Franks.
Nope you're Frisians larping as Franks
>Loire Atlantique isn't part of Brittany
How absolutely horrible.
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Dutch language is litteraly frankish.
lmao this buttblasted provincial. franks literally come from the southern netherlands/belgium region.
There is no trace of the so called Frankish language, as for our ancestors they claimed various origins Sicambri,Trojans, (cousins) of the Goths, and so on.

As for the Dutch themselves they're Frisian in the North , Batave in the Middle, and Belgian in the south.
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Forgot the map

Of course there is, frankish language is known enough to assume it's an ancestor of dutch, or at least close to dutch.
There are three cultures (white, black, hispanic) and four accents (mid-west, new york, ebonics, hispanic) in the USA.
>Four Accents
Are you a Canadian or just ignorant?
Nice try Pierrick but :

Though the French presented themselves as liberators,[10] they behaved like conquerors. After acrimonious negotiations between the representatives of the new Batavian Republic, a name that refers to the Germanic tribe of the Batavians that in Dutch nationalistic lore represented both its ancestry and its ancient quest for liberty, and those of the French Republic, a harsh Treaty of The Hague was concluded on 16 May 1795

Just like the deceitful Germans who try to steal Charlemagne from our people since the creation of UE, the Dutch are trying to steal our ancestry. Thankfully both of their ancestors were more honest than them and rightfully claimed their batavians origins for the Dutch, and called Charlemagne a bloodthirsty French in reference to Verden for the Germans.

Come on, I'm not even Dutch.

Facts are that Franks came from what are today the low countries, and that they spoke a tongue close to modern dutch. That's it.

Arrête de raconter n'importe quoi srx.
Which is also the official accent of canada outside of hongcouver and french larp land.
My home region (oise) already was mashed with inbred picardy. (see >>67978047)

Tbh regions are just for administrative management so I don't care

It already wasn't (I know it's stupid)
>he calls soda coke, much diversity, many dialects
>Frisians only existing in West Frisia and not spanning the Hollandic coast
>East and North Frisia not even shown
>Batavians not in the Nether Rhine - Waal Delta, but somehow in Frisian lands
>Belgae that far North in Holland
absolute shite map

>Gobbeling 18th century propagandic dick
Frankish became Old Middle Dutch became Modern Dutch
Meanwhile French is just a peasant latin patois, lmao.
>Facts are that Franks came from what are today the low countries, and that they spoke a tongue close to modern dutch. That's it.

They never inhabited Dutchland, they conquered Belgium(Austrasia) and France(Neustria), but not Dutchland, this is a modern meme, as for the Frankish origin of the Dutch i have easily refuted it by exposing how volatile they are when it come to their ancestry, one day thay claim to be Bataves, the next Franks, then what French ?

And i have a more empirical proof,in Eginhard a Frankish historian we read that during a battle between Franks and Vikings when observing the corpses of the dead Vikings the Franks were amazed by their tall bodies and their beautiful apparence i.e. their blond hair.

Since they're Frank explain me why their ancestors weren't as tall and weren't blond as them the ancestors of the Scandinavians ?

"Quales numquam antea in gente Francorum visi fuissent, in pulchritudine videlicet ac proceritate corporum."

[De tels hommes n'ont jamais été vus auparavant parmi le peuple des Francs, à savoir tant de beauté et de corps de grande taille ]. (Coupland, pp 188-189)
>"Quales numquam antea in gente Francorum visi fuissent, in pulchritudine videlicet ac proceritate corporum."
>[De tels hommes n'ont jamais été vus auparavant parmi le peuple des Francs, à savoir tant de beauté et de corps de grande taille ]. (Coupland, pp 188-189)




We're a nationality cemented in a post-Burgundian nation state defined by us not being loyal to the Catholic Habsburgers. Our pre-modern ethnic groups range from Frisians in the North/North West to Batavians in the Middle River Deltas to Salian Franks in the South and some Saxons in the East.

Netherland ranges wider than those premodern bits you mentioned.

At the beginning they were germanic invaders anyways, so for sure they didn't pop up around Amsterdam,


yet it's clear that they formed a people in the low countries, and their tongue is related to dutch, btw there's no real differences between dutch and flemish, if belgian Flemish speak a kind of frankish, so do the Dutch.
>new regions of France
holy shit this is real. thought another meme map.

no more alsace back to mutterland

>"Quales numquam antea in gente Francorum visi fuissent, in pulchritudine videlicet ac proceritate corporum."
>[De tels hommes n'ont jamais été vus auparavant parmi le peuple des Francs, à savoir tant de beauté et de corps de grande taille ]. (Coupland, pp 188-189)



Explain me that leftist scum, why are the Franks not as tall and as blond as the Vikings why are they saying this is their first time seeing a nordic, WHY AREN'T THEY NORDIC JUST LIKE THEIR SO CALLED DESCENDANTS, THE DUTCH ?


Protip YOU CAN'T

That means litteraly nothing, you're basing your statements on a vague impression counted by an old chronicle, that's not serious. Scandinavians are fairer than anyone in WE anyways, Dutch included.

I posted enough proofs that first the Dutch claimed Batave Ancestry, then that the Franks aren't tall and blond i.e. Nordic i.e. Dutch but you can't refute any of them

Even more funny is that in the Lex Francorum our ancestors describe themselves and they said their SKIN IS PALE, DUTCH AREN'T PALE BUT LIGHT-BROWN SKINNED just like the Scandinivians meanwhile WE'RE PALE.

Stay mad Thiois we French are the FRANKS, you can try as long as you want to steal our ancestors and our glorious past but we're THE FRENCH and the country we inhabit is FRANCE as for you, you're THE DUTCH and the country you inhabit is called Dutchland.

You're retarded.
Holland literally btfo
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Pic related :D :D Are you mad that i destroyed your dream ? :D


These are Frankish songs it will calm your wounded heart :D

You can't be Franks but you can at least listen Frankish song, also, they aren't in DUTCH but in LATIN :D :D :D
So the lesson here here is, France was founded by Anglo-Saxons.

France is the eternal Anglo.


And what is that supposed to prove? Franks come from latium?

Arrête de faire le débile ptn.

Stay salty shitskin your propaganda can work with uneducated and weak-minded people but not with me, now go back to your cuckshed and continue to gobble niggers' balls like you love to do

>And what is that supposed to prove? Franks

Nope it mean that our ancestor weren't filthy history-stealing thiois, as for their homeland i already said that nobody is certain about it because they claimed various origins,as for the current theory it was imposed by an atheist race traitor in the 17th century called Nicolas Fréret, our ancestors weren't happy about his bullshit and they directly jailed him, too bad they didn't kill him.

Lol, nice and then how do you explain Frank is litteraly a germanic word meaning free if they are not thiois?
she's argie, he's german
>Lol, nice and then how do you explain Frank is litteraly a germanic word meaning free if they are not thiois?

Firstly, i didn't deny that our ancestors spoke a germanic language i simply said that we're the Franks, not the Dutch.
Secondly, there are various theory about the etymology of the word Frank, some say that it come from the latin frango(to destroy-break) some say it come from the Proto-Germanic franko (javelin), but it never meant free, Frank-Franc only mean free in Old French but it is an adjective not an ethnonym, the world for Frank(ethnonym) in Old French is Françeis

That requires the Frank to have plainly replace the Gauls and that's impossible. The French may partially have frankish blood, in some amount, yet that doesn't change the fact people from Flanders do descend from them, including the Dutch, at least some of them, since they, and the Flemish, speak a tongue descendant from frankish or one of its relatives.
>we're the Franks, not the Dutch.
Franks are Franks
Dutch are Dutch
French are French
Stop roleplaying
Has the polish irano-sarmatian-eastgermanic poster escaped to france?
Indeed stop role playing

Franks are already confirmed for non-tall height, non-blond hair, and pale skin, you don't fit the description.


>and the Flemish, speak a tongue descendant from frankish or one of its relatives

No proof

Anyway i don't care what our ancestors spoke, what matters is who inherited their blood and who can rightfully claim their accomplishment.
>Franks are already confirmed for non-tall height, non-blond hair, and pale skin, you don't fit the description.

Confirmed, lol.

>No proof

>Anyway i don't care what our ancestors spoke, what matters is who inherited their blood and who can rightfully claim their accomplishment.

Muh claiming.

Grow up.
>Confirmed, lol.

Eginhard a genuine Frank from the Frankish Nobility and not some wannabe Frank like the Dutch already confirmed what they looked like. Either you accept the truth and everything is fine or you stay in denial but you will lose your credibility in the process.

You're basing your statement on a single impression written in one sentence in a old chronicle, that impression being that Vikings are blonder than the Franks, I let you estimate how credible you are.
Get back your king and return to the traditional duchies, then have a celebratory hanging of hollande

A Frank said that tall height and beautiful features, pulchritudine, term basically used for blond hair and light complexion is something that they never saw among the whole Frankish race, the most amusing is that the dead corpses described weren't just Vikings(the term used is Nordmanni) but also Saxons(Saxones), what the Frank basically said is that they never saw a Nordic and didn't look like them.

Anyway if you're a tall guy with blond hair and you claim Frankish ancestry, you're either of mixed origin or a LARPer.

Either a guy who can't believe he's reading such stupidities.


Nice denial my friend here is an illumination of my ancestors the FRANKS, did you notice the color of their hair my nordic friend ?


Afro-centrist tier argumentation.
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More Franks for you m8
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The so called Germanic didn't look so Germanic no wonder the Nazis were so butthurt about Charlemagne slaughtering their ancestors;

I am leftist and I agree with you.
Actually blond people tend to be nationalists.
Still, is it true that people in Normandy are blond by a wide margin ?
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>Actually blond people tend to be nationalists.

I believe the contrary actually, for me Blond-hair is synonym of liberalism and degeneracy, while brown-hair is synonym of Faith, Race, and Fatherland.

>Still, is it true that people in Normandy are blond by a wide margin ?


Although the illuminations from the middle ages show that they were predominantly blond-haired, they are now predominantly light-brown haired, if you want to see nordic features in France you must go in French Flanders.

Occitania best region reporting.
It's shit.
You can rearrange regions just like that?

Fucking countrylets
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