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Khaoula rightful Queen of /MeNa/

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Behead all who insult khaoula edishaan
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Who this
>Khaoula rightful Queen of /MeNa/
Gee I wonder who she is aswell, it would be nice if OP wrote her name on the opening post, wouldn't it?

The one and only...

good post
>tfw no khaoula gf
>tfw no moroccan gf
>tfw no gf
how much of an abysmal retard you have to be to be this infatuated with some photoshop instagram attention begging normalshit whore. Just how many additional chromosomes were you cursed with to be constantly writing the same name and posting the same pictures with every breath of your parody of a life. Jesus lord have mercy
you gonna get hemorrhoids one day son
tn/algg put your name back on :3
Who here has a girlfriend?
behead me
Li 7wak :D
Literally nobody
Dude let him be :(
Stop bullying chinkbro he's the only nice person itt
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No, I didn't finish them. I've got so many things to work on I forgot about it - because it's just a joke.
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abraj al bait towers.jpg
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ITT: architectural wonders of the middle east
Honestly don't like it.
so fucking disgusting wtf gulfies
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angry pepe.jpg
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Too ostentatious.
Out of place
Giant bloc that doesn't look nice or harmonious wih its environment tbqh familia
How would have designed it?
The tackyness of these gulf nouveau riche niggers.
I wouldn't.
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like they designed heliopolis, but bigger
Add a penis
I think you want the mecca to be the centre of town so it's not a good idea to build skyscrapers around it and basically hide it like the french did with mosque of Paris.

Build traditional architecture around lecca and keep skryscrapers at the periphery of town is how I have done it.
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That looks so out of place.

Gas the Saudis
Bring back the ottomans
ugly as fuck
t. been there
Ok, I have spare time. Going to finish this uppercase Arabic shit just to get it out of my fucking way.
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every time an Arab dies I get more cummies than my jack rabbit vibrator gives my clit
Daddy's cummies
guys i don't want to be libyan anymore

give me tunisian citizenship

Link no work
Top fucking kek
A monkey pulled off a girl’s headscarf sparking violent clashes that left 16 dead and dozens injured, according to reports.

Tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons were used by the warring tribes during four days of fighting in the Libyan city of Sabha.

The monkey, that belonged to a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa group, reportedly attacked a crowd of schoolgirls who were passing by.

The animal allegedly pulled off one of the girls' head scarf leading the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people as well as the monkey.
A local resident said: "There was an escalation on the second and third days with the use of tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons.

"There are still sporadic clashes and life is completely shut down in the areas where there has been fighting."
hey that's not me i'm not a bully
>The animal allegedly pulled off one of the girls' head scarf leading the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people as well as the monkey.
poor monkey
It's just my phone dying desu
do you miss Ghadafi now ?
>Tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons were used by the warring tribes during four days of fighting in the Libyan city of Sabha

What the absolute fucking fuck fuck ydiyekvsls
Worse shit probably happened under Ghaddafi it just never got to the mainstream press because of media censorship
It's seems so irrational and unreal. I hope this isn't some sneaky propaganda.
trust me it's real
the story is on everybody's tongues here and all over facebook
and our national tvs
it's a backwards town in the south
Fuck. Sad for the people who died.
so tribal militias applying their own justice and muting the state's authority has always been a thing in libya ?
is gaddifism getting mainstream or libyans still hate him ?
true man
but hey on the bright side
15 less retarded libyans to deal with

nah it's still really looked down upon
tripoli from what I've seen is still proud of the revolution
what he means is southern libya was always a shittily dangerous place and yes worse shit happened
I seriously hope people don't get nostalgia for qaddhafi. It's so self defeating.

Dude had the biggest oil reserve of africa with a low population you could have looked like a gulf country or at least a nice propsperous and developed country with a better educated and less backward country. Instead he has stalled the development of the country and made an enemy out of everyone in the world. In the end he is also responsible for all these civil wars.

Yes the situation is shit right now but you should still keep the ambition to build a country that is decent to live in. Not z repressive shithole and go bzck to the mediocrity and corruption of his reign.

My two cents.
Hoping the best for Libya, lad.
I am the Worm-Faggot. And there is nothing worse in this world than me
i agree with you
and don't worry, while some may say stuff like life under gaddafi was better
noone is willing to accept a return to his rule or his sons
infact just saying you wish gaddafi was alive rn or if you insult the 2011 revolt the response would be a punch to the face depending on if the person in question lost someone to gaddafi in 2011

anyways im going to sleep now
thanks for the support algeria bro

>nah it's still really looked down upon
>tripoli from what I've seen is still proud of the revolution
Would make RT drones faint desu
Thank you

>a fucking rock
libyans are retarded what do you expect tho rt drones are pretty retarded too

>be Saudi
>erect a huge tower near the Kaaba
>write "Allah" on it
>put a moon crescent just above it
>Hubal was know as the moon god

it would be nice if saudis returned to worshiping hubal
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this is fucking gold
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I want to become cultured and learn about mena culture and language etc
:) much better than dutch culture
So could you tell me phonetically in msa so everyone can understand me how to say what I posted previously?

Like ?

is that shia labeouf?
>implying all muslims care about it
It's not as important/sacred as you might think.
Fi kuli maratin yamutu fiha 3arabiyun ahsolo 3ala maniyin aktar mima yu3ti hazaz ularnabi jack li bathriy

Lots of quirks that still need to be fixed
What's that?
A prototype for uppercase Arabic letters, because this is my free-time and it's a Sunday.
was that the crazy thing you were working on?
There are many crazy things I'm working on, this is recreational crazy.
shine on you crazy diamond
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Tell me if there are letters you don't like. My ein and ghein look sickly.

1.6 billion muslims praying 5 times a day beg to differ
didn't they tear down a fortress to build that too

saudis need to get 'liberated'
But gramatically and all it's ok right? i....need to vocaroo it
I remember once I tried to formulate the most efficient alphabet.

I completely failed.
I know that languages like Chinese and Japanese, for example, are completely retarded when it comes to written language because they don't even have an alphabet system. As a result, the process of communication via writing is much more difficult to learn and carry out.

Languages like English and other Latin-based systems of writing have it better. Even Arabic is on the right track considering we have an alphabet (though obviously, things become a little more complicated when you add in the changing forms depending on placement).

Anyway, I'm trying to see what the most efficient way of writing is. It must be:

1) An alphabet
2) Consist of no fewer than 15 and no more than 30 letters
3) Each letter must represent a unique sound
4) The pronunciation of each letter must not change based on where the letter is or what letter it is next to
5) The letters themselves must be very easy to write (i.e., they can't be some shitty Chinese characters that take five years to write and require a specific order of strokes)
6) They should look nice and be visually distinguishable from each other
Ana aydan
>Efficient alphabet
Linguistis have you beat, but it's by no measure an easy colang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ithkuil
Yes it is its just that I have no idea what words like cummies (orgasm) vibrator and clit translate to in MSA so I used google translate for them
>accents over the letters
>based on some b.s native american langauges

I don't mean to create an entirely new languages. Just to create an incredibly efficient alphabet for already existing ones.

The best would be for English since it is the language of the world.
But if you read that or heard it could you understand it?
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I'unno. I'm just doing this as a practical joke.
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Alright, I'm feeling like having a good laugh.
Do explain to us how muslims who pray - there are 1.6 billion muslims but only a minority of them prays at all, not to mention do the 5 daily prayers... but hey, you can keep pretending to be an expert on the matter if you want to mate, no pressure at all - is in any way, shape or form related to the black rock. Please.

>5) The letters themselves must be very easy to write (i.e., they can't be some shitty Chinese characters that take five years to write and require a specific order of strokes)
When I was a kid, a friend of mine taught me to write in a weird code. Since every "table" can only contain 9 characters, the letters of an additional table have one dot in them. If another table is needed, then its letters have 2 dots; etc.
A simply cipher, but God how ugly it looks and easily figured.
I used to use something like this as well with a slight difference
I'll see if I can draw it
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yeah, they don't care, is not like there are 1 million of them in this picture alone or anything

Can I buy her for 30 camels ?
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You can easily twist it beyond recognition, but the goal here is to think of a simple way to write letters. This one is the easiest to remember; given that one knows the order of the letters.

My friend and I used to add random shapes to most letters to make the same letter look different if it's written in the same word, but someone who knew the code would only have to focus on the general form of the letter to recognize it.

>implying they're here for the stone
Like I said, most of them don't give a shit. Pilgrimage to Mecca, and walking around the Kaaba existed long before the black stone was put there.
I'm still waiting for that explanation, a picture that's in now way related to the importance of the stone in Islam is not enough. Apply yourself.
1.6 billion people
If we assume 5% of all Muslims actually pray 5 times a day and are super religious, that would be 80 million people
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Shitty lines.jpg
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Excuse my fucked up mouse writing
Epic bro!!!
Sir tnta7r

>I'm still waiting for that explanation

I don't give a fuck, you should be carpet bombed from the face of the Earth
Never though of that, smart desu

If you hate us so much then why are you posting here sudaca?
>Hello /mena/
I spent 2 full minutes trying to figure out the meaning of "/"
There's more variation in yours so it's more effective as a cipher.

I fucking love it when Moroccans say
>سير على الله

Don't be mad. Being wrong on the internet isn't that bad.
Especially if you're an Argie to begin with...

My 7yo friend taught it to me in 3rd grade. I still can't believe he invented it, to this day I'm pretty sure he saw it somewhere. I mean he was smart, but this should be beyond a kid's imagination.
how to make an arabic song

>western music
>english text
>repeat habibi until your tongue hurts

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Wait sorry it was 4rth grade and we were 9
>I fucking love it when Moroccans say
>>سير على الله
But we never say this?

>There's more variation in yours so it's more effective as a cipher.
If we add what you said >>67670196
here it would make a really great cipher

>I'm pretty sure he saw it somewhere
Same here, caught it on an english tv kids program but I don't remember when or what its called
>If we assume 5% of all Muslims actually pray 5 times a day

This seems low. Most of the muslims I know do it. You guys are not pressured to do it? In my high school (Ulsrud vgs), the muslim peer pressured each other to join the prayers. Like you wouldnt be the only one not seen doing it.
Don't even try to equate this shitty 21st century bullshit as being Arabic music.
insult 21st century one more time and i'll give you taste of my shoe
My brother spent 2 weeks in Agadir and his friend's uncle kept saying that to him, so now we kept it as a joke.

If you keep in mind that "most muslims you know = a very small and weird example", then everything becomes clear. Some families take prayer seriously, but most of them, ESPECIALLY back in mena, they don't care that much. Maybe during Ramadhan, but the rest of the time most people don't care

Post Arabic music.
That's just a shortened version of sir twekel 3la ellah
Also that vid is hilarious
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literally mordor tier
saudis need some of that good ol' ottoman treatment
this is one of the best things to ever come out of menaaah
> If you keep in mind that "most muslims you know = a very small and weird example", then everything becomes clear. Some families take prayer seriously, but most of them, ESPECIALLY back in mena, they don't care that much. Maybe during Ramadhan, but the rest of the time most people don't care

So it's not normal to be ostracised for not doing so? Isnt it one of the main pillars in being muslim and essential part? Didnt the prophet get mad at muslims who did not do it? Seems weird not to observe it.
You lot really don't need any infidels to desecrate your holy places, you do it all yourselves.

The purpose of this is that the rich fucks don't have to mix with the rabble and can look at the kaaba from their 5000$/day luxury hotel room right?
I once made a cipher based on prime numbers and published a little poem in /lit/'s book with it. To this day, no one has deciphered it.
nobody really cares about who prays or doesn't. Ironically people care more about fasting, but even then a lot of people just do w/e they want to behind closed doors.
the eternal saudi man

Yeah, though. They tore down an ottoman citadel and built a series of hotels instead.
Link? :)
I guess because in Norway there's a small amount of muslims and when one doesn't pray he tends to stand out very easily, 1/10 muslims will eventually feel peer pressured into praying so they would stop being the odd one
Wile back here a lot of people just don't pray and those who do pray are the ones that stick out very easily, The HS I went to had a mosque but only around 20~ ever prayed in it (except during Friday ofc)
when a group of people is surrounded with foreigners it feels greater need for intensive cohesion because it feels threatened, therefore enforcing strict rules that would otherwise be neglected
> Norway there's a small amount of muslims

Most schools in East Oslo is 60~80% muslim. Maybe nationally, but take a walk in Gronland and you wont see a norwegian person for hours.
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So thaaat's where it comes from ! nice to know

What authority is legitimate enough to fix the norm, or answer the "what should" questions ? I'm just stating a fact: most muslims don't pray and don't care if other muslims do.
Is that good or bad ? man, I sure as hell am not the best suited to answer this. I just try to never miss a prayer, encourage people who try to, congratulate those who manage to and not judge those who don't.
Should I hunt every filthy non-praying munafiq dog and cut a chunk of their dick as penance ? I have enough to worry about with my own life and my own soul already, I don't really have the time to care about others desu
If people are being dicks to you because you don't pray, my advice as a sincere believer is to NOT pray just to be accepted by them. I think prayer should be offered to satisfy God alone, but that's just me.
Also fuck them cuz they're dicks.

>Didnt the prophet get mad at muslims who did not do it?
Never heard such a story. Care to provide a source ?

also this >>67672034
> Never heard such a story. Care to provide a source ?

I dont have a concrete source, but it is just the impression i get from when i search it:
That's what you asked for.

Seriously though, the most eminent scholars disagreed on the matter. Each opinion has different implications, but one can't decide if one is more valid than the other.

>This is the more correct view
IIRC at least one among Malik, Abu Haneefa and Shafi'ee disagrees with Ahmad.
It's very inconsistent, I know. I'm just doing it for fun.

Also, can someone tell me why I smell and taste vanilla, like, really strongly? I didn't eat anything since the morning and none of it involved vanilla.
>I didn't eat anything since the morning
Can someone please marry his daughter off to Qaf already ? He just has too much time on his hands, and not enough structure. It's getting out of control.
I think it's about time I go insane.
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