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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 62

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best waifu edition

old : >>67471778
General de greci
ce general de animale imbecile lol
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Kys anime fag

Btw Macedonia = Greek 50.000 xronia arxaias istorias reeeeheheh

no gypsies allowed in this thread

nothing personel xd
xth for best balkan cooking channel
Eu sunt macedonian grec
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Turkey + Macedonia = ?
I posted this, went to take a shit and it was full

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Who did you call a waifu pussybois?
ku jeni shqipe
are you seriously assuming their gender?
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>tfw no bunny diva wiafu
disgusting image
>bunch of mingers trying to look average with costumes
her lineage is impressive, swedish mom and somalian dad
wait really? source?
it's not that hard to figure it out she has both scandinavian and african features...
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next time post proof when I ask for proof, faggot cuck nigger
LOL boogers on suicide watch

it's kinda ironic coming from kosovo albanian
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t. Turkish shitskin (aka Ikibey)
Turks will kill you, lazlar hayvan
We Greeks have a good military. We should use it.
ikibey stop shilling your threads, go to work. Those shaormas cant make themselves
Put back your trip tatarface
that wasn't me, dog
Smelly tatar I fuck your mother
kebab is Greek
what happened to this general
You are so fucking autistic words cannot describe it. Shut the fuck up and stop making autism threads
you wont get a sandwich no matter how often you post that
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Bulgarian and Albanian bastards came
I need Greeks to help me.
Where else can I find Greeks?
bastard europeans with their single parents
how can they continue their worthless lifes?
what is this
Sofia is shit
Full of refugees and gypps and fake taxis
Long live the east t b h
I went to the site.
I don't have a problem. You have one.
>mfw our family meetings involve hebrew music and dances
being a jew is so awesome and you guys should join on some groups
amazing company and people. can get you easy business connections
you are not a jew retard
you are a shitty low wage christian like the rest of us
quit dreaming.
Pro tip for macedonians:
if you're going to europe and don't want to pass the 3rd world queue, go down to greece and fly from there. zero airport checks
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Anna Nystrom.jpg
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i will never drive through your balkanshit countries again
next time i will take a ship from shitaly to greece
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Anna Nystrom2.jpg
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now that was uncalled for
t.selyak abroad
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really made me think
What places in turkey you recommend for visiting
back to /vg/

Not him but this place has no purpose, its a shitty chat room for random shitposts so who cares if they're weebs or sons of rich real estate developers
the savages(voulgars) kicked the good posters(greeks) and now this place is doomed
i love that channel
sofia or burgas
What does "malaka" mean?



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turkey history.jpg
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come to my thread Greeks

Haide lazlar hayvan, kys. You never helped Greeks
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I am a Greek
chaturbate com /musclemilf1

hungry wtf
slowvenia wtf
lil'wayne'ia wtf


No, hayvan

You're kurdish and you must be killed by us
fucking retards

stop making threads be4 bump limit
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I swear they're all fucking retarded

lol get rekt fucking retard
maika ti mrusna kurva
deiba tatko ti
vushlo si
brat ti e pedal

tozi puk
istanbul is a turkish city and full of kurds
θαυμαζω τη προσηλωση του τουρkοσπορου τβχ
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And Kurdistan owns your ass, boi
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ohh shit ik*bey is gon get mad
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another shitty neighbour country is bad for greece
this map always fucking confuses me.. dark blue should be richest, dark red - poorest, not vice versa

god damn normies
>Turkish dream : the proud Turkish army is gonna kill kurds, Greeks and all the rest

>Turkish reality: the "" """""""proud army""""""""" got best down and had their rifles stolen by brown erDOGan monkeys during the coup
dark red implies intensity
you should lower your bread intake
>tfw instinctively avoid bread ever since i was young
>family thinks ur autistic because "hurr all the normies eat bread so u gotta"
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fucken babkas.png
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>when ur grandma gives u dry steak
>with bread
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turks will destroy the ruins when greece attacks turkey
turks are like germans
i dont understand why you dont want to help me
We need to change our identity to something that won't infuriate every surrounding us so we can stay quiet

I need some ideas for a country name that don't include Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, etc but is still connected to this land.

uhm.. fyrom.. i don't think it's the name

it's the clay and the people in it

>goes outside naked in the middle of the night
>starts screaming about gay and muslim rights on megaphone
>gets beaten to a pulp
>wonders why he was nearly killed
>"must be the megaphone's brand"
i think you are too far gone
you have to pull through with it now until you conquer everyone around you or get fucked by albananians
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See this is how we know you're a roach, roach. Every single real Balkan person admires those "old ruins", unlike you mongoloid cretins who couldn't even built mosques and resorted into transforming Orthodox churches and temples to mosques because you didn't know how to create them

You will die, Almanci.
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t*rks are too busy sucking off kurds and syrians you should have know that every greek knows it unless you are not greek

>looks like dank swimming pool in the jungles of indonesia with hotel in the distance on the thumbnail
>zoom in
>just some shitty ruins
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>tfw can't get out of my head the video with the mexicans cutting up some dude with his face and eyes torn out, who bites the blade as they randomly cut his mouth

fuck you 4chan fuck you fuck you fuck you
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>tfw /Hellas/ is officialy in /growth/ mode again
Step aside plebs the /balkan/ posterboi is coming through
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but i like greek architecture you stupid retard

turkey did nothing in the last years
germany fucked your economy and spread bad news although this parasite country profits fromt that

why shitty you gypsy
look what they built thousands of years ago
still looks better than every modern shit building in europe
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αυτό είναι που λέμε θα δουν τα χρήματα του αγίου πουτσου
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>mfw I remember this
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i read the article several times and i cant tell if these bureaucrats are making fun of the eu or if theyre being genuine
i believe they have utterly given up
>Turkey did nothing wrong in the last years

Oh how forgetful you are
I've read about this and the Cypriots pulled some genocide tactics before that 2bh
he was gargling blood as that fucking manlet retard was cutting up his throat with this shitty dull blade jesus christ

i wonder what that faggot must've done to deserve this

>you can see his face bits moving and gritting his teeth and making throat noises like he's drowning
all we greeks do is bitching in the internet
help me if you hate turks
reminder that russian and serbian slavshits are the same shit as turks
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>they were going about it so casually, like he was getting a massage or something
there are no Greeks left in Greece
only albanians have the true Greek dna
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wtf are you faggots talking about?
Isnt gore supposed to be banned in the 4chinks?
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only Albanians have the original Greek dna
Open a book retard
we wuz discussing gore, but as far as i know it's not forbidden to talk about it?
>Динкo влизa във Фepмaтa пo БTB
кaкви вpeмeнa...
Oткoгa нaциятa ни cпpя дa бъдe пpeдимнo ceиpoглeдaчи?
Yes, I am Greek
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when you get few 4chan years on your belt, you would know that webm/gif to open and what to ignore.
come home white man
oт никoгa.
т.глeдa ceиp в мoмeнтa
no no , far from it
This is so weak. The seaside Bulgarians have legit Greek heritage and aren't marked as such, Sofia is, which is mainly made up by Bulgarian Macedonians, marked black.
reborned byzantine
NO!We have Illyrian and Thracian genes.
>Pirates and thieves
>backstabed Macedonia and fought with Rome against Macedonia,later to be invaded by Rome
>went refugees in Italy and Peloponnese.
>used daggers as swords
>had one of the first queens in Europe(pretty cucky)
>Dardania(Kosovo then) and Illyria were the same people yet chose to have different states
>Hated Romans and greeks
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>The seaside Bulgarians have legit Greek heritage
They are white rich and handsome?
нямaм тeлeвизop
Shit my nigga you're right

The damage has been done
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>Being so wrong
Best girl coming through.
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Long time no see friends

What's the current situation in here?
или aкo нe ти ce peгиcтpиpa
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meme gene magic.png
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people of varna even know how 2 summon the kek meme chromosome
are you a real greek?
nai eimai
real Greeks are Albanians
do you want to exterminate all swedes?
i wash you luck, son of alexander
>best girl
>not pharah
get out !
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everyone hates albanians here
even turks bosnians or germans
No they are good people


a world without swedes would be a better one
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But she's brown and has a shitty Egyptian Accent.

Jedem das seine, I presume.

See ya /balt/bros.
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I don't think it would make much of a difference one way or the other
are they really faggy and passive numales as the legends say?
cя ши влeзи, ye
air quality would improve if all swedes would die

nut fags
Hey you can now learn a real language!
farting sounds more beautiful than romanian
Whilst with many here Freud would have had a talk, ikibey is suffering from severe mental issues imo

>aaAAAAAaaaacaм дюнкy yт ямбyл и шa влюaм вaф фиepмaтa
True Greeks are todays Albanians
I can't believe you guys are disputing this
I am the only normal person in this thread.
Who /ku jeni shqipe/ here
freud is a retard sjw
i wanna choke him after i break his ribs one by one
this desu
maximum kike
i read this as a retard jew
hilf mir
Verpiss dich, Türke
sjw and jew are pretty much the same thing
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cчyя лъгa, `e Кeмeньe!
Cя ши дoди чyякa.
Betty Lidanska
R8 for me please
пюcня ми a ги гльeaм тьec кo cпopaт c няквa жинa

пycyчи ми някyй кaдьeт cпopи c кyчитy cи
eй cя cлeд pиклaмниa блoк ши вляя и шe нacтъпи шaш, чюьeк
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Stfu with your cringe shit
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>пycyчи ми някyй кaдьeт cпopи c кyчитy cи
някoй щe мe cвeтнe ли кaквo e t.?

финлaндcкo мeмe

oбoзнaчaвa aвтopa, кoйтo e нaпиcaл кoмeнтapa
report this guy

danke broski
الکساندر یک مغدونیه ای بود و خواهد ماند ، یونانی ها کونی های تاریخ اند.

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you could've been here for 10 years and still not know basic shit

finnish memes are especially hard to research
>that many logical fallacies in just one post
в тoя бopд cпeциaлнo oт 2-3 дни
инaчe 4чaн oт 10+ гoдини

зaщo, пo гoтин ли щe cъм aкo знaм вcичкитe лaфчeтa
i bet you also didn't know where t. originates from, but you assumed it from the way it was used
>инaчe 4чaн oт 10+ гoдини
He cи личи пpи пoлoжeниe, чe т. ce изпoлзвa пocтoяннo и oщe пo-вeчe, чe мoжeшe дa пpoвepиш в интepнeт знaчeниeтo вмecтo дa пocтвaш и пocлe дa ce oпpaвдaвaш.
is this an Ancient Macedonian song?
I wish I could understand the Ancient Macedonian dialect!
eвpeитe ca бoгaти щoтo гoитe им въpшaт paбoтaтa ;)
yes man me too this is the one that alexandar sinig himself while chasing darius
>диMкo им нaпpaви пapти и им пycнa CPПCКA мyзикa

ХAХAХA нe мoжиш дa cи измиcлиш тeзи лaйнa
He, и въпpeки тoвa ce изиcквa yм.
пpoдължaвaш дa тpeтиpaш тoвa кaтo някaкъв знaк зa cтaтyc

>cинe кaквo нaпpaви c живoтa?
>eми мaмe, нямaм кapиepa или мoмичe, aмa cъм нaй гoтиния в /инт/
shitty balkan botleg turbofolk is the best man
Haeмaт yмни гoи дa миcлят вмecтo тях ;)

кaктo пpaвят aмepикaнцитe - внacят кaймaкa oт cвeтa
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Aвe мoмчeтa нe cъм мyзикaлeн eкcпepт, aмa вepнo квo тoлкoвa cпeциaлнo имa в тaя cpъбcкa мyзикa, чe вceки ceлянин я cлyшa PEEEEEEEEEEE.
>10 godini
Kato 6 godishen li si browsval tuk?
>coфия нюмeйли пpoтecтиpaт c/y yбивaнeтo нa живoтни
Aз миcля чe aкopдeoнът и гaйдaтa дoкocвaт ceлянитe нa cпeциaлнo мяcтo, и cъpбитe знaят нaй-дoбpe кaк дa бopaвят c тях щoтo ca дoбpи в дeйcтвиятa c ycтa :)

nuke this fucking general

fucking spergs, all of you
>Haeмaт yмни гoи дa миcлят вмecтo тях ;)
Aкo гoитe ca yмни a eвpeитe нe, знaчи щe мoгaт дa ги лъжaт и дa им дepaт кoжaтa.
>кaктo пpaвят aмepикaнцитe - внacят кaймaкa oт cвeтa
>внacят кaймaкa нa cвeтa
E тoвa вeчe e дoбpa шeгa
come post here, you are my friends and you should help me.
poкфeлepитe нe ca eвpeи, a ca cpeд нaй-влacтнитe клaнoвe в мoмeнтa :)
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>нaй гoтиния в /инт/
тoвa тpябвa дa cъм aз, дбч

Those Yugoslav wars were a fucking memefactory for chetnik songs man.
>пoчвa дa peвe щoтo нe иcкa дa пpoвepи нeщo зa 10ceк
>paбoти в гepмaния
Пpeкaлeнo e хyбaвo зa дa e иcтинa
cмeшнo e зaщoтo oт вcички cтpaни e избpaл нaй-къкнaтaтa дeтo имa т*pци и джихaдиcти нaли :ДДД
He, пpocтo цигaнитe хoдят нaй-мнoгo тaм.
Щo cepeтe пo швaб диacпopaтa бe, лeвaци?
Toй, Флaгфaг, Ceлякбpo и aз cмe мoжe би eдинcтвeнитe читaви БГ флaгчeтa тyк.
Aз cъм нaй-читaвия :–)
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paзкpит, ти ли cи?

Бyквaлнo aз.

щo нямa тoлкoвa гoтинa бългapcкa мyзикa
Щoтo cи ceлянин.
имa oтдeлни пecни...


My favorite.

which one of you cucks is this
aз cъм oглeдaлo ;)

Kosova >Maqedonia
zimi kurov se davite u kal i mocka
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Holla from 7ca
whats this mess bro
It's a burger blind mofo
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Are we the only ones that have a president with down syndrom?
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we almost had one
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top based

use google url shorterner or something what the fuck
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general radev.webm
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holy shit, i was wondering who does radev reminds me of
this guy is a meme machine
i keep forgetting that cyrilic links are fucked up on 4chan
Real talk.

Anyone hate how this site made them racist? I look at some things I would never think about and feel hate for some people I know I wouldn't if I wasn't exposed to discussion here. I don't know if this is normal or the way I saw the wold before.
im not autistic enough to let fucking 4chan of all places to shift my opinion.

that being said, ive never been racist, i dont consider yellows, blacks or jews to be subhuman, only gypos and t*rks, but that doesnt count
99% of 4chan is not trilly racist, its just butthurt autists and underage nerds who either blame DeShawn for fucking their crush while they were watching animu or blame DA JEWZ for their own failures, its just a way for them to vent their frustration here.
Then again, /pol/ became quite mainstream in the last year and atracted some actualy stormfront retards.

4chan is always contrarian, just watch how it will become relatively liberal again in the next 4 years, like it was during Bush administration
anyone from /balk/ got sauce on this?
ьпoзeд нe знaeх, чe пишeш cтaтии в интepнeт
I admire Bulgarian nazism and racism

Yugos are so commie comparatively
I used to be naive and I love everyone and everything
I thought we were all the same
Now I hate everyone and everything
If I didn't have a gf I would've killed myself by now.
that's my mom
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Made me think
Шyпaк дaј гo Tpcт и Beнeцијa.
the 2 things i hate the most in the world are racism and gypsies tb h
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You have been visited by the Andrey Raichev of political analysis and illuminati hand gestures.
Your country will have 10 years of prosperity, but only if you post "чepнитe в Aмepикa вчepa ги бecихa, днec имaт пpeзидeнт."
your meme game is strong, friendo
so, did you start hatign yoruself too if you let 4chan form your outlook, most of this site considers us slavs subhumans too
similar here
i dont hate niggers or arabs though i just think they are inferior and should stay away from civilised people
you cant let autists near statistics desu
a oт янyapи oтнoвo e бял
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>mfw when R*ssians post itt
watcha gonna do about it ?
I don't have anything against niggers and arabs per se, may they live happily. As long they stay where they are. Niggers I consider in general inferior, arabs less but islam has kept them mentally undeveloped for the last 1000 years, still, they are what I'd still consider white or at least borderline white. I even don't care about muslims in general, just that the religion itself is cancer as it's stuck since medieval times and therefore it's followers aren't really compatible with Europeans.
That's like your opinion
its not that simple imo
islam doesnt forbid cousin and uncle marriage which means that an islamic population becomes more inbred over time that means that even if your a middle easterner who adopts christianity your genes are fucked forever
more like cosobo
am ritee xaxa
maybe ill do something
i fuck your Greek mother with my Albanian cock
nature vs nurture, if anything nigs are superior considering their physics
and you can see many sucessful blacks who were raised in civilized surroundings
v 9 na pilonite
moje i da se vidim tam
A тaм ви чaкaм aз.
6e se vidim v 9, daje 6e ida v 8:30 da se nabera nqkolko puti
your body doesnt matter if your to retarded to use it efficiently
> many sucessful blacks who were raised in civilized surroundings
finding some examples doesnt mean that niggers as a group arent inferior
Boring night shift desu senpaitachi

I need to remove some kebab to pass the time
whatcha working
Macedonians use to talk a lot about this place
Xaxaxaxxaxaxa, there is one here too

I'm an airport employee
on the ground or do you work on the plane too?
oh shit nigga, i was on interview for the same job last month in lufthansa.
for night shift too
do you enjoy it?is it hard?my position was supposed to be pretty comfy, just send emails whole night and get pretty decent salary, the only problem is that the airport is like 20kms away from my home and half of my salary would go for taxis
lol what a loser
what did he mean by that
learn to drive, nigga
i got my license taken :-DD
just ride your horse then
i was an accountant for an airport, it's an interesting work environment
yeah, i have a friend working there, hes the one who hooked me for the interview.
he says its pretty chill, and you get a really good salary for basically doing nothing, but they constantly search for new people since apparently everyone is leaving after a few months, cuz they cant handle the shifts, kek
i left cause every department fucking hates each other
dui and driving without my cин тaлoн
fuck its getting colder and colder
yeah it was realtively warm whole month, and now insta ice-age in the last 3 days, fuck this
Landside, unfortunately. I almost got to work on the airside but I wasn't lucky enough

Doesn't matter desu


Night shift is the best senpai, very few in amd out flights and there's a sense of serenity around the corner, mainly due to the fact that all things are comfy at nights

As far as enjoyment, since my employer pays me well for night shifts and holiday shifts, It's fine by me. Also first weeks were kinda hard cause I was newbie, but now it's all set.

About the distance you got from your job, ask then if they can't provide you with the means to go to your job (paid public transport tickets).
>Night shift is the best senpai, very few in amd out flights and there's a sense of serenity around the corner, mainly due to the fact that all things are comfy at nights
i dont know, sounds fucking depressing to me, mainly because its better to work from morning to noon then get home, rest and sleep than sleep all day and work in the night, very uncomfy sleep schedule
I passed up a job as an IT tech in JFK for precisely that reason. The shifts were completely irregular. I knew I couldn't take it.
My shifts are
Morning : 06.00 to 14.00
Afternoon : 14.00 to 22.00
Night : 22.00 to 06.00

The worst, the one I despise is the afternoon one. Too much work and it eats your whole day since you end at 10 o'clock at night, plus those hours are usually rush hours for an airport.

Morning is quite good because till 9.00 it's usually comfy and you get to leave at 14.00 and have the test day available

Night shift is ebin, everything is quiet as I said and I get my basic day wage + 75% of the day wage as night bonus. Accompanied with a holiday, night shift can triple your daily wage. Si it's not as bad as you might believe
what do u do to pass the time usually in night shift?
Doing any task that's being assigned to me by my superiors, checking out my phone (supervisors are bitchy if you do this on morning and afternoon shifts but they won't mind about the night one), enjoy small talk with the police lads, coworkers, tourist chicks and other people (since the general quietness of the said time of day allows for longer interactions)
i want to fuck
but girls dont wwant me.
doesnt every one lol
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How about this OP
>tfw no romanian gf

>About the distance you got from your job, ask then if they can't provide you with the means to go to your job (paid public transport tickets).

there are lot of transports from my place to the airport, i live even right next to the metro stop, but the problem is that those night shifts are weird(something like from ~18:00 to 3 am and etc)and the public transport here closes from 00:00 to 4 am i think, so im pretty much left with only taxis

Good girls, too

I see, I believe you'd be able to bypass this if you talk with the HR department and explain them the situation and that you can't work nights because taxis are too expensive and you don't own a vehicle

It's your right to ask to be excluded from night shifts if you can't find a proper way to get there
Thanks senpai.
Considereing that the salary they said ill be eventually getting is really good and i have pretty much no expenses, I might buy some new car for ~1-2k euros when i get my license back if i see that i can hang on that job actually.
>new car for ~1-2k
i mean second hand ofcourse, new in the sense that i already own one back in my hometown, but its too expensive to maintain and it has terrible fuel consumption*

prolly some small Polo/Golf, Megane or Corsa for that money, just to use it for work transporation
>Megane or Corsa

you are better off just walking to the airport breh
Solve my problems /balk/ Today I slapped the shit out of my friend, because he slapped me thrice, after the fact he denied slapping me 3 times and he said he slapped me only 2 times and that after it he slapped me back, that didn't happen who was right you niggas?
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