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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 55

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Trump edition
>some 30 year old runt goes on a first date
>sings a sea shanty
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Being ugly is a death sentence
haha ugly twat
yo you better start respeckin my name
The yanks are multiplying
>have tinder profile, get a few matches each day
>Decide to include my height of 6"2 on my bio
>One match in the last three days

Well, with Brexit being a total flop and a nonstarter, we Muricans can take back the mantle as the dumbest fucking developed country in the World.
I just checked and my uni library is 24/7 too, might go there one night, it'd force me to get some work done
he is going to kick the nigga out of the white house soon
son las nuevas piratas los argentinos? nos invadaron por mar para robar el crudo...
>go to library
>post on /brit/
Don't care about Trump now he got elected it's boring
Asian Americans bitch about being cucked by whitey all day
4chan is blocked on the uni network so I'd be forced to phonepost
You're making it too obvious how much of a runt you are
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Make Brexit votes matter again
im slightly concerned that it'll be visible i'm posting on the chon... ah well just stick to the blue boards i guess
What shanty?

What did he mean by this?
haha cucked by netowrk
love this tune
saw that bitch at the gallery last night
put me in a bit of a sour mood this morning
t. Pirate
t. other pirate
You're the most pathetic poster on 4chan
I'm very hungry.
that's what i do la
i only post on here and /fit/ and i dont post anything particularly bad. I doubt they care too much 2bh
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ah yes
doing a cheeky shitpost on another board
There are many effective arguments against Libertarianism

This is not one of them
good 1 m8
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Why do Pakis love Trump?
If he is so pathetic why are they jealous that he has an Asian gf
That is a TERRIBLE hat folding angle
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Sea shanty lad is talking about the fucking sugar tax
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what did you mean by this
Of course a pirate would be against a tax on sugar
right ok

is this event taking place live? is it a tv show?
Everyone at my work has the flu and I've had a headache all day today

Reckon this is it for me, boys
Why did you make a new thread and didn't tell me about this? I feel unwanted here
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>he doesn't watch First Dates
Really gets the old noggin cloggin
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british progressive knife
*kicks down your front door*
i've been unwanted here, but i don't give a fuck
wtf i hate trump now
>First Dates
nigga this some normie ass bullshit kill yourself
"BREAKING: "Trump Supporter" Arrested For Tackling @OhioState Protester Actually Autistic @HillaryClinton Supporter"
SCREECHING at this headline
I want you

(from a distance)
Just finished watching Sengoku no Night Raid lads, it truly was kinome
fugg meee
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>sea shanty lad date goes to the toilet
>his date let out such a sigh, New Zealand felt it
>he then asked her to split the bill
>he then started talking about Barkley's bank interest rates
Christ Almighty
i'm bleeding again
brain juice electrifying
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that would hurt more than a sharp knife
They're self destructing

It's beautiful
post a screenshot of the chinese girl, is she qt?
maybe you should fix that
what does he look like? what does his date look like? are either of them attractive?
What about me?
>Mate does imrpov comedy
>invites me to his show
>full of LOL RANDUMMMM unfunny jokes
>he asks me my favorite
>tell him I thought it was a bit shit desu
>he stops being my friend

Im ok with this
Do you have references?
i can't stop doing it
>minority mindset
The English language is a meme for those too dumb to make powerful utility of it.
Bare this in mind when you consider whether any idea is bullshit to sell to unwitting kids and hipsters.
this image makes me sad desu
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Aye she is, got matched with Chad too
Shes cute, ill show ye him in the next post
Hairline is grim
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Me on hypeman duty
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mate... would you mind deleting this?
Always wondered who makes all these pepes desu.
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OwO what's this?? :3
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feels good Senpai
And that's it?
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doing a quantum mechanics coursework at the moment

got good vibes from this
Looks like the sort of man that would sing sea shanties
He's also a commie
So so sorry
*laughs maniacally*
Ahh so many attractive aspects of his personality
Mate please im trying to read
*sings a sea shanty*
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*my uterus begins opening, ready to receive your superior alpha seed*
very abstract
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any of you lads running a full GNU/Linux desktop naively on your phones?

I'm using a OnePlus 3
*forces my willy*
*dons knockoff Wayfarers*
*fistpumps and jumps around a bit*
*really like this meme
Have you heard about the sugar tax? Bloody capitalists

you will die young
Throw it in the harbor so nobody can have it
Just terminal emulator desu
nigga look up the Qualcomm MSM number, it's a Snapdragon 820
I'm running it on my OnePlus 3
why do you think we blew england the fuck out?
>tfw see my post
>i'll suck your cock for a tenner
fucking hell just came all over my face hahahah
is this maisie's mum
I do love a bargain
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just did a wet fart
taking the pills now
>yoohoo hoo and a bottle of rum!
*Cuddles up in my jammies with a glass of chardonnay, reading the communist manifesto*
is he ok?
black pills are the best
Do you have a mechanical keyboard plugged into it right now?
oh fuck off you yank

I'm using an app called Linux Deploy, try it out lad
Would still LOVE to mail Hillary a box of bedbugs
interesting post, enjoyed it
is pooing unique to british culture?

seems like you guys like talking about doing a poo quite often
think i might have a plan to become a NEET
Doing a poo
hello thailad
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messing with this guy over on /g/ haha
yeah that's the one, it's pretty easy to use
gf found out about my side chick
I never bothered to move an distro image over to SD, just downloaded it when I installed busybox etc.
baka desu senpai

you don't even need to move the image, the app downloads everything for you and installs it to the root of your sd card
In 3rd year and feel like I haven't actually properly learnt anything in my degree like the whole time ive just been doing assignments and exams then forgetting everything

Is this what it feels like for everyone? Though at some point it would click and id feel smart
Kill yourself you fucking scumbag
oh, neat.

Have you found any practical use for it yet?
so long...
*closes the door behind me slowly*
And that's it?
That's pretty much what everybody does.
The only things people really learn well are the things they have to use everyday and whatever they happen to be interested in.
Everything else goes out the window.
I can image myself using an old phone for running a server or something, like a raspberry pi.
At the minute i'm just pissing around
taking vocaroo requests
finished my undergrad and it felt like a huge waste of time
should have taken more math/science in High School and gone into a boring STEM job with actual money behind it like comp-sci
@mexican: do you eat al pastor in mexico?
that stuff is REALLY good
You're supposed to study it in your own time, practice the skills/knowledge you've gained so you know how to use it and gain experience working (placement year), you should have learnt by now one of the most important lessons, that educational institutes don't actually prepare people for the real world, that's up to you.

Although a lot of the stuff they teach you is useless admittedly.
"you're an ugly little nigger"
wish I chose the bakewell tart now...
read this >>>/g/57533446
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fucking tune
yeah sorry mate, too big for smaller files
fair enough.

I haven't yet run out of things to fuck around with on Android, with xposed, root etc. and a few clever apps you can do so much fun stuff.

feel the power of exposed additions + macrodroid
>Worst poster enters the thread
That's it lads, I'm off
thoughts thailad?
*kisses you on the foreskin*
Not you icelad
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should I eat my chili and watch an episode of The Power of Myth with Joseph Cambell


drink Guinness and play Fallout 4
I need more coffee
GOOD post lad
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>he's here
wtf is that real???
A girl has invited me to a poetry slam

mmm ah yes quite
i've seen him before (the first black guy)
can't remember where
>tfw did a degree I didn't actually want to do because my parents wanted me to do it

Feel like mark in peep show
Cold in
piano tiles 2 to be honest lads
Must be hard to differentiate when you see so many
just study ancient history lad

2:54 massive big up
What degree? did they choose it? why didn't you tell them to fuck off?
that's all ancient history now ha ha
oh ha ha ha ha ha ha h a
At least I'll be remembered as president
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good post desu
Under the sun the bastard son will pop the glock to feed himself and family
what noise do horses make
gonna pretend i never read this
Fell asleep at 5pm and just woke up lol
>BREAKING NEWS: Trump hoodwinks reporters and sneaks out of Trump Tower to go for steak dinner with his family at famous restaurant 21 Club - and gets STANDING OVATION on arrival

What a lad.

Play the superior Fallout New Vegas
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played to death
haven't touched Fallout 4 in a long while and just starting to play it again with the DLC.

its a lot more enjoyable now that I've accepted it for what it is.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
im actually 19, pls dont ban janny
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>Going out for dinner with his family suggests disarray and disorganization in his camp
what can we do to make /brit/ a more inclusive thread?
definitely a virgin
Don't know why anyone would be an MP
this has to be a b& pasta :/

gas the welsh
gas the irish
gas the scots
gas the yanks
gas any english under 51% anglo-saxon origin
It also says he hasn't left Trump tower since last thursday, can't blame him for pulling the wool over their eyes.
Less use of terms like paki, nigger, kike etc
>Trump's maverick move suggests disarray and disorganization in his camp
>The madman went and got a steak
alright, you first
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business idea: leave these all over your town/city/campus
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Everyone sound asleep?
this guy on /dpt/ >>>/g/57533781
absolutely roasted the fuck out of this guy
he did what the other guy did in 25 lines in a single line using an obscure programming language and advanced techniques. i say we all laugh at >>>/g/57533459 this guy
No I was playing battlefield
Now that the dust has settled, how is it?
what fucking dust
ww1 was pretty rough lad but safe to say 100 years later the right side won
I've loved the game since the day I bought it, It's so fun. not a fan of the new weapon "customisation" though
which class do you play lad?

assault master race here
The dust that's just settled

What happened to the left side?
really fancy a chunky kitkat
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Would you?
What faction are you siding with?
i've fucked a woman who weighed nearly 300lbs
>muh one-liners

not all that useful unless your goal is to write one-liners
*gets excited*
she'd be quite cute if she were thin
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Assault all the way, support is a close second. mp 18 trench + gas grenades
need a better shot of her face
have hardly had the urge to wank this past week
don't even want to check out girl's asses anymore
what is wrong with me
dlc is alright desu nuka world is a fair bit of fun and you have to have a real arsehole character to get everything out of it but keep in mind if you complete it, you default to siding with the institute if you haven't completed the main line and they're almost as gay as the railroad
everyone looks like shit when they're fat
even complete 0/10's can gain a point or two
have you unlocked the smg you get at assault rank 10? it's got next to no recoil and 60 round magazines so it utterly destroys hahaha
Would you?

Did you have sex prior to this?
DRUMP btfo
You are becoming more enlightened
You are learning to deny yourself the sinful pleasures of the flesh, and instead chose to better yourself spiritually
Just about to unlock it now, really want the martini henry but I'm shit at the scout
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this image speaks to me for some reason
find and post an ASMR video within the next 2 minutes or i'll blow your fucknig head off
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Forgot pic
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why does this happen?
business idea: trap harem chained up in my cellar
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Genuine question... Why is Northern England so much indisputably better than the South?
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She's like 34
it was like 3 weeks ago
the state of guerrero will be a greater shithole ahhahahaha, thanks based trump
>shitty accent
what do you mean?
I don't know what kind of ASMR is good
It's like knives to my ears

who else is still awake
note: I have filtered the american flag so will not be replying to any of your posts
fine but only cause im desperate
did massive medic actually lose his eye in the chopper explosion, or did BiBo have to remove it just to maintain the illusion
>le trashman
Gonna laugh when Trump uses the full power of the federal government against these people, and suddenly liberals become the ones advocating states' rights.
I've been thinking of starting a new guy
I'm playing my generic survival stealth sniper rn but feel tired with it.

kind of want to make a proper "techy" charecter, made one before but got sidetracked and the institute was a bit shit.
definitely give it a go when you unlock it, it's a lot of fun. desu scout is fucked in bf1, the bullets have a real arc trajectory to them more than bf4 obviously due to some attempts at realism and calibre/design. the only two things you can really do is zero your scope in to the 75, 150 or 300 metre ranges or using a rifle with no scope and being more of an assault scout which actually works really well if you have a decent support who will mortar positions after you flare them
Think you mean:

>GOAT accent
>has character

You must be thinking of the American South.
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>criticising andybodys accent
Our Northern accents are literally a refined version of your Potatonigger dialect.
railroad actually had some fun missions desu
the institute is so shit, you get no good rewards, a lame follower, a robot kid, and a paintjob.

for the most advanced facility on earth you really can't do jack shit.
can't even send synths on raids or anything.
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civil war when?
rebuild hadrians wall
england must get off scot free
Have you played since the update today? It's miles better, AA isn't rape incarnate anymore plus the support class go a big buff. Absolutely dominating here with the lewis gun
South-East independence NOW
why is the 'th' sound so controversial...
it's the easiest sound to make
nigel farage has said shit against poles as if they were niggers hahaha
>look for suicide threads
>beg them for money before they blow their brains out
railroad are just too noncey for me. tbf though all of the main questline is pretty meh. why they thought the kid thing was a good idea, I'll never know. I mean you spend more time getting to and sympathising with kellogg than you do with your spouse yet then you're expected to deal with an entire main questline about them
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Business idea: drink 2 cans of soda and then throw the empty cans at your bedroom wall
don't know what the rest of the day I'll do
outside the libe smokin a tab
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Hey! Get down from there!
thanks god, my state doesn't rely on illegal immigrants
so is paz dead or not
just purchased some penis pills
hahahahah how can you type this without a head haha
Photo shopped
stupid as fuck how northerners call cigs tab
*Watches an anime*
why are you up kev
keep it down, alright?
is it gay to suck off your bro in a platonic way?
fucked up sleep pattern ini

i play xbox till 4 without fail haha XD
fifa isn't a real game
it's called a brojob
Yeah probably though if be ashamed a bit
Thicc girls are the comfiest sex
And cuddling is like laying on a sexy pillow
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'llo lads
gonna quit smoking after this pack
dumb aussie frogposter
so it's not gay?
How do I approach a girl I like who I see in my lectures
hahahaha how can you type this without a head hahahah
Just spent about two hours learning about land speed records. Thanks /brit/
take it back
Thread posts: 312
Thread images: 55

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