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TPP is declared "Dead" by Congress

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1. Cunt
2. Thoughts?
1. Flag
2. Thank god
isn't TPP a Reddit meme?
no clue what it is and how it will affect us, can someone explain?
>inb4 google it
No. It's a trade deal without the benefits of a trade deal.


Also, Chile is part of it.
Thank you President Trump
Finally some good news
So what about CETA what's the EU doing about that
Pls keep buying Toyota...
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it's shit
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Now we're going to funnel all our budget into Chile so they can buy the entire coastline of South America.
nothing cause they signed it
Literally Hiroshima 3.0
China won.
Good cuz we don't want Am*rican globalists meddling with our state affairs and changing our laws to meet their own selfish ways

t. globalist reddit fag
Japs must be on suicide watch now, given that a Japanese business organization pleaded for Trump to approve it

For those who can read taco
Really the only part of that which would've been interesting for us is Australia as any bother major trade partner in there we already had an FTA with so it isn't really a big loss, NAFTA is certainly more of a concern for us right now as it is pretty much certain it's going to the trash as well
It's a trade deal that doesn't say anything about trade
>doesn't even have a coast on the Pacific
lmao you don't even touch the Pacific ahahaha
He's probably just going to change the migrant worker system, Republicans don't want to see NAFTA scrapped
Signed != passed

CETA is supposed to be decided on by parliaments in early 2017
I don't think even Trumps wants to fully scrape NAFTA but the wall thing is bound to get dragged into negotiations sooner or later and that's a deal breaker for us

Also, that was never true.

Republican neocons love NAFTA.
>not Brazil
He can put 150% tariffs on foreign goods for 120 days before Congress can intervene.

So if you don't pay, he'll make your goods pay (American taxpayers indirectly).
I hope not. I like for my shit to be cheap
Pivot to the Pacific was stillborn
Do you also like competing over jobs with 220 million Mexicans?
The TPP's economic AND strategic gains are and were way overblown.

The reason it wasn't passed is not Trump. It's because the TPP was a bad deal.
>unironically supporting the inefficient US manufacturing economy
I like having an insanely low cost of living. If Congress quit fucking with people the jobs wouldn't be a problem
The reason it wasn't passed was because of isolationist sentiment in America. Trump is just a symptom of that.

I'm sure that Chinese government is devasted by this piece of news :^)
>hurdur as long as GDP increases I am happy
>hurdur let's just become a 100% Finance/Law economy

Ever heard of inequality?

TPP was gonna fuck shit up for people at the bottom even worse so good that it's dead.
Trump had nothing to do with it, the decision was made before the election
>TTIP is probably dead too
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>The reason it wasn't passed was because of isolationist sentiment in America.

You know that it was finished before Trump even started campaigning?

The reason TPP was not passed these last 15 months is because it was an economic bribe from the US to third-world Asian countries.
>I have absolutely no clue what trade liberalization does to an economy

Guess what got Trump elected
Thank You Based Trump
>not posting the real tweet
Clinton supported TPP before she co-opted Bernie's position on the issue for votes, lol if you think it wouldn't have gone forward if she had been elected.
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Protectionist cucks
So be it, like I said some things are non negotiable and if it comes to that we are ready to pay the price. He has no right to demand we pay anything after all our country has suffered in your behalf on the war on drugs and Mexicans have not migrated in net numbers for a decade, we don't agree with that wall and you can't force us to pay because dumb fuck rednecks find it comforting to scapegoat our nation for your problems.
>I have absolutely no idea what free trade is or how it works
US manufacturing is only able to survive because it's receiving billions in gibsmedats
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>october 2016
2.it was dead long ago
I know that it's not just Trump (I didn't bring him up first so I have no clue why are you triggered). Clinton was forced to distance herself from it too.
The Senate has final say and the congressional Republicans wouldn't have allowed it
Even republicans that were supporting it have backed out now that Trump was elected. A lot of Democrats were against it, but that's nothing new.
Congress and the Senate literally said they wouldn't vote for it until the next President was in office.

Either Clinton would have backtracked and lost popularity or renegotiated.
And guess what Obama and Clinton did 2009-2012.

Yet you gave him and Clinton your vote.
Republicans loved "muh free trade" until Trump took over their party and they realized their electoral base wants economic nationalism.
Jesus you are one stupid cunt
You mean that Obama who bailed out American auto industry despite Republican outcry? That one?
TPP isn't a real free trade pact, it's welfare for SEA countries
Government support for certain sectors of the US economy is EXTREMELY successful.

The US auto industry is the strongest it has ever been. Same for the aerospace industry.

What's more, come WW3 we can make our own stuff. Belgium now cannot.

That one. And I agree with Obama.

I'm debating a free trade libertarian.
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>EXTREMELY successful
You mean like the auto industry which isn't able to turn a profit without gibs. Gotcha
>220 million
Holy shit, I've never thought we were that many.
Anyways, union destroyed your manufacturing industry, fucking fat lazy uneducated pieces of shit getting paid as lawyers for simple manual work just because industry owners were held at gunpoint by the unions in case a pansy worker breaks his nails.
You're not ready for freedom, so let us deal with it.
>You mean like the auto industry which isn't able to turn a profit without gibs [Citation needed].

>hurdur you're just lazy!
Lmao. Ask Russians about 1990s. That's how it looks like when you leave a power vacuum.

You just elected your own Gorbachev, America.
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>Do you also like competing over jobs with 220 million Mexicans?
Who cares if poorfags lose their jobs?
If I owned I company, I would preffer it to live off goverment gibs rather than it actually being porductive. Markets are fickle, goverments need peasants to have jobs to keep theim from pucking torches and pitchforks.
People who don't understand that industry subsidies are counterproductive
And this is why Trump was elected
i bought a nissan this year

Was the 2008 Bailout counterproductive?
>The most tangible loss is money. Between Obama and Bush, the U.S. spent about $80 billion to rescue GM, Chrysler, and their auto-part suppliers. With all the government-held shares sold, Uncle Sam booked a $10.5 billion loss on its GM investment. The U.S. lost another $1.2 billion on Chrysler.
>B-but muh TARP profits, muh possible job loss
The auto industry failed to support itself and we had to pick up the bill
Yes. It insured that we would remain dependent on an industry that is failing for the next 30 years because Obongo wanted to keep his union friends happy
Counterptoductive or not, it was amoral and unfair thus causing long term damage to the very fabric of your culture.
Do you know what the economic cost of an unemployed American is?
Why, because Dems are more concerned with keeping the unions happy than actually fostering job growth?
Chances are the people who are in favor of FTA aren't doing blue collar jobs. Just a guess
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>I don't have an answer so I'll post an image to insult him
>Yeah, that'll show him

I do. I also understand the cost of keeping a failing industry afloat
>Chances are the people who are in favor of FTA aren't doing blue collar jobs. Just a guess

Your point?

The US economy has added 18 million jobs since early 2010.
Shit map tbhf
Chances are that the people who are working blue collar jobs are working them because the government is enabling their welfare nigger tendencies
The recovery since 2008 has been the slowest recovery from a recession since Black Tuesday
I don't argue with retards.

>I also understand the cost of keeping a failing industry afloat
Fact: the cost of the bailouts is far outweighed by the benefit of the 18 million jobs created since 2009.

Notice the US gdp recently? Up 25% since 2008.
Someone has been reading the talking points for trump's surrogates
>I'm too stupid to come up with a cogent response so I'll call him a retard and refuse to answer him
Lmoa @ ur sad life family
>because the government is enabling their welfare nigger tendencies

So should the government just not spend any money purchasing goods in the US?

Where would these 90 million blue collar workers go? Lawyering?

The US working age population has been stagnant since 2010. Guess what that does to GDP growth.
It's objective fact and I didn't support Trump.

Guess what government subsidies does to the economy. Go ahead, I'll wait
>Your point?
Chances are, the dude who said he liked his things cheap wouldn't be competing with Mexicans for jobs as the other anon suggested.
Will Japan ever recover?
Neither would they if the government didn't stymie actual job creation to keep the unions happy
I answered your second argument.

Your first was literally retarded. Every economist agrees that the bailouts saved the US economy from depression.
>no, the trade deal that would literally destroy what is left of our economy is dead
>Guess what government subsidies does to the economy.

Grows it. You do know what goes into GDP's calculation, right?
Miracles do happen. My mother knows a wo,man who had a terminal cancer and then one day the tumors started to disappear and half a year later she was healthy.
I mean, recover from their butthurt.

Yes, I think the cancer analogy actually fits here. KEK.
Correct. The rich and people dependent upon their parents are ALWAYS the free-market libertarians.

Easy to say "le inefficient government le welfare le bailouts" when you aren't starving on the street.

No. Abe is fucked.

Thank god. The guy had it coming.

>stymie job creation

Are you seriously arguing that government spending somehow stymies job creation?

Has 2009-present not proven that wrong to you?
>muh Keynesian (((economists)))
Would you happen to have a source from an economist who didn't contribute to the Obama campaign?
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>mfw Peru, Chile and Mexico will fall under our sphere
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>Miracles do happen.
>recovered from terminal cancer

Either you don't know what those words mean or her doctor misdiagnosed. "Terminal cancer" means that they WILL die.

No miracle involved. It was just a doctor's misdiagnosis.
>has the slowest recovery from an economic downturn in 70 years not proven to you the power of government bailouts
Surprisingly it hasn't. Call me crazy
wasnt this deal really shitty and would only benefit the usa
>le know it all

>argentina is not in it

>le slow growth is bad meme

This is not an argument.

Wouldn't even help us. It was an anti-China bribe
Doctors misdiagnose half of the time.


misdiagnosis is still misdiagnosis
>would only benefit the usa
no it would only benefit the corporations that have shipped off all their factories out of USA
But mostly it was just a fuck you to the BRICS
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>implying your copper multinationals won't be taxed to death now by the USA
face it, you now part of the Bunda Empire
Does that mean I don't need to worry about it ending muh anime and manga?

No one recovers from a "terminal problem". That's the definition.
I think we can benefit from some libertarian principles most notably school vouchers. a progressive consumption tax, and negative tax for the poor. However, I don't think in the current state many Americans would be prepared for a lot of libertarian principles. I can't imagine many people being ready for a nation without medical licenses or something.
Kek that's gonna happen either way
>Edward Meese III is a lawyer with no experience as an economist
>Stuart M Butler is linked to industries that benefitted from the bailout
Sure showed me senpai
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It begins lads
>cleaning the shitty leaders
>now chile and mexico will join
We just need to take down maduro and that other guy
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>and negative tax for the poor

$12 billion in losses for combined hundreds of thousands of jobs is not expensive.

Everyone knows they fucked up, but no auto industry at all outside of Ford and, like, little guys like Tesla would be far worse.

You think you're an expert on economics but you don't understand the strategic importance of manufacturing, even if it needs saving.
>strawmanning and appeal to authority
That's not an argument.

You cannot take out maduro, that is literally what is waiting for.
Any attempt to do anything about him will just backfire and give more power to that shitty movement of his.
It's terrible but we're just gonna have to let them starve and then conquer them.
Reddit was ferociously anti-TPP
>He has no right to demand we pay anything after all our country has suffered in your behalf on the war on drugs and Mexicans have not migrated in net numbers for a decade, we don't agree with that wall and you can't force us to pay because dumb fuck rednecks find it comforting to scapegoat our nation for your problems.
Wait, aren't you blaming the WoD for your problems?

Uh, no, he just knows basic facts.

The media has even been trying to spin meager 250k/month job growth as "astounding" even though a country of America's size coming out of recession should have three times that number. Minimum.
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>watched it

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USA went to enormous efforts to persuade the other TPP countries to get this unpopular shit through their parliaments, in order to complete the isolation of China.

And now this.

It's amazing really

It would have cannibalized America.

Probably half of the signing countries, really.

WTF, I hate USA(Israel) now
Why do americans hate TPP so much?
According to the poll, 60% of people support it in Japan
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I bought a Fiat, you fucking gook

don't talk to me or my car ever again
Free market lolbertarianism is finally fucking dying.
That is because 60% of the Japanese population are literal sheepoles
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The US has by far the largest economy and largest corporations of the TPP countries. It wouldn't have been that bad.

The bigger picture, what your government was trying to do, was divide the world into 2 dominant trading blocs (TTIP and TPP) that exclude China and Russia, and have the USA at the centre of trading system being members of both blocs.

Would've been massively advantageous for the US. That's why the US government was trying so hard to get it done.

Nothing is made in America anymore. There are millions of Americans who can't get a good job, and everyone knows it's because we are competing with the entire world for our jobs.

Google made a plant in Texas to manufacture phones and then shut it down a year or two later.

Unless you make cars or airplanes then you're up shit creek in America for manufacturing, and that's only because of extreme protectionist measures for those two industries. Boeing doesn't pay taxes, for instance.

It's not like we are going to startup textile industries or other shit in America again, but literally nothing is allowed in America.

TPP for America meant "get a computer science degree or rot in a gutter". And who knows how long that would last? The dominance of Silicon Valley could evaporate overnight.
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>anon wants the tpp to pass really badly

Oi globalist american diaspora cunt, gtfo of my cunt, your kind are not welcome here
>Would've been massively advantageous for the US.

To a few thousand already rich Americans, that's all.
t. winston "I'm the anti-establishment candidate, please ignore the fact that I was a government minister for years" peters
American manufacturing isn't coming back, and even if it did I think most people in the rust belt would quickly change their tune when their states would have to become Chinese smog city tier to even be competitive and still employ people instead of robots.
Chile will never get closer to brazil lol

American industry can grow. Until the recession, America was still the largest manufacturer in the world.

Also it doesn't need to just be industry. Jobs without a college degree should not be burger-flipping tier in terms of pay.
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it was your president that literally wanted this to be the flag of South America
The 2009-present job recovery has added the most jobs on average since 1995-2000.

Thank god

Japan trades half its economy. The US does not.
We had 30 million more industrial jobs in 2001 than now and the smog/pollution had been falling since 1960.
haha with trump incoming, they're all fearing for their jobs. fucking yeah they'll drop it

First of all, population growth alone should have made something like that happen. There are more people now, old numbers are small now. Unemployment rate (real unemployment rate) is the actual measure of job growth.

Second of all, no, after a recession, you get a huge boost in job growth. The recovery takes months, maybe a year.
>Second of all, no, after a recession, you get a huge boost in job growth


This happened under Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Obama.
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Not how it works

GDP almost always grows years before jobs are added
don't care. But from what I hear these deals and agreements were being settled for a decade, as if it'll just cease all of a sudden
2.- Thank you based Trump
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Based Donald Trump BTFOing globalist and jewish multinationals
I'm pleased with this incident because
I'm stuck at the bottom of the ladder.
Thank the meme magic posters on /pol/
The TPP per se isn't dead, it's just Australia's idiot mate America has left the table.
It does mean the tariff adjustment and trade barriers negotiations have to start again but that's only because without the USA's fucked up tarrifs and rentseeking 90% of the bullshit won't be relevant.
Honestly your president is spineless and actually slow in the head. He could be easily intimidated and persuaded by Trump.
We both know the drug trade and remittances by illegal immigrants in the US help prop up your economy. The cash that is injected is the lifeline of a LOT of poor people and local economies in Mexico.

Stop talking like you have the high geound or any sort of leverage.
the TPP was probs gonna be good for us because the US would buy more of our beef
You believed all the BRICS hype hah..
What was so bad about it again?
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>Do you also like competing over jobs with 220 million Mexicans?
the population of mexico is 120 million and the pop of Mexican in america is 30 million

where the fuck did you get 220 million from?
>There are millions of Americans who can't get a good job
maybe that was the case in 2009 but finding a job now is easy.

any fuck who can't is just a lazy fuck.
You just revealed your country's plans to invade western South America, João.
It's the fourth day of celebration in a row. What a week, I expect 4 wonderful years.
didn't include china clearly hostile to the second biggest economy and future superpower, planted seeds for a century of division
I know many here can see how dickish it was to try to contain China in their own fucking turf. But It's like a unspoken secret to not talk about it that way here.

I mean, do they really expect China not to still be around in the future and exact revenge? American thinking is short sighted.
> Anonymous 11/11/16(Fri)22:58:19 No.67298248▶>>67298359 >>67298685
>>>67298138 (OP) #
>no clue what it is and how it will affect us, can someone explain?
>>inb4 google it
The contents were a secret, so nobody can tell you. That was my biggest grief with it.
In a few years we will rebrand it and remove a few of the more preposterous bits and the people will eat it up.
1. Malaysia
2. Phew, Thank you, Mr President Donald J. Trump.

You got a problem m8??
>He doesn't know that I, silently rising as a first world, Thank you Singapore and Brunei for averting the attention of those foreigners.
We have a free trade deal with Canada and Mexico, called NAFTA. While economists say the US benefited overall, most average people blame it for the loss of manufacturing jobs, especially in the automotive industry, to Mexico. It probably would have happened anyways, especially with automation nowadays, but a lot of Americans are still feel burned by it.

Current (Tea Party?) Republicans seem to support a more protectionist outlook, even though they're actually usually for this kind of stuff (I think), while Democrats felt that there aren't enough protections and support in the deal for workers that would be displaced by the agreement.

I think in America, on both sides of the political spectrum, there's a feeling of a class divide and a general belief that only the rich will benefit from these trade deals, while the poor and middle class are left to scramble.
No, it wouldn't have included China in the beginning but would let China join in later. They didn't want China to write the rules for TPP so it would be bound by them when it joins.

Now that TPP is dead, RCEP will take its place. Enjoy the beginning of the Chinese millennium guys.

god bless, my chinky cartoons were in danger
Trade deals with several countries, especially with the evil west, are very bad based on our experience. Thank god my cunt has been spared with this TTP deal.
And how many of those jobs are total dogshit compared to the ones we lost, or even go to American citizens?
This pretty much guarantees America won't have major influence in the pacific, and China will set the terms of trade.

This was an empire-building policy, GG america you shot yourself in the foot cancelling a trade agreement that you took 10 years to build and convince people to join.
This. It will help china break out more. Hopefully we'll seem more things like the SCO and AIIB to give an alternative to pax americana.

TPP was supposed to be the successor to shit WTO trade agreements. American illiterates and muh jerbers have literally ruined america's economic dominance.

China/Europe will fucking eat up the smaller countries now and gain power in the world because of the dumb muh jerbers.
It would have benefited the rich and corporations. The average american that has gotten burned by NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and just general neoliberal trade policy would have seen their situation decline further. Which they already likely will anyways considering the other policies of the Trump administration.
we've gotten richer under NAFTA, the average canadian middle class keeps growing bigger in size.

Americans combined free trade with 100% lack of retraining/reskilling and not promoting skilled/technical labor at the lower level and not having any mechanism for re-distribution ie government infrastructure projects.
>I bought a Fiat
what a fucking faggot
huh? the facts are nothing like that. talk only about the facts you can prove without relying on shit internet media, you ill informed sentimental weeb.

most people here have been against that shit, even the LDP had.

only the big companies and arrogant politicians and brainless """""""economic analysts""""""" pandering to them have supported it.
Are those cars still known for being pieces of shits or did it change recently?
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lolis forever
I love how the >chinese millenium belief has been going on for well over a decade and we haven't seen anything other than an enormous bubble about to burst from them.
Why is she so smug
TTP has been over for years and has never been funny. Go back to Plebbit.

t. /vp/
>free trade only benefits the rich
This is a meme it has been proven wrong, see article:

That's incorrect and you're wrong for thinking so.

What was actually amoral was that the people who passed decisions about participating in moral hazard did not get to face any consequences.

Bailout was fair, sensible and perfectly valid form of damage control, just like it's fair and valid when state-funded fire department spends public resources to quench fires on private property so that it doesn't spread.
1. Funland

2. Excellent. I only hope that TTIP suffers the same fate. All these "free trade" agreements are really about weakening nation states and the sovereignty of their national parliaments. Capitalist free market shills hate nation states because to them it is very tedious to adapt to national laws and be accountable to the legal systems of single countries. So they try to eliminate these problems by weakening nation states and promoting bullshit like TTIP, the EU, IMF etc.

I really, really, wish that the USSR hadn't been such a complete shitshow. Because whenever you point out that capitalism is destroying western civilization people just go "lmao communists a shit".
Japan didn't want this though, as it would have had a massive impact on their manga and doijinshi industries
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