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/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 103

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Told you I was making the next one Edition
cum lol
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First for Her Royal Majesty
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>ten posts early
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Next time.
fucking reptilian
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Why didn't Trump listen?
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>leader of the free world
Are Mexicans related to mammals or something?
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There's literally nothing wrong with this
we are literally living in the cinematic universe of idiocracy rn
perfect fatality
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Our Prime Minister is pretty adorable :3
wish the bears would eat them
this image doesn't make any sense. Why would they shoop Trudeaus face onto the loser, when the text says he won
my apologies
I've never smoked weed before

Am I really missing out on anything?

I actually agree with this. I guarantee you if we only let women and children in, they'd be completely assimilated to western culture in a generation
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It's still sinking in for me, it's hard to associate past tv Trump with man who just won president Trump.

If you kill your enemies, they win.
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One of Trudeau's quotes was: "If you kill your enemies, they win."
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the best way to vanquish an enemy, is to make him your friend
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Just started watching this anime.

>tfw grandpa didn't assign me a waifu
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Good evening my Commonwealth brother
"Is the enemy of my enemy my enemy?"
-Dick Tracy
no he must kill you for you to win
So how badly has Trudeau fucked Canada on a real level. Like has he actually changed anything or is it just what he says he'll do?
Can I get a Mexican gf or will they automatically hate Americans because of Trump now?

I'm a hardcore libcuck feminist numale btw.
>Canada elects a meme
>America elects a meme

It's your turn now, Mexico. I hope you elect one of your hot weather ladies
I would be fine with this if it actually happened that way
We will get rid of NAFTA and replace it with a trade system based on memes.
>I'm a hardcore libcuck feminist numale btw.
stay away from our women
Peña was the original meme president tho
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>hot weather ladies


All their media has hot girls wearing skimpy clothing/
Nieto is a puppet.
need a good persuasive speech topic

nothing too political or preachy, something most people can vibe with
bagged milk vs. cartons
weed was the only reason people voted for him and we don't have it yet

no one is going to be openly against refugees, but I don't think anyone wanted that at all. Now they're getting free houses and ipods whatever while many citizens are in varying degrees of fucked.

i voted for conservatives despite how stephen harper isn't really conservative. Probably not good considering how he's the reason our dollar is shit in the first place, but I don't see how Liberals or NDP are going to make it any better with their incentives.
don't want to be laughed at tbqh
I'm literally able to wank to just a vagina. I do it all the time, actually. Does this mean I'm not gay?
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What are America's favourite burger joints?
do it
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Reminder that if you actually like bagged milk you are a freak.
Is it true French people consider French-Canadian French redneck French?
Alright buds, let us reflect on the casualties of Trump's Historic Victory in the Meme War.

Rate-Me Mexican
Sinaloan married Mexican
Cascadia Mexican

They died so America could be great Again

Press F to pay your respects

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I want El Chapo to complete the /cum/ trifecta

Get electing beanboys.
there are people in this thread that have a bag

this bag contains milk

these people takes this bag that contains milk and drink from it

i am not making this up
Five guys and The Habit. In n' Out is over rated as fuck.
F, but I think Baja-Chan is just gone for the moment, he'll come back again, it'll be like Jesus' second coming.
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I live in the unbagged wastelands
I forgot about that lady who was a sham upon the first citizen position. It's been five years already. New president next year
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> tfw I've only had one gf who was conservashit but I brainwashed her into becoming a hardcore democrat
women really are retarded, they just take on the personalities of whatever cock they had last
I actually never knew Baja's gender, since they posted anime girls on 4chan I just kinda assumed male.
after wrestling, trump wrote
>the art of the heel
You know what sucks? I'd probably choose a joke topic like this and construct it with things I think are funny, and then recite it to the class and get 0 chuckles and only a couple cringe laughs. and then I'd go home humiliated and never want to show my face in class again, and I'd have a clear reminder why I stay quiet and don't have any friends
this is all you guys fault. you had to over meme.
Cajun French is Swamp Redneck French.
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Would you slap dat ass, /cum/?
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kek you'd think people would've realized by now that our republic is fueled by meme magic not democracy
Baja is a bit of both genders
So what you're saying is if I want to find a new bff I should find a chick whose personality I like, find out who she dated last, and ditch her to be bros with him?
I'd grab her by the pussy
Id pour fruit loops and milk in her tight little butthole and eat it every morning.
let in 25,000 syrians
increasing immigration levels

any other government would have done something similar, it's more about how big the dick and not retaining your ass
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That's so very American of you

^^^^^^^^^^^^ this got me thinking..........
Gween tea vs coffee
I will miss some of them.
I want to cum in those qt shorts while she wears them then have her walk around with my cum just festering in her shorts
I have a video for you to watch. Something tells me you've already seen it though
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>tfw seen some live action masturbation porn on statue of liberty
>Sinaloan married Mexican
I'm still around, been REAL busy with Uni these past two weeks
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Trump has already btfo spics lol

French Canadians are mostly from normandy, there was fewer than 10000 that came over, and they've kept their language intact, while french in france has developed

quebecers call dinner what french call lunch or vice versa

same thing happened with dutch colonies, like aruba

george washington was the richest man in the colonies who raised a militia and started a rebellion, but somehow now billionaires like koch brothers or soros are bad
are you guys happy we take all of your sikhs?

hindus are less problematic here
opinions on /int/ have varied, and same with people I've met

some say they notice no real difference, others say they can't understand them at all.
what ass
You're the only one I recognize left then
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gf just composed this for me
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The correct answer.
good system
1/10 wouldn't bang, right?
Meh, I've been in these threads since 2014, I'll never leave
gaymer pride
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Still on this Trump high, when is it gonna wear off
Man i wish Mexico biggest jew would give up trying to force their streaming plataform and give the right of the series they own to netflix.

Blim sucks balls, gets stuck all the time.
Not till after he's inaugurated...
I personally am. But it hurts my autism a little when they're called indians for committing niggery. Not because it hurts the image of the country but because they themselves don't consider theirselves to be indians. they want independent Punjab. They did not get it here so they're making it there
They will never assimilate because they did not go there live in Canada, they went there to live in developed Punjab
I just jerked off to the chick with the green bra that was posted in the last thread. Felt good.

I voted for the liberals for senate reform and changing the electorial system to something other than FTTP, something the conservatives were staunchly against

unfortunetly it looks like we'll get neither

trudeau is turning out to be a pretty mediocre centralist PM, still prefer him to harper and mulcaire but pretty dissapointed so far.

refugees are certainly not getting free houses
after a year they have to find jobs or figure out something

that said our refugee screening + bill c51 (which i was against, but it seems to be doing a good job so meh) does a pretty decent job of supplying us with better refugees then what the EU is getting

sry for the late reply, you probably wouldn't read it anyway cus its not full of memery
I stopped watching anything TV related years ago

I'd recommend doing the same
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You're an endangered species in /cum/ now, we have to protect you before you go extinct.
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Will Trump continue to shitpost on twitter from the Whitehouse?

srs concern
id """"slap"""" that """"ass""" if "you" know what """I'm""" say"ing"
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I'm not into brown bitches but this one looks pretty cute
I dont really watch TV anymore aside from the local news in the morning.

Still i dislike the idea that Televisa owns a lot of content and because they wanna jew out they dont wanna share the rights of the series with netflix.

Blim is a failure but they wont admit it, people keep making fun of it in social websites.
Never been on it 2bqh
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I get it..gif
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I don't
why would I give a shit leaf
Yeah, he'll get roasted by some irrelevant poster in Brazil or something and just Drone Strike his house.

Looking forward to it.
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he'll probably be too busy

maybe a little, but he'll probably have staff controlling his twitter instead. that's how it usually goes.

or an actual jew?

got to agree with you
Hindus just seem to wear their dots on foreheads and don't cause problems
sikhs in Vancouver are every other homicide in gang violence, committed international terrorism and create ethnic mafias around the industries they're in

In Canadian hospitals you're supposed to wear these to do certain jobs, to stop germs from spreading. Because sikhs cant fit in them with their beards and turbans, they just don't wear them and put everybody at risk. They also have to eat on the floor, and they can't do that in the cafeteria. So they eat their meals on the floor in bathrooms.

even muslim tamils fit in better
how profoundly insightful
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George Washington has the most accumulation of meme magic in u.s. history next to Jackson, Lincoln, Jefferson, Regan, Kennedy, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt combined.

He literally ascended into a memegod
i don't like jontron
You should browse /brit/ then
>Brown skinned women always take black and white photos to look more white

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I've seen it all

I'm not leaving anytime
>I don't know how to play Yugioh: thr picture

Also netflix is making fun of them too.
how about i browse ur mum with my dick
I still can't believe Trump is the president, and I voted for him
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forget this pic, imagine a big beard and turban on these heads handling hospital equipment
Why are there so many fucking snakes?
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>being this retarded
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Anyone have a white halloween this year?
I just scrolled through TYT videos, and wow liberals are huge babies

this is what happens when you don't beat your kids once in a while
nightmare fuel level of snakes
That was the most intense webm I've ever watched.
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You don't watch TV anymore but you still want to watch shows produced by Televisa?

Same friggin crap

Don't quote me ever again
Good morning lads, its Lāčplēsis day today. That means patriotic drinking.
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Do you think they even notice the hypocrisy?

I've never had a white Halloween, but I have had a white Thanksgiving.

t. central NY
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People on twitter are making up so much shit right now
he said things that were mean
no, it's the first time in a very long time

we've had above 20 a few times. it's shit.
No, hyper-partisanship is the norm now.

Remember how Democrats acted like voter fraud doesn't happen all election?

They sure as hell weren't saying that under Bush.
Washington was Anglo

is it
>netflix doesn't have my favorite show
>breaking bad, no
>narcos, no
>orange is the new black, no
>some spanish show I've never heard of

What's it's name, is it good? There's a bit of a meme that all of your shows are overly dramatic telenovelas and/or overly sexualized shows.
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But Thanksgiving is three weeks before Halloween :^)
worlds gone mad, but at least there's a fun guy to steer the ship for a bit.
It's the only way they feel they can win.

>let's heal the wounds and divide in this country

>liberal go on to make up bullshit stories to try and insight a race war
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Trump Duty.png
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There is another who is ascending to memegod.
That channel makes such good comedy skits.
How do you even pronounce that?
is univision owned by them?
Club de Cuervos? Apparently it's good, never watched it myself
no, it's a celebration of killing russians :DDDD

something like that
coincidence it's on the day wwi ended

>washington had red hair, but he wore a faggy wig and redheads still get made fun of
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>be Russian/German host of 30k
>cant kill 5k Latvians and take Riga
>Lose to 5k Latvians in a surprise attack
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Things that didn't happen8.jpg
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"So I was pumping gas when 4 trump supporters showed up..."
Can't wait for the Don to bring civilization to your filthy savages.
thighguy please post collection
You would think in such a World where people practically live on their phones, phones equipped with cameras and internet connection, they'd be able to record even just one of these atrocities...

The fact that so many people are believing this bullshit goes to show how dumb liberals really are.
reads like a shitty stephen king novel
Loving them digets Nigel

True, but this is the ultimate aim of every presidential candidate. Obama accrued decent amounts of meme magic too, mostly because of "muh black president"

I am impressed by Trumps meme magic but if he's ever going to overshadow Obamas and reach Roosevelt's or Lincoln’s levels he best do some great things.

This is the true power of memes my leaf friend.
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>maybe he was surprising him with a free vacation
Why are libs so into these fanfics about being harassed
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bolsheviks blown the FUCK out

why is latvia so based
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>tfw black with white bf
>Trump wins
>mother becomes a black supremicist overnight and talks about how she hates all white people even though she voted Trump too
Time to elope, I suppose.
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>Thank you come again

tits or gtfo
Post legs
black chicks on cum
fuck off wisconsin
might as well put an english degree to use
Here's your small-ass bird, dumbcake.
>be black girl from merica
>be actually white male from canada with vpn

such is life
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Well done
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Is having a female prez a meme?
Then I'm on board
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>watched this anime when it was on the TV
>they never translated the text on screens
I would kill myself if I was Canadian tbqhwyf. Canada is a gay cunt other than for Quebec which is an amazing place with amazing people and I would give up my 2nd amendment just to be a fully naturalized quebecoise.
Show some fucking respect
It depends how "muh vagina" she is.
What is the point of getting an English degree if you're not going to be an English teacher. That's the only good job you're gonna get with one, because they basically don't care what degree you have if you teach English. One of my English teachers actually had a masters in Holocaust Studies.
>Burgers love the part of Canada that hates them the most

This never stops being funny.
Quebec is a gay shithole where people greet eachother by fingering eachother in the butthole

They call it Pootine
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>gay beck
>Holocaust Studies
>getting a degree about a 3 year period

Jews are amazing if you think about.
...made me think
Alberta is the America of Canada, and therefore, the best Canada.
M-mais je vous adore, Québec ;_;
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Alberta is the best province in Canada, it is better than all other provinces combined. Having been the economic backbone of the nation for the last 70 years we should consider renaming our country "Alberta & pals". I thought pals was more polite than parasites.
>going to university

lmao get a load of this fucking faggot
We had bagged milk in elementary school. You pierced the bag with a pointy straw and drank it that way. I miss elementary school lunches.
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>economic backbone of the nation for the last 70 years

family centrist, mid conservative, husband is former prez, she starts every few sentences with "family and children"
She says that her husband is not indicative of her presidency that she's an independent strong woman and that Mexico is ready for her, so yeah kinda muh vagina.
I like her
Yeah, but for actual milk purposes it's completely inconvenient. Like, what if I don't want that much milk, then I'm just wasting it.
who the fuck wants an education bro like fuck learning about shit haha like fuck knowledge bro
Do you think she'd have more meme power than El Chapo?
>he doesn't GOMAD
heh nice gains bro
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Go back to posting Naziboo shit, preferably rare Hitlers.
There are studies for everything.
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You're alright.
school is for cholos haha they're anagrams bro
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Do you live in a Megalopolis /cum/?

pic related
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Saskatchewan is the new best province since Alberta cucked itself with oil prices and NDP.

Best economy, best women, best sports teams, best culture (corner gas), best government, no french faggotry and no lib-geogaphy (mountains and oceans and shit) clogging up the place.
Chapo is no meme anymore, he's literally being oversight every few minutes as we speak.
Dankest meme we have are novela actors getting municipality presidencies or chamber representations, though that only happens in god forgotten places.
I'm glad Lawrence Kansas, and Toronto Ontario are in the same Mega Region.
Is it true that you're legally barred from donating blood in the US if you've lived in San Francisco for more than six months in the last twenty years?
Yeah but what if I want 3 and a half cups of milk, but I can only get bags by the cup!
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I'm pretty sure you can pour the milk into a container, like some kind of cylindrical object to hold liquid, I'm not sure what the term for it is
rare hitlers are entry level
But then what do you do with the half cup of milk you have left.
ask for a refund
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>my President is a 6'2, blonde, blue eyed, Celtic-Germanic, right wing, Christian white man
What if they don't allow refunds or I've been banned from the store for attempting to refund a half used single bag of milk that's spilling all over the floor.
She isn't from the highlands lad.
you use a clip
I'm not sure, I haven't gotten that far yet
But isn't that like 10x more inconvenient than just pouring some milk and putting a cap on, like a normal human being?
u too x
Sure it is, first you gotta roll the bag, then pinch pinch the bag, then pinch the clip, then align it just right to be over the fold in the bag, and release your pinch on the clip, while still giving it enough of a grip to keep it from just falling, and even then it might still drip a bit.
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>entry level
man you yanks are funny when you try to understand things
Understanding is hard. You have to fire synapses in your brain in just the right way, then get them to trigger other synapses in order to comprehend what people are saying :^(
bagged milk is beyond most foreigners understanding is what i mean. it's like your burger thing, I don't get that. but hey, that's fine. we're all friends and I have vodka.
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>drinking commie alcohol

You should be drinking Canadian Whisky like a true Canuck.
the polish and russians make good stuff, you can't make me

sometimes i even put maple syrup in it
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Timestamp required to talk this talk.
vodka is usually cheaper, shouldn't only scottish canadians have a tie to whisky?

my alcoholic grandmother of '100%' scottish cape breton descent preferred vodka
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born to be suicidal.png
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>tfw want to move to lake land but can't afford to
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I live in America, with a pair of Payless shoes
the Upper Peninsula and the television news
>tfw you haven't had dinner yet and get to cook up some bacon cheeseburgers soon
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I must say, it's a little late for dinner
Am I the only one who doesn't feel good about the US election results?

Memes are one thing but this is real life. I have a legitimate fear that I"ll live to see nuclear strikes.
ah yes
classic Canadian meme cuisine
>shouldn't only
I take it your are completely unaware of your rich tradition of smooth-sipping, canadian whiskEy.
don't be silly
Who would nuke us? ISIS?
are there people in America really killing themselves? What the fuck? Is Trump LITERALLY hitler that you have to kill yourself?? I just went through my Twitter(big mistake) and there is a confirmed suicide in someone's area. If it's true or not.
It boggles my mind cause many MANY 3rd world people go through much worse than getting a retarded president (again) and the world moves on. I guess they're depressed, and it put them on the edge?
Holy shit I'm not sure if I'm tumblr triggered or whatever but what the fuck.
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what the fuck is dark matter exactly?
gnight cum
It's not us getting nuked, it's us using nukes. I don't care which way they're flying.
not actually. there's just normal suicides and people want to take advantage of those deaths to be dramatic.
Sooo who would we be nuking then?
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Good night
Sleep tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite
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whisky not whiskey.jpg
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2nd last glass of the blended, the left smells and tastes strongly of maple syrup. It was a gift I'd never drink a meme product like that normally.

Ice is for plebs.
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I predicted this would happen.

We're taking Washington with us and there's nothing you can do about it.
/cum/, I just experienced one of the worst things of my entire life. I was at the bus station tugging my pecker when a belligerent Trump supporter drove by, shouting obscenities and making eye contact. DAE feel marginalized?
The Middle East? China? Anyone who gets under Trump's thin skin?

He has a demonstrably short temper and was asking about nukes during his campaign and I'm scared.
funny people

wonder if the brits have bets on when they'll get bored and stop
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Night /cum/padres.
Oh goody in the end, people are using other peoples death as means for their disgusting agenda.
Fuck north american progressivism.
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>Middle East

Don't get my hopes up anon
I'm heading to bed too. Night bud
I'm gonna miss rye when I move to Taiwan
will probably only be able to get whatever minimal imports they have.
Yep. People are shit, some more than others.
China would not go to war with us, we owe them way too much. The Middle East doesn't really have any threats that would warrant a nuke. Pretty much all our threats in the Middle East are small guerilla groups who hide among the local populace.

I think you're catastrophizing desu, Trump is short-tempered but he doesn't have down syndrome.
hope you're ready to die for Cascadia bud
I know I'll sign up with the Union if you lot even try
I hope you're right. Thanks for helping me feel a little better, anon.
Asians like Canadian alcohol, so it's probably going to be expensive. Ice Wine is like liquid gold in chinkland.
its already expensive here
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I'm only not posting a timestamp in kind because literally none of my bourbon or jameson, or CC survived election night.

Full disclosure, drinking left-behind vodka rn.
Surely the japs make rye.
>jap rye
might as well drink yank (((rye)))
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I can't remember if the bowl I just finished was my second or third
>chronic alcohol problem
Pretentious made up term
Author needs to fuck off

i like the idea of talking cats because i'm lonely
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>yank (((rye)))
Gonna have to stop you right there, bud.
Also might have to temporarily revoke your meme-ing privileges for gross misuse of triple parentheses.
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I've gotten my family in the habit of buying me alcohol for Christmas presents now, I act like a connoisseur but I have just become the drunken uncle I once mocked as a child.

The transition is almost complete.
I've intended to be the drunken uncle i never had for a long time.
Maybe I can be your drunken uncle for tonight :3
I'll do you one better since I've become the drunken deadbeat dad
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For what purpose.jpg
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>becoming a dad

Did you fall for the pull-out meme?
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Fun fact: true dough never said "if you kill your enemies, they win"
cheerleaders are usually below average in looks 2bh
think them being attractive must be a meme
>a fucking leaf
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I love you too
>memes aren't real

No shit
who cares
You american lads will probably be marching in our parade today :^)
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Another sleepless night
POTUS elect says your wrong kiddo

thats 500k dollars worth of over animation.
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70 7 7.png
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That was meme magic anon, totally different.

Check his digits.
Literally every single thing /pol/ posts abou him is a lie.
Dr. Strange wasn't that bad desu.
Funniest pic I've seen all week
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>fb tier image

I fucked a Brazilian for a while, she ha to move back because her student visa was up and didn't find out she was pregnant until she had got back home

Baby is about 2 months old now
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My condolences.

When I was in University I'd never tell grills my last name, just in case.
I'm a simple guy

I also got severe depression which I masquerade through constant laughter among my peers

I'm off to bed
Dr. Strangelove was pretty excellent desu.
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next day.webm
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i found another thing on the internet
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>I also got severe depression which I masquerade through constant laughter among my peers

That's another fb/niggergram meme, just call me the wall because you aren't getting anything past me amigo.
whats some good study music bros
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