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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 120

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god help trump edition
He's gonna need it
>ahead in nh

The south falls tonight
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I feel like this thread will get deleted, the moderator is being really harsh.
I'm With Her
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Yes but please don't


Should be safe
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Drumpf about to get btfo
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>double dubs

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I regret voting for trump since he will put my black ass in the death camps.
what the fuck
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>it's another florida decides the fate of america episode

the memeyest of states
Hello /cum/. I hope you vote for the right gal today ;)
>ywn be Trumps african american friend
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I don't think Trump minds blacks
so why did you vote for him?
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It's all ogre
I'm #PullinForMcMullin now

vice is so trash.

Tell me again how it was a mystery that an amphetamine was similar to another amphetamine
Little late, you worthless NEET.
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trudeau pls go
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Average Iowan.jpg
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Election smellection
Lets talk about how stinkin CUTE Midwesterners are
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Fucking lol
NH leading red
Get fucked Shilldawgs
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I voted for Clinton today. I still would like to move overseas, though.
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Will trump give me a white gf?
lmao wait until the find out that heroin and morphine are the same thing
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North American Federation when?
Little late, you worthless NEET.
he will give you an anime gf
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Why did you vote for him then?
shouldn't he have already known? i feel like it would have come up at some point. it wasn't a secret either i bet he found out by googling it. vice can be cool but so much of it is shit like this.
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Titty fuck all Hillary supporters <3
#I'm with her
There are 2 camps
>form an alliance with the nigs against the spics
>form an alliance with the spics against the nigs

Trump is obviously in the former you'll be fine
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>wanting a wh*te gf
i voted clinton because she'll give me a mexican gf
You missed your chance to display your colors before the election.
They've all found mates by now.
Better luck next season/go get them scraps, my black friend
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the gf
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W-well Latinas no like black guys :(

My friend who sells adderall jokes all the time about how its government graded meth

>vice will never be good again

Thanks shane
If Florida is lost, he's cooked.
B-but we're getting married!
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guys, mods don't want us to discuss election here. i think we should be good and just post bunda.
Florida is the key to all of this.
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>"If you see gray that means theres no votes there"
>Johnson is colored gray
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>Yes, I love doing whatever the mods tell me
While I dont agree with everything he does, I refuse to allow a neo con in like hillary after bengahzi and he flip flopping stance on everything. Both were shit when I look at the their dirty in the past. But my other choices were where is alepo and I cant name people, and anti vaxxer stein. So seeing as I didnt want to waste a vote, I picked the less of the evil. And I like how he is too rich to be bought and he is politically incorrect and says whatever he likes. I respect that.
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>trump up 13 pints in va
fug it's ogre isn't it
>Florida keys
It all makes sense now
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Its not wrong
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>tfw from Ohio

It's weird when people only give a shit about your state once every four years.
if they'd only stuck with talking about foreign conflicts and kept sending hipsters into warzones it'd all have been fine
buzzwords, buzzwords everywhere.
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Sauce me, my White brother.
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>tfw from SD

It's weird when people give a shit about your state
everything is buzzwards in politics my friend?
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Let's talk about Dishonored fucking TWO. Is anyone else excited? I'm replaying part one.

Fair enough. We'll see how it all works out.
The best Eva songs are the Hikki ending songs from the new movies.
What happens if Trump wins in Florida?
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I unironically want Trump to lose.
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Same senpai

Never had the money to buy my MAGA hat though, kind of pissed
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comfy guy inside.png
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>New chapters of I am a Hero out
>election stream in the back
>spotify not being retarded for once
>full belly
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What's the difference between electoral votes and popular votes?
Is it the winner takes it all thing?
>killing the fly zombies makes you evil
I'm still mad. Glad they fixed that.
you fucking madman! Is that you wisconsin?
She just takes photos with a low neckline posing with different objects.
Nothing special.
He will probably lose, rather than definitely lose.
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GUYS! mods say no discussing election here. you need to stop. take it to /pol/ before they get upset with us.
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Emily is looking MAD CUTE
Never, they'll only vote in Democrats and make the country go to shit even faster than it already is

glad I didnt watch that meme show
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>tfw anarcho-transhumanist
I'm probably the most fedora person alive right now
fuck off, we're /cum/ we do what we want
What election stream are you using?
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>Only 22% are angry with the Government
>Only 22%
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Bro, who doesn't love Sioux Falls!?

...That's the right name, right? "Sioux Falls"?
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At least one of our countries won this year
I thought Shane was the guy who tried to make VICE focus on war torn shitholes?
sup tv

yeah thats pretty bad
Her powers make her look like Black Mage Spiderman.
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>that nose
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you're gonna get us all in trouble
No that's me
What the fuck, the polls showed him down by six not even two days ago

Wtf I hate (((polls))) now
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>He loves Sioux Falls
Ah, what a shame.

Someone explain to me this Electoral Vote and Popular Vote thing? What do you need to win?

Also I don't have much faith Trump will win. All media and every celebrity shilled megahard for Hillary. He's going against the set establishment who control the country, I doubt he'll get in.
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They had people like that in Invisible War.
i'm transhumanist too, but i won't talk about it until science can actually do anything to make us better.
I haven't played that in years. What did female Omar look like? Did they breed at all?
>New Hampshire going blue
I live in Arkansas

He said something like

>we decided to stop writing about supermodels and cocaine and focus on social issues

Vice used to be funny as fuck when it was more or less degeneracy the magazine and lets mock the shit out of everyone
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>tfw no buxom Nip gf

Someone once told me "Sioux Falls is balls." I've never had reason to doubt him.
why cant I have gf

I'm handsome, sort of clever. I just lack any social skills. Fuck.


>I haven't played that in years
Probably for the best. It's not worth revisiting.
There were no female Omar.
You need 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

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y'all a bunch of pussies.
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Electoral votes are votes by the state, and depending on the state, the electoral vote is decided by the popular vote. All or nothing.

So if 51% vote Red, Red wins all the electoral votes in that state.
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a fellow arkansan, thats rare

conway here

enjoying the weather finally dropping below 80 degrees?
Oh shit. We live literally next door to each other.
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Where do you live m8

Ayyy, I'm in Conway too
It has been really fucking hot though
>yeah thats pretty bad
Care to explain? I mean, I know I'm considered fedora for it because >edgy, but what's inherently wrong with advancing humanity further than we have already?
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>why yes, i did believe florida would go red
>all of east coast turning red except some hippies making ice cream and maple syrup
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Of course, 80s inspired Cyberpunk dystopias will always have a special place in our hearts.

This isnt true in every state

A couple have proportional electoral votes, but its states that dont matter

Also in most states the electors are not legally beholden to vote in line with what the people voted. In theory the electors can vote however they want. A few did protest votes like that in 2000 over george w.
I remember when I was 14 through 16 I was a socialist-transhumanist

However I don't want to write that off as silliness when being young, because during those years I was pretty much at my mental peak, I was smart and improving myself and learning things. Everything seemed so bright. Now it's all shit and I don't actually believe in much of anything anymore.
florida what????
Interesting, thank you. Essentially you have to get the majority in a state to get that vote. Some are worth more electoral votes so losing a particular state can essentially cost you the presidency.

Seems like a fun little numbers game.
you can only win so many with scooter and cletus in rural areas vs the fucking south beach orlando area being majorty minority.
You got old and beaten down, trapped in the system. It happens to everyone one. That's why we should only let the young vote, they're the smartest, the most untainted of us.
"Fun" is not accurate.
Its better described as "Stressful"
rad, first time a fellow anon has been so close

did you know chinkmoot went to UCA?

and yeah bro, the weathers been garbage this year
The Puerto Rican votes are coming in so it's turning blue
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Annnnnd Florida is blue again
I love cyberpunk and that is some very cool concept art. Do you know who the artist is?
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If these were the types of zombies we'd have to deal with, I'll just kill myself
In practice, it can create a system where you can, theoretically, win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College, and thus, the election.

It has only happened 4 times in history, the most recent being 2000.
lads is my mum red pilled or blue pilled when it comes to (jewish) people

refer to the most recent message xx
if that happens this year there are going to be full blown riots
Is your mom hot?
Oh, I don't hold much faith that is will come of anything, but I can still dream. I prefer not to make the mistake of mixing human society and what we know to be possible in theory. Just because it probably won't happen in a way that's meaningful to the majority of living humans doesn't mean we should reject what we know. Whether or not man will ever personally encounter everything that is in the universe has no bearing on the truth of it's existence.
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It's not over yet!
You guys might find this short video helpful:

Electoral college is in place to protect flyover shitholes from the high population states so it's designed to be won without having to win the popular vote

Yeah, I saw that when Moot announced that Hiroshima was taking over

There are a lot of people from Fayetteville on here for some reason
>plz dont go america we need your help


you pieces of shit bitch about every little thing the USA does but ultimately you need us ahhahahahhahahah
can't answer that

she did some modelling for a time
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Oh no he wont.
Which mango?
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legs for days.jpg
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It's going to be a long night. Get comfy lads.
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I have a feeling this isn't going to be a close race.

pantsuit nation is SOOOO funneh!

haha! we have internet mee mees now!
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I'm pretty sure it's impossible to win without FL, even if he gets all the other swing states.
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why are these the key states?
I live in California
Should I even bother voting?
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I am a Hero, real good
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Not so fast nigger
the states vote for the president not the population. But states get more votes the higher their population.
/brit/ here, taking refuge from all the yank politics discussion there and also doing a poo
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I miss Ted memes. I hope they/he comes back soon.
never seen anyone from fayetteville in /cum/

texarkana and cabot once and little rock a few times
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Thanks friend
might want to just get off the internet
Are there any props that you care about?
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16 states closing in 4 minutes
It's only worse here. Good luck pooping though
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Just realized if we elect Hillary we can't banter Canada about weedman anymore
>/brit/ talking about America
lmao cucks
Thanks Anon, much appreciated.
Other than the props on weed no
What about Ohio? Or as /pol/ memeing again?
He will return. When the darkest hour approaches, Ted will return in all his terrible glory.

Nothing out of expectations.
It wasn't on /cum/, just /int/ in general

Why are they showing the election coverage at the stadium, who the fuck is going to watch that
You're welcome
no we still can. At least she wants to start a war with our enemies.
I unironically consider cyberpunk to be the greatest contemporary aesthetical movement
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You mean "when"

Also Hillary and Justin will look so cute together :3
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Bitch you guessin
they need an excuse to use their expensive shit kek
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lads, election talk goes in /pol/ jannys gonna start rolling out bans any minute
what drug is in the red pill?
Trump starting to lose everywhere and ohioyochan
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It will be very, very, very hard to win without the largest swing state. Probably mathematically impossible, but I'm too drunk to figure that out.

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bitch, I still have faith in you yanks

I don't think you will elect a madman
I don't believe you. Post more to persuade.
>Following the rules

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nancy boy.png
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>being a Rule following Reggie
the music my livestream plays during commercial breaks sounds like some upbeat rpg music. like something that would play in the background while youre supposed to be running to the main boss but instead you just run around looking for treasure and then it awkwardly goes longer than it was meant to
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[spoiler]t. voted Shillary in Ohio[/spoiler]
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we might have gone too far in some places
le ebin twitter toad
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Based clint
Oh thank god, I can go to sleep and not have to worry about Trump Winning.

Congrats on your first female President America! Proud of you!
Will you marry me?
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smug anime girl.jpg
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Ohayo chan trolling again like always
Holy shit
The Doom theme would be more appropriate
But he was wrong...

Nebraska for example
the lego palace has spoken

grab your transparent orange chainsaws
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I have only fapped once today
I feel like my balls are going to burst
Seo is my wife
i don't think that's actually him
Wait, that's Chicago. Why do the bus stops in Chicago look like LEGOs?
holy guacamole!
>Less than 36k votes
>People flipping their shit over Clinton leading in NH
what's the difference?
weedman never resbonped :(
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Don't worry everybody, I'll take care of Trump
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Clinton just won my state, but that's no surprise.

More importantly,
>And depending on the state
Learn to read
she aint thicc
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hachi machi!
I find it amusing you Americans make such a big deal about a female president like its some kind of historic thing for the world. We're the size of the NY district of Queens and we're on our second female leader. It's no biggie.
She a stick
Because they are either full of complete idiots (Indiana, Ohio, Florida) or moderate sensible idiots (NH, Virginia).
that's good though
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>you will never fuck best girl after a night of shitposting on /pol/

At least I can get halfway.
No ones making a big deal about it.
big anime ass
who did you vote for fap chan?
That's more like it I'm about to do a wankathalon
Do you people really think trump will win????????????
I voted for myself
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Have you been living under a rock? Girls everywhere are losing their panties about this.
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There's a lonesome severity to it all that's attractive to me.
I also like it when artists sometimes focus on more enclosed spaces, rather than expanse. It's easy to stick a nite-brite in a painting and call it a day.
You haven't been relevant since 1565.
El rubio wins the day.
no, I know I will win
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Can Shills please leave us be and fuck off back to /pol/?
No one cares about her being female, not even women
get back in your shed
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Regardless of whoever wins, we all lose in the end
>how do statistics work
No, but these are the last few hours of memeing we have left.
I swear I am not letting /pol/ live this shit down if he loses
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I'm in California and I haven't gone yet
I'm not sure if I should go
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Yes, but if Shillary wins I can at least laugh as all the vermin /pol/tards comit mass suicide.
That's why I'm moving to Canada :D
the /pol/ocast will bleed out from the 4cc
>What is sample size and demographic representation of the population
You failed stats I see
And yet we managed it twice like it wasn't a thing.
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It's over
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>49% of votes counted in North Carolina - 52.8% Clinton, 44.8% Trump.

Same. I loved it when Romney got trounced. /pol/ went nuts.
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not here they aren't. its just not a big deal. most women i know fucking hate her.
pic for you, i'm out though :(

is anyone else watching abc? why this blonde bitch always sound like she's about to cry?
>coasties already letting us down
I hope to god the big blue wall of the upper midwest finally falls
i wrote in myself, picked randomly on everything else, and voted yes on 64 and so should you
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I plan on at least a full month of merciless shitposting.
Gary Johnson will win
Making myself hot chocolate.
I should be packing but I'm too cozy.

Comparison map for later.

New Hampshire or Maine going red wouldn't be a big deal at all.
<one month
step it up
Wtf happened to all the mexican posters? Somebody should probably tell them that Hillary won
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What will you do if Hillary is elected?
>clinton up 10 points in ohio
i don't think so drumpfcuck
they've all been preemptively rounded up. whats going on with that la shooting? haven't heard anymore
yay I just made poo poo :D
see you do know how stats work, so you know you only a small percentage to predict an outcome.
Going to Canada :D
can i insult the american people?
delete my account
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Looks like GOP senators are getting voted back in overwhelmingly, though. Going to be very frustrating watching senators doing nothing but obstructing for the next four years. That's American democracy, I guess.
we goin to war with Russia and Syria son
better start roundin up the militias
This will be a historic cucking. The Republican party will never recover.
please don't this is a very trying time
no, this thread is a bully free zone
>Texas blue
What went wrong?
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>Texas is blue
a lot of hentai will be banned by both.
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Not if you're our friend.

Wait for about an hour.
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Only welcome if you promise to vote against Poodeau next election.
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Shit, lads.
Except precincts don't depict an even distribution. It would be like saying if me, my dog and my tortoise think you're a faggot then that means that the entire USA thinks you are.
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>CNN reporting 85% of the vote in for Florida, 48.5% Clinton, 48.5% Trump.
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>mfw I voted for Gary
Who /hairyforgary/ here?
My hispanic friend, it always the time to insult the american people.
>implying i'll be legal
It's only San Antonio counted but it just switched red again, calm down buds
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Good fucking God this is tense
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>Hilldawg .2% with 15% to go in FL
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It'll be 1920 prohibition all over again
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You can be my legal wife m8
why is he here?
>they conduct exit polling, they use historical voting trends
News sites are using more info then just precinct closures
That can approach my house to steal my hentai at their own risk. You can take my land, take my guns, take my family, but I never forgive those who take my hentai.
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As a reminder.

this is gonna be a repeat of 2000
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fuck you (2).jpg
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Florida man votes back and foward to give everyone a heart attack this election.
that's why I am worried.
don't think you could satisfy me desu, or take care of me the way i need. probably find an asian T B H
I'm talking about actual votes here genius.
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average canadian.jpg
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I am asian I live in BC
Stein isn't anti-vax. You played yourself.
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my heart can't fucking take this.
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>all those gets on /pol/

This is fucking hilarious
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...everyone except Bahrain!
well ok then but understand that i will NOT work, and i WILL cheat on you.
They can approach my house to steal my hentai at their own risk. You can take my land, take my guns, take my family, but I never forgive those who take my hentai.
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I will cut your hand off with my katana if you cheat
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It's a forced meme desu.
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It keeps changing color!
what are you listening for this election /cum/?
the madmen are actually doing it!
Thread posts: 329
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