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"Slavic Brotherhood" edition
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What must I do to become a Slav?
1. sell youre boipucci to putin
2. get filled with so much slav seed it overruns youre dna and turns you slavic
3. master the squat that all slavic children learn at a young age
This Belgian kid show from the early 90s has a funny stereotypical poor superstitious slav routine, with a Czech couple with shitty German accents named Ladislas and Dana:


see 1:50 and 5:00
21:20 is also great

"I gave her some money and she told me the truth"
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Do Belarusians consider Kosciuszko belarusian?
Soon brother, soon.
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add props please
He was born within the borders of present-day Belarus, the rest is very controversial

in these articles he is Belarusian, lol
they also consider him polish thb
just another proof that poles and belarusians are the same nation
Čto skoro?
хyй eгo знaeт, нo этo тoчнo cкopo
paшкe пиздa cкopo?
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Slovjanski sòjųz, razumeje sę
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Čatyrnaccać pryčyn paviarnuć Reč Paspalituju:

1. Asvieta.
Asvieta byla biezkaštoŭnaj, najliepšaj u Jeŭropie. Baćka z radasciu navučyć ciabie trymać kasu i sachu, kab ty uvohulie na pomier z holadu, a taksama za adzin raz vypivać palovu bočki miodu, što nieabchodna, kali štodzień ty možaš apynucca ŭ Paspalitym rušenni.

2. Miedycyna.
Miedycyna ŭ Rečy Paspalitaj taksama byla biezkaštoŭnaj, a zroŭniu pasluh zajzdroscili ŭsie macniejšyja krainy Jeŭropy. Sakret dasiahniennia takich vielizarnych pospiechaŭ prost-treba tradycyjna niekaĺki razoŭ u hod vilami haniać pa vioscy miascovaha cyruĺnika.

3. Biezkaštoŭnaje žyllio.
Da, ziamliu davali nie adrazu. Šliachcičam prychodzilasia kryvioj i potam zarabliać jaje, hadami raspivajučy biru u asadach pad Pskovam ci Derptam. Chrabramu vajaru davali nievialiki majontak, a paslia naradžennia dvuch dziaciej možna bylo atrymać jašče štuk dziesiać, bo ŭ poli pracavać niama kamu, a svajoj šliachieckaj hramataj možna bylo vieĺmi zručna karystacca ŭ prybiralini.

4. Biespracoŭje
A mienavita-jaje adsutnasć. Bo ŭsie biespracoŭnyja ci žyli nie boĺš za miesiac, ci zvalisia šliachtaj.

5. Roŭnasć.
Zrovień žyccia "vierchu" ta "nizu" adroznivaŭsia. Alie daĺnabačnaja zniešniaja palityka Rečy Paspalitaj spryjala vyrašenniu hetych prabliem, bo tatary z maskaliami vieĺmi daskanaĺna zniščali ŭsiech žycharoŭ viosak ta haradoŭ, z jakich bylo niama čaho ŭziać.

6. Adpačynak.
U krainie isnavala svaja, niepaŭtornaja baza adpačynku, dzie možna bylo jak slied tančyć "liavonichu", "mazurku" ci "hapak", potym da advalu napicca elia, a potym choć i na stalie pačać akuĺturvannie krakŭskich dziaŭčat. Heta baza zvalasia "Vialiki siejm Rečy Paspalitaj".

7. Navuka.
Što nie kažy, a navuka ŭ Rečy Paspalitaj byla macniejšaja. Alie astranomy, na žaĺ, vydalisia nie vieĺmi vohniestojkimi.
8. Armija.
Armija ŭ Rečy Paspalitaj byla sapraŭdy macniejšaj ŭ Jeŭropie, a jaje krylatyja husary navodzili žach nie toĺki na maskavitaŭ, alie i na takich vajskovych hihantaŭ jak Vienhryja ta Prussija.
*chrust buĺbianoha dranika*
Aj mlia! JA padzialinu pajmaŭ!

9. Upeŭnienasć ŭ zaŭtrašnim dnie.
Žychary Rečy Paspalitaj byli absaliutna upeŭnieny, što zaŭtra znoŭ pryjduć tatary/maskavity/niemcy/šviedy/vienhry, ta znoŭ usio zasruć.

10. Hramadskaje vychavannie.
Pieršaj kaštoŭnasciu dlia ŭsiech žycharoŭ krainy byla voĺnasć, a ŭsie astatnija čalaviečyja jakasci-z voĺnasćju prybuduć. Mienavita tamu na kožnym siejmie niezadavolienyja choram cytavali karaliu manaloh z fiĺmu "Kroŭ ta bieton(Blood and Concrete)".

11. Siabroŭstva narodaŭ.
Heta byŭ nie pusty huk. Usie narody byli ŭ vialikaj Respublicy raŭnapraŭny, tamu nikoli pamiž saboj nie kanfliktavali.
Лэээ, дiiiiдькo, мoe Зaпopiжжe твoй Лiтвa в poт ïбaв, дa? Лээээ, ciдaй нa pyшницю...

12. Kuĺtura.
Kuĺtura zajmala ŭ Rečy Paspalitaj nie apošniaje miesca, pa ŭsioj Poĺščy ta Litvie isnavali teatry, muzyčnyja adukacyjnyja ustanovy, Poĺšča dala svietu šmat vialikich muzykantaŭ, takich jak
-Лээээ, пiшoв в дyпy зi cвoэï бaлaлaйкoю, гpaй нaм нa бaндypi, Mикoлa! Taнцюэмo, хлoпцi!

13. Tavary u kramach.
Byli najliepšaj jakasci, alie pa ŭsiej Rečy Paspalitaj ni adna krama nie pracavala ŭ subotu. Bo šalom šabbat.

14. Manufaktury ta majsterni.
Pramyslovych pradpryjemstv isnavala ahromnaje mnostva. A liudziej, jakija pavinny tam pracavać-nie.
eй фиpoмляк, eбaх твoйтa мaмa. нe ми пocтвaй мyзикa нa cтapoбългapcки
Francuz sam, jebi mamu svoju.
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мaйкa ти гъpбaвa жaбapcкa
t. čefurja
Can I be slavic?
Only if you are not white.
You can be viking whose come to russia
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Will Russia fight when the time comes to cleanse Kosovo from Muslims?

Serbia + Montenegro + Russia VS Muslims + NATO.

Like in good old times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Turkish_War_(1877%E2%80%9378)
Can anyone translate this? Trying to order something from a Russian website but Google translate doesn't work on pictures.
He нyжeн
Oh, sweet. Thanks
гyгл дeтeктeд
I don't want to be norwegian if illary wins
We'll get cucked (even more) by NATO as a buffer between Russia and the US
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Russia is the only Christian country that fights against the Globalists/Jews.

If you are a true Christian, the morally right thing is to live in, and work for Russia.
Has Poland already saved your day today, /slav/?

A tę nikto ne spraša, je li to trěba ili ne.
Oн никoмy нe нyжeн, я тo здecь кaким бoкoм? Бpaтyшки cлaвянe тeбe cкaжyт тo жe caмoe.
Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko[1] (Bитaлий Пaвлoвич Лaгyтeнкo, 1904, Mogilev – 1969, Moscow) was a Soviet architect and engineer. His studies of low-cost prefabricated concrete construction, supported by Nikita Khrushchev, led to a complete switch of Soviet building practice from masonry to prefab concrete. Lagutenko designed the standardized 5-story apartment houses, known as khrushchyovka, and associated technologies of fast, mass-scale construction.

>tfw xoxols ruined Eastern Europe for everyone for all time

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choose your(not) destiny /slav/
Keep spreading misinformation.

>Shelomova is actually a Russian surname. It's not from jewish "shalom", but from old Russian "shelom" ( шeлoм = кypгaн )
slavs unite?
that would be too easy
Too much inequality and cultural differences. Any slavic alliance would inevitably turn into a Russian dominion.
Not if you balkanise Russia first
if you promise no ustasha more
if i can 50% ustasa
you can 50% soviet
Hitler was actually a Slav
Never ever, mr EU official. We are already balkanised with our rightful core territories of Funland, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan running about doing stupid shit.
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Na tole se gre fantje!
Why do slavs squat
>v državi kjer so nekoč delali Juga in Stojadina

Tole so se zbrali neki Slovenčki, ki bi se radi delali čefurji sam nočejo da bi ljudje slučajno pomislili da res SO čefurji in so zato čist na foro "le slav squat meme xDD dae /leddit/"

K'o što kažemo na /ex-yu/, ubij sebe
чтoбы ты cпpocил
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že 1100 folka attenda, tole bo ludo :^)
How often do Austrians do it?
t. čefur
It's an ancient ritual
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Читaйтe кoммeнты, тaм тaкoй пoжap
enjoy your marocans
sup fags
>buying russian cdkeys
Дaжe oткpывaть нe cтaнy
бpaтyшeк oтoбpaли
>eщe oднa
Пoeзд нe тaк-тo пpocтo ocтaнoвить.
Why not? I bought BF3 back in '12 or something and it was worth it.
today everything in Russia costs dirt cheap because of roublu course
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Some real russian music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a_e0Vqxz08
I catch myself and people around here doing that in sentences as well (not in a greeting though). I don't know how widespread this is in other parts of the country
I do the same, but that is how our languages (apart from Bulgarian) work bro. Free word order. Of course not every combination is sensible, but this is the advantage of declension many people do not even realize and think it is "complicated". Nah, it frees our languages from ossified word order.
It's not really something you can do in standard Slovene. Well I guess youcan but it won't be correct.
>apart from Bulgarian
Actually Bulgarian has mostly free word order as well
Dialect time
Standard Slovak:

East Slovak (yes, I know it is technically Pannonian Rusyn, unlike Carpathian Rusyn which is an East Slavic language this one is actually an Eastern dialect of Slovak https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:v8dYj41cdFgJ:https://dennikn.sk/blog/ina-slovencina/+&cd=1&hl=sk&ct=clnk&gl=sk , and it is very hard to find a video of someone speaking it from Slovakia due to dialect leveling, standard Slovak spoken with a heavy Eastern accent is not East Slovak, and yes, Pannonian Rusyn is written with cyrilic, but here is a webpage in the exactly same dialect written by a Slovak in Slovakia http://ilonas.net/valal/ ):
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I guess I'll post this again
Btw to explain the Pannonian Rusyn = East Slovak thing.

1. Back in the 18th century, Greek Catholic Slovaks had a "if you are of this religion, you are Rusyn" national awakening.
2. Part of them migrated to Vojvodina
3. They codied their dialect there, unlike in Slovakia where Slovak was codified in the Central Slovak dialect, theirs was based on the Eastern one and called Pannonian Rusyn.

So basically, a part of East Slovaks preserved their unique dialect far from Slovakia, under a different national identity. Btw the magazine I got this from is actually rather liberal, so it is not some nationalistic bullshit, the fact is, when these people visited Czechoslovakia in the 1960s and went to some Eastern villages, they discovered they speak EXACTLY the same thing and have the same culture and traditions.
I see, but how would you compare the sound of both? The written form is more intelligible than the spoken one, the spoken one is as intelligible as Polish or Ukrainian to me (so I understand a lot, but it is not quite effortless and I miss a lot too).
I suppose you mean the Slovak examples you posted. I can't find any recording of East Slovak on that website so it's a bit hard to compare it.
Btw, my friend from far East of Slovakia speaks quite "normal" Slovak (through this is probably because I am not an Easterner and wants me to understand him), but even so, he stresses the penultimate syllable.
We stress syllables all over, we don't have them set in stone like you do
>but this is the advantage of declension many people do not even realize
Kek. I'd say the opposite: people tend to overestimate the importance of noun declension in Slavic languages. There's a ton of words where the nominative and accusative forms don't differ from each other but we have no problems with it.

Here, I linked it. (And I explained how this dialect got the non-Slovak name and cyrilic writing)
Stupid me, I skipped the youtube link. Honestly, I can't tell the difference
You are right, but I was talking more about people who say "Why don't Slavs use Esperanto like ooga booga analytic grammar? Just make everything of short words that don't change, like Chinese!"
Wow. Not even the words that clearly invoke Ukrainian? Like pershy instead of prvý?
I don't think I've ever heard a Ukrainian recording (other than a commie song someone posted on here a few days ago that sounded Russian to me) and I have no experience with neither Slovak nor Ukrainian so there is nowhere I can reference when comparing standard and East Slovak, honestly
Ok try:


what about bosniaks?
The only thing I'm getting from the videos is that standard Slovak sounds a bit more slurred than East Slovak. Other than that, sounds like the same thing to me
I got to focus to understand the second video.
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>Just make everything of short words that don't change, like Chinese!
What about long words that doesn't change like in the Kyahta pidgin?
I understood more of the second video because of the terms related to farming, but only individual words
To compare written:
East SK: Delegacija Vichodoslovenskoho združeňa VALAL śe śtretla v Braťislave s vedzeňom Domu Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí na rokovaňu o problematikoj Zákona o zahraničných Slovákoch a joho uzavretosci voči druhim našim krajanom, v peršim radze gu vojvodinskim Rusnakom.

SK: elegácia Východoslovenského združenia VALAL sa stretla v Bratislave s vedením Domu Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí na rokovaní o problematike Zákona o zahraničných Slovákoch a jeho uzavretosti voči našim iným krajanom, v prvom rade k vojvodinským Rusínom.

Adding also Czech for comparision although that is not a dialect:
Delegace východoslovenského sdružení váleli se setkala v Bratislavě s vedením Domu Slováků žijících v zahraničí na jednání o problematice Zákona o zahraničních Slovácích a jeho uzavřenosti vůči našim jiným krajanům, v první řadě k vojvodinským Rusínům.
Fuck, I cut off the beginning of the sentence:

SK: Delegácia Východoslovenského združenia VALAL sa stretla v Bratislave s vedením Domu Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí na rokovaní o problematike Zákona o zahraničných Slovákoch a jeho uzavretosti voči našim iným krajanom, v prvom rade k vojvodinským Rusínom.

Also correcting Czech, wanted to save time by google translating and correcting, fucked up:

Delegace východoslovenského sdružení VALAL se setkala v Bratislavě s vedením Domu Slováků žijících v zahraničí na jednání o problematice Zákona o zahraničních Slovácích a jeho uzavřenosti vůči našim jiným krajanům, v první řadě k vojvodinským Rusínům.
Do (z)slovenians discriminate yugoslavian minority (aka cefuri) in daily life?
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Reads like three different dialects desu

I don't think we can talk about discrimination because it's almost a segregated existence. Thank God I do not have to look at them on a daily basis.
> it's almost a segregated existence

Why? are they all that bad or it's just a lack of language?
Most don't speak Slovene so there's that, a lot are indeed not someone you would want to associate with and they are foreigners in general. They often live in their own parts. I guess the unluckiest people are the ones who live in the same neighbourhoods as them and attend technical school because most yugos are dumb and lazy. I was in a gymnasium (grammar school) and the only non-Slovenes there were from wealthier families. I suppose it's a bit like the blacks in USA, except yugos are not as violent.
>Reads like three different dialects desu

From a scientific perspective, they are. But Czechs have a separate national identity and literary history so it is a language, and I think it is good, because it prevents one or other variety from being considered "village babble". Consider that in China, the goverment considers forms of speech more different than Slovak and Bulgarian to be mere inferior dialects of "Chinese". A great article on this: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=6654

We are kinda "retarded in the opposite direction", as in China, person from one side of the town to the other speaks a dialect more different than Prague Czech vs East Slovak and I am talking even within Mandarin, let alone other "dialects".
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I love Russia with all my heart but you never notice us any more. I want us to be your greatest South American ally.

A-are you sick of us Russia, I'll do anything you want just please come back to us...
Go to /rus/
Slavs = slaves
I don't understand your slave speech you mongol spawn, I'm Jewish.
Also compare:
Common Czech (=Bohemian): Srdce mi bušilo v krku a cejtil jsem, že tohle může bejt rozhodující moment v mým životě.

Standard Czech: Srdce mi bušilo v krku a cítil jsem, že tohle může být rozhodující moment v mém životě.

Slovak: Srdce mi búšilo v krku a cítil som, že toto môže byť rozhodujúci moment v mojom živote.

One Common Czech property this sample does not display is the prothetic v in front of many words, like in Upper Sorbian: vokno instead of okno, otevři-votevři.

пaлю гoднoтy
Btw one thing that is kinda my pet peevee is:
"Slovak and Czech are not really intelligible, because some mom from Prague told me her toddler son does not understand some Slovak words". It even got into Wikipedia, recently, the page on Czech was edited from "is mutually intelligible" to "is ALMOST mutually intelligible". The problem is, if you apply such a high standard of intelligibility, no languages are mutually intelligible. I find it kinda creepy that the Scandinavian languages are often touted as totally mutually intelligible yet they have to slow down or even switch to English often, I was born in 1993, so no Czechoslovakia, I speak to people born after that year from Czechia all the time and I never had problems, I do not adjust my speech in any way. My friend speaks Slovak to her Czech friend's 4 year old son and he also had no problem. A toddler can hardly properly know his mother tongue let alone the full lexicon of a very close language. I edited the page and provided references (actual intelligibility tests provide results in the 95 percent range which is consistent with my personal experience).

There is also the claim that the languages are "diverging", well, the last major changes to either were in the 19th century. Rastislav here understands Czech with some effort, he speaks a 300 year old dialect, I do understand it effortlessly, I speak modern Slovak. If anything, there has been convergence, not divergence, and fall of communism also meant fall of prescriptivism and a greater allowance for Czechisms in media speech.

Because someone's toddler does not understand our word for camel, which is a Hungarian loan anyways, does not imply "divergence". Exposure effects are not divergence, let that kid play with a Slovak kid for an hour and he will understand that

Oh, and also, the most popular channel on "Czech youtube" is actually a Slovak youtuber whose main audience is preteen minecraft players and whose videos have 3/4 of comments in Czech
And what I think is even dumber is that these people will argue for Scots being a mere "mutually intelligible dialect" of English while denying CZ/SK mutual intelligibiity:

Scots: Aw human sowels is born free and equal in dignity and richts. They are tochered wi mense and conscience and shuld guide theirsels ane til ither in a speirit o britherheid.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The same people also like to quote alarmist newspaper articles. Well, one old Czech article about youth slang says that the Czech of youth is incomprehensible to Czech of the older people, so apparenrtly, Czech is actually two completely different languages that are mutually not intelligible called "Youth Czech" and "Good Old Czech": http://zpravy.idnes.cz/cestina-se-zmenila-stari-mladym-nerozumeji-fkl-/domaci.aspx?c=A050508_204033_domaci_bih

I think if actual objective testing was conducted, the English of Geordies vs English of London would probably be a lot less intelligible than Czech or Slovak.
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