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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 58

U.S. Girls edition
*enters thread with rather large bulge in pants*

whatll you do if hillary wins? will you stay here arguing the toss about the establishment and rigging etc or will you vanish like a new thread on page 4? curious.....hmm....hmmmm....ahh yes......curioser and curioser.....is there a u in that? in curioser? or curiouser? i dont know haha, im not lewis fucking carroll am i? nah thats not me (song reference)

thats the shithole he originally came from
like a noncier version of /brit/ with tripgeezers
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business idea: i make this post and then don't post again until the next thread
uni friend changed his steam name to The Donald

ciudad is city in spanish

new goal gf lads
thinking about going to bed
why dont you lift, /brit/ ?
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KEEP getting adverts from the university of southern denmark telling me to do a masters in drone technology
*fires in spurts*
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The fucking effort of going to the gym and changing my diet
>masters in drone technology

>tfw can't wank without seeing a woman's face
post the front part
Business idea: Lonely people pay me to be their friend for the day, going to places like pubs or cinemas.
not a runtlet untermensch
The yank is right

Clinton dumped about $1 million into online bots

a whole ton of them swarmed reddit and reddit got angry
two inteligent
I do you little runt yank.
*Overhead presses you off the floor*
walnuts peanuts pineapple smells
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Hot female manager at work bollocked me for looking at a fucking news website. She always parks her car in the same place. Made a note of her registration
run out of tea bags lads

kill me
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today's the last day of my holiday
me 2bh lads haha
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It's ogre

>The UK has to import electricity from France during Eastenders because of high demand
you cannot make this up
The last thread was 90% pure shitposting.
is the us the same silly shit as the uk where scotland be a huge pain in the bum
Why is John Bishop a thing?
any of you lads watching the young pope?

gonna start watching it probably tomorrow
>Electricity to become more expensive because BREXIT

Calling it now.
>the very same woman is in the comments section
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>tfw 5'6 16 stone skinnyfat
>The Dutch
Ah, yes..
that's a guy
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>16 stone
No mate you're just fat
i'm taller than you and 8 stone
Reminder Trump will win
would squish you, you little pissant
*inflates myself just like a balloon*
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What did they mean by this?
poo poo
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no snow no show
poo poo poo
>students Union bar is staying open tomorrow until the president is announced

What time will it be?
>people too young to vote, drink alcohol or bet on horse racing

>we allow them to pilot 2 tonne metal boxes on wheels without supervision

Seems a bit silly to me
>ah yes let me just assume clinton will win all the current battleground states
>In 1999, the IRA gave information on the whereabouts of her body.[26] This prompted a prolonged search, co-ordinated by the Garda Síochána, the Irish police service, but no body was found. On the night of 26 August 2003, a storm washed away part of the embankment supporting the west side of Shellinghill Beach car park, near the site of previous searches.[27] This exposed the body.[12] On 27 August, it was found by passersby while they were walking on Shellinghill Beach (also known as Templetown Beach) at the eastern tip of the Cooley Peninsula.[28] McConville was subsequently reburied beside her husband Arthur in Holy Trinity Graveyard in Lisburn.[29][30]

that's sweet

let's do our own poll of something /brit/

or take the idea and implement it for the UK
we have some of the safest roads in europe
>>we allow them to pilot 2 tonne metal boxes on wheels without supervision

Had a think about this

How could you be the leader of a country and freely let people do whatever they want?
having some clean water
You have to pass a test to drive though, no tests for the others
>without supervision
Haven't gotten your license yet lad?
driving on the left helps
I watched a kid turn a woman into a corpse (legally an object) today. Clearly he is a sorcerer.
ciudad just means city in spanish, lad
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ahh yes

I live 5 minutes from the beach she was buried

Used to go there for swims swims during summer as a babba
the fuck are you even on about you moron?
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just passed my drinking test lads
yes and a baby was probably crushed by a TV at some point in the last decade, does that mean we should all jump off a cliff? you should be ashamed of yourself
hillary clinton should get a nobel peace prize for standing up to that racist and saving america xxxx
having a sip of some 'ter
Well you do have to pay for a TV license


hate that disgusting new elastic band trend

its disgusting
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very good contribution
do you murder protestants or catholics?
Permission to come aboard, captain!
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Gavin must be insurmountably butthurt about watching Shane become a multi-BILLIONAIRE while he has to do youtube shit for an audience of literally about a few hundred people for the rest of his career
>crushed by a TV
it's not the 90s anymore. we don't have 200lb TVs these days
permission denied, fuck off yank
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>when an aussie replies to you
belay that order number 1
Literally don't know who you're on about lad
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size of that thing

see >>67128215
>23 celebrities you would never guess are actually black

the hell is this bullshit i mean honestly
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doing a /brit/ all day haha
If you eat 4000 calories one day and 1000 the next is that the same as eating 2500 calories both days
Why are aussies so edgy and childish on here? Is it because they are virgin neets that live in a country full of normies?

Imagine being a shut-in in australia? lmao
how did yanks become so unashamedly brash?

imagine corbyn or maytrying this shite, theyd be laughed out of the party
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But that's a map where she lost pretty much all of them.
almost as big as mine
>muh one drop rule
Is Michael Jackson there?
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sort of, if it is in isolation
yeah but trump still needs to win one more state. it could be PA, NH, MI, CO, WI, or VA
bottoms up lad! *does a handstand* LOL cheeky *realises my kimono has fallen over my face* ohhhh uh-oh spaghetti bollernazio *tries to preserve my modesty but obviously cant because im doing a handstand* errr this is a predicament and a half intit...*katana slides out of its scabbard and lands edge-first on the tarmac, at such an angle that rather than dulling the edge it sharpens it considerably* ahh yes, fortune continues to favour us....now how do i escape this gravitational predicament if i cant move the bloody hands of mine planted firmly on the ground here keeping me uprightside-down? hmmmm you there *chap walking down the street turns* help a sister out, hold these flaps up before i go baps-up! *he stands there looking unsurely at me* now dont just stand there looking unsurely at me you fucking whelp, i am your neighbour and begorrah you shall love me like you love poster #67128196 now HELP ME *he fucks off* ahhhh poo poos *feels the wind pick up* ohhh im really in for it now *starts swaying* ughhh ohh noooo if i topple now i shall surely pop a couple of holios in the cranium, thats for sure, thats for damn sure *i start to topple but die from all the blood rushing to my head before i hit the ground* ahhh much better
such a shit meme post

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ah yes London
excuse me, sir, do you have the time?
was suppose to be 35 and it's barely 25 + cloudy
let down lads
yeah, time you got a watch, haha!
3C here

I have all the time in the world for you hun xx ;)
Now, or then?
bet you meant to reply to my post didnt you you fucking illiterate blind poof ahahahahahaha you fucking braindead mongoloid AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA THE STATE OF YOU THE *BOLD* STATE *UNBOLD* OF YOUR CONDITION RIGHT NOW... its just unbelievable! i cant believe it! i *rubs eyes* i just cant *rubs eyes some more* i cant believe a thing *rubs the irises out of my eyes revealing im actually a mutant pupilless freak* ohhh no my secrets out ahhhh what do i do *scuttles away on all fours* haha like the runt gimmick! anyone get it?
renewables are shit. nuclear power is the way forward
looks like a paki
Crazy how you're sat there on a warm Australian day while I look out of the window at the ice on top of the cars. Technology really is amazing, isn't it? A mere click of a button allows me to call you a fucking dick sucking faggot in an instant. And that's exactly what I'll do. Queer.
I'm not a hun
post qt feet
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Bit mean
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she unironically cancelled her celebration. obviously she knows she's gonna lose
im really sorry to have had such an outburst at you when you werent even talking to me
how can i repay you? *shits myself* shmoke and a pancake?
*posts my feet*
Absolutely profound post, deserving of appraisal and respect
Reminder that 2 people escaped from Pentonville today

Both Londoners

Both white

So who's the real villains
need tights gf
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I'm feeling it lads, I'm fucking feeling it
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Anyone been south Africa
post depressing cello music please
sitting in the hot tub lads
yeah got shot and FUCKING DIED

just ordered the new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding lads
buffboi coming through
want to

The Mannequins?
loads and loads of crime
friend of mine has family there in the white part

says it's okay so long as you don't go to the black parts

dont you ever @ me again you sperg
They pulled the classic mannequins in the bed trick, good lads tbf

I thought we weren't meant to pay attention to polls because brexit
I'm watching Alex's channel right now and it's fucking unbearable but I can't look away.

It's like I'm looking at a burning building.
It's horrifying but I can't stop.
He's funnier than you mate
just saw a lad long boarding with his puppets pulling him haha what am I like?
that only applies if they're good for hillary, otherwise they're 100% accurate
was an INTP with about 5% away from being an ENTP

if I was an ENTP i'd lead you people irl.
Weren't suppose to pay attention to polls a couple weeks ago when Clinton was ahead either

Things change quickly

Fuck off gyppo

Shagged some saffa pengs

Looks like manchester
haha its not even 11 am and it's already 29 degrees
is anyone down for some club penguin
didnt quit>>67128497e catch>>67128497that you alright t>>67128497here mate???????
pol btfo
Never met a nice bloke from there 2bh
all me
was it in midair
you have to go to Canada for that kind of thing
yeah went to kruger national park
absolutely incredible holiday
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Ahh yes
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Is it even possible at this point for jeb to lose?
Absolutely screeching, howling and caterwauling at your posts my friend

Fair play lad, well and truly fair play, fair play, yeah fair play, fair play to you for winding him up ahaa fair play ya wind up artist fair play
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>just conned some sperg loser into loads of free yous
;p ;* (8) :@ :[ [*] Lovee Him..x
this post has layers

well done
can someone explain to me that ancient gimmick with the pint glasses and green hats?
New trend idea: Decorating wheelie bins
Next season will be an absolute shitfest

How much influence will Chaim Netflixsky have on it
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me shitposting with the gf.webm
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taking a thulean perspective
some aussie said he'd shop them onto images for people and that's it

t. was in the thread
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so fucking good
Tell me about Maidstone
no gercuck this is brit
Gonna have a sandwich, what do you lads recommend? I was thinking of ham and cranberry.
i live near it
Trump's remaining schedule:
New Hampshire

Hillary's remaining schedule:
North Carolina

Truth be told lads.
I'm going to miss this election.

It's made me laugh, it's made me want to punch a wall, it's made me orgasm, it's made me want to cry, it's made me stay up until 3am watching debates.

There will never be another election that captures me as emotionally as this one.
unironically have let my gf type a post on /brit/ for me before
Saw one of them in real life. It's quite impressive but kind of underwhelming.

t. Shiplad
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alri? enoch powell here.... and im a big fucker now! ive been training in hell with all the archdemons, they were soo jealous of my isfettic that they ---urm sorry not enoch powell i meant oswald mosley--- im back from hell etc and im really strong now, so i dont want any lefty pricks messing me about alright? ill put you right where you belong in the ground
I wanna be ur friend mate is that ok? X

I think u need a friend
fucking clown feet
hola chile como estas hoy
cheese and picalilly if you're a real man
How about a knuckle?

*Punches you square on the nose*
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one week into no shave november and the beard smells absolutely disgusting

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you're saying I almost lost my virginity and I didn't even know it?
>Shiplad in this thread

merely a coincidence
That unironically looks like a British northern city
How is it? Anything interesting to see/do other than going to London? I will live there for approx. 2 monhts
Might do one more wank before bad

odds gay
evens straight
zero no fap
business idea: blow up the channel tunnel
Just watched 24 Hour Party People

Quite good.
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reminder yeezy is running in the next election
reported to the relevant British and European authorities
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>merely a coincidence

In what sense?

Also I'm always around.
honestly it's not very nice. Why will you specifically be there? can't go to anywhere else in the area? canterbury is superb
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>of the 4.8k people liking this, many are not from the US
Trump means fart and I don't think enough has been made of this during the election.
really? always find them quite impressive up close
Bloody hell you did it again

Blimey, your posts are art mate! Art!
let all the migrants in first
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>president trump

americans are literally a meme
Student exchange programme
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C'mon lad, Straight dubs for god
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president fart would have gone better than drumpf
I was on capesize bulkers anyway so even though it was bigger it wasn't that much bigger.

Besides, they're massive white elephants. The industry is moving away from them already because they're not actually that much more efficient or cheap. Plus only a handful of ports can accomodate them.
Know someone who went off to do it too but I'm not in close contact with them atm. Is it like uni or do you have to make mates on your course?
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really makes me think
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would shag the tits off this one
>There will never be another election that captures me as emotionally as this one.
if trump loses then next election the anti-establishment fervour will reach boiling point and we'll see an even more nutty election
>/v/ made this image because they were desperate for another flop to claim responsibility for
>it was a success
>GOTY contender
>/v/ pretends is doesn't exist now
lads, asked earlier but didn't get a reply

on the 15th and 16th of December I'm going out and will mostly absolutely plow through pingers and any other chemical I can get my hands on. A few hours later I have a flight to China, do you reckon I'll be pulled aside because I'm going to look like death? Just wondering what I'm opening myself up to haha
>that ticker

proof poltards need to fuck off back where they belong

Can't believe this lad isn't getting more (You)'s, criminally underrated act
Kind of different honestly. I'm back at uni right now doing a top up degree and it's a very different thing to nautical college as it's a much larger scale thing. Everyone knows everyone at college.
no more fucking JF's in Canterbury I'm sick of them
tried washing it? you great disgusting pignoramus?

ohhh trust me matey bo batey ive got friends literally coming out of my arsehole, but theres always room for another in the pile! but truth be told, ive never befriended a foreigner before, do you have any dietary requirements? or are you alright with eating the fucking dirt once i give you the one bang for getting cocky and thinking we're mates just because i gave you a couple of fucking pleasantries? you just step back down to your own level and dont try preempting me to give the time of day again before i wallop you to hell and back, then up to heaven and wrapping back around to hell

ahhh just watch it alright? im sorry i snapped but i get very tense when i miss my daily asmr appointment (fucking fat sow couldnt make it because her arsehole of a brother died) and i just needed to... you know, CHOO CHOOO....let off some steam

cant tell if youre messing me around at this point
just watch it sunshine, theres not much room in the ol stinkhole for many more noses
alt-righters fighting with liberals in my class lad

very uncomfortable
well, if you buy a trainpass you can see some of the other towns/cities in the area. Kent generally is pretty great, Maidstone is not the best part of it though. I've only ever been there a couple times so i can't really make recommendations for what to do when there. Have fun though mate
going to let you in on a little secret
if you want (You)s, go to /v/, find a shitpost and act like you're taking it seriously and get really defensive
a series of beeps and boops

>December 15th
That's my birthday
that's a girl and she's v. eccentric and is witty on queue

you'd love her!
seems like an awful idea. comedowns/hangovers on a long flight is fucking miserabl
>tried washing it? you great disgusting pignoramus?
why? it's great norman repellent
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fair enough
whenever i'm in amsterdam and i see one of these big fuckers it never fails to impress me
>top up degree
What's that? Masters?

Thought you worked on ships?
*holds up spork*
*its upside down*
*goes crosseyed*
*waggles finger over lips* wibble wibble wibble




so many new albums to get off the 'port

wallet is crying
*poos on you*
bet i could heem either of these ships and push them over
Eating a peppermint ham and cranberry sandwich on white bread and I have a waffle for desert, what are you lads snacking on at the moment?
I got a foundation degree from doing the cadetship, now I'm making it a real degree. Only takes a year and it'll mean I can work on shore. Got sick of being on board.
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Cognitive functions.. look into them.
WOW! There's a darkside to your personality that I've never seen before! I'm a complete sociopath myself, love it!
Beef jerky, marinated in honey and rich spicy chipotle chilli
like that one gimmick about molecules and being arrested for arranging molecules into a certain way and being put in a cell that restricts the movement of molecules
>tfw entj
feels good to be on top
what's the degree in lad? is a mechanical engineering degree actually worth anything in the merchant navy?
naval engineering?
VERY sick of the foreigners in Canterbury lads. The Spanish, Italian and the pakis are by far the worst.

Debating a move to Hythe
>laptop making godawful grinding sound
>slap it a few times
>it stops

gotta keep them in line
Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

I like beef jerky but the fact there's so little in the packet always makes me never buy it whenever I'm in my local Asian supermarket getting cheap snacks.
how does one let an arrangement of bytes leading to a pattern of photon emission from your monitor affect their brain in such a way as to be pleasurable to certain receptors?
X9001 than INTJ.
"Nautical Science", bunch of bollocks but I could work in something like shipbroking. Or anything really. I'm not too bothered as long as it's not soul destroyingly boring.

What I do has sod all to do with engineering, but there are engineering courses too.
it's probably filled with dust

get one of those air cans and blow it out
jaw hurts
dont have time to look into this rubbish but can i get an approximation on what i am? brief summation of my personality: intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humour
I live in London and Italian/Spanish tourists were the worst

They have no respect for anyone. My neighbours started throwing rocks at them and they all cleared off and never came back
I miss the days of CRT monitors, when those cunts started flickering and shit you could just smack them to fix it

You shouldn't have done that, he's just a boy.
hahahaha, wish I could do the fucking same. They're easily the most arrogant for some reason considering most of them are fat, swarthy benders.
sounds like me lad, except im also devilishly handsome
Don't you make good money on those ships though
want to see josie's face
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>a man who knows how to adapt and fix things according to the situation
>exposed nipples

Big J shan't be happy with this at all no not one bit haha
Who is this dick juice masseuse
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the gf.jpg
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what does this even mean? I just did the test, seems like shite
absolutely screeching at this post
>tfw 5'4 and built like an Icelandic nautical scientist
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>that scene where he loses his paw to an IED

fucking dark
fucking yes m8
i see nipples

*alerts the janny*
>be yank
>have 10 minutes of ads for every 5 minutes of TV
>put pot of water in the microwave to brew some tea
>shart on the way back to the living room
>slip on the runny green corn syrup leavings and do a slapstick tumble straight out the living room window and into the street
>get shot
>expensive hospital bill
>epic win
>vote trump 2016

Yeah. But I realised it was making me completely miserable and lonely so I had to seriously consider if the money was worth it. I decided it wasn't.
Is that FAS?
>tfw was around during the memechant navy days a year ago on /brit/
>still never got around to applying or anything

probably no point now
watched kilo two bravo the other night
watching TV... in the current year...

silly yank
watch infowars
>tfw not spreading my for anglos tongue twisting name in hollywood

nice try you arrogant, tea drinking pansy
All psychology is a load of bollocks lad

It's literally based off the cocaine-fueled musings of a man who believed that all human behaviour could be explained by wanting to shag your mum and kill your dad (shag your da and kill your mum for girls)

Also it lacks falsifiability
just beat it
jump on it
just beat it
jump on it
jump jump jump jump
jump jump jump jump
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There's always time. I did it at the last second when I fucked up what I wanted.

Sad that I've been here for so long 2bh. Just imagine if I'd been a trip at, maybe people would remember me. Fuck that though.
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Meant to post this one. Sorry
ah yes trickle down economics, hmm yes
sat here laughing to myself about american bowel movements
isnt that veird?a
Some cunt I found off /b/
>watching mock the week and eating mince pie
>mum comes and tells me to take out trash
>Mock her nasally voice and the word trash
>Tell her to fuck off, the stupid bint
>she leaves to get me da
>hear my da coming down the corridor, can hear him because he's fat and yank houses have paper thin walls
>he says he'll kick my ass if I talk that way to my "mom" again
>I say "mom, ass, fuck off you stupid yank"
>He counters by telling me that I've never left the country, let alone do I even have a password.
>Scream FOY
>He smacks me
>I cry and mutter under my breath "yanks cant handle the banter"
>He leaves and slams the door
>The only sounds left in my room is the sound of my sobbing, and the rustling of my top gear posters from the breeze of the door slam

Fuck being a yank
Does /brit/ use chopsticks?
>if you ingest molecules that are deemed to be in the 'wrong' formation then your own molecules will be restricted to a small box for multiple rotations around the sun
I know somethings very wrong

can guarantee you all these mental ADHD-riddled posts are buckinghamshire
Good lad
hey lads
No leaf

Makes you ponder
josie what's your tits like

not a perv just trying to imagine you

actually why am i asking that

what are your eyes like


are they big?

We are going to Brexit, right?
>if you apply pressure to a plastic trigger that starts a combustion releasing energy to the back of a piece of metal that goes through the air into someone's flesh your molecules will be restricted to a small box for multiple rotations around the sun
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sup runtoids
very good post
the pulse returns the prodigal sons
wdhmbt btw?
>if you produce vibrations in such a sequence so as to offend a whole group of people, your own molecules will be restricted to a small box for multiple rotations around the sun
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Lads if you were a girl would you have big boobs or small boobs?
i'll always remember you la
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robbie think he slick.png
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You too ;)
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>>The only sounds left in my room is the sound of my sobbing, and the rustling of my top gear posters from the breeze of the door slam
shant be gazing at these letters
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