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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 105

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Fudge off
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>bl*cks aren't more naturally athletic than whites

Tim Horton's is trash
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fat bitches swinging tables, hah
Black Mirror is a good series.
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It's a genetic thing.webm
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UK hip hop > us """""hip hop"""""

are the hair bits fake or did she actually rip them out? holly shit.
who knows really
They're fake, real hair never comes out that easy
I hope so, that would hurt so much.
Travel anon here.

Question for you gun lovers: how hard is it to get a gun at a shooting range as a tourist? (especially in Texas) Are there any limitations for handing out guns at shooting ranges at all?
little kids getting some early life lessons. positive adult role models in their lives.
Blacks love fake hair

I think they call them weaves

It's one of the top items they loot
you can just go to gun ranges in germany
Why would you want a gun you nazi

... and shoot air guns?
Do they really give someone that is not in the club/has a license a real gun?
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go buy one from the slag store
I watched part of a women's talk show late at night that had lots of black women. Apparently some of the weird things they do to their hair causes female balding so they have to get fake extensions.to hide the bald spots.
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I'm scared about tomorrow lads
feel with me
In Virginia you can just so up to a shooting range and ask to borrow a shotgun for a day and shoot skeet

just need a valid drivers license and enough money to pay for the clay pidgins, ammo, and gun rental

no clue about Texas but I can't imagine the laws are more restrictive there
I'm scared for you guys, too.

But it'll be okay. If anything happens it'll be temporary.
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>either we'll finally be free or /pol/ will burn down this entire site in shitposting
>either way the winner will be shit
Yes, just go there when they have an open door day or something.
I shot all kinds of guns. 9mm, shotgun, magnum.
Gun people are fat old guys and are chill.
Sometimes they have just for fun shooting contests with .22 and then you can also shoot big guns for a few euros more.
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I feel like this is my last day of something that i don't know what is it.
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>saving money to buy a car
>feel compelled to panic buy as many guns as possible
just bought a mechanical keyboard with cherry blue knock offs
Trump has nothing to do with you spic
J-just for... reasons.

Sounds good, thanks.

Didn't knew that. Sadly since they all are old fucks literally all homepages of the clubs around are form 199x...
he was probably referring to clinton not trump
For the first time I feel like im living in one of those countries where an election causes riots and coups on a regular basis.
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>moderate conservative
wew how old is this
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2nd amendment hero.jpg
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>Hillary's First day at the oval office
>this guy rolls past security and knocks open the door
>"Freedom ain't free, bitch."

Will the 2nd amendment make this a reality?
Where is the "well regulated militia" when you need it?
They're too busy snacking on donuts in the woods somewhere

08, I think
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Hey guys! How can i hack voting machine?
go go gadget grandpa
What do you mean how?
You already have
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outdated as fuck with the influx of somali's and gooks
these people still have their bernie bumper stickers on

>random literally who making it past the most important personal security force in the entire country

yah ok
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Haven't you Russians done enough to frail, fragile, old hillary!! she's obsessed with you now!! And spiritual leader of the alt right vladimir putin himself has taken over her every thought
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heres the closest one I could find
You ask Hillary for the password
Convince me that kind of people shouldn't be given death penalty.
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>Why yes, I do believe in the death penalty
Race-based chattel slavery is better for the economy
It's just banter :^)
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>Race-based chattel slavery is better for the economy
I have been a supporter of the death penalty ever since I stopped believing in Jesus
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>tfw i will be rich on wednesday
Betting on Trump is free money when I saw this
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>the only cases of voter fraud are trumptards who keep voting twice because they're afraid of voter fraud
just beautiful
hey guys I haven't posted for a few days, did I miss out on a lot of quality on-topic intellectual discussion?
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Are you ready /cum/?
Jokes on you. I didn't vote. Fuck the World.
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You missed out on the >tfw /cum/ mansion fiasco we had last night.
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as ready as I'll ever be
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why are CTR memes so good
the janitor deleted the new asean thread
Worst gimmick since we let that one cuck decide Mexico was equal.
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because trumptards get more easily triggered
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Good good
we are friends
thanks, saving for tomorrow :^)
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>mfw a democrat speaks to me
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definitely 2nd worst emma
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>tfw hired a nigger
>First day in he steals from the managers and one of the elderly residents
>Breaks into cars
>Abandons his shift hours early
Fucking hell
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To be fair I have hired white people who have done most of those things and some worse

>white american citizens and cool dads who riased their kids on baseball on the left
>normies and chads on the right

I guess I'm #WithHer, now
Shouldn't be difficult.
Ive gone to plenty of ranges where they didn't check id, didn't make me watch some stupid video - just gave me the gun of my choice and ammo and assumed i knew what i was doing.
glancing with this quickly my brain saw WithHitler
Trump himself isn't even an alpha. He's a fat, rubber-skinned orange with a small dick and small stubby hands. At least Hillary looks like a human being.
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>tomorrow we find out who the next president of the United States will be
No Liechtenstein posters below this rine

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Will Trump's Charlie Sheen style meltdown set in before or after the polls close
I actually still haven't made my final choice between stein or trump
>been trying to get my battery changed for the past 2 hours
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why does it feel like a shadow is growing across North America
Nobody cares. Same old shit, different face, haven't you learned yet?

,,,,and you can quote me on that fedorafag poster
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>At least Hillary looks like a human being
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>,,,,and you can quote me on that fedorafag poster
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Everyone said the same thing in 2008, yet here we are, same old shit.

They'll say anything to get votes.

>mfw a /pol/tard actually believes half of what Trump says
watching to see whether trump concedes will itself be a roller coaster ride
discussing the U.S. election with the mother via iMessage

and to think you brits really think WE butchered the english language
pics of ur mum
>Trump is the candidate of turbochads and staceys
You've convinced me he must be stopped
>tips penis onto forehead
I really want to know what type of people you all actually are if this isn't ironic

Every person I know who's voting for her is politically apathetic. All my actual leftist friends are voting third party, I have one libertarian friend voting for johnson, a couple flat out refusing to vote, some of course for trump, but the only people voting for clinton are just completely politically unaware in my experience. Yeah yada yada anecdotal evidence whatever.
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I voted early the other week. I almost pussied out but I just said fuck it and chose hilldawg. I don't really like her but I don't think it'll be that bad if she's in the white house. Things might get bad but not trump-starting-ww3-via-twitter bad.
Things weren't this bad with Obama. He at least had fake hopefulness behind him, where as Hillary only has corruption and ruined lives behind her.
you're delusional.
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>tfw been studying for biochem and other classes too much while dealing with a busted up wrist to give a fuck

Either way, our options are either selling our soul or our dignity and foreign trust.
Kinda just want to zap good ole Theodore back to life.
Only because of track record. Had Obama had Michelle as first nigga wife he would've been in the same boat. It's real easy to pull skeletons out when you've been a politician for most your life.
>quite possibly the most alpha man alive
>gubernatorial experience
>not under federal investigation
ARNIE 2016
>ok fine Hillary I guess

>not under federal investigation

did he finally release his taxes?
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your orange buffoon is about to be btfo by hilldog
Ineligible or else he would be president until death.

Celebrity status means more than a politicians weight in every topic these days. He would've movie quoted and meme'd his way into the primaries without saying so much as "chopper" and "ill be back".
What kind of responses do these get on pol
Mate, she has a pretty awful track record and has had trials ongoing during the election. You can't deny that's fucked. There's been billions spent to get her in seat, she's not getting it because people want her there. People wanted Obama even if his Hope and Change thing turned out to be a Gimmick. No one wants Hillary besides people who think Trump is literally Satan in flesh. It's not the same as the Obama election. Track record is important, that's how most politicians get fucked out of the job. She was running with no opposition aside from some "free shit" jew.
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i laugh because america is about to get its worst president
>implying that spics and nigs and women give a fuck about her track record
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it's funposting.jpg
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CTR and other such funposting.
It's blatant shitposting and neo-/v/ tier console flame wars. No one is enthusiastic about hillie on the dang dirty 4chainz and so no one takes it seriously except for the one autist.
don't think so pal
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Kanye West 2020
build the wall, Paco
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if you made a thread with this image you will get 100+ replies consistently
How's Ye doing?
didn't they have some pretty awful ones during the depression and etc

i don't really include retards who vote for whatever the party they associate throws at them. fuckers would still vote for the party is they tossed a pillow with a smiley face drawn in shit into the Presidential candidate seat.
Do you think /pol/ or other social media and even mainstream media was at our finger tips as easily as it is today? I saw a fucking 3 year old walking around with an iPhone 7 earlier today I shit you not.

All this drama is just that DRAMA. All these candidates have a shitload baggage, hence why it's so crucial that they're opposition finds it and uses it against them. You can't even have a Twitter quote from 2012 and earlier without it coming up in this shit.

2008 was a turning point for sure, but it's nowhere near like today.
The one we had during the Depression was pretty bad and so was John Adams.
I personally believe any infraction deserves very severe punishment, death penalty for most crimes. Even little kids who cheat on tests should be beaten with clubs and taken some rights away. Thats the only effective way to truly fight crime. Go ahead and post your fedoras.
>implying spics and nigs and women don't constitute the majority of the population

not even factoring in (((college educated))) whites
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hillary wins.jpg
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how many hours until president Clinton is elected?
I don't give a shit about /pol/ or other social medias opinions or some kid with a cell phone. I'm not sure why you're so autistically hung up on that garbage. Grow up and form an opinion outside those environments.
You're latino, alright.
Are you fucking retarded? I'm literally thinking outside the box and saying this shit is fucked because the BOX as you so eloquently put you dumb fucking canuck. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. NOT YOURS. BUT THE FUCK OUT.
it don't seem so kid, you got a pervert and a criminal running to be your leader

oh wait that perfectly sums up america
if that happens I unironically will leave. It will be the last straw.
>now he resorts to petty insults because he can't tell the difference from a /pol/tard and someone who's against /pol/ and their degeneracy

You've been here far too long and it's clearly YOU who's hung up on the garbage. Thanks for reminding me why I stopped discussing politics online.
you guys have turdoo tho lmaooooooooo
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The word latino is stupid. Latin America has a vast array of ethnicities. Blacks, different kinds of natives, several european and asian ethnicities and the infinite amount of race mixing possibilities derived from that
>petty insults
trump literally is a pervert and clinton literally is a criminal

nice cognitive dissonance, you are the embodiment of america
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>when she catches the chair

I always kek at that part, fucking Kween Kong
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Literally can not wait for tomorrow buds. Stocked up on beer to watch history.
Already said I wasn't voting for either. Holy shit you're clearly dumb as fuck. Kill yourself.
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somebody fell down the cliff close to my house again. so many sirens
woah dude you are so much better than the sheep around you
just ate a slice of american cheese
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>tfw I cant get drunk on election night because I have early morning classes the next day
>resorts to fedora tipping without the macros

Seriously. Neck yourself.
That's a Bernie rally on the left, nobody goes to Hillary rallies.
dont worry, itd only 4 years of hillary, unless trump runs again, then it's only 8 years
Post pics of the wee woos
>being a gommunist
It's once every four years just do it.
>Not full of Mayans and shieeet

Shite map black man
>get btfo 3 times
>k-kill yourself
alright im done wasting my time on you loser
prolly just walk over and gawk. last time the guy was dead.
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maybe next time champ
is hillary gonna give monies to poor people or is she gonna change nothing?
Make it 4. Gas yourself.

You were so used to "battling" trumptards that you forgot you weren't the only person with independent thought. You're a child who thinks he's a man. Gas yourself.
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My Coast.png
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she's gonna give us all gf's and make anime real
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Finally i will be able to listen to u's members
She'll try to give monies and everything else to the illegal aliens to ensure future voters for herself and the democratic party.
The blacks will largely be abandoned like poor whites have been for decades.
Did you vote for Obama???
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such a good song

unironically, yes
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>Politicians only care about blacks every four years

Has your state ever triggered SJWs over its state vegetable?
last time I voted I voted for the Tea Party candidate because he beat the literal jew neocon in the primary
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>I voted for the Tea Party candidate
The Gales of Novemeber are here lads
our tea party candidate is in the house now, he is a real republican now too
>Substituting the dark-green broccoli for the bland white potato might give the state an aura of cultural and vegetable diversity.
>3 years ago

Truly the worst timeline.
might found an environmentalist fascist party
Greens already exist
How come Americans love bumper stickers so much?
they are not fascist
I seem them all the time in Canada bud, it's Europe where there are zero bumper stickers.
why is anime music SO good?!?!

where in Canada?
Its not
because Japanese people are creative as fuck, and also because soundtrack sales are a major source of revenue.
wow yu have SHIT taste

SHIT taste! SHIT
I almost never see bumper stickers, whereas in the states they are eveywhere.

Are you in western """""canada?""""""
it's complete trash
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teach your woman
>It's not """"""""canadian"""""""" because I say so
t. gook immigrant
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pic related
I don't like anime but the music can be great

IF you DON't love THIS SONG you have bad taste !!!!

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anime music is great

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>the odds of Footkraut being killed by Islamic extremists increases every year


he's not german, you dunce. Its a proxy
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the captcha

got 4 disappearing puzzles in a row
There are no Asians here Muhammed

Ontario is western Canada though
Anime is for faggots and communists
I want a BF who looked like a GF that I had in February of last year
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>There are no Asians here Muhammed
>Southern Ontario is basically USA

Stop the fucking presses
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1MB, 1200x675px

Question for my Mexican brothers

In Canada we have Natives. In USA they have Blacks. What is the equivalent in Mexico?
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Hillary and Trump are on an island

Who wins ?
Guatamalans or drug cartels.
>posting daring
>not posting glorious Psychic Fire
wow you have such a bad taste
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What u trying say bout blacks
Sugoi ochinchins everybody, good work all around
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My province is 1% Asian of all types and 95.7% white

so basically everyone.
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>Not using legacy captcha

fuck off back to plebbit, kek.
what did he mean by this?
america. can we put congress on an island too?
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just imagine pressing your hairy thighs on to the back of her soft and smooth legs as you slide in and out
This joke is really that popular ?
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>Ontario is western Canada
>being this retarded
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>My province is 1% Asian of all types and 95.7% white
soy jeb bush.
soy un gran cuck que puede vender guac.
yes. But a lot of people seemed pissed off about this election on both sides of the aisle. For me, I care more about congress, since even if a R like trump gets in, the congress will still fuck him since you have people that already said they refuse to work for him.
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Labrador and Newfoundland?
Maki probably has amazing thighs since rich people can afford all the skin treatment.
gonna masturbate and do a few things

see you in a few hours
*gets a paper cut*
You're right, Québec is western Canada, Ontario is America
must suck living there lol
shall we do our best girl list? I'll start.
1.- Maki
2.- Eli
3.- Rin
4.- Nico
5.- Honk
6.- Umi
7.- Nozo
8.- Hanayo
9.- Kotori
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New Brunswick
Has the 2016 election been the craziest one in American history?
its been the memeiest

Nixon's relection campaign amidst watergate was pretty loony
can't get paper cuts from pixels my man
>it's another people trying to sound intellectual by posting memes for taking down the 2 party system and "I don't like either of the candidates" episode
2000 was pretty crazy, supreme court basically decided the presidency. This was when Democrats believed in vote rigging instead of Republicans.
If you fully support either candidate then you're an idiot, that's just a fact
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This is the image for that.
How much of your neighbouring country (or countries) have you seen, /cum/?

I've been to Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, North Dakota and Florida. Out of all of them I found Minnesota to have the best people.
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>you have to fully support a candidate to vote for them

This site is for 18+ only.
Any chance of us bringing back the "cosmic Canadian cuckolder" meme?

Ive never even left the country
how does the political system in the US works?
i only understand that they are republican and democrats, how do they elect their candidates?
I've been to Texas
will be posting it in /pol/ when hilldawg is elected
Who said anything about voting? I certainly didn't, and neither did the guy I replied to.
Learn to read pal.
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Fill this out.
Most of these people don't vote for local elections or take part in primaries.

Besides, no candidate is going to fit you 100%, but bite the bullet and vote for your party instead of whining about their candidate. You had over a year to convince people to vote for or against someone.
Just Manitoba for fishing.
I have been to 4 Provinces in Canada and all 48 of the contiguous United States, most several times.
Hillary said you already did though
Great idea, I will join you
That's fine, but it doesn't mean I can't still dislike them.
>tfw you're going to kill yourself
See you tomorrow
>bitching about suicide on the internet for attention

Tumblr-tier tbqh
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>New York
>Rhode Island
>New Jersey

get the tunes on boyz
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maybe tomorrow.jpg
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hopefully my current job will give me enough money to afford a roadtrip to every state in the lower 48

but I doubt it
No, the real ones
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angry bird.jpg
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genocide everyone over 55 years old

Very nice.
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sure why bit,
Nico>makiumi>nozomi> eliichii> her sister>bird>rin>hanayo>power gap>honkers

scratch that, I wont even come close
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post slags
bet you couldn't even take one in a fight
Sativa and indica being different is just a meme because when I smoke weed I just feel one thing: high.
Your mom never lets me tke pictures
basically you have candidates that are picked from each parties primaries and carcus or whatever it is spelled like and then they compaign until election day and win by electorial votes which are representatives that each have a vote by whatever district they represent gives to them. Then we have a president.
At least take away their right to use a computer/call any help desk
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Outside the cum.png
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Really makes you think
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shit banter
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>working helpdesk
shit dude what are you doing
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lost control of my life.jpg
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I don't know
Tfw voting for jilldog
What happened to your Nazi pictures?
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why though ????
Made me think.
neurons are firing with intense speeds right now
Fuck, if they had technology to make me into a girl, I{d suck so much cock
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>Tfw only find straight guys hot
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>What happened

Nothing, but i can't just give you jews every rare SS photo.

that must suck.
foda-se lixho.
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>ywn purge degenerates

Feels bad man.
Do most traps and trannies actually think they look cute?
Some traps pull it off well, but the rest look like gangly dweebs with the whispery voice of a 13 year old getting hit by puberty.
You're gonna trigger the dominicans

>no somos negros.
>somos blancos

I never seen much butthurt if you say they are mixed with something.
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have an uncommon hitler
Well in Europe you never know.

>There are restrictions on giving the Nazi salute in Switzerland and Sweden, where giving the gesture is classified as a hate crime.

>But in 2014 the Swiss supreme court ruled that making the gesture did not break the country's anti-racism law if the person giving it was only expressing their own convictions.
You should use this desu
I'm pretty nervous /cum/, this election tomorrow will decide the fate of the world.
/cum/, I have returned to you my love.
I dont want baja chan to leave, the guy from sinoloa and the guy who asks us to rate him.
Eh, he can go if he wants.

migr8 whenever
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delet this yuropoor.jpg
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>something you have no control over

Just enjoy the ride faggot.
If hillary wins, we all lose.
Most traps look like absolute shit. Only a handful have looked convincing and cute like how 2d portrays it as.
>I dont want baja chan to leave, the guy from sinoloa and the guy who asks us to rate him.
Eh, he can go if he wants.

I'll be ok, it doesn't matter if "I have to go back" or not.

Many things are coming at the same time, and not all of them are good as well.

If anything happens to me, just remember that I'll miss you guys.
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