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Thread replies: 363
Thread images: 71

British edition
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giz us a chuddy, don't be tight
the BBC is unironically more biased than pol
unironically would love to do this to someones gf and snap them about it
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ah yes this thread will definitely not get deleted

very impressive
wish I was still young enough to go trick or treating tbqh
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why does he walk toward the camera?

Poll wanker loves his fucking polls
*updates my CV*
have kids then you can go again
Find that hard to believe tbqh.
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did this yonks ago, foy
Suggestions for lunch lads?
what did you update it with
have been saving my cum in a jar for the past year and have about 30-40 boiled sweets that I have effectively egg-washed with my manky semen and put in the fridge to set

currently handing them out to the local youth
Bacon buttie with HP sauce on boyo

love my fucking polls lads
evidenced by the amount of people in /brit/ who think hillary is still winning
soup & sambo
Bacon and sauce are the only words I recognize
all the BBC does it take an average of all the recent polls in America

and they show she is

sily yonk
I'm sure you'll be correcting the record at every possible opportunity.
hmmmm thought all you evening normies would get your haircut every fortnight
largely because she is still winning

>inb4 alt-right blogs filled with misunderstandings about sampling

sure she isn't
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An excellent post
all reece
might do a /trash/ wank
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HULLOW yesh daily reminder not to fall for the Tory spies' tricks and keep voting UKIP alright thanks
So he can grab your pussy
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haven't updated it in 6 months and it's not very good, plus now I'm applying for PhDs so have to change it from a job one to an academic one
all me
business idea:
what kind of fucking house can you buy for the price of 20 iphones
would be laughs if hillary loses the popular vote but wins the electorate

i remember the meltdown when obama won the electorate but was losing popular vote, imagine itll be like that but 10x better
don't care
>14,000 quid for a house
i like doing it, and it works
>The OP pic has already gone
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Everyone laugh at this nerd
am begrudgingly attracted to women

get in here lads
Absolutely HATE this self-styled "All Hallows Eve" theme on my 'chon
How do I remove it?
Guten tag, änglische untermenschen
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He's trying to earn his bonus tonight

We're lucky the thread is still standing
close your browser
to the filter list on whichever ad blocker you use
is there a bonus on nothing?
Sign up lads, let's go shatter the Hun!

that's not very nice

delete this immediately
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His bonus is 20% of his salary on top of his wage
I'm nothing...NOTHING
What's gonna happen lads?

thanks senpai
his mummy gives him good boy points

stupid fucking yank

(shut up nerd)
>humoring this feminist in the current year
He gets 20x the sex the average 4chan poster gets for every day of next week.

she's going to get her fanny out hopefully
she's gonna blow herself up

sit alone in my house every weekend
house every weekend
Jesus you lot are fucking pigs

Men can be disgusting
halloween choon
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Is trainlad here?
I want to beat you up.
Hm? You think I give out advice for free? No, 'course not
*unzips trousers*
Now get here
*forces your head*
Nice, i do similar but instead of staying in I go out with mates haha
*teleports behind you*
*unzips jeans*
fuck off you blubbery bastard, FOY
dont swear
not going to wank today
He's not even posted anything
You're a bit sad aren't you
I bet you also make fun of Tim
How are you getting over your Diwali celebrations lads?

Pulled a India weabo white girl in a sari last night.
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I don't make fun of him

I just follow the saga and the gimmicks people make

He gives me perspective and i'm glad to be with him on his journey

(not the trainlad hater)
me neither

actually, I have not wanked since friday
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So tired lads but cant sleep until after 10 so I don't wake up mad early
*eggs ur house*
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I didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.
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Fuck off.
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i was mid wank as well
Feel like complete shit. Shagged my best mates gf a few nights ago while he was out of down and I saw her drunk at the pubs

Not gonna tell him as hed rather not know probably
Quite like these WWI propaganda songs desu
bigtyme recordz
we nationwide
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>american ""friendships""
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Hm? Well, what were the stickers then?
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he's not a yank. i can tell because i'm a yank
Here is an anti war song I like

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currently on holiday from work

having holidays like this makes me realise just how much i miss this way of life, being able to stay up late, doing nothing but spending the day on 4chan, and watching anime + tv shows. it reminds me of the long summer holidays of youth where I'd spend all the time doing the exact same. of course I'm still lonely, but at least I'm doing what I want

not looking forward to returning to the grind next Monday
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top cheeky
why the fuck should they have been tax exempted?
>the skellies are back

that's made me so happy
There's a folk song about how someone was executed for a crime he didn't do because he wouldn't admit that he was cuckolding his best friend when it was committed.
Hes just trying to fit in
>commits vandalism
>complains when they get caught
really fires my neurons

A fucking tax exemption!

Tears of mirth are rolling down my face right now. Does she even know how taxes work?
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Another halloween on /brit/ eh?

I bet you'll be spending christmas and new years here too hahahahha..
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Why would she put stickers on them in the first place?
is clinton done for do you think people still don't care?
is halloween really that much of a big deal in britain?
i know that feel

pulled a sickie today and I cant even remember the last time I had an entire day to just shitpost or watch tv all day

feels so relaxing

fucking hate work
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will unironically only be giving sweets to white british children tonight
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New years is shit to go out, everywhere is packed to the brim and prices of pints go up to mental prices
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Are Tony knows whats best!
Halloween isn't even a real holiday
It doesn't matter if you're spending tonight in or not.
no matter what I listen to this little skeleton bloke in the corner dances in time

quite hypnotising
nah she's done. been done for a while now. trump is leading swing state polls by over 5%. he's now campaigning in Dem strongholds because there's a good chance he can turn them red
dont reply
hillary will run away with this election fortunately
it's an illusion
"we're not costumes"
want to disappear into the wilderness lads


From the pictures it looks like she thought they were culturally appropriative/sexist/triggering because they all seem to be xl and xxl sizes.
is that aria alexander?
Hiroshima installed spyware on to your computer, that's why it's in time
Not sure if I'd class it as anti-war but it's pretty depressing desu

Bit hard to hear though
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on the bus
where to?
its my gf
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hit new squat and deadlift PRs today lads
He deserves it 2bh, cheaters are the scum of the Earth.
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It's my beloved gf
aisha is really cute fuck
your happiness is an illusion
business idea: just hold the election today so i don't have to hear about it for another week
Do these people even realise that Halloween has Irish traditions and by partaking it they're appropriating Irish culture?
you say stuff like this without proofs throughout the entire campaign Lol
broke my previous plank record of 4 minutes 45 seconds.

The new record is 5 minutes 57 seconds.
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Canadians how do you feel about this area?
>Radiohead will play a number of headline shows and festival dates in UK & Europe in 2017. Full details:
I don't even have the motivation to eat. I literally cannot even muster the motivation to get of my fucking arse and take care of one of my basic human needs. I've just been pissing on the fucking carpet in the corner of my room recently and my room smells fucking vile because I can't be fucking FUCKED to go to the fucking toilet. Soon I'll just start shitting on the floor as well I bet. But this is rediculous, I'm really really hungry yet I SIMPLY CANNOT will myself to get something to eat. All I can do anymore is browse 4chan. That's it. That's literally all I do all day every day and I don't even really enjoy doing it that much. Nothing else brings me satisfaction or entertainment anymore, everything is a chore, I just want to sleep forever. I can never escape this chronic laziness and boredom.
I don't get why it has to go on for so long

Yanks NEED a better system 'cause this is a joke, it seems like by the time one election is over the next one is starting up
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>Holds wads of American money

Neurons are flaring lads
I wear my own garms
Man see me on road and want arms
tell them SHUUUUUUT YA MOUT there's no qualms
>We called Canada Angle
>Now she on our dangle
got the phone number of an absolute top tier qt last night lads
feeling pretty full of myself i'll be honest
it only borders yankada (i.e. west of quebec) so i dont care
Forgot about Halloween theme
The funniest thing is that more of those costumes are now going to be made because she's raised demand for them.
absolutely fabulous idea
There was someone in the office today who started trying to talk about it and I told them to shut up because I, and multiple other people couldn't give a shit about the election

They shut up
thats not her
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The divorce papers I just filed with the Vatican list me, my wife, Archbishop Cranmer here, but only one, of you!

First one to annul my marriage gets to stay in my church!
what are you on about la?
this halloween theme does my fucking nut in every year
like bapeposting quite a lot
Manchester is an anagram of Semen Chart.
the horror, the horror...
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perhaps they're wondering why you would behead a wife before baring a son
listening to a song about shagging a pregnant woman lads
how's this for the "work" section of my CV lads?
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have unironically taken monday, tuesday and wednesday of next week off work so i can shitpost on /pol/ during election time

A divorce and an annulment are different things.
me bollocks in the middle
Surely Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday would have been better

Now you'll miss the post-election implosion
runt post
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>still encoding
hate this blue shit
pregnant pussy is the best u can get
Fucking a pregnant woman makes you a nonce tbqh
fucking a bitch while her baby sucking dick
well ive taken monday off for other reasons then wanted to take the wednesday off so i could stay up all night on the tuesday and watch the reaction, so then i thought i might as well just make it three days since i got holidays to burn before the end of the year
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why would i bother when you can't be bothered to look for it yourself. you clearly don't want to see any proof that she's done for. cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias are real things
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all the slagposting in the world doesn't compare to seeing actual slags

I love halloween
more like homocycle if you're riding it mate haha
Wait, is the election Tuesday night?
would love to test any of you runts chins out
good lad

nothing better
yes, well early hours on wednesday morning for us
>ask my gay mate how he's finding uni
>"not too bad, got this fit girl's number last night"
>"I thought you were gay though lad?"
>he stops responding
did i say something bad here?
If the election was last week, Hillary would have won in a landslide.

But because it's next week, Trump will shockingly win the presidency and the world will go mad... Literally mad.

The catalyst? A man named Anthony Weiner. The 21st century's Gavrilo Princip.
>calling someone a mug
>posting from a mobile

hmm what did he mean by-- *turns flux off* what in the name of the fictional "god"? how straining for the eyes! *turns flux back on* ahhh MUCH better, lovely dark grey, nothing better, MM MM MMMM. so tired
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Come at me NSA
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what if the election is rigged in favor of trump
tfw you drugs don't arrive
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You out in dublin? are there many people out? I'm pretty tired and on the fence if i should go
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I seriously hope he wins now.
And die like a fucking ignorant cuck like him? Aw m8
ummm did he tell you what he identifies as?





i really care about your boring life
idk wasnt everyone convinced romney would win on pol and they was going on about polls and that and all obama is finished
then baraq hussein osama won anyway? whats the deal
dublin of ALL places
Who is he and what did he do?
that's not soon enough
fucking leaf cunt
absolutely pathetic

he's being blamed for even more random shit than brexit was blamed for

this is fucking hilarious
not out tonight, was out saturday and sunday though
not going to read a word of this post
reaks of runthood
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Good lad
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First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
fuck OFF
ah yes the classic correlation causation
romney was an unlikable religious fanatic

obama is much more liked/respected than hillary, and trump is wildly more popular than romney

romney lost by a couple of battleground states

do the math
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urgh not you too
am i crazy or is this woman super hot
go to 5:12
post gattos
a picture of my face
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>using the new version of clover
Those children have been abused to a terrible degree by their parents.
>The government is considering a ban on unpaid internships, amid concerns they give richer candidates an unfair boost in the race to get top jobs.

>Work and Pensions Minister Damian Hinds said "sought-after" roles in popular industries such as media and fashion were not available to everybody.

>The proposed National Minimum Wage (Workplace Internships) Bill would require companies to pay interns at least the minimum wage for their work.

So the solution to poor people not getting sougt-after internships is to make companies stop offering internships entirely?
i think not you fucking illiterate yank troglodyte

let me tell you something about women
something about women

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romney was establishment and a mormon, i voted for obama that year. people weren't excited about either candidate.

im firmly on the trump train and a lot of people are excited about him.
>Ex-Man Utd footballer Philip Mulryne ordained as deacon

Was kind of hoping it would be Ryan Giggs
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r8 doggos
try correcting THIS record
do people in britain really say "do the maths"

kek, i thought it was just used as shorthand for mathematics

really got the adipose tissue going
genuinely confused about anthony "i like to show 15 year old girls my" weiner's involvement in this. So there was a probe into him sexting an underage girl and somehow that led to some hillary emails? or no
Hillary is FINISHED this time! Dead in the water! Gone, snowball's chance in hell, there is NO recovering from this! Trump is certain to win! [#494]
I swear most internships here are paid anyway, its only yankland where it's a problem
>people weren't excited about either candidate


Weren't people freaking out and calling everyone who didnt vote or him a racist, like Hilary supporters call everyone sexist if they're not voting for her because SHE'S THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT!!!!!
your house needs a lick of paint
they'll just give less internships, which will go to smart people, who are statistically also more wealthy. so the poor will keep crying and then they'll also force companies to have poor people quotas
Fuck off, you illiterate yank spastic.
no, people were excited about obama in 2008. not 2012.

i had thought obama was actually going to do something in 2008, and was excited to vote for him as an 18 year old. he single handedly killed my faith in establishment politics.
Memes aside I'll genuinely be shocked if Hillary wins. She has like 3 people at her rallies while trump fills stadiums

absolute tune
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Trump looked fucking weird in the 1990s and 2000s
No the solution is to make them pay
Do the math.
also SJW was not a thing in 2008, everything was a bit more sane back then. i dont remember anyone calling anyone racist other than people who didnt vote for him solely for the fact that he was black.
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Sitting here in complete darkness watching these normie drones shift from house to house in desire of unabashed consumerism and feeling ZERO pity for them.
Where's the screencap of that spacker saying Corbyn is certain to win 'cause more people on the street support him?
he looks Dutch
scova notia
most of hillary supporters logic seems to be just as applicable to jill stein
travelling 90 miles for a night out tonight lads
>SJW was not a thing in 2008
are you joking

maybe not here but in america definitely
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>i voted for obama
Is she the fat cunt from that Aussie talkshow? The one where the doctor who sat listening to her nonsense became a reaction image?
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Find a flaw

Oh wait you can't
That'd like all of the UK hahahahah
>*struggles to breath*

ah yes
all me
yes. his wife was hillary's right hand women back when these e-mails were going down

his wifes emails are on the computer they were investigating weiner for
ALL of their emails were saved on weiner's laptop by an auto-sync feature they didn't know about. 650k emails showcasing their corruption and who knows what else. rumors are saying the Clintons are involved in human trafficking, arms dealing, organ harvesting and other crazy shit.
this girl is being bloody difficult

thinking of just giving up and going after someone who's not such a pain
got attacked again for wearing my MAGA cap today
I'm too busy doing your mum, yank.
it's like half way hahaha
>female rapping

ah yes
ur nan
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I would give both my balls to lick those soles.
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>rumors are saying the Clintons are involved in human trafficking, arms dealing, organ harvesting and other crazy shit.
Imagine believing this lel
God you're retarded
and yet democrats smear the fuck out of jill stein because she's inconvenient
i was a freshman at a liberal university and i didnt notice anything that i would now consider 'SJW'.

i wonder how fucked it is now.
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> rumors are saying the Clintons are involved in human trafficking, arms dealing, organ harvesting and other crazy shit.

Seems legit
u looking to get pozz'd ya bumboy?
Former congressman, infamous pervert who has had many sexting scandals, estranged husband of Huma Abedin who is one of Hillary's closest personal aides

essentially, the FBI confiscated his computer or checked it or whatever. Weiner was sexting over his email. He also happens to share this personal computer with Huma. When the FBI checked it, they found some of the thousands of the emails that Hillary had deleted and they had previously been unable to find. Nobody expected this (except for Trump weirdly)
she's black you race mixer
tbf she's a nutter but basically all i ever hear about hillary is that she's not sexist and racist while at the same time not being jill stein
ahh yes great policies
oh wow thats a lot
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are you frustrated senpai
>rumors are saying the Clintons are involved in human trafficking, arms dealing, organ harvesting and other crazy shit.
im cautious to believe this sort of thing and i honestly think that trying to spread it does a great deal to help clinton. "oh you're saying she's corrupt? what next, you think she's an organ harvester too you crackpot?". People should stick to the blatant rigging against bernie, the pay to play shit, and the agitators being sent to trump rallies
my name jeff
Why the FUCK are you not at a halloween party right now? Bear in mind it is the one time of the year it's socially acceptable for girls to dress like massive sluts and they really run with it
i don't believe anything until i see evidence but at this point i wouldn't be surprised
cats just crawled onto my lap, the snivelling runt, purring and that, looking for love
should i bash his fucking brains out?
Went to one last night, got coked out of my noggin and was getting real sweet on this Hispanic chic
that was yesterday you melt

tomorrows a working day
Why is jill stein a nutter? Her Green New Deal policy seems based, the US needs highpaying jobs right now, fuck giving money to saudi oil niggers

catpcha: GREEN James
because it's 6pm you cunt
I'm going later
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i moved back in with my parents and am taking medication to stop me from killing myself
And yet that little island dwarfs every achievement your waste of space could ever dream of.

America is like having a ten inch cock while impotent.
kpop - matty
dnb - nova scotia
grime - callum

any more /brit/ genres?
tomorow was also a working day yesterday you literal melon
went to a halloween party last night and had the absolute worst hangover of my life this morning
not going through that again for a while
they have their parents over so things have stalled a bit

might get a text later praps
everyone did those over the weekend

its a fucking monday now
>Canadians arguing about American politics

Ahh yes but they're allegedly more like Britain than the U.S
last halloween of my 20s already on the way out, never went to a single party haha what am i like
i didnt fuck your girl but ur sister pussy tight
hope you feel better soon lad x
urgh you have a cat too
going out later 2bh

dont even know if i want to but i feel obliged
/pol/ is going to be glorious when hillary wins
tbf (british) spackers argue about yanks politics almost every single day here
i unironically care more about strangers on /brit/ than i care about the flatmates i have to live with for this year
>anime profile pic with MAGA hat

ahh yes
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Ireland is gonna be great when it's time to harvest
i was thinking of things i've heard from people but i just looked those up and they've been way overblown by the (((media)))

never mind, would vote for her in a heartbeat
and the normies will be if trump wins

guaranteed shitstorm, I can't wait
handing out valium and codeine to the kiddies lads
anything shite - lisicki
>halloween party on a monday

top kek

all the halloween parties were on Saturday m8
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yeah they realise her platform is the most sensible of the big 4 so they have to silence and discredit her

>tfw people hear 1 or 2 things about her and they're lies

none of them ACTUALLY think trump will win, they're playing doubles advocate
Why is the argumentative approach of repeating what some one said but with "le" in front of it in greentext next to a picture of a man wearing a hat not used more in academia and scientific journals?
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Niggers out.
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>none of them ACTUALLY think trump will win
Why are there parents at your presumably student flat

Don't know what's gotten into you lately
smokes lets go
haha you shagged a black lass by accident

feel dirty?
ricky this is my last pack...
yea she seems on the level desu
I like Libertarians but Gary Johnson is basically just Hillary + weed.
>doubles advocate

What did he mean by this
don't do that
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>doubles advocate

Found Trump lads
I now have aids. Fucking pavement apes.
Just had sex lads
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check these slant eyes.jpg
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looks like YOU'RE the double advocate here my friend

dunno just so happens several of them have parentals coming over this weekend/week
was he gentle?
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Don't know if I should dress up, what if I go into town and nobody's dressed up. Ill look like a fool
Very :)
>dressing up
try hard gimp
mates mum is in the season 4 finale of trailer park boys hahah
the reason our lives are so miserable is because we are biologically engineered to have a family of our own and be providing for them really around age 20 at least

i imagine having to provide for children and wife really bucks your ideas up. gives you a sense of purpose and direction. wagecucking would have meaning.
Why don't you then?

You need to fit in s m d h
>going out
try hard gimp
Couple of options

1. Ask someone who you trust not to set you up to be bantered, whether they're dressing up

2. Wear smart-cas and then take an easy to don costume, so you're set for both outcomes

3. Go in costume regardless and laugh it off when people make comments because you're having fun.
- Disclaimer: This one requires a level of self confidence that you likely don't posses if you're asking in the first place
im dressing down for halloween personally
>tfw started unironically calling raccoons raycuns
>having parentals over
Any of you lads want to watch a scary film?
thinking Alien or something with aliens
Birmingham folks use mom not mum
>inb4 faggots telling me I'm wrong
>even more random shit than brexit

>h-heh y-yeah guys the decline in the value of the pound was totally unrelated to the Brexit vote....r-right guys?
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