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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 124

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male models edition
3D women are not important, 3D boys are.
Good thread.
3D women are not important, 3D boys are
latvia confirmed for being gay
>Latvian Gods edition

Estonian masterrace checking in
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There is nothing gay about appreciating and discussing male facial aesthetics.

If you are an uglet manlet or a low-mid class woman, please leave this thread.
>be Estonia
>most fashion models per capita in THE WORLD
>everyone looks like a model
Yeah buddy I said that twice already
Fashion is important.
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Even with a high class woman at his side, Ancens disregards the female for he is aware of his holy mission is to spread God-like facial aesthetics by taking supreme pictures for fellow Baltic aesthetes like ourselves.

its not that bad honestly, but we're changing it soon anyways
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why would I look at these gay ass images when I can just look in the mirror instead?
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3D women are NOT important.
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I unironically hope your government hires him to repopulate the Latvian nation.
Didn't mean it was bad or good. Just looked like it suited perfectly on the image you posted before you know.
>why would I look at these gay ass images when I can just look in the mirror and see a faggot instead?
what did he mean by this?
>be Lithuanian
>be a manbeast
>be a Slav
>be jealous of Latvian and Estonian MANGODS
>post anime
Fashion is my passion.
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Looks good, could potentially be high class male, although it all depends on rest of your features which are covered up.
A lot of /fa/ posters for a Baltic thread.
hmmm now I'm interested if you really think that that guy in the pic that you posted looks good because he is pretty damn shitty looking not even memeing
Still wet
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green beige.jpg
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Great eye area as well, btw.
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Fashion is an extension to being a Baltic mangod, as is everything else.
If his aesthetics at least triggered a response in you then you might not be the simpleton I thought you were.
you haven't answered my question can't you read properly?
>All these gay people

/balt/ has gone to shit
The only flaw ITT is that OP didn't invite ausnz. That's a bit rude desu
>thread is full of Latvian and Estonian gods

>Lithuanian slavorcs leave

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good edition
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Underage b&

I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 18 is so dim to aesthetics
ausnz IS balt

so they are always welcome and invited
All these models are ugly af u gay ppl really have twisted standards
Eesti boys.
fuccboi with male pattern baldness
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taavi mänd2.png
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dont see any signs of baldness
>be me
>hate scatvians, niggers and jews
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Superb taste.
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>pretty cool Eesti guy desu
>into the bin
>tfw i could've been a model
oh well
He could probably make ANYTHING look good
The model life isn't all that it's made out to be from what I've heard desu, especially male

You have to actually pay for your flights and hotels in the beginning and whatnot.

But being an aesthetic Balt is what matters at the end of the day.
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You were scouted?
/fa/ is shit, mostly filled with genetic undesirables who can't dress for shit.
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Balts (White) sweater.
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wtf I love latvia now
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thread for straight people
faggots can stay here
lel he is my friend
doesnt have an accent when he speaks estonian
/fa/ knows about hot brands and maybe a blazer and some oxfords, but they don't understand proportions.

That's why they are shit at fashion, will always be shit and will always look like clowns. mfa is a far better start.
some agency came to my school looking for girls and the lady saw me and said that i could be a model
Your friend is pretty famous desu (and aesthetic)
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>go away for an hour
>come back
>everyone's posting pictures of men
he is super famous in asia (japan, china, korea), dont think he is famous anywhere else
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It is also filled with underaged fags as shown by surveys.
How old are you? You can always send your pictures in for some modelling company just for the fuck of it. Assuming you're tall enough, not balding or overweight.
>so insecure with his sexuality he can't look at pictures of attractive men

I think you have the problem.
>looking for girls
>said that i could be a model
>is a man
what are you a fucking faggot?
>be /fa/ untermensch
>muh Rick Owens

>be Estonian MANGOD
>be flown to Paris by Rick Owens to wear his newest clothes for free
>tfw gay and like this thread
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Dutch guy also has an interesting face.
I'm low mid class woman. Ama
>tfw 100% straight and still enjoy this thread
for understanding male aesthetics you need to be sophisticated enough
dear god it is fucking gay and also boring you mean it is not gay to only talk about specifically male models IN THE WHOLE FREAKING THREAD? because it sure is gay
You look like this model you posted >>66784103
Do you play chess?
during recess they came up to the girls from my class and i was standing nearby

that was like 10 years ago
hundreds of hours of sitting on 4chan and shitposting have ruined me
ivanka get out
Not being able to appreciate male aesthetics is a telltale sign of underage or lumpen. Balt men don't grow up to be like this, that's why we have to educate the new generation.
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Different phenotype from that guy.
Why the fuck you have the same hair colour as me
This is better than 1 post per hour /balt/ that we usually have.
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latvian mugshots.jpg
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>latvians talking about male aesthetics
>google average latvians
>pic related

scatvians btfo. will they ever recover?
Trust me, we all know that feel when you look in the mirror and see a gorgeous man. This doesn't mean we can't appreciate other gorgeous Balts.
>M*koto is so insecure that he has to steal photos of other people from /fa and then pretend its him
no not really
We ASÄÄÄP now bitch
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Slander and lies, slander and lies...
How do you know it's not him?
In this moment, I am ecstatic that the people in my country are so undeniably aesthetic. Truly no competition.
You've just broke my heart by releasing that lie, I hope you're happy
Today, you all see the real power of Baltic culture.
hahaha that other /balt/ thread got deleted
undeniably the most autistic that is for sure
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pleb thread got rekt

>denying the beauty of our people and culture

Of course it got deleted.
Do you have any other arguments other than "IT'S GAY"? Literally the whole last week /balt/ was dead and when some people were posting it was the usual >scatvia XDDDD >SHITHUANJA XDDDDD DNDJDJ
I'm enjoying Baltic male aesthetics.
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Australian God.jpg
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Since this is /ausnz/ as well, here comes the Australian God Jordan Barrett.
it was dead literally because I was banned 2 times for 3 days each time
also I'm leaving this shit thread
t. most active poster
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>Lithuanian is still butthurt

Give me a break you Slav. We know you're not as aesthetic and cultured as us. You probably post on /fa/.

>is m-muh new streetwear fit effay?
>t. S*ituanian
Your aesthetics are pretty enjoyable as well
You mean finnic*
Lithuania is full of balto-slavs
Latvia and Estonia got dem superior balto-finnic genetics
Australians are a quality nation desu. Everything they do, they do seriously and with high quality. Apparently, even male modeling.
Lithuanian Pushk (or whatever is his name) is also breedy handsome and manly. Pls don't leave if you're him.
lovely evidence of Australians being Gods as well
>Lithuanians are making migration plans to Estonia and Latvia in this very moment
What's wrong with posting on /fa/ ?
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This Aussie got very high class Baltid facial aesthetics.

Usually pure Baltids look shit, but this guy is great.

>broad face
>short nose
>short face
>still looks like a God

One in a million genetics.
Is he generally regarded as handsome in western?
Mikoto and Kuzu are jannies, dummy
Tbh I'm definitely not gay, but the Baltic male beauty shown in this thread is astounding.
You ain't shit you shitposting faggot. You wouldn't get banned if you were a good boy like I am. Fuck outta here.
it's the second most pseudo-intellectual garbage board of them all. full of twinks and pedos
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True Australian.jpg
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He is pretty high in conventional attractivness. If you want to see more candid / regular photos, take a look at his instagram.
>pic related
>back to mfa fucking dadcore fag
>is muh ill fitting ccp x yohji streetwear fit effay? xD
>Kuzu are jannies
What in fug, no
Dis nigga knows his shit.

Finnic meaning Baltic-Finnic. Heil Taara
I'm active today cuz I have day off and have nothing better to do. Maybe /Balt/ is active because of me idk.
If you're not a Balt don't try this
Reminder that Barrett is as Aussie as they come.

>parents are literal convicted criminals
>was scouted when stealing a box of matches when 12
>has the most shitposting smile

He in fact probably browses this thread AS WE SPEAK.
That's not true, tauno
I thought Latvia had Lithuanian aesthetic because of muh Latgalia, no?
I think there are not enough Estonians for this world
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some slut.jpg
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>models are gay

Riddle me with this: how come he is banging some random slut whilst wearing fucking makeup?
And in conclusion - who is your favorite Estonian male model?

I think mine is Taavi Mänd tbbh. Most known, but there is something extremely powerful happening there. I hope he can make his way to the top.
Latvians are Finns
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ey mate.jpg
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This is how an Australian looks like when he receives a (You).
r u a gril
So so beautiful and yet so plain. There is a guy like this in every Estonian school class.

I want to model for Dior.
He isn't enough potato haired enough, I guess Pärnumaa or Hiiumaa. Maybe Sakala? Just his hair is too dark to be an ancient god.
look at the top of his head
look at that forehead
https://www.instagram.com/janisancens/ (Latvia's only male model)
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>you will never relive your teenage years as an acclaimed male model
>models browsing this god dummit site
Keep dreaming
Taavi Mänd used tfw on his Instagram. Probably got it from 9gag though.
honestly why are lithuanians considered Baltic when theyre just slavs? i bet they just stole the langauge from a Latvian tribe

Estonia and Latvia are the ONLY real Baltic countries.
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Always keep in mind Livonia is our country and we will fight against the Northern Estonian Finnish tribes and Lithuanian Slavs. Our homeland will never be pulled apart, we our brothers in blood.
Fuck off
This guy should literally have his own gender of pretty boy

Never seen a male this beautiful
fuck off, lithuanian
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>You will never EVER be a 10/10 Lithuanian model
List of Lithuanian male models:


End of list.
I don't like models, I like politicians:
>jaak Madison
>Martin helme
Suck a dick Russian.
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I've seen this phenotype a lot, although it usually isn't as high class.

Are Australian people actually Baltic?
very good choice of politicians
btw they will make estonia great again
Hello FSB.
This side profile is to die for. So proud.
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but thats you, lithuanian
I'm the only Livonian ITT.
what the fuck is this thread?
i'm going to sleep. when i wake up i hope this shit is dead and the faggots who post pictures of men have been banned. fuck you all. /balt/ is complete cancer these days, it's fucking hopeless without australia and new zealand
I don't like him. Too skinny and down on the face.
Hope Lithuanians aren't taking those two clowns seriously.
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At least, I can finally see now.
Martin Padama might be my true favorite desu


>reee stop liking what i dont like

Obviously most people ITT appreciate the beauty of our people.
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>tfw turned this thread into this just by casually shitposting

Feels good brahs.

All /balt/ threads should be model oriented from now.

Rest of the generals will be plebshit discussions while we will be enlightened and discussing supreme male facial aesthetics.
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I will miss him. Kersti is pretty cool though.
I agree
No such thing just like Prussians @lithuanian weeb
>All /balt/ threads should be model oriented from now.

I agree. Fast threads. Beauty. Culture. Underage and plebs fleeing. What's not to like?
>average lithuanian evening
You'e a Lithuanian spy :DDD
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Typical Australian on phone having bit of a banter with his lads on /balt/+/ausnz/.
I'm worried that Estonians might worship aesthetics instead of God. Yes, it made us extremely beautiful, but what's the catch?
Posting another example of flawless Estonian beauty.
You are missing the point that we are Gods.
>Dior Homme fashion show in Paris
>Estonian walks down the runway
>Latvian walks down the runway
>Lithuanian walks down the runway
>*laughter in the hall*
I might have confused you for that New Zealander. My mistake.
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future of mankind.jpg
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We worship internal Gods now. We ourselves.
Fascists had the right idea when they set beauty on such a high pedestal. Neither democratic forces of rabble and plebs, nor the radically charged forces of communist East ever set beauty as their supreme goal.

Finally Grecian ideal of beauty implying virtue becomes norm again. Socrates was ugly and turned this around.
Who /alexandermcqueen/ here?
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Lookism is not only real, but also inevitable future of mankind and starndard for future.
It was a spectacular Sunday tbhh. Feeling this great proudness in my chest of being /balt/ masterrace that wasn't necessarily there yesterday.
mate you should do this on /pol/, youd get mad (You)'s there
>Lithuanian trying yet more to force his inferior bydlo aesthetics on the masterrace
if any foreigners happen to browse this thread then please know that not all estonians are faggots. this is russian propaganda designed to weaken estonia's reputation in the eyes of our allies
the "estonians" in this thread posting pictures of men are actually russian double agents. they live in narva and their names are classic "estonian" names such as ivan, sergei, vladimir, vadim, andrei, vassili, anton, boris, dmitri etc
/pol/ is too populist and retarded to understand what I am saying. It is filled with genetic failures, not thinking people.
You said you're going to bed.
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Posting this only because I like the jeans a lot desu.
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>not everyone in this thread is over the age of 18
>me for example, i am still 16 and i'm completely unable to admit that a taste for male aesthetics is the most patrician taste of them all
that post about fascism was golden though, they would suck it up and dash out so much asshurt
hahahaha holy shit
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Just going to post genetic Gods now.
They do not deserve me. They can believe in Jewish conspiracies and imaginary forces at work, I don't care.
kaunis viis ennast bänned saamiseks
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straight af.jpg
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Reminder that this is not gay.
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>a disgusting average day of self-destructive Slav untermensch in Lithuania

pic related: average day for an erudite Estonian male - wearing the newest Prada on a runway in Paris
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>t. laps
just failed like 13 captchas in a row on that last post
all of them were 100% correct i triple checked

it's happening again
t. 16 aastane
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Imagine a future of beauty, intelligence and complete orgy of the will.
selling my services.
/baltboys/ effortlessly pulling off next level fits
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Overman is born, not made, ultimately. However, overman makes himself, as each of us eventually become what one is.
Aga minu meelest võite mõlemad perse käia, kui te ei tea, kuidas veri lendab.
Non-Balts can't reach this level.
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2MB, 500x281px
Beauty is our genetic imperative and our ultimate destiny, along with power. Actually, the want for beauty comes from will to power. Anything else is weakness.
Or this.

I agree.
Today we rewrite what it means to be Baltic.
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beyond plebs.jpg
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To hate beauty is to hate life.
Not invited: Finland, Lithuania (due to a disastrous failure in aesthetics), underage, bydlos and other scum of the society
This is just fire tbqmh family. I wish I could pull off something like this in a casual setting.
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They seem to enjoy themselves
>be dreg of society
>disregard god tier Baltic aesthetics
>ask untermensch on /fa/ for fashion advice

lmao-ing my life to be honest
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some chick.jpg
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Any high class genetics are invited, tbqh. Some nations are more likely to produce those than others though. Nationality becomes irrelevant in face of genetic superiority.
You have to be pretty tall and slim to pull that off. SLP aesthetic basically needs that and a good face.
Sorry, but WHO is this?
can some latvians rate my latvian language skills? I've been learning it for some time now:

Edienu Piegade.

Viss garšas varda.
aussies are a gift from god
what did you mean by
>food delivery
>everything in the name of taste
The positive side of scum is that they are very willing to remove themselves from the gene pool by the same subhuman activities they love so much. Said activities are fighting with other bydlos, drinking, drug abuse, fast food, racing to the death in shitty cars and so on.
I definitely look like a baltic beauty. should post pic here but I'm afraid of those 4chin schizos
Post more :^) :^):^):^):^):^)
the weak should fear the strong.
I haven't the slightest idea how you're supposed to learn the Lithuanian language properly. I will and I have willingly blown several weeks trying to learn it to no avail.
Same. I would expect an Italian to appreciate this modest display desu. Hope all is well with you.
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Slave is not made by his looks; he is made such for he hates the strong. If you are not the strong, you still can help to make the future stronger for you know the pain of not being strong. In this case strong not used in the simple, restrictive use merely applying to physical strength. Mental attitudes that accept this are strong, thus preferable.
Lucky Blue Smith. He is brown haired atm. Also has gotten more masculine, which is a plus since he looks like next level space age human.
>not Latvian

A bit disappointed desu
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As I am. Wish I knew his ethnic background.
most likely baltic

none can rival Baltic gods
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Confirmed Baltic.
I am currently a slave to this thread and I don't like it one bit. Thread is great though, there's some actual substance instead of just time wasting, the best one in a long time.
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Thread soundtrack.
Latvians and Estonians are so funny.
>thread is full of current Estonians and Latvians conquering the fashion world
>In the meanwhile Lithuania is still talking about we wuz biggest kuntry

I firmly stand with Lithuanians
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Most patrician thread on entire 4chan.
how come Latvians and Estonians are so beautiful?
Kids are reading this thread and getting angry and thinking it's gay, when they can't even grasp the importance of what was shown to them today. But they will learn.
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The opening bars are actually the best representation of striving for beauty as shown through flowing of an unstoppable river.
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this pic was true all along
Aesthetics of people, buildings, products, art. It's the most important thing. If that is shit, everything you do is shit. This is where we part with the rest.
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But to come back to reality, this Soviet shitshow should be demolished.
i personally would nuke Tallinn and stay comfy in Saaremaa
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Who okayed this? Are people supposed to go to Tartu for this building? Going there anyway, but seriously?
Saaremaa nature is aesthetic, manmade stuff is well behind the times desu
looks good imo
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baltic mens.gif
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Well it's at least good someone thinks that. I guess it's artistic in a really edgy way, but sometimes I wish the effort that went into the building was a bit more perceivable. Especially when it comes to a building that should lure in and entertain visitors. If a tourist looks at this building what type of emotion is he going to get? I don't think there's anything.
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two gods.gif
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With Latvian God Ancens.
>/pol/ would murder this

Really like him though.
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Even our detractors have died away.

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hello where are the tractors
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Two examples of Balts being appeased by sub-humans as they walk by.

Alain Delon was actually Baltic.

Cool French kino

I don't think anyone ever thought they were American though
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/pol/ does not understand. /pol/ is sentimental Slave morality akin to Wagner and his fascination with both nationalism and Christianity, while what we think is more akin to Nietzschean line of thinking, thus by extension, we become Hyperboreans.
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Well model life isn't all that it's made out to be desu. They probably get pennies compared to the billions the masses of plebs and Chinese are willing to pay for the undoubtedly high quality stuff.

But at least they're good to look at. As are all of us Balts.
desu he has russian written to his face. Never seen an estonian with those wierd round and sleek facial features.
Being beautiful even brings Estonians and Russians together. Wow.
You are right. Will keep in mind for future reference.
Not our guy
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Fashion is one of the few places that both knowingly and unknowlingly worships beauty in a very uncompromising way despite all their faults. In the future these people will be worshipped for they were the blueprint for the future, thus by extension, the forebears to true overmen of the future.
What does Balt even mean?

Is it some sort of Slav?
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southern balt.jpg
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its the latvian that i've learned
pretty good, yea?
>Is it some sort of Slav?

Only Lithuania
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traditional Baltic dress.jpg
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Do people who look this good actually exist?

I find it hard to believe
I'm quite tired of banter. Can't really be bothered to do it anymore...

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You say Balmain, I say Baltman

Also you're nearing literal African territory. This guy has never heard of, let alone set foot in any of the Baltic countries.
Lithuanians, have you ever found anything good in Gariunais?
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sean o donis.gif
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He is obviously a great admirer of our cultures and is hopeful that his genetic heritage is on match with our Baltic ones, if not from Baltic countries themselves.
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There is minimal banter on /balt/

Mostly it's just aimless shitposting. You can say anything, even in response to others. Nothing matters.
>tfw have been posting male models for the past couple of hours
>my head hurts

Alas, my great work takes great toll on my health.
I know. Maybe I'm just feeling low today, I don't know. My stamina for shitposting used to be greater.
just remembered that i have to die one day

got really sad and had this wierd empty feeling inside of me :/
These past two threads made me question the sexual orientation of Latvian and Estonian posters.
>get a 4chan pass
>get 4chanx
>drag folder onto file upload
>post an image once every 30 seconds automatically
I will not ever pay any money to that subpar mess of genetics that is gook moot. I have my principles.

As a parting gift.


I think Latvian God is in there as well.
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Has nothing to do with sexual orientation and all to do with intelligence.
the fuck is that?
Is google blocked in Lithuania?
>telling them how to be more efficient
Uhh stop?
a 4chan extension.
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probably the best fashion brand ever
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Best Bird
we are forced to use bing but im not gay though
>doesn't use yandex

nu pzdc
what, is this actually true?
yes, we have all google services blocked
heh you almost got me there
How do people as retarded as you exist? I get a sense that your mom dresses you in the morning
>her mom doesnt dress him in the mornign
LMAOing at ur life, it seems liek ur mum doesnt love u m7
Jokes aside I doubt he's able to function in a society.
>his mum doesnt dress him in the morning*
cause lithuania is literally russia jr
>instead of that Chilean guy we were left with this retarded swede
you all need to calm down kek

im here to stay
Fucking faggot swede.
Farewell, male model edition
it was a good thread
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i love you too finland jr
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do you want to trade memes?

we have good memes in sweden
I suggest you fuck off to >>>/r9k/
or better yet reddit
but i like it here

but i understand, i will give you some time to accept me
but nobody else likes you here, are you retarded? or do you enjoy people calling you a dumb cunt?
Jump off a cliff retard
Swedcucks out
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but i do not care kek

do you care when anonymous people on the internet calls you retarded?
Didn't mean to reply to you
Retarded carpenter
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but i love balticum

i ate a surelis today haha
>swede calling a nigger a boss
He truly is a swedcuck.
No you're desperate for attention
You love cum
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i have not baited you or anything like that

but we can drop this subject

cause i love balticum and i am here to stay

this is /int/

we should learn about other cultures
>It replies to you
i dont want kgb to know my patriotic search history
You should kill yourself
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give me advice on your best food

i ate a surelis today and also drank mjau
what's a kgb, friend? )
I want mikoto-tier model bf
Thread posts: 329
Thread images: 124

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