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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 91

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The gf edition
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third for early
What does this mean
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Why don't girls fetishize male virginity?
It's no fair
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Deep dish pizza is the GOATest btw
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what did you eat for breakfast, /cum/?
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Where did it all go so right
I dont eat breakfast desu
a couple tamales and a couple barbacoa tacos with rice. I pigged out because football is on super early today and I got too excited.
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Why are asian qts so much better than white qts
A bottle of rum
3 eggo waffles, a banana, and a pumpkin muffin
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I've been feeling native qts lately
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coffee and a cigarette
Worst Breakfast desu
Why would I fetishe on a guy that can't stand for 10 seconds?
you wait until I tell your pastor
Wrong sect buddy
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>??am So many spiders
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close enough

Kill yourself
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Terrible taste my ameribro
my mom is knocking on my door but i'm drunk help
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>detroit ghosts
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>I love my country
Emily Blunt
That city and what happened to it is depressing. I guess it's expected when a rural city grows due to one industry and that industry collapses. I imagine China will end up with a lot of Detroits.
Isn't China already cyberpunk?
Last time Germany was this late they owed 33 billion dollars in reparations
No clue never been I just know they built empty cities that most property never sold in and industry towns in the middle of nowhere.
Why is Wilford Brimley teaching class in Detroit
And it still wasn't enough money. We can never erase the evil this nation has done. Germany must die! Alerta, FCK GRMNY FCK NZS etc.
They got ghost cities already
>I imagine China will end up with a lot of Detroits.

Fun Fact: Urban junkers who scavenge the cities abandoned buildings looking for scrap metal to sell end up selling them to scrapyards that then sell the metal to China.

China's booming industries are being built with the same metal that helped usher in Detroit's golden age. You can go to Chinese scrapyards and find women sorting American metals, often sifting through street signs and the like.

Pretty sad, right?
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in texas yea I know.
Same happened to the Ruhrpott here. We used to have a lot of coal mining in NRW, and industries like car manufacturing for GM and Nokia who all went away. The cities are broke and they are full of anti socials, radicals and other uneducated people.
I want peace

What in the fug
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Sad for whom?
Let me guess.

They blame globalism and immigrants right?
For us you fucking chink.
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Stop pitying yourself and do something about it
How about you go back to China you fucking leech
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im worried about my sleep
i took that picture
Me in the reflection
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I'll migrate there once I learn the language
I think that globalism and corporate greed are a big factor, but obviously not the only one. Our state leaders aren't focusing on the right things in my opinion. We don't go to school for as long as we used to so we can become "integrated into the market" sooner, which is retarded. It puts a lot of pressure on the younger children who don't have as much time anymore. The people in these Areas are to blame too, for voting the SPD everytime no matter how bad they fuck things up.
The thing is that there's simply not a lot of work there, it's all grey and post industrial, and the area has a terrible reputation. It's a cycle down, because the educated people won't stay there, so there won't be any new jobs, so that people could pay taxes etc again. The left-leaning government isn't strict enough when it comes to foreigners and integration, so that these people would never even get a job, even if there were any, because they can't speak real turkish nor german. They are stuck and radicalize themselves.
More of her pls
Legs and thighs are the greatest thing ever yo
what a terrible thread
Ask your parents to teach you.
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Because you asked nicely
The situation sounds very similar to here.

Being better and angry at foreigners isn't gonna solve anything.

Worlds changed. Isn't how it was back then with only Europe and America being industrialized.

Now we have countries like Mexico and China to make shit for us.

With the anti-globalism hate going around at see rough years on the horizon. Wither we like it or not the worlds changed. We must adapt
She's a queen
Do you have a degree?
She just looks like your typical white girl. Do they get surgery to remove the epicanthic folds?
Yes, and nose jobs, and have their cheek bones shaven off.
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She's half white.

Some western chinese can look white due to turkic ancestry (yes turks are white)
This is some next level retardation. The US isn't exporting any steel to China because China has been undercutting the US market through overproduction and state subsidies for years. That scrap goes to recyclers like Omnisource and is then turned into steel, but very, very little if any of it will ever go to China.
The solutions for this problem aren't easy, I just don't know. I don't care for most foreigners as long as they either stay away, or integrate.
I can't accept people who aren't willing to respect our way of live though and who aren't even willing to speak our language. I guess you can't blame the almancis for this, their parents and grand parents were the one who fucked it up, but it's not like they'd try to improve the situation.
We could change the situation ourselves and boycott specific products but most of us are too lazy to really do so. We should also stop to make politics for companies and start to think about our citizens first. I understand that I'm already getting in trouble here, but there must be a solution for this. Lobbies shouldn't have as much influence in our politics as they have now.
>80 cent jobs
>worse quality of education
>mass import of uneducated muzzies just to boost your profit
The last years have changed my view on this kind of stuff.
Btw it's much the same for other metals as well. China overproduces copper and some other key metals.
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I found pic related in the discounted dairy section of the grocery store and just finished it off this morning. It was pretty good.
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>turks are white
But all their kids will be ugly again.

Turk != Turkic. Turks in Turkey have shared ancestry with Aeolian and Ionian Greek colonies on the Anatolian Aegean coast and historical European influence by proximity. But it's a stretch to say that all Turkic peoples are derived from Europeans, like for instance the Bashkirs in Kazakhstan. Just because they don't have epicanthic folds doesn't make them ""white"", lol.

Because girls want to enjoy sex when they have it.
>But all their kids will be ugly again.

I'm sure someone around here has the story saved, but there's some rich chink who supposedly sued his wife for lying about her surgeries and giving him ugly kids. They looked like mongrols while the wife had the typical almond shaped cloned face.
i have more respect for 4chan mods than i do for american police officers
Did janny cuck you?

Kek, you're in for one hell of a surprise when you get there.

It's a shithole.

Just had four sandwiches with butter.
I remember the story of that arab suing his wife for being ugly, because he had never seen her without make up.
I have more respect for my mom than for 4chan mods
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I know the standard of living is lower but I heard qts there have a thing for white guys
Just move to vancouver
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I don't even find white women attractive anymore, like, I always liked asian women, and then I went to Japan and my DICK CHANGED. I can't stop my dick anymore
>moving to a country just for girls
To be honest most people I have spoken to told me that chinese are incredibly fake people, rude and such. I can't say much about this, most asians I meet here seem to be nice people.
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I know, I understand the difference. The Turkic peoples are a linguistic group, it does not necessarily have an ethnic connotation.
Confusing and retarded terminology, I've only ever used the term "Turkic" when referring to tatars, azerbaijanis, uzbeks, etc. To avoid confusion.
Japanese women do and they're better than chinese
What do you think?

They really just dress and present themselves more femininely. And they weigh so, so much less.
enjoy your 72 hour vacation

Go to Taiwan or Singapore if you're actually serious. Mainland China is pretty bad, man. I've been to all three.

Go visit yourself, friendo. Sure there's this nice upper crust, but it conceals a massive shit-pie. Low class, uneducated mainlanders are incredibly numerous and unbearable.
Angelababy is only 1/4th white
I've heard Hong Kong is nice as well.
Turkic people, they tribes that ME and raped the people there, in some part they imposed their language and culture such as anatolia and azerbaijan

I've never been, but my gf is from Hong Kong. Her parents complain that the city is changing, that it was better under the Brits, and there's the obvious obstacle of Cantonese.

If he's learning Mandarin it doesn't make much sense to recommend it.
>he's bothered by being around people who don't live up to his social class
I have been to China. I saw some stuff that I wasn't used to but by and large if you aren't sensitive, it's a nice place. Most younger Chinese probably have better manners than their Western peers.
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There's too much white guy competition in Vancouver.

Thanks, I'll take this into consideration.
Yeah, I saw it for myself when I was in Japan. You don't see ANY landwhales, and it's rare for girls to be even overweight a little bit, so I'd the average for girls there was at the least 6/10. Japanese girls also usually have their make-up game on point and dress really cute, so even though most girls there don't have giant tits or things like that, you can be sure at the least you'll be getting a really good face.
Japanese girls like white guys yeah. One of my friends when I went to Japan actually got gaijin hunted. I probably could've gotten a gf there if I stayed for longer than five weeks.
My best friend in middle/high school was a Chinese immigrant and he was pretty chill, but I've also spoken to a couple mainlanders who were the most unpleasant people I've ever encountered. I think it varies wildly among immigrants and natives.
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I know all about it m8, you don't have to tell me. East Slav heritage means some unironic mongol heritage, due to all that and later mixing within Russian Imperial borders. Thanks Genghis.

Switching countries is not going to make you more attractive to women.

As a general rule:
If you can't get laid at home, can't compete in Vancouver, you probably won't be able to get laid abroad.
This perspective is flawed. "Can't get laid" isn't an equivalency for being a khv. If you go on /r9k/ the reason a lot of guys don't have a gf is because they abstain. >tfw no gf is not about not being able to get laid, but about a lack of women who meet basic standards for being a gf.
A lot of the economically developed areas of the PRC speak Cantonese anyway. I think it would make sense to learn Cantonese over Mandarin if you're staying away from the mainland.

Half the population is Asian, it can't be that bad.

Try visiting a hospital next time, dog. Just because your two week vacation made the place seem novel and glamorous does not mean it's a nice place to live.

Nice to visit, sure. Nice to live? Maybe if you're very rich already. Good luck getting rich over there too, when there are laws prohibiting foreigners from getting hired at most firms.

If you want a life of being an English teacher or an au pair and are willing to live with a lot of obstacles, maybe.
the truth lays in between both.
If you are shy and have high standards you won't get a gf.
If you are ugly, but with a lot of selfesteem, or you simply have absolutely no standards you can meet women and get a girl.

Kind of opposite from what I understand, mate. My girlfriend's family is telling her to learn Mandarin instead of relearning Cantonese. The culture is being encroached upon big time.

10-15 years ago maybe Cantonese was more viable. But just look at media patterns. HK film studios are basically dead.
Okay. I've got a question for all you neuroscientists and psychiatrists out there

What are the possible causes of the following:

>wake up one day, realize I have no emotions
>I used to be a super happy person, very kind and outgoing, sappy scenes made me cry
>now nothing. I tried to imagine my family dying in a car accident, and I felt nothing
>I was deeply in love with a wonderful girl before this; I woke up one day and suddenly felt nothing towards her
>I used to be deeply motivated and have a ton of goals and dreams. Now, If I failed college today, it wouldn't bother me
>Can't feel any emotions any more. Not happy, not sad, not angry. Nothing.
>If a tree fell on my car today, it wouldn't bother me like it would have before this started
>used to be super horny all the time; now have zero libido. I can still orgasm, but I don't have any sex drive, nor do I feel much of any sexual attraction towards anyone.

It has been going on for about a week and a half now. I am very concerned. Before you say "see a doctor", I already have an appointment scheduled. I just want to know possible explanations for it. Everyone in my family, and even my coworkers have noticed that something is different about me. I am just not myself anymore.

What do you know of that could cause this?
Everything I know about Hong Kong is from watching Rush Hour and Bloodsport.
>Try visiting a hospital next time, dog.
Life expectancy in first tier Chinese cities is at level with or greater than what you find in the United States. Their hospitals are not up to the standard of what we have in the US, but it's hardly bad. Would you want to undergo serious treatments there as a non citizen? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it's unsatisfactory.
>there are laws prohibiting foreigners from getting hired at most firms.
The same is true here.
that's what jew doctors call clinical depression
>/gay/ is one of the most popular threads on /int/
>Yuri On Ice is one of the most popular threads on /a/
>trap/shemale threads are the most popular threads on /gif/

What the fuck is happening and what is the root source to this gayness?
Our pussified society.
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stop posting her she isn't a trap
I thought depression made you feel sadness?
I am not sad, just... empty.

Plus, isn't depression triggered by sad events?
I was super happy the day before.
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I don't see a dong
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How many arguments have you won on 4chan today?
Called some a fag on /sp/, then shut someone down by calling them a cuck on /mu/

I'm pretty fucking boss
Cleveland may never lose again.
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Can you guys post some jazz? Nothing too noisy or unsettling but I'd still like something unique.
Thats fucking gay
that's a man, baby
Told hiro to commit harakiri. he did not respond. Must be visibly shaking
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but sofi will never post benis
You're never to old to go trick or treating
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i already can tell you are fascinated by cocks
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they do, until you get gored by Chinese Driving Sense

I'd post the link but Zhang Liang Deng and his cronies on the People's Cultural Information Bureau love to mark my posts when I post my courtesy webms
>I was super happy the day before.
If I were a jew doctor I'd say "bi polar" but sometimes that shit just fucking happens. You're going through some shit. Everybody is fucking crazy, some are just better at hiding it than others. Acting like a "normal person" is literally that. Acting.
What kind of haircut do you have /cum/?

Pic related for me
I consider myself a pretty happy person but I have a few moments every day where I just yell out loud "I want to fucking die". (I always make sure I am alone when I do this.)
blerd detected
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EP MBV > Isn't Anything > Loveless

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just made myself a cup of milk tea
literally shed a tear when i drank it

i must go to taiwan asap
>canadian summer fashion
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>Isn't Anything > Loveless
>being under the age of 20
m b v is objectively shit but "m-muh first record in over two decades"
Thank u bud.

I have Indonesian milk tea that I got in Taiwan.
Thinking of flames coco from Family Mart dam miss that. Got a bunch around Halloween last year since it's seasonal.

lmao who cares about that
It was alright
Not their greatest but just alright
>Trump supports

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China is the future anyway

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>obvious false flag
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what a fucking idiot
this is pretty bland desu
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those are... those are some fucking thighs anon
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bae shy.jpg
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VERY nice thighs

took you two minutes to figure that out from a 40 minute album huh

Sinosphere will soon dominate

my GF is literally laughing about you
I have a hard time believing this is real. Not that it couldn't be real, but there's so much underhandedness in the HRC camp that I wouldn't put it past them to do something like this.
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its been a slow burn since the email leaks started, but the rest of her campaign is starting to catch fire as well

>The Cubs Have A Smaller Chance Of Winning Than Trump Does
This is absolutely bullshit. Different cultures have different standards of beauty.

For example, I'm a thin mediteranean looking guy who's a half step from passing for a Leb. Most white Canadian girls think I look creepy and most people always say bullshit like "I have a suspicious look" and the like.

Well I moved to Southern Europe and people just treated me normally.

Also Asian girls are ALWAYS checking me out, and I have more luck with black women too. I've only ever met one Latina and she was always going on about how handsome I am and we fucked like rabbits.

But yeah, snowniggers will always treat me like a criminal. I don't know why.
Another good post. Glad to see this meme being debunked. I guess it is probably true if you are just interested in fucking club girls though.
you have posted it before

also that bitch has got a 5head lmao
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Trump supporters belong on >>>/r/eddit
Please stop shitting up our peaceful multicultral general
Thanks, and peace be upon you
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pick one
you're delusional
Redditors adblocking 4chan are literally the single biggest reason this site went broke.

Moot should have just pulled the trigger when he still had the chance and deleted /pol/ outright.

One of my favorite quotes from Peep Show:
You could have your dick in her, but you still wouldn't have the balls to fuck.
fuck off Geoff
hey /cum/ I need a good idea for a casual date and since you're the least autistic general I've come here
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A horror one
She's beautiful
Yep. A lot of people think I have a thing for foreigners but it's only because foreign girls think I'm attractive as fuck while I basically have to prove I'm a decent person to white girls usually.

I'm getting fired from my job actually, I work with only white women. I got harassed and micromanaged because my managers didn't trust me for no rational reason. I complained to HR and lost my job the very next day. I actually believe I lost my job because of this sort of thing.
round 6-8pm
yank girl

hmm yess
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Asians are gross
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Even though this is bait, I wonder just how many trump supporters jumped off the bandwagon as soon as some fags started to meme about how "reddit tier" it is. Despite the average redditor still being a brainwashed liberal.
4chan contrarianism damages movements as quickly as it creates them.
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Coffee shop like Starbucks on a WEEKNIGHT. if you do weekend it could drag on too long/the girl might have to cancel major plans to be with you.

You need something short-ish that can go on as long as you wish but have a good exit strategy to prevent dragging it out and oversharing on that first date.

Don't go for a walk. In my experience this never works.

Maybe a restaurant..

Honestly though there's only so much you can do with the date structure. Either she likes you or doesn't in the end.
this is more like a ninth date uesz

we keep meeting up for drinks which is fine but i need a break from drinking and want to take her to something slightly more exciting
>4chan contrarianism damages movements as quickly as it creates them.


inauthentic shit just dies off, worthy causes succeed by consensus of anons devoting their time and working en masse
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oh wait no my bad those are real
If you have any alum, you can get rid of it very fast. If your granny makes pickles, you probably have some. Just put it on your ulcer for 60 seconds then spit it out without rinsing your mouth. Alum sucks water out of stuff so it will dry out the ulcer and give it a chance to heal.

t. have had a canker sore over the past week
>going on 9 dates and needing advice
just invite her to your place and stick the dick in the vag my man

also how are we supposed to know what there is to do where you live
check the event calendar and watch a show or something
i like spazzkid's music
>Footfag is back
It was fun while it lasted
too bad i don't have my shaving stick alum thingy anymore

i'll just dab some hydrogen peroxide on it, maybe it'll create a nice foam
You yellow fever fags know you're just as pathetic as women that fetishize blacks?

race mixers OUT
I went to go vote today but the line was so long I chuckled and drove off
If I show up at 6:30 AM on election day will there be a long line?
Malaga, Amaretto and cookies are the best flavors.
who for bud
Why, the donald of course
Lad sie zu dir ein und koch was. Dann schaut ihr einen Horrorfilm zusammen auf dem Sofa und wenn alles gut läuft könnt ihr FUCKEN. Vielleicht stelle ich es mir auch zu einfach vor.
polls are more or less tied, big battleground state... absolutely need to be in for the don
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us /cum/rades now how to spot a worthy cause
gute idee aber habe momentan keine kuche

glaube ich will doch mit sie horrorfilms schauen
good job lad, ask for a paper ballot, dont want soros eating your vote my man
I got fucking crazy glue on my hands
Okay, ich glaube, dass eine bestellte Pizza auch geht. Du solltest nur darauf achten, dass du keinen Thunfisch, oder sowas nimmst, was Mundgeruch verursacht.
Bin däne uesz

Danke brudi
I'm awesome
Watching the US election shitshow makes me realize how lucky Canadians are to have Trudeau.
Ich dachte du wärst selbst nur Proxydeutscher oder sowas, nach dem was die anderen hier über dich sagen.
hell yeah man that shit is fantastic, eat it as a spread on toast
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>Americans call this Australia
In what sense? Trudeau is an absolute mongoloid.
>didn't send an absentee ballot
I will never ever vote on election day for the rest of my life.
In the sense he's not Trump nor Hilary.
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Would you let your daughter dress up as Buzz Lightyear?
>voting by mail

at least pressing a button on the machine gives you the illusion that your vote will be counted
might as well not vote at all when you use an absentee ballot

that really shakes the boundaries of the social construct we know as "gender"
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Is anyone hungry for a calzone by chance?
I would enjoy a calzone
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one that is hot, and the size that you can fit in a pocket, if you will?
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Why are Mejicanos on /int/ so anti-trump?
Ah well I am not sure that I would like that nearly as much
Trump told the truth about their country and it hit too close to home
doesnt baja chan hate CHIcanos and wants the wall to be built?
He reminds me of the scene in American Psycho were they talk about ending apartheid and world hunger over cocktails and wildly expensive food. The fact that this country elected some country club rich kid just because of his name and he goes to mosques and dances in pride parades is hilarious.
yeah hes a jammy cunt but at least he pulled us out of the shit show of syria and isnt taking in merkel tier levels of rapefugees
Trump >>>>> Trudeau >>>>> Hillary

2bh. Trudeau's a dunce, his policies are garbage, but his intentions seem more genuine than Hillary's.
Trump might be shady but the platform he runs on is what the western world needs right now.
A thin-skinned, easily-triggered narcissist
Trump may or may not be a good president depending on who ends up controlling policy through him.
need an inmate waifu lads
have you seen what the liberals are doing to Ontario? And McCallum is looking to "substantially" increase immigration into Canada. Our own finance minister just said Canadians should get used to short term employment. Nothing is getting better.
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I took this picture yesterday
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One man's thin-skinned narcissism is what another man calls strength of character. It's hard to get anywhere in life by being uncomplacent and passive about everything.
Those kinds of folks tend to be the ones that nations turn to during times of turmoil. Hence the Hitler parallels.
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I took this yesterday
It's Germany's tallest building (279m lol)
>tfw I just took my second massive dump of the day
I guess my body had some stuff stored in there and decided it was time to clear out
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just ate 2 big macs, 9 chicken nuggets and drank a large coke. Pretty sure I can pass for an American citizenship now
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Nerd a white gf buds
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To the shitting fields with you
Tyrone pls
Gib white gf

Just did an ec stack today and I think it pushed everything out
>Only 2 big macs
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Haha benis :D
>ec stack
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I can smell the stench of leftism just by looking at her profile pic
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Would rather just go get my Vyvanse script filled. Drop 20lbs in a month no problem.
I've been taking Zyrtec D in place of the ephedrine (since that is illegal here).

Kills my appetite and cures my horrible allergies.
>lesbian female premier


>Nothing is getting better.

no fugging shit
>when you realize you'll be a cockburning hyperslut the rest of your career
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Anything where you guys are talking a lot and interacting. Gotta build that rapport and get her liking you. restaurant, chill bar, shit like that enable you to spit dat game.
Is the girl in the pink dressing up as a horsefucker?
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just saw this Korean girl that towered over me lads

Feel like a right manlet
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she was probably a nork hypergook
dont feel bad lad
>only a few more days until Hillary is officially POTUS

Who /hype/ here?
I can't wait for the memes
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right here
>College of art
madam president.....
Her and Justin will look so kawaiiii together!!
It's madam president you FUCKING WHITE MAIL
>woman president
Is that legal?
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Worth taking a trip to Amsterdam to lose my v card lads?
You don't write Sir/Mr. POTUS

Most nations have had one. US is just playing catch up like usual
>You don't write Sir/Mr. POTUS

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Actually, she will become the President-Elect. She won't become POTUS for a few more months
I've only heard stories of regret from people who have done it.
Why is that?
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>tfw you never got a chance to BRRRRRTTTT some sand niggers
what kind of games could I play on a laptop with these specs

15.6" HD Matte Screen
Intel® Skylake i5-6300HQ
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 940MX [2GB] w/Optimus Technology
Up to 32GB RAM
1TB Hard Drive
2+ Hours / 5.29 lbs

Also, how much would you pay for this build
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A10 direct hit.webm
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Okay maybe not most since all those shitskin countries fuck up the ratio but most developed western ones
I think Crash Bandicoot 1 is about your speed
more like
actually, nvm, can't get any worse
more like
actually, nvm, you lads are all right
It got a lot worse now that you're here
oh yes it can
Doin pretty bad guys.
Basically any new Tripple A games, you'd be set for a long time. But it'll run you $2000-$3000 for a laptop like that.
Just that it's unsatisfying and most of the time they cum in 10 seconds then leave after wasting $100-$200
What's wrong familia?
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>taking a 20mm depleted uranium round to the face
>literally ignites and explodes inside your dome
>But it'll run you $2000-$3000 for a laptop like that.
it's 700 bucks on xoticpc.com
idk how legit the site is, but it was literally the first result on a google search
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Well it's most likely not going to happen any other way.

>leading the truck with that hailstorm

Wrong flag. Don't you EVER make that mistake again
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about half picrelated
In 1960 Sirivamo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka became the world's first female elected leader

no bully
It could only be worse if I was going hungry again or if I was on the street.
Amsterdam red light district is overrated as fuck and a huge tourist trap (just like the whole city)
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O-okay I won't
It seems to have good reviews, only complaint I'd have with them would be the battery life. Since that seems short. They probably also get hot as hell. But wow I'm surprised it's not a shit ton of money.
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Maybe Thailand then?

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of A-10 content, but I have a lot of other stuff.

I do have a couple more A-10 webms but /int/ doesn't allow audio
How do you feel about these specs

Screen Size 15.6 inches
Screen Resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels
Max Screen Resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels
Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Hard Drive 256 GB flash_memory_solid_state
Graphics Coprocessor geforce
Chipset Brand NVIDIA GeForce 940MX

and how much would you pay for it?
Thinking about succumbing to the meme and building a PC, but don't really know shit about it.

Not a computer literate person but isn't 256gbs pretty low for today's standards? I know you can always buy more including externals (how I have to on a 10 year old laptop), but if you're building a new computer, why not go ahead and put at least a tb in there?
I would pay like $400-500 for that, but the hard drive could be much better. 256 solid state is low as hell.
It's so easy the retards on /g/ can do it
Come to Germany.
Land at Frankfurt, take the commuter rail for 30 minutes, enter the Mainhattan FKK and pay 60 bucks for flat rate drinking and food. Take a shower and get fresh, drink a few and get a buzz going then pick a whore to fuck for a few Euros and keep fucking some more until they close at 5am.
Drive to your hotel and sleep (ideally the hostel in the red light district).
The next morning enter the open door brothels until you see a chick in a room you want to fuck, slip her 30€ and get off, then go sightseeing and leave for Hamburg in the afternoon, fuck some whores there in the red light district and watch trashy strip shows (touristy though), then head east to Berlin and visit another FKK.
Fly back from there or come back to Frankfurt and grab another fuck before you head home.
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Thank you for the suggestion, I have about $3000 to just blow on whatever, and I plan to do it this coming summer when I'm off from work.
What's your budget?
go to logical increments
pick your price point
buy the parts using pcpartpicker
youtube "how to assemble pc"
follow video step by step

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Posts like this are what keeps me coming back to this general
i've been thinking about switching to a laptop desu
I never play games anymore (haven't for like a decade) and I don't do processor intensive shit, basically shitposting and watching some videos / listening to music.

the desktop burns watts like a madman and I can't take it to bed with me.
I could still connect it to the screen on my desk and run a dual screen setup with a real keyboard

kinda want a surface but they're crazy expensive
Probably like $600-700
thanks bud
np what games you gonna play?
I'll treat you for a beer and some sausage after you put yours in a vag for the first time if you ever come to Frankfurt to fucc some my friend.
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Onward, to a new thread!
probably overmeme, cs:go, next elder scrolls or whatever

Never really had experience with PC gaming besides a few titles because I use a laptop
thats pretty casual ngl

doesnt even warrant a build imo
shitty ass bread
Whoa, mama.

Was NOT prepared for this tier of qt.
It's about to be about 4oz of cheap vodka, black coffee, and a 99mm camel cigarette.
Thread posts: 317
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