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/cum/ + /brit/:

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 120

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>tfw my desired image already exists
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suicide edition
>tfw your bodega is out of your favorite drink
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>tfw to iligent too not try to post a duplicate file
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woah woah woah who let these bongs into my cum
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WTF Canada? Do you like us or hate us?
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Reminder that United States is peruvian clay
Dominican; I like my non-whites dark
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Chicanos and expats.

How is daily life going?
Love you guys.
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Too late
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I got profiled by the security at the library again
I found out my room mate cries quietly when he listens to classical music while he stares at his laptop's screens with pictures of meadows and animals.

Is that normal? Is he a psycho? Should I tell him I saw it?
I wonder how different the country would be had the gwalior betrayal of 1857 mutiny never happened.
Imagine no Pakistan. No sikh immigrants too
>live in Arizona
>day off today
>went to vote early
>vote for Clinton
Who /imwithher/ here?
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Pretty good.

Living the American dream
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>cascadia is not a country
This is a really really good pic. Do you mind if I save it?
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Yes Comrade.

Your check is in the mail
Good night /cum/
good night :3

I don't much like sudacas but you cool Peru so yes
>tfw big CTR shekels coming my way
feels good man
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I think its a brand of dishwasher detergent
Rimaykullayki, Mexico.

Can someone explain to me how USA elections work? this is first time I heard about early voting.
Um, are you my roommate? I do this but with less animal pics
Fuck off BCuck
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Anyone here watch anime?
Basically if you register to vote you can vote by mail before the actual election date.
they don't
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Fuck you
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That seems quite convenient
nice pic bud, mind if i save it?
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>/cum/ + /brit/:
Essentially every state/territory is its own election, whoever wins that state gets all the electorates. Electorates are your number of senators + number of congressmen.
Go for it.
Indeed, States vary as to whether it's legal for you too take a picture of it and share it with your friends; I assume it's legal in Illinois since all of my FB friends have been putting them on the feed.
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Have a good night, /cum/

(Sorry, CHIs)
I just found out we have this crazy island called JOHNSTON ATOLL
Of course.

Rimaykullayki, Baja
oyasumi bajachan
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Fellow Americans...

What if we're the actual bad guys of the world?
Is there an Alberta version of this, hwang? :3
hi,. im making a guide on how to become BASed and MAGA

Enjoy int, from pol

1.read breitbart
this place has a lot of epic articles on it, exposing the world and shillary for what it is, friendly layout for beginners
also BASED milo is one of the head writers, watch and read his stuff. this news is as based as non biased news comes

2.read /r/thedonald

i know you're gonna sigh and go "but... thats reddit" well, they are actually a mini pol. pretty based fellows, great funny memes and insanely good articles
step 3. visit the pol trump general
after making your self comfortable on /r/ the donald, its time for the big boy leagues on pol., dont let the cnn kike media fool you, this place is the bastion of free speech
5.read up on george soros
look up this corrupt cuck bastard
6.identify shills and cucks
do they think trump is a racist? definitely a cuck
do they defend hillary and bring "arguments"
definitely a shill for hill
6.buy a maga hat
this is the ultimate way to support trump, imagine it like a barmitzvah, show your pride with stickers and signs
7.vote trump and MAKE MAGA
love, from pol
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i finally got around to listening to bottomless pit
it's pretty good
No and don't call me chink names, I don't live anywhere near Vancouver.
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Slut idol
wtf i love trump now
Does she have two mouths or...?
We're pretty bad but we are the lesser evil tbqh

For all the bad we've done to the world, we have done a lot of good. If we went back to keeping to ourselves again, the world would fall into chaos
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breed baby
Watching a drama called nobunaga concerto. Last anime watched was tenchi universe. I wonder if I should watch other series in the franchise
Fuck you mountain wigger

Gib rest of 120th meridian
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>watching dragonball super with friends
>the new villain named "nipples' destroys goku
>angles have to stop the fight
>his name is monaka
my nigga
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No it's mine
/cum/ /brit/ /eire/ and /aus+nz/ should all be consolidated desu
Going to bed right now, someone make sure to link this to the /brit/ thread when it reaches 310 if this doesn't get there beforehand.
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t. Kamloops
This, and /lat/
Which one is that?
The potato one

they speak in a different language you mong
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>wake up at 4am
>its not 12:45 am
>i cant sleep
Someone read me a dank ass bed time story or i will destroy /cum/
El greatervancouverregionaldistrictANO
we should put chicanos in concentration camps
It's not even spanish

It's like some horrible distorted s4s spanish
Mexico is also a Spanish speaking country.
yes eire is the gaelic name for ireland
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I sucked a dick once
>only cum + brit
uhm sweetie, i think you forgot someone :) x
Not until we know for sure the angry scat posting Haitian is gone
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I want a story anon or else
What did you mean by this?
Goodnight /cum/

Please be nice to my fellow Americans while I'm gone

Also, Americans have actually invented stuff before, contrary to what this board wants you to believe.
I've been here since Spring 2015 and I haven't seen such a thing tbqh
Canada is always nice to Americans :)

Also, we do have a culture, one that is permeating the world.
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Also, you do have a rank odour, one that is permeating the world.
He crawls out at night

We do not know his endgame

All we know is that his collection of scat pornography is massive and that his anger for Americans is unmatched
Some faggot from /lat/ got assmad and started spamming /cum/ with scat pictures under a Sweden proxy

It's happened a few times recently

I don't believe you because of >>66598899
A story about sucking a dick or some other genre?
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p-probably an immigrant of a quebec or somethin'
I know Panama has the Eternal Butthurt at us, but I was unaware of such a guy.

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A spooky one, tell me a story about a haunted penis that you have sucked
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Sweet dreams ;*
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>A Canadian replied to your post
Alri buds, I actually have to go to bed now, make sure you link this to the /brit/ thread once it hits 310 if this doesn't before.
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Aloha mon Mekicano!
He's one of the reasons I have Sweden filtered, the other being because I hate Swedes

I doubt it, he probably just hasn't visited the US

People who visit here generally realize they were wrong to hate us and that we aren't so bad.
But I've only ever sucked one penis, and it was not haunted
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Are Chicanos the future?

I wish we could everyone live in a joyful world, with no violence. Just love, nature, music, etc.
i love wearing my diapers...
You know this is supposed to be shocking but it just kind of makes me happy that I am an orcish looking man and will never have to worry about this.
Are you telling me he didn't cum a bunch of tiny little ghosts while you tried to solve the mystery of who died in his ballsack?
go to sleep now
the world would be much better off without chicanos
reading Yotsuba buds
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what about me?
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i'll try but only because you gave me a story

did I stutter?
rudeposters need not apply
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Haha, jokes, you're alright bud.
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what about you?

t. CHI
>t. self hating chicano
I got some fucking dope boys, everything's gonna be alright

I dont have a drop of hispanic blood in my heritage
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Why aren't you guys in bed yet?
>tfw spanish great great grandmother
might as well kms, gonna get deported and beheaded by the cartels anyway
goodnight and blease rate
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I am in bed and have been for the last three hours. I cant seem to fall asleep and when i shut my laptop my mind rushes me with questions that make me cringe
Because I just closed stellaris and told myself to go to sleep then I went on here for a sec and it's been a half hour.

its only 11 PM, and I cant because my roommates are assholes
good psot
off brand soda is the best soda
>tfw raid in 3 hours in wow
living the life
what snacks should get
I've always hated hoodies but I've started to like them all of a sudden, plus a hood is kind of functional with rain. Should I bite the bullet and just buy one?
wasabi mix
>my mind rushes me with questions that make me cringe
what questions would these be lad?
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>my guilld had over 6 raid teams
>I couldn't join any of them because my computer is a potato
>can't do arenas
>can barely do dungeons

I quit 5 weeks in. Feels bad. I was having a lot of fun on my DH with my guild.
if youre white pull the trigger
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i wish an anime girl loved me unconditionally
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i love you unconditionally
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save me.png
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Right now I'm in a low point in my life.
Hopefully things will get better soon.
>what would this bed feel like if you had a girl in it?
>when are you going to stop being a sack of shit?
>remember that time you did something and didn't know it was cringy? Time to remember it
>time to remember dislocating your shoulder in football
>how long are those savings going to last before you become wageslave again?
>the gun is in the closet are you going to use it?
Literal teen level edge shit that wont leave me alone unless i have something to distract me
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Been on an XCom binge
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teacup poodle.jpg
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^ __ ^
I love you anon.
I know you'll never meet me but you're part of this never ending spectrum of posts that make up 4chan be what it is and I thank you for keeping me company. I really love you and wish you the best.
damn i wish i had a gun in my closet, wouldn't have to spend all day with you jerks
>a spooky vampire from hero academy likes me
I will summon the church
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Dr. Vahlen, I'm XCOM.
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*you enter the club with cum*
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For some reason knowing what you are going to do will trigger fight or flight response and the high numbs the urge significantly for an hour while also making it feel like the worlds biggest chore.
hope your enjoying being eliminated you cuckold
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I buy all my Mexican buddies a round of drinks
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sfw version.png
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>tfw shens last gift took to long and now you dont care about xcum anymore
Did you play flash games during school?
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hope you're enjoying the 109th year of going without a ring, jackass
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I need more XCom memes
Yup. Got suspended a few times. I haven't worn a trenchcoat since.
this is just how we set it up. no miller tommorow and were golden
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sure kid i got all the memes you could handle buts it going to cost you your advent burger supply for the week
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Haha can't sleep lads
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I am always willing to supply you with more, my XCOM brother.
i played pico in middle school computer class and then drew a recreation of it on looseleaf and they made me see a therapist kek
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Boxhead for days

and the impossible quiz
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I do the same with my Cascadian mates.
used to play those newgrounds and ebaums games with the real life nude pics with the buds during computer class
>tfw some malay guy got quint and not you
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>Memes are extremely valuable in these parts
>But mug burgs

Vigilo Confido

my nigga i used to play co-op boxhead all the time
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Together, we will destroy the ADVENT infidels and bring about a new age of peace and prosperity, under the guidance of the Commander and Bradford, the Messenger of the Commander.
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Behold the rare slavik snek
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xcom im *static* *static* *static*
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Hail the Commander!
Comfy night desu
wew im loaded
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Commander, I'm advent
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We know you are, infidel. You will get what you deserve, in time.
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Goodnight X/cum/
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Just one advent burger is all you need Bradford
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Good night citizen
8 AM classes should be illegal
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Just one bullet between the eyes is all you need, Alien scum.
who /XL Condoms/ here?
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I am but a simple skater teenager human male out to have radical times with my fellow simple skater teenager human male companions! You should join us on the half pipe some time and have a radical time! You should bring all your xcom friends so I can discover how to join xcom and be a proud freedom fighter brohon!
>tfw have to act chinese when family comes over to school
>tfw all my american friends are looking at me weird going, “wtf man why you so chinese right now"
Watched the first episode of The Walking Dead and it kinda sucked
fucking kill yourself
it does not get better
Venezuela is objective best.
mad jelly
its a really dirt slow tv show that exhausted people come home to watch so that they can be distracted. Heres how it usually goes
>a group is formed and they have lets of problems, sometimes someone does something shocking so that they can grow as a survivor and this invites zombies!
>group reforms and deals with zombies
>a rival group appears and drama happens
>filler episodes
>filler episodes
>oh no something went wrong now the group is breaking up!
>ok the group is back
and alot of characters die, its not an interesting show but it wastes alot of time and thats what people want out of tv
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I'll show you the true meaning of "radical", friend!
>tfw buy magnums because they fit my length but not my girth
>tfw pencil penis
I was not built for breeding!
I have to order special small ones onnline.
>its a really dirt slow tv show that exhausted people come home to watch
But there's better shows to watch than TWD in such a case, like Breaking Bad or Sons Of Anarchy
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>TA for a lab
>friendly with students, they goof around and ask me stupid questions
>one asks: "Hey anon, what is your LEAST favorite color?"
>I say dark aquamarine, like in the ocean
>then he asks "What do you think about poopy-poo colored brown?"
>brown person next to him loudly goes: "UHHHHHHHHH"
>I am not paid enough to resolve these things and turn 180 and walk away
>without realizing the brown person next to him, he just shouts "POOPY-POOPY-POO BROWN" EVEN LOUDER "POOP-POO BROWN!"
>I just leave the room
it's looking like venezuela and Dominica for me
I like big butts :P
All the people i have met who watch the show in my life are the type who just want some sound playing in the background
stop being friendly with the students, you should be learning how to be a leader, and you need to have all the answers. you're not there to be a friend, you're their to teach them,whatever you do after fulfilling your duties is up to you.
ta for what class?
thinking about doing it next semester
Are they the same type of people who unironically watch Let's Plays on Youtube?
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Dodged two bullets, one laden in retardation and another that would try its hardest to get money off the school while ruining your potential career.
>tfw being a TA would look great on my record
>have zero experience teaching, don't want to teach anyone, and most of all don't want to deal with a bunch of people
One of their kids do he just sits there for hours listening, his folks brag about it like its something to be proud about

if being a TA is anything like what I did in high school, you dont do any teaching, you just grade stuff
Biology. Honestly not that bad, and my trouble students just have poor work ethic, and not actual personality issues. It's fun (until you have to grade stuff), you get to craft your leadership style (I choose the friendly/snarky but commanding style), you will hopefully get paid, and you get to see if you like teaching (maybe future career).

I recommend it. Just make sure you have the time. I TA multiple labs and it is not too bad. Obviously review the material before you teach, the worst thing you can be is an incompetent TA
Its like a rollercoaster desu. Still somewhat happy though
are you a grill
just did some economic experiments at my school and discovered that the more you complement attractive girls, the more leverage you give them in ignoring you.

very nice....*pushes glasses up*
so sleepy
Both are pretty decent students, just a randomly idiotic scenario that somehow appeared. I didn't want to be some PC police, nor did I want to drag it out.


I was an angry shut-in (zero friendships freshman-sophomore years), and while I was a student in the class I am TA'ing for now, I was notorious for sitting in the front, far away from others, and not speaking. However, I showed interest to my TA, and they recommended me.

Most schools are looking for TAs. I go to a huge state school and there are never 'excess' TA applications.

It really made me more confident and personable with people too. Also, I know some pretty awkward people who TA, and they are doing fine (although they are less popular with students)
Imagine a combination between English and Mandarin well that's the new language we will be speaking in the cyberpunk future.
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>he lives in Eastern standard time
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could not make this shit up
kys weeb
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>bring up idea of moving away to the west coast to my parents
>they start to look sad
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Still can't get over the fact that Motorola is kill
He has been rumoured to have been killed like 20 times in the past, but now it's actually real

I want out of this ride
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would you rather be a pedo or a homo hmmmm
Honestly not sure if Trump can clinch Florida with his firey anti-Hispanic rhetoric. Only time will tell
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>English and Mandarin will become the future language of cyberpunk society
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this is how the future should be

I want to believe.
homo 2bh
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Has a song ever made you cry?
What am I supposed to do with this?
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should be more like pic related desu
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>tfw baited by the spanishi speaking Mexican chink
Amazing Grace, every time
I don't know why

GE-h, I dunno
fuck off im not telling you that

Cats in the cradle hits too close to home

Time of your life because my entire life has gone downhill since hearing it during high school graduation
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>about to fall asleep
>remember I don't have much of a future
Fucking youtube ad of gay people popping out

go to jail, or go to hell, and use chose hell
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I've never cried to cats in the cradle but I can definitely relate and it gives me some heavy feels.
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YouTube personalizes ads based on what you browse, gay cunt.
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i liked her better without the tattoo
I wish I spent more time with you, dad.
I should've listened to everything you said and remembered it like gospel.
I should've gone to work with you every chance I got during summer breaks.
When I'm done with college, it's just going to be you and me catching up where I left off.
Just slow down on that aging stuff in the meantime.
it was a gay old man dressed and acting like donald trump kek
so will we ever find out if she became DAMAGED after she met yames, or the reason why they broke up, or was she just always fucked?
Waltz of the flowers.
i dont care anymore tbqh

I wouldn't agree with that. Life as a stupid person is better, because you don't understand certain problems and underestimate dangers in the best case. Thinking back, I wish I'd be the stupid kid I've been again instead of having the same thoughts as you have.
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*you wake up in cascadia*
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you mean you DON'T like hideous almost full-limb tattoo's?
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panda panda panda

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i got broads in atlanta
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hitin' of licks in the bando
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they're bringing autists, they're bringing shitposters
Pretty sure God doesn't like pedos either.

St augustine almost married a 12 year old girl
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you are all very nice and wonderful people who i can get to spend my time with and i am happy you can keep me company.
i wish i didnt have to go now.
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>you are all very nice and wonderful people who i can get to spend my time with and i am happy you can keep me company.

>tfw my nipples are hard
shit maybe ur god doesn't nigga, my god is based as f
we'll always keep you company in hell
fuck off faggot
what did he mean by this?
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I said my nipples are hard?
a-are you a shemale?
Sometumes I feel like I can't feel all these feels
Ya' feel?
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No I'm a brat that started shitposting yesterday.
are you a femboy?
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WTF I love PEI now
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Every dog has its day
Anne of Green Gables used to be aired on our childrens television station. Nowdays they show a lot of shit, like some kind of dinosaur robots
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Its a real pretty show.
We used to have a lot of old japanese shows on tv, like Heidi and others. Nowdays it's mainly retarded trash like lego ninjas.
sure would be nice to be able to go to bed before 2 in the morning...
I wanna get something to eat but the kitchen's right by my parents' bedrooms and it's the middle of the night
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me on the right
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I'm staying up late and there's nothing you can do about it

*slips you a roofie*
So should I get a snack or nah?

some autistic 1/45 english fag created the bread
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the penis can't null the sorrows
sometimes i wanna disappear
sometimes life takes ya by the hand throws ya down before ya know it it's gone and you're dead again
ya better fuck off
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yaya yayayayyay yaaaaaa yay
is it legal in your nation for cigarettes to be advertised on:
>print (magazine, newspaper, etc)
here its pretty much none of the above as far as i know
chew seems to get away with a bit in magazines though
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