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>you will always be a irrelevant non-country

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>you will always be a irrelevant non-country
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Pepe happy.png
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>You will always be a monkey
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>Wanna be part of a real country kid ?
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>You will always be a glorious brazilian master race
not if you vote in the FPO
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>i will never be swiss
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Join us
Einer von uns, Einer von uns, Einer von uns
austria is good country
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>You will always have a burger
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Soon we weill be all part of a great Empire
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>you will always be hated by other countries
>you will always be fat and stupid
>foreign girls will always assume you have a big dick
you can be either loved or relevant, but not both
They were loved and relevant until after WWII
No we weren't, stop lying.
relevant in what context
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>Would be a irrelevant no mans land if we didn't border Russia
>We do border Russia
>Would have debt and be a EU member if not for oil
>We do have oil, so only partial EU membership
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as in having real influence and power
just look at Germany, we were literally the most like country in the world. And as soon as we got some power in EU, people began to hate us
Why do you want to be relevant? I already hate the fact that in the last years there has been a significantly rise in tourists, mainly due to the fact people are affraid of tarveling to places like Tunisia and Morocco.
Also...cheer up and listen to some Bruckner will you?
Would love to live in Austria desu. Worried about it becoming impossible if we get rid of free movement though ;(
Hello :DD
should have thought about it before voting, nigel
>people began to hate us

gee, i wonder why
Idktf :)
at least you aren't an irrelevany non-country like germany
I voted remain
Hahahahaha....what a fucking irrelevant shithole.
because it easy to pretend that Germany alone is responsible for refugee crisis. And Greek financial crisis, for that matter
If you have power people will always blame you

then i feel sorry for you
Just as easy as believing your country has no responsability in the matter
our country made a few bad calls, but the refugee crisis would have happend either way, no matter what merkel said
accepting 1kk migrants only made it worse for the long run, soon or later we will have to close frontiers, there's simply too many people being spawned in Africa
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>your non-country will always be on the verge of splitting into 2 non-countries
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>you will never be european
>you will never be white
>no one believes that youre mostly italian
>you will never win a world cup again
You said it.
He/She who has the power, makes the decisions, takes action and finally takes the blame or praise.
In Europe it's you, across the entire world it's burgers.
I love u Belgium u make best waffles
imagine if merkel took zero refugees, and shoot the boats down in medietrrane sea
would people say "wow, thank you merkel, you saved us from refugees!"?
No. They would sey "oy vey, german nationalism on the rise, we have to do something"
The figure you're looking for is M, not KK. Rome is dead. We don't use that retarded method of displaying numbers with more characters than a fucking twitter post any more, Salieri.
Maybe if you weren't a Walloon that wouldn't bother you so much.
German logic is unironically flawless desu
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I'd be happy if you were right about this, Helmut
Unfortunately, you're not
You mean like they did with Italy and Greece?
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fuck off shitter.
Poland is relevant af. Russia and Poland both are the most relevant slav countries imo
Neck yourself, inbred poortherner.
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are russians only pretending or they really are this autistic to depict the world only as 'slavic' and 'non-slavic'
Nope. Slavs are just a linguistic group living in Europe. I never said anything about the whole world being divided as slav/non-slav
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>your country might one day stop being relevant
I'm scared. I don't want to become like Yurop or Durkaland.
At least you have good ski jumpers. That is what matters really.
And you too.
never say never, österrike-ungern shall rise again!
>Everyone thinks you're relevant, but you're really not.
You should have united Germany instead of Prussia.
you fuckers started two world wars, that's not irrelevant
they should have given you Bavaria and tyrol after ww2.
you would be a nice 20 million inhabitants country.
Aside from not being know for anything else but being Hitler's place of birth, Austria is not a shithole, at least.

At least you're not Colombia
How much coke have you done? Austrian desserts are world famous. Viennese people are famously arrogant dickholes. And speaking of Wieners, everyone knows what a wiener is.
Well, not here

>inb4 famous in everywhere that matters
>They were loved and relevant until after WWII
they weren't near as relevant before ww2, and they began to be hated after ww2 because they were one of two global powers at the time
I know right !

I'm thinking on genocide Portugal so they wont humiliate any further our Godly ancestors
Lengthwise not across
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