[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 57

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owl edition
all irish posters are trinity using his many different phone contracts to post simulated conversations
me on the right
me on the right
I was all for setting up a separate Jewish state in Madagascar or Palestine or someplace, but not to exterminate them. Besides, by exterminating 4 million Jews - they say 5 or 6 million at this trial, but that is all propaganda, I am sure it wasn't more than 4.5 million - they have made martyrs out of those Jews. For example, because of the extermination of these Jews, anti-Semitism has been set back many years in certain foreign countries where it had been making good progress.
>the north
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There was 5 Irish posts in under a minute in the last thread you madman
me in september: a hoe
me in october: a hoecus pocus
ill leave him to it then since all irish posters apart from me are utterly atrocious

ta ta
damn those fucking gooks look retarded when they open their eyes
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i'm the only good irish poster, the most well known as well

trinners hasn't posted in donkey years the schizophrenia finally got to him
martin shkreli is in a near identical situation to poleaboo
Two niggers undressed me and tore my shirt in two. I kept only my pants. Being handcuffed, I could not pull them up when they fell down. So now I was naked. Four days! On the fourth day, I was so cold that my body was numb. I couldn't hear anything. Every two - four hours (even in the night!) Niggers came along under command of a white man and hammered at me. Cigarette burns on the nipples. Fingers gouged into eye-sockets. Eyebrows and chest hair pulled out. Genitals beaten with an oxwhip. Testicles very swollen. Spat at. "Mouth open" and was spat into. When I refused to open, my jaws were pried apart with a stick and my mouth spat into. Beaten with a whip - swollen, dark-blue whelps all over the body... Photographed naked! Jeered at wearing an old army greatcoat which they hung round me.
me in the bath
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yeah just after I called you out on it you posted simultaneously to make me seem like an idiot

you can't trick me
big fan of jap tv

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>tfw the wifi I use on the train to college gives me a british IP
>opinion is actually argued against rather than constant ad hominem replies
>get more (you)'s
fucking anglo bastards... I'm onto you
>"The pumpkin spice latte is filled with the blood of indigenous peoples and people of color, but also their joy, their sweat, their labor and their love. We cannot let white consumerism take that away from us. Get it trending: #decolonizepumpkinspice."

really makes you think
was that the guy who was obsessed with germany
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Classic K-pop choon

If I'm going to be perfectly honest I am the BEST Irish poster

I'm the most charismatic, charming, witty and intelligent poster in all of 4chan for gods sake. I have an IQ of 200, I'm objectively superior.
Is it true East England full of chavs and farmers??
Show us your 3" willy
you're wrong

I'm the best
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good times
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About to read the Lucifer v Amenadiel duel
Rather excited
Is it true France is full of ignorant cretins who know fuck all about England?
i dont know
Hold the phone
People don't take /pol/ and the alt right seriously, right? I've been shitposting on /pol/ for years, the racism/jew hatred is ironic - atleast I hope it is.

The alt right doesn't actually exist, it's just anti-SJW, anti-establishment, pro-free speech pushed to the limit; a "movement" only possible through the anonymity provided by chans.
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bit windy outside
at least that means ill have enough electricity for the night
girls are cute :c
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everyones racist
gay cunt
thanks :3
threads moving quickly
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>tfw you will be dead before 2017
Protestants and Muslims are natural allies
how come lad
>Hold the phone

ok now what
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is this the gateway to valhalla
Big boy bike, big ting 650
Moving along on the road too quickly
i've found god again lads
Cold out
that is in fact a christian church
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how old were you when you first watched Threads?
>be American
>become a serial killer
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No, God found you my brother
irish weather?
This is the one good Irish gimmick 2bqh
when you've got the message, hang up
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the frenchman, the dane, the german. 3 jfs, 3 cunts. Would spark them all out given the chance

Why does /brit/ just get the worst jfs
He says bit cold out you utter welp
this flag and comment combination is not ok
The Dane and the German are the same bloke.
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>The Republic of Ireland
american elections are always just about advertising and publicity . obama did it through spending (and being black ). trump is doing it through memes . he'll win easily.
I don't know lad
Shall we figure out this troublesome mystery?
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i try to be a good poster

i really do
*crosses name off list*
alright, that makes my job easier
not trying very hard
You don't try hard enough
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>wh-why would you say something like that?
>*sniff* that's, like, r-really mean
>*starts crying and hides under the desk*
about 2 watch now 2bh
Why are Yanks so allergic to banter?
my superior German muscle could repel any pitiful cuckboy english attack
it will red pill you on global thermonuclear war
hate this fat prick
cocks 6.5 inches
Already we'll all float on
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>How dare you, a woman, forget your place to not only address me directly with such haram speak but to also do so without properly covering your face and head. Were it not for the laws of this land I would stone you myself here and now using some day old meat balls from Subway
Have a thing for my second cousin lads

Feeling a bit vile desu
Sing us a nasheed you cunt
2 world wars
bradley cooper really let himself go
wish I was him
just came so cant get hard again for a while soz
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Mate just let it go, it's just not, trinity hasn't posted here in years
nothing wrong with that
we lost them because i wasn't alive yet
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hello there


angel from my nightmare

miss you
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what the fuck
You get out
think muslims should be cremated alive haha
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I'm not english sunshine

arghhhh techno lads
why is everyone saying gookmoot killed 4chan
used to eat subway all the time until i started working there and realized how nasty it is haha
sounds fun
business idea: log every business idea posted here until you find a gem amongst the rocks

The Irish aren't the driving force behind fucking gun control, literal WASP's are
nice specs twat
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Why is my penis so dry?
>great great grandfather was irish
>therefore the person is irish
hmm yes very good
Think they're making a joke my lad
Now I can burn a cigarette, stand a cigar too
But when it comes to dipping snuff, I simply flat refuse
Some people can take a pinch or two, put it in their mouth
Dew it up real juicy and spit it all about
those 2 hours where quite a ride, but it was worth it
fucking wreck him paddy
how dare he think of you as english
By those standards I'm Irish ah ha ha
watching ASMR post-ironically
someone post the poz cuckold vocaroo
parents were probably brainwashed into mutilating your dick to properly show your servitude to israel
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wasted my life and can't get over it
are you trying to be funny or?
Gimmick idea: gimmick posting
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Owls are great.

Fell for the tinder meme hard and am completely ashamed

>chat with girl on tinder
>looks kind of cute, nothing special
>she randomly messages me today and says so are we going to fool around
>I say lets do it today, she says shes on her period so she'll give me head

sounds good right?
>get there
>she lives in a fucking dorm
>shes way fatter and uglier IRL
>she has to check me into the dorm with a qt receptionist
>go up to her tiny dorm
>she starts to blow me and I cum in less than 30 seconds because I had been edging for a week
>cum all over myself, including my shirt
>have no replacement shirt
>she has to check me back out at the receptionist desk with my shirt covered in cum
>all these people seeing me with this fat ugly slag covered in cum
>have to walk home covered in cum
>she still has my number
>shes a total slag and says shes blowing another guy tomorrow

JUST. i want to kill myself. how easily can you get herpes from oral sex?
here's a good one
night lads x
lad we need the kennedys and irish americans for us to have any sort of relevance, if they say they're irish they're irish
>this didn't happen
why would you edge for a week before meeting someone
Noice, this will help me sleep
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had an absolutely mental night lads
Attended a wedding tonight lads. This little tart in a short skirt was giving us our plates and I chose salmon. Had a few too many drinks and decided to say 'wahey I'd have your salmon' and she heard me

Fuck sake
going bed
praying to allah this story is true

Brits are so adorable.
Shut up nerd
Sorry but she is fit
canadians are wankers
theres some amount of losers out there
like I accept the fact that I'm basically billy no mates but atleast I can see how pathetic my life is
I swear to fucking god. i just got home and Im in an absolute panic.

How easily can you get an STD from oral? If I got something from her i literally will kill myself

this is weird as fuck
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Literally me

Haven't been able to breathe clear in years
tfw r1b

Can I come home
find it weird how donald trump may be the next president of america
need a /pozdaddy/ desu ngl
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Guess which one is me
>no one believes the tyrone

id see a doctor if i had a big hole right in my face 2hb
If you can easily get an STD from oral, then why did Allah, in his infinite wisdom and grace, make it so that a man's penis fits perfectly into a woman's mouth?
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way too many leafs itt
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thinking about the time I fucked up my life lmao
depressed as fuck. quitting porn, quitting tinder, and quitting edging

she wasnt even slightly cute. this is awful. am i over reacting?
you took the picture
No one cares
i bet none of you have a perfectly symmetrical face
Craving a vanilla ice cream and peanut butter milkshake lads
seems like i probably wont get an STD from head.

Still cuming in 20 seconds from head is an absolute embarrassment.
post dirty t shirt as proof
im horribly ugly and dream of suicide because of it
Gonna top my oil off and take the 240sx out for a comfy night cruise once my phone charges a bit

Any night drive music suggestions hmmmm?
me on the left
Is 24 old?



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give me a you!
>used to have symmetrical face
>got into too many fights

just cuck my shit up
would believe this but the hottest girl i ever fucked was from tinder. then i fell in love with her and she dropped me because she only wanted an fwb
fuck off grandad
>have a super comfy/easy life-long guaranteed job related to the pharma industry cause our low corp tax rates

scared Trump will render me unemployed
just came inside my gf, now lying beside her
is she a pole?
that's the only truth in that post
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>tried to make a friend
>make one
>she backstabs me

I fucking hate this place
seeing what they mean desu

after midnight /brit/ turns into a mess of JF vying for position and runts who have yet to go to bed
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That's the price of freedom my friend.
t. 23 year old
Same, I have a scar on my cheek and women are afraid to approach me now cause I look like a menace but really I'm just an autist who does enjoy a good scrap every now and then
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korean pop to be fair lads
Martin Shkreli is an enigma. He seems psychotic.
my face is quite symetrical but I've got a big forehead so im still probably only a 5-6/10
have you seriously never been on /brit/ past midnight
>making female """"friends""""

Pro tip kid, women were made to be bred
Listening to wham my lads

Enjoying myself and drinking away my health
that was your first mistake la
not got a clue what I look like. I look completely different in photos, mirrors, different settings
Actually I'd give you a four
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luckily for me i'm the greatest yank ever to post in /brit/
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Guess which one is me
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>Pro tip kid, women were made to be bred
nighttime /brit/ is much better desu
all the leftie redditors and shitty gimmick posters are gone

What's wrong with making female friends?
i sometimes look really good in photos but most of the time i look fucking horrid

real head scratcher, that
the bar isn't exactly high
literally no but that's because I am now unemployed
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you dont know me
the plump lass
scratch this *unzips dacks*
Angle of incidence x angle of reflection x 3.14 = decent photo
Angle of reflection x angle of incidence x 2 = mong photo
*scribbles down notes*
Fucking based Figsurderssonsson
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>be around last Christmas
>some british woman asks me for directions
>give her the wrong directions
>she will be in the ghetto
>keyed her car while she wasn't looking
>slashed one of her tires also
i have scars on my arms and legs that women like, but i have a droopy eyelid because of the dust ups

think i might get an eye lift when im officially an old cunt
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ok but this doesnt do it justice. there was a ton of specks of cum all near the top and it was clearly cum.

its been about 20 minutes now so obviously it dried up a bit, but it was wet.

really might end it all
picture taker wanker
>8/10 in changing room mirrors
>6/10 in normal mirrors
>5/10 in selfies
>1/10 in photos others have taken of me

joking aside, you have to admit this looks pretty fucking cool
Back home lads fairly pissed

Go to sleep or shitpost whilst watching NCIS?
you have a lot to learn leaf
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what's wrong with making female friends though?
Do however you please, it's no concern of mine, insignificant swine
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>joking aside, you have to admit this looks pretty fucking cool
it's actually Reðjólfur Skaufson
my standards have dropped a lot in two years
not sure if I just gor hornier or if im just desperate
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women make shit friends
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the gf
nice rhyme
I asked this question on /brit/ because I wanted to talk to fellow Brits, not you swarthy potato wogs
just put soap inside my dick. maybe that will kill any potential virus
howling and screeching

what the fuck is wrong with yanks
Get over yourself you got a blowie off a fat girl, at,wast your mates don't know and therefore can't slag you for it

T. Shagged a fat bird (very low point for me)
have you ever talked to a girl about her friends. Literally all they do is bitch about them
thinking of buying a wii-u lads
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Guess which one is me
why is that there to begin with

(note: havent been following)
Im fairly normie as well desu. Im just too addicted to porn and edging, which makes me horny as fuck.

its why I went all the way to this girls fucking dorm for a free blowjob. But it wasnt even good because i came in literally 20 seconds, i was cuming before I was even fully hard.

Oh it wasnt even free, I had to buy her a bottle of vodka to get the head
IS that a table cloth m8?
I got some for you
*wees on U*
Well maybe you should fuck off cause the Celtic man is asserting his dominance here, punk

Now go off and watch your shitty crime dramas in your pj's with a cup of hot chocolate after you got "pissed" off half a pint of bulmers you softcunt
you're a big guy
Splatoon is the only good game on that. It's just a fuckin netflix box for me now.
>think i match qt girl on tinder
>she randomly offers me a blowie today cause shes horny
>im desperate and have been edging for weeks
>go to her place
>shes fatter and way uglier than her pics
>she gives me head and I cum in 20 seconds all over my shirt
>Have to check out to qt receptionist with fat slag and cum all over my shirt

this is good advice and starting to make me feel a bit better. I guess at the end of the day my life isnt any worse
work in the morn

good night
It's a medium and I'm really thin. Does look like a fucking parachute there though desu
I reckon Irish posters are some of the stupidest shitposters on /int/ its just not noticed since theres so little of us
night nigth
You couldn't assert your dominance over a fucking teddy you gay little cunt

I suggest you run off with your head down and say sorry before I quite honestly pulverise you, pathetic little nonce.
you literally live in the middle of nowhere
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Cheesy chips or a cheese toastie?
so it sounds like people rarely ever get STD's from blowies. Is that accurate?
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coworker keeps talking to me at work, i think she likes me
cheese toastie
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No I don't?
Get a Yoga 710
depends on how much teeth where in the play
a wounded willy is easily infected
Sorry lad, I'm already seeing her
>stupid shitposter
I'm sorry mate but I'm the best Irish poster here and I take time and care with every post

No I think I'll stay here and continue to assert my dominance over you, it's clear to me your real shook already. One thump and your out like a light and I'll be on top of your woman riding her senseless.
British pop music was at its peak in the 80's

100%. Utter anthems the lot of them.
Chips it is

Thanks lad
What is this shirt lad on about?
American Poleaboo
>tops of 28 to 30° for the entire week

yes lads hahaha
>my woman

Ahahaha, fucking twat. Dumb arsed paddy TWAT doesn't realise I'm #MGTOW

Honestly, you come down to my neck of the woods. I'll even buy you a pint. It'll be your last one because I will quite honestly stamp on your head until there's nothing left and bury you in the local woods once I've finished defiling your runty little corpse
incoherent ramblings of a lad in rapid mental decline
Wanna drink and go to the bars tomorrow night lads

Nobody able to go though
>in the car with mum
I'm a visionary, a genius and a vehement bohemian rapist

You best treat me with respect now
heyyyyyyyy it's an australian!

*high fives you*

sup dude haha
good morning
Post some la

just realized i fucked this up
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Caterwauling at this fellow, what a bitter virgin fool he must be!
How can I force myself to stop looking at porn? Im definitely addicted. I spend hours a day edging
I'd actually hop you if I seen you walking down the street
Fucking mgtow clowns and similar groups are the reason whites are going to be minorities in their own country
Chop cock off and send it to me
>ywn speed around Bracknell with the lads listening to 808 state in your xr3i

Why even live
by having some willpower and just not doing it
also get a new hobby if you sre actually wasting hours every day doing it
alri lads haha
who the FUCK is this guy and why do the Irish posters spam him constantly
/brit/ is a multicultural board
control yourself
I have a high sex drive and normally wank like twice a day, sometimes three times.

But I can easily stop for a week without any problems. When I was on holiday I didn't wank for two weeks and was fine.

Weird desu, I should be way more dependent on it considering I wank so much
Been meaning to ask this myself
whats a good hobby? Once Im working full time I'll spend less time.

But I have too much free time. I already lift so cant do that
get a hobby
I like to think of myself as the British Chris Christie
>he fell for it

Listen here my lad, big fan of the Irish and Ireland in general, wear my little pin on st paddy's day and everything, don't ruin it by being a cocky little shithouse, settle down and have a pint with me.
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german gf sent me this
maybe it's easier for you to refrain when you are keeping yourself busy
don't need women or material possessions

deep meditation is the path to through happiness
he's an mma fighter and ireland's best dressed man
I like to think of myself as a fucking retard
>all the civilised rational people with a job have gone to bed
>only the /pol/tard NEETs are still up spreading their autism
vidya or gym i suppose
I thought yanks had lots of things to do
all people over here do is get drunk or smoke weed
You say Deafheaven I say Winterfylleth
You say Liturgy I say Panopticon
You say Wolves in the Throne Room I say Drukdh
>IKEA challenge

want to do this now
havent showered for 4 days lads
armpits fucking REEK
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any of you lads got hayfever?
im in uni lad
and i posted here during the summer while working fulltime t b h
Just imagine walking into your 2 bed flat in W8 (cost £80k), crashing on your sofa and whacking some trashy channel 4 programme on and chowing down on a pot noodle

Oh to be an adult in the 90's
Korean ASMR is truly patrician
>whole issues of Lucifer with Lucifer basically as a side character
not a fan of this
Mazikeen and the assorted literally whos on that boat need to neck themselves
post fucking machines
post them
do it
take a shower
not me
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all boring
Should have had a cheese toastie lads
>this chirpy Irishrunt

will absolutely clobber you if you don't shut up you garrulous little nematode
W8 mentioned
the hardest man in all of Ireland
Best bareknuckle boxer I ever did see
The best way is to just do other things. Watch movies with friends. Go on walks. Read a book. Just do stuff all day and then be tired enough to go straight to bed.
Thread posts: 326
Thread images: 57

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