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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 71

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going to bed edition
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4chan won't be here if you wake up
doing a read Lucifer
would enjoy having her sit on my face

good song
added this to my 90-photo folder of her
what goes through her mind when she takes pictures like this and puts them on the internet

hope her job employers see this
Saggy arse
sneezed again x

split my lip doing it too
state of your fucking life mate

anyone who wouldn't give this a good rogering is bent desu
for when this one's over x
how do we as a society find resolution or closure if we can't punish jimmy for his actions ? are we doomed to live in trauma ?

good song
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aaaaah yes
why do brits put "ham" at the end of their town names?

>Jeremy Corbyn won't drive Labour into the ground

Fucking moron detected. I can't wait until 2020 when all you retards will have to finally accept how profoundly unpopular Corbyn is. Oh never mind, you'll just blame the media/Tory propaganda/MI5 like you always fucking do and just carry on blindly in your little bubble
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Yui a best Keion
Is this the Panhead?
Greater London has a low sex drive and rarely masturbates.
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to lure foolish hungry americans
Prefer this


and this

lol never seen this

thanks for posting

ahh yes
original video of this?
ham is anglo saxon for village
Fuck off Panhead
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that's nothing

(this doesn't include her folder for obvious reasons)
shut up hamhead
why do yanks put "ham" at the front of their food names?
yes very good

but not as good as this one

Panheads doing the old "posting about pan head but pretending not to be pan head gimmick"

Classic gimmick that
>original video of this?
Not sure why 4chan isn't allowing Youtube links

www.you [delete this] tube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
have the normies gone to bed yet?
Greater London finds Rosie facially attractive and has reached out to her on Twitter. She didn't reply to him.
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because tony was profoundly popular?
this one is just as good

virus do not construct
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is that one girl?
this is my entire collection
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turned the heating on

bit earlier than I wanted but fudge it
knew that was a rickroll by the name alone
this one trumps it


also serious note, that song and video is fucking shit mate get some taste
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business idea: we all create pseudo anonymous twitter accounts and post there instead.
>He only has 90 images of his favourite internet slag
nah, 48 folders and a bunch of misc pics
*sniffs a line of ket off your mothers tits*
So lad *SNIFFF* which board is buzzin the most the night?
*wipes powder from under nose*
blair is underrated
So wait how did Lucifer come back after the Basanos burned him?
I mean I know Elaine touched him
But surely she doesn't have enough power to do that. She doesn't have the Demiurgic Power yet.
So Panhead is the Paddy.
There is a crucifix above Greater London's fireplace with a black Christ on it.
bit rude
did not understand a word of this post
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NEED to get access to slaggiertits
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Gordon Brown was better than Churchill
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am more concerned with the waifu tbhwy
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Is this good?


which one of you lads is this?
>watching random crime shows from the US
>serial killers in every single one

why are there so many serial killers over there?

every little town over there seems to have that one guy who one day just decided it was a great idea to just start killing everyone cause Satan told him to, or he was just a really big prick

we've only had a few such mass murderers here (outside of IRA guys who killed for power/profit)

why are there so many in the US?
Ahh yes, yanks
Greater London supports Arsenal and owns a knock-off Alexis Sanchez shirt he imported from China.
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actually a quarter of it is annie
Sounds like a good lad
pretty good yeah I like it yeah
there are at least 50 active serial killing truck drivers over there
to ward off muslims

oldham - no muslims
london - lots of muslims
the US has the same population as western europe
When a party has won a landslide victory and is implementing policy you like, why would you feel the need to join the party.

The reason people are joining labour in droves now is because that's all you can do while you're out of power.
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*pulls my trackie bottoms down*
Hows about THAT then?
they have a big population and its massive in size
their country is perfect for one because they can freely move between state lines so many crimes arent linked so the red flag doesn't go off

for england james
I'm not a hard-core gamer but I do love playing games. My absolute all-time favourite is The last of us. I love everything about that game. A couple of other I really liked are:
the Bioshock series
Fallout 4
Tomb raider

I love to read when I get a chance. A few of my favourite authors are Jojo Moyes, John Green and Beth Revis. My favourite book is looking for Alaska.

I enjoy drawing though I don't think I'm very good at it. The artwork on here is old stuff.

Other things I'm rather fond of are: Games of thrones, Walking Dead, Food, Clothes, Tattoos, Johnny Cash...
Greater London's living room still had a 19" CRT TV in it until 2015.
just had my first wank in a week

cum everywhere

could really feel that building up inside me, even had the courage to ask a girl out today
maybe no-fap isn't a meme
>women not teasing him for his little willy
r9k lied to me
seething at this post
i enjoy these, even if you're getting no (You)s for them

keep going pls
that boy needs therapy
Maybe it was big then?
Greater London's mum has lost much of her hair from wearing weaves when she was younger and now wears wigs.
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for england james.jpg
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new gimmick
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(been following this drama for a while)
I showed you a chart that depicts a steady LOSS of membership, not stagnation. This indicates a general disapproval of blaire's policies in the eyes of the party's core supporters.

People are joining the labour party because they like Corbyn and realise that he's taking the party back from the neo-liberals.

Try again.
>Insulting greater London like this for being black
>using 'tism regional flags

Hmm not a fan of this gimmick
the romans founded London
she never said it was big. she said it was wrinkly
for you
think my week long bender is starting to take it's toll

having heart palpitations lying down
gone through all my emergency tissues for wanking because i've been blowing my nose

just sent $20 to Stefan Molyneux lads
>you will never relax with greater london in an east end council estate bumping grime and sharing a zoot
Remembering that time I went to hug a qt and it wasn't reciprocated haha well scundered

me in the crowd
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Any update on the Zac and his Danish gf situation lads?
use bog roll you silly billy
Greater London was once asked to leave a branch of Virgin Megastores after he was caught by a member of staff defacing copies of The Big Lebowski on DVD.
I'm not sure of recent scholarship but I was under the impression that there was British settlement on the site before the Roman invasion
Though obviously on a smaller scale
Gonna dance in Swan Lake tomorrow desu
East Ham is probably one of the biggest paki hotspots in east London
>tfw i could HEEM any brit ITT
it is "bog" roll
Hahahha this one was quality x
here he is
so lads if you were to shag rosie where would you blow your load

I would opt to defile her already unbecoming visage myself
If it was small she would have mentioned it
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>ireland's best dressed man
*lifts my hood from my face*
But i'm no brit
*cleaves you in twain*
Greater London's Streetview screenshot folder is 4.3gb in size.
spaff into your mohawk/mullet
cover her face so I don't have to look at it for a bit
All over that sweet ass desu famalam
I'm proud of my Irish heritage
is there anything better than a nice glass of freshly squeezed orange juice lads?
*rents my fetters in twain*
ireland may long have been a province, but 'tis a nation once again, gallaibh
On her beak, try and hide it
Greater London can't be seen late at night
alri lads
Funny you should say that, because tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse

if everyone on /int/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little yank students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you would literally be eating pavement in under a second
this pastanigger needs to do one
very gay
You shouldn't be
So am I
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haha say something else funny x
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>tfw I have bottled over 50 people in my life

If ten people from brit ganged up on me I would unironically glass you all into paste. At the age of 15 I was jumped by a group of 10 knackers and bottled one over the head and made them all run away. I'm the best scrapper here, fact. I have never lost a bar fight in my life. If any of you said anything snarky to me, you would be erased from history. Unironically.

If anyone wants to arrange a glassing match I'm in Chicago for the day and I am looking for a target so let me know if you're up for it.
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*takes it*
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>needs to do one
drinking some now haha
*slowly reaches for the maltesers while keeping eye contact with you*
listening to carl cox's last ever set lads
will miss him when hes gone :(
What do you want to know about it
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I agree with your statement, however a party must represent the public as a whole, not just core supporters. Most people don't care about internal labour workings, or whether clause IV has a certain wording or not.

They care whether they can see a doctor quickly, get children though good schools, dont have to work unpaid overtime. Etc

I'm not saying corbyn couldn't have made a campaign based on that, but labour members are rooted in ideology that the public simply don't care about. That's why they want different things.
cat is sitting on muh lap :3
cut it in half and you'll have two
first thing i thought when i found out about menstruation was 'that seems too frequent '.

seriously weeks pass far too fast. i wouldnt be able to cope with that shit coming back round again. i can onyl imagine time passes slower for women or they make more out of their free weeks. otherwise they'd go insane
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yeah its no wonder they're so fucking crazy
one Italian sticking up for another
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gonna hand these out on the tube tomorrow lads
any updates
good because I don't have any
the so called cat wants me to pet her for the 200th time in the last hour
are people who go on about their "mental problems" despite never seeing a doctor about them just attention seekers?
back in the socalled 'italy'

wish that kpop looser would return
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silly boys :-p
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fuck off nigger
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let's keep things in perspective, jimmy's actions were pretty tame relatively speaking
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like what?
honestly it's just more of the same
we Skype most days
Mama mia pasta bolognese! L O L

I have bipolar disorder
only tube i want to chat about is my meat tube

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yes
friends are for gays

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I could heem every single "man" in Ireland in 60 seconds
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>click on 'Gavin' video
>its actually an Ezra video
oh right, I guess it's serious then

thought it was a gimmick

I found this pic funny
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I could smash all you runts easily, step up to me and I'll turn your spine into a flump.
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sissy brit boys are no match for superior celts
me too
border conflict between india and pakistan lads
Mate I'm fucking black
"White" people aren't a challenge for me
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ah yes, australian "architecture"
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room's quite a mess aaaahaaa
hello Greater London
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dats right dats de trute
whats your favourite porn site?
look at a map of africa from 70 years ago and tell me white people arent a challenge from blacks kek
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want to read some philosophy books, got any recommendations?
Uh yeah guess it is serious
We're talking about me going over there to meet her in person, if that satisfies your curiousity

Didn't know anyone was interested so I stopped posting about it hahaha
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Will you be that special someone?
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ah yes, american "architecture"
dont they have the high score for mass shootings too. what is up with them
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neurons.... firing... can't contain these thoughts!
The Irish may as well be africans

They certainly behave like them
anything by william luther pierce
we wuz changs
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>first confrontation since both have developed nuclear capabilities
mate I'm 6'3 and 16st 7, I'd twist your head the wrong way round so I you can look into my eyes while I tenderly rape you
Would literally box the ears off you ye scaldy wee coon

Guarantee I've more fighting experience
>border conflict between india and pakistan lads
The root cause is British imperialism
i've fucked worse but my spider senses tell me she has an std so nah
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>tfw not appreciated and hated when in the empire
>tfw eternally hated for leaving
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loos more like fedora tinfoilers have existed for some time now
more like "fighting" experience
Greater London smells faintly of cocoa butter.
>william luther pierce

looks like she doesn't like you :x
The solution, funnily enough is also British imperialism.
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it'd be such a shame if they nuked each other
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Well that's good to hear

Good luck mate
would like an australian to explain this phenomenon to me, but don't reply to me, you don't have permission to do that
getting your shit pushed in by pikeys isn't fighting experience lad
You some sort of a boy George?
it would cause ww3 and a nuclear winter, killing billions of people

and i dont have a nuclear bunker with an internet connection so i dont want it to happen
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>'smic 'xplorer
good lads
Greater London voted for Sadiq Khan.
ta lad
much appreciated

it really wouldn't

wouldn't affect us at all really
Julio Jones went postal
not sure where this poor gimmick came from
maybe it's the creepy lighting but seems like the same type of guy who'd think making a vest out of a womans skin would be pretty neat
>it would cause ww3 and a nuclear winter
no it wouldn't
India and Pakistan have literally no delivery capability. The idea that their pathetic nuclear arsenals would even come close to causing a nuclear winter, or any other nuclear powers would be stupid enough to get involved, is laughable
don't even know what that is
Imagine if, after everything, it's the fucking pakis and pajeets that case WWIII.
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A half pound of uncut Mexican Brown, that's an $18 bill every hour for a week, Brando.
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I like this one alot, don't even try to tell me otherwise

hypothetics haha meanwhile the mayor of London is a Labour muslim
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>went postal
i like this turn of phrase
Saw Greater London in the local Jamaican takeaway earlier
India and Pakistan have MRBMs that can hit cities like Karachi, Islamabad, Deli, Bombay and others and cause millions upon millions of deaths.

The chinese have said they will glass the sub continent if they launch nukes so we could see china dropping tens if not hundreds of nukes on india and pakistan.

Nuclear winter

World wide crop failure

Billions of death
wtf you get a 4chan sticker on your post if you have a 4chan pass now
How do we increase church-going?
it's all yours my friend
don't know how to do it and too scared to ask :\
british night flight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gook night flight
not me though
i'm alright
I have literally no problem with that occurring.
desu you're overestimating the potency of nukes
I would love to see how ww3 would play out
In Nazi Germany, they put stars on doors of Jewish owned bakeries because their prices were inconsistent and usually higher than the non Jew bakeries. A form of boycott. Hitler himself in a speech mentioned why should a hard working German worry about being overcharged when walking into a store to buy bread in Germany.

I think if you further investigate you will see that the owners of most money exchanges are Jewish.

Building distrust in the economy, even down to the store to store level is the hallmark of Jewish business practice.
part of me kind of wants to go to church to maybe meet a qt but part of me fears they'll be able to tell i don't belong
White people cross the road when Greater London walks towards them.
>India and Pakistan have MRBMs that can hit cities like Karachi, Islamabad, Deli, Bombay and others and cause millions upon millions of deaths
>implying they work

No chance. A few to make them stop being fucking idiots, maybe
>Nuclear winter
No. Stop. Nuclear winter is a hugely overblown and largely discredited theory
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Why is it so hard to find documentaries on Japanese history? Resorted to listening to yank uni lectures on Japanese history instead ffs

Anyone got any interesting videos on Japanese history?
why are you slaying on Greater London lol?
Reported to the ADL
boggles my mind that the yanks were the ones who got the ball rolling on decolonisation . doesn't seem like nowadays they'd have the courage 2bh

would expect it of the irish though
hearing fat people breathe triggers me. there's a fatass in one of my classes who sits right beside me and he's always panting
its not actual winter you mongs

ash gets kicked up into the atmosphere and blocks out the sun, lowering temps and killing crops

shame shit would happen if yellowstone were to go
you should kill him

Literally responsible for the mess we're in today
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>Painting once written off as £20 copy reassessed as £20m Raphael

Did anyone watch this show. It was on BBC4 the other day, was really good. About art in Britain
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>Why is it so hard to find documentaries on Japanese history?

>Anyone got any interesting videos on Japanese history?
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>billions of deaths
how sweet would that be
i bet he felt bad writing that but he was already commited.
haha memes are a force for good :))
fucking hell lads forgot about this banger
doing a think

Nice meme, cunt
i just wish he'd go further away. there's no other seats free on the front row for me to move to. i'm computer science and there's so many weirdos. lots of people mutter to themselves under their breaths while they take exams, audibly
thousands of nukes have been tested all over the world and we're not in any kind of "nuclear winter"
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Which way should I swipe?
i wouldn't have thought an Irishman would be rooting for mass starvation
ummm testing them is different to actually using them sweety :) x

I don't think this is what you're on about at all but it's an alright watch
since4pass in options field
>get banished from countries/realms like 100 times
>bu-but we never did anything wrong, they were just anti semites!
except it isn't
Poor, poor woman

God bless her, honestly don't find burn victims funny
Guess who came up with this horrid idea?

That's right, a yank
doesn't work or didn't earlier
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>the front row
>ash gets kicked up
Where from? The firestorms required to cause it would only happen if we deliberately bomb every forest on earth. Rubble doesn't burn. The vast majority of detonations would not be groundbursts so there isn't much debris from the surface being blown up.
Even a full blown exchange between the US and USSR in the 80s would be hard pushed to cause a nuclear winter, let alone a regional one between poo in loos.
left swipe
Greater London owns a snood.
better than watching Europe slowly fall to islam desu
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don't be mean

being born ugly (apart from black) is pretty much a disability
find it rather funny that europoors thought they were big shots when there was countries the size of a continent waiting to be discovered.
there's a lesson in there.
bit of a difference between a nuke and a supervolcano, mate. Ngl, nukes are pretty powerful, but not *that* powerful. Remnants of cold war era fear mongering.
This is the best japanese documentary ive ever seen:

left, so you don't suffer the soul crushing blow of realising she swiped left on you too
haven't had sex in like 7 months

would fuck most things that'd let me at this point desu
bit gay
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>The pre pubescent Irish /pol/ poster is spamming complete and utter shite that he read on /pol/
>he thinks this general is aimed at the "alt right" demographic (children)

Fuck off, your giving us a bad name you little wanker
i'm sure the developed countries would suffer greatly in their attempts to provide relief for the starving
The family ties between hundreds of thousands of German families and their American relatives led many to think that America would never join a second war against Germany. Now that that has happened, many Germans still believe that America will never allow Bolshevism to conquer and destroy Germany. Recent events have proven how false and dangerous this idea is. One has to be foolish or irredeemably stupid to believe that anything good can come to Europe from the land of presumed opportunity. That that did not happen after the First World War, and will not happen after the second. The Jews have made America what it is today: a nation raped by the Jews, a nation whose 130,000,000 people of many colors and races have been forced into helping the Jews achieve world domination! The descendants of European immigrants do not govern the United States of America today. The foreign and domestic policies of the country are made by the Jews and their lackeys. The American people wanted peace, but were maneuvered into war by Delano Roosevelt, a tool of World Jewry who himself has Jewish blood in his veins. It was the same in World War I, when Woodrow Wilson, also a tool of the Jews, maneuvered it into the war.
dancing on the path and singing "now you got away"
your grammar is atrocious
I'm better looking than every british male.
it's you isn't it

i still don't believe there is more than one Irish poster on this board, you're all the same person to me trinners
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jap pepe.png
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doing a think
ahh it was 4chan x ip setting breaking it somehow
It's Panhead
in a worldwide famine everyone would suffer greatly
whats your point
going now

good day
really want to give up smoking but i just enjoy it far too much. vaping is a poor substitute. besides, the vast majority of people who get lung cancer are over 65 so i've got over 40 years anyway....
Nah lad there's fucking loads of us, we're like a plague

There's quite a few notable Irish posters here
piss in your face and urinate all in your hair
weak cunt
don't think there is a chance it will reawaken their goal to shovel all the needy into their safer boarders?
going to bed too
what's the name
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