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is 4chan kill?

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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 76

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is 4chan kill?
>Ads don't work well
Tell that to every single site in existence.
It was never sustainable
just remove /biz/ and /adv/ because they're obviously useless
/gif/ and /hc/ and other porn stuff waste much more traffic
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Goodbye forever, my white friends
/biz/ has a use to an extent

you could remove /po/ or /3/, but it's not the small boards reducing hotpockets budget, I say remove all the porn boards, it's not as if you can't find better porn elsewhere
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>US of A

/biz/ and /adv/ don't use a lot of Bandwidth.
they gotta consolidate some of the fuggin anime boards i mean what's the goddamn difference
I am helping to fund your daily shitpost

Show some fucking respect, cunts!

4chan Pass user since May 2016.

what is this garbage?
No! Dont delete porn! Reeeee
didn't get the joke?

what's the difference between /d/ and /e/
and you don't need /c/ because /a/ is just moe faggotry anyway
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>the general purge is coming
I heard gookmoot is a millionaire, wtf?

>4chan Pass user since October 1842.
Just delete /pol/ and block Australia and Kanada from this site

>/mu/ and /tv/ can be merged

honestly shuddered at the thought
Will 4chan become better or worse when you need to buy a pass to post?
but desu. /s/ is exclusively where i fap now. i dont go to porn sites anymore, it's brought be back to a healthier place
He should delete /int/. Most of the board is just /soc/ divided by regions anyways.

Also sell /pol/ to a right wing organization, use the money to fund the rest of the boards.

Close down /b/, /r9k/, and /soc/.

Then move 4chan to a new domain to attract advertisers.

/int/ is literally /pol/ + /r9k/ + /b/ + /tv/.
Just delete this website already
Piss off monkeyboy.
all the porn boards are pointless and should be removed
they are a relic of the internet that doesn't exist anymore
We really need to remove all porn boards ASAP

t. aceh
>4chan Pass user since October 2015.
whats this bullshit?
4chan's porn boards are the best place on the web to ask for sauce tbqh
Removing random boards wont work because they will find their way in. Also don't try to make it shittier like that. Id like more boards actually. Anti ad-block measures and more ads are way to go
Nuuu.. I love /int/ (sometimes /pol/) so much.

Name 10 good /int/ memes or an actual board culture that isn't a diluted amalgamation of other boards and I'll change my mind.
buy pass

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
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So, this is it? We are finally free?
I'll start
1)Argentina is white
2)>Sweden >Yes
Alberto Barbarossa
Zitto Animale
It is self sufficent board and sometimes supplies to other boards
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/int/ is THE memefactory of 4chan, just ask [s4s].
Our great memes are exported site-wide.
Hello my pass friends

4chan Pass user since May 2016.


/sp/ + /pol/

But just think of the shitposting potential
ids ogre
Can someone explain that 'pass user' bullshit?
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4chan Pass user since May 2016.
What is there to explain? They bought a pass and in the options menu can show how long they've been a 4chan pass user
dude don't touch my totally not obnoxious 68965569 interracial threads

Back to oldfag times we go

the 4chan gold acc meme became reality

4chan Pass user since June 2014.
Considering the bandwidth needed for text is miniscule compared to images, the solution is pretty simple:

>delete image-hosting boards like /hr/ and /wg/, these produce no discussion and have no culture, fuck 'em
>lower filesize limit for remaining boards, you don't need a 4K reaction image
>increase wait time between posts on places like /s/ and /gif/; most threads are people dumping dozens of images they saved off the last "short haired girls general #999" thread, bunch of bandwidth vampires
>or better yet, delete them too, people can go visit pornhub or rule34.paheal if they wanna jack off

We have to prioritise boards with actual discussion over '''boards''' that are just used to share images. If you wanna do that, go create an album on a dedicated image-hosting website instead of sapping Hiroshima's bank balance, or whoever the fuck pays for 4chan servers.
Porn boards should go solely because of the massive increase of cuck and interracial threads in the last 2 years or so.
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Did you even check the /pol/ statistics?
But /hr/ is actually decent. It's an imageboard.

My solution, decrease the amount of threads shown before they are bumped off.

Especially for boards like /hr/. They just have threads that are months old sitting there.
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>delet all images
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For free?
So what, some idiots are paying to get a custom ID for nothing?
link to post please
Pretty much the safest place to get porn to.
>Japanese business skills

Moot managed to pull a profit when this site was an unknown shithole.

We just need a "donate or die" event again.
And lower cool down times

If you delete /pol/, all the /pol/tards will come here. How we said in my country: The Messenger is not a traitor.
Show some fucking respect

4chan Pass user since May 2016.
What the fuck is gookmoot doing, jesus fucking christ.

>4chan Pass user since
Seriously, this is completely ridiculous.

In his farewell post, most specifically said that 4chan is doing perfectly fine financially and is in no danger.

Meanwhile, gookmoot is basically painting a picture of financial failure.

I really miss moot. For all of his shortcomings, faggotry and cuckoldry, he really was a good admin.
>A Jew managed to pull a profit
Nice revelation

No captchas and now no waiting time between posts, or just to support the shithole of a site like I did as soon as the pass system went live.

I'm fine with the cost, it's literally 3 cups of coffee in Sydney.
>Brits whining about janny
retarded nigger
>paying to shitpost

Mad men.

Also I can't believe its been 4 years since the pass was introduced feels like it was only 2 years ago.
>most specifically said
/b/ should go. All those porn and gay boards too.
>Did you even check the /pol/ statistics?

No. What stats?
delete /b/ and anime shit boards
Why don't they just bring donations back
AFAIK it was only moot who didn't want to accept donations, so why does the gook not just use those
This site has such a large userbase youre bound to get enough to keep it going
Just merge all boards into one.
Yes. Free
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>I have lived long enough to see 4chan die
Where did he post it?
they should just put slightly slower boards and remove boards such as /i/, /news/, /his/
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>prayed that 4chan dies so I can get a life
>now don't know what to do
This. Mostly of them will come here because we use to talk about politic as well so be ready if /pol/ is closed, for being culturally enriched by the /pol/tards.
Hiro should delete himself
Greedy fucking faggot
>moot didn't have this problem
>greedy jewish nip comes
>somehow there isn't enough money
>/d/ and /e/

One allows full fucking, the other doesn't?
Along with that /d/ is mainly futa which "normal" people have an autism fit over.

Its like saying /int/ /his/ /pol/ should just but one.
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>sale on passes
>4chan is dying guise
just delete the porn boards already, the images and webms are massive bandwith drains
I think it's natural. I'm surprised that 4chan survived that long, desu. The times have changed and imageboards belong to a different era, the one that has passed. BBS died, usenet died, now it's time for imageboards to go and time for us to grow up.
if this place gets ruined I'm killing myself or joining the millitary
this is literally the best on the internet, the ultimate website
It's the pinnacle of entertainment
It is like those promises you make yourself to not do when the time comes. Yes, you will not do anything. Your life will be in vain, just like it always been.
>I will never do this if i get a job.
>I will stop doing those if I get a gf.
>I will start doing those if I achieve this.
>I heard gookmoot is a millionaire, wtf?
He is, but he wants 4chan to be a profitable business and not his hobby.
Where are the jew-chan when we need 'em?
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SWJ are winning. The jews finally won
Welp, time to become a normie lads
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Remove /soc/ /his/ /new/ and half the anime boards, problem solved.
funny how sustaining this site has become a problem a month before US elections ??????????????? makes ur neurons work huh????????????????????
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I agree, but I still can't led that slide
>He thinks a chinese shitposting board is a problem for the american politicians.

Croatian education.
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Also they should no longer allow generals on /int/ its mainly just a circle jerk anyway.
>>>/pol/ is that way m'tinfoil.
The times they are a-changing, anon.
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nahhh. the mass majority of /pol/ users now are are Reddit retards who visit the site for "4chan culture" and to exclusively use boards like /pol/, /b/, /r9k/ etc. It'd only take a week or two for them to leave after their meme-hubs have been destroyed.
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>it's time for imageboards to go and time for us to grow up
No F for that gookjew

No pls, don't even say it
Should just filter out png and bmp to get rid of 80% and not put a strict limit.
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No no no, /pol/ tards are fucking retarded and should have a containment board. If it gets deleted we'll be getting the majority of the refugees. Very bad idea
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I agree
we must move on
You know that Ivan has said the truth. Maybe this is not the end but someday 4chan will die.
that day is coming soon
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If this place was doing so bad then why'd he create all these useless boards like /qst/ and /news/ in the first place
What are you going to do when 4chan finally dies?
Just reset 4chins back to the way it was 6 years ago and all the problems will go away
/gif/ and /hr/
What do you mean

4chan Pass user since January 2013.
sudoku or join the millitary
moot said for years he could barely break even with 4chan

since then 4chan's had a lot more election related traffic but no new advertisers
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D-delet this. I'll lose all my friends
Its not. He just wants gookbux.>>65631935
looking forward to it desu
I think the problem is this site never had the potential to make money, there is no way to jew users.
I'm personally against adds, I'd rather support the site directly, but than you have the issue of power users vs regular users.
Currently we have a very flat environment where every anon is as good as any anon, equality, (except of boards with flags). If 4chan pass is to fund this site it would have to have more advantages than skipping captcha.
This would fundamentally change the site and not for the better, but if 4chan isn't profitable it may stop existing.
They migrated from r/theDonald, it's pretty obvious how much underage newfags there are on /pol/
>sudoku or join the millitary

What a surprise coming from a suicidestonian
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>you were born just in time to see Hiro close /pol/
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Hands off /gif/ you frog. They have some great porn threads and almost always sauce
If I close my eyes and ears from your blasphemy maybe all stays the same

There are a million other sites for that.

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
Remember when /pol/ got nuked? yeah same thing will happen again
>most redditors are leftist

Supporting the legalization of weed and gay marriage doesn't make that thing a leftist website

Racism is very common there, of course they don't say words like nigger, spics, goatfuckers, etc. but the sentiment it's there.
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>He thinks that we are his friends
For fucks sake hiro
I don't even care, the /pol/ aids has spilled far further than this lone site.
They'd just exist on reddit and come here to shill.
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Kill pol
No survivors
fixed it
more features for 4chan passers pls :3

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
delete /b/
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he's not gonna close /pol/
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>4chan is kill
>a bunch of replacements springs up
>no one has any idea where to go and they all die in half a year except for some barely functioning extra autistic offshoots
I've seen it all
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S-shut up
Nop, the facts are still there.

/pol/ is as the roachs. It doesnt matter what you do, they always survive.
i'm free
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I doubt that most are seeing as /pol/ has the highest amount of cross site posters from reddit than any other board. /pol/ should stay though, I'd hate to see half the board spill over here.
Where is that Hiro's post? Can't find it.
that would fucking kill some of those boards you left there though
plot twist
I'm a /pol/ user
>4chan is killed
>Immediatley half of yurop and north america commit suicide.
Newfag detected
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>/int/ is kill
>no where to post with the lads about battle of the nations
You faggots do realize the dead boards aren't the problem here?
The problem are the ones that produce too much spam, mostly in the form of images because those are the bandwidth eaters.
Porn boards may be mostly images, but they are also slow as fuck.
A real, relevant, board may be cut.
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Also maybe /b/ should go. Its just porn threads now anyway.
Fuck you buddy, I like doing all my useless shit from the comfort of 4chan.
Butt I lik spen
>slow as fuck /his/
>no /b/ or /pol/
>no /k/
>no /vg/
Fuck off reddit
That is my point. It is useless trying to destroy /pol/. It is better to let you do what you want. Where the hell is the freedom of speech?

Thinking the exact same thing

4chan Pass user since June 2014.
>If this place was doing so bad then why'd he create all these useless boards like /qst/ and /news/ in the first place

Exactly, he creates new boards and was talking about making more, then he complains 4chan is dying right as passes go on sale, he wants to jew us.
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Its a shit reddit board, but it keeps a hoard of retards like yourself from flooding this patrician board.
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>is 4chan kill

I hope so, I mean, is there actually a good board in this website?? The science and history boards are literally people who got an A+ on high school calculus and history classes pretending they're real scientists and historians. And don't let me start with boards like /fa/, /int/, /g/, /mu/, /pol/, they're underage users tier bad.
that's what happened to the ruski chan?
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So can we work with a board to further our position
>kill /diy/
>maintain /g/
I lik murrica as well.

So the problem are the big ones. Literally the worst situation, What is going to happen with /int/?
Do we really need images?
>he says on an jap based site run by a Jap.
>anyone that disagrees with me is a nigger or a nigger lover
this is why people want you nuked

>does an imageboard need images
Dont know m8 but memes are literally the blood of 4chan.
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>If you don't agree with x then you're y
/pol/kikes in a nutshell. Like the male version of tumblrinas.
why did hiro use an /int/ banner?

He wont delete us then right?

can probably trim by lowering the amount per thread, lowering filesize and banning gifs/png
do we really need text?
>image board
>without imaged
there are already text boards
do we really need 4chan?
/pol/ is reddit-tier, but you guys are shit-tier.
what do we need?
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t. el bulliADO
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not if you've diversified your shitposting portfolio
you've diversified yours, right?
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to the original 2ch in 2009, yes, more or less. Things have only gotten worse since then.
>delete image-hosting boards like /hr/ and /wg/, these produce no discussion and have no culture, fuck 'em

they produce gems like ths

they should add the future to be able to ban posters from threads you create, I think it's the next logical step to this

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
I could live without 4chan. It would be sad but I could do it.
it hasn't been a jap site for a long time
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Just kill 4chans native archive

Its hosting 4chan seven times
>i don't like your opinion
>lol banned

Yeah no.
Friendly reminder
I do agree that a lot of the porn boards are redundant and massive bandwidth hogs.
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>Ban people who hurt my feelings.
It's gonna happen though, Hiro is relying on us to keep the site up and running, not on freeloaders.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Fuck, you're right. I forgot about that. We have Desu and Foolz for archiving.
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tfw i get my porn from /gif/
That is actually a good idea. There's already a shitload of sites that archive 4chan
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If 4chan die we just go to another chan.
Delete those and revive /l/.
I wander if /g/ can come up with a decentralized solution, like torrenting, where you host your own images and they load into peoples browsers from your computer.
The image hosting part will have to be a separate application. but if that's the only way to make it work...
The text part of the boards is negligible.
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The show is over kids. 4chan is kill.
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Nice idea
I will ban any Turk that doesn't acknowledge the genocides for starters. It's gonna be epic.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
all the celeb threads are like that
>/hr/ is responsible for the k-pop menace
all the more reason to delete it
filtered that greek cuck
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Will i finally be free?
And if I have a pass what will you do

4chan Pass user since June 2014.
I'm gonna ban every Greek who haven't payed denbts.
the eternal aussie has won
same, you wont be allowed in my thread.
Apart from the Turks which we should be able to ban them whenever we want just for the lols.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
nah, that's /mu/ they were the original instagators
Ban everybody, 4chan pass users only, final destination.
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almost correct but improved it even further
He should limit the file size to 1mb or something like that in fast boards and accept donations

deleting boards or the archive would not solve anything
>Go to 4chan to comment freely
>B-but I am going to ban you

Greek logic
how many memes per year does /f/ generates and how much traffic and space does it occupy?
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how long until people start selling old passes to other people for exorbitant prices only they can shitpost with an earlier date in their post?
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>deleting [s4s]
>Hiro is relying on us to keep the site up and running
It's cute how you actually think that.
I think it's gonna be way cuter when he starts adding more features for 4chan pass users desu.

it's the next logical step to give more rights to people that pay you.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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>4chan will die
>the memes will end
>we won't be here forever
>we will finally be free

I'm scared, guys.
/f/ is one of the oldest boards and a total relic of the past, don't even suggest deleting it
/pol/ is cancer and should fuck off
all porn boards should vanish
bring back the text boards

I mean , just on this troll pass thing the sales increased like what 1000% today? He's probably thinking how many more passes he's gonna sell when you give users even more rights, like messing with other posters.

This is just the beginning of the ride, and I'm loving every (you) and every lol.

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Just be yourself, ok no. Dont do that.
I'm loving every filtered post
Many people will go then and 4chan will go to the hell.

I should get more rights than you though since I've had a pass for longer

4chan Pass user since June 2014.
nice job trying to bait me
/pol/ is detrimental to discussing hobbies because they bring their retarded views into everything like SJWs
sure, but the people that leave didn't pay money to begin with

I'm in the process of purchasing a 2012 pass from a Brit. and then I'll have even more right than you! muahahah
damn... really makes u think...
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Anybody ready for some feels?
>/int/ and /d/ are going to get deleted
Literally no point in living left
fuck off with your shitty le feelsie comik dump reeeee
>can only spout buzzwords

the brain capacity of your average /pol/tard, everyone.
>I'm in the process of purchasing a 2012 pass from a Brit.
You have been saying that to me for almost a year now, still haven't saved up all of that £20?
You can find /d/ shit on panda
I agree on /int/.
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no :))
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he said he'd auction it, and to the highest bidder , I'm the highest bidder right now with $50, what's that like 40 quid, I don't know, shit, I'll pay Hiro the $80 for more rights, sure why not. I've gotten like 300 (you)s today, this is fun.
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for what purpose does it exist anyway?
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>ur dumb
>no ur dumb
nice argument, guys
p.s. the source of the argument is /pol/ so automatically the /pol/tard loses

reee stopp
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>getting rid of pony
do you want the site to get flooded?
Convert gifs to webm, gifs have to be a bandwidth drain. CPU/GPU power can be bought with a one-time investment, bandwidth can't.
what province do you live in
remove /pol/
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ban them on sight
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>add a bunch of useless boards and cut advertisements
>guys we can't afford to run 4chan anymore
okay you're finished time to go

soon it will be time for us all to go
>cancerfag doesn't realize something important
That was what was tried first.
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>tfw no more international shitposting
>tfw the porn boards will be the first to go
they tried that before
/pol/ is the only board on this site to make it's own sub on reddit
a sub that's relevent enough to make frontpage on reddit every day
the irony of calling others redditors while defending /pol/ defies dimensions
no they weren't strict enough
also the mlp meme is long dead it wouldn't be nearly as bad as before
>malicious ads
what did he mean by this?
shit! stop making me feel
holy shit
>also the mlp meme is long dead it wouldn't be nearly as bad as before
Suprisingly no, the hating on it meme died down.
But even though the show turned to shit they're still very much alive.
You don't see it though
and do you know why
Theres a very special reason
Its because
Are in
he's probably whiter than you if you live in Toronto like you say

>/pol/ has a giant Facebook group with lots of teenagers
So wait, we really aren't here forever?
legit made me shed a tear

Hiroshimoot needs to get atomic bombed
> even though the show turned to shit
jesus I should have known I was arguing with one of you retards
please consider suicide
>/pol/ is the only board on this site to make it's own sub on reddit
are you so stupid you actually think every Trump supporter is a /pol/fag?
>again the term white
Why do only mixed people without culture refere to themselves as white?

Ah yes because Shartians are niggers.
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Pretty confident I would suicide without it.
>Error: Uploading files over 1 MB is limited to 4chan pass users
>You've reached your maximum free image views for today. To view this image, please upgrade to a 4chan pass
/pol/ became expansionary, first on 4chan than on reddit,
now they bring redditors here, new-/pol/ is /pol/
>all the users are poor paranoid neets who block all adverts, will never buy 4chan passes or donate if donations were a thing
>take a huge chunk of traffic costs
>scare off all advertisers

It's doesn't make any kind of sense to keep /pol/ tbqh
why did he remove the ads anyway
ban ALL sorts of political and racial discussions on every single board that's not /pol/, no exception.

make /pol/ a text-only board.

make everybody on 4chan wear trips, so they can be easily filtered or reported if they are seen shitposting on different boards and crossboarding.

that's it, this site will improve a lot.
probably because everybody addblock
why not, if thats going to keep 4chan going

$15 per year is nothing
>lmao nice one Ahmed
Be some random half nigger half lebanese shartian.
Be mixed into oblivion and forget about your own culture and people, lose any connection to your origin die no education and illiteracy until the age of 46 years. Allow random niggers fuck your wife to not get shot.
Call yourself white because of this.

Does my IQ needs to be below that of a tree to understand this?
How to unfuck 4chan in its last struggle to renew itself as 4reddit

- use this Comment filter
- tick "Recursive Hiding" to hide replies of hidden posts, recursively

No need to thank me
argentina is not white
>poor paranoid neets who block all adverts, will never buy 4chan passes or donate if donations were a thing
It doesn't make any sense to keep a board I just gave bullshit stereotypes to that literally every other board could be associated with
I am Greek
>You're the authority on being nigger
*he writes this while niggers gangbang his mom*
>all that unnecessary regex
It's true though. Go make thread on /pol/ and ask how many don't block ads or buy 4chan passes.

I can already tell you that the answer will be zero. Because /pol/ is a parasite slowly killing 4chan.
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Someone said that they should sell 4chan merchandise.
>leaf hats
>Pepe body pillows
>wojack shirts
the least false positives the better
I bet you're one of those featuring a Xeon with 32 GB ram and afraid to use anything above ratpoison because muh resources
We don't have niggers in Europe because even the 2 or 3 black people here know their own origins and have therefore more culture than every Shartian. So our "niggers" don't need to refer to themselves as "niggers" like you do but can refer to a tribe/ethniciy and country/land as origin.
how does it feel to get mad at other browns

Moot talked about that before and how hard it is to license/sell shit based on memes.

That said, I'd imagine polandballs would probably sell well
>unironically the future


Hillary is going to remove this shithole.
Nothing is forever
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Top bantz. Pure ebin. Much meme.
>/mu/ and /tv/ can be merged
Hwat? That just doesn't work.
I actually kind've like /toy/.
Takasin takkuun siitä.
Remember that Japanese nuked their economy for 26 years running, so...
Lmao I don't

I love accidentally opening onahole ads
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This is too spooky
Well of course, but that doesn't mean it has to end
Remember that 4chan literally died 8 times so far. It came back every time.

We should just have a donate or die event. You NEET faggots already waste enough on weeb shit as it is.

Gookmoot is Japanese though. I don't feel too confident for the future.
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>he uses the term white
>he uses the term shitskin

Are race insecurities that deep rooted in Shartian societies? Like that you don't know who you are?
Why are you filtering more than just "4chan Pass user since"? Looks like you're kind of overdoing it, you know
>responding to /pol/

Kill yourself albanian scum
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>Sorry I forgot Germany is so progressive and nigger loving.
This doesn't even have a connectino to what I wrote,
Low IQ remains low IQ.
80% no 20% yes

Just another friendly reminder that /pol/ naysayers are just subversive lefties wanting to destroy board culture
Where else the children in the US will go to shitpost?

Just imagine them bein all aver everywhere:

Anon 1: I think that the EU is not a good Idea
Anon /pol/: Praise kek muslim cuck lele kekkekkke
Anon 2: The EU brought peace over a long period of time to Europe
Anon 1: It is now a danger for the democracy in our countries.
what are the chances that this was primarily posted on /pol/ and not boards with normal people
Reads exactly like /int/

>with normal people
>on 4chan
Reddit is to the left
>Reads exactly like /int/
Do you want this to take over the board completely?

It will die.
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