[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 54

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korean pop
gay thread
Bongland really is the country of niggers.
4chan subscription only posting coming soon

1 month (max 150 photo uploads)

3 months (max 600 photo uploads)

6 months (max 1500 photo uploads)

12 months (max 5000 photo uploads)

1000 photo uploads £39.99
5000 photo uploads £79.99
remove captchas for 1 year £109.99
remove countdown timer for 1 year £149.99

what do you go for lads??
Testing: sm
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>27 year old catholic (potential) gf
>doesn't drink
>goes to church every sunday

will she open her legs without me marrying her or am I wasting my time?
rah senpai
vvvvvv what is this cryptotripcode bullshit and why did the slant add it vvvvvv

4chan Pass user since November 2015.
doing a poo tb
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Testing: sm
Just donated 100 quid
baka desu senpai
I don't believe it.

baka desu senpai KEK
Says the fellow descended from "people" who raped and murdered their way through enlightened Anglo-Saxon England.
would buy a 4chan pass if it meant i could post webms with sound everywhere
baka desu senpai

4chan Pass user since November 2015.
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>top tier: Scotland

The list is already faulty because you clearly fuck all about Britain.
I think I'm finished with my degenerate lifestyle after last night
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ive been done up like a kipper
sick nasty bizzy idea: people who have posted on /pol/ in the last week can't post on the rest of the site
business idea: delete /b/
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cara 2bh lads
the Catholic church believes sex outside of marriage is a sin
if shes really religious what do you think?
why is all this coming from a remainer?
excuse me for being a little bit sceptical
just ordered a jamaican takeaway lads
They will just flood the rest of the boards then you utter nematode
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i have no problem with hiroshimoot trying to monetize the 'chon
is the britreddit nsfw?

don't know how reddit works 2bh
they don't know we exist

is this the greatest porno of all time?
fuck's sake

I'm sure I could sway her with my proddy 7" cock
newcunts killed 4chan
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Who will you support when World War Poo starts?
honestly if you dont have blue eyes you should be gassed desu
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Gf is GASPING for a cup of tea lads but cba to make it
scarabaeiform appendage
poos obviously
India because a self venerating Hindu is better than a bigoted Muslim.
don't like jamaicans desu lads

they rip tourists off on the beach with overpriced ditch weed and they shoot people all the time

I'm not black m8
a religious prodestant would be the same

nuke both and be done with it
the funniest
is the fire rising?
Listening to BBC radio 1xtra lads
you pick up this working girl
hooked on smack
hustles and scores
that's all i do she says
she says ten bucks for head
fifteen for half and half
she says three hits a day at thirty-five per
you say that's seven trips a day at least but she says
sometimes i get lucky
once this guy gives me a bill and a half just to eat me
only time i ever came
then why do you love blacks so much?
Been chatting shit to some girl on tinder all morning

Gonna ask her out
Hopefully get to bang her within the next few hours
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>World War Poo

is it true?
why not just amalgamate all the weeb niche boards (which make up about half the site as it is) into 2 or 3 generalized ones

and limit the image sizes
>>>/qa/706294 #
>>>/qa/706294 #
>>>/qa/706294 #
>>>/qa/706294 #
It really annoys me that normoids expect you to make them a cup of tea / coffee when you make one yourself.

I drink Aeropress coffee (feel free fedora this post) so when I make a coffee it is a tremendously involved and painstaking process that takes up to 5 minutes by the time I get done plunging and cleaning my Aeropress + binning the coffee pellet. The last thing I want to have to do is think about steeping someone else's tea bags while I'm monitoring my own coffee.
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1MB, 460x243px
baka desu senpai

nice one mate, finally made it into last week have we?
go to 11:20 funniest bit
reckon germ warfare would be the go-to tactic if a war broke out between pakistan and india

some kind of ultra advanced virus that forces the body to produce too much poo and their intestines explode
Ah yes
Skyping with the igf
why don't you just go back to >>>/f/acebook?
baka desu senpai senpaitachi
post pic again
Porn boards need to go entirely as well 2bh
and remove the porn boards
they aren't needed
glass yourself
Kosovo is not part of Serbia -- it's a proud an independent country
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(Hint: in order to use the filtered words in OP's post you need to copy and paste them)

t. the lad who actually knows which secret characters are used and who makes the original copy and pasteable posts for others to use

There I saved 4chan
You're wrong, fuck off Bill
is this a man? :/
Who the fuck is moggers and why post the bitch here?
Great post

Serbia is the second worst place in the balkans
business idea: rent a car in Vancouver for 2 weeks and hike everything along Highway 99
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I drink Aeropress coffee (feel free fedora this post) so when I make a coffee it is a tremendously involved and painstaking process that takes up to 5 minutes by the time I get done plunging and cleaning my Aeropress + binning the coffee pellet. The last thing I want to have to do is think about steeping someone else's tea bags while I'm monitoring my own coffee.
>delete /b/
delete yourself

or just make one board for it all.

the entire lot on 1 board.

wild west for porno
Hope he gets rid of /co/, least 4chan 4chan board going.
Reminder that cuck was only unfiltered because of the pressure on the servers

If you keep saying baka desu senpai they will have to unfilter them eventually

By saying 2bh or copying and pasting them you are accepting defeat and buying into hiros agenda
>delete /b/
And they'll just flood other boards, el janno and the mods will go into sperg mode and start throwing out bans left and right to combat it
nty, leave the edgy spackers to their containment board
my m8 rented a car in vancouver the other day
All the subdivisions of animeweebshit can go, just get rid of the whole lot.
I prefer using desu tb
I don't think so. I can see why you might think so with the hand size but I choose to believe it's not.
I REALLY hope you use the inverted method
so what ever happen to that leave the EU stuff? is life in the UK better now?
reddit is already way better for niche porn
all those webms take up a lot of data
yeah it's basically tumblr: the board
Worst of all would be to actually type desu
I hope scum like that don't exist
we haven't left yet it'll take a couple years
so who is she then?
may as well rename gif to gay whilst he's at it.

is anyone even straight anymore 2016?
>drama on 4chan
>stickied threads with insanely quick post rates
>spamming and hype

Honestly more excited now than I have been in months. I live for these days. I'm also on the 4F-MPH though so I guess that could be why.
everyone's a millionaire now
we all drive around in Aston Martins and live in massive mansions
/b/ is literally worthless
still not got a gf
merge all porn boards

they're always slow as shit besides /gif/, and mostly filled with shit anyway

/b/ has more porn per post than any of the other ones with the actual intended purpose

also disabling webms for most boards might help
People are unironically PC, it's a weird place that doesn't fit in with the rest of the website filled with hipster guys and women.
it was orange with black wheels
we haven't technically left yet you mong
desu guys

never thought i would ever be able to say desu ever again desu
considering the switch
had enough of women
see >>65628238
>tfw can't cum unless i'm wanking to shemale self-facial compilations with my aneros in
gotta test this out
baka desu senpai
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well bite my fucking head off why don't you
What's up with that actually? The entire board is just full of gay shit.
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desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

ah fuck it i don't even want it back
me after a few pints
delete this
Being uncool is the new cool desu
Bitches love my unironic anime shirts and when I play pokemon on my DS in public
.gifs take more more bandwidth than .gifs don't they? Think that's why so many sites prefer them
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fuck deleting boards

>All 4chan™Pass™ users can see a posters ID and flag regardless of board
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I recommend everyone ITT visit the great touristic destinations offered by the wonderful country of Kosovo
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bizzy idea: let us use emojis again
all brits are viking rape babies
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>using nignog slang
Not a fan of minorities tb
*go on gif*
gayporn, cuck porn, interracial, shemale all on the front page
weird place 2bh
>.gifs take more bandwidth than .gifs
>All 4chan™Pass™ users can see a posters ID and flag regardless of board

is this true?
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Off to the Windy Apple with work lads
really lonely desu
more like german rape babies
.gifs take up more bandwidth than webms*

reckon you've had too many desu
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188KB, 500x657px
>being this stupid
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i've decided what to do with my life

i'm going to buy a huge plot of land somewhere in the UK, and then build a huge castle on it and then declare myself a Lord
yeah I'm sure they do mate
business idea: delete all anime shitter boards
I never go on there, literally degen central. The future generation are completely fucked.
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cut down on eating meat and chocolate, quit porn and masturbating and started running daily.
never felt better
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me too
business idea: delete 4chan and then range ban the USA
baka desu senpai

then i can come round and catpost with you
*forces your head*
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Would laugh my arse off if gookmoot went on a crusade against anime
>b-but the site w-was made for anime g-guys!
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A lot of money just to transport your molecules from one rock to another rock.
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then where will reddits tell me to fuck off back to?
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Good luck, cat yank.
Normie slags don't, but girls with coloured hair, communist pins, self harm scars, etc do
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I've decided what to do with my life

I'm going to end it
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4chan Pass user since October 2014.
business idea: delete the internet
got my gret matter rattling this did
haha alri trump
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you do realise that tag makes you look like an (even bigger) absolute tit
Fucking hell lads, you remember that massive Euro Millions jackpot the other day?

Well I bought loads of tickets and haven't checked my balance yet.

Going to sign in now, could literally be a billionaire and not know it.
don't bother mate, i already won it
can you promise me to call out the kpoopster and anime twonk at every oppourtunity?
You really want people to recognise you for something you didn't do la
bit weird
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ah yes
just won the lottery lads
Might buy a 4chan pass just so I can put that tag on my post desu

It seems to immediately trigger everyone, it has prime shitposting potential
What games are gud that are coming out?

Only gud ones I can think of are Farming Simulator 2017

the destiny update was shite 2bh
gookmoot is much sounder than thst cunt who used to own the chon
Gonna do it lads
Gonna ask her out

Quaking in my boots
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Ahhh yes very good
>moot manages to run the site for 12 years relatively fine
>notoriously greedy jap takes over and suddenly 4chan is in desperate need of money

really gets the cerebral cortex going
it's not true you retards

only putting this cryptotrip to prove i have a pass and we cannot see ids or flags
*steps inside*

ah yes
when she rejects you I want a rare pepe
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when did ''shitposting'' become the new cool and edgy thing to do?
>being surprised someone wants (You)s

where do you think you are?
yes, yes I will

caralad would have been obvious but he killed himself
Might do a wank
Can one of you hold this thing for me? My hands are freezing.
rising storm vietnam
mount and blade 2
7 wanks for the weekend
you can also make a post every 30 seconds which was a feature added today
that alone has shitposting potential

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
baka desu senpai haha
very good
not on reddit for a start

fucked it aye

4chan Pass user since November 2015.
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4chan Pass user since September 2015.
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is there anything more attractive than a qt in a warm sweater
the t in 2bh is smaller than the rest of the letters
Just got a blowie of a Muzzie lass

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>looking at election polls
>trump is leading in general election polls by almost 5%(outside the margin of error)
>clinton is apparently leading in every battleground state

there's no way she's leading in battleground states. she doesn't even campaign. she "campaigns" through controlling the media. trump is guaranteed to win florida, ohio, colorado, virginia, arizona, and he's most likely to win PA, michigan and new hampshire.

so basically the only polls saying hillary is leading are the ones that blatantly ignore trump's support in swing states and abuse the electoral college to rig the outcomes. if this is any indication of how the actual election will go(which is probably is) then we've got some fraudulent bullshit ahead of us. we better prepare ourselves for the greatest betrayal of the century
just sent the message
i await her rejection
wish i had a barratt newbuild and a 7/10 gf
ex-gf can't seem to handle that I've dumped her

she keeps messaging me saying she's in love with me
>Normie housemate telling story about when he took acid he thought he was in lord of the rings
>girls laughing about it

ah yes, thats how acid works.
Good taste senpai
The "Screen shot 20XX..." filename comes from Macs by the way, not phones. He's posting from a Mac.
Wish I wouldve bought a pass when they first came out so I can prove i'm an oldfag
It's just an invisible character lad, if you copy + paste it somewhere else you can see it. Sticky notes works
I've got one from September 2012 that hasn't been renewed, if I renew it will it still say 2012?
negative ass

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
it is
my post quality has dropped due trying to fit them in in half of the time, but that leads to more (You)'s

Today only has been my second highest (You) count since starting 4chan
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>greatest betrayal of the century
oh le no my candidate lost it must be le rigged
>all polls are jews except this one which shows mine winning lololol

4chan Pass user since September 2015.
bought a pass in 2012 I think but it expired 2 years ago hahaha might renew it just to shitpost and trigger people
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if it's makes you feel better, I got rejected by the last 3 girls I asked out. Can't let it get you don't though. Gotta keep keeping on. Don't put too much emotional investment into it.
a qt without a warm sweater
someone on /g/ was saying that they renewed one that ran out in 2014 and it said that they've been a user since 2013
so yes it should

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
might do a suicide attempt for attention
you can literally make up anything about acid and people will believe you
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swing and a miss
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>people actually buy 4chan passes
first time I've ever done this haha
bit late mate
been posted like 3 times already
>people who post in a 2500+ post stickied thread with a post rate well over 60 posts per minute and think their posts are being read

Who do you think these people are? Newfags mainly or just idiots?
holy shit
qt af
She gets away with her corruption by using her ex-president husband's influence to avoid punishment. Using corruption to escape investigation for corruption.

yes spend money to midly antagonise total strangers, that'll really show 'em
yeah hes done this before. ive had some before and he didnt want any so im pretty sure hes never actually done it

might call him out
a very small minority of people commit suicide for attention
Rule Britannia 2bqh
which thread
>toastin in le ebin bread XDDD
need to feed myself soon but getting anxiety about where to go what am i like hahaha
yeah mine says 2014 even though I didn't have it for a few months

4chan Pass user since October 2014.
going to get a cheeky takeaway tonight
reddit on suicide watch

4chan Pass user since September 2015.
actually the authorities are paying even closer attention to election/voter fraud this year due to hillary's abuse of the DNC and superdelegates to rig the primaries against bernie. there have already been several accounts of Demo voter fraud discovered by local police in virginia and ohio.

i'm looking at the facts. it's hard to find non-biased neutral polls and predictions but i did manage to find a few.

i think trump would be a terrible president but hillary genuinely scares me, and she scares me because she will do everything she can to win this election and that includes rigging and stealing it.

but anyway, if hillary wins legitimately then good for her
I got 1 (You) from 3 posts
gave up when I couldn't post any images
just watched sausage party

bruv the muslim pastry man fucked the jew donut man that is controversial
might smoke a spliff out of my bedroom window
fuck what my mum says about the smell
she can't control me
I'm my own fucking man
if I want to smoke a spliff I fucking will
all me
anybody else watching LotR:tTT on sky?
baka desu senpai test
How do people shower/sleep on roadtrips?

Do they find a motel along the way?

the site is in trouble, the pass buyers are the only thing keep us afloat
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>Sorry I've literally started to be sick

h-haha lololol
is using since4pass pseudo-tripfagging?
how many other people are going to have had passes since the same time as you?

4chan Pass user since September 2015.
on the biere d'or already

what am i like aha
delete /pol/
>Really makes you think
What some alternatives to this, lads?
it's $20 for a year haha, I just won't buy lunch at work a couple of days this week. it clearly has people like you perturbed by it and I have a shitposting reputation to uphold. it will work well on /v/ I think
>I drink Aeropress coffee
only if you got yours earlier than 2015 lol
might just go to bed without eating as i can't stomach interacting with other people today hahahahahaha
causes my noggin to go joggin


>it's a "Anon doesn't check social media or turn on his phone for 3 days so now he's too scared to check social media incase he has a bunch of messages asking where he is and he's too lazy to reply to them incase they try to have a conversation, so he'll just continue to isolate himself until he's forced to deal with it" episode

Ah, excellent

4chan Pass user since January 2013.
>bring /brit/pol users to /brit/
would support this, drive out the reddits and pakis

4chan Pass user since September 2015.
Presently my pineal is puzzled

Think I deserve an award for best alternative
Really stimulates the ol' pineal gland
don't know

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
>he doesn't realise /pol/ is the biggest reddit hugbox going
that's awful

don't think i've ever seen a worse one
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>tfw I came here from /brit/pol during the first /pol/ purge
Preparing to dump sterling in March desu.
>he hasn't put in a filter for 4chan pass sigs


.postMessage .pu-lbl { display: none; }
.postMessage br + br:nth-last-child(2) { display: none; }
.postMessage br:nth-last-of-type(2) { display: inherit !important; }
.postMessage br:nth-last-child(2) + .quote::before {
white-space: pre;
Why is this woman still allowed to run for President? She's been under investigation by the fucking FBI, she's been found to have rigged a major vote, and her corruption bought her the FBI.

Nixon lost his presidency over way less.
absolutely obsessed with british culture. im the one that always types out the long

>you will never go to the local
>you will never play 5 a side with the mates
Didn't know Greeks had money
Pfft /pol/ poofs get triggered here all the time, you can spot them when they start throwing out the autism charts
Would also be in favour of bringing /britfeel/ to /brit/ to remove the normies
Let's see yours then
virus do not use
do you watch doctor who?
the pineal gland isn't involved in higher cognitive functions so you're shite basically
shan't be typing ANY of this out
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that would be nice too

4chan Pass user since September 2015.
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*presses your buttons*
>you will never play 5 a side with the mates

no one does that apart from chavs
>Sorry I didn't think it would be great if you'd see me throw up

hahahahahaha yeah ok
>needing all that to stop it saying pass history

I think you got the autism
might create a youtube channel where I just record myself getting drunk and spewing increasingly bizarre and libelous claims/theories about people who may or may not have wronged me at some point
ahh yes, the "bragging while trying to make it appear like not bragging" routine
Get in there my laaaaaaaad

not even remotely true
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752KB, 851x1080px
>4chan Pass user since September 2015.
slightly embarrassing desu
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Is this true?
its literally not though
ahh yes time to lie in bed until it's dark and too late to go shopping
good because its pure unadulterated shite
I'd give that a watch
she really shouldn't be allowed to run

and she's such a weak candidate too. the Dems could have put up literally anybody else and won this election, but they went with hillary fucking clinton...
Germ paid for it

4chan Pass user since January 2013.
>The City of Manchester
fair enough mate

anyway gaz got nicked on the weekend and we need another lad for the footy, you in?
smeg me arse
trust me i know
Certainly some people do go hiking and shit but the vast majority just chill out, sit around, get hammered and shit.

UK is a nation in decline.
Bitch, I only have two friends, they'll be wandering where the fuck i am

>implying things haven't always been this way

all is as it must be
>tfw went to local last night
>going to powerleague in a couple hours to play with the work lads

You will always be a fat yank shit though, unlucky pal

I'll miss desu ;_;
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 54

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