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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 331
Thread images: 60

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Powerhouse Edition
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korean pop
Just realised that us pass users get a 30 second post timer
VERY nice

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
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I voted for ALL of them

The madman
unironically probably going to buy a pass if it keeps this shit hole afloat
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Hope this place goes under so I can have my life back
so many rich as fuck chink students roaming around in packs down my high street and they all look /fa/ as fuck
business idea: we all start posting on /r/unitedkingdom instead
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>yanks having discussions with other yanks about yank shit tier politics in /brit/

fuck off
what city
smeg me arse lads
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I always wonder where they get those puffy warm jackets that seems to fit them like a glove. They look so warm and comfy.
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what did she mean by this
Delicious chocolate milk

Do yanks actually go out and do activities and stuff in their free time that aren't just getting pissed?
good girl 2bh
we've got a subreddit going lad
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why are australians so angry on here? makes me laugh Tbh
/brit/ board is a retarded idea

this thread works well because it's one thread, separating it into loads of different threads is silly as fuck
yea I've noticed that too
they almost exclusively go to the Chinese supermarket which is more expensive than Aldi and Lidl, and go to the Chinese restaurants which are more expensive than normal ones

It's confusing. 10 years ago it wouldn't be surprising because it was only rich families that sent their kids to western universities. Now, their parents will take out loans to send their kids abroad
I'm shitting black gunk lads, looks like it's over
haha yeah mate, meet you there

*walks off and doesn't join you*
fuckin losers haha
Need to get laid ffs
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>Poop Fraudiola
terrible idea
the mods there are hyper pro-EU/Immigrant lefties
Unironically terrified of 4chan going down lads, cripplechan is 2edgy and plebbit is out of the question. Might kill myself.
You might just be right...

wtf I love Germany now
yeah its really weird

the have people over to wach tv shows and get real into it

depends. when i lived in colorado there was a massive culture for it. I'd get shit for not hiking or camping at least a few times a month

But even in the midwest we still go the lakes often. Winter is just restaurant, pub, or home.
Where can I find more of her?
yet another reason to not have a physical/white gf
>enter random number into argos stock checker
>it's actually an item
has this ever happened to you?
Got extremely drunk, then got extremely high last night.


Shortly after smoking the joint I spewed all over myself. Whenever I lay down or looked at my monitor I threw up. Had to sit in darkness with my head hung forward for like an hour before I felt okay enough to lie down without being sick.
Literally was in a bar in Dublin where people watched game of thrones lol so im glad this post came from an irish lad
I might end up in Colorado for a while, would be good to see the look on their faces if I told them I sat in an apartment all weekend drinking myself blind.
Ye we all do this
saving my deposit for this
hahahahahaha what a bunch of weirdos

grass then beer - you're in the clear

beer then grass - you're on your arse
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no because I'm not some autist who randomly types numbers into argos

trains are my forte
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You just sound like a huge pussy
get ready for MUH MICROBREWS. Denver specifically is full of brewery bars where they only serve their beer and no spirits.

Also everyone is either fit or mexican
Thank God I was born in Britain. I bet being a quiet shy autist is a million times worse in America.
hillary clinton is the zodiac killer
good post
>that tilt
oh baby
the fuck are all these people posting youtube links in my /brit/ for
*tilts around the corner*
Good lad
nice train
this is just untrue desu
or just not working class
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>tfw you realise Hillary Clinton put a hit out on 4chan after she realised Pepe was doing a number on her campaign
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ano ""you'll melt more""
top tier trainposting
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yanks are fucking freaks

what is wrong with these creatures
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good lads
>things that never happened

there were probably just a few people watching
not people watching it like a football match
america has probably the best beer in the world
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Just remember you're not alone my friend. Got much better things to do than waste my time opening /brit/ links.
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Yank girl asked me to snapchat my nob last night so I did then she blocked me
Is it one of the places where they like Brits or think we sound gay?

I spent a while in Texas and no one gave a shit about me being British.
Studying for three hours now, gonna ride this wave of motivation until I burn out or get hungry
I actually kind of like these sudden road blocks/existential crises like 4chan potentially going down

I like the idea of being forced to change/adapt to a new reality. its really the only way to progress in your life, even if it doesn't always work out for the best
>go on /pol/
>call /pol/ reddit
haha is there any easier method of obtaining (You)s?
ah yes
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doin a tilt

Will be appreciated more by women in Britain as the attractive but shy and quiet type? Most yank girls want a guy that's confident and assertive.
>flat philtrum

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome confirmed.
karen fukuhara
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Deceptive cunt
Canadian flag
>yank girls
Women in Britain want that but there aren't many of them so they put up with quiet guys.

I bet it's impossible to ask a yank girl out if you aren't super outgoing, loud and confident.
Your posts are getting very deep tonight, adding them to the archive I've compiled of your previous posts
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>the verb "study"
About to have an anxiety attack over the amount of unread tabs I currently have open.
if Hilary becomes president, then Bill Clinton will be the first lady HAHA!! he'll have to wear a dress and probably a wig and all HAHAHA!!
Yeah it depends, colorado is definitely for the most part a state of people who are very full of themselves and love talking about their own lives. They might pretend to not give a shit about your accent just so they can be above you.

Pretty much every region will love british accents and people besides the south.
*forces you to adapt to British rule*
Surprisingly good posts by the Irish
>/pol/ think they aren't reddit immigrants too scared to post on reddit in case of downvotes

Go the 4chan part of reddit nearly evey post is from /pol/ or else shopped to look like it came from 4chan
Quitting all drugs desu lads
Not because I have a strong willpower or anything, I just haven't got any money left so i'd might as well stop now lol
Means Monica Lewinsky would be the first woman in history to have sucked off the President AND the first lady.
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disturbing thought
Some cunt walked up to me having a smoke outside the bar last night and asked me if it was gay night.

Told him I hope he didn't get that idea from me and he apologized.
and THATS when I shot him.
need a bf
What does the south have against us?
>tfw ugly

what is the point of existing
no actually YOU browse that website and i do NOT
same mate, you're not alone x
dunno. maybe nationalism? they think being american as you can be is really cool

and they're poor
You ever feel empty and lifeless lads? Suicidal even?

If so then I would recommend taking drugs. Really gives meaning to your life, if only for a short time.
Lads, how do I stop eating? I'm getting fat but food is the only thing that makes me happy.

Help. :(
Sounds like I should go to New England.
*shakes my head*
you gotta go back
this is a good thing. it means you wont have women causing problems for you.

you are totally free.
see: >>65630054
eat food while you walk

utter madmen actually did it
Need an asexual gf
we need a /brit/cow thread 2bh
>tfw period

erm yeah i've done a lot of drugs and i'm more suicidal than ever
move to africa, i think they've got the "not eating" thing down pretty well
youd get appreciated the most in flyover states for sure. midwest girls are obsessed with 'foreigners'

west coast is best coast though and i say that as an east coaster
ah yes it's the immigrant who moved to germany after brexit and now spends his time defending hillary in /brit/
Fucking kill yourself and never speak to me again
very nice train you have there
le wal jus god den feed hiya
wonder what it would feel like if you put a malteaser under your foreskin and had somebody (VERY gently) eat it through the skin.
got called a scrounger at the jobcentre
me doing a think provoking protest day
can you get "counselling" from the "welfare" centre?
because that's apparently what the ex is going to do
yea the custodians have become very low quality lately
Yeah but if you were on them right now you wouldn't be (as) suicidal is the point I'm making.
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Visited my private Doctor lads, and I've got a pretty serious eye infection. Turns out you shouldn't rub your eyes after scratching your arse and fingering your bellybutton.
you have NO idea of the lore there

you are a drunk and a fool

0121 do one
Paul Pogba is what is known in some schools as a fucking lazy, thick nigger.
at uni? yeah
lol this nigga got pinkeye
what were you doing at the job centre?
Gf wants to try exotic food

Where should I take her
unironically might report you desu
could do with more train pics lads
preferably post-steam period, but I will still appreciate steam train pics
yeah she's in uni
I didn't even know there was a welfare centre
> people who call conjunctivitis "pink eye"

extreeeeeeeemely runty
> inb4 squeals of protest from runts
shut up, runts
do you use the burglar alarm when you are away from the house for an hour?
Isn't Colorado a flyover state?
this 2bh

trains make this thread comfy
nowhere because you dont have a gf and i recognize you as the beta poster that is here all day trying to fit in by using british slang
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thanks. when im at my chill out spot (pictured) I can hear the steam train puffing away through the woodland.

very lovely.
don't know what this means
ban evasion is permanent
you're not allowed to be here
i just leave the tv or radio on
never lived in a house equipped with a burglar alarm
nearly knocked down a knacker kid earlier. little fucker was whizzing around on one of those double scooter yokes and just went right out in front of me. he knew fucking well I was driving behind him too so I dunno what the fuck he was even thinking

there was a bunch of older ones hanging around by a transit van nearby and they'd probably have dragged me out and beat the shit out of me if I even as much as beeped at the little shit
Somewhat. It has a different culture from most flyover states for sure. They think of themselves as pretty important and it gets a decent amount of tourists
gonna be hard to defend your argument through your fart-vision
/pol/ HATES it
learn how to trigger edgy nerds with one easy word!
might do the old drinking daily
I think reddit is a fairly decent site and is a great place to find very specific content (mostly porn) because of the sheer amount of subreddits created by the vast userbase. The most popular subs are cancer, but subreddits like r/incestporn and r/bestofliveleak are pretty good. Why spends hours searching for videos/porn when subs on reddit basically archive every video in that specific interest that is actually worth watching?

If you disagree you're literally on the same level of the runtiest reddit users.

"pssh, you go on reddit? lol pleb, muh 4chan anomaloos secret club is the best. Le fuck reddit xD"
sounds like reddit rhetoric to me
>ballbusting has gone mainstream
fucks sake lads the normies have done us over again
this desu. i dont even lock my apartment when i leave
>being afraid of runts

Noot one in the head and watch them scatter
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>on irish trains you have to wait until the train starts moving to claim your booked seat

ahhh yes

Been to 31 states and Colorado was one of my favourites. The area around Telluride is amazing. I hear Denver is a right shithole though.
great post mate, proud of you
I've only ever been banned once and that was as part of a /fit/ raid on /cgl/ asking the fat slags for pictures of their giant tits.

Literally got banned straight away. Those elephant mods do not fuck about over there
Stupid fat hobbit you ruins them
*steals your dog as soon as you leave*
AHHHHHHHHH YES. The so called Dartmouth.
yes but, do you rate him?
Denver isn't cool. Tons of homeless and real grungy. But yeah, the rest of colorado is spectacular
Counting down the days until normies appropriate meme magic and start worshipping Kek on twitter
have actually been on the dartmouth steam train haha
4000 posts on that qa thread
cute train though
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Mabry Mill2.jpg
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post more chill spots
hiro is a fucking mong
if you live in a town with a bigger population than a old trafford capacity you're pretty much a runt
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Class 68 Chiltern.jpg
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Opinions on the Class 68 lads?

sounds terrible
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Hello, /brit/! ~
devon mentioned

tq ftw
go reset your router
plymuff ahahah x
looks very official

like its going to a business meeting
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This thing came to me in my sleep
why do girls on tinder use tinder if they don't actually want to meet up lol

silly slags
Oppo ice cream is pretty fucking good
Gimli basically admitted that dwarf males don't mind fucking each other
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There are unironically 15 romanian men (and a couple of birds and kids) living next door to me. They spend 100% of their time in the back garden smoking fags and listening to turbofolk.

They always turn it down when I ask though and never play any music after 9pm. Respectful gypsies
oppo gangnam style!!
hiroshima should just delete /pol/

the board is 99% underage reddittors

brings nothing of value to 4chan
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i do some nice coastal walks sometimes.
where's her penis
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Instagram followers and/or validation that they're attractive
>runts who say they would never fuck a thicc girl because they're "fat"


post feet ruskiette
Do you mean for fun stuff to do or just walking in the wilderness?
>tfw you fetishes do a complete 180 degree turn
Went from traps to milfs
well they should ride my willy instead

great scene that



do they pick lettuce or some similar job?
You're a big bay...
comfy eu feels 2bh.
going to be bleak when we leave, john smiths and rugby league and top gear repeats for everybody.
She's average sized you twat.
What is ruskiette?
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On a scale of 1-7 how cute r u?
Dear Mr 30701,
Fuck off, who are you?


The only reason why suicide is illegal is because so is destroying government property!
that is neither thicc or fat

>wilderness isn't fun
why is /britfeel/ so retarded
>i do some nice coastal walks sometimes

lol no you fucking dont. fuck off. bet you've done it once in your life
don't understand why anyone would be live homeless in a northern US city where they have really cold winters when they can just go south to where its warm year round
idi v zshopu
Ette is female

Ruskiette = female Ruski
>why yes I am a normie with loads of rich mates who can go on a road trip to america

i want to die now
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5, I guess. And you?
They're manual labour, pretty sure they're bricklayers or something. They all pile into the same van at 6.30am every morning when I leave for work and they dress in manual labour overalls
The homeless arent the most intelligent demographic
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pilgrimage to the the US southwest via freight trains is a big thing for the homeless
Don't be so rude!
Opinions on the Class 374 lads?
Never taken the Eurostar

In fact, I've only crossed over to France twice and both times were by ferry

Want to do the Eurostar one day but I live in the North so I need to get to London which isn't cheap
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I'm around that too
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Is anyone else seeing that /brit/ thread at the top of the catalog saying the word filters are gone? Is Mook japing us?
it is

the train looks un-impressed
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>mfw /pol/ gets deleted
vy oba idi v zhopu
izvini tovarisch
they need need money, food and energy to travel and homeless people dont get much sleep because they have to watch out for robbers, rapists and vandals
Fun for about 10 minutes.

san francisco is full of homeless because it has the best weather
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ive done it myself but not even homeless

I hopped trains from NY to Wyoming. Very fun experience
Took it when it was called Javelin

very comfy, quick train
Wouldn't /pol/acks just come here if it got deleted?
That would suck desu
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im 7
>those terribad google translate skills
It's "vy oba idite v zhopu"
Now fuck right off lad
Otvyazhis, mudak

get the megabus then
never understood why freight trains don't just close the doors
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really hope /pol/ gets deleted

that means all the /brit/pol lads will come here
What do you men "retard" you fucking absolute dolt spacker piece of shit cunt? I will put you into the fucking ground.
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yeh thats torcross in the distance. took the photo from start point. lovely little stretch of coastline.

if you say so lad
>on dumayt ya polzuvayu translator

Pidr pizda
delete /pol/ and /b/

would improve 4chan's image thousandfold
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missus delivered me this
useless fucking newtwat
nope thats salcombe
who wants to go on holiday to york with me
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went here when I was a kid, learned I'm afraid of heights.

Then on the hike back some people told us they had seen a bear cub on the trail ahead so I was terrified I was about to get eaten. No clue if they actually saw a bear or they were just trying to scare a kid in the woods.
took it from paris to london. very nice
>even more cancer
yeah the path to start point lighthouse is really nice, horrible roads everywhere though lol

do you live in dartmouth alone?

i guess they need to be able to be opened quickly to get goods loaded quickly, thus tramps can easily open them as well

and nobody is going to go checking along a 600m long train all the time
Here you go


even ive taken the eurostar.

it was alri
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why does the UK get their own anime mascot but we don't?
then they'd just spill all over to the rest of the board, what we really need is some sort of star we can pin to /pol/ posters, so they aren't allowed out of their ghetto
Sorry mate I'm busy that week
just took the dog for a walk was very relaxing

he found an apple in the field and put it in his mouth and walked the whole way home with it in his mouth
What do you mean afraid of heights?

You mean, you're scared of walking on the edge, you feel sick when going near the edge? You can sit on the edge but feel shit?
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>patriotic british people that actually discuss british culture

Ahh yes, such cancer.
>what are automatic doors
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>tfw reviewbrah browses /brit/

>mfw a ranger got eaten by a bear when i was in yellowstone

there were retards hiking with these annoying windchimes to "scare" bears away, literally clutching bear spray, fucking state of some people
Sounds pretty gay
get a megabus you absolute spong
more of this immediately
we all need to do our part :)
tut malafia
all /pol/ is cancer and statistically you're more likely to be from reddit
go back to /r/thedonald
I went to /pol/ once and it was shit

not just in the toxic sense its famed for, but its just not even enjoyable as a board. I don't know what flag system they have there but I couldn't make sense of it. not that it mattered anyway as the level of conversation was just guttural and depressing. none of the fun or irony that makes /int/ enjoyable
reminder you can get a 1st class seat on a chinese high speed train for 2 hours for like £20
Good lass
what is he doing here
>in Uni
>normies in my class keep spouting memes
>the worst are the constant Harambe references
>saw one lad squat and say "cyka blyat" - to which a handful of normies responded "nyet"
>Teacher made a joke about Donald Trump being a racist, everyone burst into laughter.
>constant unironic referces to memes being "dank" and "spicy"
>one autistic lad even made a fucking doge reference
>everyone was talking about how le facebook frog is now a hate symbol last week

I don't even have any friends yet, everyone is such an annoying cunt. I can't even join in when they referncing memes because i'm at least 17 layers deep in irony at this point. The Internet has ruined me - i'm so autistic.

I don't care they unironically spout memes irl, it's the fact they truly think they're on some next level shit when they do it.
You're just gonna have to buy a pass lads

Is it worth it? Its not expensive at all
I mean I got an intense feeling of unease and fear being anywhere on that rock

Couple feet forward and I'm falling down a mountain
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britain is lovely but the rest of the world is less lovely
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you are incorrect. sorry. salcombe is beauts though.

nah never lived in Dartmouth. grew up very close to it though. lots of countryside and coastline to explore growing up.

i'd be more terrified of that thing snapping
You 100% sure it was Javelin
Javelin was pic related and it was only called the Javelin during the Olympics and Paralympics.
It didn't go thought the Chunnel, but travelled along the High Speed 1
no one fucking cares
ah yes
this so-called inefficient communism
>then they'd just spill all over to the rest of the board

no, this is a misunderstanding

it was thought that /pol/ was a containment board, but it's better understood as a spawning pool

if they have no place to congregate they can't reach critical mass

/b/ is mainly porn, you can relegate that to /hc/ and /gif/
dont know why people shit on british food so much, guess just because its close to france.

but netherlands, denmark, and belgium have the worst fucking food I've ever had. I even used tripadvisor to find the highest ranked place and they were all shit
Who gives a fuck
what degree do you do?

i just graduated and i cannot remember a single person ever spouting a meme in lectures or even around uni in general desu

maybe i just missed the boat?
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Only mascot Canada ever had :\\
Out banner/pop up ads on those gay anime boards. Fuck those nerds what are they gonna do about it? Nothing, the benders
oh the year was 1778
how i wish i was in Sherbrooke now
doesn't it get quite chilly in SF in the winter?
ah yes

not quite

i spent £85 on first class for beijing to shanghai (4hrs)
No you can't
yes i went from stratford to kings x

my bad i thought they were the same train
brand new



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>this entire post
You know what to do
germany has shockingly bad food as well.

just gross sausages and sauerkraut.
>if they have no place to congregate they can't reach critical mass

This, those before/after /pol/ images hold some truth, they won't act like a retard as much if they have no place that encourages it on a daily basis
it's ok mate
they do look similar from a glance I'll grant you that
Want something quick and cheap for lunch but I don't know what I want

Know a raging SJW who spouts memes non stop, and she's 25
reminder that you are more likely to live in extreme poverty in china and that $20 would be a lot
what did you eat in denmark?

british food is far better than dutch and even most german food though
We have our imageboard mascot, but Russia hasn't I think.
this place called Noma. Utter shit
it's coz of their working class food in the 19th century
Settled on chinese for lunch lads

An order of chicken and broccoli with a couple eggrolls should do me for lunch and dinner
Who is she?
british panel shows are fucking terrible. i know american comedies are shit, but jesus is this really supposed to be funny?
mate is doing dogfighting later. gonna stop by
File: OAiHJRVxCo0.jpg (76KB, 623x731px) Image search: [Google]
76KB, 623x731px
i just want to have friends...
What ones are you watching?

8/10 cats countdown is funny
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