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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 64

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/brit/ is for anglos edition
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korean pop
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tru tru nigga i dun been hitting da crackpipe real raw nig style aint no busta ass mofuckas here slayyy
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Post your mobile data exploits
what the actual fuck do you do on twitter that uses up 3.46 gigs
The most runt tier boards:

Why are Australians mean?
whites in African heat
probably one of those twitter commie slags
I'm guessing it's the receiving of Tweets, not the sending, that uses up so much data

Twitter is for narcissistic runts anyway
Is this thread /new/ or what?
*sends for you in my Fire In the Booth*

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r8 data usage
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the arse
dumped the gf over the phone, but she is still adamant that she can get me back
>tfw no one ever buys me 4chan gold
I am the foundation on which these threads are built, you could show a little gratitude
>spend £800 of your mummies money on iphone
>don't spend £10 extra on a case
ah yes, that vintage new iphone with a smashed screen look

runt life
got dumped over the phone but I'm still adamant I can get him back
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No Canada?
you can't love
he's done with women
check your inbox :)
>pay £800 for an aesthetic phone
>put it in a 50p silicon gel case from China
ah yes, very impressive.

I put a glass screen protector on my phone, nothing else.
you now remember the fray


international bint?
wow thanks for the gold!

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
giving singing a go lads


honest feed back
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my arse
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the yank does the arse gimmick better 2bh
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So Canada for you is shit tier too?

your arse is crap
really liked their 2 songs Tbf
what? which yank?
>Sky Sources: Whitehall civil servants are working on a plan that would allow the government to trigger Article 50 by the middle of January
oh dear
Told him I shan't be buying a pass until the filters are removed and discrimination against brits ends
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can't say it was nice knowing any of you but i also can't say i won't miss you lads
enjoying the sun
Until they fix their flag
we can just migrate to the /brit/ subreddit
>tfw you get 256 upvotes for doing a wank
Genuinely worried desu, seems like he bought the website not knowing it'd never make any money for him

He's gonna fuck this site up with all these retarded ideas

I want moot back
/pol/ and /b/ should be deleted but then all those shitters will spill out onto other boards
Haha he literally just removed the filters for this exact reason after someone mentioned it on /qa/. He must be really fucking desperate for cash lmao.

If he closes /int/ I will literally kill myself
Don't know why she's shocked.

Look how crazy these yank chants are

I've been lobbying him to remove the filters for fucking ages, I didn't know they were gone?

haha ahh so he says so he says
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test desu senpai baka
>le white women are prettier meme
it's 2016 mate
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you knave
kek, thought this would be someone here

shrink the archive since other sites do that anyway

could also merge a few boards together I suppose

also get some more adverts
baka desu senpai
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Nothing but prawns, dancing to the tune of my flute, bugs caught in the web.
I'd rather not
I'm well respected on a few smaller subreddits with less than 10k subs
I don't want to have one account for shitposting and one for normalposting
2bh there should have been a mass exodus from 4vhan a long time a go
delete the porn boards too. they're slow, boring and just full of black cocks. absolute shit-show.
where to?
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>I'm well respected on a few smaller subreddits
Made a post on behalf of /brit/
We still have /britreddit/ lads

things i like about the girl im currently talking to

>is an 8/10
>has blue eyes
>gives me attention

things i dont like about the girl im currently talking to

>is a coalburner
>no arse
>annoying poorthern accent
>bit of a bimbo
>they're slow, boring and just full of black cocks
whats you're mum got to do with this though ahaha
Lads, when 4chan dies, where do we go? I don't want to go to reddit.
i still haven't had sex
but they have tiny userbases compared to here
just fuck her and be friends with benefits
>by maybe removing some boards

>any fag and anime related board
we go our way and get on with life
ah yes, it's another I seek attention from the site admin thread
>god tier

flattered 2bh

when 4chan dies, i die.
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>SAS shooting kid soldiers in Africa on channel 5. Top lads desu
hopefully just leave and actually get on with my life
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i love spotify m8, you wanna have a go?
not having a sesh until november lads pissing me off rn ngl
Where are we meeting up after 4chan is kill lads?

Just regroup at reddit/r/brit/ then work out a plan?
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>malicious ads
what the fuck
Don't really deserve it 2bqh
what's more exciting

brexit or the death of 4chan?

the other one is just scary
what happens to luggage on flights with multiple connections?

do you have to pick it up each time?
Pretty much my plan.

Nobody wants to stay on reddit forever but we can all regroup there and find a way forward. It's nice to have the backup.

You mean r/britreddit right?

>Inb4 nobody ever fucking goes there
kinda mad that ive been on 4chan for 7 years

>when an anonymous mongolian throat singing board contributes significantly to how you developed as a person

not sure i like this meme
hiro should just lower the number of pages on each board, limit image uploads to 2mb and ban gifs/webms outside of /gif/
are you retarded? luggage is flown direct on a separate plane
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>Genuinely worried
Can we all just stop talking about the /qa/ thread and go back to normal /brit/ posting? Was having a good time before everyone dropped the ball and started talking about stuff I don't care about.
is there drama about 4chan dying or somethnig or are you all just being mongs
I can relate to this
really don't wan't slower servers

How does reddit make money? do they have ads?
4chan has had an incredibly beneficial impact on my life desu
>he's not a member of the local stonecutters lodge
Hmmm.... Sounds like a runt

Which one of you cunts did this? top kek
>make accounts
>ban rule breaking accounts
>get quality ads

>How does reddit make money?
Reddit Gold, data mining and paid celebrity endorsements ("""AMAs"""").
wtf i hate gookmoot now
reee normies get out of the kitchen reeeooo rooo aaaroooo
ta lad
reddit's audience is generally educated, with a disposable income and doesn't watch much TV - they are the demographic advertisers are desperate to reach and command a premium. 4chan sells ads to fleshlight and anime snack manufacturers.
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Hi lads
really anti-feminist book for an sjw
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hiroshima is a money grabbing little jap jew. i'd fucking drop the cunt if I ever saw him
me haha
>You mean r/britreddit right?
Yeah, whichever is the 'official' one


>Last post was a year ago
>anime snack manufacturers.

Really want some of them multi-coloured kit kats 2bh

>data mining

probably makes the most from this
>i'd fucking drop the cunt if I ever saw him

Arr rook same lad, it'd be hard

Vote 'Yes'
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Nice to see you again mate
actually creasing at some of your lads' posts in that /qa/ thread
>paid celebrity endorsements ("""AMAs"""").
Do celebrities pay to make AMA on ladit?
Also, hello ladit


ok so what's the official /brit/ migration board if 4chan gets nuked

i say 420chan
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How are you?
No /tv/ is gud just don't take it seriously at all

/pol/ has to go, or /b/, theres no point in deleting a small board with no traffic probably /pol/ so they can just migrate to /b/
Britfa.gs/* or if the mods there are still bent cunts reddit.com/r/britreddit til we work out what to do.
testing tb
Not too bad.
it will go down in days
Do NOT want 4chan to die desu
baka desu senpai
desu lads
britfags is shit DO NOT MOVE

it would be slow as fuck

its like a /brit/ split into different 70 threads
I'd hope I can get AT LEAST a year out of my pass

4chan Pass user since June 2016.


Help lads, I just woke up to someone knocking and I opened up the door and he said something so I just said 'what' to which he replied 'what?' and I gave him a bag of something and he fucked off.


Register interest here to be honest
You little shits think far too highly of yourselves if you think I'm going to be following you along to any other website if 4chan goes down.

Think on.
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dont like gookmoot any more
Lets establish a decent /brit/ subreddit in anticipation of everything going to shit

Which is the most active, there's like 3
what are your go-to recipes lads? need to start buying in bulk for when I eat
100% going to kill myself if 4chan dies.
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Is swaglord a mod?
Double kek

>that random pocket in russia

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Going to the shop lads, want anything?
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>7,277 comment karma
very impressive
Well we had a good run, lads. I just want you all to know that I love you.
bolognese sauce or some other sort of ragu thing is great to make in bulk

Stews, curries
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I'm too.

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>/d/ might be getting deleted
my 2nd most visited board after /jp/
why are you lads thinking 4chan is going to go down? What have i missed?
It's a Finnish tribe living in Russia that settled there
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pshh... read em n weep, kid
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Yeah senpai could you get me some jammy dodgers and a packet of ham and mustard crisps?
waiting for my laundry to finish before I can go shopping EEEEEEEEEEEERRR fucking starving
the new gf
do catholic girls believe in premarital sex lads? hope I'm not wasting my time
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get fucked desu
going postal anyone want owt?

If you're a non-Catholic and going after a Catholic girl, you're not going to get anything out of it.

Howling, which one of you is this?
business idea: SIM cards that you can buy abroad that give you data
he's removed the filters tb
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this desu senpai
what, like a local sim card like you can already get?
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Listening to ludwig vans 9th

it's all over lads

been nice knowing you
that's right my little rat, you are the vermin and I am the pied piper, leading you with my tune

ex is complaining that I broke up with her after 3 months

can't wrap my head around women
baka desu senpai
NEED a Scottish gf 2bqb
you're about 3 days late mate
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hmm ah yes very interesting
keep hearing about these but no idea how to get them

how do you get them?
gonna be banned in a minute:

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really made me think

*looks at you over my shoulder*
hm? nah we're alright for drinks thanks
*turns back*
is sheffield the only big city in the uk without loads of black people

there aren't any urban nightclubs, what the fuck is this shit

what a disgrace, imagine living in this shithole
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i agree with this

but post it in the /qa/ thread not here

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>not deleting /pol/
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>suggest deleting /pol/ or banning anime posters on that /qa/ thread
>watch the (You)s roll in
/qa/ should be deleted
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>announce that 4chan is in financial crises during a 25% pass offer

he's literately playing you all like fools
>4chan closes
>huge spike in young male suicides
calling it
>implying it doesn't already
>im the guy that slept with flatmates friend last night
>flatmate is now not talking to me.

girls hey lads. haha.

they probably account for less than 5 percent of traffic, but I do agree that merging some boards will help with traffic because there is a lot of crossover

moot is literally going to get jewgle to buy 4chan
fuck off paki
>wanting to delete [s4s]

I had a look at some statistics the other day and there's less than 300 black people living in in Blackpool
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Lads if 4chan is in a bad financial place why doens't he just reduce the janny's wages???
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so the /qa/ post was actually pretty vague, is 4chan going to close completely? if so we're all going to 8 right? or to /r/britreddit til we figure out what to do?
feeling a bit ambivalent about 4chan possibly shutting down lads

its great and terrible in equal measure
>negative income
>making people pay to be janitors

I know I'd pay just to fuck with the threads I hate.
8 cant handle that amount of traffic
already made this post in the thread (You) thief
I fucking hate reddit but I'd rather shitpost there in an obscure subreddit for a few weeks until we sort something out than basically just get lost in the sea of 8.
I don't understand all this hate for /pol/
it's a containment board for one thing

why don't you take a head start and fuck off there permanently
if he notices more traffic and therefore more ad revenue he might expand it a bit mightn't he?
Lads don't worry.

I'll make a 4chan clone on the onion and we can chat away without fear of Theresa May coming in and arresting us for banter.
my way
fat gay
sub roll
smoke a bowl
head spin
double chin
no lettuce
I win
Come on
let's go
Subway your way
sesame seeds
no way
not stray
may may
hey hey
subway my way

*styles on you*
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Rate the lunch lads
He's not saying it's closing straight away but that they're going to do anything they can to keep it afloat for the time being.
genuinely going to miss this website if it shuts down. I know /brit/ will probably find a way to continue but i'll miss the rest of /int/ and /fit/ :(
>implying I don't agree with them

They act like fucking 16 year old epic /b/rahs

needs to fucking die

its the only one big enough to save the most money and solve the problem
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gfs been fucking me around again
how many mods does 4chan have? are they all friends of moots ? i bet one is moots gf
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fuck u
sausages look a bit underdone mate

one on the right is still oinking
Business Idea: Ask the Janitor to PAY to clean up boards
it's important in these trying times to stay happy :)
I invented fedora posting. AMA.
>its the only one big enough to save the most money and solve the problem

Ahh yes, I forgot you're such an expert in financial website management.

fucking mong
hiro is jewing us over, he did this with 2ch
>he can't cook sausages without splitting the skin

looks nice though x
ah yes pg tips
>trying times
What's trying famalan? xxx
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you first tb
fuck me is this real?
put her out of business
spoken like a true /pol/ retard
>moot managed to keep the site afloat while paying for 1000s of celebrity law suit settlements
>hiro kamikazes the site in less than 3 years despite increased users and more 4chan pass sales

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Daily reminder that [spoiler]Brit/pol/ is better than /brit/[/spoiler]
>Wearing pyjamas this late in the day
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fun fact: /pol/ warned you all that hiro would eventually jew you all over
4chan possibly closing down xoxo
Absolutely hysterical

To be honest I could probably donate a fiver a month to the site. I'm a wageslave after all and have the disposable income.
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fuck off nigger
he's not even fuckign ugly

has the fedora meme reached a point where it applies to every human being on earth
Mean and rude
Roastie saw her chance at 15 mins of fame
not really a big city though is it

sheffield is quite big
>mesa so sad bout 4chan :(((((((((((

quantum runt
fuck off bogger
>t. LITERAL fedora wearer
hiro is so autistic he thinks meme replies are real. he probably will unironically delete /pol/ and wonder why it hasn't helped
alri Jar Jar lad
might do a think later on
I'm from Dublin you black cunt
To be fair to Jonah she was being outright rude there.

It was better when RDJ got arsepained by Krishnan Guru Murphy.
really don't like jonah hill, he can never handle the bants
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en garde!
I can confirm if you're charismatic enough or if the girl is randy enough (is at uni), you can get the ride
4chan subscription only posting coming soon

1 month (max 150 photo uploads)

3 months (max 600 photo uploads)

6 months (max 1500 photo uploads)

12 months (max 5000 photo uploads)

1000 photo uploads £39.99
5000 photo uploads £79.99
remove captchas for 1 year £109.99
remove countdown timer for 1 year £149.99

what do you go for lads?

very rainy aaauhhhhggghh aha
early don't migrate
>have to work on a 1960 Jaguar at work. task is to get it running
>hasn't been running since 1984
>assume it metric
>...it's not metric
>...it's not SAE either
>it's whitworth british standard

kinda weirded out by it, i need to take the carbs off it and rebuild them somehow, they keep flooding and killing the engine.
jannys gonna detonate

4chan Pass user since November 2015.
theres a difference between Catholic and practising Catholic. I doubt a practising Catholic would even go out with a Prodestant
where in dublin?

I'll smash u up you little sap
going to go and do an absolutely catastrophic poo
>4chan pass since November 2015
People actually pay money to shitpost here?
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Clondalkin. Name a time and a place and me and the boys will break your black legs
that's fucked up
>making a thread 20 posts early when there's another thread up

good job you cancerous runt
hmmm not too far to that shithole

>me and the boys

you would need people wouldn't you

I can see yous harrasing people on the red line luas, bunch of dopes lmao
nah could take you easily
but wouldnt let the lads miss a chance to bait a nigger
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>tfw having only kimchi which is been 2years in the fridge
Thread posts: 306
Thread images: 64

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