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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 86

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magyar cigany 3.jpg
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magyar cigany edition
1st for anime.
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hey guys :DDD
look what i found on alokal xDDDDDDD
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Can any Hungarians can tell me what the lyrics are and what the song is about?
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>he doesn’t know that carpaths and pannonia is the ancient home to all slavs
haha ajajaj :^)
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>posting a biased shit in slow vakian
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its in czech you filthy mongol
nobody cares you gypsy shit, get back to your containment imageboard
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wake up sleepyheads
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>tfw ywn have a gf like that
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why not ?
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right into feel
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>tfw only had ugly girls
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turbo autist around girls
>tfw not even ugly girl
whats your muh herritage v4?
are you pure?
i'm a croat
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>getting rejected by ugliest girl in class
almost all of those said things are true, gypescu
Make girl friends first, learn how to act around girls on them and then repeat it on pretty girls
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>getting kissed out of pity
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Peti did you go to vote?
not yet m8, but I will
I have some distant relatives (like my grand-father's cousin or something) in Germany
apart from that, pure pepo
My grandmothers side had a castle in the past, and they have a wiki page and stuff, pretty dope desu
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mostly russian
I doubt it. im suspecting its 1/4 magyar maybe with some drops of jewish blood (weird nose, curly hair)
Hungarybros! I'm here in Budapest doing a short documentary on the vote today and I'm not sure where good polling locations are. We're mostly hoping to get some shots goin in and out of the polls, not actually going inside. Could any of you lead me in the direction of a good polling place to film?
when will we know the results?
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Referendum je pre maďarského premiéra prehrou, aj keby ho na hlavu vyhral.

Autor je redaktor MF DNES.

Budapeštianska ulica pri novej stanici metra pomenovanej podľa poľského pápeža Jána Pavla II. pripomína skôr západoeurópsku cudzineckú štvrť než ulicu v krajine, ktorá je dnes považovaná za najviac protimigračný štát Európskej únie.

Černošské holičstvo, arabské obchody, stánky s kebabom v réžii Turkov či Sýrčanov. „Budapešť je o. k. Nemáme tu žiadne problémy. A referendum? Neviem, čo píšu na plagátoch, neviem po maďarsky a vlastne ma to ani nezaujíma,“ hovorí mladík, ktorý sem prišiel z Nigérie.

„Nie som utečenec, prišiel som ako študent. Stále tak trochu študujem,“ smeje sa.
>Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?

Lmao, this is a joke, right? The question couldn't have been more misguided.

If someone can't see this referendum for what it really is: a publicity stunt of Fidesz, then I really don't know.

Orbán is afraid of Jobbik. The question is whether this shift to the right will help his party or Gábor Vona. More people might consider voting voting for Jobbik if they can't distinguish its policies from those of Fidesz.

Eastern European mentality is incompatible with a democracy.
t. Szerzborz Wiełkowśki
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look and embrace this >>65617036
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eternaly asshurt pole is back
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Very. Germans and Czechs are the same race anyway.
funny since its about Nigerian student and other arabs/kebabs who cant speak word of hun lang yet still live in Buda pest
Do you at least speak Czech?
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Yes, I can read/write and talk, (its getting real sloppy though) Im also a dual citizen
>Eastern European mentality is incompatible with a democracy.
Another proof we are western.
>democratic during interwar period, when Hungary and Poland were totalitarian
>democratic during war, when Slovakia and Hungary supported Nazis
>democratic during communism up to the point we had to be militarily invaded
>1/8 g*rman
odsun yourself baka
The part that is on the picture is always hot, but manly shoulders and face always ruin every trap i see.
Czechia has had fascist tendencies during the Second Republic too. Your only luck was that Reich managed to annex you.

Now, that you lack this legacy, Czech nationalists can't appeal to that.
This desu
And the bydlós in kurva anyátok can,t graps their minds around this
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they should be gassed along with the faggots like >>65618058
and with the slovaks
>In June 2015, the ruling Third Orbán Government launched a poster campaign during the intensifying European migrant crisis. Their billboard, among others, said "If you come to Hungary, you cannot take the Hungarians' jobs away!".[12] In response, the Two-tailed Dog Party and the Vastagbőr blog ("Thick Skin") jointly called for an "anti-anti-immigration campaign" and collected more than 33 million HUF (tenfold of the expected amount) from supporters[13] to set up around 800 billboards with ironic and funny slogans in Hungarian and English as caricatures of the governments' messages, such as "Sorry about our Prime Minister" and "Feel free to come to Hungary, we already work in England!".[14]

Based desu
They are
fortunately they're living memes and they're not a real party and not like their opinion matters even a little. But they're stupid enough to make billboards and I wonder where do they get their money

get the fuck out of this country
>I wonder where do they get their money
From donations, they made it public on their website

Pls tell me how is this referendum usefull at all
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what's for lunch lads?
schnitzel with potato salad here
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Guiess pls
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salmon onigiri
some chicken rolls filled with pesto + baked potatoes
very tasty
>they're not a real party

there was interview and they are planning to make it into one
vepro knedlo zeli
Poland was the first democracy in Europe (not counting ancient Greece). You are not even close to us, Pepiczku.
Actually Island had the first Parliament. And every ancient tribe was basically assembly of free men, so a democracy.
Hello is this where I get the átok
shut the fuck up

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
magyar cigany
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Anyone knows a good army surplus store in Pr*gue? My brother got into airsoft and needs some ČSLA/AČR clothes.
you can get solid vz. 95 gear from pretty much any military shop, I bought stuff from tacticalgear.cz, which is a reseller (owner is a soldier btw), and tacticalpro.cz, which is a czech manufacturer that cooperates with soldiers, has them test their stuff, high quality goods there.

don't know about surplus stuff though.
ancient tribes were anarchies. Rule of the strongest and/or smartest isn't democracy.
that Croatian fairy tale is a lie.

if you look at their genetics, they're proto-europeans, just like Scandinavians

>This commie fucktard again

Do you even understand that people don't want your shit ?


Muh bydlo, actually I never heard anyone talking that way IRL.

Beside only an idiot would support """Western""" bullshit


These idiots only deserve à bullet


To show à big fuck you to the Western elite and the traitors that unable them
>waaah waaah people are not edgy on the internet and it makes me feel unsure if my own edginess is that good after all

More like I hate lefturds for destroying the fatherland, now fuck from Slovakia gypsy scum, we all know you are not of slavic origin.
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>More like I hate lefturds for destroying the fatherland
yer funny la

Yet you are not able to prouve me wrong... It's quite telling isn't it ? Appart from meming the average leftard isn't even able to show how legitimate opinions are...

By the way it's à wonder that an antifa crap like you is still alive... Knowing how the youngsters hate your kind I'm still asking myself why they didn't béat the shit out of you.

Don't come to France, here people only have disdain for upper class moronic leftists.
>Yet you are not able to prouve me wrong
>he considers everyone who doesn't waste their time debating politics with edgy entitled kids dumb or something
yes, yer funny
>antifa crap like you
>youngsters hate your kind
do you know me?
also who are these youngsters you're talking about?
what is frog doing here
beeing himself, looks like

What kind of youngsters I'm talking about? The ones that roam in the streets or in Stadiums, you know thèse who would gladly break à leftard nose.


Commentating, this is what I'm doing here.
you're pretty delusional, Jean.

My grand parents are from Poland m8... And in Poland there were several cases of leftards being beaten by hooligans, the same should be true about Slovakia considering it's in the same area.
You know your shit.
barely happening, left has grip on media and punish anyone with bit of right wing leaning in public

Of course I know my shit, because contrary to you I'm not a bourgeois faggot who live in some kind of bubble where various retarded pseudo intellectuals spread their moronic idéologies.

That being said, to the world à favor and off yourself.
well we never got french guy but seeing you are polish it makes sense.
Do you still have polish Surname? what about first one is it french now?
>well we never got french guy
Some French expat used to post here desu

>Implying that this is the reason why 24% of youngsters in your country votes for the """nazi""" Guy

M8 from what I saw, médias in eastern Europe are far from being as leftists as in the West.

Most of people vote for conservative and nationalistic parties here, even the socialiste parties are somewhat traditionalists, the liberal left have no levage here because everybody spot their commie like trucs very easily. The same can't be said for Western Europe but things are changing.
>To show à big fuck you to the Western elite and the traitors that unable them
I'd rather the government spend those bilions on the crumbling healthcare or education

Nah I have both french names because my daddy is an ethnic french and it's my grand parents on my mother side who are polish.

But I still have some familly in Poland.
>I'm not a bourgeois faggot who live in some kind of bubble where various retarded pseudo intellectuals spread their moronic idéologies.
instead you live in some other bubble with different various retarded pseudo-intellectuals and their moronic ideologies
congrats kiddo, you'll sure lead a beautiful life full of joy and fulfillment

>I'm à socialistic moron who don't understand what is going on

Come to Northern Paris and you will see what is happening when the governement focus on welfare instead of protecting the fatherland from third world invaders.

Now thanks to your kind of short seighted idiots we are not only colonized but our educationnal and welfare system turned into shit.

By the way you must be really retarded if you seriously belive that pumping à few millions of euros in the welfare system would have changed something significantly.

Nope I live in à working class neigbourghood :-) :-) sorry to break your delusions but you should really get out of your mom basements and seek à psychiatrist because projecting your shit on others ins't à signer of Well being...

By the way the working class (aka 55% of the population) deeply hate lolberals
"""nazi""" got 8%, maybe you mean jobbik that got 24%?

Nah I'm talking about the youth vote here not about the average population vote, I heard that in Slovakia the """nazi"""party got 24% of the vote among the youngsters(aka the more important demographics for a party).
Jobbik is à different matter.
oh that, well if i remember correctly it was made only on one school
Közösségi finanszírozásból te fasz, amit ráadásul nyílt könyveléssel kezeltek. Szerinted persze soros györgyitől jött a pénz mert mindent ő szart ki az ég világon. Nem fáj már a segged putyin faszától?
>sorry to break your delusions but you should really get out of your mom basements and seek à psychiatrist because projecting your shit on others ins't à signer of Well being
good, you found the point
now take your own advice
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I hear reports of 20% attendance on referendum

what a fucking failure. seems media massage works well on you huns
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bad thread
post aircraft
>let me tell you about your country the post
M8, the majority would never let shitskins in, without any propaganda.
When I said crumbling, I meant it a lot more literally than you can imagine.
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because if they came, it would be from the deep of their hearts and not thanks to media massage, eh?
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how you doing ? already started uni ?
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>tfw switzerland levels of referendums never ever
kéne bn
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pretty, is she not?
ye, with all these 18 year old girls
I should have stayed where I was and tried to save my relationship with that gal that was my age
it's fun other than that though
Referendum is bullshit. We have representative democracy for a reason.

Post-war Germany doesn't allow federal referanda because autocrats could easily misuse them.

I'm not the one trying to spread some cancerous thought while claiming to live in the real world, but yeah like the average lefturd poster you are nothing more than a physically weak and mentally damaged petty bourgeois, so no wonder you can't even answer properly to someone arguments...

People like you are life virgins, you know shit about how people live and what they want, so you should really just shut your mouth and stop playing the smartass.

M8 in case you don't know one should have enough credibility in order to play the though Guy, for knowing your kind I'm very aware you are just à weakling wary of physical confrontation whose only skill in life is shitposting on the Internet, please stop acting like you were a Man with balls because we both know that if we met IRL I would only need to slap you before you start crying like a baby girl.

Commit suicide, this is the only way the weak manage to do something in life.

>Muh autocrats

Like I said the modern left is made of cowards.
Imperial age ships are way cooler desu
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b2 with stealth off.webm
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>you find a party that is supposed to be a satire funny
>therefore you should be shot
here, have a (You) now stop spouting your /pol/ bullshit and post something comfy or fuck off
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post imperial age ship pics
I have none, so I will post aircraft
and related stuff
I really prefer pre-WWII battleships, or better - spaceships
spess comfy
Dutch ship mentioned
Maybe later i will
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>with stealth off
by the way, it's wonderful seeing flying wings fly looking like smug UFOs and all
also pretty exciting how much they've advanced from F-117 to B-2
do you even know how and why that happened?
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I'll be here
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>not ancient slav magic ship

ayyy kurwa
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>do you even know how and why that happened?
yes i do )

Satire parties are the worst, it's useally à retarded shit for retarded idiots .

By the way I said it was the idiots who made this party who deserved to be shot for being massive idiots not necesserly you
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reminder that feeding /pol/ stormtroopers is a waste of action points

>ancient slav magic ship
post more if there is more
that is uplifting
I was home shitposting, dunno what everyone else was doing but I couldn't be arsed
És neked a nigger és a migráncsfaszoktól?
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niech ktoś wyjaśni, te śliczne Czeszunie używają polskiego komunikatora? jest w ogóle GG w innych wersjach językowych?

chociaż fakt .. ja w sumie używam lide.cz xD
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>110+130+130 points
meaty, meaty, where is my crotale?
got any moar 52s? Guess I'm rebuilding my folder
i don't have many spess pics and i can't be arsed to get more so here have my fav one
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got some comfy spess, some photos and some art
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god, you poles are lewd
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>>110+130+130 points
good thing i bought that game on a sale, its quite awful
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>its quite awful
why so? I really enjoy tactical games int it
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beauty force.jpg
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post em if u have em
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only got katrina
> he want to expect titties in uniform
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i know you are memeing but there are stars in the pic, you can see them if you zoom in
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shit, my meme's done for
also saved, that's a funky pic
>that's a funky pic
yeah, it seems tsutomu nihei has a boner for drawing stuff snaking into distance
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I can completely understand his boner
you might also share this man's boner for spess
ya bet
having read Heinlein's stories about D. D. Harriman and absolutely loving them, he just seems like a goddamn comics hero to me
I'm actually saving 4chan you fucking retard

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
>that potato nose
s m h t b h f a m
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981KB, 794x890px
how can i get a polish gf?
I guess you're not a jew after all
>I'm actually saving 4chan
Why on earth would you do that? I will celebrate when it finally dies
There's plenty of better boards, but they're half-ded, so 4chan falling apart could cause them to get a bit livelier
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falcon 9 landing.webm
443KB, 1920x994px
>tfw have bunch of books in mind that i want to red
>can't be arsed to
being a lazy shit isn't so much fun sometimes :^|
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ship galleon.jpg
1MB, 2848x2136px
Fuck it, i am too lazy to look them up. I'm pretty sure i knew one contemporary artist who was great at drawing the complexity and magnitude of those ships, but i forgot his name.
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We can trade qts4qts baltbro
I am a jew, but since I spend so much time here I might aswell pay some of my shekels to avoid the captcha :^)

>Why on earth would you do that? I will celebrate when it finally dies
There aren't any other sites like 4chan out there (if you don't count 8chn and such) that has lots of users and is anonymous and without moralfags 2bh

>There's plenty of better boards, but they're half-ded, so 4chan falling apart could cause them to get a bit livelier

Which boards do you mean?
hiroshima might consider shutting down a few boards so i hope he will shut down the right ones, boards such as /wg/ are really inactive and probably take up lots of space because of all the images but it's honestly one of the comfiest boards out there.

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
try Aivazovsky if you like water
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stop being a lazy shit anon
seriously, the benefits of not being lazy far outweigh the comfiness of laziness
>>65632999 (Moravia'd)
impressive, both of these
damn uni, I want to have time to appreciate art
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I do, but right now i'm looking for something else, really detailed ship (merchantmen, east indiaman, galleon, caravel) picture.
shit, *chans, not boards
>(if you don't count 8chn and such)
actually I mean 8ch and such
especially such
If 4chin died, I'm sure something new would pop up pretty fast. I'm tired of faggy mods and shitty technical limitations anyway. I expected voiced webms for a long time and it seems like we'll get image limits instead. Fuck this shithole, I'll be happy to move somewhere else, I come here just for V4 anyway.
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As much as i hate southerners, i gotta admit their historical cities are fucking god-tier
>shit, *chans, not boards

Tbh, I'd rather have 4chan, sure some chans would get an activity boost but I really like how fast /int/ is going, it's not too fast as when you refresh and your thread will be gone and it's not too slow either that you have to wait for a reply each hour.

>I'm tired of faggy mods and shitty technical limitations anyway.
They're just doing their jobs desu, they have to put up with lots of shitposts daily so I'd imagine that they could accidentally delete something that shouldn't be deleted.

>I expected voiced webms for a long time and it seems like we'll get image limits instead. Fuck this shithole, I'll be happy to move somewhere else, I come here just for V4 anyway.

Maybe it has to do with their financial limitations or something? There would probably be a reason behind it 2bh.
Do you visit any other boards?
Rude desu, nice trips tho
What the heck, does God finally love me?
fucking stupid hungarian pigs
>not falling for Viktátor's bait
good for them
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charge of the light brigade 2.jpg
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>Brits know they are being sent to certain death
>they know they are entering a literal death valley, set on all sides by Russian artillery
>they don't hesitate for a second and charge right in
>even as their comrades are dying by dozens they are still riding on
>tfw the fucking discipline

Worst thing is that nowadays individualism promoting morals are actually against this kind of dedication
>charge of the light brigade
made for a good song
>jump into the fire
we poles are somewhat experts when it comes to this
Fucking pervert czech pedophils
even tho I generally don't enjoy poems, this one was still pretty good
>Although the Light Brigade reached the battery under withering direct fire and scattered some of the gunners, the badly mauled brigade was forced to retreat immediately. Thus, the assault ended with very high British casualties and no decisive gains.
>very high British casualties and no decisive gains.

Just like how Brexit is gonna turn out!
Because it actually rhymes and makes sense. Most of poetry is arbitrary shit.
I thought the quality of poetry lies in the content, not in how much it rhymes
No, wrong.

It can be about turds, but if it rhymes perfectly, then it's a perfect poetry.
I-is V4 alive again?
I beg to disagree
the content of the poem is far more important than the rhyming (really not sure if that's the correct term, but you know what I'm trying to say)

that being said, what's your opinion on Kytice?
Well it's been two decades since the last time I read that.

I really need to check if it keeps the form well to really know if I should like it or not.

This is why I like haiku, it's damn easy to know if its correct or shit.
>V4 is alive again
>Hiroshima fucked 4chan up
we can make v4 on eightchins!
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For the cost of the #HungaryReferendum, Viktor Orbán could have paid each of the 1,294 refugees €31,000 to train, study or do public works

what about some repaired hospitals or something for magyars instead. s m h
whats going on with 4ch?
>what about some repaired hospitals or something for magyars instead
for everyone, really
I really hope we won't have to do that
but if /int/ really gets deleted, then I will meet you fags on said chan's /int/
seems he lost a lot even with his promise to leave if it fails.
shame turanists will replace him now
still cant find anything about him deleting boards
why not alokal
because alokal doesn't like us and would shit up every thread
because alokal is a containment site for edgelords and mental teens, that it leaks from time to time is way more than enough of that.
blow me, child
Hiro is back to his old tricks again peobably.

I hope that he will delete porn boards tho.
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But who is the ladybug?
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croat maybe
definitely croat. lamenting on how he is not at the table (in v4)
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late thread skihi

>the antifa belive that the people would have voted for refugees

Kek nope, that's the joke because even if they turned out your side would have lose massively...

By the way thank your friends for showing their dicks, now we now they are as long as their popular support...


Nice job Hungary, I didn't even thought 98% of you would have voted agaisnt rapefugees...

I have estimated the cuck party to have at least 15% of the vote...
they still lost, it didnt reached 50% attendance to make it valid. only something like 40%

98% isn't a loss it's a victory, m8 in Switzerland the average voing turn out isn't more than 40%...

Nah it's only a loss for the cuck pro immigration party because now everybody now that the good people of Hungary are against this shit.

Pluje na twoja dupe
but switzs have different laws
>tfw cheap bait pole still didnt get bored
this is some mental handicap level autism

Which doesn't change the fact that a vote with a 40% turn out have the same effect than a vote with a 60% turn out, only the result matter because even in the hungarian case nobody can serioulsy claim that the people of Hungary are in favor of immigration.

Now nothing forbid the Fidesz to pass a law about this shit, they nearly have the constitutionnal majority and can count on Jobbik support on the issue.

It's a formal setback but on the substance it's a victory, of course it could have been a HUUUGGGEEE victory if the turn out would have been higher but it's not a defeat
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>world championship day 4 in 45 minutes
omg so many mongol faces what the fuck
>so I'd imagine that they could accidentally delete something that shouldn't be deleted.
>Do you visit any other boards?
see >>65633642 that's what I got a ban on /co/ for. It's fucking ridiculous how easily buttflustered they are.
>Some western authors [1] have assumed that Napoleon had gone out of his mind in ordering the Poles to charge batteries of 16 cannon over several kilometers of extremely difficult terrain. Others,[2] however, think Napoleon ordered only the closest battery to be taken, in order to open the way for his infantry, and that Kozietulski had misunderstood the order. No matter--once the charge had begun, and the chevaux-légers found themselves under fire from the second battery, they had no choice but to press the attack, as the horses went to the highest speed and were unable to stop. They took the second and third batteries but only a few chevaux-légers reached the last battery, and the Spanish attempted to recapture it. It was then that Napoleon saw his chance and immediately committed the other squadrons.
>According to many memoirs of veterans of the battle, Kozietulski led his men in a charge with the official cry Vive l'Empereur. However, popular legend has it that the true battle cry was the Polish "Naprzód psiekrwie, Cesarz patrzy!" - "Forward, you sons of dogs, the Emperor is watching!"
40k tier tbqh
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