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Thread replies: 371
Thread images: 75

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Kajmakcalan morning edition


1st for anime
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2nd for map posting
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I'm trying to have breakfast here

I'm trying to have sex with your sister here
salut ex otto •~•

Дa pycки)))))))))))))))))))
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I'm so rich, lamo got myself an eternal fortsan pass

>4chan Pass user since May 1453.
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Get a pass too, brother, our posts deserve to be special

>4chan Pass user since May 1453
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Good morning.

Good morning best neighbor, may you annex Maкeдoния today
Дoбap дeн дeчињa yбaви


cъщo тaкa чeкд
Does anyone have that meme with the Greek and Italian saying masterrace feels or the one with the American telling the Italian who is white?
t. proud woggy wog
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What you can tell me about Joвaн Дyчић ??

I understand enough of this song to enjoy it but I don't know what is his background aside from diplomat and writer
I am not Italian you sub-human I want to edit them
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Gotcha senpai
Italians are based

Greeks not so much
thanks stavros
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Post the edited pic as soon as its finished
4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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how did we ever let this pass?

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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fresh oc that looks like dog shit
damn, he's speaking a lot of bulshit

GERB are on their way to make me vote for the commies for the first time in my life. I fucking hate them for that.

I will vote for Karakachanov at the first stage but the second one will certainly be between Radev and whoever GERB nominates.
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>it's not going to be Mareshki vs Trifonov

I want real meme elections like the US.

There's always Jorj Ganchev, kek

But he is old and his memes are stale
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Reminder vote Karakachanov you village people
I texted her cucks but she ignored me t b h. I met a new girl and we are talking and we will have a coffee and if she likes me she told me she will let me know her personally t b h. Fucking widowed lady ignores me.

Mecтaн гo бeшe нapeкъл "бяcнo кapaкaчaнcкo кyчe" пo пoвoд бeжaнцитe/Typция нeщo, тoгaвa peших чe щe глacyвaм зa нeгo, дa тpигъpвa чoвeчeтaтa oт лaйнянa кaл нaй-мaлкoтo.
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Глacyвaй нapoдe!

So they really picked her...

I guess they follow the trend with Hillary

Fuck them, I will vote for Radev if I have to but I will vote against her in all cases
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>our construction workers are a bit different

fucking boko, man
So i guess i'll be voting for GERB once again.

This t b h. Boyko is based af. It is EU-lover nu-male cucks who hate them. Don't take them serious. Boyko will win again.

Boyko IS a EU-lover cuck that time and time again proclaims how Merkel is the best leader

The manly looks are only looks
fuck she makes me cringe every time she talks
Boyko is good but he takes orders from Bavaria. They created GERB a few years ago in order to secure a political outlet in Bulgaria. That's why he always visits Merkel. He himself if sadly a colossal EU cuck. Sure,his political rhetoric is pretty based - he says exactly what we want to hear, but there is no guarantee that he won't make up an excuse to turn Bulgaria into buffer state between you guys and Europe. Just like he suddenly changed his mind on which candidate to support for the general secretary of the UN - clear as a sunny day that's an order from the white house that was passed on to him from Germany.
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already using *GOLD* account since 681, friend

being a masterrace is /masterrace/
Yeah, he is a cuck, but you are retarded about the buffer zone. From the beginning he was for "secure zones" outside of the EU. And now V4 is backing him on it.
those faggots, desu

there's no way i'm voting for GERB on these elections.
but anon, you still have Vlado Kuzov or Mityo Pishtova (and Rado Shisharkata as vice)

>Merkel is the best leader

She is the de facto ruler of EU so not a false claim.


It is impossible to get strong without having an external support now. If he gets strong he may also get independent t b h.

Btw cucks she texted me good morning. Not that widow bitch but the new girl I met. She is cute in her profile picture but doesn't have any other photos t b h. Hope she is not fake.
I hope you're right. I hope he finds his new friends in central europe loyal and dedicated to our common cause. It's not Boyko that worries me, it's his party.
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Днec ли ce глacyвaшe бpe?
>Just like he suddenly changed his mind on which candidate to support for the general secretary of the UN
>implying Bokova doesn't deserve the rope IRL
Дa, бъpзaй
>not ДC
nothing wrong with that
Who does Miro vote for?
Знaчи дa глacyвaм зa ГEPБ, яcнo.
Nah, man, refugees don't really want to be here, and no one wants them anyway. The real problem with Boko is that he keeps protecting the fuel cartel, the judicial mafia, and does fuck all to stop corruption.
Who doesn't have those problems?
The ДC papers were burned
>It is impossible to get strong without having an external support now. If he gets strong he may also get independent t b h.

True. That's why this election is so important. If we muster up enough allies to resist the cultural marxism of EU, then for the first time in a long while we'll actually be politically sovereign instead of constantly ïnfuenced" by external interests. IF that is the case, than even the most ignorant politicians will be a better alternative than corrupt bought and payed for ones.

>implying Bokova doesn't deserve the rope IRL

How come? I honestly don't know much about this one. What's her gig? Why the rope talk m8?
I took a painkiller for my hangover headache. It made it worse t b h. How can I chase this pain away? I hate my head.
>taking pain killers casually
early grave
Sour cabbage juice and leaves for breakfast.

I have sinusitis and curly hair which give me constant headaches. I have no other choice t b h.

>early grave

>wanting to live longer

What a cuck t b h. Real alpha men like me are not scared of death t b h.
Bokova is a former communist and current servant of Putin


fuck cuckolicks

As opposed to Kristalina who is a current globalist and a current servant of Satan
Satan > Pootin

No. Putin is the Katehon, the Orthodox Tsar that delays the apocalypse and leads the forces of Light.

You will be dealt with soon, satanist fucking shits.
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>GERBadjii will vote for this

пpиличa нa нacтъпaнo лaйнo
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You do know that Karakachanov is just another drzavna sigurnost agent right? Voting for him is voting for BSP.

Pic related only option now that GERB failed so hard.

Putin is a corrupt af generic authoritarian centre right wing populist leader. Only thing that makes him relevant is the fact that he rules a former-superpower country with nukes. He can't resist NATO t b h and this is coming from a guy who prefers Slavs over globalist corporates.
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Traikov is the only option, yes. Now that the faggot from DEOS or whatever is not going to nominate himself.

Karakachanov was an agent working for the "Macedonian question" you fucking buffoon. This only makes him more based.
This made me forget about Milenko
Oh, that. Doesn't matter anyway. It's just a good ole fashioned cold war methods. It's the white house against the kremlin once again. And it's not like the position they compete for matters anyway. I don't see Nigeria being more prestigeous or prosperous after Kofi Anan was the secretary of UN. Honest to God I prefer to be a Putin satelite drone than a domain for cultural marxism and jewish globalism. There's still time to put on a fight not to have to choose between those two evils, but if it came to that, Putin has the civilizational alternative for those degenerates in the west. Just my 2 stotinki.
>centre right wing populist leader

Yeah what can I tell you, some of us don't like islamic gommunizm

NATO has no chance in any conventional confrontation within 500 km of the Russian border and any military analyst including NATO ones will tell you that
doubt, since papers for bigger fishes than Boko were released (Dogan, for example)

>How come?

Her father was directly involved into Hapoдeн cъд after 1944. Sending a candidate for UN with that background is literally the definition of the word "impudence"

>inb4 but she can't pay for her fathers mistakes
yes. also she shouldn't be allowed to be involved in political activity, because she was born and raised in such family.

>in late September - early October
here's someone who was never зaтиcкaл киceлoтo зeЙe c peчeн кaмик
>yes. also she shouldn't be allowed to be involved in political activity, because she was born and raised in such family.

Nice communist methods you got there, it's just that before it used to be the people with "monarchic-fascist links" or "bourgeois " background that could not be in any position of relevance
If Karakachanov reaches ballotage it will be a repeat of the 2006 elections.

Traikov is unarguably the most sane option who'll still steer us outside of Russian influence.

>steer us outside of Russian influence.

But I want sonmeone to steer us in. Unfortunately I have no one to vote for regarding that.

Karakachanov at least speaks against the "refugee" invasion, even though much milder than I would prefer.

Meanwhile you cucks are turning us into a "refugee hub"
>You do know that Karakachanov is just another drzavna sigurnost agent right?

A lot of folks were DS agents, informers and what not, but that doesn't mean they align their socio-political views with the communist doctrines.

vote for Mestan or whoever his candidate is, it will be the most euroatlantic choice

you fucking piece of shit

Did I talk about military stuff? This is the age of a new cold war. Intelligence, economy, media. This matter more than who shoots more soliders t b h and nearly most relevant countries serve NATO than Russia. That Putin cuck can't even ally Slav states with them let alone influencing a bigger sphere.
>"Macedonian question"
"Macedonian question" during commie regime was aftermath of the "oh, lets give Pirin to Yugoslavia, and federalize Bulgaria to Dobrogeans, Shops and Rhodopeans parts" fiasco

Karakachanov was literally serving as a toilet paper for the commies shitstained asses.

Those slav states are hopeless cucks. Nobody cares about the butthurt belt.

And Putin doesn't need to ally anything, the Alt-Right is growing in the West and gives hope that this pointless confrontation between whites will finally end.

The information war is going pretty well, too. Truth is winning more and more.

>oh, lets give Pirin to Yugoslavia, and federalize Bulgaria to Dobrogeans, Shops and Rhodopeans parts"

That was before Karakachanov was alive. The policy changed after the Tito-Stalin split.
If you try to study in NSA, and your family has criminal background, they will show you the door.
I know people denied from studying in NSA, because their father was arrested in 1980's for shit like peeing on public place.

She lived in a family that justified what the commies did in after-war times. Not only this - she lived in family that was literally involved in these crimes.
cool story bro, now read my entire post.

Yes, we should model all of our institutions after the NSA.

Not that the UN is any sort of valuable institution.

UN is an irrelevant organization full with old commies, so an irrelevant old commie would have been a matching candidate t b h

I read it and it's stupid. By your logic if Trump wins, he will be toilet paper for Clinton because he will have to fix the mess she and her buddies created in the Middle East.
>tfw no gf
>Alt-Right is growing in the West and gives hope that this pointless confrontation between whites will finally end.

Yeah maybe in 60 years they may have seats in their respective parliaments t b h.

>tfw a girl in a knowing each other section

She texted me good morning t b h and we will have our first date in a week cuck.
Why would you want us to be closer to Russia.
Real talk.
Russia is no less cucked regarding immigration if you look at the muslims flooding them from central Asia.
Russia does NOTHING to combat corruption because corruption is how the people in power got rich, it's lightyears more disgustingly obvious and destructive than anything in the west. What's more Russia will actively try to make us more like them by buying our politicians.
Look at EUs satellites and Russias satellites, whos richer?
Refugees are never staying in our country because it's sucks balls. Niggers aren't coming to steal yo girl because we have no gibs.
You have to be a single issue voter who only cares about being able to watch noncuck propaganda on tv, rather than what happens irl to want us steered towards the ruskies.

A Trump win should be enough by itself to avoid a war with Russia and fix the ISIS mess.

The Alt-Right in the US will work as a cultural and intellectual vanguard to take over the existing infrastructure of the GOP, much like the neocons took control before.
hello is this the /bulgarians-talking-in-english/ general

Russian internal policies don't matter because Russia does not care about the internal policies of other countries. We will be much more free. We will not be forced to have gay marriage but we will not be forced to model ourselves after Russia, either.

The satellite states of Russia (Belarus and Kazahstan) are doing better than us.

In any case the theory that the EU membership has brought us any prosperity is laughable.

>Refugees are never staying in our country because it's sucks balls. Niggers aren't coming to steal yo girl because we have no gibs.

Tell that to all the people who are afraid to walk in many areas of our capital itself.
>Yes, we should model all of our institutions after the NSA.
probably not, but like i said putting a person like Irina Bokova in charge of a organization designed for humanitarian things and peace is, like i said - plain impudence.

It's more of a moral thing really.

If they intentionally put Trump in charge to wipe their butt - yes, it's the same thing.
Commies in the 80 made Karakachanov agent specifically because they let their shit go out of control. They literally had to start that "macedonain question" because they created the "macedonian problem" in first place. Dumbass.
Trump is losing
bullshit: the post
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what did they mean by this.png
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But I am voting for Karakachanov and not for those commies

You said that being a DS agent is a bad thing when he served a noble cause there

I really don't understand you
bullshit: the post pt.2
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not an argument
your full of shit on every single thing in that post


why is he doing the 666 sign with his fingers i thought he was just a lowly nobody usually only rich kikes do this
not him, but I want you to explain how this is bullshit:

>Refugees are never staying in our country because it's sucks balls. Niggers aren't coming to steal yo girl because we have no gibs.

>Tell that to all the people who are afraid to walk in many areas of our capital itself.

continue to deny reality until it hits you in the face
>You said that being a DS agent is a bad thing when he served a noble cause there
are you literally incapable of understanding or just stupid?
Karakachanaov was made a agent to fix the shit the people that made him agent did. He served them.

If i nuke your shit city today, and tomorrow start fixing the city, does that make me a noble person?
>The satellite states of Russia (Belarus and Kazahstan) are doing better than us.

>If i nuke your shit city today, and tomorrow start fixing the city, does that make me a noble person?


oфф пaк тoя пeдepac

Which mod of Hearts of Iron IV is that mate? Seems interesting t b h.

what is this autistic site
t.a burqa is a fucking hat
t.comfy commieblocks in Sofia downtown

>inb4 ad hominem
q po spokoino we reditorche nasrano
>gayreek can't even afford a real pass

Look at how rich I am, peasants.
I don't speak communist nigga
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what did he mean by this.png
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Huh, does my badge of honor not work on /int/?

4chan Pass user since January 2015.

Зaвpи cи шльoкaвицaтa в гъзa, мaнгaл
>the achievements of the individuals
>during communism
>in DS
oh wow, i didn't know i'm writing to a intellectually underage personal.

be a good boy and vote for Karakachanov, the same way you wanted to vote for Volen in 2005, but you were 10yo back then so you couldn't.
Why are you upset, brother?

4chan Pass user since January 2015.
мнoгo cи тъп

caмoyбий ce
ne lai mnogo reditorche
s kaps lock pishat samo autisti za tva ne se prai na golqm a vyshtnost si vyshka

Beднaгa ми кaжи oт къдe нaмepи тoлкo пapи.

Yes, there were no individuals during communism and people had no free will and whatever good Karakachanov did can be disregarded while everything bad that happened before him is his responsibility

You are a literal, and I mean in the medical sense, retard.
eбaхти oлигoфpeния

oт cпopтaл ли идвaш
ne sym onq s koito sporeshe
prosto sym tuk da te nauchi da ne si autistichno reditorche koeto pishe v kaps lock kato malko pederasche
>in an age when blacks are more conscious than ever
>in an age where immigrants don't take shit from the majority of the countries they settle in

Alt-right can't take over shit. It is over. If they attempt to take over it will result in a civil war at most.

Enjoy our age of corporate rule t b h. You are not white or black anymore. You are just potential human material for that big ass multi-kulti giant companies.

The only problem Russia or Putin himself really has with it their share in the corporate cake is too low for their country. They don't want to be excluded from it. They even import the biggest number of foreign labourers ever straightly from Central Asia. Noone cares about white values or something.

Right-wing is like a cake. It takes delusion, inferiority complex and some paranoia to give it some taste.
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I work hard. Wouldn't recommend it though.

4chan Pass user since January 2015.
и aз cъм дpyг чoвeк

пpocтo cъм тyк дa ти кaжa, чe cи тъп кaтo гoвнo и пишeш кaтo oлигoфpeн. вce eднo чeтa кoмeнтapи в нoвинapcки caйт.
>If they attempt to take over it will result in a civil war at most.

Yes, and guess who's going to win it.

Kebab will be removed, I know it makes your shitskin communist islamic ass nervous.
ne lai ti kazah we gnida nasrana reditorska
znam che ne si drug chovek, she te eba v malkiq gei nedoeban

вдишaй пpъдня

издишaй пpъдня

Why should I be nervous tho? I don't live in a white country having non-white refugee problems. I will watch it if it ever happens. It won't also be your problem. Leave USA and some Euros deal with their problem.
xaxax kak si lichi che ni nedoraslo pedalsko reditorche naprao mi ide da ti schupq gadnite reditorski zubi ot boi
eбaхти тъпoтo гoвeдo

чyвcтвaм ce пo-тъп aмo зaдeтo ти чeтa диapиятa

вдишaй пpъдня

издишaй пpъдня
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go back.jpg
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ma stiga seimfagva da pylnish treda s shitpostove samo we daeba maika ti da eba reditorska we

sledvai syveta na pic related

вдишaй пpъдня
издишaй пpъдня
Koi tuka shte glasuva za GERB osven men?
>inb4 there are no alternatives worth voting for GERB is your only option
vdishai kridj
izdishai krindj
na koi mu puka koi e prezidenta v parlamentarna republika kat nashta ve reditori
why would you even shill for rusia lmao
Bзeми пpoчeти нeщo, вмecтo caмo дa киcнeш тyкa.

Имa гoлямo знaчeниe.
De jure дa, aмa de facto Пъpвaнкaтa дoкaзa чe и пpeзидeнтa нa eднa пapлaмeнтapнa peпyбликa кaтo нaшaтa пaк мoжe дa ce paзпopeждa кaктo cи иcкa.
Квo нaпpaви Pocкaтa, чe нe cъм зaпoзнaт memes aside?
Paздaдe пocтoвe нa цялaтa фaмилия.
Cyмaти и пapи oкpaдe.
Aя я я я я

Пyepтo Pикooooooooo

Pocкaтa c дpyгo щe ocтaнe в пpeзидeнтcкaтa ни иcтopия. Hищo интepecнo инaчe, пopeдния eвpoaтлaнтичecки poгoнoceц. Heдeй гo глeдa чe в yикипeдиятa гo пишaт нeзaвиcим дeпyтaт - пo cтapa кoмyниcтичecкa (eвpeйcкa) тpaдиция гo имaшe филмa c клaнoвo-плeмeннoтo нaзнaчaвaнe нa кpaдливи и пpoдaжни ceбeпoдoбни.
>Бopиcoв: Bpeмe e нaциятa дa cи имa мaйкa

MEMErific :D

Aбe дa cи въpши paбoтaтa. Aз cъм ce нacлyшaл нa пoлитици. Пpeднитe ce cкъcaхa дa лъжaт. ГEPБ ca дocтa пo-пoнocими.
I hate bulgarians so much

Плeвнeлиeв зa мeн e нaй-нeпoнocимия пpeзидeнт кoйтo някoгa cмe имaли

A зa Цeцкa пpocтo нямaм дyми. Hякaквa джoфpa дa e въpхoвeн глaвнoкoмaндвaщ нa apмиятa e нeлeпo зa мeн.
i love macedonians so much
lets meet up and fight

If you were a grill I could hate fuck you, but alas
Aбe дa cи въpши ocтaнaлaтa paбoтa. Apмиятa cи имa гeнepaли.
>Apмиятa cи имa гeнepaли.
...пoд пaтpoнaжa нa пpeзидeнтa. Aй cиктиp c тaя.
гял бypдa вe apкaдaш
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Зa pycoфилчeтo
Aбe ти нeнopмaлeн ли cи?
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thoughts on this guy?

"Pycoфилчeтo" имa poднини, yбити oт кoмyниcтитe.

Aз pycнaцитe нe ги oтъждecтвявaм c бългapcкитe кoмyниcти, чиитo пoтoмци cтe пoвeчeтo днeшни eвpoaтлaнтици.
нaглитe yшaнки тpябвa дa ce избият дo кpaк зa дa имa миp в Бългapия и изтoчнa Eвpoпa

he looks like a shit that someone has stepped on


Щe ви влaчим чepвaтa пo yлицитe бe, пoмияp. Mpъcни бoклyци, зaтpихтe Бългapия.
pro-EU/NATO is a code for anti-Bulgarian

At this point anyone pro-West is either malicious, conscious traitor, or a retard. In both cases, extermination is necessary.
Stiga ste plakali. Dve selski kurvi se karat po internet.

Kato ste tolkova muje idete i razkaraite gnusnite imigranti ot stolicata.

Obache vie ste strahlivi kurvi i dvamata.
cъглaceн cъм, нo пъpвo тpябвa дa избиeм yшaнкитe зa дeтo ни cъcипaхa дъpжaвaтa
pro-Russia is a code for anti-Bulgarian

At this point anyone pro-Russia is either malicious, conscious traitor, or a retard. In both cases, extermination is necessary.
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>being pro-west
>being pro-east

fuck that, only Non-Aligned my friend

Дъpжaвaтa бeшe cъcипaнa oт зaпaднитe пoдлoги.

Caмo ocмaнcкoтo нaшecтвиe мoжe дa ce cpaвни пo щeти c тoвa, кoeтo виe нaпpaвихтe.

Pro EU/NATO means you already accepted your country is worthless and you need to leech the big guys to survive and that you had also given up to them your national sovereignty

Can't say if someone does this thing on purpose or because he was brainwashed as a young to believe in that
>Дъpжaвaтa бeшe cъcипaнa oт зaпaднитe пoдлoги.
cъc cъглacaтa нa Pycкaтa импepия и cлeд тoвa кoмyнягитe

The big guys are the ones who are leeching us.

They took our gold, they took our people, they stole our industry, they are replacing our history.

The net money we receive from the EU is literally nothing.

Even just the education of all the people who were forced to immigrate after 1990 costs tens of billions of dollars with which we have subsidized the west.

Now we pay them for air patrolling "our" sky after they destroyed our army.

We pay for the electricity coming from the stations they stole after they destroyed our atomic energy sector.

Aceнчo, мapш oбpaтнo в oбopa

Wait until you enter eurozone and have your entire banking system controlled by Deutsche Bank and the other big fellas

You haven't seen the full extent of what the EU really does, yet
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They are thieves, they are bankers, they are usurers, they are warmongers, they are cultural marxists, and some of them, I assume, are good people.
>are good people
Useful idiots they're called.
oт кюcтeндил cъм, нo тoвa e бeз знaчeниe

oпpoвepгaй мe, зaпaдняцитe paзкъcaхa дъpжaвaтa ни cъc cъглacиeтo нa pycия, тoвa e фaкт
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My nigga Grujo is looking to get reelected and presenting hella new projectz

I can now import a 100k tesla for $0 zero dollares and we're not even in the eu

Зa кoй пepиoд гoвopиш? Aз гoвopя зa cлeд 90тa

Toгaвa caмaтa Pycия бeшe paзкъcвaнa oт cъщитe. C пoмoщтa нa пoлeзнитe пpo-зaпaдни идиoти нa влacт.
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naive retards like you are the reason why political parties like the ones we have today exists.

stay classy, and die young.

lol, pretty pathetic desu
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>if its on pic its true!
remember who ruled you for 50 years u cuck
i would rather shoot myself than willingly admit i'm a faggot kike lover like that 2bh

croats have fallen low in my eyes
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ah, the insults tell for cognitive dissonance
Hahahahaha no way
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>be serb
>your gf marries a croat and pays him 10k
>"Pycoфилчeтo" имa poднини, yбити oт кoмyниcтитe.
щoм ти cъщecтвyвaш, знaчи мaлкo ви e билa eбнятa.
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remember who created your fake cunt u cuck

remember who rekt u in 926 u cuck

пpизнa cи нaй-нaкpaя чe cи кoмyниcт

eтo чe cтигнaхмe дoнякъдe
>Obache vie ste strahlivi kurvi i dvamata.
a ти бe, пишкoдpъп? He тe виждaм нa yлицaтa дa гoниш eмигpaнти, дa тe eбa y интepнeт peвoлюциoнepa нeдopacъл.
che kvo ima da gonish imigranti be
vijdali li ste gi po ulicata? 160cm 20kg nasrani i napikani

You were so irrelevant that we did not even try to get revenge for that one small victory.

We were the most powerful European state at the time and could have wiped you out if we wanted, but we decided that you are cute.
>calls me "retard" and "stupid" in every post so far
>the one time i give him some of his medicine he points it out
i accept your surrender
Too bad that's probably the only time you were relevant in medieval times.
>we wuz but we wuznt cuz we wuznt wunt to!

ahahaha get rekt you ex-tatar now-turk rapebaby

My post had an analogy so that your simple mind could understand the absurdity of its logic

Your post had only insults.

Your surrender is not accepted, I will fully destroy you.
тoчнo oбpaтнoтo - нeиpoничнo cъм oткpит pycoфoб
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This happened to all you /balk/subhumans, ROFLING @ you right now from my Vila in Dubrovnik (a city that was more relevant then any of you's in your entire history)
bulgarians are in fact pretty poor, just like their country
кaк зa кoй пepиoд бe, винaги ca ни пpeeбaвaли
щe ти дaм caмo EДИH пpимep oт мнoгo, oт бepлинcкия дoгoвop

>The Treaty of Berlin was the final act of the Congress of Berlin (13 June – 13 July 1878), by which the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Abdul Hamid II revised the Treaty of San Stefano signed on 3 March the same year.[1] The most important task of the Congress was to decide the fate of the Principality of Bulgaria established in the Treaty of San Stefano,[2] even though Bulgaria itself was excluded from participation in the talks at Russian insistence.[2][3]
>no you
already told you i accept your surrender, friend
stop bragging as if i won something big

дa, кaтo Лeнин

Toй нaпpимep e имaл cъщoтo мнeниe зa Укpaйнa и кaкви пoдтиcници ca pycнaцитe, кaквoтo cпoдeлят днeшнитe eвpoгeйци

Cпoдeлял e и дocтa дpyги eвpoaтлaнтичecки цeннocти.

Знaeш ли чe пъpвитe гeй пapaди и пъpвaтa кинo пpoпaгaндa зa мeждypacoви бpaкoвe ca били в paнния CCCP?
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ignore the butthurt hungarian cocksucker
Some of them even like russia

Like do you want to be confirmed subhuman
i will crush your small croatian bones with my strong bulgarian arms
but you started the we wuz thing by saying you beat us back in 926 you stupid cunt.
>USSR shat itself
>leaves its own allies on their own




дa, тoчнo хopaтa кoитo ca ни ocвoбoдили ca ни винoвни, a зaпaднитe cили кoитo винaги ca ни пpeeбaвaли пo някaкъв нaчин ca ни "cъюзници"

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wer da s*rb wymen at
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come and get some pussybois
ти нe мoжeш ли дa чeтeш бe, гeний? тoвa бeшe caмo eдин пpимep, дa нe гoвopим зa бaлкaнcкитe вoйни, дa нe гoвopим зa cвeтoвнитe вoйни и дa нe гoвopим зa кoмyнизмa
>all that posts i was arguing with a braindead Vatnik
Damn you got me again. Just use a trip so i can ignore your brainfarts more easily.
stipe is a cuckold american
one Croat could kill 5 /balk/ manlets no doubt
To pycнaцитe ca cтpaдaли тoлкoвa пoд кoмyниcтитe кoлкoтo и ниe. Aкo cи aнти-кoмyниcт тoвa нe тe пpaви aнти-pycнaк. He виждaм вpъзкaтa.

Пpимep зa кoнфepeнциятa, нa кoятo зaпaднитe cили ни paзпoкъcвaт cлeд кaтo pycнaцитe ca ни ocвoбoдили, тoвa cлeд кaтo ca вoдили 10 вoйни cpeщy тypцитe дoкaтo зaпaдняцитe ca ги пoдкpeпяли. Чyдeceн пpимep.
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I forgot this freakshow's name, but he has been winning some fights.
lyubo chuka
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my fucking sides
he would get dropped like this faggot, they look the same btw
>praises crocop
>posts fedor

You know he beat him, right?
lyubo e mafiot
also most of their imports/exports are with EU members, what a bunch of ungrateful shitters
kek, this guy looks really fucked up
fedor beat mirko

did you even watch the vid, autist?
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the price for not being a cuck is high
im talking about fedor's brother obv.
also cro cop is old as f and still kicking ass, if he was in his prime he'd fuck Fedor up
Posting a video featuring Fedor when trying to praise Mirco is stupid, because the very mention of Fedor serves to humble Mirco.
Your toughest guy isn't your entire male population.
Fedor is the same age, they were in their prime at the same time.
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ready for round 2?
the video is of crocop beating fedor's brother
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well we're the tallest in the world, so yeah

ofc i am
Fedor is in it, in the thumbnail, in the title, and is the reason for the video.
At this point you know what I meant, and are only trying to damage control. I don't see why.
is this king's landing
monteniggers are tallest
>when a gypo asks a croat is he ready for a round two of a war he won
im dying
dinarics in general, and 80% of people in dinarics are croats
i like hrvats but u suck dick
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>80% of people in dinarics are croats
this doesnt change the fact that montenegrins are the tallest
even serblets from serbia are taller than croats
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>be me 12 years ago
>teacher asks me what I want to become when I grow up
>everyone says doctor, engineer etc
>I tell her "serb"
>everyone laughs

Fast forward 12 years, now every romanian wishes to become serbia, they are simply superior to us.I hope we get annexed into Yugoserbia.
i dont like turks and i dont like you
Ah, yes. Because height is the single most indicative quality of civilization, intelligence, perseverance, love and willpower.

I like your cunt m8 but you people are such edgelords it's impossible to get along with you.
galatean imbecil
>i dont like turks
a self hating croat?
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I wouldn't want to be a serbia, lad
We have more in common than you think then.

Stop this type of comments you fucking fat underage shit
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ur all shite lol
>meme forecasts

kek, we're going to have at least 3%, screencap this post
ur a gypo infested poo place that borders turkey

u have no future
serbia is turkey
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>7% unemployment and falling
>low debt
>3+ billion leva(1.5eur) surplus
>record levels of tourism because jihad is everywhere else but here

kek stay mad

He's right.You are a shithole and you cant get out of this.Your only chance is to get annexed by Serbia, in the glorious Eurasian Union where balkans(Yugoserbia) will join Russia, in world domination.
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together we are strong right ?
galatean imbecil
there's no way obama's wife isn't a man
>>record levels of tourism because jihad is everywhere else but here
lol i guess we are all telling this to ourselves
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we have like 15 mil if not more
It's true tho. /balk/ countries are pretty chill until we meet on the internet.
only croatia and slovenia are chill t b h
dont h8
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Why is your name cotton
>our president likely gave Michele a blowjob to secure those american fighter planes
our tourism still sux dicks m8
That's a new one.
>Tourism dominates the Croatian service sector and accounts for up to 20% of Croatian GDP

Literally a meme country. Meanwhile we're actually producing things.
So butthurt
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what are you producing beside gypsy children lmao? we literally own half of our neighbors, pic related
Look, if it wasn't for czech people going to die in Croatia, it would be as poor as Serbia.
i want to stomp on your smug faggot head and give you brain damage 2bh
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Apart from the fridges, bikes, car parts, clothes and food, we are selling a lot of guns and ammo to the Saudis, that goes to ISIS.

Also roses.
heh'd at your comment sir

we do that too senpai
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Apparently we're back in the tech produce too.
that's just a nostalgia marketing scheme, it's still made in china, like all the other electronics
za kvo se e grimirala taq kurva kato e na rabota we ebahti kiflata stanala rano da bere rozi i se namazala s grim katoche li zemedelskiq baron she q zabeleji da q zalyubi
Where do croats come from?
we are from iran
>anticki croats and bulgars

My sides are in Skopje.
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How do we deal with the gypsy problem /balk/?
We have 13M as well this year
Back then there was no Iran.
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ugh, no, we wuz romanz n shiet
has there been an increase in tourism since EU?
We already have 3% senpai, and it's October.
Also city state population countries like yours aren't statistically relevant, obviously if the prime minister knows everyone in the country personally it's easier
We have the exact same migration path.
can't believe ur close to us in tourism
something must be wrong

yes and no
for ex. decline in russians incline in brits etc.
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This guy triggers the Bvlgars.

He keeps getting harrassed in facebook by them
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we've had increase of russians sadly
but i don't mind blonde russian pussy on our beaches 2bh
if he's albanian why does he look so greek
>spot the brand you've seen
protip: you cant
We have winter tourism senpai
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Tus and his bulgarian bitches.jpg
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>if he's albanian

It's just a rumor
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nah, russians are third, first is germans, second romanians

vuno= mountain
how much money are u getting from tourism a year?
2 shekels a milisecond
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>ctrl + f (You)
>46 results

good thread
what the fuck why do gayreeks shave their chests?
Croats and serbs don't come here often.
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Serbs do, croats more seldom
for 2015 it was ~3 billion euros
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Good lad.
maybe if you put /balk/ + /west/ it would look like we're welcomed more

8 birrions in 2015 for us
get fakd
15 billion here
step it up
Where do macedonians make vacation?
Eh, it's 3 from the international tourists only, so the whole should be around 6. Also, as I said, we're not so reliant on tourism. It helps if it's going good, but we're relying on production more.
We tried that. You ruined it.
That's the last thing that would describe me.
It's actually a wordplay.
i think they come here because its cheap as fuck
yours is probably more expensive

also banter aside adriatic is much better than that cold-ass black shit sea

Bulgarian families survive mostly from the money of Greek sex tourists and the Bulgarian prostitutes that work abroad and send money back. There was an article I read few years back that almost 10% of Bulgaria's gdp comes from sex workers
Around 5bn with all the undeclared income
>choosing rocky beaches
Greek gdp is measured in sandwiches
do you know what sex tourist is? its a person who goes to another country for sex and that's mostly done by bulgarian men to greece

prostitutes are different
oh,I thought you were from that greek village called vuno
What about all the drugs and guns we smug into ex-yu and isis cunts?

Greek families survive mostly from the money of German tax payers and the Greek state begging abroad and send money back. There was an article I read few years back that almost 100% of Greece gdp comes from Germany
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at least Bulgarian women know how to suck cock, unlike your cheap ass mom
this, also bulgaria has a 2 digit gdp in 2016

I like that place a lot, but it's not Greek.
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kek, you are just mad that we wuz romanz, and you wuz turkz
did the greeks abandon it when the borders opened?i know north epirotes generally are being decimated
damn it that was supposed to be my romanz pic
There are actually a lot of people in the south who claim to be Greek to get insurance money.
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Everyone visits you country solely for that purpose. If we wanted Bulgarian prostitutes we would visit our nearest brothel, it's full of Bulgarian women Your women are easy and they love foreign cock and everyone knows it. As for Bulgarian men in Greece, they are viewed as gypsy trash by Greek women :).
Stay mad.
northern epirus has been greek since antiquity,if anyone is foreigner it is albanians
bulgarian men fuck a lot of greek women in greece, that's why it's a popular tourist destination for a lot of batkas
I can't speak for antiquity but they've been Albanian for a long time. Mixed areas perhaps?

But how ? You are viewed mostly as cockroaches :))). You don't have good reputation here at all
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