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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 89

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A Midwestern Romance.jpg
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Midwestern Romance Edition
first for me
its chilly out
first for maple syrup
4th for maple syrup
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>Flag so shit you have to spell your name out
US states are shit at flags. Mine is only barely recognizable because instead of a blue flag with a seal, it's a white flag with a blue seal.

Maine needs to go back to their old flag. It was so much better.
2 more post-404:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5dgbjWnlFk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLnqewOIulE [Embed]
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where do gf's come from?
Well, when a mommy and a daddy loves each other very much...
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outer space no joke
do not ever respond to one my posts ever again
Liquefied hopes and dreams.

You just have to mold and apply heat to it once you think it's perfect.
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m i d w e s t

gf's come from timing (opportunity), proximity, and effort (not being autistic)
From amazonia anywhere else and its a trap
What are u listening to buds?

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If it was up to me this would be our state flag
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>tfw don't think I'm watching a single thing this season
what are you buds keeping up with this fall?
>if you don't like it: move

There's a phrase for that: white flight.
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just filled out my absentee ballot
That's definitely an improvement. I want my state to make the official maritime flag our state flag.
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Good feels

Deranged desu

Should I move to Bismarck, ND lads?

>93% white
>cheap real estate and cost of living
>good job market
>qt midwestern girls of german/scandi descent
take a trip there and get a lay of the land, if you like it sure
Gonna try to watch that one lesbian band one. I'll blast through the first season starting... now
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cute boys desu
I'm sure I'll drop over half of them
so nothing changes?

It's okay, Fargo is better imo
Visit and see if you like it bud
Looks pretty flat and open and for some reason that makes me uneasy. Needs more trees, a lot more really. You might like it, go.
im very bored
Fucking Mexicans
I would but

you're a boring person
>26 of 51
Jesus Christ.
wanna play me in chess?
1. E4
I want to quit my job work for Jewgle, but I'll never be smart enough.
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Don't be rude.

Looks better; I would definitely remember it.

We need to steal Milwaukee's new flag for the whole state.
>Dominican Republic
Was expecting Brazil desu
I think it's cool. North Dakota has one of the lowest population densities and is extremely rural outside its major cities(even then the major cities are hardly even 'cities'). I'm from northern Georgia so I'm pretty accustomed to feelings of claustrophobia and want try living somewhere more spacious.
yeah a bit
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>tfw something went wrong while fapping and now the tip of my penis stings
what're you, 12?
Thinking about getting a pass
Does it hurt?
No, Im not a nerd.
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Foggy Badlands.jpg
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>North Dorkota
>Not South Dorkota
Am I dissuading you from here?
kek. this hasn't happened to me since I was 12/13
does anyone have a chili recipe better than mine?

If so pls post
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>Milwaukee new flag
Far better than our old one
rude. no, you're a dipshit
just finished gundam thunderbolt
pretty nihilistic desu

>synopsis for classicaloid
can't be worse than nodame cantabile
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Nah, it's just that Rapid City or Sioux Falls don't have as great economies so they're not at the top of my list. Your shitposting is pretty dissuading though :^)
*Jumps the border*
Huh, that was easy.
I want to own several cargo ships that do trade between the US and South East Asia so I can feel like a cool merchant from the 1700s
tfw no virginia gf
*Jumps the Wall*
Huh, that was even easier.
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Plucking the hairs off the shaft, friends
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*places beartraps on interior of wall*
can I have them if you're just going to throw them away?
i know this feel. too risky to go in there with a close electric razor.
*places bare traps on interior of wall*
this new little vape I bought looks like a fat chode version of my previous one but it rips fatter clouds too
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>Your shitposting is pretty dissuading though :^)

>Rapid City or Sioux Falls don't have as great economies
It's a little bump, we should be on the upturn next summer
Housing is rising which sucks
too real. it hurts! make it stop

all the gfs are in henrico county

chesterfield is the TRUE feels county
>tfw no gf to snuggle with while the temperature drops
you know when people say "my dick has a mind of its own"?
can I teach my penis to do calculus?
gas a yank
you gotta work on your standup anon
>tfw gf

4chan Pass user since January 2016.
I just flew in from cleveland and boy are my arms tired!
a fucking LEAFGOLEM
Silly American, I´m not a bear so it doesn´t work.
how to you make martha stewart scream twice?
first you fuck her in her ass, then you wipe your dick on her curtains!
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chesterfeild is where the young people have fun

henrico is where I am and thats about it


where the hell do you go to have fun in chesterfield?
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I don't know where to have fun anywhere around here
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>flyovers talking about fun
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Would you cuddle with Mercy
just move to richmond senpai. you're so close to having some normalcy and social possibility
that would be impossible because it is a cartoon
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>south dakota
Go outside
>It's a little bump, we should be on the upturn next summer Housing is rising which sucks
Once they raise interest rates house prices should quit rising. Or we'll enter another recession and they'll fall
Where do I get a white gf
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>califags talking about water
>Tangerines telling me how to have fun

I have a strict platonic relationship with doctors

What else would they be?

>Go outside
No, I want friends whom I can indulge in deep discussions of 4chan autism with
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midwest ends at the plains
>anybody in the US who doesn't live in NYC thinking that they live in real city
B-but Mexico is full of brown people
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It's Midwest.
The Great Plains start at the center of the Dakotas
Eastern SD and ND are basically Western Minnesota
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>No, I want friends whom I can indulge in deep discussions of 4chan autism with
Then get out of /cum/, this is a normie general :^)
oh apologies we all dont live in a rats nest with 8 million other people. yall are fucked if anything happens to energy or food supplies. eatabagadicksfaggit
you need trees to be midwestern

The Midwest is just a huge imaginary piece of shit. There was a study done with a pretty large sample size that asked people from all over what is "Midwest". The short answer is that its generally considered anything in the general area that doesn't fit in easily to one of the other basic designations, i.e. West coast, Texas, South, Northeast. The Great Lakes are also grouped into this region.

The "Midwest" is basically just a bullshit term.
the entire country would be fucked seeing as NYC is one of the most, if not the most important financial center in the world, and it also contributes $1 trillion of the US's $17 trillion GDP
Virginia > alle
There were a few Minnesotans and Manitobans, an Iowan, and a New Yorker who were all buddy buddy

But then they all returned to their lives, and /midwest/ died
>be virginian
>can't even spell "all" right
i have never been outside here
post late night songs bros
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>this is what jew yorkers actually believe
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whoops meant here
I've been to Australia and New Zealand more than California.
es ist Deutsch
warum sprichst du deutsch in diesen faden?
>With a GDP of $1.21 trillion, the Greater New York City region is the world’s second-largest metropolitan economy, behind Tokyo.

>New York’s economy is about 53% larger than the world’s next largest urban economy, Los Angeles (with a GDP of $786.7 billion in 2012).

really makes you think
Oh, that's terrible. Visit places.
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Come and sleep with me and then wake up only to realize it's 3am and you are no longer sleepy, /cum/
Wish I had a job and shit desu. Basically when I'm not doing drugs with my friends I'm sitting around watching netflix and shitposting by myself. Wish I got on the college train and accepted that debt was my only option
No shame in that. America is all pretty homogeneous imo.
there is something very attractive about this girl
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warum nicht?
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>when a jew yorker is confronted about the amount if shit he wades in, he will become confused and only be able to muble "muh gdp" or "muh gdp muhfugga"
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Haven't been outside here.

Live in Florida and only visited up north.

Someday I will visit everywhere.
It's a shithole infested with rats and minorities. That's all I need to think about because I'd never live there.
been all over europe but the furthest ive been in america is oswego, illinois and warren dunes, michigan
i never even stopped in indiana. of all the time ive lived in america, ive spent maybe half a week outside cook county
i hate this fucking city
What county? I'm living in Brevard right now
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Oregon was fun
Indiana is a piece of shit. It's a more boring version of Ohio with marginally less black people.
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Sounds like a motivation problem

Weil die Idioten versteht wir nicht
only good boys allowed ITT
>live in LA
>stuck in traffic for 5 hours
>live in Boston
>last call at 2am lmao
>live in Chicago
>only like 2 subway lines run past midnight, literally nothing to do as well
>live in SF
>full of techies, asians, and white people who think they live in a """diverse""" city
>live anywhere else in the country
>literally nothing to do, like 2 restaurants worth going to, and public transportation is essentially non-existent

really makes you think
anyone can recommend me a nice lewd anime about a tsundere qt that falls in love with a fucking idiot.
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>playing team fortress
>join a server
>some guy from new jersey taking about how badass his city is with all the violence
>mfw people are proud of this

What a terrible place. No wonder change wont come to them.
new jersey isnt a city
ive got cousins in new jersey
good anime

I got broads in atlanta
Kiss X Sis

My cat lives in my neighbor's garage
lmao NJ is a huge meme
Just told my room mate I'm a Trump supporter hahaha
idk about lewd but

Nozaki Kun and Lovely Complex wew
twistin dope lean and fanta
>live in new york
>can't get into manhattan because the toll booth operators are on strike
>can't sit down on the subway because the only empty seat has a puddle of piss in it
>can't sleep because the nignog next door is blasting his shitty music
>breath through my mouth because it smells like garbage everywhere
>avoid eye contact with everyone because anyone could be a homeless person who'll ask you for money
>be asexual because all the women are greedy gold diggers
danke schön
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i can't deny this
Nice. What's it like? My city is literally a dumpster. Has a higher crime rate than Detroit and it's hard to find peers who know how to have fun without doing drugs.
>mfw my mom told her coworkers at work that I support Trump
Now they would probably think I'm some racist if I ever have to meet them.
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Do you live with her or something? Why would they meet you?
Warum das Bild?
is it autistic to watch mre reviews for hours at a time?
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Favorite cities I've been to personally:
1. Toledo
2. Jacksonville
3. D.C.
4. Chicago
5. Buffalo
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es ist niedlich
t. corporal klinger
Pretty comfy. I live literally a couple houses above the Orange-Seminole county line. It's easy to drive out to Disney whenever I want to.

Sanford is a complete shithole, though. Rest of the county isn't bad.
do you love me back
Ja es ist
>Entfernen Kebab
Go Hens!!
okay good thanks
casey tier uezs familie
whats cum listebing to
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I've visited this area 10s of times and I've still never been there
It's weird, most people I've actually talked to prefer Trump. A bartender I was talking to the other night was talking about how he watched Clinton cash and how she'll destroy America. My parents like him, their friends like him, my siblings like him, a bunch of people at my Uni (Queen's) like him. There's a Trump 2016 sign in a window down the street from me, and pretty much all the people in my Christian students group that I've talked to about it prefer him. I've even seen Trump for PM bumper stickers.

But then I see things like that video of the guy getting yelled at for the Trump hat in Calgary or the video in Toronto where they can't find one open Trump supporter and it feels worlds apart.
In Colour, my favorite album from last year.
Did you hike?

I drove with my dad
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My town is infested with smelly crustpunks
clean up your town
> he watched Clinton cash
Ehh, I wouldn't count it unless you actually spent a few days in each town and mingled with the locals.

well we stopped off in various towns, and we stayed in Portland for a week or so
Bad feel
he will be missed lads
1 (you)=1 prayer
That's because Queen's is all small town white kids. There are no minorities at Queen's except for the children of rich Tories.

Literally a white conservashitlord safe space that's why Harper's son is there.
ordering a pizza
what toppings does /cum/ want on it
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Have a good night, /cum/
no you
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am i really missing anything?

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what's the best way to break up with a girl?
just text her "I don't need you anymore" or something?
Why have you been to the most empty part of my state, and the boring part of Montana
you can't get hawaiians on pizza that would be human trafficking

the entire pacific ocean coastline
bounce her head off the ground
depends if your threads are doing iron man numbers yet or not
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me in the pics

>only a green belt

haha, Id have that pussy on the floor faster than he could count to Go
my family did a vacation and flew into phoenix, besides a few museums, i really wouldnt call it visiting that area. We spent about a week at the grand canyon and monument valley (which i didnt circle)
the only thing on the pacific i want to visit is alaska
Ignore her texts and be dismissive when she tries talking to you.
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I'd have you on the floor desu
I would have liked to see this guy in a fight with Dylann Roof.
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Literally the worst way.
Just text her, "hey we need to talk, when can you come over?"
And when she arrives tell her "I don't think it was meant to be, I like you but I really don't see our relationship going anywhere, I think its better for the both of us to separate and look ahead for more suitable partners, I'd still like us to be friends though"
Say the last part even if you don't.
whats cum fapping to tonight
i heard an ivy league college burned down lol
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Drinking Icelandic beer while watching Deadpool and brainstorming ways on how to leave this country and live/work abroad for this winter-summer. An idyllic Saturday night.
"Come back Wisconsin, just because us vikings think you're a bunch of fat cheese curdmunchers doesn't actually mean that you're fat."
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wTf gf SenT me THIS

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
Except that no one listens to him. We at least have the balls to shoot back at BLM protesters when they attack us. Now go back to munching on cheese curds and sucking at sports.
You're grandma
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>Not fat
never break up with a girl, just lose interest with her until she breaks you up.
Seriously dude, it's not a huge thing for us, but it is for them. Be better than them.
Why are us state flags so ugly
who even is this?
listening to The Boss atm
Why not xd
hmm, should I get a 4chan pass while it's still on sale? I think my current one's going to expire soon. iirc, I bought it around October-November, how do I get it to tell me like in
Nah that only contributes to the "I make the rules!" mentality that women seem to have these days

Might not be a problem in Mexico but here women need to eat a big ol' slice of humble pie and you shutting it down instead of her only helps with that
Stupidly thicc hips are good in hentai but they look so awful in real life.
I think they are designed by the state legislatures.
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My girlfriend, I've been telling you guys like a lot of times already.

since4pass in options lad, desu it's only 5 dollars off but if you really like to support 4chan you can do it but otherwise i'd just wait.
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>4chan Pass
Unpopular opinion: Tokyo is an incredibly boring and sterile place.
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>not paying shekels for hiroshima to make 4chan better again


Agreed, Japanese are the scum of the earth and they can't do anything right.

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
When was this 4chan Pass user shit installed on this site? I usually browse on /wg/ and usually those are cross-site posters so none of them use passes.
maybe I should get some earplugs so I can drown out my idiot roommates at night
I suppose it would be worth it, and I care more about avoiding being jewgle's slave

4chan Pass user since October 2015.
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:O !!!
dude dealing with women is like dealing with children. You just got to pretend they're in charge of some of your decisions to make them feel important.
If they cry out loud, you just got to give her the most condescending approval and keep up with your life.
It's not worth fighting with a woman, and never feel proud of winning an argument with them. Just fuck bitches, make buck, fuck even better bitches and then marry a dependent woman that can ignore most of your flaws.
Dunno if it's any different than here, but people go through some weird shit in order to obtain pussy, listen to music you don't like, being in places you hate and getting alone with people you want to murder. But at the end, and if you have a good match, you won't end up crying to sleep thinking what's wrong with yourself.
i don't wanna pay for a fucking pass so pls vote for my /mu/ banners so i can get one for free

>you must have a pass to vote

who the fuck thought this was a good idea
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We're all part of the botnet already, might aswell just give up and join in
Because /wg/ is a comfy board desu.
Which one is it?
>tfw no gf with the body of a fertility goddess
>how to get a girl to stop liking you

do really beta shit like buy her flowers, tell her you couldn't live without her, ask her a lot of questions in general, talk in a high pitched, nervous voice, act with no confidence, don't make eye contact, have nervous/twitchy body language, start talking with gay voice etc.

the quicker a woman thinks she's got you figured out the quicker she gets bored of you and leaves you
>visited north Georgia but not Chattanooga

come to Chattanooga, it's really comfy and cheap and not too big
Is it just me, or does it feel like driving through Mogadishu on Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis? I have lived here for so long, in fact my gf and I were almost robbed as we were walking to the museum by three Somalians that were sipping on lean.
what the fuck is this buds
I'm gonna tell on you
>tfw wake up at what i guess is midnighit having had a bunch of dreams of people not paying you rent or vice versa
>have 9 beers andd some liquor that needs to be rid of by tomorrow
>police want to meet up again tomorrow
fuck my life
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fucking lmao
>you will never be a cute, shy, petite, black weeb girl
why live buds
Why do humans respond to "cuteness" or have "cute" personalities?

You'd think that in a fucked up world like this it'd be a completely useless emotion. I mean, all it does is make people who succumb to it weak.
Because if we didn't we'd beat babies heads in
>not liking a cute aesthetic above all else
Fucking pleb.
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didn't realize that my pass was due to expire in just 5 days. went ahead and renewed it, cool
>might aswell just give up and join in
not as long as I don't have to

4chan Pass user since October 2015.
i have, i thought i caught it in the loop on the bottom of tennessee but obviously i didnt. Should have remembered that when im going through chattanooga from alabama i have to go into tennesse then into georgia for a couple of minutes before going back into tennsese to get there

iv been to the aquarium, zoo and lookout mountain in that region
pretty fucked up on gin atm
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bang bang
boom boom
pop pop
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small world man. The whole area around the aquarium is really quaint and comfy during the summertime. You can walk across the bridge and watch free movies being projected at Coolidge park and they have free concerts downtown every Friday and Saturday night of the summer. It's all family friendly stuff but you can get some buddies and go do that and then go bar hopping or mess with dozens of people playing pokemon go who gather at hunter museum next to the aquarium. Not to mention all the things you can do on the lake and river

pic is prentice cooper park outside Chattanooga
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>mfw watching The Devil's Carnival (2015 film)
>spent 3 hours with normies tonight

glad to be home
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welcome back

me showing dad whats up
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that image triggers me so much.
Your daughter?
No, Google's.
You save pics of other peoples children haphazardly?
I google reaction images because I don't save them.
Stop thinking weird things, you perv.
I'm watching you, pedo cunt.
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No, don't worry. Girls like this are my type, not little white girls with no titties.
My northern neighbors seem to be going the way of their scandinavian brothers.
Cascadia > New England
Very lewd please delete, this is a family friendly board
>blood red blushing

He's too pure
my dick > your bootyhole
She's not thinking about sex, don't worry.
I think my life has managed to spiral out of control worse than I ever thought it could

every year I think that THIS is the bottom and it can only get better from here. Then I come back in september, and the free fall begins again
Thats weird cause I get the same way during summer and september is when everything aligns itself in place again
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what's wrong with you
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New England is quaint and desolate. Literally feels like a Stephen King novel. You will never get that atmosphere in Cascadia.
new american football album dropped
>You will never get that atmosphere in Cascadia.
thank god
Hey /cum/
You ever been to the top?
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Yeah, and just look where the fuck I am now
Did you spend all the money you got?
>tfw living with uncle
>Tfw he tells you his gf is coming over and you have to leave the house
>Mfw she gonna be here all day tomorrow

Wtf do I do out in the streets all day?! Like how weird is it going to be to be posted at Starbucks from 9am till 11pm?? I can't even complain since I'm living rent free. Shit is annoying as fuck though.
im always on the top if you know what i mean
I have less than 80 dollars in my account.

Don't do drugs and only do school if you can afford it, friends.
i'm not your friend you degenerate junkie

Go to the cinema, hiking, meet up with people to eat together. There are a few things you could do.

dont tell me how to live my life
So you've never been on the rocks?
Sounds like you need to get your mind together
Which apple's do you prefer juice from? I like Gala
juice your own apples you peasant
my fucking nigger
they have a good deli
That's not too weird.
After the Starbucks walk around looking for Pokémon.
At least that's what I'd do.
Alternatively find a park, sit in a secluded area, smoke a joint and lay down while listening to some cool music.
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>not drinking the king of Apple Juice
I was in a similar situation.

Since my city is full of hipsters, I would jump from Starbuks to Starbuks every block, every 2 hours. I'd by smart water every time.
I work there so i get a discount. They're a 3 minute longboard ride away too, I LOVE SPROUTS
Martinelli's is good
If it's clear and yella, you got juice there fella
If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town
>make a thread
>someone links to a new one before you can link yours

I don't have any friends :/ I mean I do, buti haven't seen them in over a year and they still live in the same city.

There's a couple of em around, but I just hate buying stuff at Starbucks. Everything feels overpriced.
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