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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 59

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW0S0-K3xlM edition
Fuck stys
imagine being a professional neckbeard
gas everyone who listens to the smiths
Bit tired lads.
Failing all my courses due to non attendance haha

Spent all my time there doing drugs and drinking
only eighties bangers edition

please delete this
t. computer science major
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good lad

have a good picture of a rare golden tiger
have a word with yourself
should i major in CS
it seems like the comfiest major
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thanks for the tiger

two treats for you

Oh am I still ill
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>wake up fine after a day of heavy drinking
>think I've got away with it
>turns out the hangover just hadn't hit yet
Sure if you like math and programming.
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You have the same taste in music as my mum lad
Holy fuck

Requiem for a Dream is one of the saddest movies I've ever watched
hahaha ive only been to rics once and i was NOT a fan of it

might go out tonight but idk every girl in brisbane is trying to get into flying cock for asap ferg and i shant be lining up for that haha
like math but never touched programming
is there some way i could use it to make money while never having to move my fat ass out of my house?
The vast majority of the posts ITT are not British, even though this is /brit/.

Cultural rape needs to stop.
It's also god awful by every measure
cj from gta looks like he has downs
Posting from my phone
You are genuinely retarded.
It's a bit late for that
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Why aren't you passed out drunk right now like all your fellow Brits?
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I'm British
every time I get properly drunk for me

hangover gets me in the late afternoon
>is there some way i could use it to make money while never having to move my fat ass out of my house?
Yes. Look into freelancing.
is your mum hot

yeah you use some real advanced math in cs don't you? absolute mong
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I miss the olympics
>wake up
>dont feel too bad
>think ive avoided it
>sit up
>feel like someone has drop kicked me in the brain
>get all dizzy and nauseous
>lie back down and accept my death
Children before marriage is WRONG
You do if you want a degree you fucking mongoloid.
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>legless amphibians
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Gimmick idea: Early Modern English
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Marcus Hausen
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>tfw keep measuring my heart rate on my phone
>average between 50-55 bpm
>within the "athlete" range
>been smoking for over a decade and barely do any exercise
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need him out of business
w2c buffting gf??
Benched 35lbs today lads
>Why are all these countries we colonized trying to interact with us
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>tfw when I nearly escaped NEEThood
>joined a gym got /fit/
>got a job
>life looking good getting optimism back
>dislocated shoulder badly
>back to NEEThood for the next few months
Sorry *coloniced
fuck off little englander
/brit/ is our court and the nations of the world come here to pay homage to us
alri lads
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Called the popo on my neighbours for playing their shitty music obscenely loud. They've shut up now.
We can use our english all we want :)
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Jebposting time
Why would he agree to doing that? Looks really bad.
Shut the fuck up

Wasn't a party or one-off thing, they're just selfish cunts.
Alright everyone out
I remember reading it would have been more disrespectful to refuse them

I don't really know though
because they insist on doing it. you can't say no because some PC tards will misinterpret it and chuck a tantrum
m8 it's like 1 pm AND grand final weekend. bit unaustralian desu
Snitches get stitches
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You can only post ITT if your flag has the union jack on it
It would appear as if I got absolutely fucking jumped tonight

My head hurts all over, going for stitches tomorrow
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just got back from house partay

played yank style flip cup

had a qt interested in me but my mate fancied her so it felt wrong to pursue it

off to bed

night fellas
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alt-rightists BTFO
who are they though?
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my province's does
2 points

1) does the soul exist independent of the brain? or is the soul a result of the brain, and therefore ends when the brain dies?

2) If you remove every piece of an item until no pieces of it are original, like repairing a wooden ship with new wooden planks but in the same form, is it the same as the original? If you took your brain and used it to create an exact simulation of it in a very powerful machine, that replicated every molecule, would that machine be you? would it be your soul? in that sense do we amount to nothing more than machines?
soft cunt
why they do it?

why didn't you simply best them all in physical combat?
Head like a fucking orange
It was a gang of prods too :(((
I endorse this
Got cold feet and hands
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1) Yes

2) No
>Get beat up
>I-it was those people we don't like, I s-swear
Cathocucks, every time
Because I'm a cafflick and nah m8 there was fukin loads of the bastards

Vision went very blurry after a fat fellow stamped on my eye socket and I conked out next thing I know cops are tending to my wounds
how many exactly?

if you actually got your head stamped on and knocked out that means you were likely concussed so sleeping before going to the hospital is a pretty bad idea
1)nobody knows but the soul is meant to be an immaterial thing, the brain just enables it to be expressed physically. But self comes from the brain so it depends to what extent your sense of self and your soul co-exist.

2) No, its not,
Again no, but to some extent yes, there would be a different stream of consciousness, i would suggest you play the game SOMA which experiments with this question.
So lads my hair line is receding, I just wend down the staits and shaved my head bald and it looks utterly awful. So much regret. Tomorrow everyone is going to take the piss out of me.
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I'd say about 7-8 and my head is just banging atm gonna need stitches on the eye socket defo
bit of an unbelievable story tbqh. if coppers found you like that you'd be in hospital right now not posting on 4chan
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No because I'm from the south and was up north they sent me on my way

Not lying to you lad, I swear to fuck I'm in a better state now cause I managed to get home and get a shower but by fuck the heads banging
learning welsh lads
I tend to agree with this, though the police can't force you to go the hospital
how do you know
*rubs your head for good luck*

Should've given yourself a really close buzzcut lad. The polished look is too much.
>man found lying in the street with head injuries
>sent away for being from different country

yeah nah
Because they asked me where I was from after hearing my accent and upon revealing "southern county name here" they all started laying into me
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Pretty comfy lads
I literally feel sick in my stomach, what the fuck have I done?
What is your job?
Do you enjoy it?
I did this last week. Been wearing a hat non stop, you'll get used to it.
If you go with a buzzcut you run the risk of looking like some skinhead runt tbqh
benzo habit is destroying me lads

wake up everyday and feel like killing myself until i take my xanax then i feel good and like every little thing is gonna be alright
no one takes your ideas seriously anymore, descartes. philosophers openly mock you
Yes, that's how it works around the Irish border. I was too far up north for them to drive back town, request a meeting with the guards and take me to a southern hospital.

They cleaned my wounds and a friend came over to me and said he could get me a taxi.
I dunno m9, ur just gunna have to get used to being a bald now

wear a hat
absolute rubbish
1. Fucking your dads arsehole
2. It pays the bills I guess
scummy cunts, huns really are animals
I know I sound like a twat but fucking hell I look horrible. Looking in the mirror freak me out. Tomorrow my house mate will start taking the piss and I am too insecure to take it. Fucking reeee
1. Professional shitposter
2. Not when I have to talk to leafs

its honestly not that bad hey, work outside and its with good mates and stuff, just monotonous and not intellectually engaging at all

this is really bad man please stop, we're here for you as you need
its getting cold, hat time
or be autistic and call in sick
Only if you wear combat boots, slacks and a denim jacket all at once.
I thought the same thing, but I'm slowly warming up to it, and you'll get banter no matter what, even if you got a slightly different haircut. Just accept it and go along with it.
so if you were found beaten on the streets of belfast you wouldn't be admitted to an NI hospital because you're from the ROI? sounds like total bullshit
Or just grow it back if you don't like it>>65610861
rush of horny energy rushing from my balls to my brain is telling me it's time to wank
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Sneak preview of the old eyebrow and that's all you'll get

I'm not lying to you, I got fucking battered and I'm in a bad way rn
>this is really bad man please stop, we're here for you as you need

How do I quit?
I would still think less of a person rocking a buzzcut then I would one going squeaky clean
nice vans haha
Fucked around and got addicted to meth lads

Is my life over?

Buzzcuts are very utilitarian and you can do them yourself this saving money on haircuts
doesn't even need stitches

I woulda just KO'd them all desu
1998 called it wants its music back
The more I look at your flag the more I hate it. It's disgusting.
It does, its Quite a large cut and won't stop bleeding and the rest of my face is just lumps.
Between skinheads and military runts the buzzcut is ruined 2bh
how autistic are you exactly?
Is it alright to make some bullshit up or embesllish stories for job interviews about how i demonstrated leadership if the story shows good values? or are the interviewers too smart for that?
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>it's the leaf defender
Every time
i like leaf too
Would rather be mistaken as a skinhead or ex-military than an alien 2bqh.
Not gonna lie I really don't give a shit what you think mate
Reminder that if you don't like Canada are lizzie doesn't have a very high opinion of you.
ayy lmao
but i love canada
putting the plan into action
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>I don't give a shit what you think
Go on tell me how you don't give a shit
plan the action into putting
doing a hunger
hahaha how did that hapen? give us the full story

i've smoked meth like probs under twenty times and never developed a habit or anything
want another sandwich but its a bit late
no it's just beginning
what sort of sandwich
What's a good cheap Android phone lads

4 dollar android phone

ham and cheese
Bit dead
As far as I know there are three brit posters, two canadians, a yank, an australian, and some Irish bloke
average american post
>2 points
>1) does the soul exist independent of the brain? or is the soul a result of the brain, and therefore ends when the brain dies?
>2) If you remove every piece of an item until no pieces of it are original, like repairing a wooden ship with new wooden planks but in the same form, is it the same as the original? If you took your brain and used it to create an exact simulation of it in a very powerful machine, that replicated every molecule, would that machine be you? would it be your soul? in that sense do we amount to nothing more than machines?
average canadian post
>Reminder that if you don't like Canada are lizzie doesn't have a very high opinion of you.
Prefer the Canadian post
>80 bucks for an 8 hour sleep
average american post
>average american post
>>2 points
>>1) does the soul exist independent of the brain? or is the soul a result of the brain, and therefore ends when the brain dies?
>>2) If you remove every piece of an item until no pieces of it are original, like repairing a wooden ship with new wooden planks but in the same form, is it the same as the original? If you took your brain and used it to create an exact simulation of it in a very powerful machine, that replicated every molecule, would that machine be you? would it be your soul? in that sense do we amount to nothing more than machines?
>average canadian post
>>Reminder that if you don't like Canada are lizzie doesn't have a very high opinion of you.
average canadian post
Bit tired lads.
Ameriyank post is High School philosophy class tier.
Why do you hate us so? Is it because we did not fall for the trickery of the Jew and cast off our heritage, and turned out just as good, if not better than America?
just done the biggest cum of my life

had the consistency of treacle too, think it might be because i'm a bit ill

should probably go to bed desu
Gonna join the uni ukip society lads (I'm not actually)
going to bed desu
i dislike the canadians on here because they desire so hard to be a lapdog of the british. i can't fathom why anyone would wish they were ruled by a tiny little island thousands of miles away
>had driver's licence photo taken the other week
>wasn't even looking into the camera apparently

your lucky your school has stuff like that
there was not a single right leaning political group at mine (beyond a single libertarian club) and like 7 socialist variant clubs
i have a brit and canadian passport
post your ID

you can make it doxx proof but post face
Will not be doing this.

I'm basically looking above the actual camera. Must have been looking at their webcam or something. Look like a bit of a lemon.
Have the clocks gone back?
Excuse us for wanting to stick to our commonwealth instead of being YOUR lapdogs fucking Yank asshole.

Janny will NOT be happy with this.
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Poor Janny
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>An American man was burned to death by a mob in Lincolnshire after insulting the Queen at a pub.

He deserved it to be honest
good old lincolnshire

love their sausages, shame about scunthorpe
the queen is an ugly old shit who wears diapers
You talking about Hillary, your future Queen?
aye and yet she's not a virgin like you

really gets the ol cranium addling
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business idea: I go get some more mint slice biscuits from the cupboard
bit of projecting there mate. is there something you want to tell us?
giz one
Fuck I want some girl guide cookies.
>is there something you want to tell us?
if you insist

you're a stupid yank who should promptly remove himself from the populus asap
you would never say something like that to me in real life or else I'd fucking squish you, sniveling little runt
sent you one in the mail x
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pirate scumbags
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una vela
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> wake up
> the sis still hasn't ironically killed herself

una hoja
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>haven't had a drink in two days

feelin' fine

post a pic of her

if you want her dead you surely wouldnt mind procuring some fap material for the lads
thanks mate, ill send you a chocolate ripple when i receive the mint slice and the return address xx

not going to dox myself
Going for a shower ladies
*whips you with a wet towel*
Drown x
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"Tiber Septim" AKA Tyrone DeSamuels was a redguard, nords simply changed his race because they didn't want to admit the pinnacle of mankind was a black man.

*gives thread CPR*
I'm glad you're back amigo where have you been?
CIA plz
the haitiANUS was here earlier but he got banned before he could start posting scat and gore
date with the pengting tonight lads
Bit hungry

Not going to eat though lmao
good lad haha

where you taking her?
he is always evading bans
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dude I LOVE videogames
he posted under a somali flag last night
i know
close by pub that we both walk to
she hit he up last night asking me to come over but then backed out so fairly optimistic
nice nice haha gib her a fug from me :^)
Getting quitre pissed
Helo m'lads
Skepta is shit

He's got shit lyricism fucking early 90s rhymes and no imagination

Literally meme music for students from down south
yeah skepta and grime sucks

heaps of people are into it here and they're all activing as if they're like a stones throw away from actually being roadmen
Don't know what roadmen means

It's just more London centric bullshit mate he talk about rapping about what's going on in London but treith is there ain't ahit happening there just dolies like the rest of the country
Back from my shower ladies
>watching documentary on mexican drug cartels
>mexican vigilante group that is comprised of citizens of towns affected by cartel violence goes to another town to speak
>speaker starts getting heckled by a few people
>one guy screaming "you drive your vans without a license! you are criminals too! if we can't trust our police, army and government then we fail as citizens"

literal definition of a runt
LOL everybody here knew that autodefensas are just shills of other criminals
as in they work for another cartel, or are a cartel in their own right?
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trotskyists hate this man
work for another cartel
Do you want a Texan gf?

Mexico is fucked
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They have been since the PRI lost power and the following government decided to make war on the cartels

Prior to that happening there was a comfy unspoken agreement between the government and the cartels
If someone needed to go they were driven out into the desert, forced to dig their own grave, and shot in the back of the head
The cartels did their things and left civilians out of it and stayed relatively under the radar and everything was kosher

You didn't have these gun battles in the streets in broad daylight and bodies hanging from overpasses and mass graves filled with Guatemalans forced to fight to the death for the please of a drug lord
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wahey lads
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Duterte is so fucking based, i hope he does not get shut it down by the (((west)))
White barbarian neanderthals will never be as loving or kind as Black human kings

white people have no morals, they are barely even human, unlike Black People

shan't be clicking that
another stellar canadian post
fascist spics are not welcome here

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ah yes
i blame the CIA and the kikes for that
The KGB managed to turn some very powerful CIA higher ups and they created such things on the behest of the Kremlin so that the FBI would look in all the wrong places for KGB agents operating in the United States
she wants a man from norn
which cartel? i did think it was weird that they were only targetting knights templar but just assumed it was because they were the ruling cartel in the region
cats say "no" if you put them in water
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i want an alabamian gf

southern murifats are qt as fuck tbf
The funniest thing about Marxism is that fascists always end up running it. These people imagine that in the glorious revolution, THEY would be the ones putting people in gulags and redistributing the wealth. The reality is that the exact same people who would lead in fascist revolutions end up in power. Mussolini was literally a socialist demagogue before he was a fascist.

The irony is that we are more likely to end up stuffing them into train cars off to Siberia than he opposite. Right-wing thugs can adapt to a Marxist system easily, by the inverse is not true.

We always win. Stalin probably killed more whiny leftist shits than Pinochet.
pinochet was also supported by trotscumbags :o)
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Trotsky must have been a good lad
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funny there isn't one for england or wales haha

all right enough of that.

*chucks your Commie arse out of a helicopter*
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Good morning, Pedro.
>Franz Ferdinand

Legitimately terrible music
Mussolini was no socialist demagogue he was just a columnist for a socialist newspaper until he went to off to war
When he returned he saw how he could mobilize millions of veterans into supporting a new political movement
Of course this movement featured a strongman and law and order and very strict governance because that's what you find in the military

Fascism is nothing more than military ideals and structuring applied to civilian governance
wish i was dead
>those 14 in derry are the last you will bury

cheeky paddys
wish >>65613427 was dead
me spazzing out
>Fascism is nothing more than military ideals and structuring applied to civilian governance
completely wrong
Fascism is the application of aesthetic theories onto the political and social sphere
fascism has an economic aspect
the economic aspect is secondary, and it largely boils down to corporatism.
Finished assignment ... Check
Ahead of schedule.... Check
Pizza dough made and set to proof for Sunday feast.... Check

Sunday is looking awful good, laddies
*throws your pizza dough out the window*
Haven't been here in months. Got a full time job, gf, moved in to my own house and cut down to % body fat. How have you even doing?
You are a very bad lad, lad. Don't be that way
the same xD
Did you learn telekinesis from the ancient aborigine warriors?
love her big nose
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>that guy who only ever talks about sports
Match of the Day in 15 minutes lads
>love her big nose
Because it's distinctly imperfect and makes her seem more attainable I bet haha.
Awful show. Just watch match highlights on reddit
>the economic aspect is secondary
no it isn't
it embraces corporatism, yes, but it is central to the ideology
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Gf bought me fifa. Love her so much
Barely eaten for 3 days ha
>no it isn't
yes it is, the ideological basis of fascism is not connected to the economic aspect. you could arguably have a fascist state utilizing Marxist economic policies.

meanwhile aesthetics are the ideological core of the movement.
you bloody mentalist haha
don't you realise we need nutrients to sustain ourselves
far out man
what kind of utter mongoloid plays sports videogames?
Why is 17 so shite
the mexican is posting in /pol/ ajajajajajajajaja
volume icon has disappeared for the second time in 5 days

i am always posting in /pol/
lmao sports videogames and shooters like gears and cod are as normie as it gets

only absolute autismos play anything else
give me a source
might become a revolutionist leader 2bh
*assassinates you*
Did mandy again but feel ok

Fucks sake, need to stop
if you are like owen jones, you might be recruited by the MI6
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why don't you learn more about Aesthetics and the ideology behind fascism you twat. not to mention Catholicism since fascism has heavy ties to Catholic and also Classical thought.
Plato's Republic arguably being the first recorded inkling of fascist thought.



FIFA 17 is good imo but corners and penalties are gash
you can't kill an idea lad
How depressing
In love with Sophie Ellis bextor send help

Imagine being on an entire planet with just 3 other people for 2 years.
I think I'd go mad
Franco used moderate beheaders in the spanish civil war
*does a think*
*eliminates all sources of said idea*
*commits sudoku*
don't care about the ideology behind fascism or its aesthetics you mongoloid, we're talking about the features of fascism itself, which include specific economic features

literally cannot fathom how you people have managed to continue as a country for this long
>we're talking about the features of fascism itself,
which somehow doesn't include ideology? in something that is nothing but ideology.

don't be so thick
showed my cat a cat video on youtube
he started freaking out and sniffing the creen
*does two thinks*
DIRE attempt
end yourself
realised i've done nothing with my life. pretty sad 2bh
happiness is a Liberal myth to keep people content in their lot.

life is pointless so it doesn't matter in the end.
>computer games

Play with your willy then ok and just never be happy or enjoy anything
would be happier selling bracelets on a beach in aruba or meditating in a cave in bhutan
Downs Syndrome anon pls
you've done nothing to disprove my point that corporatism is an essential characteristic of fascism
Think I'm already dead
Where the F U Q Q is the new?
File: image.jpg (369KB, 2100x1532px) Image search: [Google]
369KB, 2100x1532px
Need to make babies with her

n e w
With hips like that she would probably die in childbirth and the child would have malnutrition because she clearly doesn't eat
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