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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 61

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Invited (Core /brit/ members):
>Northern Ireland

Welcome posters:
>Overseas territories

>everyone else

Hi :3
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I do bicep curls with 22kg dumbbells at the gym, lads. What would you say I am - a large fellow, perhaps? A substantial lad?
Catherine Tate is fit. I don't give a FUCK what any of you lot think
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feels good man
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Get the FUCK out
Why do they hate us again?
No :3
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does anyone need a reason to hate pakis?
Are we an oversea territory?
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imagine combining methamphetamine with ketamine

lord only knows how that would feel
We're your overseas territory
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the subhuman yank who always posts here is obsessed with me
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Why is the thread so dead?
Are we in the wrong one?
>wasted my time
>became another casualty of society

Why didn't I listen to my childhood heroes lads.
We're in here >>65603753
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Bathing every veyne in swich licour
should've covered up canada
If you're reading this you can read
The Loyalists and Republicans are both stupid cunts trying to inflame tensions

Would happily heem both of them if I were in the riot police
Inferiority complex
nose hasn't been clear in about 5-6 months
Shut the fuck up
would let this fiesty lil tang have the sexual stimulus with me on multiple occasions of her choosing
come here and fight me
did this jf get scared and run off

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The Iron Duke lads
I'm not invited to this thread apparently but could anybody get me a +1? Cheers.
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/brit/ sucks
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can't be bothered Tbh, you come here
delete this frog please
*pours everyone another pint*
So then I told the Canadian to shut the fuck up!
*room erupts in laughter*
fuck off scotcuck
>want gf but no luck trying to find one and shit with women
>give up and just not bother with women
>women seem to be more interested in me now and seem to actively go out of their way to get my attention
don't get women
really don't
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the only way she'll win is if she rigs the election
>tfw I'm a taig and even I agree
Would've loved to have HEEM'd the fuck out of those cunts talking shit to based Fr. Gary.

I'll meet you someplace central for a few pints, near st pancras or farringdon
delete this one too for me.
>interpals qt showed me this band
all these unwanted memories
>what is the electoral college
she doesn't have to rig anything, the entire system is a joke in the first place
there's a lot of anger in my heart lads
Why didn't Louis report it to the police? Why is it the BBC's responsibility?
Cause they're sad cunts that can't deal with the fact they got colonized by you like centuries later.
cringe every time someone says lad or banter irl
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>one shot at life
>wasn't born attractive

how am i supposed to deal with this
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>You will never earn money by Twatting Unionists and republicans as Riot police
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>his county is named after a pound coin
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He was probably worried the BBC would fire him if he blew the whistle
wonder when the last time he saw his own tiny little penis was
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not necessarily
im more handsome than him
would let her in my cabinet to be quite frank
*saunters her way into the thread*

hey hey hey
nah he was scared that if he said too much, Savile would find out and sue the shit out of him like he did to any other publication or person who bought up the rumours with accusation
Dunno lad I look like Rocky Dennis hahaha life sure is wonderful!
Tim's definitely rocking a 9 incher lad
Ah, so throw moral responsibilities out of the fucking window on the off chance the BBC might not employ you?

Not like Louis couldn't get work else where is it, you fucking fool.

Savile would find out and sue the shit out of him like he did to any other publication or person who bought up the rumours with accusation
Who did Savile sue?
invited to a house party by a girl. I only know her and one of her friends. I'm sure they'll both be getting railed by a "chad" a few hours into the party.

Worth going still?
May as well, something to do innit?
no NO
do not like this one bit
yeah good call. guess if it comes to the point where no one is talking to me I can just leave then
You said it yourself lad: he was accused time and time again before, what difference would it make if Louis Theroux said it?
Oneitis got really drunk at a party and when we were coming back from the party she said she doesn't want to go home and demanded to spend the night at my place lads. Once there she went straight to the bedroom and fell asleep immediately.

She is currently sleeping in my bed, what should I do? Should I sleep next to her or should I use the sofa?

I'm a bit drunk but not nearly as much as she was.
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>tfw manlet, dicklet, and brainlet

Should I just end it all lads?
depends if you want to bang her or not

if you want to bang her, yes 100% go to the party

if you do not want to bang her then don't go
pics for fucks sake
The question asked was why didn't Louis go to the police rather than bitch to his employer?
fuck her, she probably won't even remember and if she does she might be too ashamed to tell anyone
why do people make up these stories? like what's the point?
you're fucked mate. ive been in your situation. probably feeling all good cause she might be into you, but shes likely not
How do you tell if a girl is interested in you?
Exactly, at the worst you've lost a couple of hours, hope you have fun tho
snap a quick photo of her feet so we can give you 100% objective advice
Don't think he bitched to the BBC tho did he?
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My oldest relative just died, lads.
He was 87.
Shag her while she's sleeping lad it's what she wants you to do

If she wanted anything else she wouldn't have laid down in your bed
im not quite sure, but that's what louie said when I went and saw him speak yesterday desu. that in the weird weekend with him, he was very light footed around the issues because of a joke savile made about suing him if he said the wrong thing which turned out to be his MO to counter allegations. The only time he mentioned the paedophilia was when savile bought it up as he said he hates children to dispel THOSE rumours which Louis then vocalised as the rumour being a paedophile

here's one example
Take pictures of her sleeping.
Because they're fucking dullards with absolutely nothing interesting or original to post on /brit/, but they crave attention so just make up these bullshit stories knowing spackers will give them (You)s
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>one shot at life
>born a genius and will never be as happy as a simple minded normie that can enjoy the present
She's 200% drunk la, trying to fuck her in this state would be neither enjoyable nor legal.

Nah. She's fully clothed anyway.

Dunno if she's into me tbqh. I just hope she doesn't freak out over being at my place in the morning.
in a perfect world you would spend the rest of your life hanging by your ballsack by a noose you fucking degenerate twat. you fucking mentally ill cunts are worse than gays to me
we're just here to stir up conflict, it's what we're best at
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Russian school uniforms look like maid outfits
Sorry to hear that lad

Hopefully he lived a good life
87 is p old t b h
inherit anything?
Are you even following the conversation?
Based Stalin invented them.
>All these yanks in my /brit/

I think this is lisicki hahaha
sounds like you need a foot rub
Not really, but you could've just answered the question right there instead of making a snide comment 2bh
Yeah, any actual proof other than a Savile boast.
That's what Russian girls grow up to be though yeh?

Maids in the West
just the clap
oh bugger off you absolute weapon
It's not a school uniform, they wear it once a year
Lmao you know what I'm gonna bet you're absolutely right
Fuck off weirdo
have a (you), on the house
Hi lads
thats quite a lot of yanks i must say
>far left
why do we have hats and shiet

is it moots birthday?
piss off you bellsnif
I can't tolerate Aussies at the best of times, let alone dumb cunt ones.

Don't reply to me again,
post FUCKING machines
post fucking machines
i've had a shit day
my condolences lad
Take the full three minutes for you to think of that?
This is yank territory now haha lol :^)

inb4 nerdic cope
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sorry lad not in the mood :)
wanna talk about it though?
is that dutch guy who moved to london here
haha xd

Kill yourself.
Don't reply to me or my dad ever again
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No Idea, desu.
He was my grandmothers cousin. He was the only one left on that side of the family.
He went to Cambridge, had a good job, and traveled the world, but never married or had any sort of romantic relationship. I'm reasonably certain he was gay, but lived asexually. I think he left most of it to his godchildren and charity.
RIP Howard I guess.
black hair green eyes reporting in
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me catching the pidgey
I challenge you to a fight
*raises fists*

(Lol I'm just pretendin)
I refer to my mum as "mother" lads.

Anyone else?
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brown eyes are ideal
Ideal for a brown man.
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scenario: trump wins the popular vote by over 10% but the electorate sides with clinton and she becomes president

what happens
the article literally says that he made the money from suing the sun over child molestation allegations hahaha what else do you need? Savile isn't available for comment right now unfortunately

>he also bragged about his determination to take his accusers to court and made reference to a payout he received from newspaper bosses when they attempted to unmask him years earlier.
>Savile, who was a national treasure in his lifetime for his TV shows and charity work, received a payment from The Sun after editors tried to expose his sordid past.

there's no question he did it against the sun

>In 2008 Savile started legal proceedings against the Sun, activity designed to scare off investigators, after being linked to the scandal at the Jersey children's home.

that's from this https://www.theguardian.com/media/blog/2012/oct/09/jimmy-savile-tabloids-bbc-allegations

iirc there was a previous lawsuit but I can't find the name of it
Really starting to dislike you desu
People say they'll do some stuff but then they don't do some stuff and just become slightly angry
Hey everyone!

I love Britian!

I've seen all of Top Gears(not the stinky American version)

And I've seen like 3 season on Doctor who.

I even drink tea sometimes!

Can I hang out here?
Are you that effay Australian
Same thing they did when Hillary won the popular vote and Obama was still elected. Nothing.
Yeah /brit/ is a very multicultural general
what is this popular/electorate vote?
someone explain please
t.the average american woman that visits england
Haha I'm just kidding around :3
*suprise hugs u*
tfw 6x5 micropenis
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Eating sushi AMA
just shaved my pubes while drunk lol

Were a White nationalist organisation. AND WERE HERE TO FUCK YOU CUNTS UP

>getting the sushi with mayo on it

can you explain to me this difference between voters and electorate?

shouldn't the outcome be a pure representation of the voters will?

if the electorate changes this ideal then it effectively gives certain citizens more voting power than others

how undemocratic
doing a listen
whats the best free alternative to netflix
To what?
desu they provided zero evidence

I could be a big burly hardman and go and say exactly that to some random scrawny paki and the reaction would be exactly the same.

I need a chris hansen style expose (with the funny squiggle above the second E) before I can pass judgement
Kodi + Exodus
folk tunes

>can you explain to me this difference between voters and electorate?

They mean the exact same thing. Electorate just means the people who are entitled to vote in an election. Dont know what that Yanks on about he probably meant ELectoral college instead of electorate


I know i just kek at the way he says it and starts running
any streaming website

watch series is fine

think they are on .ie or .li as of right now
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feels good
The voters don't technically elect the president, they elect officials who then cast votes on behalf of the states. I think that's how it works anyway.
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since when was shanghai a country

are you chinese?
Sorry I can't read can you please tell me what you mean in vocaroo form
>such an inferiorty complex you need lists like this to feel better about yourself

I would wager that you personally aren't even very good at at least 2/3 of these categories
>shouldn't the outcome be a pure representation of the voters will?

yes, but the electoral college is there for the exact reason of stopping people like trump. they can constitutionally completely ignore the will of the people if they want to
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A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breast and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Pure morning
Pure morning
Pure morning
chinese international students are stupid as fuck and just cheat the entire time
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should not want.jpg
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Make sure you didn't accidentally half-circumcise yourself.

Happened to me once boys
how is life in israel
seems dreadfully unamerican
fuck off you envious twat
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Why are Slav women so beautiful but the men all look like goblins?

Pic related isn't even considered hot in Slavland it's just average, the definition of 5/10
Frankie Boyle is literally "English out, Pakis in" the person
Totally, post pics beefcake, you fucking mong
t. yank who has never left yankland
Just got home from work lads :S
there will be mass protest if it happens

it happened in the 2000 election, but Gore only beat Bush by a fraction of a percent in the popular vote, and it went all the way to the supreme court to deem the election constitutional.

trump will probably beat hillary by a massive margin. it would be insane to deny the will of the people
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I would drag my ballsack through 10 miles of broken glass just to have 1 (one) firm squeeze of her thighs.
pic related is definitely considered outstanding in slavland since I have it on good authority at least one of these two is a model

average people don't get to be models

also this was just about the best eurovision performance I ever saw
Going to watch a movie

Will let you know if it's good or not
Traveled all over the world actually including a total of 10 years of my 28 spent living abroad

I've been all over Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia
Always did as a kid, but have moved to 'mom' or 'ma' now as 'mother' just seems too formal these days.
Are LG smartphones any good? G Flex 2? G4?
hm I always remember a scandal with gore but was too young to understand the details

I always just thought bush won through some sort of courruption

no big deal anyway since gore turned out to be not so great
>but have moved to 'mom
hi lost my invite but i should be on the list

1 aus please
*pukes on you*
Point still stands

Their women on the whole are definitely better looking than the worldwide white average and their men definitely worse
Gore was a knob but he did win the election. they did a recount in florida and then said Bush won

people were PISSED. the 2000 election is why so many of us don't bother to vote
so you're admitting you know nothing about slavland?
*sneaks you in through the side door*
Why did they want Bush in 2000?
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U fucken wot M8

Based NZ > Shit tier Aussie cucks
Go away
That was neither expressed nor implied in my post

Suspect you might be a Pole working as a toilet cleaner
both liberal shitholes nowadays

pipe down son
if you've never been

how can you know
i don't really know. i was too young back then
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>Suspect you might be a Pole working as a toilet cleaner
What time is it in NZ?
it's abit late lads h-haha

*looks at the time*
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I don't believe Trump will win

It won't be like Brexit because the Yank media is more powerful and America had even more nogs and wops than us

We BARELY won with Brexit
playing a brit in fifa and absolutely destroying him.

he called me a plastic, whatever that is
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Why did the yanks invade Vietnam? What was the actual point? Vietnam is still a communist country to this day
watch this bait
dunno but we won in the end so thats all that matters desu
to stop the spread of communism because they were afraid of the domino effect
It's fairly common in Birmingham, and I don't live far from there. Americans culturally appropriated it desu.
Isn't prohibited a latin word though?
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>that 1st sip of the day
>americans believe this

you objectively lost that war

>b-but we killed more people!

literally irrelevant


wanted to turn vietnam democratic but they didn't want it

funny because vietnam is still a shithole and would be a powerful country by now if they had bent the knee

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nobody actually believes we won except for retarded hicks. the goal was to stop the spread of Communism, in which we failed
>Canada not invited

Shitty Brits itt tbqh
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very good lad
>George HW Bush won because Americans were still stupified by Reagan, in part, and mainly because Dukakis was a disastrous nominee for the Democrats. No one actually wanted Bush. He got in by default.
>George W Bush was not elected. He was awarded the presidency by four Republican Supreme Court justices in a bloodless coup.
>It still is questionable that he won in 2004 as well, given the suspicious returns from Ohio especially. There is some question that Rove was attempting another vote-machine tamper this election, and that that was behind his screech fit election night, as Anonymous hackers prevented HIS hack to occur.

man that face is scary
You're an overseas territory la, you were invited too.
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>this is what Amerifats actually belive
Respect and trust for the media in the US is at an all time low. Trump's done an insanely good job of ensuring they'll have little to no impact on the vote.
yeah you aren't. fuck off. australian and NZ culture is similar to pure anglo culture, however canada's "culture" is essentially american
not being funny, but candians can fuck right off

you are fucking the shittest posters on this entire site

like the worst aspects of paddy's and yanks combined.

Would rather have 10 yanks than 1 fucking leaf shit, never once have I seen a canadian benefit a thread in any way whatsoever
brown eyes are shit
exceptional post. been saying this for months
The Paddies are good fellows.
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Yanks copying our fashion again
I agree, but they have bad aspects
i can't understand why they're so shit

i live on the canadian border and they're identical to us
shes armenian
same, on paper when you consider the facts they should be decent

but in reality they are just awful
compare vietnam to taiwan to see the difference democracy and capitalism make
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in the mood for a cheeky 1200μg t b h

This desu although the northern irish posters are scum of the earth
just had a sober night out at a bar/club with some friends

was an eye-opening experience

it was interesting to see everyone get progressively more drunk while you stayed sober, whereas you're normally getting drunk with them

but walking home was the most interesting part: seeing debauchery all over the pavement

slags sitting in circles on the pavement eating their mcdonalds

people starting fights

people who could barely walk straight with a dead look in their eyes

made me really question whether I want to drink again
what are her views on the armenian genocide?
Canadian posters seem mediocre, boring, characterless
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Why is the hate for Leafs so intense recently? it seems that in the past few months they've became as hated as the aussie shitposters
doing a think about anatolia/asia minor before the turkroaches came and ruined it

must have been lovely x
would be very curious to know. im sure its pretty enlightening

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
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me in the pic
I had the same experience last weekend. The main street outside clubs at 2am while sober is a harrowing experience. No wonder coppers and bouncers are so quick to leather cunts at the weekend, they were truly unbearable. The amount of abuse the pakis in the kebab shop get as well, we'll that was more funny than anything else but you get what I mean
wtf haha

4chan Pass user since September 2013.
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never seen this before

so. well done?
>tfw got that tattoo when i was 18

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we /reddit/ now
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Just havin a quick fag break at the club lads, how are you all? Some decent fuckin poon here tonight, hoping to be smashing some by the end of the night

Not looking forward to those jaeger bomb shits tomorrow 2bqh
when I lived in the centre and also when I worked in a bar I would always walk the streets between 3-4am to just watch it all.

Like the poor mans interactive theatre its great.
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Fedora morrowind.jpg
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>4chan Pass user since September 2012.
Canadian posters seem wonderful, entertaining, magnificent
If you have a pass put "since4pass" in the options bit. Gookmoot has gone full retard for some reason.

>I was one of the first to give the 4chan jews money
these will milk the (You)'s during prime hours tomorrow
I just hate captcha 2bh. I'd pay more for it. Posting is so much fucking nicer.
>this user has been gifted 4chan gold by another user!

fucking hell new mot

>Not looking forward to those jaeger bomb shits tomorrow 2bqh

Cider/lager shits are worse desu. plus cider makes me fart up a fucking storm
haha test

4chan Pass user since March 2016.

4chan Pass user since September 2013.
Fresh off the boat? Looks like you've got a lot to learn.

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
desu I rate ceasar above alexander

alex did more but I feel his enemies were more shit-tier
I want the monkies of Gibraltar and I want it NOW

Last warning
doing a poo literally rn lads

4chan Pass user since September 11 2001.
what the fucc?
about passposting?
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very clever gookmoot
getting people to pay to shitpost

very very clever...
Seeing that I got the pass in 2012 has actually made me feel a bit weird. It's like a reminder I've wasted years of my life.
The C programming language's only failing is giving you access to what is really there, and telling you the cold hard raw truth. C gives you the red pill. C pulls the curtain back to show you the wizard. C is truth.

Why use C then if it's so dangerous? Because C gives you power over the false reality of abstraction and liberates you from stupidity.

4chan Pass user since June 207.
Hisoshima Nagasaki needs to be disciplined for this.
Shut up nerd
passposting new gimmick confirmed
might reactivate my pass and see what it says for when I started using it hahaha
business idea: advertise how long someone has had a 4chan pass
what? passes aren't anything new

4chan Pass user since September 2013.

4chan Pass user since September 1939
File: END MY LIFE.png (137KB, 526x436px)
137KB, 526x436px

>tfw been here 8 years

4chan got sold to SA like a week ago
>there are plebeians in my /brit/ who still prefer The Chase to Pointless

h o w l i n g
cant believe passes have been around for that long
don't you mean Hiroshima?
yes but people are going to buy passes just to do this
welp, there goes any chance of coherence for a while

might as well take a break from this place

two nukes were not enough
hugged a real, non-relative, human female tonight lads and arranged a date for wednesday
please tell me that this is shooped
I'd chase your pointless all day m8
I prefer the chase because I'm not very good at pointless

Actually have a way above average vocabulary but I'm just shit at these games, terrible at countdown too
I feel so lonely
y-you too
So? Let them. Spend the money on fucking servers.
might deactivate my bank account just to see what happens
do it for a laugh haha
Fair enough. I'm better at Pointless because it's pretty much a case of who is autistic enough to know the most obscure shit, like literal who countries and albums.

I'm shit at Countdown too 2bh
Whats the deal with illegal downloads over there?

And where can I get free wi-fi
>hang out with qt girl and fat girl
>fat girl is too loud and I can hardly talk with the qt

Life is just unfair lads.
Same as anywhere, everyone does it and no one gets caught

Just pop into any maccas for free wifi
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