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Thread replies: 426
Thread images: 83

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Robot Edition
karen maisie hannah
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crayon pop
first for masie, cara, crayon pop and kyra
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2/4 not bad
I'm a mix of social and accomplishment
joke's on this pleb, I have no imagination

I'd struggle lad, I've been at work all day

Na it's just weird, like why would anybody make up lies about somebody's sexuality and then start telling other people?

Can't understand it
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>A wrestling show has been criticised for featuring an "Islamic flag-waving baddie" who the crowd were told to boo.

>The character, wielding a green flag emblazoned with Arabic writing, was pitted against a Union Flag-bearing opponent during the Superslam show at Butlin's in Skegness.

>The holiday camp has apologised after a guest complained that the event was in poor taste.

>The show's promoters said they had made a "clear error of judgement".

>Father-of-two Christian Cerisola, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, complained after attending the bout with his children on Saturday.

>Mr Cerisola described the show as "an horrific race hate-filled 10 minutes with everything wrong on racial stereotypes".
>'Completely unacceptable'

>He said: "I felt I was dropped into the middle of a Britain First rally.

>"Out came 'Hakim', an Islamic flag-waving baddie, and then came Union flag trunk-wearing Tony Spitfire, chanting 'En-Ger-land' over and over.
What happens if I'm skinny as fuck and I start lifting and eating big at the same time
01625 ww@
got poo in my bum
anyone want to play faceit csgo with me
>Tony Spitfire

bit of a shitty thing to do
not going to lie if i'm being honest with you
Late 30s milfy type has moved in behind and I've already caught her mirin at me shirtless

The only con is she's a ching chong and ching chongs in general don't do anything for me
this is nice isn't it

She doesn't want you to start smashing one of the work qts so she told them all you weren't interested to begin with
Here lads how good capitalism start? Did every government make a conscious decision to adopt it after some economist thought it up or what?
you will no longer be skinny as fuck
How is it?

Women are absolute cunts in the workplace
>However the smaller Islamic Central Council of Switzerland said that a handshake between men and women was prohibited. "After the sex attacks in Cologne (on New Year's Eve), they asked Muslims to keep their distance from women; now they demand they get closer to them," spokesman Qaasim Illi told Swiss media.


made me bristle mildly with anger whilst I was at work
if you are anything above wizard apprentice you should font
sony does it again...true bros...woah
Fucking hell.

Do fatties really do this?

What a cunt

How do I prove I'm not gay? Other than having my gf and not going in talking about vagina or something?

just shout out YEAH I SURE DO LOVE FANNY a few times a day
going to lie if i'm being dishonest with you
shag your gf in front of them
wish there were more nice people in the world 3bh
literally 133
I'm not very successful really though
very nice
there's a charity called special effect that do this type of stuff as well. their site will give you big smiles desu x
>Do fatties really do this?
Not exclusive to fatties. Happens with all desperately envious people. Even lads.
just tell us when you're going to do it
Also fun
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I do believe this is the appropriate hour to roll myself a cheeky spliff lads
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On the eve of war, I gave them one final warning. I told them that, if they precipitated another war, they would not be spared and that I would expel the vermin from Europe, and this time once and for all. To this warning they retorted with a declaration of war and affirmed that wherever in the world there was a Jew, there, too, was an implacable enemy of National Socialist Germany. Well, we have lanced the Jewish abscess; and the world of the future will be eternally grateful to us
ahh yes

most intriguing
love these
Fat women are more devious than normal women because they need to be devious more often to get anything.

Make a formal complaint against her and get her fired.
>panama leaks

Dunno why people are getting so riled up about this
Literally all jealous poortherners and chavs

>rich people want to keep their money and not get taxed to shit

Don't even blame them desu
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>irish telling me to fuck off
Because they fuck over poor people and the middle class
one day I'm going to search the filename in the archives and see how many of these posts I've made, and how frequently I smoke haha

well done on understanding his post
t. Oligarch
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there will be more posts because i copy your gimmick and post it more frequently than you

come to think of it, it's my gimmick not yours
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>this is a news story

what is the world coming to
Good lad
They're playing around my hood this month with Silversun Pickups I wanted to make the show but my friends are being homos
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>tfw no 5ft 3 size 6-8 brunette qt in her late 20's will ever curl up with you and fall asleep with her head on your chest and you just lie there stroking her hair gently while she sleeps
Yea they will, they're "aggressively desperate"
You've got a few options.
1. have your gf come around work more and give them a little show (standard option)
2. smash one of the work qts, they'll tell each other about that (baller option)
3. do nothing and just explain the situation if anybody asks (safe option)
4. blow up on the fat one and tell her to never talk to you or your son again (meme option)

The choice is yours
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did you copy my filename though?
1. kill myself
2. no longer have to wake up

this is the end game goal lads
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gf is cucking me with hitler
what did you expect
yeah mate it was invented by henry capital
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ayy guvnahs
what you up to today
If work send me to deal with gay clients and women does that mean they think I'm attractive ?

They do this purposefully

>I.e. Anon he's gay or she's young so we think they'll like you most
post long hair qts
>oh no muslims are raping our women the savages!
>oh no muslims wont touch our women the savages!

pick one
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Tis nowt cheeky than having oneselef a spliff as thou calls it.
does iceland still owe the UK and Netherlands money? Maybe your PM can pay that
Got Cyborg

writing an essay. well technically its a report but whatever.
wbu babe?
>next you're gonna tell me a year has more than 4 months haha *waters crops*
ahh yes impressive post
Good lad
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>my hood
He's drawing a comparison between a reaction to a handshake and fucking sexual assault

neck yourself
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I'm not that guy unfortunately
Have some feet instead
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who /lovescrackling/ here

salty and fatty

ooooooooooo i want some now
dont feel like reporting poleaboo is the right thing to do
feel like ive been too rude to him despite his clear mental illness
doing an ask forgiveness and a "you have a 3 hour headstart to hide your tracks before i go to the rozzers"

poor trolling mate. try harder
no smoke without fire

okay mate, you want oats, any will do, I buy in bulk from Sainsbury's
you want whole milk
you want peanut butter
chicken breasts, if you have a good butchers around you, you can normally buy in bulk on the cheap
bit of veg (won't give you many calories, but can't do any harm, broccoli, carrots, sweet potato has a fair amount of calories actually)
cottage cheese

this has some good recipes


get some kitchen scales, otherwise you won't know about portion sizes and the whole thing will be useless
good karen but not a fan of feet x
I thought it was pretty widely known that large companies and rich people will try to hide their wealth semi-legally to avoid high tax rates.

Didn't Amazon move to Luxembourg for the sake of dodging a 10% tax that allowed them to provide their products for the customer for 10% less than the opposition right off the bat?
good post
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doing a sneeze
Nope, no money owed. Suck it cunts

how did you obtain this pic of my wife and her son?
just chillin, having fun on the internet, I will be cooking myself some meal in a few minutes
everyday routine 2bh

me on holiday
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oh well, small potatoes really
you mean my filename
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I lost count near then end so I don't know my exact score. But according to that test I'm a Chad.
At the very least I'm a normal fag, but I wouldn't call myself a Chad.

I lost my virginity at 25, but I'm a totally different person now


Want to inform you lads that I have lost the ability to read and therefore shan't be reading ANY of your posts tonight.
>the state of British education in 2016
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>The Pirate Party is now the most popular political party in Iceland

Reddit: The Country
burn the witch
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>Antonio37 - 04/05/2016 2:42 pm
Why on earth would you post a video of that tiny dick??? I thought it was an oversized clit!!

Is that a filing cabinet wallpaper?
the most vile woman i've ever dealt with just was obese. coincidence? i think not
>anything """""""""""""LAD"""""""""""
dropped hard
cha hoon

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>haha lads trump is an idiot he inherited his wealth anyway
You have to be an incredibly intelligent and brilliant businessman to turn millions into tens of billions. You people seriously think that Trump makes his deals etc by talking at a 4th grade level like he does in his rallies and speeches? You really think he's going to talk to other heads of state like that all the time? Trump even talks with heads of states for decades with his businesses, only a handful of which have failed out of the HUNDREDS he owns
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Think I've been robbed lads
Every woman you deal with is obese.
Business idea: become a chubby chaser, clean up on the fast food circuit.
potato waffles lads
dank me'em bro!
really fancy a pack of quavers
alri dave
Couldn't read this.
did you protest m8?
Couldn't resist the juicy bait I dangled in front of your gaping maw could you, tubby?
Business idea: Come up with a business idea
Business idea: become a tranny, live the easy life of being a woman

Literally the only reason trannies have increased in the last few years. Everything is set up against men
looks a bit rasheena for me
>Implying there won't be new right-wing parties forming soon to accommodate the majority-right wing population
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Is it just me or does anyone else have to pee after jizzing all over everything?
Seriously don't understand how people can get less than 100. And I'm fucking useless in social situations.

that and the xeno-oestrogens in our water
literal strawman post, not seen anyone saying that
obesity rates in the US and the UK are about the same 2bh
>tfw no meat jelly left in the fridge
end my suffering pls
Me too, just did a wank and now need a pee
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Back for a second helping I see.
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why the FUCK are trains so expensive
christ on a bike
I have my suspicions that it's become the trendy self destructive thing for the excessively angsty to do.

Like 2010's version of the wrist slashing emo kids, but even more gay

always have to piss before wanking otherwise I get the clogged-up feeling
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Made £70 commission today lads.

Averaging £50 a day plus my £80 salary
what a beautiful face
this tbqh
barely minimum wage

wew those fuckers are huge
>I get the clogged-up feeling



Brits have fucked up willys, always complaining about it being clogged up or small or that they've never seen the head
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Yup, took some pics too
finally came out to my dad as gender-fluid
ironically voted green and is ee your good sirs share my advanced level of intelli-humour (intelligent humour)
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>adult obesity rate in ireland: 14%
>adult obesity rate in england: 24.8%
>adult obesity rate in scotland: 27.7%
that's a 66.5% obesity rate in the UK

the US has a 35.9% obesity rate
Brooke imho
Hello darkness my old friend
I've started posting here again
Min wage is £33k a year?
was it full of liberal cucks or right wing?

also dat entirely homogeneous white crowd

pretty jelly m8
answered UKIP
am I honorary Britbong yet?
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>Why yes, I do believe Trump to be an ineffectual businessman when compared to my online pokemon auctions
>Any buffoon or simpleton could multiply their wealth 1000x over if they wanted
Seems like everyone on the 'chon has phimosis, it's really weird.
Just finished Bioshock Infinite lads.

Actually kinda emotional over Brooker's love for his daughteru.
any other country and id say this was a ruse but idk
Neighbors kid came over unannounced to show my roommate his beagle pup

Wish he'd fuck off, the kid can't take a hint to save his life.
shit compared to the first two
sorry to go against the theme of this edition lads but I only just found out that sex is pretty fucking exhausting

why am I so dehydrated
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me in the middle when im put in prison
willies don't see enough proper use
Fuck off, it was at least as good as the first and the second was a load of wank put out for morons.
You're a girl?
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Both, leftist hate the PM cuz politics and the right-wingers hate him for blatantly lying to them and the nation.

And you can still be as white as us
Just vote UKIP
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>he's a cuck that voted for the Tories
good goyim
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Is Who Wants to be a Millionaire a game of luck?

I mean, there's 33.34% chance of being right unless the person happen to know the answer, and lifelines can only get you so far into the game.

Let's say there are 15 questions with 4 choices each. Let's also say there are 3 lifelines: call-a-friend, 50-50, and ask-the-audience.

For each of the 15 questions, there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%. You can use each lifeline once. Using phone-a-friend, let's say gives you a 95% chance the person you call is correct. So 1 question is 95%. Similarly, we can say ask-the-audience gives you a 95% chance. Finally, 50-50 will remove 2 wrong answers, so you have 1 right answer and 1 wrong answer, so you basically know the answer. To recap:

Question 1: 33.34%
Question 2: 33.34%
Question 3: 33.34%
Question 4: 95% <--- ask-the-audience
Question 5: 33.34%
Question 6: 33.34%
Question 7: 33.34%
Question 8: 33.34%
Question 9: 95% <--- phone-a-friend
Question 10: 33.34%
Question 11: 33.34%
Question 12: 33.34%
Question 13: 33.34%
Question 14: 33.34%
Question 15: 100% <--- 50-50
Total: 690.08%

Divided by 15 questions = 46.00%

So basically, it's more a less a game of chance, but more than half the people on the show will lose, so it's not very fair. That show is making tons of money off of people.
mum cant find the satnav so is postponing her departure
wrote a very harsh judgement of her here but deleted it in the interest of saving my soul from an eternity of damnation
but i would really like to masturbate so i hope she leaves soon
Hi Casey
lend's a bifta lad, i'll go the offy in a minute an get 20 lambo in a minute

nothing loosens a foreskin faster than wanking
Fantastic tweet
Either that or having a weird willy turns you into an insecure shut-in.
Wiggle are absolutely based
That's not how probability works
good bait

have a (You)
i was circumsised for phimosis when i was young
don't mind it desu, girls don't either
is the reverent worth a watch?
useful to know x
The poor bastards
Dont know what this post means
I'm a fan of the wiggles obv
>don't mind it

but you dont have any frame of reference to compare it to. silly comment 2bh mate.
The revenant? I thought it was alri yeah
can't go home alone again need someone to numb the pain
you're gone and i gotta stay high all the time
to keep you off my mind

Dumbest post I've ever seen
This is true, I've turned down sex because I had phimosis but now im cut I'm insecure about that as well as
>Fordyce spots
Me and the lads

got through like 3 episodes and stopped
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have a tiny pencil willy
made me google it to check nice
*steals your PIN*
*enter it backwards from what you said*

foiled again haha
whats that
just be yourself
Most porn is made by Yanks so I doubt most women think that circumcised willies look unusual.
why do people get duped by shit like this? why isn't everyone like me, and just instantly distrusts everything?
aha this is going to be good
really like those fizzy vitamin c tablets you put in water

put them in lemonade and they taste well nice haha

always get them from aldi have like one a day
talking to that model blonde haired green eyed girl again, she's back from Germany :3
what if your PIN is the same backwards as forwards? checkm8
>most women watch P in V porn

kek at u
When you put your flaccid nob in a birds mouth and she moves her tongue about erratically
think thats called a camwhore lad
doing an anxiety
How many nights out have you been on in 2016 lads?

I've only been on 8 but in 5 different cities in so I feel like I'm making up for lack of quantity with some cool variety
Even if this is fake what's the worst that could happen?
>'ats what she said AAAAHAHAHHAHA
absolute LAD
did NOT give you permission to post about our correspondence
literally zero
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>When your mate brings Moretti to pre-drinks
Your pin gets denied, robber thinks you're being cheeky and breaks your knees

Why are you so hostile.

Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind.
>women aren't curious about what willies look like before they have sex
Yes I do, I remember having an uncomfortable penis with phimosis. In my case it's had a positive effect on my life.
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>put them in lemonade and they taste well nice haha
never heard that wiggles song

sounds like a banger

Literally none except if you count new years. But I am 25 and work now so that's mostly why...
only twice this year. last time i went out i took a shitload of coke, mdma and ket and it took me like a fucking week to feel normal again. can't hack it anymore desu
>In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

t. Winston Churchill
>first day at work
>female boss says "you seem like a nice quiet fairy. I like quiet fairies."
W-what did she mean by this?
nil pois
Haven't been on a night out since like 2010 haha
I don't know what phimosis precisely is and I don't want to look it up tbf

Kek, you got called gay mate
>There are people here who can actually remember the amount of nights out theyve been on

absolute shut ins
well i'm 24 and I work 6 days a week but I managed those 8 so i'm not taking that excuse
hmm. not a fan of this "United Kingdom" they speak of.
>Chardonnay the single mother on benefits shares this
she's going to get her bf to shag you
jelly ngl
She was testing you, should've bent her over the table to assert your dominance.
Haven't been on a night out since 2013.
Like osmosis but for willys
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>when the beer and banter is flowing.
Might become a priest desu lads
+2 - although I haven't seen him in a year. We talk regularly on skype.


I'm a robot
aha gayboi
>female boss
how horrifying
wouldn't work for a cunt
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not even a meme they actually do

talking about this type of thing
Good lad.

When your foreskin's too tight to be pulled back.
>implying every single person in the country wouldn't find a legal way to avoid tax if they could
Literally just plebs complaining about leaders because they can and the leaders are evil villains.
*solves relativity in my head*

ah yes very impressive
>Why yes, Trump may be a 'billionaire', but so would I my dear with favourable economic circumstances, hindsight and entrepreneurship.
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autism results.jpg
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>tfw no need to update this time after time
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and MAYBE JUST a dash of formaldehyde
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>tfw I'm now part of the Help To Buy master race
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>female boss
>how horrifying
>wouldn't work for a cunt
Edgy: the post
Swear you're a government shill.
Ah yes a free £3000 after 5 years very impressive this will surely mean o can afford that £200,000 end terrace in port talbot
has anyone made a JUST of kevs infamous walking man?

If so, post

If not, make
Meme language: the post

you know full well I'm right God damn it.
>misandry isnt real
>men arent biologically stronger
The people who say they would willingly pay tax are outright fucking liars trying to look good
ngl if i made 500k a year id be pretty pissed if the gubbermeent took literally 45% of it as well.
remember you're just an ape trying to distract himself from being consumed by thoughts of his inevitable annihilation
I just don't like going out very much anymore, got bored of it years ago. And I havent had any house party invites yet. Going to a house party in a couple of weeks though.

whats physical strength got to do with employment?
Better play some bangers then
>tfw figure 2 girth choking
I've got a big fucking willy too, but if I pull the foreskin back, it just looks so thin in the middle.
taxation is theft
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>remember you're just an ape trying to distract himself from being consumed by thoughts of his inevitable annihilation
had expected to get a good long sin in before sundown
will be lucky to commence by evenfall at this rate

woz referring to the picture
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>Edgy: the post
i want to visit australia to learn how to become a rad cunt

I'm more than happy with that
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my bf
Why not just take a supplement gel capsule?
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me and the bf
why not just eat a fucking orange
why do a bunch of FUCKING RIGHT WINGERS think they have the fucking right to take MY fucking hard earned money?
I've made some decent money, I've owned a nice home, I've provided for my family,
But honestly the thing that gives you the greatest feeling of "manhood" and being a man is to make your woman dripping wet. Nothing compares imo
I have a major in being a sickcunt and a minor in madcuntery.

rad cuntery is a dying industry tbqh
Add another 12% for national insurance
I've actually been thinking of how to make vidya more accessible for disabled people. Remappable controls are nice but obviously stuff like this can happen.
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the bfs gf
had enough of these right view wings
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why not have sex with her instead

hope your water bill isn't overboard mate
must suck to be a pom
Business idea: 100% inheritance tax

Everyone now on equal footing
Oranges are acidic
Literally top #lads

Like 20? I dunno.

Red priest?
Looks like ginger wasp tbf
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its like sophie and maisie were merged into a disgusting hideous monster
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>hello there why yes i am australian
The only thing I receive in return for my taxes are shit run down roads and excessive amounts of overly aggressive police in my area pulling people over for entirely unnecessary details to generate even more income for the government.
too many degenerates ITT
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who else /manletlife/
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>Why doesn't that rich man give me some of his hard-earned money? I deserve it!
*looks at airport ticket*
oh no this wont do
*goes to airport*
yes hello id like to change my seat
>whats the problem?

idk how to end this little sketch but the punchline is that i dont want to sit next to the right wing of the plane
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not me lad


go to this thread and discuss
t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire
>implying maise isn't already a disgusting hideous monster
this is a man
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>temporarily embarrassed millionaire
bit miffed with taxes, and the government, and jews, going to live somewhere without them

*moves to somolia*
ahh much better
Feel uncomfortable around manlets tbhfam

They always seem like theyre plotting something
enjoy your ban you mong
Ah, yes, we only have one life on this earth, only one chance and before we cease to exist forever, and this persons parents who have worked all their lives and saved up money to leave behind as their last earthly gift to their child before they die. We should take some of it in tax. Very good, ah yes
you could say "not a fan of the right wing* but beforehand mention that you are sat on the startboard side of the plane
post pics
what ban? why?

argumentum ad somalium
business idea: found my own religion and have people pay fees to join and increasingly larger sums of money to advance through the levels

>Somebody else's life should be arbitrarily determined depending on who their parents are.

Ahhh yes, very impressive.
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>Far-right: UKIP
remember to register it in the Virgin Islands :)
>mum and dad leaving the house until tomorrow morning
>mum knocks on me just before leaving
>gives me £5 and says if i get """nervous""" at all i can call my sister over (the £5 is for cab money)
the fucking gall of that woman
im nearly 20 and im a great deal more skilled with the blade than my idiot sister
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>I may have made my money thanks to society but that doesn't mean I should contribute anything back to society!
/brit/ should move to the Virgin Islands
>we should not be able to give our children our belongings
Fuck off CORBYN
Did they really have to use red liquid inside the tube?
is your sister fit???????????????????
Hm, the left wing need to monopolise our power. Let's make sure that in the history books, we call Hitler's national SOCIALIST party "right wing". That way, any time someone veers away from the left, we can immediately shut them down by screaming "you Nazi"

Ah yes perfect

Most rich people get richer from inheriting money then buying property and businesses.

Anyone can get rich doing that
>big fan of the government loaning me money
>wait, paying back the government? you filthy swine!

dont have any fedoras on me laptop so you'll have to imagine one
wish i lived in america where getting a gun is easy peasy. would gone elliot rodger ages ago if i had a nice rifle
im fitter too
I'm the type of person your mum warned you about
*unsheaths cutlass*
pew pew pew
Just made an /int/ thread on /tv/ by mistake

See if you can spot it
Source: your arse
It's more to do with networking, being born into a wealthier family means growing up knowing successful people and making friends who may already have money,
>fuck me if im wrong but yer name is amy
these lads actually from /bleep/????
No guns in isreal?

Given the palastine shit im quite suprised
>right wing kills millions
>typical right wing. They're fascists

>left wing kills millions
>b-b-but communism has never REALLY been tried
/brit/ is my safe space soz not leaving
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>posting on /tv/
Hypothetical concept: The problem with the UK and western Europe today is that they've been so far left for so long that even the mild conservative ideals that they used at their peak now seem foreign and terrifying.


american pasties
Commie 1 probz
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There are entities that even your blade skills cannot protect you from.
Ah yes, I should pay taxes so my government can spend them flooding my town with paki rape gangs and Islamic terrorists that want to kill me
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found it.jpg
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Hypothetical concept: The problem with the UK and western Europe today is that they've been so far right for so long that even the mild leftist ideals that they used at their peak now seem foreign and terrifying.
Other way round?
Ah yes, I should have my rightfully earned money taken off me so the government can give it to immigrants as benefits
>governments spend taxes
It's people like you who have ruined this economy.
How to become a billionaire

Be in the right place at the right time (the 70s)
Invest in computers
Wait till the 90s
Invest in dot com boom
Congrats you're now a millionaire
Buy property and companies that already turn a profit
Don't do anything
You're now a billionaire congratulations Mr Sugar.
Nobody knows what the future holds. You might be on benefits one day and will be glad they're there
she's so lovely /brit/
why doesn't she like me
ah yes i won't pay taxes but you're damn sure i'll use the roads, have my bins collected, and call for police/ambulance/fire services should i need htem
im hongry
mate's uncle made a company buying old computers from liquidised firms, doing them up and selling them on

sold the company in 2001 for close to £100m

his life is fucking perfect, so jealous
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Thank God the Mersey is wide.
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can always take the ferry
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Fuck off janny
*starts swimming*
Business idea: copy >>57434019 business and sell the company for £100m
why do i never get a board specific ban? it's always all boards
send janny my regards
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>He defends rich people online even though he's on minimum wage.

They're not going to see your post and give you money you know?
Apparently those leaked Panama papers were first found in Cheadle
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If you break a global rule you get a global ban

Break a board rule and you get a board ban
he takes his 'job' very seriously
>I'm voting to leave the EU

said the racist
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Don't give them ideas.
Come any further than Runcorn and there'll be trouble.
>posting a woman on /sp/
Instant ban with faggot mods. Board is beyond saving.
>tfw no more ass threads
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>is actually a documentary

why would anyone bother starting a company when everyone uses justeat
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Don must be quite loose then
>I'm voting to stay in the EU

Said the paki

Nor will they see you throwing your toys out the pram and give you money
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getting kukd tonight haha
why do you let them vote?
Hello brit faem, I have a little English question
Don't actually believe this is real
can't wait for the kukd club to open up!
But they're not far right. Most of them aren't even somewhat right wing in their policies if you look at political ideals on a global scale.

Europe is full of modern hippies.
>Why are you interested in becoming a 4chan janitor?

What do I put lads
wife just gave me 15 kukd points lads
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>But they're not far right.
*gets ideas*
*swims to Norfolk*
Why do adverts think it's funny to make light of flirting with other men/cheating on your partner
Competitive pay
mai waifu
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you're correct
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Dey do dough, don't dey dough.jpg
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*spots you a mile off*
*takes aim*
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>Kukd.com for every moment

>Whether you're craving a curry or itching for an Italian
>Mum keeps pestering me about ISAs and finding the best interest rates

FFS you get about 10p a month whoop de doo.

In the hours I spend searching for "the best deal" I could just do some overtime at work
fabricated a new
don't believe Chester has a flag but Liverpool doesn't

don't BELIEVE it
you're correct, except for italians
go here not >>57434364 here
Don't think you're getting the point m8 but whatever floats your boat.
Your country to sink, not mine.
if that is intentional, then it is marketing genious

but I REALLY doubt it's intentional
going to reveal i'm a trans to my work colleagues tomorrow
after that maternity leave?

I tried it, didn't work.
You are so goddamn retarded and bad at math its hilarious
I've been such a fool, Vassili. Man will always be a man. There is no new man. We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there's always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love.
Thread posts: 426
Thread images: 83

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