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ITT: we occupy a land in this map and make it our territory.

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Thread replies: 273
Thread images: 90

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ITT: we occupy a land in this map and make it our territory.
I'll take Lake Baikal.
>mfw literally nothing changes except shores switch directions
Will crop and annotate to make epic fantasy maps. Also, I'll take what was Hudson Bay and start a Herrenvolk Hegemony of Hudson.
Oh my fucking god

It took me like 30 seconds to see it
And now I can't see it the way I did before but I wish I could
I'm digging those Michagen great lake islands

pls post the fantasy map when you are done I would love to see it
I will take the area around Nigeria and Cameroon
It's already this way in Holland t b h
Claiming Hudson Bay for the Netherlands.
Netherlands finally can into mountains.

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claiming this region as new turkey
SEA is mine
Since the Hudson bay appears to be taken by the eternal Anglo, the Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean Sea seems like the best alternative.
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Polite bump
>Japan became smaller and moved Northwest
Hudson-Michagen-Orangeland alliance when?
I mean statistically speaking, isn't there bound to be a world that looks exactly like that? Also statistically speaking, a guy from that planet is probably shitposting about our earth.

wew lad just wew
claiming isle victoria for my big ass sex barties lads
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Claiming Sea of Japan, Korea Strait, Yellow Sea, and Sea of Ohtoshk as rightful clay of the great Danish Kingdom of the east.

Except it will border Turkey.

>Living in a fucking jungle
Claiming the Saint Lawrence Valley and the grand banks in the name of the Atlantic confederacy
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Mine now
We claim all the shores, cucking the world out of the ocean
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More Autism.png
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Not pictured: Chilean area of settlement, 1 meter at the broadest.
I want the lone masturbating man archipelagos.
You mean the Baltic Sea?
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I claim a chunk of land just down America, those burgers won't escape from us that easily.
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we wuz vikangz steppe warriors
Thats mountains m8
Claim some real steppes
There's no way that there'd be that much green space, go 100miles away from any water source and it'll immediately be desert.
Look at our deserts and look at how close they are to water that surrounds them, it'd be 100x worse if OP's map was real.
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i like this autism for some reason
azerbaijan-turkey-lmma federation when?
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Nova Helvetia.jpg
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I'll claim the area between northern Spain and western France.
Claim me some dope peninsula which looks like an everyday object.
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How's this? It's a broom.
I'll take new Italy, located northeast of lone masturbating man archipelagos.
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I claim the land around Alaska
The largest land currently is Vikingland.
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Claiming Dutchland
Oh nevermind, I didn't see one already existed
California to Alaska please mr dutchman
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Claiming for canada
i like the climate in italy so i'll be setting up a colony on the land mass that used to be the adriatic sea
I take the Bering Strait
Too late, already taken y New Turkey
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Ive circled it please
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also we have the best fleet in the world. also no foreigners allowed in
Slavic Quebec.
Putain De Merde
The Great French Kingdom
Meant for>>57141152
Burerstania went through a civil war so now its split in two by north/south
Maybe you can take this?>>57141766
Claiming the territory around the reverse-Alaska inlet. Name it New Fuckland.
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OP is gone I'll try my best. Be happy with thin lines.
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Burgerstania civil agreement

This guy >>57123019 sent me to claim lands of northern shore of scandinavian sea, but i betrayed him and made an independant Swedish Caliphate of Cyborgs
I'd like this country.
People are 80% catgirls of varying ethnicities. Nordic in the south, sand arab cat girls in the desert, alpine catgirls in the mountains, and celtic catgirls in the small bit of greenery east of the mountain range.

only 20% catmen.

Alphabet is the Georgian alphabet.

Dubs gets to name the country and the people, they're primitives and don't have a name for it.
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Im taking the reigns since op left
You guys are not respecting the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. EEZ's should only extend 200 miles out from the baseline.
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Expanding to the north and claiming colonies in Arctica to establish Finnish Meme research facilities
Aral Sea
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Claiming Autismville because fuck you
claim desert behind autismville

spill into baneland
Claim the Pacific

>Moorish Caliphate
Claiming Great Slave Lake and a 100 mile EEZ
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Include a name for the country or you get your flag name
Eastern Pacific to be more explicit.
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>be american
>only ones who care about EEZs
>only ones who violate them


mine will be called " there's no oil in here please leave me alone "
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Gotchu senpai
OP please add me.
>Moorish Caliphate
>Eastern Pacific.

short : Nooilland
Absolute Kingdom of Fuckoff
at Great Slave Lake
And you know what? The AKF also claims all islands in Nunavut up to and bordering the HHH and Michigan
>Arctic Mountains below Autismville
>Greater Cygni Outpost 45-66
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claiming area between israel and moorish caliphate.

call it """""palestine"""""
So is altitude based on the depth of sea at a given place? Like Island Baikal is pretty much a kilometer of wall.
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secure an access to the sea through military incursion against baneland
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See those small islands in the Argentinian sea? Give them to Britain.
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claiming the area between benis land, atlantic confederacy, commonwealth of Virginia, Viking land and neo Hibernia.

Call it Democratic republic of sub-Saharan African peoples.
The enclave of Baneland had a coup and is now under military control and fighting back.
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forgot pic

request foreign aid in exchange of underpriced oil
Anyone come to aid nooilland?
That little patch of water between New Turkey and Vikangland is now a Greater Cygni Peacekeeping Enclave. Supply aid >>57145811
in exchange for tourists which are totally not test subjects.
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accept the trade, but send only degenerates
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Can I claim Isle St. Clair? or is that considered part of Michagen?
Is it too late to claim the bottom right corner?
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Malta established

And because you only sent degenerates Greater Cygni kept a small northern port from Dictatorship of Baneland
Claiming the gigantic desert east of daneland for great swedish caliphate
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please greater cygni

make that land a new las vegas so i can be a degenerate outside of my country and dont beheaded
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get beheaded*
Requesting the bottom right corner as new new Germany
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could we please not be right next to you for just fucking once
AKF observes this dispute, sits back, sips coffee.
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Dont worry, i kept them at a safe distance
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AKF stakes new Arctic claim. Militarizes eastern peninsula, does nothing with western.
New Germany expands borders to greater canada and palestine
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direct new gained value through trading to colonizing the artic above the swedish caliphate
Is the Finnish Arctic independent, or who owns it?

I'll take michigan island, actually i'll take michigan and huron island.
Sorry, already taken
Swedish caliphate of cyborgs, its a finnish meme research center
AKF instates massive military recruitment program, says it will defend allied archipelago if it comes to that
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New map for my art style, basically same borders
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now i'll start importing swedish qts

Fine, I will take land south of the Central American ocean.

First order of business is to use our superior numbers and resources to conquer the great islands though.
>L.M.M.A Finnish

Ayo, Lemme finish...
AKF conducts successful test of nuclear weapon at Inuvik Test Site, says it is mass producing them

"It will only be used as a last resort," says king

Kingdom also reported to be investing in quick cloning research
I need a name for it
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The hoosier confederacy. we will be made up of 4 Independent states all bound together under one army with the common goal of reclaiming our homeland.
AKF turns ICBM silos in general direction of edgy nation threatening its ally
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And thus, Abriga, under the leadership of King Theodore Cruzio, is born.
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A basic rule to war is borders must be touching

were the fuck does AFK get nukes from, there is fucking nothing but iron in the ground up there.

also, I guess we now invade autismville to give us better force projection and a position to be able dig in for the upcoming war.
oops, i mistook you for the wrong american
AKF pledges wartime support of Autismville
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engulf the rest of baneland with my superior military & foreign relations
Are you Nooilland?
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Use names so i know whos borders i am changing

Nooilland, yes.
Quick clones a failure, however a factory has been built for remotely-controlled humanoid machines. Mass production of these schedules to begin soon.

Uranium City is literally in the southern half of my territory
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Autismvill under siege, anyone going to save them or annex them? Far too late for bane land
Also Abriga now has 5 states

(If anyone wants state lets me know I'll draw them in)

It is also 750 foot underwater.
AKF ships carrying prototype remote control soldiers heading for shores of Autismville
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i start to feed into the country my newly acquired swedish qts.

country will be white in 60 years top.
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Pic related.
Autismville gov advised to get their asses into the most inaccessible valley they can find in those mountains.
To attack or defend?

wrong name. kek
Abriga begins a tradition of collecting the refuse from the public masturbatoriums and burning it, sending the unborn to heaven. The smoke reduced quality of life for the Argintinians down south.
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Defending Autismville because the enemy of the enemy is my friend.

As of this post mass production of remote control machine soldiers is in full swing in AKF. First wave has hit beaches of Autismville and is sweeping south.
AKF will be light purple on the mainland fyi
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Meanwhile, my country's economy grows strong after the destructive civil war.

Hoosier confederacy proposes trade alliance with new germany to swap food and oil for uranium. Begins to set up artillery encampments along the northern autismville border.
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ffs wheres hoosier confederacy? I think 2 people Claimed the same land. I will place you in some open area
Start colonising Benisland. Government order for everyone to have lots of sex for producing more colonisers.
AKF claims eastern half of Baneland. Continues fighting in Autismville, around the western side of Abriga, not invading Abriga yet but stationing robot soldiers along the border facing east while main force moves south. Another couple shiploads of robo soldiers invade and quickly overrun Italy.
Meanwhile, in New Burgerstania, a Coup d'etat installs a Military Dictatorship with refugees escaping to Burgerstania and others trying to cross the wall into Mexisnow

take good care of the swedish qts for me ;(

abragia claimed the land owned by hoosier conferacy, as seen in these posts.


I will m8
way less water would be evaporated for rain too

Hoosier confederacy finds uranium deposits, sets to work on building nuclear program.
Back from taking a break.

The Democratic republic of Sub-Saharan African peoples has encountered financial difficulties after depleting their natural resources of lumber and natural plant carbon. The refugee population begins to flood into neighboring countries.
Meanwhile, a group of rebels escape through that tiny area between Burgerstania and Mexisnow and use the unoccupied territory as a base aganist the Dictatorship regime.
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Star = Nuke HQ

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Im off in 30 minutes guys, make your last moves then Ill make a post tomrrow
You must not have seen this post >>57148775 where I conquered Italy.

Pincer movement on northern province of HC takes much of it smoothly.

Intelligence about your nuclear program leads AKF to point missile silos at your mines. Order not given to fire.

Uranium mines and nuke bases are at Lake Athabasca.

I'll probably take over for ya
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Does autismville have a capital city?

THC tests nuke in wasteland south of Nooilland

(we should really put a chance system in this somehow, like evens are successful odds result in failure, otherwise it is destined to become a futuristic dick waving contest, someone else can come up with it though, because i suck at that sort of thing)

Red lines are our artillery embankments from>>57148689
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Abrgia is actually hoosier confederacy, but attack will go through

And the star was the research lab
After they have enough weapons to fight the army, the Rebels make their offensive into New Burgerstania, sparking the New Burgerstania Civil War.
I will add a capital to ever country then I pass the map onto AKF, He'll be doing alterations from then on out. give me 5 mins
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claiming the small "Principality of Addiland"
between Nooiland and Hoosier Confederacy.

Hoosier confederacy proposes alliance with Principality of addiland

Also conducts second nuclear test in the wastelands south of Nooilland.
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Removed the arrows and shit
Main research lab, mines, silos, and factories are all at Lake Athabasca. Test site is Inuvik Peninsula.

Put capital roughly at Yellowknife

Major offensive at Hoosier Confederacy around eastern side of the mountain range. Much success. One flank heads south toward uranium mines, other flank heads toward capital. Airlifts of more robo soldiers both here and in northern HC. Troops in northern HC continue to move southeast.

You're an idiot, AKF proposes alliance or else.
Please send us water.
AKF airlifts water, we've got plenty of it.
Add the Kingdom of BLACKED between greater Canada and Mexisnow, south of Polan.
Thanks, we alliance.
AKF sends five 747s full of robo soldiers to Addiland. Stations four planefuls on Addiland/HC border, sends the other down the west side of the mountains.
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Here is my final map with Capitals included
Continue expanding into Benisland, assimilate the nomads there into Irish culture. Leave the rebels as they are but have military units stationed south be on guard.
>Major offensive at Hoosier Confederacy around eastern side of the mountain range. Much success. One flank heads south toward uranium mines, other flank heads toward capital. Airlifts of more robo soldiers both here and in northern HC. Troops in northern HC continue to move southeast

Hoosier confederacy begins to send small teams of snipers to assassinate political and leaders in AKF. Deploys nuclear submarines to Alaskan sea.

Test fires an unarmed missile to the northern tip of autismville as a show of force. Begins large scale shelling of AKF troops inside the country.
Oh shit my bad, you originally colonized great slave lake so i figured that should be the capital
Close enough
Alright, take care of my creation lol
The little islands between the great danish, moorish caliphate and jewland. I'll call them Animeland.

Hoosier confederacy nukes Addiland, deploys 100% of sea and land based nuclear arsenal. Begins to produce Co60 bombs in preparation of MAD dash.
You know, if this were on /tg/, we could have dice to resolve battles and such.
>Turkish capital not Constantinople

Also is Benisland even a country? The way it was in the old maps (for example >>57141152) made me think of it as a land of wandering nomads and small settlements.

This is a good idea, these wars are getting a little bit unrealistic.
Yeah It was originally the continent i guess, but i made it a country when i altered the map
After many fighting, the rebels finally capture the Capital city of Burea and ends the dictatorship in the country and installs a Democracy.

Also, now that the war is over, you can remove the Rebel country now.
>The Commonwealth starts quietly preparing a missile defense system, now that nukes are flying around
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Is it too late?
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>small teams of snipers
How'd they get in? We shut down our borders long ago

Northern HC front robos close in on capital. Nuke fired at your uranium mine, area colored is permanently impassable.

And slow down, I'm editing the maps

Proposing alliance with Burgerstania against these bastards
If it's a country then I'm launching a cultural onslaught. Spread pro-Irish propaganda, demonstrate Irish technological prowess, send Irish artists and musicians, dress the members we assimilated in Irish clothing, send diplomats to the Spurdish khan advising him on the immense economic and political benefits of joining Neo-Hibernia.
Evens = successful attack
Odds = failure but line held

Colonization of unclaimed = free land
Burgerstania agrees.
Hey Addiland, I'm pretty sure Nooilland is anarchy as of >>57148591

Would you like to migrate there before HC overruns you?

>We shut down our borders long ago

No border in the world can keep out 100% of people, its not unreasonable to sneak in 5-10 people.


HC detonates high altitude nuke using the emp to render robo soldiers useless.

HC throws its entire nuclear arsenal at AKF in retaliatory strike. Begins to send land troops via boat to pacify the smaller islands by force. Co60 weapons leave large tracts of AKF dangerously radioactive for years to come.
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Remaining addilanders take last supplies and build a small village on the east border. We have no weapons.
AKF offers ceasefire

HC claims control over Addiland but takes no action towards securing that claim. Begins sending small amounts of humanitarian assistance for use as a propaganda tool back home.
P.S, which country is a superpower?

HC accepts on terms of Northern HC and italy being returned to HC. In return We will return Addiland.

well, two countries just had a nuclear exchange, you tell me.
I think this thread is a good simulation of real world events and how countries changed borders overtime.
Why hasn't BLACKED nation been added yet next to Canada?
Pleace give me the land up baikal
>Transsiberian withe wlakersland TWW
AKF and HC are the ones known to possess nukes


In order for a treaty to end the war, you will also agree to return the northern half (at least) of Autismville Province to Autismville and to make no moves toward Michigan. I doubt Orangeland is even here anymore but I send a letter to him to back up this claim.

Editing the map, give me time.
I start a revolution in Benisland cause of shit quality and establish a socialist republic called the Poeple's Republic of Benis and tries to conquer Ireland, Greater Cygni Peacekeeping Enclave, and Democratic Republic of Sub-Saharan African People's, how will this turn out?

I bet they are in a civil war now.
You can take the african like country since they are in a turmoil.
>Jewland shaped like a nose

Because I'm going full autism into this, Benisland is comprised of two peoples, the Spurds and the Spards. The Spurds are from the south of Benisland, below the river Scrotum, while the Spards lived above. The two peoples lived nomadic trader lifestyles until the conquests of the Spurd Dingus Khan. The Spards were discriminated for many years, the Khans see them as little more than a noisy nuisance. Many Spards see Irish culture far more liberating and rich than Spurdish and welcome us as liberators, however some remain wary of our advances.

We agree to return the northern half of autism province but insist on keeping the southern half for cleanup and observation efforts.

with the economy no longer being burdened by war, HC begins to reinvest in infrastructure.


I think this thread is a good example of how dick waving contests over allies can go horribly wrong. Also is pretty amazing how we didn't fuck up the cold war looking at how fast this went to shit.
Take your time on the map btw, im in no rush.
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>Transiberian Republic
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Transiberian Republic Cap
>Trumps Land City
Our flag
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You take the valley at your border but you have a hard time getting over the mountains. Because your sorry ass is distracted, Ireland takes a good chunk of the Spards.

War is over. Radiant Mountains remain where uranium mines were, because we nuked it earlier. Addiland exists but is unmarked.

Did I miss anything?
Take all empty land south of Poland and name it New Prussia
I thought it was given to this guy>>57150351
Addilanders are sent to the remains of Nooilland capital to obtain supplies and weapons. Addiland will rise again.
Claiming Aral Sea

Calling it New Sealand
Close northern borders and threaten to release 800,000 of DRSSAP's migrants into Turkey unless Turkey pays denbts.
Already taken.
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Nobody gets that piece, it's an AKF nuke test site now.
I re-conquer all the land that Ireland took and make a peace treaty with Ireland. Still at war with the African country and the Enclave. Economy going really strong cause of the policy's I ordered.
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here you go

my nigga Glad Luke up at Boardwalk Vape
Gotta talk to Iceland before you can say you make a peace treaty with him.
>Did I miss anything?

Think thats about it.


HC offers to sell post war surplus to fund new schools.
Then claiming everything above Argentina for New Prussia
Our capital is a city built underwater
Revolution in Jewland! The Japanese Revolutionary Samurai Committee rise in the north of the jews!
The jews fear the samurai!
No surrender, we winning this. Send planes to do bombing on rebel occupied towns have our borders heavily monitored. Send the navy to directly assault the capital. Send word to Old Burgerstania that I shall recognize their independence if they attack southern Benis. With the young republic's army scattered on three fronts it's only a matter of time until they collapse.

I'm going to bed now so someone will have to play me. Just don't do anything stupid.
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be scared.jpg
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We accept your trade.

Addiland has made its first missile.
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Also sends troops to capture this territory between Polan, Mexisnow, and Greater Canada
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AKF claims remainder of the Baneland to carry out old man Nooilland's will that we take care of the swedish qt's.

We also give you research and build missile silos in the Nooilland just outside your border, so we can say we're totally not helping you.

All of your troops die because of all the radiation.
Well know, guess we have to conquer and since our economy is going great we are spending more on military and defending the Benis front stronger than ever with many men!

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Shit didn't know that was a nuclear test zone, how about this? Is this a good open place? If so I send other troops to conquer it
The samurai has enough shekels to take over the entire northern coastline! We get funding by Animeland!
Jews know our name!
Message meant for >>57151223
Meanwhile, the African Country goes in a civil war after a tribal conflict breaks out.
Begin a multi generational plan of subversion in first world countries.
In two generations (40 posts) A.K.F, H.C, Vikingz Land, greater Canada, and the Danish kingdom of the East will begin to take in refugees in large numbers and have a declining birthrate.
>it's a yuropoor map autism thread

top kek you fucking retards
I claim the remaining high north east as chumakee land, strange men beware of crossing our home, less you have permission and peace with council of cheifs.
"What is fun?"
Claiming East Prussian Sea like in pic related
You should name that thin strip, Prussian Benin.
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As far as I know it's okay.

Who the hell are you? I've received intelligence of this and I've mobilized the military but I don't know who to nuke

You'll have to fight Benis for it

Someone take over mapping pls, I'm tired of it. Any volunteers?
Also this
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We have taken over the wastelands of Nooiland and extended our borders to H.C. and G.C.O.
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Irradiated zones.jpg
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I think this exercise is pretty much over. Between the irradiated zones eventually poisoning the water, the Co60 in AKF, the openly uninhabitable zone of western HC that is slowly draining down the mountain side into the rest of the country, and the fact that the entire eastern half of the world failed to develop past a third world shithole, we have pretty much killed the planet.

I'll save the template and make a new thread for this tomorrow, it was an interesting threat to say the least.

>pic related

all areas that have been nuked, or share a coast with contaminated water. .
The communist party in Orangeland Dutch reaches plurality.
Troop mobilization begins at the border with the commonwealth of new Virginia.
Right when the Principality was at its peak, the Prince died of a heart attack resulting in anarchy and Addiland being in ruins

Aka going to sleep bye
I would gladly support the Communist party of Orangeland of Dutch to start a Socislist World Republic
If dubs or higher Danes invade Swedish caliphate's capital and behead their nobles/political leaders. Convert the citizens to Asatro, make them speak Danish and impose Danelaw.

Also, we'll invade part of the great plains to the South in the moorish caliphate, convert the citizens and establish an alliance with Jewland, trade relations with British Baikal also improve.

We havent done shit, so I suppose its time to take action. We have had over 50 posts to prepare for this.
If beheading nobles go through I will so regret not having my Christian II pepe.
Go fuck yourself. Just because Danes are not online doesnt mean you can go decide shit.
>put in tent camps and take all valuables
>excecute lawbreakers on the spot or deport to the northern wastes
>excecuted lawbreakers are made into soap and shipped to Jewland so they can sell them
>send rest back to their own country once they can be
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autismal map.png
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Claiming this land for the glorious nation of Estonia
Well shit, at least one of them has to go through since we havent done jackshit anyway.
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Also conquering the rest of the open territory in there
Can I be a Watcher on the Mexican Wall?
Hon Hon
>using mercator bloatjection
Thread posts: 273
Thread images: 90

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