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>yfw the Largest Economy, Intelligence and Army of the world couldn't overthrown him
It's not like they tried desu.

But fuckups were made for sure.
Is this thread is about Syria?
My opinion is that YPG is the best force in the conflict. Secular communists who are extremely progressive for Syria. The bad thing is that they are strongly connected to the kurds so I think it would be impossible for them to take over th whole Syria. So the Assad is the best force in the rest of the country. yes, he is a nationalist and he is pretty opressive, but liberal opposition is very weak so the only real force who oppose him are islamists who shloud be eradicated from the face of Earth.
So my opinion is that world should support Bashar Assad and smash islamist shit. The main problems here are Turkey and Saudi. The latter are blatant wahhabists who are supported by the US too keep the MENA unstable region, the former are corrupt Putin-style right wingers who support islamists because of desire to make the new Ottoman Empire. These countries are the main two problems of MENA region and the key of stability there is to stop Erdogan and fuckin destroy Saudi as damnable wahhabist hive.
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>So my opinion is that world should support Bashar Assad and smash islamist shit
well yeah. Personally my rule of thumb is, always do the opposite of what the jew wants
All of this is true but Assad has squandered every last bit of political capital with the eastern Sunnis. Even if the RuAF, Hezbollah, and the SAA eradicate every rebel group, Assad still won't be able to hold territory for long.
A two-state solution seems like the only way to put a stop to this once and for all.
Wekk, I don't think that jews are really into Syrian conflict but their nationalism and xenophoby to all the countries around them are big problems. If they stop behaving like cunts and help secular forces in the region MENA would be much more nice place.
They're not trying to overthrow him you idiot, the country is going through a multiculti meldown and he's trying to stay in power.
>well yeah. Personally my rule of thumb is, always do the opposite of what the jew wants

it was a generalisation though. I was referring to all the interests crawling in America that led to the middle east invasions, arab springs und so weiter, and that ultimately led to this situation. Most of them have a strong jewish base, that was my point
3 states if we talk about dividing Syria: Kurds, Sunni Arabs and Shia/Christians. But the problem of such a decision is that Turkey won't agree with Kurd country existance, there are many secular sunnis who support Assad, Saudis won't agree with a new Shia state in the region, and so on. How about wide autonomy with Syria as the confederation of 3 states?
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>i-it's not like I wanted to overthrow you or anything! Baka!
Obama and Hollande repeatedly saying "Assad must go" over the past couple of years suggests otherwise

honestly thought this nigga would be rekt years ago but he still manages to keep shit together .no need 2 mossad him, he's our greatest ally and killed more syrians then we ever did .
>multiculti meldown
Wut? The main problem of pre-war Syria was the abscence of possibilities for people not from Assad family to gain any money or power, not talking about democracy. But the rebellion started revived all the old religious and ethnic conflicts so it soon turned into religious and ethnic war and liberals lost all the resources and support. I think the only decision here is to make a secular federation with Lebanon-style democracy.
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כן, אסד הזה, ציוני ציוני
You're an idiot. Syria will recover from the state it is now and will be purified from wahhabis, so it'll be more independent and more powerfull state.
>Syria will recover from the state it is now
maybe but it will be a shithole compared to pre-civil-war syria for at least a decade .
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>>multiculti meldown

yeah you know, just like what the soviet union went through as it fell apart into shit and pieces? vladmir?

Or perhaps it fell apart because socialism works until you run out of the other guys money.

Too bad the kikes were too stingy to give out any money.


Yes, but it wil always oppose you as the other arab countries. You should give freedom to Palesthine and treat arabs the same as you treat jews and you'll be normal country.
What are you talking about? When did USSR faced religious war? Are you idiot? Btw one of the main problems of pre-war Syria was arab nationalism which opressed ethnic minorities, there were no things like that in USSR and it has nothing common with multiculturalism or internationalism.
>Or perhaps it fell apart because socialism works until you run out of the other guys money.

nice fascist quotes
Fuck the YPG. Communists are scum. Thought you would know that since they fucked your own country in the ass for 70 years.

And feminism is scum. I literally prefer Sharia over feminism. Let those feminists hang, literally
The kikes hate Islamists tho

Secularism just means more feminism. Fuck that
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>couldn't overthrow him with hippy magic
>Thought you would know that since they fucked your own country in the ass for 70 years.
TOP KEK. USSR was great, and most of Russians would like to get it back. Seems interesting that american fascists and rightists prefer islamists over communists. It shows us explicitly that there is no big difference between various rightist ideolodies, and islamism is very close to fascism, and fascism to islamism.
Wahhabism was never big in Syria. Most Islamists are sufis and asharis anyway.
True rightist mind core - support anyone who is against development of humanity, any dark medieval force, all that priests, mosques and churches, opression, schauvinism, exploitation.
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>USSR was great

yeah until the Mujahideen was gettting ready to bomb the fuck out of the kremlin and burn mosocw down

then all your kike cammanding offecers ran for the urals and their bases in the golan heights like the fucking pinko pussies they are. :)
>most of Russians would like to get it back
For reasons of "at least we wuz strong on the international political theatre" or for internal personal living standards? Seriously doubt it's the latter
They are mostly salafists, and many of them are wahhabists backed by Saudi.
Both. USSR provided free housing, medicine, education. It had some disadvantages like censorship and closed borders, but no one would like to get them back.
Afghanistan was under soviet control when we left them. Najibulla had been fought for seven years before Taliban took over in 1996.
>Both. USSR provided free housing, medicine, education.

Ahhhh so I was right, socialism ran out of the other guy's money.

And poof, no more free shit, unless you wanted to go off and fight endless pillaging wars of all your neighbors.
>USSR provided free housing, medicine, education
Well places like Cuba have those too, but to me it appears everyone is just equally poor there. Maybe communism has less super poverty, homelessness but IMO it's not worth it to drag down the middle class drastically low just so that the lives of the lowest 1% slightly improve. There's other ways to ensure that, like some baseline(!) welfare
pure truth here
Saying something doesn't mean you actually need to believe in it senpatchi
Are there Turk troops still advising IS in Mosul?
Remember when they said they had good relations with Kurdistan? LOL I didn't believe it either.

Fucking Turks are such scum. Hope they get nuked.
>people in this thread thinking assad is close to even competenent

This retard started the fucking war in the first place
The US does not have the largest army on earth
Cuba is way more better than other Carribean countries. USSR was #20 in UN HDI list. It was not like that, people were not poor. There were much less poor people than we have now but no one restricted you from living rich if you worked hard. Workers in dangerous jobs got very big money, for examples, good workers, engineers, doctors could afford themselves cars, fashionable clothes, electronics, tourism in western countries and so on.
>no one restricted you from living rich if you worked hard.
ahahaha this kacap is so full of shit

but then what more can you expect from it?
>Arabs in charge of war

>There have been countless massacres in suicidal frontal attacks, such as the horrendous SAA loses in Salma in 2012 attacking up hill against a dug in enemy, or the horrendous FSA losses at Al-Qusayr, where rebels launched a counter attack across open ground, unsupported, that was annihilated by MLRS systems and Hezbollah machine guns.
>Its easy to forgot now, with the rapid gains by Loyalist forces and the SAA, that 10 months ago it appeared that the SAA was on the verge of disintegrating. It had just been hurled with tremendous loss from Jish Shingur and Idlib, and Latakia itself was under direct threat. However, things have changed. And a big reason why is Russian Strategic thinking, and that thinking is guiding the SAA to take Aleppo.
>The fighting to take Aleppo began days after the Russians arrived in Syria on September 30. Probing attacks, or attacks designed to test enemy defenses and mislead the enemy as to the real angle of attack and offensive objectives, were launched in the Aleppo, Homs, Daraa, Latakia, and Idlib Provinces. This was part of a larger strategic vision by the Russian and Iranian Military advisors, namely to confuse the opposition, and over extend them.

Well cars you had to pre-order 10-15 years ahead and only 1-2 models available, at least in our ex-commie part
Who did restricted to people in USSR to be rich? If you was a good specialst you could afford yourself any shit you wanted, from jeans and Adidas clothes to cars, latest vynil disks and so.
>give freedom to Palesthine
already done , look at gaza .
> treat arabs the same as you treat jews
i wish we did ,we treat them better then we treat jews .i had to work my ass off AND serve three years of my life protecting jews and arabs alike to get into uni and its full of arabs that got there putting the bare minimum effort .fucking arabs literally attack people on the street for no reason and still get special treatment everywhere .
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They had never any good military colledges, that's why.
Well, in USSR you could buy used cars without preordering and the queue was about a few months usually. And we had a lot of models available, from fabulous Volga to funny Zaporozhets or Fiar-like Lada or Moskvich. Picreleated.
>already done , look at gaza .
Gaza is controlled my HAMAS, not FATH.
Your food literally had bits of plastic in it. The vodka was good, but the meat was rotten.

Fascists have no problem with Islam, as long as Muslims don't stay in their own countries and don't mess stuff up in the West
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I heard that there's even DRPK special forces fighting there?

True or bullshit?
>Be Russian
>25 years after fall of USSR
>still think communism will lead to the development of humanity, instead of ensuring your country willl just remain a totalitarian hellhole

Yes, the only reason why anyone should support the USSR is because of RUSSIA STRONK. All else is just delusion

We tried
But we were stopped
Sounds 100% bullshit for me.
Well, idk, soviet food here was okay. Don't know why we exported shitty food to US.
>America was not trying to overthrow Assad

Where were you the last 5 years?
This here ladies and gentlemen is a Neocon. They caused Iraq.
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Like i said, the fuckups were too big to recover.

>trusting FSA
>letting your "allies" make the enemy grow stronger
>now there's real possibilites of starting another World War

I thought the WW3 would start in Ukraine, but damn, shit changed fast.
Absolutely none of that happened.
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>On 21 September 2012, Iraqi officials stated that they had refused a North Korean plane suspected of carrying weapons entry into Iraqi airspace en route to Syria.[68] Earlier in the year, a UN probe was launched into North Korean arms deals with Syria and Myanmar in violation of international sanctions.[69] The probe confirmed that North Korea was continuing to supply arms to Syria and Myanmar despite strict sanctions imposed in 2006 and 2009, using "elaborate techniques" to avoid interception.[70] According to the report, one such "shipment originated in the DPRK, was trans-shipped in Dalian (China), and Port Klang (Malaysia), and transited through other ports... en route to Latakia, Syria."[71] Illegal shipments were apparently not halted by the outbreak of war in Syria: according to a November 2012 report, a Chinese-registered ship containing North Korean missile parts, made in Chongjin,[72] bound for Syria was seized by South Korean authorities in May 2012.[72][73]

Other reports suggest that dozens of Arabic-speaking Korean People's Army officers have aided planning of military operations and have supervised artillery bombardments in the Aleppo area.[74] The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that 15 North Korean pilots operate combat helicopters in the country.[75]

I was under the impression Islamists started the protests and when they got shot they started the war.
>totalitarian hellhole
Shit, it's 25 years after fall of USSR, stop thinking with shitty 80's movies stereotypes. I can post some shit from 80's which will redpill you about USSR.
USSR 80's pop music
USSR youth
ISIS maybe salafists, but all the other Islamist groups are not.

>being a feminist
>on 4chan
back to tumblr

>getting all your info from Russia today

Arab militaries are meant to kill civilians as efficiently as possible, not to fight another army.Which is why Arab military doctrine is utter shit. Plus, a competent military is a threat to the state itself

Nice Jewspeak.
There are lots of rumors on /k/'s Mideast thread. We've seen Chinky SAA soldiers with NK guns in pictures.

Plague Doctor was adamant they were there. He never really let us down. Well until he got tired of Turks shilling and left permanently.
No, the protests was started by liberals, Assad responded with troops on streets and war started, than the main initiative in war was taken by islamists and liberals are very weak now. People who supported liberals in 2011 are now usually pro-Assad because islamists are worse.

>Chinky SAA soldiers

Couldn't be Kazakhs? But i really do believe that there's Norks there on the ground fighting.

Shit, this war is crazy as fuck.
>Thinking this much in black/white and slippery slope images
You know, there's a middle ground between barbaric early medieval Arab desert tribal warlord society and transfatgenderfluid tumblr faggotry?
Turkomans or mercenaries from Asian countries. There are no interests of North Korea in Syria, there is no reason for thei troops to be there.
One of my polo sci teachers (who wass a sovietologist/russologist) told me how the food was utter crap.

The Soviet Union only excelled in things that benefitted the State directly (eg military and related industries). They didn't care much about civilian living standards.

I can tell you only get your news from Russia Today.

Too bad I hate Neocons and most kike enablers.

If anything, you are a neocon for wanted to spread secular feminism across the globe by force

Assad tortured a bunch of kids to death for saying that Assad will fall next (during the Arab "spring")

I seriously don't know why you defend Assad as some humanitarian secularist. Support him if you want, but seriously, know what you are supporting at least

Even shithole Muslim countries also have rock, rap, etc. They are still shitholes.
Obama is a cuck. Don't hold your breath.


Here's an overview of how much we dun goofed from an American source.
He is american, man.
The protests were started by liberals AND the Imams funded by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
Wikileaks gave a good overview of this happening. American diplomats were discussing it back in 2006-2008 and were afraid it would lead to regime overthrow.

This was when we were super afraid of islamists and not actively supporting them.
>liberals get butthurt because most Muslims are Islamists and therefore betray their principles by supporting a brutal dictatorship
Liberals are filth.

>You know, there's a middle ground between barbaric early medieval Arab desert tribal warlord society and transfatgenderfluid tumblr faggotry?
but that barbaric tribal society had traditional, masculine values. Don't care at all for Western liberalism.
>humanitarian secularist
He is not humanitarian, but who of other syrian forces are? He is secular. Liberals have no chances to became a big thing. Communists are kurd-based so arabs wouldn't go on with them. That's why he is the only force to be supported by the sane people. Most of Syrians support him, btw. He is not a good boy, nut ISIS and other islamists are way worse.
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I'm seeing some links here poiting that there are some Norks in it, not in a large number of troops.



But desu, i think it would be worse if there were a Republican on it.
Russians are far worse when it comes to complex thinking.

Most people in the Muslim world are Islamists. There is nothing wrong with Islamists as long as they are not jihadist retards who kill Americans
Except this guy >>55122473

Shows that there are at least some officers out there.

As I said, these Chinky looking soldiers were armed with NK guns. /k/ fucking loves guns so it was confirmed to be NK guns.

There's official involvement according to American media, but special forces and ground forces were never confirmed by major news.

As I said Plague Doctor (also known as Ivan Sidorenko) was adamant that they were NK. And I believe them.
You guys are seriously underestimating Turkey/Gulfies

They will do anything to stop this
>Most of Syrians support him, btw
Find that hard to believe. Sunnis hate him,

Islamists (not ISIS) are much better than Assad. They support traditional values, patriarchy, and everything else that makes for a civilized society.
Republicans at least get shit done, even if it doesn't make sense.

Assad would be gone and America in a new war if Romney was president.

Honestly, at least that would guarantee some stability for Syrians. There would definitely be fewer Syrian refugees and no ISIS.

I prefer caution. And I hate the Iraq war. But this is worse in hindsight.
>most Muslims are Islamists
Kek. Islamists lost all their support after 1 year in charge in Egypt and was overthrown by people and army. Islamists in Syria are mostly supported by the Saudi and Turkey and fight with foreign fighters who are majority there. Radical islamists in Maghreb countries are not a big thing except for Lybia, but they fight with based liberal government there. Outside the arab world, islamists are pretty weak everywhere except for Afghanistan and, in some grade, Pakistan.
>supporting a brutal dictatorship
Islamism is even much more brutal religious dictatorship. Secular dictatorship is better than religious one.
Well, for example forcing women to wear a full ninja costume, black one at that, in 50°C weather if they wish to step outside may be super "masculine" to you ("yeah we show those bitchezz") but I doubt it's very intelligent and healthy to society (Arab women are among the fattest in the world probably as a result of that)
Also Shariah is pretty much "no fun allowed - the legislature"

Well, it would be the same shit as Iraq. Current govt get overthrown, then another US puppet gets to power and shit gets worse than it was before. Reminder that this shit might cause WW3 if Turkey and SKA keeps with the plan of invasion.

Even if Syria gets destroyed to ashes, Assad in power would be the less worse at the moment.
>hurr durr jews
fuck off to /POL/ with your stupid conspiracy theories
To be fair retard-tier Wahhabism also exists in some SEA Islamic places like Aceh Indonesia
>Sunnis hate him
Secular sunnis - no, and most of Syrian people are not very religious.
>Islamists (not ISIS) are much better than Assad. They support traditional values, patriarchy, and everything else that makes for a civilized society.
From the point of view of rightist poltard idiot - yes, but for a normal people - no. Russia will always support secular forces everywhere and it's a good thing.
But the Indonesia at all and SEA are pretty secular places as well as Africa and CIS, the latter especially.
Nah, Africa has Boko Haram which doesn't stand behind ISIS in brutality, SEA additionally has MILF in Philippines.
Only Central Asia has been thoroughly "fedoraised" through communism it seems, but you failed at Chechnya and especially Dagestan, which remain extremly violent durka shitholes (sure Grosny is somewhat under control as long as the Moscow monies flow, but even that is a just a lid on a pressure cooker)
If Turkey and Saudi Arabia (along with a possible gulf state coalition) decide to invade Syria (and all the intelligence at the moment is suggesting they will) then Assad isn't going to be standing for much longer. He's about to come out victorious against the rebels/jihadists, you think these countries that have spent millions to have him and his government destroyed are going to let him win? In the oncoming weeks, BIG things are going to happen in Syria.
>Boko Haram
That's Nigeria's problem mostly, as Philippines, MILF (kek).
Chechnya has nothing to do with islamists, chechens really hate them. If you try to propagate wahhabism there you wil be killed the next day. Dagestan has more islamists, but most of dags are like picreleated. And there is no niqab and so, religios muslims here wear hijabs only.
guess who won the last gaza elections ?
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Good luck, Assad.
no one can mossad the assad
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>guy that is fighting isis and cuckslims
>durr let's attack him
Assad: Raper and killer of women and children. For that he will burn in hell.
Wahhabis, no matter their gender or age, are not human
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