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Vocaroo Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 34

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>Official Unofficial Rules

1. Post something in your language or request something in someone else's
B. Go to http://www.vocaroo.com/ and record yourself
iii. Post your recording and receive criticism

>Obligatory English, but please do post other languages and more difficult English texts because that's the only way this will become interesting. =)

"A fake coin mocking the Swedish king that made worldwide headlines when it circulated in the kingdom in 2012 was on Thursday thrown back into the spotlight after a photo of it was accidentally linked to a story about the Swedish Central Bank.

The counterfeit coin appeared four years ago, featuring the familiar profile of the Swedish royal pictured on the genuine one-krona (€0.10) coin. But instead of carrying the text: "King Carl XVI Gustaf – Sweden’s King" it said: "King Carl XVI Gustaf – Our King the Whore", referring to a string of alleged sex scandals that had hit the royal household in previous years."
Hello friends.

Does anyone want to sing the Deutschlandlied?

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält,
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt –
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt!

Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang –
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand –
Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!




Genuinely native-tier. I would never guess that you're German. How long have you been learning English?
Being half british I was raised bilingually so I'm kind of cheating tbqh

hahaha, well yeah that would do it.
I was actually going to reply with pay debts lel.
Pronunciation is a solid 6/10 lad.
pay reparations hans
no konstantinos, give us our money back already

post japanese
What are you saying? Oshi? What does that mean?

mezamete ha kurikaesu nemui asa ha
eri no TAI wo kitsuku shime
kyoushitsu no DOA kuguru to honno sukoshi mune wo hatte arukidaseru
sonna nichijou ni fukinukeru kaze
kikoeta ki ga shita
kanjita ki ga shitan da
furuedasu ima kono mune de
mou kuru ki ga shita
ikuoku no hoshi ga kiesatteku no wo
te wo futta
yokatta ne, to


/whistle/ time
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we had a referendum, remember?
Can you say cyкa блять really loud or maybe sing кaтюшa
fuck you alexandros why do you have to be so mean ;_;
damn that's actually really good

whistle for me efendi
>tfw ex kept mocking me for my terrible whistling
cyka blyad is a no-no, i'm underage :^)
but i can sing katyusha
Are you black?
I'm really the opposite of black.
Hear me now
Oh thou bleak and unbearable world,
Thou art base and debauched as can be;
And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled
Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee!
I am I, Don Quixote,
The Lord of La Mancha,
My destiny calls and I go,
And the wild winds of fortune
Will carry me onward,
Oh whithersoever they blow.
Whithersoever they blow,
onward to glory I go!
these ha's are pretty silly, because they are pronounced like wa http://vocaroo.com/i/s0GCvmbZAixH
Time for you bastards to read some french.

Une heure sonnait - une heure de moins à trembler de dégoût dans la ténèbre de la chambre nuptiale, à épier les mouvements de l'affreux corps étendu contre le sien et qui, par pitié pour elle, feindrait de dormir. Parfois le contact d'une jambe la réveillait ; alors elle se coulait tout entière entre le mur et le lit ; ou un léger attouchement la faisait tressaillir : l'autre, la croyant endormie, osait une caresse furtive.
I'm too lazy to actually sing it

Amazing English, lad. The only criticism I could have would be that you are seriously overcooking the whole "posh" accent thing.

Bravo, best English from a non-anglo I've ever heard in these threads.

Holy fuck, I stumbled along in my own language.

I'll go off myself now.
>Holy fuck, I stumbled along in my own language.
>I'll go off myself now.

>archaic word
>being mad
stop, nobody actually uses that word, it's not like you stumbled on "the"
>my own language
here's the song if you haven't heard it

Could we possibly have some German that isn't the old anthem or some Hitler rant? Would be appreciated.
Can you read this? Please

Carrego em minhas costas ele, o grande Fausto Silva. De longe, observa Ana Maria Braga. A clorofila existe quando o vôlei é um esporte paraolímpico. Buceta vinte e quatro
I know I can't sing for shit, so apologies, but it was fun. Love this song

Here you go Nig
Lenore fuhr ums Morgenrot
Empor aus schweren Träumen:
"Bist untreu, Wilhelm, oder tot?
Wie lange willst du säumen?" -
Er war mit König Friedrichs Macht
Gezogen in die Prager Schlacht,
Und hatte nicht geschrieben:
Ob er gesund geblieben.

Der König und die Kaiserin,
Des langen Haders müde,
erweichten ihren harten Sinn,
Und machten endlich Friede;
Und jedes Heer, mit Sing und Sang,
Mit Paukenschlag und Kling und Klang,
Geschmückt mit grünen Reisern,
Zog heim zu seinen Häusern.

Und überall all überall,
Auf Wegen und auf Stegen,
Zog Alt und Jung dem Jubelschall
Der Kommenden entgegen.
Gottlob! rief Kind und Gattin laut,
Willkommen! manche frohe Braut.
Ach! aber für Lenoren
War Gruß und Kuß verloren.
Sing the beginning of this song.

Hi the diddly idle um diddly doo idle um, diddly doo rah diddly-i-day
Hi the diddly idle um diddly doo idle um, diddly doo rah diddly-i-day

Let grasses grow and waters flow
In a free and easy way.
Just give me enough of that fine old stuff
That's made near Galway Bay.
And peelers all from Donegal,
Sligo and Leitrum, too.
We'll give them the slip and we'll have a sip
Of that real old mountain dew.

I was trying to not pretend I had an irish accent, but it made it sound even worse in some parts.
can someone r8 ?

im trying to not sound like an enormous wog

You sound cute :3 No homo
Should give you a giggle.

German is hard as fuck, rate me.
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good try hans, but i told you we are not paying
I don't know if it's your mic or what, but I hear a whistle every time you pronounce S's.

also, you add a little "sh" where it doesn't exist, otherwise, not bad.
Also requesting anything t b h
thanks for replying lad

unfortunately that's kinda how i speak, I have a fucked up s. the saddest thing is I have 3 S's in my full name :/
Not bad at all, you need to work on your ä and ie but besides that it was good!

You learnt/are learning german aren't you? 9/10.
äu makes a "oi" sound doesn't it?
Yeah I'm learning it. It's fucking hard.

I didn't sing the anthem because it's too long. I did however sing this lovely tune.

Se temo a ruína de meus dias
Antes de a pena me aliviar o espírito, antes
De muito livro, em alta pilha, me conter
Os grãos ladinos como em caixas transbordantes;
Se atento, nas características da noite constelar,
Enormes emblemas nublados de um romance
E acho que não viverei para rastrear
As suas sombras, com a mão maga de azar;
Quando eu sinto que nunca verei você
Nem provarei o mítico poder
Do imenso mundo, eu fico só, a meditar,
Até no vazio naufragar.

I'll record this when I get home.
Yeah it does
Beautiful. Can you sing Lore, Lore?
a Finnish poem
r9 my boyce
I might be willing to try it if you record yourself first.

9/10, you do sound noticeably French tho.
ookkonää böndeltä?
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>Shitty accents
Savosta, mutta runohan on yleiskielinen?
lel, this one's great as well but the rhytmic pattern makes it harder to sing.

That's really good. I'm assuming you didn't know some of the words.
Please rate my finnish
joo mutta puhetapa silti jotenkin rennompi
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p-pozhalusta r8 moj tovarish.

t. kebab
Give me something in turkish, I believe I will be a natural
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>I believe I will be a natural
>I'm assuming you didn't know some of the words.
Bulls eye. I tried to mimic how the google translator pronounced the words I didn`t know. Do you mind recording the text so I can hear the native speaker and not the bot?
There you go.
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Mustafa Kamal'i rüyamda iki defa gördüm. İlki eskişehir askeri cezaevinde, ikincisi ise orta mektep yıllarında.
Ben orta mektepte iken, komşumuz Eyüp Sabri Dermioğlu vardı,gizli gizli Büyük Doğu okurdu.
Pls r8 my French
r8 my turkish kardash :DDD
oops forgot the link

pls no bully :DDD

do i sound like a local
Bro I have to ask, do you even understand what you were reading ?
Hardly. That is some very advanced French and I didn't translate. Why?
pls rate >>55029852
Yeah it's pretty obvious you don't lel. The beginning was fine though but you struggled through the end. Not completely off but still.
How was pronunciation?

Not bad man. Can you throw some Saksa my way?
r8 my türk

understandable, but you don't pronounce double consonants
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kek, post something in greek please.
be careful on 'ı' , it is not 'i', you are speaking like a Jewish Turk but your accent and tone are both 7/10
There were too many mistakes honeslty. Try listening to my recording instead, it'll make it more obvious where you were wrong.
>you are speaking like a Jewish Turk but your accent and tone are both 7/10
Well fuck

I will keep that in mind, thank you friend.

Einst begab es sich, dass ein armer Schafhirt' weinend im Grase saß, wiel ihm die HERZALLERLIEBSTE davon lief, die schönste aller schönen hatte nichts weiter im Schilde gefürt als sich von jüngeren, reicheren und sauberfingernägelicheren junge Herren penetrieren zu lassen. Dieses jedoch wohnte den armen Schafshirt', aber so listig, wie die Landbefölkerung zuweilen zu meinen scheint, bleiben den ernsten guten, feucht-warmen Mutterschafe. Gesagt-getan ergriff er eins der Tiere, stellte die Hinterbeine in die Schäfte seiner lang gewachsenen Stiefel, damit das Tier nicht fortlaufen konnte und er es in Ruhe zwischen den Ohren kraulen konnte.

FÜR WAHR FÜR WAHR dachte sich der Schafshirt' in seinem verwirrten Schädel, griff mit der rechten Hand in die Tasche und zog die lang gewordene Flöte heraus und bließ, und bließ, und bließ. Eine wunderbare Melodei, die uns bis heut' erhalten ist: "wie kann ich das Herz meiner liebsten gewinnen?"
r8 m8, I did the diddly-doo part by whistle sadly, can't do that part by singing

Pls gib pronunciation help, need it badly

>the struggles
absolutely C U T E :3
sorry, just copied and pasted it, too many mistakes. do this one instead, i fixed them

Einst begab es sich, dass ein armer Schafhirt' weinend im Grase saß, weil ihm die HERZALLERLIEBSTE davon lief, die schönste aller schönen hatte nichts weiter im Schilde gefürt als sich vom jüngeren, reicheren und sauberfingernägligeren jungen Herren penetrieren zu lassen. Dieses jedoch wurmte den armen Schafshirt', aber so listig, wie die Landbevölkerung zuweilen zu meinen scheint, blieben dem Ärmsten die guten, feucht-warmen Mutterschafe. Gesagt-getan ergriff er eins der Tiere, stellte die Hinterbeine in die Schäfte seiner lang gewachsenen Stiefel, damit das Tier nicht fortlaufen konnte und er es in Ruhe zwischen den Ohren kraulen konnte.

FÜR WAHR FÜR WAHR dachte sich der Schafshirt' in seinem verwirrten Schädel, griff mit der rechten Hand in die Tasche und zog die lang gewordene Flöte heraus und bließ, und bließ, und bließ. Eine wunderbare Melodei, die uns bis heut' erhalten ist: "wie kann ich das Herz meiner liebsten gewinnen?"

c-could i impress a qt turkish girl like anzu with my turkish
You sound like a bydlo from Konstantinopolis from the Ottoman era.
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8/10, but you made the same mistake as (>>55030730) did on 'ı' vowel.
how is 'ı' sound like :
too long gib something shorter plz
oops :http://vocaroo.com/i/s1vNsk5Jqg7h
here you go efendi

Οξεία επίθεση στην kυβέρνηση εξαπέλυσε την Παρασkευή ο Βασίλης Λεβέντης, υποστηρίζοντας ότι δεν έχει λαϊkό έρεισμα kαι δεν μπορεί να kατανοήσει τα πραγματιkά προβλήματα των αγροτών.
Επανέλαβε πως ο πρωθυπουργός πρέπει να υποβάλει την παραίτησή του, kαθώς η kυβέρνηση έχει χάσει την λαϊkή στήριξη με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορεί να υλοποιήσει kαμία μεταρρύθμιση

Oxía epíthesi stin kivérnisi exapélise tin Paraskeví o Vasílis Levéntis, ipostirízontas óti den éhi laikó érisma kai den borí na katanoísi ta pragmatiká provlímata ton agrotón.
Epanélave pos o prothipourgós prépi na ipováli tin paretisí tu, kathós i kivérnisi éhi hási tin laikí stírixi me apotélesma na min borí na ilopiísi kamía metarríthmisi

x--> ks sound, like onix
d--> th sound as in then, this
nt-->d sound as in dentist
g--> wh sound as in what, where
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if you can read "ikincisi" like that every time, why not, you already impressed me n-no h-homo

This, but it doesn't mean bad, you are pretty solid m8, at least 7-8/10.

ty komşi


>mfw this thread

Hier im Ort ist ein Gericht viel schlimmer als die Vehmen wo man nicht erst ein Urteil spricht das Leben schnell zu nehmen

How do I say I love you Anzu? Seni Seviyorum Anzu? And what's "Please marry me"?
How did I do?
8/10, your german is really great man, keep at it.

I'd say 6/10, you pronounce the ch too harshly and you said U like Ü, other than that pretty good. Finns are cute :3
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Awesome, gj man. I wish I could prounounce properly as well.

Btw, "Please marry me" means "Benimle evlenir misin?" in Turkish. Get her champ :3

Thank you.
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super cute efendi. although you managed to fuck up every toning on every word lel

here's how i read it desu

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you are too fast I could not be able to understand any of them. I actually took greek course for two semesters in my university as a non-technical (irrelevant) course but it was 3 years ago so I am lacking of practice very much as you see.
Read these 100% authentic American place names:

Youghiogheny River
North Charleroi
North Branch South Fork Pine Creek
Pretty good, only the "nir" syllable pronounced wrong. It should be like this:

http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pwfcqqtE6m, try again f a m

just for you kardash, my best komsi
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does the poker exist this evening, lilke?

9.5/10 polan
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>all these celtic sounding names

and you'll still completely wreck the pronunciation even though you cry heritage the moment someone calls you an american
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spicing thnigs up with throat singing : http://vocaroo.com/i/s0vfEq9k9ipv
sorry for low quality (wincuck microgoy tier), i can do throat singing in 3 different style.
How is this?

Someone try these:
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg
6/5 ,egzgellend
Are you the whistle guy?
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A lot better, but you can still improve, it's straightforward "nir" not something like "nyir" or "niyr"

8/10, I love you polan

No, but he's my brother(literally, we are sitting together and reading /int/ posts, comfy as fug)


>be australian
>wake up next to your sister
>"ay dahlin fahk moi that was a noice root last noight"
>ride a kangaroo to the shitposting plant
>get stopped by abos
>their faces haven't loaded yet because of high ping
>give them all your petrol anyway
>apologise for invading their country
>say thank you to the traditional owners of the land, the irrawajjialabumbajjiju people
>continue on your way
>shitpost hard on 4chan all day so you can afford to pay your internet bill ($1000 for 0.1bps connection, 3mb data cap)
>go home
>get mugged by abos again
>no petrol this time, give them some of your ping instead
>switch on the tv
>the wallabies lost to new zealand again
>"fahkin no worries m8 she'll be roight I'll just watch the loigue instead"
>the kangaroos lost to new zealand again
>"m-muh cricket"
>"m-muh afl"
>can't see what's happening, players' mullets blocking the camera
>go to new zealand, steal some pavlova and claim it was yours all along
>cry yourself to sleep muttering "m-muh hdi, m-muh gdp per capita"
>get bitten by spoidah
>die within seconds
>one is an artisan whistler
>the other one can throat sing
>browse /int/ together
You kebaps are weird <3
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another one for you, i recorded it now, since my parents are sleeping, record was short.
this style is known as 'kargyaa' in mongol.
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>double trouble

i cant be sure you are not some bipolar psycho desu
I had to pause several times and I am in tears from laughter right now, this is a work of art
Is it hard to learn this?
How did you learn and how long did it take you?
Also how often have you fucked up your vocal chords?
"smell ur food before u eat it ok"

t. Baz Bazinsky.
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we are not identical twins either.

here is a bosnian pasta:
Bila su to zla i pakosna bića, nisu voljeli ljude pa su ih uvijek vrebali kako bi ih odveli u vodu. Tijekom dana, odmarali bi se u svojim podvodnim dvorima, ali navečer bi izlazili na površinu i vrebali neoprezne kupače. Ako bi Vodanoj uhvatio nekog čovjeka da se kupa poslije zalaska sunca, zarobio bi ih i odveo u svoje podvodno kraljevstvo gdje bi postali njegovi robovi.
t. second generation ex-yugo
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desu it was a really lousy attempt, I'm waiting for someone to better it
That was part of the beauty.
I can't do an aussie accent at all unfortunately
How I would pronounce these places:


You only really mispronounced four. Conemaugh, Youghiogheny, Shenandoah (I think you misread this one because you read it as "Shenandoha") and you really absolutely butchered Charleroi. :^)


I figured most people would have trouble with Youghiogheny. :)
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come play with us, guise.jpg
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>does the poker exist this evening, lilke?

I'm up for some poker/drinking if anyone else is. If anybody's interested, a few of us from these Vocaroo threads go to a website to voicechat, drink, and play online poker. It's free, and to signup you don't even need to give a real e-Mail address.


It's fun... kind of... well, it depends on how many people are there, and how intoxicated you are.
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It is not that hard to learn this but you must be persistent to learn, it is very easy to give up. I learnt it in 2 years when I was in high school.

I first try to imitate the vocals that I constantly listen like ayaz kuular, kongar ol-ondar and groups like alash and huun huur tu. I listened those 2-3 hours for a day by the time being.

I worked on this guide too http://www.alashensemble.com/about_tts.htm
Since I have no theoretical background in music (unlike my brother kek) , I had too much difficulties and I still cannot sing too many notes on throat singing.
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I like your pronunciation of creek, it's p cute :3

Try these german place names:
Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop

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r8 pl0x
Not bad :DD
Keep in mind that th = z and it'd be perfect
Get on my level lads
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Nig your German is fantastic. You make less mistakes and pronounce shit better than my father who's lived here for 30+ years. Also, nice choice on the drink.

Not too shabby.
Here is how I would say them, though to be honest - I'm not really sure myself.
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I record arabian in my spare time too, some nasheeds are too catchy, it is from al-kawlu kawlu sawarim (it is like -the word of war-)

It is a beatiful and deep language desu.


please have fun ;) i know I fuck it towards the end but im very drunk
>Nig your German is fantastic. You make less mistakes and pronounce shit better than my father who's lived here for 30+ years.

You know that made my week mate. I'm hopefully joining my friends in germany to work soon :D
>Not too shabby.

Cheers. Tell me, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much German pussy am I gonna get if I ever visit?
Glorious, saved.
I'm glad to have made your week, I hope you will join them too, you would be very welcome here.

Going to hit the hay now, anyone want to record "good night" in their language? Or perhaps even a bedtime story or good night song? Would be much appreciated
6 if you are white, 10 if not.

What if I am white but identify/wish I was black?
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>I identify as *insert gender or ethnicity*
I'll never understand that shit
7, 8 if you support refugees and feminism

A drunken goodnight from Frankreich
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another part of the nasheed.

I'll never understand why you aren't pokering with me, Ireland, and Baz right now.


How many additional points do I get for muh German heritage?
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>I'll never understand why you aren't pokering with me, Ireland, and Baz right now.
Because you already know how it's gonna be :
>Join poker room
>Too autistic to take part in the discussion
>Once every 15 minutes you'd ask me "Pierre, are you still there ?"
>I'd say "Yes I am, why ?"
>"I just wanted to hear you"
>Goes into autistico-silence mode for another 15 minutes
>Keeps going on like that until I leave because I need to sleep
Beautiful, I think I love you Nigel. Also I will sleep like a baby. Goodnight. <3

You'd get points detracted for that, don't mention it, ever.

>captcha was jammy dodgers
Today was perfect.
File: charlton_kekston.gif (1014KB, 290x189px) Image search: [Google]
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>"I just wanted to hear you"


>You'd get points detracted for that, don't mention it, ever.

So I guess I should just unpack my lederhosen and that hat with the featherthingy now.
File: vocaroofeels.png (213KB, 680x473px) Image search: [Google]
213KB, 680x473px
I-it's not funny

The accuracy is pretty funny imo.

seriously is it that hard to just chat?
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198KB, 550x535px
You have no idea how bad I am to keep a discussion alive, it's just not my thing

Don't give me those feels Pierre

I'm pretty proud of myself to be frank desu.

How long did it take you to memorise that?
Two minutes at most, go through it a few times and it will start to stick.

I put a solid 3 and 1/2 minutes into it and gave up. But...... I did once learn how to spell Constantinople... http://vocaroo.com/i/s16IQH43bOUu
Come on... where are all the South Africans, Aussie, and Asians at?
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