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The first, second, and third worlds based on HDI for 2015. Discuss

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The first, second, and third worlds based on HDI for 2015.

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when are you changing your flag already?
will it be based Red Peak?
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>first world

Enough, my sides
>second world
Please create a zeroth world because Spain just can't be at the top of this.
I want into first world

Agreed, Spain's shit. Create a new map OP.
Is HDI just a meme?
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finally you are beginning to see the light
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Hey fuck off dirty guiri de mierda, only non-Catalan, non-Basque Spaniards can insult Spain.
Pierre, lead me on to the path of glory.

>agree with him
>still chimps out

Such is the temperament of a "person" with African admixture
HDI is just a meme though, and the # world system is only used by retards as a way to measure economic prosperity because of retards in America thinking "first world means we're the best wooo!"
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>2nd world

I can live with that.
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>there are white people who live under African conditions anno domini 2016
I never trust stats.
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>second world not gomie
>north korea third world
Uruguay, Southern cone brother, I am disappointed. How can you be Peru-tier.
>saudi arabia

they are still the best baka!
How is it a meme?

It's based upon hundreds of objective statistics. Money, life expectancy, literacy, corruption perception, health, etc.
Maybe it's somewhat inaccurate in a few cases, but for the most part it gets shit right.
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Uruguay's middle class will pick up by about 15-20 years and by then Uruguay's living standards will be by far the highest and most fair in latin america. It still won't be an economic powerhouse, but it'll be a solid country to be born in.

uruguay's growth is more spread out than its southern cone brothers, so its slower but it reaches more people.

t. father's an expert in rising economies particularly in south america
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Uruguay should be in the group
when Argentina and Saudi Arabia are so high on the rank it has GOT to be a meme rank
like really
You couldn't even bother to look it up before making a fool of yourself? Corruption and inequality have no part in it, and the knowledge part of it is based around "average years spent in education", not "literacy".
>paraguay still mad because argentina rekt them in the war 200 years ago
>first world

Then mind telling your father that ''middle class'' is virtually non-existant in south murrica
kek, suck to be you, you'll never be argentinian, even if you come here to clean toiletes like your mom and dad.
>you'll never be argentinian
thank god
you live in an undeveloped shithole and you blame everyone but yourself for it
>literally third world
>any middle east country
>first world
>first world
>First world
>Dominican Republic
>Second World
>Most of the carribean
>Second world
Seems fishy to me
post the original map
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>undeveloped shithole

Paraguay you are funny.

Seriously, get the fuck out of my country piece of shit.
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Notice the flag? He's not in your country you retarded indio de mierda
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miralo al villero hablando ingles
deja el paco negro pata sucia
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very high - copia.jpg
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In a perfect (stormy) world

Se cuenta solo el chiste cuando lo hace un paraguayo.
Sabes que paraguayo es un insulto aca. Y se asocia a la gente negra, sucia o sin educación.
Podes negarlo e insultarme, pero sabes que tu pais es una mierda, y mil veces peor. Por eso aca se lleno de negros paraguayos, prostitutas, sin mencionar los que son literalmente esclavos en las construcciones y los talleres textiles, pensalo.


Who are you? Either a proxy or a retard, shut the fuck up.
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>wHo ArE yOu? eItHeR a PrOxY oR A rEtArD, sHuT tHe FuCk Up

(se enojo el conurbano)
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>american education
>mil veces peor
estamos al mismo nivel pa y lo sabés
por algo los argentinos comegato vienen acá a robar (cuando les alcanza para el pasaje, esto es)

o sea, todo bien que Buenos Aires es la parís de Sudamérica y huele igual de feo, pero el resto de tu país es mierda, para mí que en un ranking de DESARROLLO como que mintieron para estar tan alto
>first world
t. Kim the gook
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>estamos al mismo nivel pa
Fist world is best world
Todo bien pero estás delirando papu, los argentinos no emigran en cantidades a Paraguay usurpan terrenos para formar villas miserias y esperar vivir de la limosna del Estado, y si te quejas de un par de chorros que cruzaron de Formosa ni te imaginas tus compatriota aca..
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Stop posting the fake map
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every time
>los argentinos no emigran en cantidades a Paraguay
porque acá no hay peronismo
en Argentina tienen todo """"""""gratis"""""""" (cosa que no existe, siempre alguien tiene que pagar)
pero ahora que votaron a Macri es hora de agarrar la pala..
what the fuck is with moldavia?
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> Thirdworldova
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