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/balt + ur mum + ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 63

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Paris of the north edition.
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napalm sticks to swedish kids
Serious question, chaps: kek or zozzle?
I can be your hero baby
They are mine now.
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You took the bait. They are still here.
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In this pocket!!
wew, i feel sorry for /auznz/ to be dragged into this general
Wee, I feel sorry for ur mum lol
2bh this is the apex of /int/, fatmaster
yeah, now they can't banter with you guys
how terrible
You're just jelly you can't say
>a good general
ur mum's butthole is funner than /cum/
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hahaha took the b8 m8 2 l8 xDDD
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Leave fattsy
Gais help i dropped my equal numerical digits
grow a pair :DDDDD

>paris of the north

Not really, such a boring city. Spent 5 months in Adazi (military) but got to go to Riga on most weekends. Not much to do but I did fuck a lot of latvian qt's
I grew a few inches inside ur mum lol haha :DDDD
viper 4 dubs
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>anything but his hand
Jk love you. Riga is still best city.
lmaoing @ ur life my man
Pls no bully
>fucked up diacritics

what the hell family
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All I need is bitches big booty bitches
kek, zozzlefags can go sit a broken glass bottle into their anus
how to filter nationalities
That's my work pc, I don't really do anything on it since I bring my laptop with me most of the time.
Wrong place to look. Most of baltic girls suffer from a severe case of flat ass.
>suffer from a severe case of flat ass
that's an interesting way of saying they're not fat as fuck
Obviously haven't been in Riga
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Are you, perhaps, Irish?
>when you lmao too much
Have 4chanX
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ass is for niggers

tits are for balts
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>tfw 88
ayyy lmao
Tits are overrated.
ebin ;D
>he doesn't check out ass before tits
what r u, gay?
you're probably only checking asses out because ur too beta to check out tits homo
No ur dad was XDDDDD
I actually haven't, and it's bothering me. I've been to Riga airport dozens of times and I drove through Riga itself twice (on my way to Finland and back), but I've never properly visited it. I should really visit you guys. What's there to see in Riga? Is it better to come in summer or is there also shit to do during winter?
>What's there to see in Riga?
the meme factory
I'm gay.

I check out bum before pecs.
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>It's always you either worship ass and despise tits or vice versa
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Depends on what you want to do really. It's comfy as fuck and everyone will treat you like a brother because you're Lithuanian
I notice tits but a nice big juicy ass takes priority any day. She bounces on your dick with her ass, not her tits man.
I don't need to go to Riga for that, we have that here as well. Shit, I forgot, I was in Riga like 15-20 years ago, at the chocolate factory. School trip.
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damn fām

u old
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For me it all has to come together; thighs, midriff, dimples of Venus, etc.
Maybe I'm gay too then, idk anymore..
Oh I know you're all bro tier, I visit Latvia a few times each year, mostly seaside during summer. Ours are better (sand vs rock), but so cramped I actually prefer yours. Just never visited Riga properly, as an adult.
thighs, plebs
Nazi devil brother :^)
I just love that we trigger Russians just by existing
>not checking out eyelashes underneath the niqab
s m h
Well, I'll be 29 in a couple of months. I'm still a child at heart xDDDDD
>What's there to see in Riga?
Honestly? Nothing and its not comfy wtf.
What's your opinion of dicks?
You're beaches are all rocks? Or have you only been to the one rocky beach in Latvia?
Dragon's Dogma in 1.5 hours lads.
>having a personal banter Arab
How can other generals even compete?
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>Blue Eyes
>Dark Hair
Got it 5 days ago chap, pretty comfy game
stfu fag
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Dogming ur mum in 15 minutes :DDD
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Tylek lenkas
I touch dick more than I touch pussy. hmm...
>reddit frog
>reddit filename

better than dark eyes and light hair tbf, that shit is proper disgusting
are you a real arab?
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what is your opinion of dubs?
I'm actually a phoney
as real as ur mums penis
>dark brown hair AND eyes
>tan easily and get very brown
feels good mane, fuck being some light haired beta
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Nah, I've been pretty much all the way from Nida to Ventspils. Your beaches seem to be narrower and there's all kinds of shitty rocks and driftwood. Maybe I always manage to come after a storm or something.
It's pretty good tb'h

But you know what you know, give it a try sometime if you're wondering. Go travelling.
t. Abdul
Hello Vadimka
I'm studying abroad in Kaunas this summer, how is it like there? From the information I've gotten by the teachers it seems pretty nice

Going to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences btw
just called an american autist and he told me not to be ableist
That's the problem
If you're ever free travel to the coast ne'er carnikava. Fucking god tier. Jurmala ir good too, but is overcrowded.
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Stay away from people that wear "Adidas" and you be fine
love 'em
Women also just piss me off so much with their annoying bullshit all the time. Maybe I should.
light haired betas detected
what are some good outlets to channel my pent up autism?

I like paperclips and stuff like that, if that's any help.
shitskin 140cm manlet detected
Women pissing you off is no indication that you like men. But whatever, go ahead and give it a crack.
good bantz lad
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I like air
What do you mean? Is there an off-brand of Adidas? Why stay away from them?
Oh and how are the men there? I've never been to a Baltic country before, so I don't know much about the people. I just kind of think that you guys drink so heavily that your skin turns red, you beat your wives, and you all live in commieblocks which have rats and cockroaches everywhere.
why are you hiding in the bushes anon?
LSMU is pretty nice, but Kaunas itself... It gets a bad rep for having a lot of bydlo, but basically it's just something that stuck from 15 years ago. The saddest part is the whole town just looks decrepit as fuck. Although I've heart they've been fixing it, last time I visited the roads we're ridden with potholes and there was a fuckload of old, improperly maintained buildings. It's a shame since Kaunas has GOAT interwar era architecture. One of my friends who lives there said something along the lines of "Kaunas is an old dog, who was great in his prime, but he should've been taken behind the barn and take out of its misery long ago".
Call this one too>>53626223

We're brotier, just stay away from russians - the niggers of Europe who seem to be accidentally light skinned.
detect these nuts up your bum nigga
I'm not, that's not my picture.

>alternative answer: I'm stalking ur mum lol
More like dubs up his but XDDDDDD
>I just kind of think that you guys drink so heavily that your skin turns red, you beat your wives, and you all live in commieblocks which have rats and cockroaches everywhere.
that's another country not far from here
> I've never been to a Baltic country before, so I don't know much about the people. I just kind of think that you guys drink so heavily that your skin turns red, you beat your wives, and you all live in commieblocks which have rats and cockroaches everywhere.
Thats how our rich politicians live we ourselves have to survive kinda like in the movie "Purge"
>Is there an off-brand of Adidas
Yes its a clothing brand usally weard by sketchy people because adidas is cheap..
baltic people are....
I've never been to a Baltic country before, so I don't know much about the people. I just kind of think that you guys drink so heavily that your skin turns red, you beat your wives, and you all live in commieblocks which have rats and cockroaches everywhere.
Do you want to be annexed by us or something?
You described the Russian minority of our countries, which is thankfully shrinking.
ur moms fuckers
were* enemies
a bunch of faggots
* estonia, latvia, lihtuania are not real countries, they are shitholes
* they are slavs
* they are non-white, either niggers or asians
* they are not unique in any way, probably because they are all wannabes
* there is no such thing as ethnic balts
* estonians are not real, they are russians or extremely retarded versions of finns
* latvians are not real, they are russians
* lithuanians are not real, they are poles
* baltics is not a real thing
* depending on who you are, baltics is russia, germany, poland or sweden, very rightfully i might add!
* baltics are very irrelevant and every other country is relevant
* and of course baltics, which does not exist is butthurt about a country that it actually is itself
Worn, the word you're looking for is worn.

>tfw abidas, nice, puna, diezel
...are shagging ur mum lol haha

Thanks lad
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I love this pasta, can always kek
I have a spot on my head where the hair is white until it gets like 4-5cm in length, then turns black/brown. Am I a freak?
Good thing I don't drive, I bike
I don't know how to survive on my own, but I have money so I can buy help I guess
I'm going because it's cheap, but I'm also thinking about going to Georgia(Tbilisi), so whichever one seems safest/more convinient/cheap I'll probably go there
no that means ure gay
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>the third option
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Currently reading about Touhous getting high.
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You should visit a doctor for that
do you like dicks?
Man why'd you have to say that. Now I want to get high too but getting anything will take so much effort, damn it!
latvia of course you big silly you :D
Only on futa girls.
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>doesn't know Estonians are cats
that's a northern germanic thing
Tbqh our bydlo minority 24%, has decreased to 8 because of the Russians starting to integrate and considering this country as their homeland and being patriotic about it. The remaining 8% live in the slums, not the centre. If you want to know any neat latvian places to visit of you ever come here, just ask.
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We have a huge problem with bikes tho. There are barely any bike paths, motorists are rude as fuck towards cyclists and bikes tend to get stolen a lot. It's fucking ridiculous. You can go to a market and get a $5000 japanese bike for a 100€, with the caveat that it's obviou-fucking-isly stolen, even tho the salesman will swear up and down it's not.
Kaunas for the most part is okay there's only some shithole neighborhoods/districts where there's only commieblock, but other than than it's fine. Plenty of other students and shit to do since there's like two more universities and some colleges, etc.
you might as well be taking it up the butt
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reminder to send the garbage to the compost heap
calm down horse head
As a gay guy, I find that strange.

I assume straight people find that strange too.

So what does that make you?
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cheers m8
yes, big cats from africa
Just start visiting /d/ and it will happen to you, only hentai though, irl tranny porn doesn't even get me hard (yet).
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>Blue eyes
>Dark hair
>Bleached my hair white
>Blue hair
>Black cock
>Red eyes

you jelly manlets
Kek some skype bot added me on skype.
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>Tbqh our bydlo minority 24%, has decreased to 8.

wiki shows 26% being russians unless after 5 years its really decreased to 8%
>not drinking Saku
I am dissapoint, veljeni
>using skype
I bet you have Facebook too, faggot.
yeah yeah

it's a scale, whatever, I get it
>not drinking Alexander
I am dissapoint, Jaan.
Flirt with it
Kinda don't know what a 'Bydlo' is, but I'll assume it's a ghetto person
How much would I get laughed at if people saw a girl riding a unicycle around town?
Pretty normal over here tbqh so I don't get many looks
I don't hate commieblocks that much, they actually look pretty comfy. I'd live in one tbqh. How many students from America or in general study abroad in Lithuania?

Also, does everyone speak a good amount of English, or would I need to learn some Lithuanian?
>melanie from usa wants to add you
>i'm a small girl, but i have a good rack
mfw don't have face for that
Sorry :(
>not drinking Karl
i am drinking, Andres
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By that I meant only 8% of the 24% are the subhuman Bydlos. The rest could be considered latvian-Russians, since they don't act like fucking animals anymore, speak latvian, respect and act patriotic towards Latvia, and BTFOed the pro-rus activists in Latgale when they petioned Donbass 2.0 there.
Watch the video, the researcher says that gay men aren't interested in shemales at all.
No a bydlo is a subhuman Russian piece of trash white nigger.
Can I join the drinking party?
>Also, does everyone speak a good amount of English, or would I need to learn some Lithuanian?

Younger people tend to speak English, people who are 40+ most likely don't. You'll get by fine by knowing English.

>. How many students from America or in general study abroad in Lithuania?

Don't know how many Americans but there's a lot of foreign students studying in LSMU, KTU, VDU universities in here.

Well that bot is pretending to be a girl but he is just too stupid prints exact same lines that he was programmed to print and gives some links, obviously I didn't click them.
No laughs, but you might get some looks. People would probably just think you're some kind of a hipster or something.
i wanna go to baltic states, but i look like a jew (my family is half jews) but i have 1,90m, it is safe?
"Bydlo" = russians they are our niggers. if you ever meet one go up to him and say "VALIO HITLERIUI, VALIO BALTU FASISTAMS" for maximum immersion.
How much would I get laughed at if people saw a girl riding a unicycle around town? You woudnt there just isnt many people driving bikes.
>Also, does everyone speak a good amount of English.
Students do speak English.
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yes Janis, in fact that would be the polite thing to do
I can see that. I consider myself more or less bi but I'm not interested in shemales. It's 4am and I'm drunk I have it bookmarked but fuck watching it now.
You added someone else recently? These bots somehow get access to friends lists of their friends and add you that way.
Well actually I have facebook and I agree with you it's shit, but I only use it because there is the only place I can get university related information from my other classmates.
>brazil jew roots
i feel kind of safe...
Thank you for admitting you're a Jew. You'll be shot on the streets of Riga on march 16th.
No I didn't, I haven't added anyone for like a year or something.
but but i think the latvians fought bravely to defend Riga in ww2 and is correct the march of veterans...
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Thank you, Rasmums. What are you lads drinking?
>pic related
>drinking party

>first weekend in like two months I don't have to go out with someone
>have no obligations towards anyone
>can just sit on my ass, shitpost, drink beer and watch old movies
Two down, two more to go.
You are good no one will attack you. visit us now because Europe is getting flooded by muslims and then you might not be so safe..
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It's shitty but I'm poor.
Oh and I forgot to mention that my parents come from Poland, so I hope me looking Polish/speaking Polish to them isn't going to be a big deal
Oh. That's understandable. I graduated right about when Facebook started taking off so we just used our internal message board and a mailing list for university shit.
Just say Wilno nasze a lot
The Eastern europe was aways a safe place for jews, and problaly will be the only one in Europe
have to go the shop and get a couple of beers, probably Alexander

I'm not that south steriotype, they are mostly a bunch of retarded douches with the same commom lastname
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Actually I think that girls with black hair and bright blue eyes are the most attractive
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fugg, muh pic

Nobody will care. Poles barely look different from us anyway. Weaker jaws, rounder heads, whatever.

subscribed to ur blog
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>Be polish
>Go to Kaunas
>Speak polish
>Get attacked

It will most likely happen to you.
Local Jews are alright, except the ones who subscribe to Russian culture.
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well i consider myself northern germanic

same, only i like gray with yellow center more
the european jews have their own culture, mixed with local culture, thats why the local are alright in every place
Thanks for the info. This might be an odd question that you guys might not know about, but what are central Asian countries like?
The world and the Jews can't seem to get it tho. Although I welcome the nazi name calling. Fuck them all. Glory to the Legion.
>oi come drink with us untill we're shitfaced in the centre of Riga
>nty ill pass this weekend
>woooooow fuck you too then
I'm comfy enough with you here lads, sipping my cranberry liquor.
Doesn't matter the price of vodka. It's the same thing in every bottle.
Well fucking hurry then chap
what is this?
Ukrainian delicacy.
No. Vytau, you can't .
>Arājs kommando
But you should be safe here if you don't jewtrick anyone.
hotdogs in a soup
>It's the same thing in every bottle.
It really isn't. Some of the cheaper stuff just straight up smells of gasoline.
why hurry? before going there needs to be some preparation of dude lmao :DD
Literally diced hotdogs in water.
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Russian puppet states and the place where nothing happens i would not go there if i were you
it's what finnish people call food
looks yum 2bh
>Latvians are nazis
I can't express myself enough how much I love this. Why are the Balts the best at triggering other non-relevant people
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Spot the most searched one by russians
>22 years in life
>STILL have no fucking clue what my eye color is
Kek. We don't act like niggers when we encounter a person who does not look like us.
In theory all the legion was considered not guilty for jews mass murder, and the french was lots more antisemic than the rest of europe, i respect the honors given to the legion, they were brave soldiers defending their land
Well, Georgia is alright, if you include it. The rest might be worth a visit if you're into nature photography shit or something.
no way, i only look like a jew
>go to the mirror
>look at your eyes
>post results
Perhaps you have some kind of cool mutation like me.
Only one I would think about going to is Kazakhstan
I've been to Abkhazia 4 times - 7 months there spent in total
>tfw dad has one eye blue the other is split in half - one half blue, one half brown
>tfw pleb tier gray eyes myself
Yeah. The fucking cunts Sweden still sold our legionnaires after the war to Russians. "Neutral" country
In Brazil we have a really racist though about eastern europeans, they kind of teach us that there is a dangerous and poor place
Baltic I cried a little now
Back with some Alexander lads, cheers
Eesti can you repaste that baltics are pasta pls
The even turned in civilians trying to escape.
First they collaborate with nazis, then with commies. They deserve everything they're getting now.
Sewden is a whore, they helped the germans selling minerals and in SS Wiking, and after the war they gaven lots of war veterans to russians
Fuck yeah, laddeh
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>pleb tier gray eyes
i will find you, and i will kill you
So come for a visit and see for yourself. A few years ago I've had my grandmothers brother and his children and grandchildren visiting. There is a fair amount of lithuanian-brazilians living in the south.
bro, are you like 30?
>then commies
Are you a retard?
The war was lost so they escaped to Sweden to not get shot by soviet trash. But Sweden still have them out to Bydlos.
>There is a fair amount of lithuanian-brazilians living in the south.

Interesting. Any different weird combinations like this?
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>In Brazil we have a really racist though about eastern europeans, they kind of teach us that there is a dangerous and poor place
Never heard that. Also, none of the baltic states are eastern european
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Come at me bro.
Seriously tho, pretty much everyone I know has either blue or gray eyes.
>latvian brazzilians
>latvian Canadians
>latvian Americans
>latvian Australians
There are a few, there are even some top notch inventor/actors and others among latvian Americans.


>a 29 year old insurance agent starved her disabled sister to death. The only thing the agent cared about was the money her sister was receiving for her disability. The medics found the sister half eaten by larvae.
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Whats so bad about gray eyes?
You mean that the brown color is around the iris and the other part is blue?

Also, I think that having heterochromia in which one eye has central heterochromia is pretty rare.

>mfw I have green color around iris, yellow or light green ring around it and the other part is blue.

>pleb tier gray eyes myself
But think about the bright side, at least you don't have nigger eyes
What do you mean?

When we got our independence back post-WW1 a lot of people left for "America". They'd go western Europe and buy the cheapest ticket to "America". Sometimes it turned out to be South America. That's how my grandmothers brother ended up in Brazil.
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Is this you?
holy crap
Where you are from? here i've listed lots of times "when you go to germany don't go to eastern europe, it is dangerous for tourists"
Grey eyes are a form of blue eyes, just more depigmented.
same, i think it's a general baltic thing though

nothing, they are the best
i friend of mine is half Lithuanian
Rio, I even have m8s at college that said the best place he visited in his Eurotrip was Budapest. EE doesn't get much talk here anyways

Soft inside. Angry outside. Nice guy overall.


Insecure. Paranoid but gifted.

>my grandmothers brother ended up in Brazil.

Cool. Have you visit him before?
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>Už tai, kad numarino savo seserį, G. Lesnikovė buvo nuteista – teismas jai skyrė keturių mėnesių viešųjų darbų bausmę ir įpareigojo kas mėnesį nemokamai visuomenės labui išdirbti po 40 val.
Bland, susceptible to damage from sunlight.

Yes, it's cropped from a larger picture. I was testing out a new lens for my DSLR in the dark.

No, he has proper heterochromia. His eye is split straight down the middle, with one half being brown and the other blue.
>a Baltic thing
You better believe it. We have our own genes n shit.
Oy vey, i'm from Volta Redonda
>Cool. Have you visit him before?
Nah, we don't really keep in touch. I'd like to visit Brazil some day but it's generally to expensive.
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Ne nu tu blet.
Brown eyes usually means foreign descent.
>Balts have never lived together with nationalities from Western Europe. This isolation has prevented any watering down of the Baltic gene.
lmao, "watering down" haha
I get it. But one eye, which has 2 colors is some form of heteochromia.
Over here it probably means joos.
Baltics actually do have the highest rate of the original European hunter-gatherer gene pool.
>mfw mu elutuba on pedagooge täis
Nice, never met anyone from there. Would visit when I get the money
1euro=4,50 reais, now is a good time to do it
>tfw you neither hunt nor gather for a living
Feels traitorous, bro.
mine pane üks hea peer rikastamaks nende akadeemilist õhkkonda :DDD
>A 2004 analysis of mtDNA in a Lithuanian population revealed that Lithuanians are close to both Indo-European and Uralic-speaking populations of Northern Europe. Y-chromosome SNP haplogroup analysis showed Lithuanians to be closest to Latvians, Estonians and Finnish people

I knew it! Where all brothers!
makes sense

not many people have lived in the same place since the ice age (like us and finns), most west euros are mongrels to be deessu
>check skyscanner
>plane tickets are 500-600€
Well, fuck. Last time I checked they were like 1500€. I may need to take this into consideration.
>Paris of the north
So i must avoid it
I heard Riga sadly has lots of sex tourists and has become overpriced, is it true?
I went to vilnius and i liked, i don't want to ruin my good impression of the baltics
Neat video, thanks. His description of slash is pretty weird though, most of what I've seen in my years in the community, it's usually about a strong dominant alpha male and a weak petite girly boy. Two alpha males is usually for gay men.
Vilnius is very different from both Riga and Tallinn. We have way less german influence in our architecture. That, and the whole catholicism vs. protestantism thing. What I'm trying to say, it's different.
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Sex tourists get told to fuck off here, but they still persist. Also Paris of the north because its a fucking beautiful city and not be its full of niggers and degenerates. Half of it is built on the concept of jugendstyle.
>that stella glass
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Do they actually do genetic tests in Lithuania?
what's the spaceship for? going somewhere? :^)
Yup. They did one a couple years ago trying to find differences between different regions in Lithuania.

>spoiler: there were none.
Riga is desu more of a German-styled city.
what the fuck is going on these threads holy shit
Secret Latvian space program, don't tell anyone. We'll take you lads with us.
It was founded by the Teutons after all
Thanks, it was a gift from my sister. She used to gift me shit like sweaters and cologne for Christmas, but this year she got me some beer, beer glasses, whisky glasses and a decanter.
I dunno, but check that /balk/ vs /ita/ thread holy shit those guys are mad! XD
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>Finnish flag on alcohol
It's illegal to put the Estonian flag on alcohol.
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guys its us vs /carib/ can we do this? Can we truly defeat those that defeated jews?
Just dubs, nothing special.

Ok what i forgot to mention is that Paris was famous for having a good nightlife (now forget it,praise kebabs). I hope Riga will have it, that's why i despise shitskins and sex tourism
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lmao why

I dont know why i replied to your comment ignore that
It's actually the company's logo. They just managed to make it Finland's flag due to an aggressive marketing campaign.
We pulled those faggots to victory. Without us the Jews would have won.
how many times did you vote for /carib/ xDDD

me: not one
Israeli posters on here are huge assholes, so it's no wonder based /carib/ won. I might even vote for them lmao!
that's because they're russian expats
You want to join me lads?
Well it's a (You) so I'll take it!
/pol/ tier laws
iirc it was illegal to raise the full sized flag outside of public holidays&special occasions and only a pennant flag was allowed to be raised at any time.
>military nigger fucking latvian women
using our national flag on commercial products constitutes as desecration and you will be put in jail
you have my vote, friend. i'll use all my 5844 proxies to vote for /balt/ (and ur mum lmao)
guess its time for another thread
thx based guy
I'm pretty sure I've seen little Estonian flags on some foodstuff.
our own banter arab keeps being based
tunnustatud eesti maitse logo?
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Crashing this bread. With no surbibors :DDD
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