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why does malaysia keep bombing our city /int/ we've

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why does malaysia keep bombing our city /int/

we've done nothing
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just look at this
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why malaysia
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I wish malaysia would give me their attention
fuck off

go to sulu if you really want to integrate with them that bad.
Is even malaysia's fault?
How do you even know it was malaysia?
circle-jerk goes into the circle-jerk containment

t. concerned non-circle-jerker
Trust a Malay, die
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dead whiteys
we are gud people

plz ;_;
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suspicious phillipine man
can't we just declare islam illegal worldwide?
that will end the world
Malaysia h8 killing peoples. Bom, Malaysia tidak meletupkan
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this is the preparators
all I see are indon terrorists 2bh
you're the cause of those bombing you shit
how about we just classify religion as a mental disorder so we can move on progressing as a race, sandpeople excluded
Yes you are
this is indon bullying gone too far

stop it
W-why you do this malay ;_;
I thought we are bros
Don't do religion kids!
It will fuck you up more than drugs!
Fuck Malysia
>Bule die in front of burger king
art desu
>only 2 civilians died
>one of them was white
Sasuga ISIS :DDD
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this is the malay when they were preparing their bombs
its like pottery
was there saudi money flowing in malaysia?
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his good buddy
dead bule pleases me
>The 2000 Kuala Lumpur al-Qaeda Summit was a meeting of several high-level al-Qaeda members held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 5 January 2000 to 8 January 2000.[1][2],he meeting lasted from 5 January 2000 to 8 January 2000. The summit's purpose was allegedly to plan future attacks, which apparently included the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole and the 11 September 2001 attack plot. The attendance consisted of Arab veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, including Hambali, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar, and Tawfiq bin Attash.
its real

fuck malaysia t.bh
good,less sex tourists walking the planet endangering children
>But more recently, conservative Wahhabi doctrines, often spread by Saudi-financed imams, are redefining the way Islam is practiced and, for some, eroding the tolerance for which the country has been known.

>they killed Obama
is it time for world war?

>Indonesia blaming everyone around them

fuck off terrorist
well there's your problem.
indon =/= malaysia
indon is peace
malaysia is terrorist
I live near the area t bh. The shawarma there is great.
terrorist scum!
are you that salaryman from muscat?
Fucking malay. Stealing our culture and now this.
terrorists were malasians??
fucking malaysian terrorist man

the absolute madman
Why is Indonesia 10 times better then malysia? Is it the flag?
9-5 jerb
yes, at least one that identified
yes, malay scum always try to steal from us or harm us

they're top tier durka-jihads
Пpивeт, Гжeгoж.
Кaк caм?
Indonesia and Malaysia are brothers. The world is against us! The last thing we need is this stupid thread.
You cunts deserve it 2bh

your indonesians are the terrorists, faggots.

>All this Indon Shitposting

Beautiful, I support you guys
The religion of peace has striked again
>shifting the blame to us
don't you have a shame Malay??
You're the crazy durkas that blow yourself up you Po en.

Bei yan diu.
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nice taqqiya abu rayhan al-malizi
>terrorists bombing terrorists
bretty good 4 me.
kongkek mak kau
Are the Yemenis heading your way yet?
then bomb their city too
whats the problem
fuck off terrorist
but we indonesian people are peaceful and friendly unlike those malay terrorist

>you are only capable of the ad hominem logical fallacy

help us then kazak-bro
all sea chinkies are terrorists
>his tomb is in front of burger king
lol white gaijin
read >>53566263 we're not durka muslim extremist who want to kill everyone, that's why me ar&bs hate us
t. Noordin M. Top
B-but Malaysia is truly Asia la.
Muka kau macam burit babi
>muzzies bombing muzzies
today was a good day

RIP to dat white boi doe
stop bullying malaysia
Don't believe this Malaysian bastard.

Indos are a peaceful people.

t. sex tourist
goway belanda
tip top lel this thread
arn't you suppose to be mourning your UN guy lying in his own pool of blood
t. Blake
no he was probably there to suck off little boys
What's going on?
but indonesia is the country with most muslims in the world...

why malasia is terrorist?
Malay prank Indo but went too far

they follow sharia law doe
right, and it's us who shot down the plane with your people

whites are terrorists too anak haram
because they are also muzzies, Ho Sey.

Terrorists from Indonesia

>On several occasions Indonesia has made global headlines due to vicious terrorist attacks and the presence of terrorist networks (and training camps) that may be connected to the militant Al-Qaeda group. Indonesia is also considered one of the world's largest suppliers of Islamic State (IS) fighters, with more than 500 Indonesians having joined the war in Syria and Iraq, based on data from the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT).

did you forget your russian proxy or to turn your polish proxy off?
But why? Aren't both muslim countries?
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because we indonesians are peaceful warm and friendly, while the malays were hardcore fundamentalist radical islamist
hush don't spoil the fun
refer to>>53566514
see >>53566514
read >>53566514
Despite that Indonesia is secular country (except for Aceh) while Malaysia isn't

DECEMBER 21, 2015

>Arrested Indonesian terrorists planned to bomb Shiite communities, churches, police.

epic simply epic
it's a tryout on which nation would initiate the grand habbening that was planned by Osama-sama.
nice taqqiya abu-antar al kuffar
They're secretly Chinese and hate you for not being Chinese.

'Overseas funds' fuelling terrorism in Indonesia


>trying to change the issue
you can't fool me Xien
>umar patek

Malaysia's a fucking shithole jesus christ fuck them. But honestly you guys are Muslims too so I dunno LOL.

we dont deal with terrorist here, /int/ is secular western board
see >>53566514

Terrorism Havens: Indonesia

>Is Indonesia a haven for terrorists?

>Yes. Indonesia is a vast archipelago with porous maritime borders, a weak central government, separatist movements, corrupt officials, a floundering economy, and a loosely regulated financial system—all characteristics which make it fertile ground for terrorist groups.


>Council on Foreign Relations
>[taqqiya intensifies]
Israel please no bully this time, we still mourn this attack that came from Malaysian perp
wow seriously fuck malaysia desu baka senpai
kek at poland posts
Indonesians are Malay you retard.

August 8, 2015

>Islamic State contagion growing in Indonesia

pic related : Budi Waluyo, an Indonesian man who has pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

www.baka. com.au

Looks like a Malay to me, nice taqiyya lad
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thanks lads

I just thought I'll blend in and get the heat up

this was my theme while posting:

don't see your mourning when we die to FUGGEN DERRORISTS :DDD
no it's not, Bangladesh
Shhhh... Enjoy the shitpost, man. Don't be too stuck up.
>nothin' personnel....infidels..
b-but we didn't bully you for that ;_;
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this imo
some indons are taking it too far
Indonesians and Malaysian are literally the same people. Just different countries thank to the Dutch and English.

The world "Indonesia" is even a Greek word. A colonial nation

Australian cash helping train terrorists in Indonesia

>Around 200 Indonesians are believed to have gone to Syria to fight for the Islamic State militant group, with at least 60 of them killed.

Nice song, but makes me want to bomb Kuala Lumpur, post chill musics
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>this thread


maybe we are the same, but don't lump us with those radical-extremist-sharia people
Malaysians are Brainwashed Allahu Akbar versions of Indonesians.

At least Indonesians embrace thier pre-islamic culture
>sliding THIS hard

m*laysian scum, just admit you fucked up. we forgive the p*alestinians time and again, I'm sure Indonesia will do the same.
thanks for the understanding Liem

Thank you very much for siding with us, Zhang
time to say sorry and hug>>53567505
I don't know but the more dead muslims the better

January 8, 2016

Indonesia's most wanted terrorist eludes police in year-long extremist crackdown

>However 24 suspects believed to be members of the terrorist network East Indonesia Mujahideen, led by Santoso, were captured during the National Police-led operation, which ends on January 9. Santoso, like many Indonesians, uses only one name.

>The East Indonesia Mujahideen is believed to be responsible for a series of violent attacks in Poso, a regency in Central Sulawesi.

>Mr Andrie also warned of the risk of radicalised foreign fighters returning to Indonesia from Syria.

>The National Counterterrorism Agency said last year that 149 Indonesians had returned from Syria, although some had been deported or arrested at the border and it was unclear how many had actually joined IS.

>Mr Andrie pointed out that Indonesians who fought in Afghanistan in the 1990s were among those responsible for terror attacks in Indonesia, including the Bali bombings that killed 202 people.

He was a UN employee trying to help your shit country
>terrorists calling each other terrorists

With all thees muslims fighting I couldnt be happier.
>all these damage controls
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sorry they bullied you too hard
Was this part of your plan all along?

Nice devils trips, merchant
you try, we just laugh it off because you're so small and funny looking.
Yes. Once indochinks and malay chinks are fightening, Iran and Saudis are fighting and Syria-Iraq is in shambles greater Israel will rise like a great phoenix and kill the remaining Palestinians
good thread
what the fuck malaysia
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So /asean/ Indo and Malaysia will hate each other.
Viet and Phil just watch for fun now ?
you have to take side Nguyen
Muslim in country cause no trouble, hard to choice side...
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>tfw indons and malaysians don't see you as famiry
side with us, we will help you destroy Cheina in the future
indos are the brawls malay are the brains
its always been like that
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>tfw no love for sillypenis even from /sea/men
Just like Vietnamese.
Too cool for a Austroasiatic and too Dork for other Sino.
Start with the one in you country first.
98' happen but failed
we will do it later
RIP my asian bro.it is so sad.
btw i heard asian islam is peaceful but was it a bullshit?
it is peaceful, but Malaysia always try to fuck it up
Must know what is happening in Mindanao.
fuck you nigger. if malaysia is so shit you stop coming in here
same goes for the niggers in vietnam and pinoy
come here again and we bomb u
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>waito piggu died in front of burger joint

see how barbaric and uncouth this Malay>>53570966 is?
we wil be more barbaric and more bloodthirsty if you dont fuck off from our land
all malay now thirst for indon and chink blood
our police dont think twice when dealing with indoniggers, suspects step out of the car all get headshot
Edgy as fuck.

Chinese slave nations desu.
Saudi Arabia is funding their cancerous Wahabist ideology all over the world to radicalise the Islamic population against their enemies (read: everyone)
We'd have crushed malaysia if you were still with us, but no you wanted independence. It's your own fault.
"""""""dutch""""""" """""""military"""""""
rude,there's no proof that malaysia did this
Islamic State has claimed responsibility, hasn't been verified yet because they tend to claim responsibility for any high profile attack.
France send like 10 times more Isis fighters
wew lah
>get bombed
>still banter
next time we get a terrorist attack here I think I'll stay off /int/
You're illegally occupying our clay tbqh
The brits will still aid us though
You should be required to be here for it since you're such rampant shitposters that have made /int/ so fucking shitty
Our shitposting is amusing, American shitposting is cringe inducing and there's at least 5 times as much of it.
I'm gonna have to side with murrica on this one. You used to be cool. But now all the quality aussies get drowned out in an ocean of shitty aussie super tryhard shitposters thinking cancerous posts are top notch comedy. Until you contain your new wave shitposters, you won't get the old respect you had.
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>norwegian opinions
I think our opinions matter. Kinda like how you think your shitposting is amusing.
you cloud their skies with your forest fires
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He looks like a happy Wojack that has achieved his dreams.
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