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Thread replies: 366
Thread images: 94

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Chebs edition
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finished exfoliating my face lads x

K-on has great character songs please listen.

been waiting for another chebs edition for yonks, thanks op
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>>53518259 Whats our's then la?
sometimes I
gotta escape to get my mind right
in the limelight
the lights can be too bright for ya eyesight
>carafag is still alive
no but seriously I did 150 sit ups while listening to Tannhauser Overture and I legitimately felt euphoric
Killing me softly
With his song


alri newcunt
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>no but seriously I did 150 sit ups while listening to Tannhauser Overture and I legitimately felt euphoric
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>Dad adds me on Facebook
>There are pictures of me on there cuddling my bf and statuses and comments that make it clear I'm bent

Is there any way you can block certain people from seeing certain things on your Facebook before you accept their friend request? He's texting me asking why I haven't accepted.
You love him really tho, and you know it.
I'll exfoliate your mum's minge
nobody laughs at these anymore
I do, and that's all that matters.
you can change privacy settings so only certain people can see it
dunno how though

fuck off bender
"I like to keep my social life separate from my family life"

you stupid twat
did a bridge for the entire duration of hans zimmer's magnum opus 'interstellar: original motion picture soundtrack'

As soon as I see a fedora pic I scroll past it
do you actually laugh at them though

Tell him to piss off or you'll do him one

privacy settings
who can see my stuff
customised/personalised whatever
then just put him on the no list
Just did 3 push ups to Gustav Holst's "Mars Bringer of War"
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I don't laugh out loud at anything on 4chan, but they usually put a smile on my face.
i hate pakis and paki enablers
Is there any way to do that before I actually add him though?


fuck off
nah I don't believe it
giz a gud film 2 watch
i think it's time to drop the rhetoric
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How can i achieve this look?
No, just tell him you're gay
>magnum opus
fuck off latin cunt
actually shit it doesn't backtrack

just tell him youre gay mate
Rugrats in Paris
It is good when something is really funny and makes me chuckle irl
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I unironically like Louis C.K.
Satan's Tango by Bela Tarr
Fuck off pleb
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Sorry, wrong picture
i am tuallychay uentflay in atinlay, aycuntgay
time machine
good film
i sell propane and propane accessories

I would plough Kelly Brook so hard lads, hhhnnnnnggggg she is still fit as fuck and hotter than 99% of all other women on earth even though she is mid thirties

glad to see the cuck posting has dropped off
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
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excellent, thought-provoking post
bitch get up off my dick
alri virgin
>I don't masturbate just using my imagination with Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture as background noise
then you're posting all wrong lad some nights I get so far into it I come out a new man, with a boyish smile

Why do I do it? I coulda beat that guy, coulda beat 'im cold, he never woulda known. But I just hadda show 'im. Just hadda show those creeps and those punks what the game is like when it's great, when it's REALLY great. You know, like anything can be great, anything can be great. I don't care, BRICKLAYING can be great, if a guy knows. If he knows what he's doing and why and if he can make it come off. When I'm goin', I mean, when I'm REALLY goin' I feel like a... like a jockey must feel. He's sittin' on his horse, he's got all that speed and that power underneath him... he's comin' into the stretch, the pressure's on 'im, and he KNOWS... just feels... when to let it go and how much. Cause he's got everything workin' for 'im: timing, touch. It's a great feeling, boy, it's a real great feeling when you're right and you KNOW you're right. It's like all of a sudden I got oil in my arm.
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Females have evolved to have a maze shaped vagina. To make it actually possible for them to mate, the males evolved corkscrew shaped penises. And after they mate, the male's penis falls off- let me repeat that, their penis falls off.
ewnay immickgay: artstay ostingpay verythingeay in igpay atinlay

ouldn'tway atthay be ildway, adlays?
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Love anime me.
*gets up off your dick*

anything else i can do for you, honey? i won't have this strong dick forever yaknow, i'm gettin the chop next week

gaylords detected
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ahnay, otnay ayay anfay
left out a crucial piece of info you cretin
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>Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
he probably already knows, a long time ago
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ucksay my ickday, untcay

ikelay ivegay an uckfay ahayahayahayahay
was elliot rogers a modern day hero?
alri abdul
me in the radical centre
post of the century right here
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>make way
is that because americans are so large >
He definitely doesn't.
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>the radical centre
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>The Yanks are awake
Why are all the British women posted either young adults with a pound of makeup, or chubby middle-aged women?
Just that frame make me feel sad.
are you a radical centrist?
anime sucking cocks
Had a shower for the first time in 4 months AMA
have unironically had a cheeky ankway to this emensay emonday
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Is that anime or real life haha
silly bitch, she's not even biting it
Thought of the day:

Does anyone actually object to breastfeeding in public? I keep seeing women on normiebook ranting about intolerant people who don't like women getting their chebs out in public, but I've never actually seen or heard anyone objecting to it.
because normies have horrible taste
>old douchey couple win the lottery
>it could have been me

How do you even have breasts that nice? I really resent the guy who gets to fuck her.
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>I hate freedom
?? Only feminine penis
at like 4am our time, it's basically all yanks here,
last night the americucks were disgusting circumcision and how it's "normal"
pretty disgusting
4u ;)
mudslimes probably
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Really good tune that lad, well done.
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Inbreeding and bad taste. You are halfway there.
>Woman gets her cheb out
No problem
>Tiny, chimp-faced baby goes to town on that bad boy

>Fat, uggo mum gets her cheb out
Would enjoy putting my Willy into daisy ridley's mouth desu
Are there any more??
>that cuck in the driving seat
They're not actually that great underneath, google Kelly Brooks nude.
My ex gf had tits that were even better, and bigger. Think about that. Her arse was a bit flat though.
See, I just don't see the appeal. Get some taste m8.
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That's me pal, watch what you're saying please
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>i inkthay my immickgay is adbay
cringy term, positive idea

maybe not radical, but focusing on reform seems more productive than the irl equivalent of rorkes v rasheeds. Unironically looking to go into diplom service when i'm older.
were you having baths or are you just a disgusting piece of vermin
they're most likely referring to this 'viral' video
quite funny
No, but the ones who do it are usually fat munters.
https://youtu.be/Y-JUFg2gAIw mmm
Nah, you were right first time mate
>I dated a fatty


fuck off
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>i dated
never having a daughter
>circumcision is disgusting
Rorke, why don't you believe in g*d?
met a qt who i get on quite well with. got a nice cute face
she's a little overweight. not loads but still enough to put me off slightly.

what do?
Soon they will be kept in the paki Harem

Why would anyone object to seeing swollen, veiny, milk filled boobies?
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>living in london

no thanks lol, only <99% white upper class villages for me
>implying anyone will ever want to procreate with your greasy quaver smelling fat arse
tell her that if she wants to get with you she'll have to lose those christmas kilos
Coming from the biggest failed normie on /brit/
>h-heh did you h-hear how I had sex with my gf in y-year 7 haha you dirty v-virgins

>chebs edition
>no chebs in the thread

bit disappointed 2bh lads, /brit/ used to deliver

I am so fucking disappointed now.
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oi oi look who it is wahey
>he has no sensitivity in his bellend

Would really like Jerusalem to be the English anthem tbph family. God save the queen would still do for British teams.
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m8 they're a bit saggy
Johnny is qt as fug tho.
got the link lad? want to see the realisations
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>k-on isn't the greatest accomplishment in the entirely universe
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>only RASHEED cant get a circumcision
doin a shitpost ladz
>chebs edition
>no marina
Fucking plebs
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wrong pic lmao (laughing my arse out)

also one on her foot haha x
>be me
>have sex once
>become expert in female anatomy

they're still decent you bender

Ya but I'm not jealous because she was most likely british.
Why is it /brit/ is reasonably welcoming of jfs yet if I go to Sverigetråden or nederdraad everyone is a cunt?
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rate me lads
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Marina is ugly
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fuck off, we all know hufflepuff is GOAT
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because all jfs speak english in /brit/ but don't speak dutch in nederdraad or sverigetraden

because they are cunts.

like all filthy foreigners
>haha look at how ugly this guy is, let's all laugh at him from our dens

weak bullying to be honest
They don't like their superiors entering their threads.
For an older woman with a bit of fat, they actually look pretty good. Her face wothout makeup though.
based minnie
>marina is ugly
Bit gay la
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Not fat, just blessed with god tier tits
My gf
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I said they're not THAT great. They look amazing under her clothes but are disappointing nude.
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Is that real though? Similar videos have used actors, but justified it by saying 'oh but it happens to us all the time anyway, we were just highlighting it with this video'. Even if real, it's just one guy who objects, and we don't know how long they were filming before finding someone like him.

I remember another viral video going round where a 'stranger' (Irish again I think) came up to a girl and told her she was dressed like a slut, before getting into an argument with her. Ended with him getting bottled I think, and everyone cheering. Message was 'girls are allowed to dress how they want'. Of course, it turned out that the guy was an actor and the whole scene was staged.
Because, apart from the Yanks, they can all speak our language fluently.
did you get your greater than and less than symbols mixed up lad?
Her off of Gogglebox could look like this if she lost a few pounds


elbows too pointy

0/10 wouldn't shag
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have some nederdraad chebs on me

no 2 looks familiar
>liking a man face
Bit gay la
I find if you type in arabic they are very accomodating.
I've been deceived all these years...
There is nothing wrong with that body you dumbass.
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>on me
>degrading women
she has the shape of a penguin

had a dream last night that I was walking home from a pub and saw Dane Bowers literally kicking someone's head in. Dane said the guy tried to attack him so he had to beat him up, then we found out the guy was dead and Dane thought it would be banter if we put the body in his car and put death grips on at full blast and then leave so someone would come up to the car and the police would think it was them that committed the murder. but days passed an no one bothered to go near the car, so me and Dane put the skeleton in a blender and emptied it down a grid. bit mad hahahahahahaha
This looks staged as fuck

amazing collection
want a fit slag to take a big hot shit in my mouth

anyone else?
love those jav where they basically degrade women so much they start crying and blowing cum bubbles out of their noses
Why does no one really care about WWI but WWII gets talked about still constantly?
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Unironically can't listen to Marina without wanking what am ah like haha x x x
thanks very much feller, what body part u want a photo of and i'll crop one out of a photo

would smash with the force of 1000 suns
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dunno tbqh
WW1 gets talked about a fair bit desu, but WW2 was more exciting.
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if wanting pic related makes me rasheed then so be it
anus hole
cause ww2 is much much much more interesting tbqh
ww2 was more recent and destructive on a global scale
ww1 still gets talked about as the first great war though
Good morning lads
Gonna do a wank to get out of bed haha
ww2 was a bit more storybook evil with the nazis and all their crazy stuff t b h
>car with a dead body in blasting death grips for several days straight and everyone ignores it

Had a chuckle
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My phone after I left it off all night, all those thirsty slags on Tinder ahaha
Don't want to get up lads
jesus christ
>liking 3d

>not getting up at 6AM every day
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just you
but those are instagram notifications
>didn't even watch til the end of the video

So he is an actor, what a pointless fucking video.

fuck you
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fucking kek does it get any more chav than this
>is there a height restriction?
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2016 will be the year.
alri /kpg/
Really struggling to get out of be
>Hi anon i am glad to meet you i am from Zimbabwe though . It will awesome if we were friends though i am a Christian i am willing to have a frien d who is the complete opposite of what i am . It will be nice talking about
>tfw u lost ur virginity to a girl wearing a very similar denim skirt and leather jacket
good feel
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having a listen
Talk to him la
That's not a leather jacket, get the paella out of your eyes Bazza
people are quite accepting of homos these days mate
it's not really considered a deviant of the norm any more, as long as you keep the gayaids indoors, no one minds

at least get the uncensored one hieronymus

i cant even imagine how gay and shit that must sound
oh shit

well the GIRL i SHAGGED was wearing a leather jacket, she is not
don't have a dynamic ip
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>tfw threw my keyboard at the wall and have to type like a pleb with onscreen keyboard
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It's still there
>not using swype©® on your android©® keyboard
DAP desu
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spongebob sad2.gif
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why is the UK population becoming majority non white
he's taking unpaid leave aka holiday
Might do desu
Am I the only person who hates touchscreens?

I want actual buttons.
it's not lad, that's just what /pol/ tell you. stop going there.
Brown people breed like mad.

Isn't Australia going the same way with chinks?
don't hate touchscreens and do prefer buttons BUT if you're a bit dum and throw your keyboard away you're going to have to make due don't you
because who wants to be white? they have no culture or good food
kind of funny how britain shipped all the undesirables it didn't want off to a remote island on the other side of the world, now in britain refer to australia as a racist country due to its immigration laws
wish I were aussie 3bh
>Doing a poo
>British Culture since i Idolize because my country is a British Colony .I come from a 1567 background but i am willing to have a friend who is new fun, daring, bold , wild .Please anon lets give this friendship a shot

what did he mean by this
Mook needs to make a containment board for normies
i hope not
at least chinks are somewhat smart unlike shitskins
got a big boner but cant be bothered to whack one out 2bh

Nice little stunt back there.

But you know what, you're a total piece of shit mate.

You're worse than the specially trained rapists they use in Guantanamo.
>now in britain refer to australia as a racist country due to its immigration laws
who does this?
>but nige says it's good and people say he's racist
those people don't have a clue what ukip actually stand for though
>London literally has more pakis than actual English people
Explain that then
neuropathy is getting worse lads
Wanking in public should be treated the same way as breastfeeding

They're both natural, they both relieve the perpetrator of liquids that can cause damage if held for too long
Wish there was a decent t9 keyboard for Android. I'm getting progressively worse at typing using the swipe shit.
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rate me lads
>all people who aren't ethnic english are pakis!!!
Fuck off Rorke
>who does this?
youve never heard that before?
thought we were talking about the UK as a whole lad
Why are a british cocks so much thicker and longer than canadian ones?
no it isn't
at this rate we're estimated to be non-white majority by 2066
abdul pls
here we go again...
inb4 >southern fairy >paki >portherner >£2000 p/w london flat
don't listen to this idiot

every time I have to go to england it's brown people everywhere
BBC (Big British Cock)
Yeah, you're right a an ethic paki isn't ethnically English. What point are you trying to make?

It's a taste of what's coming
>it's not lad
>england 85 percent white
Europe is getting 10 million refugees next year
your mum demands it

You would have done well in slytherin. So many blonde aryan cuties in there.
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Mosley had the right idea
and we're taking 20,000, over the next 5

whats your point
sounds like you've done the science then lad. conclusive t b h

no it doesn't, demographics figures are freely available online m8
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this you and the bf m8?
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There's more than just English people and Pakis in London. There's carribean blacks, eastern europeans, africans and all sorts.
>you will never be used as a fuck toy by a big black alpha male adonis like him
fucking tedious isn't it
>Mosley had the right idea
my irish friend has 10 brothers and sisters

no 20k from this wave well have to take more in the 10million wave
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Moseby had the right idea
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Solicitor still hasn't collected my shit


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>implying we'll reach that point
Germany will have exploded well before the 10 million mark
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So, I managed to convince Mr. Abdullah to give me a little price cut on this place in London so that it's only £900 per week. It's a great deal, and it's above a mosque which is even better since I'm an enthusiast of Islamic culture
>splitting hairs

JFs, including but not limited to pakis and niggers now outnumber ethnic English people in London.

no running in the lobby?
we killed the wrong hitler
mechanical keyboard just arrived lads
click clack motherfucker
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me and the lads
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Finished wanking
Might get out of bed now

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>mechanical keyboard just arrived lads
>click clack motherfucker
pressing the keys feels so nice though, doesn't it?
sometimes I just sit there pulling the buttons off and putting them back
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>mechanical keyboard just arrived lads
Slovakian actually
I was actually hoping for a few more fedora pictures for my collection if you wouldnt mind
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me and the lads
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>pressing the keys feels so nice though, doesn't it?
>sometimes I just sit there pulling the buttons off and putting them back
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me and my mates in the top left

But in the north of England and Scotland people have more Swedish and Norwegian blood, very little Anglo Saxon there. So English people aren't really a thing outside the south anymore, not pure ones.
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>sometimes I just sit there pulling the buttons off and putting them back
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>I was actually hoping for a few more fedora pictures for my collection if you wouldnt mind
>Literally Stalin in the bottom right
me in the blue and white shirt
has quoting people's posts with fedoras gone too far?
my left arrow key is fucked because of doing that too much
>hello, i'm a drooling retard: the post
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me and the lads
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Great post.
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88KB, 500x707px
>this guy
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63KB, 633x758px
>no central european gf

hurt didnt it, it will get better.
How about this?

>Hi Polish female,
>The password for your Google Account [email protected] was recently changed.

>Don't recognize this activity?
>Click here with your old login information to recover your account.
>The Google Accounts team
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2MB, 1366x768px
>has quoting people's posts with fedoras gone too far?
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81KB, 265x332px
My gf
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435KB, 612x612px
>has quoting people's posts with fedoras gone too far?
>Implying gmail won't filter that
Only if you use the same CSS as the google does
And check it actually goes to their inbox not spam
that's exactly what he's implying you idiot
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4MB, 2208x1552px
These dogs are spooky desu
Email filtering isn't great

If you personalise it, it will get through
anyone know any immersive RPGs on the PC with a good magic system
need to practice for when I become a wizard IRL in 5 years
listening to sampha haha
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>anyone know any immersive RPGs on the PC with a good magic system
is david bowie still dead?
hes in the villa of ormen or sommat haha
Lads, look

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141KB, 421x289px
>Dogs are spooky
Nah that's David Zowie
Poleaboo was planning on hitting up the free trial of FFXIV
Dragon's Dogma comes out on Friday. Its magic is pretty fucking great. Giant ice spikes and lightning whips and shit.
Comes out at SIX FUCKING PM though
reckon she could heem every one of us ITT
Thread posts: 366
Thread images: 94

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