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/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 124

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keep the status quo edition
Yeah it is great in curry.
>tfw no coconut milk to make curry
i miss the old /cum/
Corn starch and water act decent as a thickener for curries with about the same texture as coconut milk, but it dilutes the flavor pretty hard.

Then keep it alive friend, if we don't link it to /magic/ the ban evaders may not catch up for a bit.
you'd think they'd give up at some point. I guess proxy autism knows no bounds, however
The flavour just isn't right.
It needs the coconut so badly
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They sell dehydrated coconut milk powder, I've used it before, it works well for curry.

Thai curry I assume?
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Yeah thai red curry is what I usually make.
Yeah I know I can use that too, I just need to run to the store.
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Time for food~
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Every attempt at making curry has been a disaster, and it makes my kitchen smell weird.

They sell shrimp paste on Amazon btw.

I just got a fuckload of katsuobushi off there for some seafood broth. I need some dried seaweed now though, I dunno why I didn't order both at once ffs...
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It's really hard, the only reason I know how to do it is from south east asian friends
looks fuggin nice
i'm personally not a fan of parmesan on broccoli, but still looks really tasty overall
amazon.ca is incredibly shitty compared to amazon.com, especially for groceries and those sorts of things, it's pretty depressing
good thread
It's good to be back.
Watch /Trump/ here
Myanmar would be a cool place to visit IMO
No one ever talks about it
tagliatelle and tomato sauce with ground pork here
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>tfw no MSI gaming gee eff
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>yfw rockets can land now
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remember nerds, always stretch before gaming!
Get the fuck outta here.
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Don't respond to them
>implying she knows what she's doing.
/cum/ is dead
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gaming motherboards are a meme
why would you possibly want a gf with the same interests as you? that's fuckin dumb
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>the only reason I know how to do it is from south east asian friends
I give up then. Now I'm hungry.
Motherboards are nasty.

Taking in all that
Should call them roasty boards.
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the only reason i could see them being worth buying is if you want to run multiple gpu's or want the high memory capacity
other than that, not many reason to get them
why do foreigners love Trump so much
A major overlap but not an exact copying is nice imo.

My wife and I both play videogames, but our other hobbies are different. It gives us distinct things to share with eachother, while still ensuring we have things we can do together and mutually enjoy fully without them feeling like "their hobby".
I just want one with some similar interests to do together but at least doesn't think my hobbies are shit

food was good :3
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Stop spamming threads.
Real one here
>"we're gonna win"
>doesn't explain how
>Trump supporters start clapping and cheering
America in a nutshell
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Youre also both into cuckolding and refugees which must be a plus
your weird ass gay relationship has literally nothing to do with 99% of the way people live their lives

why did you even bother piping in about this?

remember how i told you that you get into subjects you know absolutely nothing about? and that i'd point it out the next time you did it?

this is one of those
Believe it or not, not all Americans are racist white people and there are just as many (I'd not more) anti-Trump voters who see through his bullshit.
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Any idea on what you're going to make?
You know nothing of my relationship.

I have an extremely stable and healthy marriage, with extremely open and honest communication and mutual respect between the two of us.

I know PLENTY about this topic.
The fact of the matter is, typically men and women are completely different from one another

You should be seeking more of a yin&yang relationship, which is far more realistic

Yes there are some couples with shared interests they can do together happily, but these people are usually weirdos with no friends
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>Believe it or not, not all Americans are racist white people

Your white guilt is showing.
He's going to be our next president like it or not

It's either him or Clinton
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I also think multiple GPU's are a meme. Better to just buy one powerful card unless you're simply rich as fuck.

Also, I've got a basic mobo and it supports double gpus.
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I've been meaning to prepare a roll cake.
Might as well do it now.
>two of us
Come on now
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I'm not saying I know about your relationship, but I do know you are in a polyamorous gay relationship, which is drastically different than the overwhelming majority of the population

Once again, you have completely missed the fucking mark. You may know about your own unique relationship, and you may consider it healthy, however your anecdotal experiences are irrelevant to pretty much everyone

So know, you don't know PLENTY about how most people conduct themselves in a relationship because you are a paraphilic anomaly
Our relationship at present is only the two of us.
I bought my mobo from my friend who was scrapping his pc since he built this high end pc and only really ever played LoL on it

think at one point he was running 3 670s on it
Spot on.
Arkansan here.

The Clintons are a vicious cancer, malicious liars, and opportunistic bastards of the lowest caliber.

Every fiber of my being hates that couple and the shit they pulled in Arkansas before they left.
How dare you say that we built /cum/ with a lot of sacrifice and you pay us like that. Every two days I see a new invented thread pretty pathetic 2bh.
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>at present
>3 670s
that sounds like major overkill. i have one 670 and it can run modern games just fine.
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It's only really for people who have a shit ton of money and don't care if it doesn't scale well.
Definitely not a thing geared towards consumers, moreso super enthusiasts.
What kind?
yup, overlap is the best
Yea it super was
hell my old 650 could run most games at ultra
You're right, relationships where you have some things in common but not everything, so that you each have something to add to eachother are TERRIBLY IDEAS AND NO ONE SHOULD EVERY DO THAT.

Furthermore, other relationship advice I've given like saying open and honest communication is extremely important is also a terrible idea. You should quietly sit and become bitter with your partner until you start fighting daily.

Protip: lesbian relationship isn't suuuper different from any other. The same challenges exist in all relationships, more or less.

As for the polyamourous thing... Well I guess you're the expert on that.
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You can't have a cake for dinner! wtf


Sounds like he has too much money lol

>$3000 facebook machine


If i win the lottery, I'm gonna actually build one of those ridiculous fake builds that are always floating around /g/ just for the meme magic
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Strawberry with white chocolate ganache.
I'll post pics when it's done
if I don't mess up
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>i'm an expert
>you could not know anything i know
>only i know the divine truths of polyamory

Yeah, whatever.
I would rather spend it on posters of Kim Il-sung desu
Already have a small collection going
Damn, that sounds good.
Definitely looking forward to those pics.
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>You can't have a cake for dinner
we'll see
>Protip: lesbian relationship isn't suuuper different from any other.

The focus of straight relationships is ultimately child rearing.

You are delusional if you think you have anything in common with straight couples.

>As for the polyamourous thing... Well I guess you're the expert on that.
I know that 99% of people don't practice this, which is the crux of my entire argument, I don't what you're trying to say here

As I've already said, you should really refrain from speaking up when you are so out of your element.

The next time you do this, would you like me to point it out as well?
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is this like some kind of three body problem?
just got back from the future

Hillary Clinton is president and we're worse off than we were under the Obama administration. Companies continue to leave the States and unemployment is up
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That's a lot of posters

you'd have to build a new house to fit all those



>The focus of straight relationships is ultimately child rearing.
full retard, plenty of couples don't have kids. i sure as shit won't be havin any, nor does my bf want 'em.
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>The next time you do this, would you like me to point it out as well?
Not in cases where you think some situation of my life automatically means I have nothing of value to contribute, rather than considering what I am saying and addressing it based on its own merits.

Also pic related is what I was advocating.

If you have no common ground, it becomes very hard to spent time together in a constructive positive way, and to find a basis upon which to grow the relationship.

Based delewashingtonwhatever.
A vast minority, actually.
That's a one dimensional view of how relationships grow.

Shared experiences > shared interests.

And he's right, there's a lot to being a man and approaching/meeting women that isn't something a woman can experience. Social expectations are different.
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hi /cum/-chan im back did u miss me ?
>Implying I'm white

I honestly doubt he'll make it to the primaries
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yes how are you
are there more people here or in /magic/?
>In 2003, a U.S. Census study found that a record 19% of U.S. women age 40–44 did not have children (compared with 10% in 1976). A 2004 U.S. Census study found that 18.4% of U.S. women age 35–44 were childfree. From 2007 to 2011 the fertility rate in the U.S. declined 9%, the Pew Research Center reporting in 2010 that the birth rate was the lowest in U.S. history and that childfreeness rose across all racial and ethnic groups to about 1 in 5 versus 1 in 10 in the 1970s
literally childfree people anywhere you go (at least in the states)
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yes I missed you so much! Where were you!?
>Shared experiences > shared interests.

I'll give you that. Shared experiences ultimately mean a lot more than shared interests. But shared interests often provide a foundation for doing things together and thus accumulating shared experiences.

A lot of the things my wife and I look back fondly at are things we did because they were mutually shared hobbies/interests.

Admittedly I was grossly oversimplifying things before, I was just trying to say a complete disconnect between each partner's interests is not ideal. It makes it too easy to accidentally spent too much time apart doing "your own thing".

Having mutual interests that continually pull you together is extremely useful.
who cares
Quit calling her that
She's just a friend you decided to start fucking and need I remind you that you're also a virgin
in the latest NH poll 17% of Republicans said they'd vote for Sanders opposed to Trump

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>plenty of *****couples *****
then again, you and that whore are doing us all a favor by not spreading your shit genes
thanks I guess
why does she have two sets of eyebrows?
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my city.jpg
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Where? kek

>not having rivers in your streets
usa let me join you pls they're taking away our gamestops help us
you seem pretty triggered by a happy and successful lesbian marriage, friend

people still go to brick and mortar game stores? for what purpose?
Aren't you guys American citizens too? If yes then go to Miami.
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>they're taking away our gamestops help us

That's fucked up bro...
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gamestop sucks anyways
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I'm sorry for laughing at this post Puerto Rico
I don't like GameStop any more than you do, but those are some of the only video game stores here and the ones that aren't GameStop are too far away from where I live.
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>mfw football is almost over
>mfw boreball doesn't really interest me or at least will take some work to get into
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I'm just telling it how it is, sorry if that bothers you
nature finds a way to cull the shit from the gene pool
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>videogame stores
>watching any sport other than hockey
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thx 4 remembering me
we could pay off your debt for you but that would make it hard to finance our up coming war in Syria tbqh
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Honestly though, I've never tried watching it. How do I get into it?
literally just start watching your states team, or whatever team you'd like I guess. You'll pick up the rules quick enough and then you can delve deeper into your teams history

lifelong Wings fan here
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does any1 want 2 join my club ?
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r u a naked catgrill?

if so, then y
What club?
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yeah sure why not
Yes, we are. But why Miami? Miami is a hellhole. Rather move to Orlando.
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club, you say?
holy shit this state of the union, my sides are lost. thank you America. you literally made my day 100x better.
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Well that's the first destination for you guys don't get me wrong.
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Ask a guy who lives in Canada and works in the US anything.

pic related is my monthly paycheck in USD and CAD :^)
god bless the weedman for shitting up the canadian economy so much
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meh. It will probably be easier to get into baseball than hockey.

At least I can pronounce the star player's name
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this fucking comment on a Rich Piana video

cum lol
What do you do?
Well, actually, most Puerto Rican immigrants nowadays are going to Orlando. Miami is full of Cubans.
>tfw live on the border and travel back and forth via Canadian taxi's sometimes
>"that'll be $60 USD please smugpepe.jpg"
Jeff Goldblum.gif
just smoked a blunt feeling good desu senpai
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I just realized I have spent nearly the entire day, from 5 AM on /int/.
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Peter would be extremely disappointed
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at least play some vidya or something
Automotive engineer in Michigan
Living the dream. I've been on /int/ since 11:30am. I've been working since 2
Damn Canadians, coming down here taking our jobs and women
Lucky, blunts take so much herb that I rarely ever roll them.

What u listening to /cum/?
why are there two threads
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okie u can join
I've never smoked weed tbqh famicom.

Should I give it a go?
Same reason as always.
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Sure, just don't expect it to be some amazing party drug
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2016 is the year of the gf, I can feel it now.
Thanks, Canadabro for giving us hope.
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We're all gonna make it
Yes. Just know it's pretty overhyped. Don't expect visuals or trippy shit or anything.
Careful, start slow and work up until you feel good. Don't let others pressure you, it's not a competition.
how do you explain having this to a female?
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i dont
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we're gonna make them give back our past
pretty lame desu
Why are star wars fans so severely autistic?

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>he doesn't personally know his representative
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>your boobs are looking great today

I'm gonna have to try that at some point
whus gooood, niggas
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This is now a communism thread
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>Star Wars
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only girls can get away with that, anon

gas yourself, you filthy fucking pinko. Shouldve died with the rest of your "comrades" in the afghan wars of the 70's
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where can I find a girl like this in USA?
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>ignore bourgeois posters
>do not respond to bourgeois threads
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I know a few tricks, maybe I can fool them!
Economy was shit way before weedman got elected.
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scared of death tbf
guys i have no life outside of school. please kill me.
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almost finished desu
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Global revolution soon brother
>let me tell you about your own country
fuck off paco
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Death is only the beginning, join us anon.
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at least Im not alone
lol why you want to hang out with the guys in the street you live? just hang out after school with your school buddies.
Same with me all of these years.
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GITS 24.gif
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if only internet friends counted as real friends
tried to comprehend nothingness the other day and went into panic attack mode.
Death is simply a transition.
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What kind of tricks?
They very well do
so do Canadians and Americans now accept Mexicans as their bros?

is it a love triangle now?

I wouldn't want an internet friend as gay as these two.

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My best trick is being suave and handsome
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Same with me 2bh kek
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Biden prepares to feed his eggs for the third time
just for this general, they pretty much bully us in the general area
we can only pray for their souls and that god will judge them with mercy and compassion for their heretical ways
I'm Kenny Powers, you're more of a Debbie Downer,
My bitch take off her trousers whenever I'm around her,
I'm nasty, I never shower,
Go sleep on a bed of flowers,
Not into this conversation, I've been in my head for hours.
Hello Dear Americans. If one would, hypothetically, like to escape enrichment and diversity and move to the States, were would you move? Boise, ID oder Bozeman, Montana? Which is more comfy?
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I can't very well divulge such things!!
Julian Casablancas in the video instant crush looks the coolest a human bean has ever looked and will ever look.
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I'll break your ribs.

Idaho is a barren wasteland full of dumb rednecks and potatoes

go to Montana
Wyoming or Upper Peninsula of Michigan
He always looks cool
love you too senpai
But I heard good things about Boise

Bozeman is a Uni town with very little diversity and mostly white people.

It also attracts very rich people due to skiing and whatnot, and the city is growing very fast.

t. live in Montana

I've never been to Boise, but Idaho is very similar to MT so either way.

those were probably lies from the national potato lobby
Bozeman really looks better, Idaho looks a bit grey?
Would you like an internet friend as gay as me?
I think the risk moving on top of the giant yellowstone volcano of doo can be taken, the Rocky Mountains look staggering.
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Bozeman is right on the edge of the mountains but technically on the great plains. That means it tends to get a lot more sunshine, and also colder weather.

Idaho is mostly in the Rocky Mountain chain, so the winters are a bit more bleak. Both places have wonderful summers however.
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is this true?
I dunno, I feel like it may hurt my street cred hanging out with a controversial poster such as yourself desu

what is this chicken scratch handwriting
Gordon Ramsay
ive met bernie he's pretty cool
Would the people there welcome German immigrants?
Tribes lived in Germany way before 100, apart from that nothing wrong.
Decided to go with friends to 13 age roll playing stuff

Literally doing nothing while others are going full retard
How the fuck do people do this
My Future is static
It's already had it
I could tuck you in
And we can talk about it
I had a dream
And it split the scene
But I got a hunch
It's coming back to me
Just the Nazi part isnt true anymore. Would include that German cars are really important to us.
>this entire speech
"lets not repeat vietnam!" -guy who intervened in lybia
He makes shitstorms, everybody overreacts, and I collect dank memes.

Señor Trump for prezz
Nah man, I'm hip and cool. I know all the maymays.
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I didn't choose the stug life, the stug life chose me.
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Because he's gonna make America great again, dude. It's been 15 years since you were great it's about fucking time someone steps up to the plate.
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yeah this state is full of Germans and disapora.

Last summer, I repainted two German couples homes who had moved here in the 1980's, and both of them were quite nice. One of them gave me a bottle of really expensive wine too, so that was cool

>15 years

america's been great since 1776, moose jockey
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Ask someone who masturbates 10-15 times a day anything.
They are using my ginger ale can as dragon
Ok, thank you for your insight, sounds like a great place to live.
Do you get hungry after a couple of faps?
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Nah you've been fucking scared chumps since 9/11 and Trump is feeding into that big time. I don't disagree with him about keeping Muslim immigration/refugees down though, after what's gone down in France and Germany. Especially since the USA has been specifically named as a target by ISIS.

no u
Assassin's Creed III is the best game of the decade.
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hi /cum/ pls say sumthing nice about me ok
When and where?
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No problem.

As long as you can find a decent job, and can stand winter, then it's a great place to live.
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hey lads
any advice for getting cheap flights from the uk to the usa
fuck off weeb fag
You have a cute butt
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Hetzers gonna hetz
feel like watching No Reservations. Which country should i watch?
You suck big nigger dicks.
Calm down lad.
How what?
Girl just said

"pa k quieres saber eso jaja saludos"

to me mates, what's it mean?
I just finished AC3 . It's amazing
It''s a stupid ass meme for normiebook or taringa
>Why do you want to know that? haha

That's what it means
Why would you wanna know that? haha greetings

>to me mates
I tthink she meant "no me mates"
Which means don't kill me
Why exactly does everyone hate Obongo so much?

He didn't do everything he promised sure, but he acomplished a huge amount while facing on of the most difficult political climates of all time.

Do you really have a reason for hating him that isn't something small blown out of proportion or memes?
>online BIO class
>forgot about it until today
>final due in 45 mins
>tfw anti-air is kind of ridiculous currently in low level War Thunder

>Be in a stug
>get shrekked by an anti-air gun carriage
>shoot it with high explosive shells
>it doesn't died

I can't play that game
The Grind is real
You mean you didn't do anything in that class?
The entire semester?
Because he's essentially a hard left authoritarian that doesn't actually give a fuck about the process and is willing to ignore it to get what he wants.

If you haven't figured it out already I pray for you.
I ignore the grind.

I just enjoy tier 2.
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>obamacare is a disaster
>TPP is horrid
>Iran deal is a joke
>his constant pandering to SJW's and race baiting
>the economy is no better off
>the shitty supreme court justices he appointed
>the way he blatantly abuses Executive Orders

and that's just a bit
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I play world of shitters so I must automatically hate you. Too bad low tiers in that is a clusterfuck, but it makes grinding crews in "balanced" low tier premiums easy at least.
None of my business and don't really care but I'd wager it has something to do with him constantly bypassing the whole lawmaking process and doing shit just because he feels like it. Plus overall he's a really weak leader, quite possibly the weakest leader the US has ever had.

The man actually went on international television and cried, CRIED, like a woman. That makes him look monstrously weak, international politics is no place to be in touch with your feminine side.
>Obama care
It's fine.
You can't release a program like that without major problems, it clearly needs work but it's a good base.

I sure do love me some NSA spying!

also, the way his shit foreign policy essentially allowed ISIS to come about was awesome too
muh guns
I find world of shitters painfully pay to win and can't stand anything about it.

Can we be friendly enemies?

>it's fine
>it clearly needs work

well, which is it?

It's not fine either, as it does not address the root problems with healthcare in the US. It simply raised costs for most americans.
You're just a fucking normalfag
hes another united states imperialist, same as the rest of the lot
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>Bernie beating Clinton in the polls
>Trump vs Bernie
>a LITERAL M E M E election
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I don't understand this role playing plot at all
It's horrible.

He gave insurance to everyone, but he didn't do anything about hospital prices. So hospitals can charge patients $4 for a advil, and now the nation foots the bill for it.

It's kind of the worst of both worlds, unless you work in something related to the medical field.

He didn't have the political support to get a one payer system, but he could have put in price regulations that would at least make it reasonable.
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>>Bernie beating Clinton in the polls
Yes we can. And yes in many ways it's pay to win, but more like pay to grind easier to win. My current goal is grinding Russian arty so I can one shot high tier players and laugh at their loss, this game has turned me into a monster. Does WT have artillery or anything as equally annoying or unbalanced?
Clinton is going to be arrested. She'll get pardoned by Obama, but there will be so much bad will associated with her she wont get the nomination.
>tfw soon North America will be a meme continent run by walking talking memes

Arrested for what?
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He's shit.

None the less his worst crime will be allowing this textbook narcissistic to be elected.
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Are you ready?
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>everything went better than expected
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Hey Canadians, your money is barely worth more than Mexicos
Arrested? Why?
>Does WT have artillery or anything as equally annoying or unbalanced?
Not in the same way. There's an artillery barrage ability on tanks that lets you target an area. It's more area denial than anything. You get warned that it's coming, and it's usually not heavy enough damage to kill tanks.

>mfw WoT gold ammo has like double the penetration of normal ammo

It's totally pay to win friend.
but its worth 12 pesos...

You don't know shit. Obamacare is a disaster, and it's hurting low income people the most instead of helping them, which was the whole fucking point.

Obamacare says businesses have to give healthcare to full time employees, so guess what happened? Large stores simply made it so everyone who WAS working 40hrs a week now only get 32 hours so they're classified as part time.

Now they make less money, AND have to pay for obamacare out of their pocket.

The cheapest plans generally have a ~$5000 deductible, which they won't have because...you guessed it...they're not getting 40hrs a week.
The way her communication network was set up in a parallel system to the federal government.

They were trying to fax her a top secret document, and it wouldn't fax. So she had them adjust it so they could send it to her personal fax machine. Tampering with top secret documents is a felony. A serious one. Just ask Pvt. Manning.

Just because Bernie doesn't want to win and wont mention it, doesn't mean the Republicans wouldn't.

.69 cents might as well be a peso :^)
(Wake me up)
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More like Justin wake up.

I was really hoping Biden would have ran to avoid this mess
You often don't need gold ammo and even with twice the penetration you can still bounce if you're properly angled, it depends on tank to tank matchup but it's easy to effectively double or even triple your effective armor by angling correctly which can negate practically anything thrown at you. It does invalidate armor on many tanks but the solution is to simply not play the slow heavy tanks reliant on armor in the first place or not to play in a way that causes you to take hits, because many of the most heavily armored tanks still have weak spots that -2/-3 tier tanks can exploit with standard ammunition anyways. It is a bullshit mechanic but you wouldn't believe the number of people who spam gold and do jack shit all game. Most player deaths would have still happened if whoever was shooting gold at them was shooting standard rounds desu
biden would have won
I really hope your dollar goes down, moving over there is going to suck ass if I can't get a better exchange rate
Which is why shillary is such a frustrating candidate, she's the democrat favorite over Sanders who has a fuckhuge grassroots support.
¿Por qué se nos quiere ir de México?
Porque me gusta mas EEUU y sus leyes.
sup /cum/ havent been around in a few days
Is this true?

>/magic/ got nuked by a mod/janny
Truly an idea ahead of its time
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Japs don't rely on cheap chink imports.
Yo haria lo mismo la neta.
Pues que le vaya bien
The Republicunts already blew their only shot at dragging her under with their congressional investigation shitshow.
How do I get girls to like me?

oh well. it was a good effort
I might go there once I'm old and with a bunch of money, Oregon or North Dakota
I did some research and it looks like the US has taken the top spot for Japan's trading partner from China, who was the top in 2010 at least
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get a dog. talk to them about your dog.
Me to Iowa or Colorado.

That suspiciously looks like a cat.
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Is that Mark Hamill?
Is that Carrie Fisher?

Who else could it be?

Only a man based as him could speak to animals with his mind.
I always accidentally spell friend as "freind"
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Fisher was 10 times hotter than her at that age dude
Buying a saxophone tomorrow lads. Its all going to turn around for me soon.
better be a tenor anon
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What are you gonna do with a saxophone?
You know it. Found a good deal on a Yamaha YTS-52
muh nigga

I just played it in middle school though
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play it?
Play sweet sweet music and get girls. I currently gig as a bassist and its shit.
New bread
NEW thread when lads?
Not to mention sexual deviants, i know a fdw prople who were secret service when clinton was in office.

Didnt know Hamill was a cat person

Remember I before e

I would have gone with selmer paris but Yamaha is good too. What kind of mouth piece are you getting?
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