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/cumg/ Canada, USA, Mexico and Greenland

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 125

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Friendship edition.
Do the Mexican cartels supply to Mexicans as well?
I hate foreigners
We should start including Iceland too 2bh.
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oh fug
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blease respond >>53458772
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It's just a simple question
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>tfw no tankie gf
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Obviously yes you fucking imbecile why would they not?
Supply what?
drugs? Weapons?

No not really.
Dude if you interact with cartels, you automatically become cartel
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fuck iceland quite frankly
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Hello brother
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rude, what's wrong with Iceland?
I never remember it
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nth for don't bully!
Not that i know of
There's not alot of drug consumption in this country

So if a tourist on the beach buys weed it's probably just someone growing it?
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Oh yeah
Probably someone just grow it by himself

Look this kind of stuff like weed marijuana
It can grow anywhere in this country

Hell, one time, in front of my grandparents house a plant grew in their yard
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ah you clever cunts
waiting for a new thread to post animu

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I heard about this guy
They call him Bane, right?
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where my democratic gun loving patriots who want free healthcare at
What a picardy
fucking clemson
what's his size
im an authoritarian socialist according to the test
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>free healthcare
>not full capitalist
Whats up with these south Americans?
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where my nazi bros at
Don't listen to them bud. They are jealous.
*tips stalhelm*
question for socialists: once victory of the proletariat has been achived, is it necessary to build as large of an army as possible in order to protect against foreign bourgeois trying to retake the nation?
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jk familia

what did you put for the "some countries are superior because of their gene pools" one
I think having a strong military should be in every political ideology
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who here would want to play vidya
absolutely not
False obviously

I would, but I dont have any good MP games

and I need to buy a new mouse
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>private healthcare
>beneficial to society

1 million dollars for minor surgery aint ok bud
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I wanna play DEFCON and nuke Yurop flat but the playerbase only has like 10 people in it these days
You don't even have Civ or EUIV?
Hell, even CSGO or Dota work.

go to /r/teenagers for more info
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reminder that we must accept all interpretation's of marx's socialism in order to achive it
from the zapistas to the leninitsts we are all comrades

I dont play strategy games because I cant multitask. and like I said, I need a new mouse
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Yet we have the best healthcare in the world

The .gov technically takes care of all my medical expenses. You don't want that, trust me.
Last time I needed a doc I just paid for it out of pocket rather than wait months to see a doctor who doesn't give a shit and would just prescribe painkillers
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prestige should derive from the determinism of your class not from your birth
Yeah. Free healthcare suks if you have to wait for it for too long

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Absolutely not.
>we have the best healthcare in the world
What is the best and worst thing about where you live?

Best thing for me is I live in a decent neighborhood where the crime rate is low and the beach is only a short walking distance.

Worst thing is that traffic is hectic and aggressive, also the people aren't very friendly.
lots of jobs
poor niggers
The quality of our health care is probably the best. The price is not

Most bankruptcies in the U.S. happen because of health care expenses, it's makes no sense for a family making 100k a year to have to foot a 1mil+ bill because their insurance weaseled out of paying. You're right though, we do have all the best hospitals and programs, you just can't afford them on middle class health insurance.

Also reminder to lurking Yuros that americans getting price gouged is the reason you get to use all the fancy machines our companies develop for free. We literally fund Europe and Canada's healthcare development by proxy.

Cheap cost of living

but its a desert hell hole
It's been a month and googling alberto barbosa only leads to /int/ and reddit pages. Praise the meme gods.

the place I live in is comfy as fuck and close to the snow line

that said, there's fuck all to do here

Best: Comfy

Worst: It's NOT a flyover state
anal with a m8 isnt gay if you think about girls whilst doing it
>best thing
Very very safe for the most part, only parts of this state I'd be worried to be on would be a few specific blocks in downtown SLC.

>worst thing

thats gay as fuck, m8
pls be memeing me
Beautiful nature and family

Unemployment rate
Expensive to get to and from here
People easily get angry because they have no job, and there are a lot of drunks
Government doesn't like the place and prioritizes it very low
A: accessibility is a part of the quality, being unable to access the best healthcare in the world makes it worthless, same as being able to easily get to the worst
B: cuba has the best healthcare in the world from what ive seen, aid organisations beg for cuban doctors and cuba's life expectincy is actually higher then the US

Neither of those things prove his claim wrong.


nothing, except for the Adirondacks NYS is a hell hole

>high property taxes
>low quality of living
>dumb as fuck cops
>dumb as fuck cops + no ability to get weapons to balance them being retards out


see above
Also nothing to do
No it's not.

having sex with another dude is gay, no matter how you try to twist it
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It's only gay if you give them a reacharound but if you don't give them a reacharound you're being extremely rude so it's a catch 22.
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>there are people on /int/ who unironically hate and despise canadians
I really don't see why. I truly don't. We get shit from everybody, and most of the time we simply play the ''Yeah okay whatever man'' card.

Is this how Turks feel? Everyone unironically hate them but do Turks believe it's ironic?
Unless you are under 14
unless they cute and it's been awhile since you got your fuck on
Are you asian or white?
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inb4 it becomes just another name for niggers and not the moortugese
Any cool stores? or interesting stuff?
how not? price is a gate to access, dont pretend it isnt and you said the quality of our healthcare is probably the best whitch is provably wrong
I think most people feel like you're boring. I like you because you represent the factual, interesting side of /int/, not the retarded banter side.

no, then its gay AND weird
I wouldn't mind that Tbh. We need a new word besides dindu.
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It's not gay if you cum inside desu
I guess. What would you like to hear about?
I really get that we are boring. Like, boring as bland, as black and white bland and boring.

But why do people say that canadian posters are obnoxious? Are we? I literally never come across canadian shitposting outside of, of course, Australian /int/ time.
Not gay if he gets pregnant

guys cant get pregnant though

THEREFORE, it will always be gay

Price is NOT a gate to access, that's just pure wrong. If you're in an emergency and go to the hospital they have to treat you.

An anecdote about cuba doesn't prove a single thing. Also, life expectency is pointless in comparing quality of healthcare. USA has lower life expectency due to widespread obesity, not because of poor quality care.
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gay is just a word invented by the jews to keep the white man down

t. fruit
well, it's been good
night all

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>tfw the girl you've been stalking makes all her social media profiles private
fuck i'm nervous
What kind of fruit? Apples are hetero as fuck but guavas are gay.
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Wanna cry buds ;__;
Listening to Blackstar atm. Not really my taste, so ill probably hear ziggy next.
Whats your favorite Bowie album?

I never had a friend to wank with when i was younger
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spoken like a true member of the tribe

the jews are the ones behind homosexuality being looked down on so I assume you are an agent of the international jew
Time to actually strike up a conversation, then.
Brought a lit candle into my room with my whole family as witness
Told them I want more ambiance but actually I'm just gonna use the flame to silently ignite my lighter so I can stealthily smoke weed before going to sleep
Already got an electronic lighter on the way in the mail, set to arrive in two days, so I can bypass this whole mess entirely
Life is looking up
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this applies to boys as well

but if catholicism looks down on homosexuality and judaism and catholicism are different, how does that make sense
Let it go my friend.
Good night faggots
Area: Miami

Best: Art district, beaches, 80% expat population, decriminalized marijuana, warm weather, Everglades

Worst: Haitians, pollution, tourists
Good nite fag
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maximum victory to soothe your troubled syrupy soul

also go to bed York
Catholicism is based heavily on Jewish writings and traditions

two peas in a pod
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I've been there.
So for some reason, I can't make any posts if I have a youtube video playing in another tab. The captcha doesn't register after I hit the post button.

but yuri is pure. Male/male relationships are sins against god
gnite m8
I watched jim's livestream and 75% of the guests were autistic who couldn't even utter a few words without sperging.

I know literally everything about /pol/ would suggest that I shouldn't be surprised, yet I still was
I mean is there any malls? cool stores o anything?
Is it like a small town?

Why don't you move to denmark or something?
It's because you're a robot captcha was right.
burn it desu, why dont we rename it the cesspool
There is a disappointing lack of black milf porn on the internet.
Was it the livestream where he fucks his cowtit asian gf?
What in the fuck?
For a while captcha wasn't registering me

Gonna try mcdonalds mozzerella sticks in the morning. Wish em luck buds.
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1. Your State
2. Your age
3. Age you kissed a girl for the first time
4. Describe it
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Can't stop thinking about it since yesterday
What do the mormons do? Do they still solicit door to door even on their own territory?
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>twitter keeps recommending i follow a bunch of random slutty cuties that I know nothing about but live near
only reason im not stalking anyone is because I'm too lazy to keep up with the sheer quantity of them
Why'd they remove the youtube loop feature? It used to be you could double right click the video and a loop button would pop up.
wanna see you get better tastes, bud ;_;
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They're pretty gross. I've never got a hot batch though so that might be the problem
Oh hey, it looks like it's working again now.
I hope that young man got a signed consent for that kiss
No. do you have a link?
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maximum victory a best though
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>kissed a girl
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>only stuff about Victoria and Max
Max, alright, but Victoria? Why?
13 (maybe once in kindergarten?)
quick peck on the lips
Thanks for the song. I like it a lot
Yeah. That and the same problems you get from cult members/extreme Christians. State is basically a theocracy.

I wouldn't bother
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it was predictable but still a disapointment
They're fucking artisan man. It's better that what you should expect for McDonalds.
>age 21
>age 18
>wet, soft, teeth, fruity chapstick, anxiety, unexpected

That's the best way I can describe it
1. Ionic
2. 20
3. Never
4. Didnt happen xd
Which stream did you watch? And ya I'll try finding for you. Its the one where king of /pil/ goes full autism and Jims gf is sucking him off "quietly." There are moments of awkward silence and you just hear slurping and then giggling

Disaster of a livestream desu
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>white ''''''''''people''''''''''

His most recent metocast that he has on his new channel
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>3. Age you kissed a girl for the first time
>4. Describe it

>be cross country runner (junior)
>have friendly rivalry with grill (freshman) who is #1 in region, only girl i could be competitive with
>hate on each other 24/7, always throwing banter
>get in argument
>she tried to apologize because I was going to help tutor her later and threatened to let her fail class
>she kisses me amidst argument to shut me up
>tutor her later
>get done tutoring and have a makeou session
>ended up having sex senior year and taking her to prom

We will probably end up dating, its been 3 years of hooking up and failed relationships on both of our ends. Luckily she turned 18 in December so its fair game.
kys familie

i agree

nothing. they're the most americanized country of the Nordics, perhaps out even all of Europe, too.
Oh god those
I wish he'd just go back to tumblrisms and funny shit desu. The livestream I'm referring to was the main reason he took down his old channel and stopped doing livestreams until recently


maximum victory is the true OTP

its canon in AU and probably canon in the bay ending

Yeah those were nice.

I mean his recent stuff is very decent, just that one particular livestream where he opened up to anyone who wanted to come on.

I realize how fortunate I am not to be on the autism spectrum
I live in a town of about 1200, we've got 2 "malls" and a couple of kiosks and two clothing shops. Theres three bars/pubs in town. One hotel. A tourist shop with tourist things.
We travel by helicopter or boat. Next town is 2-8 hours away by boat, 20-30min by heli. There are smaller villages closer.

I'll probably move to Denmark again this year.
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I'll need to watch that one
Sounds entertaining
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this is like the third time i set an appointment with the psychiatric and don't go, i just keep forgeting it.
Do psychiatrists get upset when people don't go or it's something they expect because they know they're working with unstable people?
I feel kinda of ashamed of going there now
i keep taking my medication tho
>Yet we have the best healthcare in the world
Your healt care is in the same level as cube if compared cost/efective
The Japanese girls I have on facebook post some pretty adorable things desu
Mine has never got angry with me.

It actually was, in it's own fucked up way.
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Rafale cry.png
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>tfw got to watch japanese exchange students having fun trying new things in high school
>fucking adorable when they first went trick or treating
>will never interact with them again
>he fell for the cute asian girl meme

>tfw germans came to our high school
>you will never make nazi jokes with the german QT's again

life is worthless
Low, by far
asians are just really big children
How is everyone tonight?

That's actually cute.
Goddamn man I too know those feels. Interacting with foreign students was one of the best times of my life.

tfw that Brazilian qt you dated moved back to Brazil and now has a Brazilian bf

tfw that Swedish qt you dated moved to LA and is now fucking Tyrone's BBC

iwhy the fuck did we invite greenland
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ate ice cream cake and read yuri manga :3
they need the company
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Do you want a girl too Anon?
To get them used to the idea of being a Canadian province.
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she's long gone by now
And yet they don't have to treat you if you're not in the emergency room, many people wait until their problem is really bad and they have to go to the ER because they don't have health insurance or their deductible and coverage sucks, when, if they had attended to their problem earlier it would have been easier and cheaper to deal with.
I don't know anymore
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be happy for her, though
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>ice cream cake
Reminder that government involvement in private healthcare keeps prices artificially high
I want self-improvement and success before I want a woman.
So not yet no.

Also what the fuck is up with the captcha tonight
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do they not have them in mexico?

it's bullying me

>7 attempts later
Yeah but overall I dislike women
The times that I'm the happiest are when there's no women present in my life
It's okay, I don't list most men.
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Yeah, they're being awful.
Keep completing them successfully but they're not satisfied with that apparently.
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>do they not have them in mexico?
We don't have alot of stuff
For example, an anti-anime squad, where they arrest people who post anime
I love you all
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I want one now. I really need a butler or a slave.
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Fuck you Captcha and Google. How can I have mistyped a PICTURE.
i have a bf :3
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y-you too
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you too
feel like this was a test post tho desu
I want to be lauren mayberry's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her lauren mayberry blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo lauren mayberry blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her lauren mayberry hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her lauren mayberry face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
Libertarian socialist here, in my opinion a country that has decided to be (not forced by armed groups) socialist should divide itself in many separate cantons that still cooperate with each other, one of the duties of each canton would be to train every able bodied male and female into one form of warfare or another (as in, conventional or unconventional) as well the establishment of a center of communication and management for said armed force in the case of a foreign invasion, sort of like how Switzerland does it.
Don't laugh
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>tfw will probably need dual knee replacements by 45
>government theoretically covers any necessary medical care
>had to see private doctor because couldn't get in under a few months
>he strongly suggested cortisone injections, will probably pay for them with my work insurance
There's plenty wrong with health care in America, and I'm not sure the government is to blame for all of it. But they definitely deserve a decent amount
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you too

think the gangs all here
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>it's all frozen
Nah, I just had a few drinks tBh buddy.
Nice pasta now can someone please post that pic of that one /lit/ thread where this pasta originates?
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>Has green
>Still better than my Dad somehow (give back gold)
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night bros
Have fun
A little bit of nostalgia
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night bud

>tfw I can't stay in the privat insurance because of the university
>they suspect a herniated disc and I couldn't even walk the first day
>go to the doctor and wait 6 fucking hours to get treated for 20 minutes
>need to get my spine x-rayed
>have to fucking wait more than a month because I'm not private insured anymore
After watching the full 14 minute video of the raid on chapo's compound, the only thing that came to my mind was why didn't the US marines wear cameras for the raid on osama bin laden?
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Pretty much what I expected
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I think they did, but it was streamed live to the Whitehouse only. Never was released to public
Who says they didn't?
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>implying Bin Laden is dead

I guess my question should have been why was it not made public ?
I think Seal Team 6 was already deployed, and either way this was before anyone saw a need for that type of thing and it was just considered a breach of intelligence and a nuisance.
The chances of it being a conspiracy are very slim.
Because they probably murdered him. Not that I care.
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Winter driving can be pretty cool
I'd drink with you anytime anon
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le cheeky mexican boy.jpg
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pretty COLD, I guess you could say
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That was just dumb.
I will never experience that thanks for reminding me.
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No problem bro
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Have you been up North?

Are you taht bitch that lives in Rural New Brunswick
Not yet. But planning on taking a train tour up in the northern part of my province soon. Hopefully I'll see some Polar bears

What do we do now that he's dead lads.
I like memes too
>tfw every current major celebrity will ultimately die within your lifetime (assuming you're still young and you'll make it to old age)
It's a scary feeling

we brand his face on the moon
+ Amazing scenery, good climate
- Expensive as fuck
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based prarie comfiness desu
Noice take some pictures mate I like the tundra.
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Won't argue with that
>a hill

I don't believe you.
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I shall (If I ever do go)

Here have bonus horsie pic
>I will never experience that
What's stopping you?
There are only like fucking 2 in the province, and that's one of them

That is literally what we call a """""Mountain""""""
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Well I want to finish college first m8 and then travel.
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headpats not bukkake
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No dude I think she wants bukkake
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marry the yamabiko scum
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Why you guys like Anime so much? Seriously..
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>That is literally what we call a """""Mountain""""""

Thanks for the laugh.
anime kinda sucks desu

except for the anime I like, that stuff is pretty good
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it's cute
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I like MANime, personally
You're welcome buddy.

Glad I could be of assistance
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why not both?
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Why watch chinese cartoons when you can save the forest.
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Cause then you'd get your hands dirty
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sounds pretty disgusting desu

bah, what has the forest ever done for me

I got lost in it hundreds of times as a kid, and did it ever help me? No, it sent bears after me
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>mfw I went to /tv/ today
Didn't need those neurons anyway.
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Sometimes when I walk into a place I imagine what I'd do if an all-out brawl broke out. I make a mental list of who I think I could take out and how I'd do it, or where I'd escape if shit got too hot. When I came into this thread I immediately relaxed because I could beat anyone here up easily.
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as long as she cleans them up!

I'll have you coughing up blood, m8

swear on me mum
/tv/ is GOAT satan, I don't know what you're on about

I could beat you AND your mom up.
if Iceland were to join us

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Just try me, bud. I'll rek you.
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LAIN 5.gif
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I'll fookin' wreck you m8

Send your yellow ass back to China where you belong
this general is so fucking gay
I dot that too senpai, although I probably overestimate my abilities a bit generously Tbh
only cause you're here
I'm literally the whitest of white people on the planet my dark skinned friend.

Unlikely my anemic friend.

My mom is Stone Cold Steve Austin my wrong friend.

I've never bled in my entire life even when I got shot and stabbed the one time I went to Bellingham, the most dangerous city in the USA my single parent household friend.
ur gaying the place up lma0
It's bcuz u!!! :DDD

I'll rek you so good you'll be coughing up pieces of cracked rib from your shattered chest cavity
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I'll shoot u
+1 gf
You can't beat me up because I'm not a corporeal being I'm actually an obtuse idea based lifeform.

I cast 9th level bullet reflection spell u ded kid
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pink sunset today 2bh lads
Looks very warm
Beautiful Tbh
Only times I've experienced those myself are when I played GTA IV
No, It snowed now, good 5cm on the ground finally, about -11
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Night /cum/buckets.
Night faglord
Try not to think of insomnia
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night cunt
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dork souls


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>go to update my resume
>haven't even looked at it in years
>it's shit

fugg :DD
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>Try not to think of insomnia
Fug u
The story that he pointed an AK at them or that he lunged at an AK that was nearby (the first was the official account, but then they changed it to the second) are most definitely fake and he most likely surrendered with his hands up or something and they shot him as he was surrendering, which is against international law, and common morals, not that the US follows either.
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 125

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