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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 59

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Late night edition

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>The British National Party risks being unable to stand for election - because it failed to pay its annual £25 registration fee.
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>the riots were 5 years ago

fucking hell time flies
wouldnt really call half 10 on a friday late night haha
might start drinking
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Picture 36.jpg
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Anyone else got hairy feet and toes?
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gf just snap chatted me this
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kpop desu lads
This time last year I was exchanging 1200+ texts per month with the qt in uni, with her asking me out on several occasions and almost begging me to call her. This year I'm wanking to gifs and getting angry at muslims.

Weird how much can change in a year, eh lads?
got told i look like a hobbit lads haha :(
I can tell by the filename she didnt dickhead
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>tfw boyfriend will never have a big dick
Alri Sherlock
I'm full blown Hobbit tier tbqh.
anyone here work a part time job at the weekend only?
weebs out
All the rioters are in the labour party now lol
Post feet please
yeah I work life
gf just snapchatted me this lads
boipussi leaking again
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Ok you got me, it was an sms.
No, they're too big.
legit filename.
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i bet thats nice, like fridays for revision or something would make it all much more comfortable
>tfw faggots will never fuck off to hell
Put a bloody plug in it!!!
Go on, if you do I'll post my belly button
does she know that she's covered in algae
So who's in for this round the world motorbike trip??? Pm me your details, I'm paying.

>tfw yanks will never fuck off to hell
i'm a girl
juts shut the fr!ck up ok???????
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I've got a little bit of a hairy chest desu
I'm not a poof. Fuck off.
what about your willies
Foo Fighters?
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want to start injecting heroin

my life is in an irreversible tailspin so i don't have anything to lose
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why do you hate us so much
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fuck off canada
>tfw stopped hanging out with old friends
>all current friends are hanging out with their gfs
only money
My lower body is like a gorilla and I have zero hair above my waist apart from head
you're the pakis of 4chan.

no one likes a paki.
>literally an island made out of ice
Yanks from anywhere in New England are insufferable, Yanks from anywhere else in America are subhuman
hahahah now that's good banter lad
even los angeles?
1 bottle of rose wine
1 small bottle of goldschlager
1 small bote of Gordon's gin
Several bottles of ale

Just grabbing stuff that's about the house lmao
Especially Los Angeles.
Iceland tell me about your country. Going there next week desu lad.
Post slags
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What animes are you watching this season lads?

Me on the pull
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can't find any pictures of your mum sorry
It's cold
bit gay that
janny is gonna lose it
why is your bellend so large
yeah lol
cornwall your willy is so fucking small and jewish lol
all me
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yfw panzer.jpg
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just gotta see the film now
weird willy
it all looks shit when is the next jojos
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Snorkeling in a dry suit, going to ATV driving with a guide, and going to get smashed. Apart from the cultural stuff what's really worth doing (there for a week).

Also Iceland girls opinions on middleclass london accents (close to RP)
all of my m8s who've been to the states say that people in la are some of the biggest cunts they've ever met, surpassed only by the people of NYC.
lads pls
there's nothing wrong with my willy don't make me feel self-conscious
is it out on nyaa? if not then when
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well it is small ,is your gf below 5ft tall?
Icelandic weather
it probably won't reach over here for a while
I don't know lad I'm not a travel guide

The women are whores, you could easily get one
that's what she said
yeah, you won't find the stereotypical american friendliness in either LA or NY, maybe in SF
it's 7 inches mate
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi and Haruchika are ok. New JoJo should be April.
brush my teeth with euthymol

enjoy your fluoride fuccbois

more like 27 lol
think ive found myself a cheerleader
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not an autistic weeb but just letting you know there is a new 'manga and gaming' shop in birmingham lmao called tokyo toys
a guy dressed as pikachu was holding a sign pointing towards it earlier
Not sure how I feel about the simplified art style of the new JoJo tbqh

Fuck off paki
his stand up is quite good
that looks gay I'm not watching your gay shit I will watch big muscular men fighting thank u
>watching anime

your parents must be ashamed

I like to imagine myself being the cool rain washes through these filthy means streets, cleansing them of all the scum and low-life in my wake, with this song pumping behind me.
Are manga and gaming halal?
Go away Grandad
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Haruchika has an actual homo in it
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I was just trying to share in your culture with you senpai.
54213 tbphwyl
>reminder not to go to africa for hoildays

You leftist fuck
Or the middle east, or Europe, or anywhere.
my cat's sitting on my lap having a right purr
I don't want to have a conversation about culture with a weeb sorry
Well tbqh you don't exactly go to the middle east for a holiday do you
shut my downstairs so I can drink without her biting me bloody hand off

bit of a purrvert is it haha
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UKIP voters.png
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are these the typical UKIP/Right wing British voters?

CBB confirmed for illustrating the death of Britain.
People go to UAE
me on the right
I'm going to be in London for 3 weeks anyone want a blowjob? I'm a virgin but I have a thirst for dick tbquite honest

I'm a girl
/brit/ more like shit lmao!
is there any real celebrities on it?
Me on the left
Yeah if you're a billionaire
what would you do if you had a son and he became an anime shit?
no thanks
get them into treatment
bum him as a reward.
>Lowe Middle Class
Fix it right smart, you cunt.
commit sudoku in front of him
put him in the furnace

pick one
tell him to fuck off back to >>>/a/
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what does /brit/ think of John Terry?
He pretty much expresses British nationalist views.
He just got deionised by out politically correct media.

Terry is a UKIP supporter.
Except 4 million people voted for them.
>Takeaways that close before midnight on a Friday.

Lol do they hate money?
Beat him with a metal pipe and kick him out of the house
all me
No just you
literally one MP
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reminder that addiction isn't real but objective morals are
what would you do if you found out a mate stole something small from you? would you no longer trust them in the future?
Blame the system famalam
Winston Mackenzie was just publically crucified for being a Christian.
what did you steal
>work hard your whole life to provide for your son
>do everything you can to see him succeed and be happy
>you come home one day
>dad, im actually transgender and I am going to study women studies at uni to get in touch with my true self

what do
Open up my twink-hole to them as a peace offering.
Why does brit have so many twinks?
>Winston Mackenzie

Prey to Allah for guidance, if I can't get any I'll have to settle for lopping his head off.
mate of mine asked if he could have this $10 chip from the local casino that was on my desk. I said no and then came back after he left and it wasn't there anymore.

I never let him back in my house lmao




crack his fucking skull

zero tolerance for that sort of disrespect
tell him "look it's okay if you want to be artsy and gay, but you can be artsy and gay while working a job that actually contributes to the society that raised you. You can be an artsy gay construction worker if you'd like, or an artsy gay engineer. Then you can be artsy gay and rich"
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a very underrated player and leader, thanks to BBC propaganda

I've met him many times in person (I live near Chelsea training ground), and he's a pretty safe lad. Proper lad, and isn't afraid to express his political views, seeing that his reputation is already fucked.
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find cool landmarks on google earth lads
that's a bit edgy mate
Ashamed to be middle class desu
that black (former) UKIP guy
fuck off billionaire
christcuck pls
FPTP is an arsehole, isn't it?

UKIP and Tory back bench (pretty much UKIP) are gaining popularity
Lads, shall I shave the beard but keep the moustache?
my chest really hurts
won't ever change though, suits the big parties
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literally never had a poo
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>nobody voted for AV
Halifax mentioned
Hello please accept me
Anyone watching this Amy film on 4? Her dad is a fucking cunt
*accepts you*
AV is also shit, just barely more representative than FPtP
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Alri lads?
/cum/ is gay
Ridicule is the proper response to beliefs such as Jesus' mother was a virgin, Joshua slowed Earth's rotation or Muhammad split the moon.
Please stop posting pictures of my girlfriend.
Haven't had any etizolam this year. Gonna have a few mg and a couple of dihydrocodeines as well
He's Harrison Ford.
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>Ridicule is the proper response to beliefs such as Jesus' mother was a virgin, Joshua slowed Earth's rotation or Muhammad split the moon.
top lad
You're new because you didn't understand the joke you reddit browsing pleb
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read this
>John Terry
>racially abused another team mates
>had an affair with a team mates gf

Yeah seems like a great lad
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going to this in birmingham in a few weeks lads should be good
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his mam is a slag too
Are Oxycodone or Hydrocodone any good lads
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feeling better
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Reminder that London is literally going to have a Paki for a mayor
he took his bloody time

surprised you even noticed
would see you there lad but I'll be in LONDON
>trying to sleep through my migraine
>have 5 exams this week I need to get on with revising for
>my drama and art student female housemates are blasting music, making gay as fuck vegetarian food and screeching at each other in their horrific posh voices on the floor below me
Ffs lads...
Did you watch Mugi fuck a nigger?
how do you do a female scottish accent?

by doing a male scottish accent
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gf just snapchatted me this
>this week
gl m8
November 7, 2000, was the last day that no one died on Texas roads. Since there, there has been at least one fatal crash or traffic fatality somewhere in the state. Every day since. The state is 791 weeks into this sad streak.

I know your pain lad, get well soon.
who cares they're texan
Business idea: instead of making a new pick a random thread on another board and make it a /brit/

colonisation 2: doing a poo
Cheers Czechbro. I should do well in them if these sluts will shut the fuck up and let me get some sleep
>my best mate has been seeing a girl for a while
>finally see the facebook status "In an open relationship with"
>like the status
>reread the status
>In an open relationship
>open relationship
>remember what open relationship actually means

fuck sake's he's going to get cucked isn't he
Explain anglocucks?
Let's take over /cum/
oneitis has started wearing a ridiculous amount of makeup
how about we invade your mums mangina

I went to Austin and I really liked it
/brit/ is fucking slow tonight
can /brit/ help me with my dry penis? I can't do anything.
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>Two of my work colleagues start doing extra shit that's not in our job description that I don't do
>Keep asking them to stop because they're creating a new normal
>People are starting to ask "Why isn't anon doing that stuff as well"?

REEEEE how the fuck do I deal with this?
>asking brit for advice on how to get your dick wet

*licks it*

cant explain it but i do agree mostly. would love to move to Italy 2bh. top tier history and culture.
stop being a fucking bum
Reminder that when Jesus comes back he'll be a lion, not a lamb
lotion you tool
we're all in instasync

what a fucking spastic

i've gone through two bottles of lotion. it had no effect
maybe they want a promotion you cuck
What extra shit, post your job cunt
because its shit lmao!
I'm in there too

Why are you guys so obsessed with this commie cunt?
he'll also fight for all-h

she is right though
it's literally just one guy
I'm a manager, and so are they.

They're doing a team coach role as well which is a role beneath a manager. They were originally team coaches that got promoted whereas I wasn't.

I'm not coaching cause that's below my role.

You don't get a promoted by doing the job BELOW you.
sara's a mug but is she wrong in this case?

That makes sense. She probably won't even be a commie in 5 years. She's literally just an edgy teenage
wondering if there are any girls in my neighbourhood rubbing their fannies right about now
i was born with my balls over my dick. why didn't my parents smother me to death as a baby.

Englanders obsessed with scots
/cgl/ annexation when
go have a look
extremely likely
almost every time i snapchat a girl she's "just lying on her bed" and not wearing much

they wank far more often than we do i'm convinced
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>mfw there's American flag on mars right now
Who the fuck doesn't already know the Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first man in space who isn't a fuckwit?

Yes she's wrong because "they" do not try to make out the americans were first

the tim peake build up had about 5 million mentions of gagargin and sputnik. they even had the first soviet spacewalker on the bbc on launch day.
God is white.
>they wank far more often than we do i'm convinced
They can have multiple orgasms and don't leave a massive mess to clean up. They are likely wankning none stop.
we already did that

janny's gasket was a supernova
Last time we did this I got a cheeky ban
well tbf she's surrounded by scots m8
Find it weird that girls masturbating is called "wanking"

Like when I hear "wanking" I think of rubbing a willy specifically

neil armstrong was a secret muslim and planted an ISIS flag on the moon in secret

this is in honour of mohammed splitting the moon in half that time

the more you know
UV light has bleached it to the point where it appears french

inb4 someone says 'Americans'. Literally wrote an essay about Yuri when I was in 7th grade
clitorises are vestigial willies
i don't think they count it as wanking like we do

willies take a bit more work. they can get battered around when they're flaccid.
but girls can get horny just from sitting down plus hormones during their cycle. if they've been like that since they were 9 or 13 it would just be normal.
that's why we think girls don't wank.
that's their secret
[spoiler]they're always wanking[/spoiler]
We must finish the job
Was well worth it tho
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>mfw acid has taken me higher than astronaut
it can be rubbing fanny and also cheeky fingering

i have heard girls describe it as wanking though
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I mean like clasping your shaft and rubbing up and down along the length

Clits are just bellends tbqh

>going to a pinko school


bet they didn't even make you take the pledge of allegiance either
Yuri Gagarin was assassinated in a plane "crash"

Mars, not the moon. There's actually several. In my lifetime they'll be a proper American flag there too. Well certainly hope so, desu. They might use that fucking dumb earth logo they came out with a few years ago
thats not what she said

Everyone knows who went to space first and who landed on the moon first

The point is more of a fuss was made for the moon landings and it's disproportionate considering the most difficult thing about landing on the moon is going into space. look at the number of times the rocket does an arch and falls straight back down lol
.>Guinness book of records doesn't count the first man in space as Yuri Gagarin as he bailed out of his spaceship and landed by parachute after re-entry.

How does how he landed have anything to do with being in space?
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cold out

reminder that the first human on mars will most likely be a genderfluid furry muslim vegan disabled native american/pakistani mix
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also this
dust, not rust

it's called oxidation for a reason

nah m8, There was ol' glory in every classroom. It was actually pretty redneck. One of the biggest events of the year was "drive your tractor to school day"
The mars mission will never happen. By the time you're half-way to launch another recession will hit and the whole project will be cancelled again.
>man on extraterrestrial body
>not relevant
bit reaching mate
Alri Sara
all of you are benders
it's been years since I saw this pic. back when /sci/ was arguing over a couple of girls
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>tfw Britain is the only European country to smash a probe uncontrollably into mars.
Ehehe kyary
>the most difficult thing about going to the moon is getting into space
That's that easiest part you fuckwit. The hardest parts are leaving earth's gravitas pull, reaching the moon, orbiting the moon, landing on a smaller craft, walking around disconnected on the moon and then making in safely back on earth from another celestial body, none of which the sockets managed. Dumb fuck, actually think before you post

>replying to 1 hour old posts

kill yourself

at least we weren't such failures, desu
t. kerbal space program player
Going to the kyoani studio and shop today lads.
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>you will never fuck your mate's hot younger sister whilst he's sleeping
>you will never get a blowie in the school toilets or a wankjob in double biology
>you will never shag kayleigh behind a bush in the park
>you will never get a blowie at the cinema after school
>you will never go drag racing in your suped up xr2i
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woops posted the shit one
get me a gf whilst you are there lad

the apollo missions were an incredible technical feat

getting a shitty vostok into space is one thing

designing and operating a saturn V rocket in a few years and successfully landing on the moon 5 times, is far more impressive than anything the USSR did

USSR designed their own moon rocket and they all blew up on launchpad tests, one of the accidents killed most of their experts in one go
regional flags aren't working for me lads
yeah they are broken mate
A british person will NEVER walk on mars
haha classic twat
touching the moon is comparatively easy since it has no atmosphere.

russians already got to space so we knew it was possible. all that was left was for nasa to learn it and through enough money at it.
then it was a case of cia propaganda war taking over.

and the hardest part is getting back but no one ever says 'first man to make it back alive from the moon'
I will
looking back at my teen days i fucking hate that i didn't grow up a chav, missed so many trampy but fun moments
>replying to me
Good maaaaan
>No beagle 2 mention even as a failed mission

Shit chart
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is shit
is her hair alive
horrrrrrid post

go to the naughty step
who /deadlines/ here

i will be dead

from all the lines of coke haha
>India still holds the title of lowest cost to send a mars orbiter.

Trust currys to fund a good bargain haha
can i have some (You)'s?
how many days without showering before you shouldn't do sex with someone?
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delete this

odango bazooka

like this?
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real human being.png
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I miss Anna


Could an astronaut smuggle drugs into space?

ground control would be powerless if everyone on the ISS starting taking acid
Here you go lad
here (You) go
my cock smells like cheese after one day without showering
reckon that would be quite unsafe desu

what the fuck is wrong with you. takes maybe 3-4 for me
imagine having a bad trip or panic attack in space, fuckkk
I would definitely try if I was an astronaut to be honest
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me and the gf

mine smells after an hour if i get it wet then pull my foreskin back over the head
dunno i just have a smelly penis

when your foreskin is covering your bellend all day, and your sweating and you've had a wank the night before it's bound to smell
would be best to save it for the space walk
i doubt they cavity search astronauts before lift off but maybe al qaeda have a new strategy that involves training astronauts instead of just pilots
>and your sweating and you've had a wank the night before
dont do that



what do you think drugs can actually do. you know it's not really transcendent or anything silly like that, right?
the other day i was getting drive thru from kfc and i was listening to metal and when i got to the window they were like "what the fuck is that" and laughed with the other employees and i couldnt tell if they were making fun of me then when they asked what i wanted to drink i said mountain dew and they laughed again.

im never going to kfc again
yeah I know that, but I've been completely out of my mind before, I imagine if I was on a space walk I might freak out a bit
Any south west lads here? If so, where?
Thread posts: 351
Thread images: 59

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